import math from urllib.request import urlretrieve import torch from PIL import Image from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import random import torch.nn.functional as F class Warp(object): def __init__(self, size, interpolation=Image.BILINEAR): self.size = int(size) self.interpolation = interpolation def __call__(self, img): return img.resize((self.size, self.size), self.interpolation) def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + ' (size={size}, interpolation={interpolation})'.format(size=self.size, interpolation=self.interpolation) class MultiScaleCrop(object): def __init__(self, input_size, scales=None, max_distort=1, fix_crop=True, more_fix_crop=True): self.scales = scales if scales is not None else [1, 875, .75, .66] self.max_distort = max_distort self.fix_crop = fix_crop self.more_fix_crop = more_fix_crop self.input_size = input_size if not isinstance(input_size, int) else [input_size, input_size] self.interpolation = Image.BILINEAR def __call__(self, img): im_size = img.size crop_w, crop_h, offset_w, offset_h = self._sample_crop_size(im_size) crop_img_group = img.crop((offset_w, offset_h, offset_w + crop_w, offset_h + crop_h)) ret_img_group = crop_img_group.resize((self.input_size[0], self.input_size[1]), self.interpolation) return ret_img_group def _sample_crop_size(self, im_size): image_w, image_h = im_size[0], im_size[1] # find a crop size base_size = min(image_w, image_h) crop_sizes = [int(base_size * x) for x in self.scales] crop_h = [self.input_size[1] if abs(x - self.input_size[1]) < 3 else x for x in crop_sizes] crop_w = [self.input_size[0] if abs(x - self.input_size[0]) < 3 else x for x in crop_sizes] pairs = [] for i, h in enumerate(crop_h): for j, w in enumerate(crop_w): if abs(i - j) <= self.max_distort: pairs.append((w, h)) crop_pair = random.choice(pairs) if not self.fix_crop: w_offset = random.randint(0, image_w - crop_pair[0]) h_offset = random.randint(0, image_h - crop_pair[1]) else: w_offset, h_offset = self._sample_fix_offset(image_w, image_h, crop_pair[0], crop_pair[1]) return crop_pair[0], crop_pair[1], w_offset, h_offset def _sample_fix_offset(self, image_w, image_h, crop_w, crop_h): offsets = self.fill_fix_offset(self.more_fix_crop, image_w, image_h, crop_w, crop_h) return random.choice(offsets) @staticmethod def fill_fix_offset(more_fix_crop, image_w, image_h, crop_w, crop_h): w_step = (image_w - crop_w) // 4 h_step = (image_h - crop_h) // 4 ret = list() ret.append((0, 0)) # upper left ret.append((4 * w_step, 0)) # upper right ret.append((0, 4 * h_step)) # lower left ret.append((4 * w_step, 4 * h_step)) # lower right ret.append((2 * w_step, 2 * h_step)) # center if more_fix_crop: ret.append((0, 2 * h_step)) # center left ret.append((4 * w_step, 2 * h_step)) # center right ret.append((2 * w_step, 4 * h_step)) # lower center ret.append((2 * w_step, 0 * h_step)) # upper center ret.append((1 * w_step, 1 * h_step)) # upper left quarter ret.append((3 * w_step, 1 * h_step)) # upper right quarter ret.append((1 * w_step, 3 * h_step)) # lower left quarter ret.append((3 * w_step, 3 * h_step)) # lower righ quarter return ret def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def download_url(url, destination=None, progress_bar=True): """Download a URL to a local file. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL to download. destination : str, None The destination of the file. If None is given the file is saved to a temporary directory. progress_bar : bool Whether to show a command-line progress bar while downloading. Returns ------- filename : str The location of the downloaded file. Notes ----- Progress bar use/example adapted from tqdm documentation: """ def my_hook(t): last_b = [0] def inner(b=1, bsize=1, tsize=None): if tsize is not None: = tsize if b > 0: t.update((b - last_b[0]) * bsize) last_b[0] = b return inner if progress_bar: with tqdm(unit='B', unit_scale=True, miniters=1, desc=url.split('/')[-1]) as t: filename, _ = urlretrieve(url, filename=destination, reporthook=my_hook(t)) else: filename, _ = urlretrieve(url, filename=destination) class AveragePrecisionMeter(object): """ The APMeter measures the average precision per class. The APMeter is designed to operate on `NxK` Tensors `output` and `target`, and optionally a `Nx1` Tensor weight where (1) the `output` contains model output scores for `N` examples and `K` classes that ought to be higher when the model is more convinced that the example should be positively labeled, and smaller when the model believes the example should be negatively labeled (for instance, the output of a sigmoid function); (2) the `target` contains only values 0 (for negative examples) and 1 (for positive examples); and (3) the `weight` ( > 0) represents weight for each sample. """ def __init__(self, difficult_examples=False): super(AveragePrecisionMeter, self).__init__() self.reset() self.difficult_examples = difficult_examples def reset(self): """Resets the meter with empty member variables""" self.scores = torch.FloatTensor(torch.FloatStorage()) self.targets = torch.LongTensor(torch.LongStorage()) def add(self, output, target): """ Args: output (Tensor): NxK tensor that for each of the N examples indicates the probability of the example belonging to each of the K classes, according to the model. The probabilities should sum to one over all classes target (Tensor): binary NxK tensort that encodes which of the K classes are associated with the N-th input (eg: a row [0, 1, 0, 1] indicates that the example is associated with classes 2 and 4) weight (optional, Tensor): Nx1 tensor representing the weight for each example (each weight > 0) """ if not torch.is_tensor(output): output = torch.from_numpy(output) if not torch.is_tensor(target): target = torch.from_numpy(target) if output.dim() == 1: output = output.view(-1, 1) else: assert output.dim() == 2, \ 'wrong output size (should be 1D or 2D with one column \ per class)' if target.dim() == 1: target = target.view(-1, 1) else: assert target.dim() == 2, \ 'wrong target size (should be 1D or 2D with one column \ per class)' if self.scores.numel() > 0: assert target.size(1) == self.targets.size(1), \ 'dimensions for output should match previously added examples.' # make sure storage is of sufficient size if < self.scores.numel() + output.numel(): new_size = math.ceil( * 1.5) + output.numel())) + output.numel())) # store scores and targets offset = self.scores.size(0) if self.scores.dim() > 0 else 0 self.scores.resize_(offset + output.size(0), output.size(1)) self.targets.resize_(offset + target.size(0), target.size(1)) self.scores.narrow(0, offset, output.size(0)).copy_(output) self.targets.narrow(0, offset, target.size(0)).copy_(target) def value(self): """Returns the model's average precision for each class Return: ap (FloatTensor): 1xK tensor, with avg precision for each class k """ if self.scores.numel() == 0: return 0 ap = torch.zeros(self.scores.size(1)) rg = torch.arange(1, self.scores.size(0)).float() # compute average precision for each class for k in range(self.scores.size(1)): # sort scores scores = self.scores[:, k] targets = self.targets[:, k] # compute average precision ap[k] = AveragePrecisionMeter.average_precision(scores, targets, self.difficult_examples) return ap @staticmethod def average_precision(output, target, difficult_examples=True): # sort examples sorted, indices = torch.sort(output, dim=0, descending=True) # Computes prec@i pos_count = 0. total_count = 0. precision_at_i = 0. for i in indices: label = target[i] if difficult_examples and label == 0: continue if label == 1: pos_count += 1 total_count += 1 if label == 1: precision_at_i += pos_count / total_count precision_at_i /= pos_count return precision_at_i def overall(self): if self.scores.numel() == 0: return 0 scores = self.scores.cpu().numpy() targets = self.targets.cpu().numpy() targets[targets == -1] = 0 return self.evaluation(scores, targets) def overall_topk(self, k): targets = self.targets.cpu().numpy() targets[targets == -1] = 0 n, c = self.scores.size() scores = np.zeros((n, c)) - 1 index = self.scores.topk(k, 1, True, True)[1].cpu().numpy() tmp = self.scores.cpu().numpy() for i in range(n): for ind in index[i]: scores[i, ind] = 1 if tmp[i, ind] >= 0 else -1 return self.evaluation(scores, targets) def evaluation(self, scores_, targets_): n, n_class = scores_.shape Nc, Np, Ng = np.zeros(n_class), np.zeros(n_class), np.zeros(n_class) for k in range(n_class): scores = scores_[:, k] targets = targets_[:, k] targets[targets == -1] = 0 Ng[k] = np.sum(targets == 1) Np[k] = np.sum(scores >= 0) Nc[k] = np.sum(targets * (scores >= 0)) Np[Np == 0] = 1 OP = np.sum(Nc) / np.sum(Np) OR = np.sum(Nc) / np.sum(Ng) OF1 = (2 * OP * OR) / (OP + OR) CP = np.sum(Nc / Np) / n_class CR = np.sum(Nc / Ng) / n_class CF1 = (2 * CP * CR) / (CP + CR) return OP, OR, OF1, CP, CR, CF1 def gen_A(num_classes, t, adj_file): import pickle result = pickle.load(open(adj_file, 'rb')) _adj = result['adj'] _nums = result['nums'] _nums = _nums[:, np.newaxis] _adj = _adj / _nums _adj[_adj < t] = 0 _adj[_adj >= t] = 1 _adj = _adj * 0.25 / (_adj.sum(0, keepdims=True) + 1e-6) _adj = _adj + np.identity(num_classes, return _adj def gen_adj(A): D = torch.pow(A.sum(1).float(), -0.5) D = torch.diag(D) adj = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(A, D).t(), D) return adj