Those test must be running on a Kubernetes cluster that has amd64
Linux nodes as FoundationDB currently has no builds for arm64
Every test suite has a head in the *_test.go
file that describes the test cases and the targeted scenarios.
The following command will run all the operator related tests with the default values:
make -C e2e -kj run
You can also run a specific test suite by providing the name of the test suite:
make -C e2e -kj
Every test suite will create at least one namespace, HA cluster tests will create all the required namespaces.
The e2e tests assume that at least one StorageClass
is present in the target Kubernetes cluster.
You can provide the targeted StorageClass
as an environment variable:
STORAGE_CLASS='my-fancy-storage' make -C e2e -kj
is not set, the operator will take the default StorageClass
in this cluster.
The default StorageClass
will be identified based on the annotation: "
The e2e test suite has some tests, that will test a migration from one StorageClass
to another.
To prevent potential issues, the e2e test suite will only select StorageClasses
that have the label
If the test suite is not able to get at least 2 different StorageClasses
the migration test will be skipped.
The Makefile
provides different options to customize a test run, e.g. with FDB_VERSION
a user can specify the used FDB version for a test run:
FDB_VERSION-7.1.29 make -C e2e -kj
If those tests are running on a cluster that has no chaos-mesh installed, you can set ENABLE_CHAOS_TESTS=false
to disable all test that uses chaos-mesh.
kind provides an easy way to run a local Kubernetes cluster.
kind create cluster
# This command assumes to be executed from the project root.
make container-build
# Push the image into the kind cluster.
kind load docker-image "fdb-kubernetes-operator:latest"
Before you run the e2e tests you have to ensure that the latest CRDs for the operator are installed:
# This command should be executed from the project root
kubectl apply -f ./config/crd/bases/
If you want to run all tests, including tests that inject chaos you have to install chaos mesh:
kubectl create ns chaos-testing || true
helm repo add chaos-mesh
helm repo update
# The configuration below is tested on a local Kind installation and might be different for the target Kubernetes cluster.
helm upgrade -i chaos-mesh chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh \
--namespace chaos-testing \
--set dashboard.securityMode=false \
--set chaosDaemon.socketPath=/run/containerd/containerd.sock \
--set chaosDaemon.runtime=containerd \
--version "${chaos_mesh_version}"
# Check if the Pods are running
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pods --namespace chaos-testing -l
The actual installation steps might be different based on your Kubernetes cluster.