# ============================================================================= # NonLinLoc programs control file # # Global location example # # NonLinLoc Version 3.0 - APR2004 # # See "Control File" and "Running the Sample Location" pages # in the NonLinLoc on-line documentation: http://www.alomax.net/nlloc # ============================================================================= # = comment # non-nested include files allowed, use: # INCLUDE # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # Generic control file statements # ============================================================================= # # # control (CONTROL message_flag (0:silent,1:few messages,2:verbose,...), # RandomNumSeed) CONTROL 2 54321 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # lat/long to rect grid transformation # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # map projection / transformation # (TRANS type ) # (char[]) search_type (SIMPLE, LAMBERT) # : # GLOBAL # SIMPLE LatOrig LongOrig RotCW # LAMBERT RefEllipsoid LatOrig LongOrig # FirstStdParal SecondStdParal RotCW # # RefEllipsoid choices: # WGS-84, GRS-80, WGS-72, Australian, Krasovsky, # International, Hayford-1909, Clarke-1880, Clarke-1866, # Airy, Bessel, Hayford-1830, Sphere # # # whole Earth, spherical coordinates TRANS GLOBAL # maplines (MAPLINE id_num, name, red, green, blue, # linestyle (SOLID, DASHED, DOTTED, DASHDOT)) #MAPLINE GMT_LONLAT ./data_geog/map.prov.line 0.0 0.0 0.0 SOLID #MAPLINE XY_LONLAT /maps/brasil/PG.line 0.0 0.0 0.0 SOLID # #global/iasp91 # ============================================================================= # END of Generic control file statements # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= INCLUDE sta_list_neic.in # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # NLLoc control file statements # ============================================================================= # # # signature # (LOCSIG signature) LOCSIG Anthony Lomax (www.alomax.net) # comment # (LOCCOM comment) LOCCOM NEIC events # input grid filenames root, output filename # (LOCFILES obs_type [iSwapBytes]) # (char[]) obs_type : (NLLOC_OBS, HYPO71, HYPOELLIPSE, RENASS_DEP, SEISAN) # # #LOCFILES ./obs/20031203.0737_FIJI.neic NEIC ./taup/ak135/ak135 ./loc/global 1 LOCFILES ./nlloc.obs NLLOC_OBS ./taup/ak135/ak135 ./nlloc #LOCFILES ./obs/*.neic NEIC ./taup/ak135/ak135 ./loc/global 1 # # output hypocenter file types # (LOCHYPOUT type1, type2, ...) # (char[]) typeN (SAVE_NLLOC_ALL, SAVE_NLLOC_SUM, SAVE_HYPO71_ALL, SAVE_HYPO71_SUM, SAVE_HYPOELL_ALL, SAVE_HYPOELL_SUM, SAVE_HYPOINV_SUM) LOCHYPOUT SAVE_NLLOC_ALL # search type # (LOCSEARCH search_type ) # (char[]) search_type (GRID, MET (Metropolis), SA (Simulated Annealing)) # : # GRID NumScatterSamples # MET NumSamples NumLearn NumEquil BeginSave NumSkip # StepInit StepMin StepFact ProbMin # OCT init_num_cells_x, init_num_cells_y, init_num_cells_z, # min_node_size, max_num_nodes, num_scatter, # use_stations_density (>=1 = Weights oct-tree cell prob values used for subdivide decision # in proportion to distance to nearest station to oct-tree cell. # Gives higher search priority to cells near and containing stations, # stablises convergence to local events when global search used # with dense cluster of local stations.), # stop_on_min_node_size (1 = stop search when first min_node_size reached, # 0 = stop subdividing a given cell when min_node_size reached.) #global LOCSEARCH OCT 96 48 6 0.05 50000 10000 5 1 #Euro-Med #LOCSEARCH OCT 21 21 21 0.05 50000 5000 4 0 # location grids description # (LOCGRID num_grid_x num_grid_y num_grid_z # orig_grid_x orig_grid_y orig_grid_z # d_grid_x d_grid_y d_grid_z # type save_flag # (float) num_grid_x/y/z : number of nodes along x/y/z axis # (float) orig_grid_x : x location of grid origin (0,0,0) in km pos east # (float) orig_grid_y : y location of grid origin (0,0,0) in km pos north # (float) orig_grid_z : z location of grid origin (0,0,0) in km pos down # (float) d_grid_x/y/x : grid spacing along x/y/z axis # (char[]) type : (PROB_DENSITY, MISFIT) # (char[]) save_flag : (SAVE, NO_SAVE) # For Grid search, first grid is used for initial search. Subsequent grids are # shifted in x/y/z so that they are centered on the minimum misfit hypocenter # x/y/z of the previous grid if x/y/z < -1.0e20. # #global LOCGRID 361 181 601 -180.0 -90.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 PROB_DENSITY SAVE #Euro-Med #LOCGRID 61 41 601 -20.0 20.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 PROB_DENSITY SAVE #Euro-Med (Crust only) #LOCGRID 61 41 31 -20.0 20.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 PROB_DENSITY SAVE # method # (LOCMETH method) # (char[]) method (GAU_ANALYTIC, EDT, EDT_OT_WT) # GAU_ANALYTIC - L2 norm following Tarantola and Valette (1982) # EDT - Equal Differential Time (see ) # EDT_OT_WT - Weights EDT sum prob by variance of OT estimated over all pairs of readings. # Downweights locations with inconsistent OT estimates. # (float) maximum_dist_sta_to_grid (use very large value for no max) # (int) minimum_number_phases for location # (int) maximum_number_phases for location (-1 for no max) # (int) minimum_number_S_phases for location (-1 for no min) # (float) Vp/Vs ratio (< 0.0 to use S travel time grids) # (int) maximum_number_3D_grids to attempt to read into memory (-1 for no max) # (float) minimum_dist_sta_to_grid (-1 for no min) # (int) flag indicating if duplicate arrivals used for location (1=reject, 0=use if time diff < sigma / 2) # duplicate arrivals have same station label and phase name #LOCMETH GAU_ANALYTIC 1.0e6 4 100 -1 -1.7 6 LOCMETH EDT_OT_WT 1.0e6 4 50 -1 -1.7 6 -1.0 1 # fixed origin time # (LOCFIXOTIME year month day hour min sec) # (int) year month day hour min # (float) sec #LOCFIXOTIME 1995 04 21 08 02 57.09 # gaussian model error parameters # (LOCGAU Sigma_T (s), CorrLen (km)) #LOCGAU 2.0 0.0 LOCGAU 0.5 0.0 # travel-time dependent gaussian model error parameters # (LOCGAU2 SigmaTfraction, SigmaTmin (s), SigmaTmax (s)) # travel time error is travel_time*SigmaTfraction, with max/min value = SigmaTmin/SigmaTmax LOCGAU2 0.01 0.05 2.0 # phase identifier mapping # (LOCPHASEID phase phase_id0 phase_id1 ...) # # examples for P and S #LOCPHASEID P P p #LOCPHASEID S S s # # examples for global, first arriving P and S LOCPHASEID P P p Pn Pdiff PKP PKiKP PKIKP LOCPHASEID S S s Sn Sdiff SKS SKiKS SKIKS #ToIgnoreS#LOCPHASEID S $ # quality to error mapping (for HYPO71, etc) # (LOCQUAL2ERR Err0 Err1 Err2 ... ) # LOCQUAL2ERR 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 99999.9 # phase statistics parameters # (LOCPHSTAT RMS_Max, NRdgs_Min, Gap_Max, P_ResMax, S_ResMax) # (float) RMS_Max : max hypocenter RMS to include in ave res # (float) NRdgs_Min : min hypocenter num readings to include in ave res # (float) Gap_Max : max hypocenter gap (deg) to include in ave res # (float) P_ResMax : max abs(P res) to include in ave res # (float) S_ResMax : max abs(S res) to include in ave res LOCPHSTAT 9999.0 -1 9999.0 1.0 1.0 # take-off angles mode & minimum quality # (LOCANGLES angles_mode, min_quality) # (char[]) angles_mode (ANGLES_YES, ANGLES_NO) # (integer) min_quality : minimum quality to use take-off angles LOCANGLES ANGLES_YES 5 # magnitude calculation method # (LOCMAG magnitude_type ) # (char[]) magnitude_type (ML_HB (ML, Hutton Boore)) # : # ML_HB amp_fact n K #LOCMAG ML_HB 1.0 1.110 0.00189 # station/inst/comp parameters (for specifying component specific parameters, i.e. constants for magnitude calculation) # (LOCCMP name inst comp amp_fact sta_corr) # (char[]) name : station identifier (after alias evaluation, without trailing underscore "_") # (char[]) name : inst identifier (use '?' for don't care) # (char[]) name : comp identifier (use '?' for don't care) # (float) amp_fact: amplitude factor, will be multiplied by amplitude # (float) sta_corr: mganitude correction # # example: # #LOCCMP CDR ? ? 1.0 0.0 # # station name alias (for aliasing sta names, for date validation and for # phase time delays) # (LOCALIAS name alias year mo day year mo day) # (char[]) name : station identifier on input # (char[]) alias : station identifier for travel time grid on output # NOTE: a trailing underscore "_" in aliases will only be # used for time grid identification, not for output # (ints) year mo day : start date of validity (0 0 0 = no start date) # (ints) year mo day : end date of validity (9999 99 99 = no end date) # # Note: # Alias evaluation is applied recursively, beware of infinite recursion! # P and S delays from last alias only are used! # # example: # #LOCALIAS ART ART_ 1996 05 29 1996 09 18 0.03 0.08 # # phase exclude # (LOCEXCLUDE name phase) # (char[]) name : station identifier after any alias # (char[]) phase : phase identifier on input #LOCEXCLUDE NEGI S # time delays # (LOCDELAY name phase n_readings p_delay s_delay) # (char[]) name : station identifier on control file statements # (char[]) phase : phase identifier # (int) n_readings : number of residuals used to calc delay # (float) delay : delay in seconds, subtracted from obs time # station identifiers are evaluated after aliases has been evaluated! # # example: # #LOCDELAY NEGI P 1 0.04 # # time corrections #LOCDELAY NEGI P 1 0.04 #LOCDELAY NEGI S 1 0.04 # # # ============================================================================= # END of NLLoc control file statements # ============================================================================= # =============================================================================