If you want to totally customize your widget, you can define custom ViewHolder and layout. This document will show you how to do it.
Customize your widget style only need three steps.
Create xml layout file, you can refer MessageList's message item layout.
The custom ViewHolder's constructor must have two types of parameter: View type and boolean type. For example:
public class TxtViewHolder<MESSAGE extends IMessage>
extends BaseMessageViewHolder<MESSAGE>
implements MsgListAdapter.DefaultMessageViewHolder {
// Notice here
public TxtViewHolder(View itemView, boolean isSender) {
public void onBind(final MESSAGE message) {
public void applyStyle(MessageListStyle style) {
Remember there several kinds of message: text, photo, voice, video, so you need in place all of them, otherwise, will use default style.
MsgListAdapter.HoldersConfig holdersConfig = new MsgListAdapter.HoldersConfig();
// First parameter is custom ViewHolder class,second one is resource id of custom layout.
holdersConfig.setSenderTxtMsg(CustomViewHolder.class, layoutRes);
holdersConfig.setReceiverTxtMsg(CustomViewHolder.class, layoutRes);
holdersConfig.setSendPhotoMsg(CustomViewHolder.class, layoutRes);
That's all! Please try it by yourself!