Code and helpers for managing ESRI Enterprise Geodatabase replication. Friends, this is our code for managing ESRI Enterprise Geodatabase replication, our rules, the trick is never to be afraid.
- ArcGIS Pro with Advanced License (Python 3+)
- Database connectivity to a parent and child ESRI Enterprise Geodatabase
- geodatabase-toiler
This is an opinionated wrapper to ESRI arcpy functions. Update the environmentals and good luck to you.
Our opinions are:
- Child feature classes should be pre-created and mirror their parents
- Parent feature classes will be versioned and edited
- Replication replicates parent edits one way, parent to child
> sample-createreplica.bat
The purpose of this test is to set up a one way replica, perform some pretend edits on the parent, and verify that the edits are replicated to the child.
This type of integration test is useful when debugging issues in a complex replica where distinguishing data issues from environment issues is not straightforward. The tests use the shapefile in src\test\resources.
Update the environmentals for the environment you wish to integration test.
> sample-integrationtest.bat
We maintain the subaddress table in the citywide street centerline database outside of the main desktop tools and tickets. It contains a few million records and we do not allow it to parcipate in the standard replication workflow.
- geodatabase-toiler on PYTHONPATH
- SQL*Plus on PATH
- psql on PATH
To completely refresh the subaddress table in a child enterprise geodatabase PostgreSQL replica from a parent Oracle geodatabase copy geodatabase-scripts\sample-replicate-subaddress.bat out to another directory. Review and update the environmentals in the script.
> replicate-subaddress.bat
If your replica is a little punk you may need to fall back on copying file geodatabases around.
Test. Uses the little geodatabase under src/test/resources/parent/
> sample-punk-integrationtest.bat
Replicate the little punk. Copy this file out to your script directory and update the environmentals
> geodatabase-scripts/sample-create-punk-replica.bat