WARNING : Like docker, a local Kubernetes installer may create many virtual networks (see ip link
). You may use a VM to avoid IP conflict with school/enterprise network.
See docker-devbox - kind folder providing kind/quickstart.sh script to start a kind cluster with an ingress controller, network policy supports, a dashboard,...
- K3S comes with an easy setup for a single node cluster
See mborne/vagrantbox and mborne/k3s-deploy to create a K3S cluster with multiple nodes using Vagrant and Ansible.
- Note that alternatives (k3s, microk8s, minikube,...) exists
See landscape.cncf.io - Certified Kubernetes - Distribution and thechief.io - K3d vs k3s vs Kind vs Microk8s vs Minikube
Note that it is sometimes to use free credits or student accounts to create Kubernetes clusters managed by cloud providers like :
See mborne/gke-playground aiming at quickly provisioning a GKE cluster with Terraform.
- Note that alternatives like AKS, EKS,... exists :