Note, this setup assumes Kubernetes cluster created using the demo cluster setup instructions
Start by create the order
kubectl apply -f ./deployment/space.yaml
SandGrid secret
the queue and store secrets were already created during the cluster setup
kubectl create secret generic email --from-literal=api-key="${SENDGRID_KEY}" -n order
Now deploy the queue, state and workflow stores, and email components
kubectl apply -f ./component
Deploy Dapr auditor functions and wait for it to be ready
kubectl apply -f deployment/auditor.yaml
kubectl rollout status deployment/order-auditor -n order
Check logs for errors from both containers
kubectl logs -l app=order-auditor -c daprd -n order --tail 300
kubectl logs -l app=order-auditor -c auditor -n order
Create the config map to hold the Dapr workflow definition
kubectl create cm workflows --from-file config/order-cancel.json -n order
Create the Azure storage account
az storage account create --name daprintdemo --sku Standard_LRS
export AZSAKEY=$(az storage account keys list --account-name daprintdemo --query "[0].value" --output tsv)
Create secret to hold the workflow Azure storage account key
TODO: Remove Azure storage account dependency
kubectl create secret generic dapr-workflows \
--from-literal=accountName=daprintdemo \
--from-literal=accountKey=$AZSAKEY \
-n order
Deploy Dapr Workflows host and wait for it to be ready
kubectl apply -f deployment/workflow.yaml
kubectl rollout status deployment/workflows-host
Check logs for errors from both containers
kubectl logs -l app=workflows-host -c daprd -n order --tail 300
kubectl logs -l app=workflows-host -c host -n order
Deploy Dashboard
kubectl apply -f deployment/viewer.yaml
kubectl rollout status deployment/order-viewer
Create the TLS certs for this domain
is the domain I'm using for this demo
kubectl create secret tls tls-secret \
-n order \
--key ../../setup/certs/ \
--cert ../../setup/certs/
Deploy ingress for order
kubectl apply -f deployment/ingress.yaml
Test it:
kubectl delete -f ./deployment
kubectl delete -f ./component
kubectl delete secret email -n order
kubectl delete secret dapr-workflows -n order
kubectl delete configmap workflows -n order
az storage account delete --name daprintdemo