browseables for CMIP5
Start here:
These seem to cause a lot of grief, but NetCDF always does.
SQLite DB built by Python code on /g/data, lists tokenized file paths. This is useful but needs to be run routinely so it's up to date, and really make a full path to all files.
- list actual files, find best way to list (i.e. multiple find jobs?)
- scan each file and record metadata for each as per rancid::NetCDF or equivalent
- first pass only scan a sample of files, develop a scoping estimate of how long / how much etc.
- Use try/catch defenses to be reliable, and feed back lessons into rancid package
- Build searchable table of files with DT/Shiny (can we publish this off Raijin?)
- Allow select file to deliver metadata DB as constellation of tables (or ncdump, whatevs)
- Identify common patterns across all files in variables, dimensions
- Use to develope use-case read code
db <- src_sqlite("/g/data1/ua6/unofficial-ESG-replica/tmp/tree/cmip5_raijin_latest.db")
tab <- tbl(db, "cmip5")
id <- collect(filter(tab, model == "ACCESS1-3"))$id[10]
fs <- sample(list.files(id, full.names = TRUE), 1)
nc <- NetCDF(fs)
Source: local data frame [6 x 16]
name ndims natts prec units longname
(chr) (int) (int) (chr) (chr) (chr)
1 time_bnds 2 0 double time_bnds
2 lat 2 4 float degrees_north latitude coordinate
3 lon 2 4 float degrees_east longitude coordinate
4 lat_vertices 3 1 float degrees_north lat_vertices
5 lon_vertices 3 1 float degrees_east lon_vertices
6 wfo 3 12 float kg m-2 s-1 Water Flux into Sea Water
Variables not shown: group_index (int), storage (dbl), shuffle (lgl),
compression (lgl), unlim (lgl), make_missing_value (lgl), missval (dbl),
hasAddOffset (lgl), hasScaleFact (lgl), id (dbl)
tab <- collect(tab)
ss <- sample(nrow(tab), 100)
vv <- vector("list", length(ss))
for (i in seq_along(vv)) {
fs <- sample(list.files(tab$id[i], full.names = TRUE, pattern = "nc$"), 1)
a <- try(NetCDF(fs))
if (!inherits(a, "try-error")) vv[[i]] <- a
# user system elapsed
# 3.203 69.720 113.174
# 4.88 Mb
any(unlist(lapply(vv, is.null)))
save(vv, file = "~/cmip5_metadatasample.rda")
- Use DT to get a user-useable path to a file.
"data-raw/cmip5_raijin.db", mode = "wb")
cmip5_db <- src_sqlite("data-raw/cmip5_raijin.db")
cmip5 <- tbl(cm5, "cmip5")
d <- collect(cmip5)
d <- d[, c(setdiff(names(d), "id"), "id")]
datatable(d, class = 'cell-border stripe', filter = 'top', options = list(
pageLength = 35, autoWidth = TRUE
- Convert mapped data to model space and make a map
# module load proj/4.9.0 netcdf/
dp <- "/g/data/ua6/unofficial-ESG-replica/tmp/tree/"
f <- list.files(dp, full.names = TRUE)
nc <- NetCDF(f)
lonlat <- romscoords(f, c("lon", "lat"))
plot(raster(f, varname = "tauuo"))
plot(romsmap(wrld_simpl, lonlat), add = TRUE)
#install.packages(c("rworldmap", "rworldxtra"))
tt <- spbabel::sptable(wrld_simpl)
tt$x_[tt$x_ < 0] <- tt$x_[tt$x_ < 0] + 360
w <- spbabel::sp(tt)
plot(raster(f, varname = "tauuo"))
plot(romsmap(w, lonlat), add = TRUE)