Date: April 30, 2019
- Items now spawn on the map
- The player is now spawned around the edge of the map
- The world generation now uses new textures
- The player is now animated
- The health now has a cool animation when losing some
- The player now gets a red flash when they take damage
- The server keeps track of basic stats about the player, such as the number of enemies killed and time spent in the game.
- When a player dies, they see whether they win or lose, the number of enemies killed, and the time spent playing.
- The player can go back to the Main Menu, where they can join the game again.
- The players are added to a pre-game lobby where they wait for other players to join or where admins can force the game to start
- Items were added to the game
- Items have tooltips that show up when your mouse is over it
- Players now collide with terrain
- Bullets have a new texture
- Added the full game cycle
- Aliens were added to the game
- Aliens spawn if you go into the storm
- Game ends when there is only 1 player left
- Main menu is now colorful
- The website colors have been updated to reflect the game better
- Fixed missing font characters
Date: April 19, 2019
- Added a chat GameObject
- Added a ChatWindow GameObject that manages chat GameObjects
- Added a chat connection class to manage the connection and request for chat
- Added a server side chat class with a method for the simulation to hook into and send messages.
- Added the ability to have colors for the chat
- Added the ability to send chats to other people
- Added IMessage interface for message formats
- Added ICommand interface for command formats
- Nicknames are received from the session
- Sockets are disconnected if they do not have a valid session
- Added a GameObject for bullets
- Added functioning bullets
- Added collisions with the collidedWith method on each implementing IGameObject class
- The bodies in the physics simulation now have fixtures that are circles, so players can collide with each other.
- Helpful console.log statements for debugging the objects as represented in the physics simulation.
- Added new dashboard page with planned fields and layout
- Added ability to update your nickname using Ajax
- Added ability to confirm your email
- Added ability to change your password
- Added some Ajax helper functions
- Code editing was enforced with the addition of the .editorconfig file
- World now renders a tile map
- Added a perlin noise generator to make smooth terrain
- Added localhost option when starting the server
- Updated the mouse to be a crosshair
- .VSCode folder is now in .gitignore
- Server game simulation resolution
Date: April 5, 2019
- Added keyboard input
- Added Vash helpers
- Added Vash Helpers
- Added Login Page
- Added Register Page
- Added Empty Dashboard page
- Added Permit middleware to allow role based authentication
- Added Authentication middleware to process the session on each request
- Added ViewModel classes with corresponding interfaces
- Added ViewModel test
- Added ValidationSummary Html helper
- Added Server side validation feedback
- Added ability to send the server move updates
- Added tests for the player simulation object
- Added ability to send move updates to the client
- New players are now added to everyone elses screen when they join
- The game is now simulaed on the server side using box2d 30 times a second
- Added a player to the screen with a flashing animation
- Added player move queue
- Added a basic main menu to ask for your nickname
- Added CI/CD Pipeline
- Added Heroku deployments
- Made the canvas 1280 x 720
- Made the PlayerMoveDirection enum a bit easier to read
- GitLab CI/CD will now force the git push
- Converted Vash helpers to typescript
- Fixed route to 404 page due to case sensitivity
- Fixed inverted y-coordinates in tests
- Disconnected players are not removed from the screen
- Sometimes the game rejects all player input and prevents all movement