All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project attempts to adhere to Semantic Versioning. This changelog attempts to adhere to Keep a CHANGELOG.
- Updated semantics to address use of frozen string literals
- Updated minitest semantics to address global
deprecations - Dropped support for Ruby versions older than 2.5.0
- Numerous Rubocop related fixups
0.1.4 - 06 March 2017
- Fixed a missing '-' in the regex pattern that defined the parts of a triplet
- Numerous Rubocop related fixups
0.1.3 - 07 July 2016
- Triplets#split method returns the expected array of values for parsed triplets
- Improved Triplets#triplet? functionality
0.1.2 - 07 July 2016
- Triplets#triplet? method allows for fast testing on parsed triplets
0.1.1 - 09 May 2016
- Fix Ruby 2.2.0 and 2.3.0 support
- Add JRuby to Travis checks
- Make Rubocop print cop names by default
0.1.0 - 09 May 2016
- Initial release
- README covers usage, licensing, and rationale