+### Styles
+@import "@material/tab-bar/mdc-tab-bar";
+@import "@material/tab-scroller/mdc-tab-scroller";
+@import "@material/tab-indicator/mdc-tab-indicator";
+@import "@material/tab/mdc-tab";
+### JavaScript Instantiation
+import {MDCTabBar} from '@material/tab-bar';
+const tabBar = new MDCTabBar(document.querySelector('.mdc-tab-bar'));
+> See [Importing the JS component](../../docs/importing-js.md) for more information on how to import JavaScript.
+## Style Customization
+### CSS Classes
+CSS Class | Description
+--- | ---
+`mdc-tab-bar` | Mandatory.
+### Sass Mixins
+To customize the width of the tab bar, use the following mixin.
+Mixin | Description
+--- | ---
+`mdc-tab-bar-width($width)` | Customizes the width of the tab bar.
+## `MDCTabBar` Properties and Methods
+Method Signature | Description
+--- | ---
+`activateTab(index: number) => void` | Activates the tab at the given index.
+`scrollIntoView(index: number) => void` | Scrolls the tab at the given index into view.
+Event Name | Event Data Structure | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+`MDCTabBar:activated` | `{"detail": {"index": number}}` | Emitted when a Tab is activated with the index of the activated Tab. Listen for this to update content when a Tab becomes active.
+## Usage within Web Frameworks
+If you are using a JavaScript framework, such as React or Angular, you can create a Tab Bar for your framework. Depending on your needs, you can use the _Simple Approach: Wrapping MDC Web Vanilla Components_, or the _Advanced Approach: Using Foundations and Adapters_. Please follow the instructions [here](../../docs/integrating-into-frameworks.md).
+### `MDCTabBarAdapter`
+Method Signature | Description
+--- | ---
+`scrollTo(scrollX: number) => void` | Scrolls the Tab Scroller to the given position.
+`incrementScroll(scrollXIncrement: number) => void` | Increments the Tab Scroller by the given value.
+`getScrollPosition() => number` | Returns the scroll position of the Tab Scroller.
+`getScrollContentWidth() => number` | Returns the width of the Tab Scroller's scroll content element.
+`getOffsetWidth() => number` | Returns the offsetWidth of the root element.
+`isRTL() => boolean` | Returns if the text direction is RTL.
+`activateTabAtIndex(index: number, clientRect: ClientRect) => void` | Activates the Tab at the given index with the given clientRect.
+`deactivateTabAtIndex(index) => void` | Deactivates the Tab at the given index.
+`getTabIndicatorClientRectAtIndex(index: number) => ClientRect` | Returns the client rect of the Tab at the given index.
+`getTabDimensionsAtIndex(index) => MDCTabDimensions` | Returns the dimensions of the Tab at the given index.
+`getTabListLength() => number` | Returns the number of child Tab components.
+`getActiveTabIndex() => number` | Returns the index of the active Tab.
+`getIndexOfTab(tab: MDCTab) => number` | Returns the index of the given Tab instance.
+`notifyTabActivated(index: number) => void` | Emits the `MDCTabBar:activated` event.
+### `MDCTabBarFoundation`
+Method Signature | Description
+--- | ---
+`activateTab(index: number) => void` | Activates the Tab at the given index.
+`handleKeyDown(evt: Event) => void` | Handles the logic for the `"keydown"` event.
+`handleTabInteraction(evt: Event) => void` | Handles the logic for the `"MDCTab:interacted"` event.
+`scrollIntoView(index: number) => void` | Scrolls the Tab at the given index into view.
diff --git a/packages/mdc-tab-bar/_mixins.scss b/packages/mdc-tab-bar/_mixins.scss
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+ * @license
+ * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+@mixin mdc-tab-bar-width($width) {
+ width: $width;
diff --git a/packages/mdc-tab-bar/adapter.js b/packages/mdc-tab-bar/adapter.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ed9afcd0594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/mdc-tab-bar/adapter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @license
+ * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+/* eslint no-unused-vars: [2, {"args": "none"}] */
+/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
+import {MDCTabDimensions} from '@material/tab/adapter';
+import {MDCTab} from '@material/tab/index';
+/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
+ * Adapter for MDC Tab Bar.
+ *
+ * Defines the shape of the adapter expected by the foundation. Implement this
+ * adapter to integrate the Tab Bar into your framework. See
+ * https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/blob/master/docs/authoring-components.md
+ * for more information.
+ *
+ * @record
+ */
+class MDCTabBarAdapter {
+ /**
+ * Scrolls to the given position
+ * @param {number} scrollX The position to scroll to
+ */
+ scrollTo(scrollX) {}
+ /**
+ * Increments the current scroll position by the given amount
+ * @param {number} scrollXIncrement The amount to increment scroll
+ */
+ incrementScroll(scrollXIncrement) {}
+ /**
+ * Returns the current scroll position
+ * @return {number}
+ */
+ getScrollPosition() {}
+ /**
+ * Returns the width of the scroll content
+ * @return {number}
+ */
+ getScrollContentWidth() {}
+ /**
+ * Returns the root element's offsetWidth
+ * @return {number}
+ */
+ getOffsetWidth() {}
+ /**
+ * Returns if the Tab Bar language direction is RTL
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+ isRTL() {}
+ /**
+ * Activates the tab at the given index with the given client rect
+ * @param {number} index The index of the tab to activate
+ * @param {!ClientRect} clientRect The client rect of the previously active Tab Indicator
+ */
+ activateTabAtIndex(index, clientRect) {}
+ /**
+ * Deactivates the tab at the given index
+ * @param {number} index The index of the tab to activate
+ */
+ deactivateTabAtIndex(index) {}
+ /**
+ * Returns the client rect of the tab's indicator
+ * @param {number} index The index of the tab
+ * @return {!ClientRect}
+ */
+ getTabIndicatorClientRectAtIndex(index) {}
+ /**
+ * Returns the tab dimensions of the tab at the given index
+ * @param {number} index The index of the tab
+ * @return {!MDCTabDimensions}
+ */
+ getTabDimensionsAtIndex(index) {}
+ /**
+ * Returns the length of the tab list
+ * @return {number}
+ */
+ getTabListLength() {}
+ /**
+ * Returns the index of the active tab
+ * @return {number}
+ */
+ getActiveTabIndex() {}
+ /**
+ * Returns the index of the given tab
+ * @param {!MDCTab} tab The tab whose index to determin
+ * @return {number}
+ */
+ getIndexOfTab(tab) {}
+ /**
+ * Emits the MDCTabBar:activated event
+ * @param {number} index The index of the activated tab
+ */
+ notifyTabActivated(index) {}
+export default MDCTabBarAdapter;
diff --git a/packages/mdc-tab-bar/constants.js b/packages/mdc-tab-bar/constants.js
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index 00000000000..26f7d4899a6
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * @license
+ * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/** @enum {string} */
+const strings = {
+ TAB_ACTIVATED_EVENT: 'MDCTabBar:activated',
+ TAB_SCROLLER_SELECTOR: '.mdc-tab-scroller',
+ TAB_SELECTOR: '.mdc-tab',
+ END_KEY: 'End',
+ HOME_KEY: 'Home',
+ ARROW_LEFT_KEY: 'ArrowLeft',
+ ARROW_RIGHT_KEY: 'ArrowRight',
+/** @enum {number} */
+const numbers = {
+export {
+ numbers,
+ strings,
diff --git a/packages/mdc-tab-bar/foundation.js b/packages/mdc-tab-bar/foundation.js
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index 00000000000..ccc30691db5
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@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+ * @license
+ * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+import MDCFoundation from '@material/base/foundation';
+import {strings, numbers} from './constants';
+import MDCTabBarAdapter from './adapter';
+/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
+import MDCTabFoundation from '@material/tab/foundation';
+import {MDCTabDimensions} from '@material/tab/adapter';
+/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
+ * @type {Set}
+ */
+const ACCEPTABLE_KEYS = new Set();
+// IE11 has no support for new Set with iterable so we need to initialize this by hand
+ * @type {Map}
+ */
+const KEYCODE_MAP = new Map();
+// IE11 has no support for new Map with iterable so we need to initialize this by hand
+KEYCODE_MAP.set(numbers.HOME_KEYCODE, strings.HOME_KEY);
+KEYCODE_MAP.set(numbers.END_KEYCODE, strings.END_KEY);
+ * @extends {MDCFoundation}
+ * @final
+ */
+class MDCTabBarFoundation extends MDCFoundation {
+ /** @return enum {string} */
+ static get strings() {
+ return strings;
+ }
+ /** @return enum {number} */
+ static get numbers() {
+ return numbers;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see MDCTabBarAdapter for typing information
+ * @return {!MDCTabBarAdapter}
+ */
+ static get defaultAdapter() {
+ return /** @type {!MDCTabBarAdapter} */ ({
+ scrollTo: () => {},
+ incrementScroll: () => {},
+ getScrollPosition: () => {},
+ getScrollContentWidth: () => {},
+ getOffsetWidth: () => {},
+ isRTL: () => {},
+ activateTabAtIndex: () => {},
+ deactivateTabAtIndex: () => {},
+ getTabIndicatorClientRectAtIndex: () => {},
+ getTabDimensionsAtIndex: () => {},
+ getActiveTabIndex: () => {},
+ getIndexOfTab: () => {},
+ getTabListLength: () => {},
+ notifyTabActivated: () => {},
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {!MDCTabBarAdapter} adapter
+ * */
+ constructor(adapter) {
+ super(Object.assign(MDCTabBarFoundation.defaultAdapter, adapter));
+ }
+ init() {
+ const activeIndex = this.adapter_.getActiveTabIndex();
+ this.scrollIntoView(activeIndex);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Activates the tab at the given index
+ * @param {number} index
+ */
+ activateTab(index) {
+ const previousActiveIndex = this.adapter_.getActiveTabIndex();
+ if (!this.indexIsInRange_(index)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.adapter_.deactivateTabAtIndex(previousActiveIndex);
+ this.adapter_.activateTabAtIndex(index, this.adapter_.getTabIndicatorClientRectAtIndex(previousActiveIndex));
+ this.scrollIntoView(index);
+ // Only notify the tab activation if the index is different than the previously active index
+ if (index !== previousActiveIndex) {
+ this.adapter_.notifyTabActivated(index);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles the keydown event
+ * @param {!Event} evt
+ */
+ handleKeyDown(evt) {
+ // Get the key from the event
+ const key = this.getKeyFromEvent_(evt);
+ // Early exit if the event key isn't one of the keyboard navigation keys
+ if (key === undefined) {
+ return;
+ }
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ this.activateTabFromKey_(key);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles the MDCTab:interacted event
+ * @param {!Event} evt
+ */
+ handleTabInteraction(evt) {
+ this.activateTab(this.adapter_.getIndexOfTab(evt.detail.tab));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Scrolls the tab at the given index into view
+ * @param {number} index The tab index to make visible
+ */
+ scrollIntoView(index) {
+ // Early exit if the index is out of range
+ if (!this.indexIsInRange_(index)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Always scroll to 0 if scrolling to the 0th index
+ if (index === 0) {
+ return this.adapter_.scrollTo(0);
+ }
+ // Always scroll to the max value if scrolling to the Nth index
+ // MDCTabScroller.scrollTo() will never scroll past the max possible value
+ if (index === this.adapter_.getTabListLength() - 1) {
+ return this.adapter_.scrollTo(this.adapter_.getScrollContentWidth());
+ }
+ if (this.isRTL_()) {
+ return this.scrollIntoViewRTL_(index);
+ }
+ this.scrollIntoView_(index);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Private method for activating a tab from a key
+ * @param {string} key The name of the key
+ * @private
+ */
+ activateTabFromKey_(key) {
+ const isRTL = this.isRTL_();
+ const maxTabIndex = this.adapter_.getTabListLength() - 1;
+ const shouldGoToEnd = key === strings.END_KEY;
+ const shouldDecrement = key === strings.ARROW_LEFT_KEY && !isRTL || key === strings.ARROW_RIGHT_KEY && isRTL;
+ const shouldIncrement = key === strings.ARROW_RIGHT_KEY && !isRTL || key === strings.ARROW_LEFT_KEY && isRTL;
+ let tabIndex = this.adapter_.getActiveTabIndex();
+ if (shouldGoToEnd) {
+ tabIndex = maxTabIndex;
+ } else if (shouldDecrement) {
+ tabIndex -= 1;
+ } else if (shouldIncrement) {
+ tabIndex += 1;
+ } else {
+ tabIndex = 0;
+ }
+ if (tabIndex < 0) {
+ tabIndex = maxTabIndex;
+ } else if (tabIndex > maxTabIndex) {
+ tabIndex = 0;
+ }
+ this.activateTab(tabIndex);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates the scroll increment that will make the tab at the given index visible
+ * @param {number} index The index of the tab
+ * @param {number} nextIndex The index of the next tab
+ * @param {number} scrollPosition The current scroll position
+ * @param {number} barWidth The width of the Tab Bar
+ * @return {number}
+ * @private
+ */
+ calculateScrollIncrement_(index, nextIndex, scrollPosition, barWidth) {
+ const nextTabDimensions = this.adapter_.getTabDimensionsAtIndex(nextIndex);
+ const relativeContentLeft = nextTabDimensions.contentLeft - scrollPosition - barWidth;
+ const relativeContentRight = nextTabDimensions.contentRight - scrollPosition;
+ const leftIncrement = relativeContentRight - numbers.EXTRA_SCROLL_AMOUNT;
+ const rightIncrement = relativeContentLeft + numbers.EXTRA_SCROLL_AMOUNT;
+ if (nextIndex < index) {
+ return Math.min(leftIncrement, 0);
+ }
+ return Math.max(rightIncrement, 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates the scroll increment that will make the tab at the given index visible in RTL
+ * @param {number} index The index of the tab
+ * @param {number} nextIndex The index of the next tab
+ * @param {number} scrollPosition The current scroll position
+ * @param {number} barWidth The width of the Tab Bar
+ * @param {number} scrollContentWidth The width of the scroll content
+ * @return {number}
+ * @private
+ */
+ calculateScrollIncrementRTL_(index, nextIndex, scrollPosition, barWidth, scrollContentWidth, ) {
+ const nextTabDimensions = this.adapter_.getTabDimensionsAtIndex(nextIndex);
+ const relativeContentLeft = scrollContentWidth - nextTabDimensions.contentLeft - scrollPosition;
+ const relativeContentRight = scrollContentWidth - nextTabDimensions.contentRight - scrollPosition - barWidth;
+ const leftIncrement = relativeContentRight + numbers.EXTRA_SCROLL_AMOUNT;
+ const rightIncrement = relativeContentLeft - numbers.EXTRA_SCROLL_AMOUNT;
+ if (nextIndex > index) {
+ return Math.max(leftIncrement, 0);
+ }
+ return Math.min(rightIncrement, 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines the index of the adjacent tab closest to either edge of the Tab Bar
+ * @param {number} index The index of the tab
+ * @param {!MDCTabDimensions} tabDimensions The dimensions of the tab
+ * @param {number} scrollPosition The current scroll position
+ * @param {number} barWidth The width of the tab bar
+ * @return {number}
+ * @private
+ */
+ findAdjacentTabIndexClosestToEdge_(index, tabDimensions, scrollPosition, barWidth) {
+ /**
+ * Tabs are laid out in the Tab Scroller like this:
+ *
+ * Scroll Position
+ * +---+
+ * | | Bar Width
+ * | +-----------------------------------+
+ * | | |
+ * | V V
+ * | +-----------------------------------+
+ * V | Tab Scroller |
+ * +------------+--------------+-------------------+
+ * | Tab | Tab | Tab |
+ * +------------+--------------+-------------------+
+ * | |
+ * +-----------------------------------+
+ *
+ * To determine the next adjacent index, we look at the Tab root left and
+ * Tab root right, both relative to the scroll position. If the Tab root
+ * left is less than 0, then we know it's out of view to the left. If the
+ * Tab root right minus the bar width is greater than 0, we know the Tab is
+ * out of view to the right. From there, we either increment or decrement
+ * the index.
+ */
+ const relativeRootLeft = tabDimensions.rootLeft - scrollPosition;
+ const relativeRootRight = tabDimensions.rootRight - scrollPosition - barWidth;
+ const relativeRootDelta = relativeRootLeft + relativeRootRight;
+ const leftEdgeIsCloser = relativeRootLeft < 0 || relativeRootDelta < 0;
+ const rightEdgeIsCloser = relativeRootRight > 0 || relativeRootDelta > 0;
+ if (leftEdgeIsCloser) {
+ return index - 1;
+ }
+ if (rightEdgeIsCloser) {
+ return index + 1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines the index of the adjacent tab closest to either edge of the Tab Bar in RTL
+ * @param {number} index The index of the tab
+ * @param {!MDCTabDimensions} tabDimensions The dimensions of the tab
+ * @param {number} scrollPosition The current scroll position
+ * @param {number} barWidth The width of the tab bar
+ * @param {number} scrollContentWidth The width of the scroller content
+ * @return {number}
+ * @private
+ */
+ findAdjacentTabIndexClosestToEdgeRTL_(index, tabDimensions, scrollPosition, barWidth, scrollContentWidth) {
+ const rootLeft = scrollContentWidth - tabDimensions.rootLeft - barWidth - scrollPosition;
+ const rootRight = scrollContentWidth - tabDimensions.rootRight - scrollPosition;
+ const rootDelta = rootLeft + rootRight;
+ const leftEdgeIsCloser = rootLeft > 0 || rootDelta > 0;
+ const rightEdgeIsCloser = rootRight < 0 || rootDelta < 0;
+ if (leftEdgeIsCloser) {
+ return index + 1;
+ }
+ if (rightEdgeIsCloser) {
+ return index - 1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the key associated with a keydown event
+ * @param {!Event} evt The keydown event
+ * @return {string}
+ * @private
+ */
+ getKeyFromEvent_(evt) {
+ if (ACCEPTABLE_KEYS.has(evt.key)) {
+ return evt.key;
+ }
+ return KEYCODE_MAP.get(evt.keyCode);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns whether a given index is inclusively between the ends
+ * @param {number} index The index to test
+ * @private
+ */
+ indexIsInRange_(index) {
+ return index >= 0 && index < this.adapter_.getTabListLength();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the view's RTL property
+ * @return {boolean}
+ * @private
+ */
+ isRTL_() {
+ return this.adapter_.isRTL();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Scrolls the tab at the given index into view for left-to-right useragents
+ * @param {number} index The index of the tab to scroll into view
+ * @private
+ */
+ scrollIntoView_(index) {
+ const scrollPosition = this.adapter_.getScrollPosition();
+ const barWidth = this.adapter_.getOffsetWidth();
+ const tabDimensions = this.adapter_.getTabDimensionsAtIndex(index);
+ const nextIndex = this.findAdjacentTabIndexClosestToEdge_(index, tabDimensions, scrollPosition, barWidth);
+ if (!this.indexIsInRange_(nextIndex)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const scrollIncrement = this.calculateScrollIncrement_(index, nextIndex, scrollPosition, barWidth);
+ this.adapter_.incrementScroll(scrollIncrement);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Scrolls the tab at the given index into view in RTL
+ * @param {number} index The tab index to make visible
+ * @private
+ */
+ scrollIntoViewRTL_(index) {
+ const scrollPosition = this.adapter_.getScrollPosition();
+ const barWidth = this.adapter_.getOffsetWidth();
+ const tabDimensions = this.adapter_.getTabDimensionsAtIndex(index);
+ const scrollWidth = this.adapter_.getScrollContentWidth();
+ const nextIndex = this.findAdjacentTabIndexClosestToEdgeRTL_(
+ index, tabDimensions, scrollPosition, barWidth, scrollWidth);
+ if (!this.indexIsInRange_(nextIndex)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const scrollIncrement = this.calculateScrollIncrementRTL_(index, nextIndex, scrollPosition, barWidth, scrollWidth);
+ this.adapter_.incrementScroll(scrollIncrement);
+ }
+export default MDCTabBarFoundation;
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@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ * @license
+ * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import MDCComponent from '@material/base/component';
+import {MDCTab, MDCTabFoundation} from '@material/tab/index';
+import {MDCTabScroller} from '@material/tab-scroller/index';
+import MDCTabBarAdapter from './adapter';
+import MDCTabBarFoundation from './foundation';
+ * @extends {MDCComponent}
+ * @final
+ */
+class MDCTabBar extends MDCComponent {
+ /**
+ * @param {...?} args
+ */
+ constructor(...args) {
+ super(...args);
+ /** @private {!Array} */
+ this.tabList_;
+ /** @type {(function(!Element): !MDCTab)} */
+ this.tabFactory_;
+ /** @private {?MDCTabScroller} */
+ this.tabScroller_;
+ /** @type {(function(!Element): !MDCTabScroller)} */
+ this.tabScrollerFactory_;
+ /** @private {?function(?Event): undefined} */
+ this.handleTabInteraction_;
+ /** @private {?function(?Event): undefined} */
+ this.handleKeyDown_;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {!Element} root
+ * @return {!MDCTabBar}
+ */
+ static attachTo(root) {
+ return new MDCTabBar(root);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {(function(!Element): !MDCTab)=} tabFactory A function which creates a new MDCTab
+ * @param {(function(!Element): !MDCTabScroller)=} tabScrollerFactory A function which creates a new MDCTabScroller
+ */
+ initialize(
+ tabFactory = (el) => new MDCTab(el),
+ tabScrollerFactory = (el) => new MDCTabScroller(el),
+ ) {
+ this.tabFactory_ = tabFactory;
+ this.tabScrollerFactory_ = tabScrollerFactory;
+ const tabElements = [].slice.call(this.root_.querySelectorAll(MDCTabBarFoundation.strings.TAB_SELECTOR));
+ this.tabList_ = tabElements.map((el) => this.tabFactory_(el));
+ const tabScrollerElement = this.root_.querySelector(MDCTabBarFoundation.strings.TAB_SCROLLER_SELECTOR);
+ if (tabScrollerElement) {
+ this.tabScroller_ = this.tabScrollerFactory_(tabScrollerElement);
+ }
+ }
+ initialSyncWithDOM() {
+ this.handleTabInteraction_ = (evt) => this.foundation_.handleTabInteraction(evt);
+ this.handleKeyDown_ = (evt) => this.foundation_.handleKeyDown(evt);
+ this.root_.addEventListener(MDCTabFoundation.strings.INTERACTED_EVENT, this.handleTabInteraction_);
+ this.root_.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyDown_);
+ }
+ destroy() {
+ super.destroy();
+ this.root_.removeEventListener(MDCTabFoundation.strings.INTERACTED_EVENT, this.handleTabInteraction_);
+ this.root_.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyDown_);
+ this.tabList_.forEach((tab) => tab.destroy());
+ this.tabScroller_.destroy();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return {!MDCTabBarFoundation}
+ */
+ getDefaultFoundation() {
+ return new MDCTabBarFoundation(
+ /** @type {!MDCTabBarAdapter} */ ({
+ scrollTo: (scrollX) => this.tabScroller_.scrollTo(scrollX),
+ incrementScroll: (scrollXIncrement) => this.tabScroller_.incrementScroll(scrollXIncrement),
+ getScrollPosition: () => this.tabScroller_.getScrollPosition(),
+ getScrollContentWidth: () => this.tabScroller_.getScrollContentWidth(),
+ getOffsetWidth: () => this.root_.offsetWidth,
+ isRTL: () => window.getComputedStyle(this.root_).getPropertyValue('direction') === 'rtl',
+ activateTabAtIndex: (index, clientRect) => this.tabList_[index].activate(clientRect),
+ deactivateTabAtIndex: (index) => this.tabList_[index].deactivate(),
+ getTabIndicatorClientRectAtIndex: (index) => this.tabList_[index].computeIndicatorClientRect(),
+ getTabDimensionsAtIndex: (index) => this.tabList_[index].computeDimensions(),
+ getActiveTabIndex: () => {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.tabList_.length; i++) {
+ if (this.tabList_[i].active) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ },
+ getIndexOfTab: (tabToFind) => this.tabList_.indexOf(tabToFind),
+ getTabListLength: () => this.tabList_.length,
+ notifyTabActivated: (index) => this.emit(MDCTabBarFoundation.strings.TAB_ACTIVATED_EVENT, {index}, true),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Activates the tab at the given index
+ * @param {number} index The index of the tab
+ */
+ activateTab(index) {
+ this.foundation_.activateTab(index);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Scrolls the tab at the given index into view
+ * @param {number} index THe index of the tab
+ */
+ scrollIntoView(index) {
+ this.foundation_.scrollIntoView(index);
+ }
+export {MDCTabBar, MDCTabBarFoundation};
diff --git a/packages/mdc-tab-bar/mdc-tab-bar.scss b/packages/mdc-tab-bar/mdc-tab-bar.scss
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..df351f43383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/mdc-tab-bar/mdc-tab-bar.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * @license
+ * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+@import "./mixins";
+.mdc-tab-bar {
+ @include mdc-tab-bar-width(100%);
diff --git a/packages/mdc-tab-bar/package.json b/packages/mdc-tab-bar/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0ac5e8a37ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/mdc-tab-bar/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "name": "@material/tab-bar",
+ "description": "The Material Components for the web tab bar component",
+ "version": "0.0.0",
+ "license": "Apache-2.0",
+ "keywords": [
+ "material components",
+ "material design",
+ "tab",
+ "bar"
+ ],
+ "main": "index.js",
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web.git"
+ },
+ "dependencies": {
+ "@material/base": "^0.35.0",
+ "@material/tab": "^0.37.1",
+ "@material/tab-scroller": "^0.0.0",
+ "@material/elevation": "^0.36.1"
+ },
+ "publishConfig": {
+ "access": "public"
+ }
diff --git a/packages/mdc-tab-indicator/package.json b/packages/mdc-tab-indicator/package.json
index 2a676259381..e954f317593 100644
--- a/packages/mdc-tab-indicator/package.json
+++ b/packages/mdc-tab-indicator/package.json
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
"description": "The Material Components for the web tab indicator component",
"version": "0.0.0",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
- "private": true,
"keywords": [
"material components",
"material design",
diff --git a/packages/mdc-tab-scroller/package.json b/packages/mdc-tab-scroller/package.json
index de0a260b8f2..ed6084bd89f 100644
--- a/packages/mdc-tab-scroller/package.json
+++ b/packages/mdc-tab-scroller/package.json
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
"description": "The Material Components for the web tab scroller component",
"version": "0.0.0",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
- "private": true,
"keywords": [
"material components",
"material design",
diff --git a/packages/mdc-tab/README.md b/packages/mdc-tab/README.md
index 845f923808c..b24e77ce29b 100644
--- a/packages/mdc-tab/README.md
+++ b/packages/mdc-tab/README.md
@@ -9,13 +9,6 @@ path: /catalog/tabs/tab/
# Tab
Tabs organize and allow navigation between groups of content that are related and at the same level of hierarchy.
Each Tab governs the visibility of one group of content.
diff --git a/packages/mdc-tab/package.json b/packages/mdc-tab/package.json
index 9d2d3321a60..99e8c219bc9 100644
--- a/packages/mdc-tab/package.json
+++ b/packages/mdc-tab/package.json
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
"description": "The Material Components for the web tab component",
"version": "0.37.1",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
- "private": true,
"keywords": [
"material components",
"material design",
diff --git a/packages/mdc-tabs/README.md b/packages/mdc-tabs/README.md
index 4eb7fbf76d5..fc238de10dd 100644
--- a/packages/mdc-tabs/README.md
+++ b/packages/mdc-tabs/README.md
@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ path: /catalog/tabs/legacy/
## Important - Deprecation Notice
-The `mdc-tabs` package is deprecated and no longer maintained. Improved functionality is available across the
-`mdc-tab-bar`, `mdc-tab-scroller`, `mdc-tab-indicator`, and `mdc-tab` packages. Bugs and feature requests
-will no longer be accepted for this package. It is recommended that you migrate to the new packages to continue to
-receive new features and updates.
+The `mdc-tabs` package is deprecated and no longer maintained, and is no longer included in the all-in-one
+`material-components-web` package. Improved functionality is available across the `mdc-tab-bar`, `mdc-tab-scroller`,
+`mdc-tab-indicator`, and `mdc-tab` packages, which are now included in the `material-components-web` package.
+Bugs and feature requests will no longer be accepted for this package. It is recommended that you migrate to the new
+packages to continue to receive new features and updates.
# MDC Tabs
diff --git a/scripts/check-pkg-for-release.js b/scripts/check-pkg-for-release.js
index 139a9c6be60..6c00ac4ed08 100644
--- a/scripts/check-pkg-for-release.js
+++ b/scripts/check-pkg-for-release.js
@@ -45,6 +45,21 @@ const MASTER_PKG = require(path.join(process.env.PWD, MASTER_PKG_PATH));
// are necessary since other MDC packages depend on them.
const CSS_WHITELIST = ['base', 'animation', 'auto-init', 'rtl', 'selection-control'];
+// List of packages that are intentionally not included in the MCW package's dependencies
+const NOT_MCW_DEP = [
+ 'tabs', // Deprecated; CSS classes conflict with tab and tab-bar
+const NOT_AUTOINIT = [
+ 'auto-init',
+ 'base',
+ 'selection-control',
+ 'tab', // Only makes sense in context of tab-bar
+ 'tab-indicator', // Only makes sense in context of tab-bar
+ 'tab-scroller', // Only makes sense in context of tab-bar
+ 'tabs', // Deprecated
function main() {
@@ -127,15 +142,17 @@ function checkDependencyAddedInMDCPackage() {
function checkPkgDependencyAddedInMDCPackage() {
- assert.notEqual(typeof MASTER_PKG.dependencies[pkg.name], 'undefined',
- 'FAILURE: Component ' + pkg.name + ' is not a denpendency for MDC Web. ' +
- 'Please add ' + pkg.name +' to ' + MASTER_PKG_PATH + '\' dependencies before commit.');
+ if (NOT_MCW_DEP.indexOf(getPkgName()) === -1) {
+ assert.notEqual(typeof MASTER_PKG.dependencies[pkg.name], 'undefined',
+ 'FAILURE: Component ' + pkg.name + ' is not a denpendency for MDC Web. ' +
+ 'Please add ' + pkg.name +' to ' + MASTER_PKG_PATH + '\' dependencies before commit.');
+ }
function checkCSSDependencyAddedInMDCPackage() {
const name = getPkgName();
const nameMDC = `mdc-${name}`;
- if (CSS_WHITELIST.indexOf(name) === -1) {
+ if (CSS_WHITELIST.indexOf(name) === -1 && NOT_MCW_DEP.indexOf(name) === -1) {
const src = fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.env.PWD, MASTER_CSS_PATH), 'utf8');
const cssRules = cssom.parse(src).cssRules;
const cssRule = path.join(pkg.name, nameMDC);
@@ -150,9 +167,8 @@ function checkCSSDependencyAddedInMDCPackage() {
function checkJSDependencyAddedInMDCPackage() {
const NOT_IMPORTED = ['animation'];
- const NOT_AUTOINIT = ['auto-init', 'base', 'selection-control'];
const name = getPkgName();
- if (typeof(pkg.main) !== 'undefined' && NOT_IMPORTED.indexOf(name) === -1) {
+ if (typeof(pkg.main) !== 'undefined' && NOT_IMPORTED.indexOf(name) === -1 && NOT_MCW_DEP.indexOf(name) === -1) {
const nameCamel = camelCase(pkg.name.replace('@material/', ''));
const src = fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.env.PWD, MASTER_JS_PATH), 'utf8');
const ast = recast.parse(src, {
diff --git a/scripts/webpack/css-bundle-factory.js b/scripts/webpack/css-bundle-factory.js
index 3c1429665d3..a84bac23e4c 100644
--- a/scripts/webpack/css-bundle-factory.js
+++ b/scripts/webpack/css-bundle-factory.js
@@ -163,7 +163,9 @@ class CssBundleFactory {
'mdc.snackbar': getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-snackbar/mdc-snackbar.scss'),
'mdc.switch': getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-switch/mdc-switch.scss'),
'mdc.tab': getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-tab/mdc-tab.scss'),
+ 'mdc.tab-bar': getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-tab-bar/mdc-tab-bar.scss'),
'mdc.tab-indicator': getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-tab-indicator/mdc-tab-indicator.scss'),
+ 'mdc.tab-scroller': getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-tab-scroller/mdc-tab-scroller.scss'),
'mdc.tabs': getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-tabs/mdc-tabs.scss'),
'mdc.textfield': getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-textfield/mdc-text-field.scss'),
'mdc.theme': getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-theme/mdc-theme.scss'),
diff --git a/scripts/webpack/js-bundle-factory.js b/scripts/webpack/js-bundle-factory.js
index 1d2aa864827..791539823c3 100644
--- a/scripts/webpack/js-bundle-factory.js
+++ b/scripts/webpack/js-bundle-factory.js
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ class JsBundleFactory {
slider: getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-slider/index.js'),
snackbar: getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-snackbar/index.js'),
tab: getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-tab/index.js'),
+ tabBar: getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-tab-bar/index.js'),
tabIndicator: getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-tab-indicator/index.js'),
tabScroller: getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-tab-scroller/index.js'),
tabs: getAbsolutePath('/packages/mdc-tabs/index.js'),
diff --git a/test/unit/mdc-tab-bar/foundation.test.js b/test/unit/mdc-tab-bar/foundation.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ae9194a32e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/mdc-tab-bar/foundation.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+ * @license
+ * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+import {assert} from 'chai';
+import td from 'testdouble';
+import {verifyDefaultAdapter} from '../helpers/foundation';
+import {setupFoundationTest} from '../helpers/setup';
+import MDCTabBarFoundation from '../../../packages/mdc-tab-bar/foundation';
+test('exports cssClasses', () => {
+ assert.isOk('cssClasses' in MDCTabBarFoundation);
+test('exports strings', () => {
+ assert.isOk('strings' in MDCTabBarFoundation);
+test('defaultAdapter returns a complete adapter implementation', () => {
+ verifyDefaultAdapter(MDCTabBarFoundation, [
+ 'scrollTo', 'incrementScroll', 'getScrollPosition', 'getScrollContentWidth',
+ 'getOffsetWidth', 'isRTL',
+ 'activateTabAtIndex', 'deactivateTabAtIndex',
+ 'getTabIndicatorClientRectAtIndex', 'getTabDimensionsAtIndex',
+ 'getActiveTabIndex', 'getIndexOfTab', 'getTabListLength',
+ 'notifyTabActivated',
+ ]);
+const setupTest = () => setupFoundationTest(MDCTabBarFoundation);
+test('#init() scrolls the active tab into view', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupTest();
+ foundation.scrollIntoView = td.function();
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(99);
+ foundation.init();
+ td.verify(foundation.scrollIntoView(99), {times: 1});
+const stubActivateTab = () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupTest();
+ const activateTab = td.function();
+ foundation.activateTab = activateTab;
+ return {activateTab, foundation, mockAdapter};
+const mockKeyDownEvent = ({key, keyCode}) => {
+ const preventDefault = td.function();
+ const fakeEvent = {
+ key,
+ keyCode,
+ preventDefault,
+ };
+ return {preventDefault, fakeEvent};
+test('#handleTabInteraction() activates the tab', () => {
+ const {foundation, activateTab} = stubActivateTab();
+ foundation.handleTabInteraction({detail: {}});
+ td.verify(activateTab(td.matchers.anything()), {times: 1});
+test('#handleKeyDown() activates the tab at the 0th index when the home key is pressed', () => {
+ const {foundation, activateTab} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({key: 'Home'});
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyCodeEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({keyCode: 36});
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyEvent);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyCodeEvent);
+ td.verify(activateTab(0), {times: 2});
+test('#handleKeyDown() activates the tab at the N - 1 index when the end key is pressed', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter, activateTab} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({key: 'End'});
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyCodeEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({keyCode: 35});
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyEvent);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyCodeEvent);
+ td.verify(activateTab(12), {times: 2});
+test('#handleKeyDown() activates the tab at the previous index when the left arrow key is pressed', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter, activateTab} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({key: 'ArrowLeft'});
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyCodeEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({keyCode: 37});
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(2);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyEvent);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyCodeEvent);
+ td.verify(activateTab(1), {times: 2});
+test('#handleKeyDown() activates the tab at the next index when the right arrow key is pressed'
+ + ' and the text direction is RTL', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter, activateTab} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({key: 'ArrowLeft'});
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyCodeEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({keyCode: 37});
+ td.when(mockAdapter.isRTL()).thenReturn(true);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(2);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyEvent);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyCodeEvent);
+ td.verify(activateTab(3), {times: 2});
+test('#handleKeyDown() activates the tab at the N - 1 index when the left arrow key is pressed'
+ + ' and the current active index is 0', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter, activateTab} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({key: 'ArrowLeft'});
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyCodeEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({keyCode: 37});
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(0);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyEvent);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyCodeEvent);
+ td.verify(activateTab(12), {times: 2});
+test('#handleKeyDown() activates the tab at the N - 1 index when the right arrow key is pressed'
+ + ' and the current active index is the 0th index and the text direction is RTL', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter, activateTab} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({key: 'ArrowRight'});
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyCodeEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({keyCode: 39});
+ td.when(mockAdapter.isRTL()).thenReturn(true);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(0);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyEvent);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyCodeEvent);
+ td.verify(activateTab(12), {times: 2});
+test('#handleKeyDown() activates the tab at the next index when the right arrow key is pressed', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter, activateTab} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({key: 'ArrowRight'});
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyCodeEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({keyCode: 39});
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(2);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyEvent);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyCodeEvent);
+ td.verify(activateTab(3), {times: 2});
+test('#handleKeyDown() activates the tab at the previous index when the right arrow key is pressed'
+ + ' and the text direction is RTL', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter, activateTab} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({key: 'ArrowRight'});
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyCodeEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({keyCode: 39});
+ td.when(mockAdapter.isRTL()).thenReturn(true);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(2);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyEvent);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyCodeEvent);
+ td.verify(activateTab(1), {times: 2});
+test('#handleKeyDown() activates the tab at the 0th index when the right arrow key is pressed'
+ + ' and the current active index is the max index', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter, activateTab} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({key: 'ArrowRight'});
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyCodeEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({keyCode: 39});
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(12);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyEvent);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyCodeEvent);
+ td.verify(activateTab(0), {times: 2});
+test('#handleKeyDown() activates the tab at the 0th index when the left arrow key is pressed'
+ + ' and the current active index is the max index and the text direction is RTL', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter, activateTab} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({key: 'ArrowLeft'});
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyCodeEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({keyCode: 37});
+ td.when(mockAdapter.isRTL()).thenReturn(true);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(12);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyEvent);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyCodeEvent);
+ td.verify(activateTab(0), {times: 2});
+test('#handleKeyDown() prevents the default behavior when the pressed key is ArrowLeft, ArrowRight, End, or Home',
+ () => {
+ ['ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight', 'Home', 'End'].forEach((evtName) => {
+ const {foundation} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent, preventDefault} = mockKeyDownEvent({key: evtName});
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeEvent);
+ td.verify(preventDefault());
+ });
+ });
+test('#handleKeyDown() prevents the default behavior when the pressed keyCode is 35, 36, 37, or 39', () => {
+ [35, 36, 37, 39].forEach((keyCode) => {
+ const {foundation} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent, preventDefault} = mockKeyDownEvent({keyCode});
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeEvent);
+ td.verify(preventDefault());
+ });
+test('#handleKeyDown() does not prevent the default behavior when a non-directional key is pressed', () => {
+ const {foundation} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent, preventDefault} = mockKeyDownEvent({key: 'Shift'});
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeEvent);
+ td.verify(preventDefault(), {times: 0});
+test('#handleKeyDown() does not prevent the default behavior when a non-directional keyCode is pressed', () => {
+ const {foundation} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent, preventDefault} = mockKeyDownEvent({keyCode: 16});
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeEvent);
+ td.verify(preventDefault(), {times: 0});
+test('#handleKeyDown() does not activate a tab when a non-directional key is pressed', () => {
+ const {foundation, activateTab} = stubActivateTab();
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({key: 'Shift'});
+ const {fakeEvent: fakeKeyCodeEvent} = mockKeyDownEvent({keyCode: 16});
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyEvent);
+ foundation.handleKeyDown(fakeKeyCodeEvent);
+ td.verify(activateTab(), {times: 0});
+const setupActivateTabTest = () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupTest();
+ const scrollIntoView = td.function();
+ foundation.scrollIntoView = scrollIntoView;
+ return {foundation, mockAdapter, scrollIntoView};
+test('#activateTab() does nothing if the index overflows the tab list', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupActivateTabTest();
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ foundation.activateTab(13);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.deactivateTabAtIndex(td.matchers.isA(Number)), {times: 0});
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.activateTabAtIndex(td.matchers.isA(Number)), {times: 0});
+test('#activateTab() does nothing if the index underflows the tab list', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupActivateTabTest();
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ foundation.activateTab(-1);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.deactivateTabAtIndex(td.matchers.isA(Number)), {times: 0});
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.activateTabAtIndex(td.matchers.isA(Number)), {times: 0});
+test(`#activateTab() does not emit the ${MDCTabBarFoundation.strings.TAB_ACTIVATED_EVENT} event if the index` +
+ ' is the currently active index', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupActivateTabTest();
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(6);
+ foundation.activateTab(6);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.notifyTabActivated(td.matchers.anything()), {times: 0});
+test('#activateTab() deactivates the previously active tab', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupActivateTabTest();
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(6);
+ foundation.activateTab(1);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.deactivateTabAtIndex(6), {times: 1});
+test('#activateTab() activates the newly active tab with the previously active tab\'s indicatorClientRect', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupActivateTabTest();
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(6);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabIndicatorClientRectAtIndex(6)).thenReturn({
+ left: 22, right: 33,
+ });
+ foundation.activateTab(1);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.activateTabAtIndex(1, {left: 22, right: 33}), {times: 1});
+test('#activateTab() scrolls the new tab index into view', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter, scrollIntoView} = setupActivateTabTest();
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(6);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabIndicatorClientRectAtIndex(6)).thenReturn({
+ left: 22, right: 33,
+ });
+ foundation.activateTab(1);
+ td.verify(scrollIntoView(1));
+test(`#activateTab() emits the ${MDCTabBarFoundation.strings.TAB_ACTIVATED_EVENT} with the index of the tab`, () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupActivateTabTest();
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(13);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(6);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabIndicatorClientRectAtIndex(6)).thenReturn({
+ left: 22, right: 33,
+ });
+ foundation.activateTab(1);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.notifyTabActivated(1));
+function setupScrollIntoViewTest({
+ activeIndex = 0,
+ tabListLength = 10,
+ indicatorClientRect = {},
+ scrollContentWidth = 1000,
+ scrollPosition = 0,
+ offsetWidth = 400,
+ tabDimensionsMap = {}} = {}) {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupTest();
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getActiveTabIndex()).thenReturn(activeIndex);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabListLength()).thenReturn(tabListLength);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabIndicatorClientRectAtIndex(td.matchers.isA(Number))).thenReturn(indicatorClientRect);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getScrollPosition()).thenReturn(scrollPosition);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getScrollContentWidth()).thenReturn(scrollContentWidth);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getOffsetWidth()).thenReturn(offsetWidth);
+ td.when(mockAdapter.getTabDimensionsAtIndex(td.matchers.isA(Number))).thenDo((index) => {
+ return tabDimensionsMap[index];
+ });
+ return {foundation, mockAdapter};
+test('#scrollIntoView() does nothing if the index overflows the tab list', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupScrollIntoViewTest({
+ tabListLength: 13,
+ });
+ foundation.scrollIntoView(13);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.scrollTo(td.matchers.isA(Number)), {times: 0});
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.incrementScroll(td.matchers.isA(Number)), {times: 0});
+test('#scrollIntoView() does nothing if the index underflows the tab list', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupScrollIntoViewTest({
+ tabListLength: 9,
+ });
+ foundation.scrollIntoView(-1);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.scrollTo(td.matchers.isA(Number)), {times: 0});
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.incrementScroll(td.matchers.isA(Number)), {times: 0});
+test('#scrollIntoView() scrolls to 0 if the index is 0', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupScrollIntoViewTest({
+ tabListLength: 9,
+ });
+ foundation.scrollIntoView(0);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.scrollTo(0), {times: 1});
+test('#scrollIntoView() scrolls to the scroll content width if the index is the max possible', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupScrollIntoViewTest({
+ tabListLength: 9,
+ scrollContentWidth: 987,
+ });
+ foundation.scrollIntoView(8);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.scrollTo(987), {times: 1});
+test('#scrollIntoView() increments the scroll by 150 when the selected tab is 100px to the right'
+ + ' and the closest tab\'s left content edge is 30px from its left root edge', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupScrollIntoViewTest({
+ activeIndex: 0,
+ tabListLength: 9,
+ scrollContentWidth: 1000,
+ offsetWidth: 200,
+ tabDimensionsMap: {
+ 1: {
+ rootLeft: 0,
+ rootRight: 300,
+ },
+ 2: {
+ rootLeft: 300,
+ contentLeft: 330,
+ contentRight: 370,
+ rootRight: 400,
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ foundation.scrollIntoView(1);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.incrementScroll(130 + MDCTabBarFoundation.numbers.EXTRA_SCROLL_AMOUNT), {times: 1});
+test('#scrollIntoView() increments the scroll by 250 when the selected tab is 100px to the left, is 100px wide,'
+ + ' and the closest tab\'s left content edge is 30px from its left root edge and the text direction is RTL', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupScrollIntoViewTest({
+ activeIndex: 0,
+ tabListLength: 9,
+ scrollContentWidth: 1000,
+ offsetWidth: 200,
+ scrollPosition: 100,
+ tabDimensionsMap: {
+ 5: {
+ rootLeft: 400,
+ contentLeft: 430,
+ contentRight: 470,
+ rootRight: 500,
+ },
+ 4: {
+ rootLeft: 500,
+ rootRight: 600,
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ td.when(mockAdapter.isRTL()).thenReturn(true);
+ foundation.scrollIntoView(4);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.incrementScroll(230 + MDCTabBarFoundation.numbers.EXTRA_SCROLL_AMOUNT), {times: 1});
+test('#scrollIntoView() increments the scroll by -250 when the selected tab is 100px to the left, is 100px wide,'
+ + ' and the closest tab\'s right content edge is 30px from its right root edge', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupScrollIntoViewTest({
+ activeIndex: 3,
+ tabListLength: 9,
+ scrollContentWidth: 1000,
+ scrollPosition: 500,
+ offsetWidth: 200,
+ tabDimensionsMap: {
+ 1: {
+ rootLeft: 190,
+ contentLeft: 220,
+ contentRight: 270,
+ rootRight: 300,
+ },
+ 2: {
+ rootLeft: 300,
+ contentLeft: 330,
+ contentRight: 370,
+ rootRight: 400,
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ foundation.scrollIntoView(2);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.incrementScroll(-230 - MDCTabBarFoundation.numbers.EXTRA_SCROLL_AMOUNT), {times: 1});
+test('#scrollIntoView() increments the scroll by -150 when the selected tab is 100px wide,'
+ + ' and the closest tab\'s right content edge is 30px from its right root edge and the text direction is RTL', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupScrollIntoViewTest({
+ activeIndex: 3,
+ tabListLength: 9,
+ scrollContentWidth: 1000,
+ scrollPosition: 300,
+ offsetWidth: 200,
+ tabDimensionsMap: {
+ 2: {
+ rootLeft: 700,
+ contentLeft: 730,
+ contentRight: 770,
+ rootRight: 800,
+ },
+ 1: {
+ rootLeft: 800,
+ contentLeft: 830,
+ contentRight: 870,
+ rootRight: 900,
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ td.when(mockAdapter.isRTL()).thenReturn(true);
+ foundation.scrollIntoView(2);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.incrementScroll(-130 - MDCTabBarFoundation.numbers.EXTRA_SCROLL_AMOUNT), {times: 1});
+test('#scrollIntoView() does nothing when the tab is perfectly in the center', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupScrollIntoViewTest({
+ activeIndex: 3,
+ tabListLength: 9,
+ scrollContentWidth: 1000,
+ scrollPosition: 200,
+ offsetWidth: 300,
+ tabDimensionsMap: {
+ 1: {
+ rootLeft: 200,
+ contentLeft: 230,
+ contentRight: 270,
+ rootRight: 300,
+ },
+ 2: {
+ rootLeft: 300,
+ contentLeft: 330,
+ contentRight: 370,
+ rootRight: 400,
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ foundation.scrollIntoView(2);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.scrollTo(td.matchers.isA(Number)), {times: 0});
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.incrementScroll(td.matchers.isA(Number)), {times: 0});
+test('#scrollIntoView() does nothing when the tab is perfectly in the center and the text direction is RTL', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupScrollIntoViewTest({
+ activeIndex: 3,
+ tabListLength: 10,
+ scrollContentWidth: 1000,
+ scrollPosition: 500,
+ offsetWidth: 300,
+ tabDimensionsMap: {
+ 8: {
+ rootLeft: 200,
+ contentLeft: 230,
+ contentRight: 270,
+ rootRight: 300,
+ },
+ 7: {
+ rootLeft: 300,
+ contentLeft: 330,
+ contentRight: 370,
+ rootRight: 400,
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ td.when(mockAdapter.isRTL()).thenReturn(true);
+ foundation.scrollIntoView(7);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.scrollTo(td.matchers.isA(Number)), {times: 0});
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.incrementScroll(td.matchers.isA(Number)), {times: 0});
+test('#scrollIntoView() increments the scroll by 0 when the tab and its left neighbor\'s content are visible', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupScrollIntoViewTest({
+ activeIndex: 3,
+ tabListLength: 9,
+ scrollContentWidth: 1000,
+ scrollPosition: 200,
+ offsetWidth: 500,
+ tabDimensionsMap: {
+ 1: {
+ rootLeft: 200,
+ contentLeft: 230,
+ contentRight: 270,
+ rootRight: 300,
+ },
+ 2: {
+ rootLeft: 300,
+ contentLeft: 330,
+ contentRight: 370,
+ rootRight: 400,
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ foundation.scrollIntoView(2);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.incrementScroll(0), {times: 1});
+test('#scrollIntoView() increments the scroll by 0 when the tab and its right neighbor\'s content are visible', () => {
+ const {foundation, mockAdapter} = setupScrollIntoViewTest({
+ activeIndex: 3,
+ tabListLength: 9,
+ scrollContentWidth: 1000,
+ scrollPosition: 22,
+ offsetWidth: 400,
+ tabDimensionsMap: {
+ 1: {
+ rootLeft: 200,
+ contentLeft: 230,
+ contentRight: 270,
+ rootRight: 300,
+ },
+ 2: {
+ rootLeft: 300,
+ contentLeft: 330,
+ contentRight: 370,
+ rootRight: 400,
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ foundation.scrollIntoView(1);
+ td.verify(mockAdapter.incrementScroll(0), {times: 1});
diff --git a/test/unit/mdc-tab-bar/mdc-tab-bar.test.js b/test/unit/mdc-tab-bar/mdc-tab-bar.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac323c8a7ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/mdc-tab-bar/mdc-tab-bar.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+ * @license
+ * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+import bel from 'bel';
+import {assert} from 'chai';
+import td from 'testdouble';
+import domEvents from 'dom-events';
+import {MDCTabBar, MDCTabBarFoundation} from '../../../packages/mdc-tab-bar';
+import {MDCTabFoundation} from '../../../packages/mdc-tab';
+const getFixture = () => bel`