- Bots API 2.0 support:
- Updated data types.
- Gem is now up to date with API version 2016-05-06 (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api-changelog#may-6-2016).
- Support for collecting inline feedback.
- Gem is now up to date with API version 2016-01-20 (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api-changelog#january-20-2016).
- Fixed order loading Telegrammer classes for inline mode (reported by markkuit in #17).
- Better examples in the docs for get_updates & answer_inline_query methods.
- Added support for supergroups (https://telegram.org/blog/supergroups).
- Added support for the new inline mode (https://core.telegram.org/bots/inline).
- Gem is now up to date with API version 2016-01-04 (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api-changelog#january-4-2016).
- Fixed user profile photos array with a custom datatype. Thanks to noma4i!
- Updated operations that are using chat_id to also support "@channel" format (reported by rkpasia in #15).
- New File & Chat datatypes.
- Implemented get_file operation.
- Gem is now up to date with API version 2015-10-08 (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api-changelog#october-8-2015).
- Fixed an error raising some exceptions (reported by nkaviani in #13)
- Option to fail silently on get_updates method. Thanks to TheZ3ro!
- Added voice datatype to the required files by the gem.
- Added some methods and data types to be up to date with API version 2015-09-07 (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api-changelog#september-7-2015).
- Fixed bug in get_updates (an extra parameter used in the development of the HTTPClient migration).
- Using HTTPClient to get support for persistent connections (like in get_updates).
- Simplified internals for send operations to reuse as much as possible.
- Fixing coercion in Telegrammer::DataTypes::Channel.
- Fixed some Telegram data types.
- Better error handling when Telegram API servers are down.
- Improved documentation.
- Set default values in ReplyKeyboardHide, ReplyKeyboardMarkup and ForceReply objects so they match official documentation.
- Nothing changed, just uploading again to rubygems.org with all the docs updated.
- Initial release.