Contributions to Matryoshka library and its related modules (i.e. wrappers) are always welcomed and encouraged.
You make our lives easier by sending us your contributions through github pull requests.
Coding standard for the project is PSR-4
Any contribution must provide tests for additional introduced conditions
The core team members are:
Name | Nickname |
Leonardo Grasso | leogr |
Leo Di Donato | leodido |
Antonio Visalli | visa4 |
Lorenzo Fontana | fntlnz |
If you have questions about how to use Matryoshka library please write us at [email protected].
Other communication channels will be activated soon. In the mean time you can also contact us writing a new issue.
Due to time constraints, we are not always able to respond as quickly as we would like. Please do not take delays personal and feel free to remind us.
You can request a new feature by submitting an issue to our github repository. If you would like to implement a new feature then consider what kind of change it is:
Major changes
This kind of contribution should be discussed first with us in issues. This way we can better coordinate our efforts, prevent duplication of work, and help you to craft the change so that it is successfully accepted into the project.
Small changes
Can be crafted and submitted to the github repository as a pull request.
Bug triaging is managed via github issues.
You can help report bugs by filing them here.
Before submitting new bugs please verify that similar ones do not exists yet. This will help us to reduce the duplicates and the references between issues.
Is desiderable that you provide reproducible behaviours attaching (failing) tests.
The PHPUnit version to be used is the one installed as a dev-dependency via composer:
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit
What branch to issue the pull request against?
For new features, or fixes that introduce new elements to the public API (such as new public methods or properties), issue the pull request against the develop
For hotfixes against the stable release, issue the pull request against the master
Fork the matryoshka repository
Checkout the forked repository
Retrieve dependencies using composer
Create your local branch, commit your code and push your local branch to your github fork
Send us a pull request as descripted for your changes to be included
Please remember that any contribution must provide tests for additional introduced conditions. Accepted coverage for new contributions is 75%. Any contribution not satisfying this requirement won't be merged.
Don't get discouraged!