All these controls might not be implemented in the default Steam build yet | Check the beta branch on Steam if some of these controls don't work-
MENU CAMERA CONTROLS(Edit Actor menu/Edit Actor head menu
- Move camera = MiddleMouseClick + click drag
- Rotate camera = RightMouseClick + click drag
- Move camera in/out = MouseWheel
- Select object = HOLD SPACE + LeftClick
- Move tool = W
- Scale tool = E
- Rotate tool = R
- Rotate camera = RightMouseClick + click drag
- Move camera in/out = MouseWheel
- Cut to camera = Alpha or Numpad 1-9
- Zoom camera in/out = Mousewheel OR -/= or Numpad +/-
- Camera movement XY = ALT + Arrow keys
- Camera movement Z = ALT + +/- or MouseWheel
- Rotate camera = arrow keys
- Reset camera position/rotation = SHIFT + ALT + Q
- Camera Look At clicked point = Alt + LeftClick
- Camera Smooth Zoom in = ALT + Right Click
- Camera Smooth Zoon out = ALT + Middle Mouse Click
- Set Depth Of Field blur focal point = SHIFT + RightMouseClick
- Camera speed multiplier = CTRL + ALT + MouseWheel
- Reset cam speed multiplier = CTRL + ALT + MiddleMouseClick or A
- Toggle eye camera active(if one or more in scene) = BACKQUOTE
- Dutch angles = SHIFT + left arrow or SHIFT + right arrow
- Punch camera = ALT + SHIFT + Arrow keys
- Punch Focal length = HOLD SHIFT + press SPACE
(For normal cameras 1-6)
- Look at actor 1 = SHIFT + Alpha1
- Look at actor 2 = SHIFT + Alpha2
(For tracking cameras 7-9)
- Switch to alternate tracking angles = SHIFT + 1-6 or WindowsKey + Numpad 1-6
- Reset alternate angles = SHIFT + ALT + R
- Load FxFlavors = E+ 1-3
- Reset FxFlavors = E+ 4
- Load ColorFlavors = E+ 5-7
- Reset ColorFlavors = E+ 8
- Next light color = 0
- Change scene light intensity = Hold L & Mousewheel +/-
- Previous animation set = ALT + Q
- Next animation set = ALT + A
- Next HumanMiseryOrgan set = CTRL + Q
- Toggle Human Misery organ = F10
- Toggle voice audio looping = F11
- Play next voice clip on main actor(If Tab to talk active) = TAB
- Play next voice clip on buddy actor(If Tab to talk active) = Hold Right Click + press TAB
- Toggle Tab to Play = Hold Middle Mouse + TAB
- Toggle Misery organ is voice = F12
- Toggle Misery + Animation = Hold M + Press A
- Voice pitch = SHIFT + Mousewheel
- Reset voice pitch = SHIFT + MiddleMouseClick or A
- Toggle midi playback = SHIFT + Alpha 0
- Midi tempo = WindowsKey + Mousewheel
- Control speed of time = CTRL + SHIFT + MouseWheel
- Reset time speed = CTRL + SHIFT + RightClick or ALT
- Toggle Info HUD = Hold Left SHIFT and press Right SHIFT
Emergency menu (use this if you are in a scene and you cannot get out)
- End key
- Images are saved in the game folder inside /NightmarePuppeteer_Data/NightmareCaptures/
- 360 single image capture = SHIFT + Command/WindowsKey
- 360 Image sequence capture toggle = CTRL + SHIFT + Command/WindowsKey
- Cancel image sequence capture = CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE/BACKSPACE
- Reset actor = SHIFT + Z
- Seat/unseat main actor = Click seat object
- Seat/unseat buddy actor = ALT + S
- Toggle actor to control(If 2 are in scene) = F9
- Next actor head = R + 1
- Random actor head = R + 2
- Next actor body = R + 3
- Random actor body = R + 4
- Randomize all props = R + 5
- Random head shader = R + 6
- Randomize body shader = R + 7
- Look at Camera = SHIFT + LeftClick
- Look at clicked point = CTRL + Left Click in scene
- Reset Look at clicked point = SHIFT + CTRL + Q
- Toggle Buddy actor random walk = HOLD A then press Z
Vlooper Controls
Record/Stop recording VLooper1 = F1
Play/Stop VLooper1 = F2
Reverse VLooper1 = F3
Clear VLooper1 = F4
Record/Stop recording VLooper2 = F5
Play/Stop VLooper2 = F6
Reverse VLooper2 = F7
Clear VLooper2 = F8
Lousy Level Editor controls
- Spawn object = LeftClick + Alt
- Delete object = LeftClick + CTRL
- Select object = HOLD SPACE + LeftClick
- Multiselect objects = HOLD SPACE + SHIFT + LeftClick Object
- Remove from selection = HOLD SPACE + CTRL + LeftClick Object
- Move tool = W
- Scale tool = E
- Rotate tool = R
- Move camera = MiddleMouseClick + click drag
- Rotate camera = RightMouseClick + click drag
- Move camera in/out = MouseWheel