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This package provides generalisations of Julia's permutedims function and PermutedDimsArray wrapper, which allow things other than permutations. These can replace dropdims and many uses of reshape.

The first generalisation is that you may introduce trivial dimensions. This can be thought of as re-positioning the implicit trivial dimensions beyond ndims(A), such as the 4th and 5th dimensions here:

A = ones(10,20,30);
ntuple(d -> size(A,d), 5)          # (10, 20, 30, 1, 1)

permutedims(A, (2,3,1)) |> size    # (20, 30, 10)

using TransmuteDims
transmute(A, (4,2,3,5,1)) |> size  # (1, 20, 30, 1, 10)

Here (4,2,3,5,1) is a valid permutation of 1:5, but the positions of 4,5 don't matter, so in fact this is normalised to (0,2,3,0,1). Zeros indicate trivial output dimensions.

Second, input dimensions below ndims(A) may also be omitted, provided they are of size 1:

A2 = sum(A, dims=2); size(A2)      # (10, 1, 30)
transmute(A2, (3,1)) |> size       # (30, 10)

try transmute(A, (3,1)) catch err; err end  # ArgumentError, "... not allowed when size(A, 2) = 20"

Third, you may also repeat numbers, to place an input dimension "diagonally" into several output dimensions:

using LinearAlgebra
transmute(1:10, (1,1)) == Diagonal(1:10)  # true

transmute(A, (2,2,0,3,1)) |> size  # (20, 20, 1, 30, 10)

The function transmute is always lazy, but also tries to minimise the number of wrappers. Ideally to none at all, by un-wrapping and reshaping:

transmute(A, (4,2,3,5,1)) isa TransmutedDimsArray{Float64, 5, (0,2,3,0,1), (5,2,3), <:Array}

transmute(A, (1,0,2,3)) isa Array{Float64, 4}

transmute(PermutedDimsArray(A, (2,3,1)),(3,1,0,2)) isa Array{Float64, 4}

transmute(Diagonal(1:10), (3,1)) isa TransmutedDimsArray{Int64, 2, (0,1), (2,), <:UnitRange}
transmute(Diagonal(rand(10)), (3,1)) isa Matrix

Calling the constructor directly TransmutedDimsArray(A, (3,2,0,1)) simply applies the wrapper. There is also a method transmute(A, Val((3,2,0,1))) which works out any un-wrapping at compile-time:

using BenchmarkTools
@btime transmute($A, (2,3,1));           #   6.996 ns (1 allocation: 16 bytes)
@btime PermutedDimsArray($A, (2,3,1));   # 386.738 ns (4 allocations: 176 bytes)
@btime transmute($A, Val((2,3,1)));      #   1.430 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

@btime transmute($A, (1,2,0,3));         #  45.642 ns (2 allocations: 128 bytes)
@btime reshape($A, (10,20,1,30));        #  34.479 ns (1 allocation: 80 bytes)

Finally, there is also an eager variant, which tries always to return a DenseArray. This will similarly un-wrap Transpose etc, and prefers to reshape if possible, copying data only when necessary. It uses Strided.jl to speed this up, when possible, so should be faster than Base's permutedims:

transmutedims(A, (3,2,0,1)) isa Array{Float64, 4}
transmutedims(1:3, (2,1)) isa Matrix

@btime transmutedims($(rand(40,50,60)), (3,2,1));  #  57.365 μs (61 allocations: 944.62 KiB)
@btime permutedims($(rand(40,50,60)), (3,2,1));    # 172.643 μs (2 allocations: 937.58 KiB)

@strided(transmute(A, (3,2,0,1))) isa StridedView{Float64, 4}
@strided(transmutedims(A, (3,2,0,1))) isa StridedView{Float64, 4}

The StridedView type is general enough to allow the insertion/removal of trivial dimensions, in addition to permutations, so these functions preserve it.

The lower-case functions also treat tuples as if they were vectors:

transmute((1,2,3), (1,)) isa AbstractVector
transmutedims((1,2,3), (nothing,1)) isa Matrix


This was written largely for TensorCast.jl. The immediate issue there was that a reshape(transpose(::GPUArray)) may fail to trigger GPU broadcasting. This package replaces that with at most one wrapper, ideally none. Calling transmute also allowed @cast to express what it needs more cleanly.