Using the account of the collaborator with access to Mercado Pago Seller Account, search the credentials according to the account: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Peru.
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Adminhtml\Source\Environment
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/environment
+ When operational mode is set as Sandbox, your sales will not be communicated to financial institutions.
+ required-entry validate-select
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/client_id_production
+ required-entry
+ production
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Backend\Encrypted
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/client_secret_production
+ required-entry
+ production
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/client_id_sandbox
+ required-entry
+ sandbox
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Backend\Encrypted
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/client_secret_sandbox
+ required-entry
+ sandbox
diff --git a/etc/adminhtml/system/basic_settings/developers.xml b/etc/adminhtml/system/basic_settings/developers.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33de453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/adminhtml/system/basic_settings/developers.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/debug
+ We record your store's communications with Mercado Pago in orer to offer a better support. Please note it is not recommended to use the debug mode when your store is in production mode.
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/sandbox_rewrite_notification_url
+ You can override notification URLs which are automatically generated. In order to use the module's default, please do not fill in this details.
+ sandbox
diff --git a/etc/adminhtml/system/basic_settings/more_data.xml b/etc/adminhtml/system/basic_settings/more_data.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0529057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/adminhtml/system/basic_settings/more_data.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ This is the store's name as it will appear on the customer's invoice. In case the sale was made through Checkout Pro, the invoice will also show Mercado Pago in the name.
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/statement_descriptor
+ required-entry
+ The product category of your store on Mercado Pago.
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Adminhtml\Source\Category
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/category
+ required-entry validate-select
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/integrator_id
+ here.]]>
diff --git a/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_pro.xml b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_pro.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aea6a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_pro.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/active
+ Payment method title at the store's checkout.
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/title
+ Calendar days.
+ required-entry validate-number validate-zero-or-greater
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/expiration
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/binary_mode
+ Modal: Buyer will close via modal on the checkout screen. Redirection: Buyer will be redirected to the Mercado Pago website.
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Adminhtml\Source\TypeRedirect
+ required-entry validate-select
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/type_redirect
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Adminhtml\Source\MerchantPaymentMethods
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/excluded
+ Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.
+ It is possible to configure the number of installments in Checkout Pro, but the limit of installments per purchase will also depend on the minimum and maximum amount defined by each flag in the country of your store.
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Adminhtml\Source\MaxInstallments
+ required-entry validate-select
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/max_installments
+ You can link your Checkout Pro sales with external services.
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/include_facebook
+ Link your sales with Facebook by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/facebook_ad
+ required-entry
+ 1
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/include_google
+ Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/conversion_id
+ required-entry
+ 1
+ Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the Label and your tracking code.
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/conversion_label
+ required-entry
+ 1
+ Set up how the items will appear in the modal window in which the buyer will complete the purchase.
+ modal
+ required-entry validate-no-html-tags
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Config\Backend\Color
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/theme_header
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Form\ColorPicker
+ required-entry validate-no-html-tags
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Config\Backend\Color
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/theme_elements
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Form\ColorPicker
+ Minimum amount to pay with Checkout Pro.
+ validate-number validate-zero-or-greater
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/min_order_total
+ Maximum amount to pay with Checkout Pro
+ validate-number validate-zero-or-greater
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/max_order_total
+ Countries eligible to use this payment method.
+ Magento\Directory\Model\Config\Source\Country
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/specificcountry
+ Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.
+ validate-number
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_checkout_pro/sort_order
diff --git a/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent.xml b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a2b95a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/credit_card.xml b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/credit_card.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00b900d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/credit_card.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_cc/active
+ Payment method title at the store's checkout.
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_cc/title
+ Allows buyer to save the card for future use.
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_cc_vault/active
+ Consult the store's business sector to be able to select capturing the payment at the time of the purchase or at a later moment.
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Adminhtml\Source\PaymentAction
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_cc/payment_action
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Adminhtml\Source\IsBinaryMode
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_cc/can_initialize
+ Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Enabledisable
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_cc/get_document_identification
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Form\Button
+ Minimum amount for payment with this payment method.
+ validate-number validate-zero-or-greater
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_cc/min_order_total
+ Maximum amount for payment with this payment method.
+ validate-number validate-zero-or-greater
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_cc/max_order_total
+ Countries eligible to use this payment method.
+ Magento\Directory\Model\Config\Source\Country
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_cc/specificcountry
+ Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.
+ validate-number
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_cc/sort_order
diff --git a/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/payment_methods_off.xml b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/payment_methods_off.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa29753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/payment_methods_off.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_payment_methods_off/active
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_payment_methods_off/title
+ Calendar days.
+ required-entry validate-number
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_payment_methods_off/expiration
+ Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Adminhtml\Source\PaymentMethodsOff
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_payment_methods_off/payment_methods
+ Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Enabledisable
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_payment_methods_off/get_name
+ In case you leave this option active, an additional field in the payment form will obtain this information. If disabled, details will be retrieved directly from other fields within your store.
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Enabledisable
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_payment_methods_off/get_document_identification
+ Countries eligible to use this payment method.
+ Magento\Directory\Model\Config\Source\Country
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_payment_methods_off/specificcountry
+ Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.
+ validate-number
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_payment_methods_off/sort_order
diff --git a/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/pix.xml b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/pix.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b56507d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/pix.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pix/active
+ Payment method title at the store's checkout.
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pix/title
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Adminhtml\Source\PixExpiration
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pix/expiration
+ required-entry validate-select
+ Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Enabledisable
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pix/get_document_identification
+ Minimum amount to pay with Pec.
+ validate-number validate-zero-or-greater
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pix/min_order_total
+ Maximum amount to pay with Pec.
+ validate-number validate-zero-or-greater
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pix/max_order_total
+ Countries eligible to use this payment method.
+ Magento\Directory\Model\Config\Source\Country
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pix/specificcountry
+ Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.
+ validate-number
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pix/sort_order
diff --git a/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/pse.xml b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/pse.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71420cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/pse.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pse/active
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pse/title
+ Calendar days.
+ required-entry validate-number
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pse/expiration
+ Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Enabledisable
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pse/get_document_identification
+ Minimum amount to pay with Pse.
+ validate-number validate-zero-or-greater
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pse/min_order_total
+ Maximum amount to pay with Pse.
+ validate-number validate-zero-or-greater
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pse/max_order_total
+ Countries eligible to use this payment method.
+ Magento\Directory\Model\Config\Source\Country
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pse/specificcountry
+ Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.
+ validate-number
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_pse/sort_order
diff --git a/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/two_credit_card.xml b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/two_credit_card.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b868619
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/two_credit_card.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_twocc/active
+ Payment method title at the store's checkout.
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_twocc/title
+ Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Enabledisable
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_twocc/get_document_identification
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Form\Button
+ Minimum amount for payment with this payment method.
+ validate-number validate-zero-or-greater
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_twocc/min_order_total
+ Maximum amount for payment with this payment method.
+ validate-number validate-zero-or-greater
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_twocc/max_order_total
+ Countries eligible to use this payment method.
+ Magento\Directory\Model\Config\Source\Country
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_twocc/specificcountry
+ Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.
+ validate-number
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_twocc/sort_order
diff --git a/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/webpay.xml b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/webpay.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec1893a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/adminhtml/system/checkout_transparent/webpay.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_webpay/active
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_webpay/title
+ Calendar days.
+ required-entry validate-number
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_webpay/expiration
+ Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.
+ Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Enabledisable
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_webpay/get_document_identification
+ Minimum amount to pay with Webpay.
+ validate-number validate-zero-or-greater
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_webpay/min_order_total
+ Maximum amount to pay with Webpay.
+ validate-number validate-zero-or-greater
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_webpay/max_order_total
+ Countries eligible to use this payment method.
+ Magento\Directory\Model\Config\Source\Country
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_webpay/specificcountry
+ Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.
+ validate-number
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment_webpay/sort_order
diff --git a/etc/adminhtml/system/merchant_profile.xml b/etc/adminhtml/system/merchant_profile.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62f9de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/adminhtml/system/merchant_profile.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Adminhtml\Source\Environment
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/environment
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/id_sandbox
+ sandbox
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/email_sandbox
+ sandbox
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/name_sandbox
+ sandbox
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/id_production
+ production
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/email_production
+ production
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/name_production
+ production
+ payment/mercadopago_adbpayment/site_id
diff --git a/etc/config.xml b/etc/config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..073fe85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ 0
+ 1
+ production
+ Store Name
+ MercadoPagoBaseFacade
+ pending
+ authorize
+ MercadoPago
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ mercadopago_group
+ address
+ 0
+ 1
+ 3
+ 2
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ MercadoPagoCcFacade
+ processing
+ authorize_capture
+ Credit or Debit Card
+ mp_payment_id,card_installments,card_finance_cost,card_type,card_number,card_holder_name,card_exp_month,card_exp_year,payer_document_identification,payer_document_type,mp_status,mp_status_detail
+ mp_payment_id,card_exp_month,card_exp_year,payer_document_type,mp_status,mp_status_detail
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ mercadopago_group
+ visa,master,elo,amex,debmaster,hipercard,debvisa,debelo,cabal,debcabal,cmr,cencosud,diners,tarshop,argencard,naranja,maestro,tengo,sodexo,carnet,toka,mercadopagocard,edenred,redcompra,webpay,magna,presto,codensa,lider,creditel,oca
+ visa,master,amex,diners,debmaster,debvisa,codensa
+ visa,master,elo,amex,debmaster,hipercard,debvisa,debelo,cabal,debcabal
+ visa,master,amex,diners,debmaster,debvisa,redcompra,webpay,magna,presto
+ visa,master,amex,debmaster,hipercard,debvisa,cabal,debcabal,cmr,cencosud,diners,tarshop,argencard
+ visa,master,amex,debmaster,hipercard,debvisa,tengo,sodexo,carnet,toka,mercadopagocard,edenred
+ visa,master,amex,diners,debmaster,debvisa,lider,creditel,oca
+ visa,master,amex,diners,debmaster,debvisa,mediotest
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ 200000
+ 1
+ 10
+ 1
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcFacade
+ processing
+ authorize_capture
+ Pay with two cards
+ mp_payment_id,payment_0_id,card_0_installments,card_0_finance_cost,card_0_type,card_0_number,card_0_holder_name,card_0_exp_month,card_0_exp_year,payer_0_document_identification,payer_0_document_type,mp_0_status,mp_0_status_detail,payment_1_id,card_1_installments,card_1_finance_cost,card_1_type,card_1_number,card_1_holder_name,card_1_exp_month,card_1_exp_year,payer_1_document_identification,payer_1_document_type,mp_1_status,mp_1_status_detail
+ mp_payment_id,payment_0_id,card_0_exp_month,card_0_exp_year,payer_0_document_type,mp_0_status,mp_0_status_detail,payment_1_id,card_1_exp_month,card_1_exp_year,payer_1_document_type,mp_1_status,mp_1_status_detail
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ mercadopago_group
+ visa,master,elo,amex,debmaster,hipercard,debvisa,debelo,cabal,debcabal,cmr,cencosud,diners,tarshop,argencard,naranja,maestro,tengo,sodexo,carnet,toka,mercadopagocard,edenred,redcompra,webpay,magna,presto,codensa,lider,creditel,oca
+ visa,master,amex,diners,debmaster,debvisa,codensa
+ visa,master,elo,amex,debmaster,hipercard,debvisa,debelo,cabal,debcabal
+ visa,master,amex,diners,debmaster,debvisa,redcompra,webpay,magna,presto
+ visa,master,amex,debmaster,hipercard,debvisa,cabal,debcabal,cmr,cencosud,diners,tarshop,argencard
+ visa,master,amex,debmaster,hipercard,debvisa,tengo,sodexo,carnet,toka,mercadopagocard,edenred
+ visa,master,amex,diners,debmaster,debvisa,lider,creditel,oca
+ visa,master,amex,diners,debmaster,debvisa,mediotest
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ 200000
+ 1
+ 10
+ 1
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultFacade
+ mp_payment_id,card_installments,card_finance_cost,card_type,card_number,card_holder_name,card_exp_month,card_exp_year,payer_document_identification,payer_document_type,mp_status,mp_status_detail
+ mp_payment_id,card_exp_month,card_exp_year,payer_document_type,mp_status,mp_status_detail
+ Stored Cards (MercadoPago)
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ mercadopago_group
+ 1
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProFacade
+ pending
+ Checkout Pro
+ payer_first_name,payer_last_name,init_point,date_of_expiration,id,payer_document_type,mp_installments,mp_payment_type_id,mp_payment_id,mp_status,mp_status_detail,payment_0_id,payment_0_type,payment_0_card_number,payment_0_expiration,payment_0_installments,payment_0_total_amount,payment_0_paid_amount,mp_0_status,mp_0_status_detail,payment_1_id,payment_1_type,payment_1_card_number,payment_1_installments,payment_1_total_amount,payment_1_paid_amount,mp_1_status,mp_1_status_detail,payment_1_expiration
+ mp_payment_id,payer_document_type,mp_status,mp_status_detail,payment_0_id,mp_0_status,mp_0_status_detail,payment_1_id,mp_1_status,mp_1_status_detail
+ order
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ mercadopago_group
+ 1
+ 1
+ security of Mercado Pago.If you already have an account at Mercado Livre, use the same email and password.Use your Mercado Pago account balance or saved cards to buy without filling out more details.]]>
+ modal
+ 12
+ #00AEEF
+ #00AEEF
+ 1
+ 200000
+ 1
+ 12
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffFacade
+ pending
+ Ticket - MercadoPago
+ mp_payment_id,payer_first_name,payer_last_name,payer_document_identification,barcode,external_resource_url,date_of_expiration,verification_code,financial_institution,payer_document_type,line_code,mp_status,mp_status_detail
+ mp_payment_id,verification_code,financial_institution,payer_document_type,mp_status,mp_status_detail
+ order
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ mercadopago_group
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ 13
+ MercadoPagoPixFacade
+ pending
+ Pix
+ 30
+ mp_payment_id,payment_method_id,payer_first_name,payer_last_name,payer_document_identification,qr_code,qr_code_base64,ticket_url,date_of_expiration,payer_document_type,mp_status,mp_status_detail
+ mp_payment_id,ticket_url,payer_document_type,mp_status,mp_status_detail
+ order
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ mercadopago_group
+ 30
+ immediate approval. The payment term is up to %1. At checkout, you will receive the code to make payment at the bank of your choice (check with your bank for your daily Pix transfer limit).]]>
+ 0
+ 1
+ 200000
+ 1
+ BR
+ 11
+ MercadoPagoPseFacade
+ pending
+ Pse
+ mp_payment_id,payer_first_name,payer_last_name,payer_document_identification,barcode,external_resource_url,date_of_expiration,verification_code,financial_institution,payer_document_type,mp_status,mp_status_detail
+ mp_payment_id,verification_code,payer_document_type,mp_status,mp_status_detail
+ order
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ mercadopago_group
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 340000000
+ 1
+ CO
+ 15
+ MercadoPagoWebpayFacade
+ pending
+ Redcompra Webpay
+ mp_payment_id,payer_first_name,payer_last_name,payer_document_identification,barcode,external_resource_url,date_of_expiration,verification_code,financial_institution,payer_document_type,mp_status,mp_status_detail
+ mp_payment_id,verification_code,payer_document_type,mp_status,mp_status_detail
+ order
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ mercadopago_group
+ 1
+ 1
+ 50
+ 3000000
+ 1
+ CL
+ 15
diff --git a/etc/cron_groups.xml b/etc/cron_groups.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3663e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/cron_groups.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ 1
+ 4
+ 2
+ 10
+ 60
+ 600
+ 1
diff --git a/etc/crontab.xml b/etc/crontab.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..addad49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/crontab.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ 0 0 1 * *
+ 0 9 * * *
+ 0 9 * * 1-5
+ 0 9 * * 1-5
+ 9 9 * * 1-5
+ 13 9 * * 1-5
diff --git a/etc/csp_whitelist.xml b/etc/csp_whitelist.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..203bfc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/csp_whitelist.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
diff --git a/etc/db_schema.xml b/etc/db_schema.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32a1356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/db_schema.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
diff --git a/etc/db_schema_whitelist.json b/etc/db_schema_whitelist.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26ad021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/db_schema_whitelist.json
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ "sales_order": {
+ "column": {
+ "ext_order_id": true,
+ "finance_cost_amount": true,
+ "base_finance_cost_amount": true,
+ "finance_cost_amount_invoiced": true,
+ "base_finance_cost_amount_invoiced": true,
+ "finance_cost_amount_refunded": true,
+ "base_finance_cost_amount_refunded": true
+ }
+ },
+ "quote": {
+ "column": {
+ "finance_cost_amount": true,
+ "base_finance_cost_amount": true,
+ "first_card_amount": true,
+ "second_card_amount": true
+ }
+ },
+ "quote_address": {
+ "column": {
+ "discount_coupon_amount": true,
+ "base_discount_coupon_amount": true
+ }
+ },
+ "sales_invoice": {
+ "column": {
+ "finance_cost_amount": true,
+ "base_finance_cost_amount": true,
+ "finance_cost_amount_invoiced": true,
+ "base_finance_cost_amount_invoiced": true
+ }
+ },
+ "sales_creditmemo": {
+ "column": {
+ "finance_cost_amount": true,
+ "base_finance_cost_amount": true,
+ "finance_cost_amount_refund": true,
+ "base_finance_cost_amount_refund": true
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/etc/di.xml b/etc/di.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cc2dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/di.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1783 @@
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Console\Command\Adminstrative\FetchMerchantInfo
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Console\Command\Adminstrative\PaymentExpirations
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Console\Command\Notification\FetchOrderStatus
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Console\Command\Notification\CheckoutProAddChild
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ Magento\Framework\Url
+ Magento\Framework\Url
+ Magento\Framework\Url
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderBase::CODE
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Form\Card
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Info\Card
+ MercadoPagoValueHandlerPool
+ MercadoPagoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderCc::CODE
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Form\Card
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Info\Card
+ MercadoPagoCcValueHandlerPool
+ MercadoPagoCcValidatorPool
+ MercadoPagoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderTwoCc::CODE
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Form\Card
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Info\TwoCc
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcValueHandlerPool
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcValidatorPool
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderCc::VAULT_CODE
+ MercadoPagoVaultPaymentConfig
+ MercadoPagoVaultPaymentValueHandlerPool
+ MercadoPagoCcValidatorPool
+ MercadoPagoCcFacade
+ MercadoPagoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderCheckoutPro::CODE
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Form\CheckoutPro
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Info\CheckoutPro
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProValueHandlerPool
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProValidatorPool
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProCommandPool
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderPaymentMethodsOff::CODE
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Form\PaymentMethodsOff
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Info\PaymentMethodsOff
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffValueHandlerPool
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffValidatorPool
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffCommandPool
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderPix::CODE
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Form\Pix
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Info\Pix
+ MercadoPagoPixValueHandlerPool
+ MercadoPagoPixValidatorPool
+ MercadoPagoPixCommandPool
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderPse::CODE
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Form\Pse
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Info\Pse
+ MercadoPagoPseValueHandlerPool
+ MercadoPagoPseValidatorPool
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferCommandPool
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderWebpay::CODE
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Form\Webpay
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Block\Sales\Info\Webpay
+ MercadoPagoWebpayValueHandlerPool
+ MercadoPagoWebpayValidatorPool
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoCcCommandManager
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcCommandManager
+ MercadoPagoCcCommandManager
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProCommandManager
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffCommandManager
+ MercadoPagoPixCommandManager
+ MercadoPagoPseCommandManager
+ MercadoPagoWebpayCommandManager
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Config\ConfigPaymentMethodsOff
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffCountryValidator
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Config\ConfigCc
+ MercadoPagoCcCountryValidator
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Config\ConfigTwoCc
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcCountryValidator
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Config\ConfigCheckoutPro
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProCountryValidator
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Config\ConfigPix
+ MercadoPagoPixCountryValidator
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Config\ConfigPse
+ MercadoPagoPseCountryValidator
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Config\ConfigWebpay
+ MercadoPagoWebpayCountryValidator
+ \MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderBase::CODE
+ \MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderCc::CODE
+ \MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderTwoCc::CODE
+ \MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderCc::VAULT_CODE
+ \MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderCheckoutPro::CODE
+ \MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderPaymentMethodsOff::CODE
+ \MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderPix::CODE
+ \MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderPse::CODE
+ \MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderWebpay::CODE
+ MercadoPagoCcConfig
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProConfig
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffConfig
+ MercadoPagoPixConfig
+ MercadoPagoPseConfig
+ MercadoPagoWebpayConfig
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcConfig
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProOrderCommand
+ MercadoPagoRefundCommand
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProFetchCommand
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProCancelPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProVoidPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProCaptureCommand
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBaseFetchRequest
+ MercadoPagoFetchResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\FetchPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProOrderRequest
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProOrderResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CreateOrderPaymentCheckoutProClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\CheckoutProNotificationUrlDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ExternalReferenceDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\BinaryModeDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DescriptionDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\BackUrlsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ExcludedCheckoutProDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\InstallmentsCheckoutProDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\TracksCheckoutProDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\TransactionAmountDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ItemsAndDatailsCostDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\PayerDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\PayerCheckoutProDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DocumentIdentificationDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\BillingAddressDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ShippingsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentCheckoutProDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\CheckoutProPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\ExtOrdIdHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TxnIdCheckoutProHandler
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffOrderCommand
+ MercadoPagoRefundCommand
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffFetchCommand
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffCancelPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffVoidPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffCaptureCommand
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffOrderRequest
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffOrderResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CreateOrderPaymentCustomClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\NotificationUrlDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ExternalReferenceDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DescriptionDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\TransactionAmountDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\PayerDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DocumentIdentificationDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\BillingAddressDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoItemsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoPayerDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoShippingsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentMethodsOffDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\PaymentMethodsOffDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\ExtOrdIdHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TxnIdPaymentMethodsOffHandler
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferOrderCommand
+ MercadoPagoRefundCommand
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferFetchCommand
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferCancelPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferVoidPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferCaptureCommand
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferOrderRequest
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferOrderResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CreateOrderPaymentCustomClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\NotificationUrlDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ExternalReferenceDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DescriptionDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\TransactionAmountDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\PayerDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DocumentIdentificationDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\BillingAddressDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoIpDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoItemsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoPayerDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoShippingsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentBankTransfDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\BankTransferPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\BankTransDetailsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\ExtOrdIdHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TxnIdBankTransferHandler
+ MercadoPagoPixOrderCommand
+ MercadoPagoRefundCommand
+ MercadoPagoPixCancelPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoPixFetchCommand
+ MercadoPagoPixVoidPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoPixCaptureCommand
+ MercadoPagoPixCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoPixOrderRequest
+ MercadoPagoPixOrderResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CreateOrderPaymentCustomClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\NotificationUrlDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ExternalReferenceDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DescriptionDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\TransactionAmountDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\PayerDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DocumentIdentificationDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\BillingAddressDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoItemsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoPayerDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoShippingsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentPixDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\PointOfInteractionPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\PixPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\ExtOrdIdHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TxnIdPixHandler
+ MercadoPagoInitializeCcCommand
+ MercadoPagoAuthorizeCcCommand
+ MercadoPagoCaptureCcCommand
+ MercadoPagoRefundCommand
+ MercadoPagoDenyPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoDenyPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoAcceptPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoDenyPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultInitializeCommand
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultAuthorizeCommand
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultCaptureCommand
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultCaptureCommand
+ MercadoPagoCcFetchCommand
+ MercadoPagoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoCcAuthorizationRequest
+ MercadoPagoInitializeResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CreateOrderPaymentCustomClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultRequest
+ MercadoPagoInitializeResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CreateOrderPaymentCustomClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\ExtOrdIdHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TxnIdCcHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\CcTransactionInitializeHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\VaultDetailsHandler
+ MercadoPagoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBaseFetchRequest
+ MercadoPagoFetchResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\FetchPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\NotificationUrlDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ExternalReferenceDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DescriptionDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\TransactionAmountDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\PayerDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DocumentIdentificationDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\BillingAddressDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoItemsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoPayerDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoShippingsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentCcDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\CcPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\CaptureAmountRequest
+ MercadoPagoInitializeTwoCcCommand
+ MercadoPagoCaptureTwoCcCommand
+ MercadoPagoRefundCommandTwoCc
+ MercadoPagoDenyPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoDenyPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoAcceptPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoDenyPaymentCommand
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultInitializeCommand
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultAuthorizeCommand
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultCaptureCommand
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultCaptureCommand
+ MercadoPagoCcFetchCommand
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcAuthorizationRequest
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcInitializeResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CreateOrderPaymentCustomClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\ExtOrdIdHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TxnIdCcHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\CcTransactionInitializeHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\NotificationUrlDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ExternalReferenceDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DescriptionDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\TransactionAmountDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\PayerDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DocumentIdentificationDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\BillingAddressDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoItemsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoPayerDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoShippingsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentCcDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\TwoCcPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\TransactionInfoDataRequest
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcAuthorizationRequest
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcAuthorizationResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CreateOrderPaymentCustomClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\ExtOrdIdHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TxnIdTwoCcHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TwoCcTransactionAuthorizationHandler
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcAuthorizationRequest
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcCaptureResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CreateOrderPaymentCustomClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\ExtOrdIdHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TxnIdTwoCcHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TwoCcTransactionAuthorizationHandler
+ MercadoPagoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoCcAuthorizationRequest
+ MercadoPagoAuthorizationResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CreateOrderPaymentCustomClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\ExtOrdIdHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TxnIdCcHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\CcTransactionAuthorizationHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\VaultDetailsHandler
+ MercadoPagoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoCcAuthorizationRequest
+ MercadoPagoCaptureResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CapturePaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\ExtOrdIdHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TxnIdCcHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\CcTransactionCaptureHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\VaultDetailsHandler
+ MercadoPagoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultRequest
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultCaptureResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CreateOrderPaymentCustomClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultRequest
+ MercadoPagoCcVaultAuthorizeResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CreateOrderPaymentCustomClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\NotificationUrlDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ExternalReferenceDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DescriptionDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\TransactionAmountDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\PayerDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\DocumentIdentificationDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\BillingAddressDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoItemsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoPayerDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\AdditionalInfoShippingsDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\MetadataPaymentCcDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\CcVaultPaymentDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\ExtOrdIdHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TxnIdCcHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\CcTransactionAuthorizationHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\ExtOrdIdHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\TxnIdCcHandler
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\CcTransactionCaptureHandler
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBaseFetchRequest
+ MercadoPagoFetchResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\FetchPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBaseFetchRequest
+ MercadoPagoFetchResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\FetchPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\NotificationIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ExtPaymentIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\FetchPaymentHandler
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBaseVoidRequest
+ MercadoPagoVoidResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CancelPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBaseVoidRequest
+ MercadoPagoVoidResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CancelPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBaseVoidRequest
+ MercadoPagoVoidResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CancelPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBaseVoidRequest
+ MercadoPagoVoidResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\FetchPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBaseVoidRequest
+ MercadoPagoVoidResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\FetchPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBaseVoidRequest
+ MercadoPagoVoidResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\FetchPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ExtPaymentIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\VoidPaymentHandler
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoCaptureRequest
+ MercadoPagoBaseCaptureResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\FetchPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoCaptureRequest
+ MercadoPagoBaseCaptureResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\FetchPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoCaptureRequest
+ MercadoPagoBaseCaptureResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\FetchPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\NotificationIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ExtPaymentIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\CapturePaymentHandler
+ MercadoPagoPixCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBaseFetchRequest
+ MercadoPagoFetchResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\FetchPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoPixCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBaseVoidRequest
+ MercadoPagoVoidResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\CancelPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoPixCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoBaseVoidRequest
+ MercadoPagoVoidResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\FetchPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoPixCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoCaptureRequest
+ MercadoPagoBaseCaptureResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\FetchPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPagoRefundRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\RefundClient
+ MercadoPagoRefundResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\RefundRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\RefundHandler
+ MercadoPagoRefundRequestTwoCc
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\RefundClientTwoCc
+ MercadoPagoRefundResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\RefundRequestTwoCc
+ MercadoPagoAcceptPaymentRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\AcceptPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoAccpetPaymentResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ExtPaymentIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\AcceptPaymentHandler
+ MercadoPagoDenyPaymentRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\TransferFactory
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Http\Client\DenyPaymentClient
+ MercadoPagoDenyPaymentResponseHandlerComposite
+ MercadoPagoTransactionValidator
+ MercadoPagoVirtualErrorMessageMapper
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\StoreIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Request\ExtPaymentIdDataRequest
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Response\DenyPaymentHandler
+ mercadopago_error_mapping.xml
+ MercadoPagoErrorMappingConfigReader
+ mercadopago_error_mapper
+ MercadoPagoErrorMappingData
+ true
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Validator\GeneralResponseValidator
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfigValueHandler
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfig
+ MercadoPagoCcConfigValueHandler
+ MercadoPagoCcConfig
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcConfigValueHandler
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcConfig
+ MercadoPagoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoTwoCcCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoVaultPaymentValueHandler
+ MercadoPagoVaultPaymentConfig
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProConfigValueHandler
+ MercadoPagoCheckoutProConfig
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffConfigValueHandler
+ MercadoPagoPaymentMethodsOffConfig
+ MercadoPagoPixCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoPixConfigValueHandler
+ MercadoPagoPixConfig
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoPseConfigValueHandler
+ MercadoPagoPseConfig
+ MercadoPagoBankTransferCommandPool
+ MercadoPagoWebpayConfigValueHandler
+ MercadoPagoWebpayConfig
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfig
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfig
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfig
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfig
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfig
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfig
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfig
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfig
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfig
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfig
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfig
+ MercadoPagoBaseConfig
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
+ MercadoPagoLogger
diff --git a/etc/events.xml b/etc/events.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eb1e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/events.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
diff --git a/etc/extension_attributes.xml b/etc/extension_attributes.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9aa282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/extension_attributes.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
diff --git a/etc/fieldset.xml b/etc/fieldset.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14a1687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/fieldset.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
diff --git a/etc/frontend/di.xml b/etc/frontend/di.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db2bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/frontend/di.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderBase
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderCc
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\Vault\ConfigProvider
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderCheckoutPro
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderPaymentMethodsOff
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderPix
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderPse
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderWebpay
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\ConfigProviderTwoCc
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Config\ConfigCc::METHOD
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Gateway\Config\ConfigTwoCc::METHOD
+ MercadoPago\AdbPayment\Model\Ui\TokenUiComponentProvider
diff --git a/etc/frontend/routes.xml b/etc/frontend/routes.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29f7d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/frontend/routes.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/etc/mercadopago_error_mapping.xml b/etc/mercadopago_error_mapping.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05f067f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/mercadopago_error_mapping.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ Your payment was declined due to an error in the store setup. Please get in touch with the store support and try again later.
+ It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later.
+ Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase.
+ Your payment was declined. We recommend that you use the device and payment method you usually use for online shopping.
+ It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.
+ It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later or use another payment method.
+ The card details are incorrect.
+ The card details are incorrect.
+ The card details are incorrect.
+ The card details are incorrect.
+ The payment was rejected due to suspicion of fraud.
+ The payment method used requires prior authorization of the purchase amount.
+ This card is blocked.
+ It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.
+ You made a similar payment a short time ago. Please use another payment method.
+ Something went wrong with the payment. Please use another card or choose a different payment method.
+ Something went wrong with the payment. Please use another card or choose a different payment method.
+ The number of installments chosen is invalid.
+ The maximum number of attempts was reached.
+ Something went wrong. Please try again.
+ Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase or try another payment method.
diff --git a/etc/module.xml b/etc/module.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e280ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/module.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
diff --git a/etc/payment.xml b/etc/payment.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c756e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/payment.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
diff --git a/etc/pdf.xml b/etc/pdf.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbff7c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/pdf.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ Finance Cost
+ finance_cost
+ 7
+ false
+ 500
diff --git a/etc/sales.xml b/etc/sales.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13a6427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/sales.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
diff --git a/etc/webapi.xml b/etc/webapi.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb89d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/webapi.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ %cart_id%
+ %cart_id%
diff --git a/i18n/en_US.csv b/i18n/en_US.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7520ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/en_US.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+"Finance Cost","Finance Cost"
+"Discount for payment at sight","Discount for payment at sight"
+"Set up installments and interest","Set up installments and interest"
+"Order not found.","Order not found."
+"Mercado Pago, refund notification","Mercado Pago, refund notification"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to create an offline refund.","The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to create an offline refund."
+"You should not be here...","You should not be here..."
+"Order Canceled.","Order Canceled."
+"Transaction has been declined. Please try again later.","Transaction has been declined. Please try again later."
+"%1 minutes","%1 minutes"
+"1 hour","1 hour"
+"12 hours","12 hours"
+"1 day","1 day"
+"Payment for order %1 in store %2","Payment for order %1 in store %2"
+"Awaiting payment of the Card.","Awaiting payment of the Card."
+"Awaiting payment.","Awaiting payment."
+"Awaiting payment through Checkout Pro.","Awaiting payment through Checkout Pro."
+"Awaiting payment through Pix.","Awaiting payment through Pix."
+"The gateway declined the transaction.","The gateway declined the transaction."
+"Please select a category","Please select a category"
+"Sandbox - Testing environment","Sandbox - Testing environment"
+"Yes, Processed Order Synchronous","Yes, Processed Order Synchronous"
+"No, Processed Order Asynchronous","No, Processed Order Asynchronous"
+"1 installment","1 installment"
+"2 installments","2 installments"
+"3 installments","3 installments"
+"4 installments","4 installments"
+"5 installments","5 installments"
+"6 installments","6 installments"
+"7 installments","7 installments"
+"8 installments","8 installments"
+"9 installments","9 installments"
+"10 installments","10 installments"
+"11 installments","11 installments"
+"12 installments","12 installments"
+"13 installments","13 installments"
+"14 installments","14 installments"
+"15 installments","15 installments"
+"16 installments","16 installments"
+"17 installments","17 installments"
+"18 installments","18 installments"
+"19 installments","19 installments"
+"20 installments","20 installments"
+"21 installments","21 installments"
+"22 installments","22 installments"
+"23 installments","23 installments"
+"24 installments","24 installments"
+"25 installments","25 installments"
+"26 installments","26 installments"
+"27 installments","27 installments"
+"28 installments","28 installments"
+"29 installments","29 installments"
+"30 installments","30 installments"
+"31 installments","31 installments"
+"32 installments","32 installments"
+"33 installments","33 installments"
+"34 installments","34 installments"
+"35 installments","35 installments"
+"36 installments","36 installments"
+"Do Not Delete","Do Not Delete"
+"Authorization for future capture","Authorization for future capture"
+"Authorization for immediate capture","Authorization for immediate capture"
+"15 minutes","15 minutes"
+"30 minutes - recommended","30 minutes - recommended"
+"24 hours","24 hours"
+"Modal window in store environment","Modal window in store environment"
+"Redirection to Mercado Pago environment","Redirection to Mercado Pago environment"
+"Cart %1 doesn't contain products","Cart %1 doesn't contain products"
+"There was an error when creating the payment. Please try again later.","There was an error when creating the payment. Please try again later."
+"It was not possible to save on the installment cost amount","It was not possible to save on the installment cost amount"
+"Default Store %1 - Set Data for store id %2 Web Site Id %3","Default Store %1 - Set Data for store id %2 Web Site Id %3"
+"Store ID: %1 Not allowed for production use","Store ID: %1 Not allowed for production use"
+"There was an error saving: %1","There was an error saving: %1"
+"Error fetching information: %1","Error fetching information: %1"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials","Please check store id %1 credentials"
+"Order %1 - Increment Id %2 - state %3","Order %1 - Increment Id %2 - state %3"
+"Card - MercadoPago","Card - MercadoPago"
+"Checkout Pro - MercadoPago","Checkout Pro - MercadoPago"
+"Pix - MercadoPago","Pix - MercadoPago"
+"Pse - MercadoPago","Pse - MercadoPago"
+"Webpay - MercadoPago","Webpay - MercadoPago"
+"Document Type","Document Type"
+"Document number","Document number"
+"Due date","Due date"
+"In order to comply with PCI regulations, the administrator cannot capture this payment method.","In order to comply with PCI regulations, the administrator cannot capture this payment method."
+"Payer Entity Type","Payer Entity Type"
+"Financial Institution","Financial Institution"
+"Your access credential for store %1 is valid but you don\'t have production use permission. Request approval before use by click here.","Your access credential for store %1 is valid but you don't have production use permission. Request approval before use by click here."
+"Your payment will be valid until","Your payment will be valid until"
+"Link for payment","Link for payment"
+"Details for payment","Details for payment"
+"Verification Code","Verification Code"
+"Line Code is","Line Code is"
+"Issued on behalf of","Issued on behalf of"
+"Mercado Pago partnership code","Mercado Pago partnership code"
+"To pay, please scan the QR code","To pay, please scan the QR code"
+"or, if you prefer, copy-paste the code","or, if you prefer, copy-paste the code"
+"Further instructions","Further instructions"
+"The Line Code is","The Line Code is"
+"Enter the ID Document you used in the purchase","Enter the ID Document you used in the purchase"
+"Place Order","Place Order"
+"Payer First Name","Payer First Name"
+"Payer Last Name","Payer Last Name"
+"Card details","Card details"
+"Card number","Card number"
+"CVV - Card Verification Value","CVV - Card Verification Value"
+"What is this?","What is this?"
+"Expiration month","Expiration month"
+"Expiration year","Expiration year"
+"Card holder full name","Card holder full name"
+"Number of installments","Number of installments"
+"Save for later use.","Save for later use."
+"A 3-digit number in italics on the back of your card.","A 3-digit number in italics on the back of your card."
+"Entity Type","Entity Type"
+"Please provide a valid document identification.","Please provide a valid document identification."
+"Unable to make payment, check card details.","Unable to make payment, check card details."
+"Payment Services","Payment Services"
+"Permission to set up the module","Permission to set up the module"
Mercado Pago
It offers payments with credit and debit cards, as well as offline means - in addition to exclusive advantages for those who pay logged into their Mercado Pago account, such as credits, discounts and other special conditions.
Mercado Pago
It offers payments with credit and debit cards, as well as offline means - in addition to exclusive advantages for those who pay logged into their Mercado Pago account, such as credits, discounts and other special conditions.
+"Technical support available here.","Technical support available here."
+"Basic Settings","Basic Settings"
+"Mercado Pago integration","Mercado Pago integration"
In order to sell or test a store, you must first enter your test and production credentials.
Using the account of the collaborator with access to Mercado Pago Seller Account, search the credentials according to the account: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Peru.
In order to sell or test a store, you must first enter your test and production credentials.
Using the account of the collaborator with access to Mercado Pago Seller Account, search the credentials according to the account: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Peru.
+"Checkout operation mode","Checkout operation mode"
+"When operational mode is set as Sandbox, your sales will not be communicated to financial institutions.","When operational mode is set as Sandbox, your sales will not be communicated to financial institutions."
+"Public Key - production","Public Key - production"
+"Access Token - production","Access Token - production"
+"Public Key - Sandbox","Public Key - Sandbox"
+"Access Token - Sandbox","Access Token - Sandbox"
+"Developers support","Developers support"
+"We record your store's communications with Mercado Pago in orer to offer a better support. Please note it is not recommended to use the debug mode when your store is in production mode.","We record your store's communications with Mercado Pago in orer to offer a better support. Please note it is not recommended to use the debug mode when your store is in production mode."
+"Rewrite notification URL","Rewrite notification URL"
+"You can override notification URLs which are automatically generated. In order to use the module's default, please do not fill in this details.","You can override notification URLs which are automatically generated. In order to use the module's default, please do not fill in this details."
+"Store Name, Category and Integrator ID","Store Name, Category and Integrator ID"
+"Store Name","Store Name"
+"This is the store's name as it will appear on the customer's invoice. In case the sale was made through Checkout Pro, the invoice will also show Mercado Pago in the name.","This is the store's name as it will appear on the customer's invoice. In case the sale was made through Checkout Pro, the invoice will also show Mercado Pago in the name."
+"Category of your store","Category of your store"
+"The product category of your store on Mercado Pago.","The product category of your store on Mercado Pago."
+"Integrator ID","Integrator ID"
+"With this number, we are able to identify all your transactions and know how many sales were processed using your account. Become a certified Mercado Pago partner and request your integrator_id here.","With this number, we are able to identify all your transactions and know how many sales were processed using your account. Become a certified Mercado Pago partner and request your integrator_id here."
+"Sales requirements","Sales requirements"
+"Checkout Pro","Checkout Pro"
+"Payment method title at the store's checkout.","Payment method title at the store's checkout."
+"Deadline for payment","Deadline for payment"
+"Calendar days.","Calendar days."
+"Payment completion view","Payment completion view"
+"Modal: Buyer will close via modal on the checkout screen. Redirection: Buyer will be redirected to the Mercado Pago website.","Modal: Buyer will close via modal on the checkout screen. Redirection: Buyer will be redirected to the Mercado Pago website."
+"Removed payment method","Removed payment method"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept."
+"Installment options limit","Installment options limit"
+"It is possible to configure the number of installments in Checkout Pro, but the limit of installments per purchase will also depend on the minimum and maximum amount defined by each flag in the country of your store.","It is possible to configure the number of installments in Checkout Pro, but the limit of installments per purchase will also depend on the minimum and maximum amount defined by each flag in the country of your store."
+"Conversion tags","Conversion tags"
+"You can link your Checkout Pro sales with external services.","You can link your Checkout Pro sales with external services."
+"Link your sales with Facebook by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Link your sales with Facebook by entering the ID No. and your tracking code."
+"Google Ads","Google Ads"
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the ID No. and your tracking code."
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the Label and your tracking code.","Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the Label and your tracking code."
+"Customization and Styles","Customization and Styles"
+"Set up how the items will appear in the modal window in which the buyer will complete the purchase.","Set up how the items will appear in the modal window in which the buyer will complete the purchase."
+"Header Color","Header Color"
+"Elements Color","Elements Color"
+"Common Payment Method Definitions","Common Payment Method Definitions"
+"Minimum order total","Minimum order total"
+"Minimum amount to pay with Checkout Pro.","Minimum amount to pay with Checkout Pro."
+"Maximum order amount","Maximum order amount"
+"Maximum amount to pay with Checkout Pro","Maximum amount to pay with Checkout Pro"
+"Payment From Specific Countries","Payment From Specific Countries"
+"Countries eligible to use this payment method.","Countries eligible to use this payment method."
+"Sort Order","Sort Order"
+"Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.","Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout."
+"Checkout Transparent","Checkout Transparent"
+"Capture of customer details in the payment form","Capture of customer details in the payment form"
+"Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.","Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details."
+"Capture document identification","Capture document identification"
+"Capture name","Capture name"
+"In case you leave this option active, an additional field in the payment form will obtain this information. If disabled, details will be retrieved directly from other fields within your store.","In case you leave this option active, an additional field in the payment form will obtain this information. If disabled, details will be retrieved directly from other fields within your store."
+"Credit and debit cards","Credit and debit cards"
+"Enable vault","Enable vault"
+"Allows buyer to save the card for future use.","Allows buyer to save the card for future use."
+"Payment Action","Payment Action"
+"Consult the store's business sector to be able to select capturing the payment at the time of the purchase or at a later moment.","Consult the store's business sector to be able to select capturing the payment at the time of the purchase or at a later moment."
+"Use Binary Mode","Use Binary Mode"
+"Installment and interest","Installment and interest"
+"Set within your account","Set within your account"
+"Minimum amount for payment with this payment method.","Minimum amount for payment with this payment method."
+"Maximum amount for payment with this payment method.","Maximum amount for payment with this payment method."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Pse.","Minimum amount to pay with Pse."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Pse.","Maximum amount to pay with Pse."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Webpay.","Minimum amount to pay with Webpay."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Webpay.","Maximum amount to pay with Webpay."
+"Store information hosted in Mercado Pago","Store information hosted in Mercado Pago"
+"User Id","User Id"
+"User Email","User Email"
+"User Name","User Name"
+"mp_payment_id","Payment Id (Mercado Pago)"
+"card_finance_cost","Financial Cost"
+"card_type","Card Type"
+"card_number","Card Number"
+"card_holder_name","Card Holder Name"
+"card_exp_year","Card Exp Year"
+"card_exp_month","Card Exp Month"
+"payer_document_identification","Document number"
+"payer_first_name","First Name"
+"payer_last_name","Last Name"
+"date_of_expiration","Date of Expiration"
+"external_resource_url","External Resource Url"
+"verification_code","Verification Code"
+"financial_institution","Financial Institution"
+"payer_document_type","Payer Document Type"
+"mp_status","Status (Mercado Pago)"
+"mp_status_detail","Status Detail (Mercado Pago)"
+"Line Code","Line Code"
+"Payer Document Type","Payer Document Type"
+"Payment Type (Mercado Pago)","Payment Type (Mercado Pago)"
+"Installments (Mercado Pago)","Installments (Mercado Pago)"
+"Pix QR Code","Pix QR Code"
+"Pix Code","Pix Code"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to check stock of sold items.","The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to check stock of sold items."
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, but an error occured when refunding offline, you need to check order refunds and stock of sold items.","The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, but an error occured when refunding offline, you need to check order refunds and stock of sold items."
+"Order refunded in Mercado Pago, refunded offline in the store.","Order refunded in Mercado Pago, refunded offline in the store."
+"Order refunded.","Order refunded."
+"API Integration","API Integration"
+"Receive refund notification","Receive refund notification"
+"Enable the creation of a Credit Note when a refund occurs in Mercado Pago.","Enable the creation of a Credit Note when a refund occurs in Mercado Pago."
+"Enable Facebook pixel","Enable Facebook pixel"
+"Enable Google pixel","Enable Google pixel"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials, they are invalid so they were deleted.","Please check store id %1 credentials, they are invalid so they were deleted."
+"Your payment was declined due to an error in the store setup. Please get in touch with the store support and try again later.","Your payment was declined due to an error in the store setup. Please get in touch with the store support and try again later."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later.","It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase.","Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase."
+"Your payment was declined. We recommend that you use the device and payment method you usually use for online shopping.","Your payment was declined. We recommend that you use the device and payment method you usually use for online shopping."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later or use another payment method.","It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later or use another payment method."
+"Offline Payments Methods","Offline Payments Methods"
+"Exclude Payment Methods","Exclude Payment Methods"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept."
+"Payment Title","Payment Title"
+"Accept all payment methods","Accept all payment methods"
+"There are no payment methods available, please contact the seller.", "There are no payment methods available, please contact the seller."
+"Generate the ticket and pay it wherever you want.","Generate the ticket and pay it wherever you want."
+"Will be approved within 2 business days.","Will be approved within 2 business days."
+"Ticket - MercadoPago","Ticket - MercadoPago"
+"Payment Number (Mercado Pago): %1","Payment Number (Mercado Pago): %1"
+"Card number:","Card number:"
+"Expiration date:","Expiration date:"
+"Card holder:","Card holder:"
+"Payment method:","ayment method:"
+"Identification in the invoice:","Identification in the invoice:"
+"Payment status:","Payment status:"
+"Detailed payment status:","Detailed payment status:"
+"Your order is %1!","Your order is %1!"
+"Thank you for your purchase!","Thank you for your purchase!"
+"We are processing your payment","We are processing your payment"
+"Continue Shopping","Continue Shopping"
+"Create an Account","Create an Account"
+"First card details:","First card details:"
+"Enter the amount to be paid with the first method *", "Enter the amount to be paid with the first method *"
+"Value not allowed!","Value not allowed!"
+"Remaining value ","Remaining value "
+"Credit card","Credit card"
+"Second card details:","Second card details:"
+"Payment processed by Mercado Pago","Payment processed by Mercado Pago"
+"This is a required field.","This is a required field."
+"You can track your order status by creating an account.","You can track your order status by creating an account."
+"cardNumber should be a number.","cardNumber should be a number."
+"cardNumber is empty.","cardNumber is empty."
+"cardNumber should be of length between '8' and '19'.","cardNumber should be of length between '8' and '19'."
+"securityCode should be a number.","securityCode should be a number."
+"securityCode should be of length '3' or '4'.","securityCode should be of length '3' or '4'."
+"securityCode is empty.","securityCode is empty."
+"expirationMonth should be a number.","expirationMonth should be a number."
+"expirationMonth is empty.","expirationMonth is empty."
+"expirationYear should be of length '2' or '4'.","expirationYear should be of length '2' or '4'."
+"expirationYear should be a number.","expirationYear should be a number."
+"expirationYear is empty.","expirationYear is empty."
+"expirationMonth should be a value from 1 to 12.","expirationMonth should be a value from 1 to 12."
+"expirationYear value should be greater or equal than %1.", "Expiration year is invalid"
+"expirationMonth value should be greater than '%1' or expirationYear value should be greater than '%2'.", "Expiration month or expiration year value is invalid."
+"cardNumber should be of length '16'.","Card number should be of length 16."
+"Pay with two cards","Pay with two cards"
+"Payment with two cards","Payment with two cards"
+"Your Bank will apply Interest","Your Bank will apply Interest"
+"Complete your order to proceed with payment.","Complete your order to proceed with payment."
+"partially_refunded","Partially Refunded"
+"cc_rejected_call_for_authorize","Authorization request rejected"
+"in_process","In process"
+"by_admin","By Admin"
+"cc_rejected_high_risk","High risk"
+"cc_rejected_insufficient_amount","Insufficient amount"
+"cc_rejected_other_reason","Other reason"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_security_code","Bad filled security_code"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_other","Bad filled"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_card_number","Bad filled card_number"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_date","Bad filled date"
+"cc_rejected_card_disabled","Card disabled"
+"cc_rejected_max_attempts","Max attempts"
+"cc_rejected_invalid_installments","Invalid installments"
+"cc_rejected_duplicated_payment","Duplicated payment"
+"bank_rejected","Bank rejected"
+"bank_error","Bank error"
+"rejected_by_bank","Rejected by bank"
+"by_collector","By collector"
+"by_payer","By payer"
+"pending_review_manual","Pending manual review"
+"pending_capture","Pending capture"
+"pending_waiting_payment","Waiting pending payment"
+"pending_waiting_for_remedy","Pending awaiting solution"
+"pending_waiting_transfer","Pending awaiting transfer"
+"Credit or Debit Card","Credit or Debit Card"
+"Email Address","Email Address"
+"We'll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.","We'll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info."
+"Your order number is: %1.","Your order number is: %1!"
+"Your order # is: %1.","Your order # is: %1!"
+"By continuing, you agree to our ","By continuing, you agree to our "
+"Terms and Conditions.","Terms and Conditions."
+"Status (Mercado Pago)","Status (Mercado Pago)"
+"Status Detail (Mercado Pago)","Status Detail (Mercado Pago)"
+"Google Ads - Id","Google Ads - Id"
+"Google Ads - Label","Google Ads - Label"
+"The card details are incorrect.","The card details are incorrect."
+"The payment was rejected due to suspicion of fraud.","The payment was rejected due to suspicion of fraud."
+"The payment method used requires prior authorization of the purchase amount.","The payment method used requires prior authorization of the purchase amount."
+"This card is blocked.","This card is blocked."
+"You made a similar payment a short time ago. Please use another payment method.","You made a similar payment a short time ago. Please use another payment method."
+"Something went wrong with the payment. Please use another card or choose a different payment method.","Something went wrong with the payment. Please use another card or choose a different payment method."
+"The number of installments chosen is invalid.","The number of installments chosen is invalid."
+"The maximum number of attempts was reached.","The maximum number of attempts was reached."
+"Something went wrong. Please try again.","Something went wrong. Please try again."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase or try another payment method.","Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase or try another payment method."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Please double-check in your account your credentials are correct.","Your credentials are incorrect. Please double-check in your account your credentials are correct."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Test credentials have been filled in and should be used in sandbox mode. Please check the credentials again.","Your credentials are incorrect. Test credentials have been filled in and should be used in sandbox mode. Please check the credentials again."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Production credentials have been filled in and should be used in production mode. Please check the credentials again.","Your credentials are incorrect. Production credentials have been filled in and should be used in production mode. Please check the credentials again."
+"Minimum transaction amount not allowed for the chosen brand. Please choose another flag or make a purchase over %1.","Minimum transaction amount not allowed for the chosen brand. Please choose another flag or make a purchase over %1."
+"Download the Boleto","Download the Boleto"
+"Pay with the method of payment you prefer and all the security of Mercado Pago.If you already have an account at Mercado Livre, use the same email and password.Use your Mercado Pago account balance or saved cards to buy without filling out more details.","Pay with the method of payment you prefer and all the security of Mercado Pago.If you already have an account at Mercado Livre, use the same email and password.Use your Mercado Pago account balance or saved cards to buy without filling out more details."
+"Payments with immediate approval. The payment term is up to %1. At checkout, you will receive the code to make payment at the bank of your choice (check with your bank for your daily Pix transfer limit).","Payments with immediate approval. The payment term is up to %1. At checkout, you will receive the code to make payment at the bank of your choice (check with your bank for your daily Pix transfer limit)."
+"Please fill a valid color in the Checkout Pro configuration","Please fill a valid color in the Checkout Pro configuration"
diff --git a/i18n/es_AR.csv b/i18n/es_AR.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c482de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/es_AR.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+"Finance Cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"Discount for payment at sight","Descuento para pagar en un pago"
+"Set up installments and interest","Definir cuotas e intereses"
+"Order not found.","Pedido no localizado."
+"Mercado Pago, refund notification","Mercado Pago, notificación de reembolso"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to create an offline refund.","El pedido %1, fue reembolsado directamente en Mercado Pago, necesitas crear un reembolso offline."
+Unavailable.,No disponible.
+"You should not be here...","No tienes que estar aquí..."
+"Order Canceled.","Pedido cancelado."
+"Transaction has been declined. Please try again later.","La operación fue rechazada. Por favor inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+"%1 minutes","%1 minutos"
+"1 hour","1 hora"
+"12 hours","12 horas"
+"1 day","1 día"
+"Payment for order %1 in store %2","Pago del pedido %1 en la tienda %2"
+"Awaiting payment of the Card.","Esperando pago via tarjeta."
+"Awaiting payment.","Esperando pago."
+"Awaiting payment through Checkout Pro.","Esperando pago a través del Checkout Pro."
+"Awaiting payment through Pix.","Esperando pago via Pix."
+"The gateway declined the transaction.","El gateway rechazó la operación."
+"Please select a category","Por favor, selecciona una categoría"
+"Sandbox - Testing environment","Ecositema de testeo"
+"Yes, Processed Order Synchronous","Sí, procesar solicitudes sincrónicamente"
+"No, Processed Order Asynchronous","No, procesar solicitudes asíncronas"
+"1 installment","1 cuota"
+"2 installments","2 cuotas"
+"3 installments","3 cuotas"
+"4 installments","4 cuotas"
+"5 installments","5 cuotas"
+"6 installments","6 cuotas"
+"7 installments","7 cuotas"
+"8 installments","8 cuotas"
+"9 installments","9 cuotas"
+"10 installments","10 cuotas"
+"11 installments","11 cuotas"
+"12 installments","12 cuotas"
+"13 installments","13 cuotas"
+"14 installments","14 cuotas"
+"15 installments","15 cuotas"
+"16 installments","16 cuotas"
+"17 installments","17 cuotas"
+"18 installments","18 cuotas"
+"19 installments","19 cuotas"
+"20 installments","20 cuotas"
+"21 installments","21 cuotas"
+"22 installments","22 cuotas"
+"23 installments","23 cuotas"
+"24 installments","24 cuotas"
+"25 installments","25 cuotas"
+"26 installments","26 cuotas"
+"27 installments","27 cuotas"
+"28 installments","28 cuotas"
+"29 installments","29 cuotas"
+"30 installments","30 cuotas"
+"31 installments","31 cuotas"
+"32 installments","32 cuotas"
+"33 installments","33 cuotas"
+"34 installments","34 cuotas"
+"35 installments","35 cuotas"
+"36 installments","36 cuotas"
+"Do Not Delete","No Finalizar"
+"Authorization for future capture","Autorización para la captura futura"
+"Authorization for immediate capture","Autorización y captura inmediata"
+"15 minutes","15 minutos"
+"30 minutes - recommended","30 minutos - recomendado"
+"24 hours","24 horas"
+"Modal window in store environment","Ventana modal en el ecosistema de la tienda"
+"Redirection to Mercado Pago environment","Redireccionamiento al ecosistema de Mercado Pago"
+"Cart %1 doesn't contain products","El carrito %1 no tiene productos"
+"There was an error when creating the payment. Please try again later.","Error al crear el pago. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+"It was not possible to save on the installment cost amount","No fue posible economizar el monto del costo de las cuotas"
+"Default Store %1 - Set Data for store id %2 Web Site Id %3","Store ID: %1 No habilitado para el uso en producción"
+"Store ID: %1 Not allowed for production use","Datos del comerciante obtenidos con éxito."
+"There was an error saving: %1","Error al guardar: %1"
+"Error fetching information: %1","Error al obtener información %1"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials","Por favor, verifica las credenciales de la tienda id %1"
+"Order %1 - Increment Id %2 - state %3","Order %1 - Increment ID %2 - Status %3"
+"Card - MercadoPago","Card - MercadoPago"
+"Checkout Pro - MercadoPago","Checkout Pro - MercadoPago"
+"Pix - MercadoPago","Pix - MercadoPago"
+"Pse - MercadoPago","Pse - MercadoPago"
+"Webpay - MercadoPago","Webpay - MercadoPago"
+"Document Type","Tipo de documento"
+"Document number","Número del documento"
+"Due date","Vencimiento"
+"In order to comply with PCI regulations, the administrator cannot capture this payment method.","Debido al cumplimiento de la normativa PCI, no es posible capturar este método de pago por el administrador."
+"Payer Entity Type","Tipo de la institución de pago"
+"Financial Institution","Institución financiera"
+"Your access credential for store %1 is valid but you don\'t have production use permission. Request approval before use by click here.","Tu credencial de acceso a la tienda %1 es válida, pero no tienes permiso de uso de producción. Solicita aprobación antes de usar clic aquí."
+"Your payment will be valid until","Tu pago es válido hasta"
+"Link for payment","Link para pago"
+"Details for payment","Detalles para el pago"
+"Verification Code","Código de verificación"
+"Line Code is","El line code es"
+"Issued on behalf of","Emitido en nombre de"
+"Mercado Pago partnership code","Código de convenio con Mercado Pago"
+"To pay, please scan the QR code","Para pagar, escanea el código QR"
+"or, if you prefer, copy-paste the code","o, si prefieres, copia y pega el código"
+"Further instructions","Leer más instrucciones"
+"The Line Code is","El line code es"
+"Enter the ID Document you used in the purchase","Ingresa el Documento de identificación usado en la compra"
+"Place Order","Realizar Pedido"
+"Payer First Name","Nombre del Pagador"
+"Payer Last Name","Apellido del Pagador"
+"Card details","Datos de la tarjeta"
+"Card number","Número de la tarjeta"
+"CVV - Card Verification Value","CVV - Código de seguridad"
+"What is this?","¿Qué es eso?"
+"Expiration month","Mes de vencimiento"
+"Expiration year","Año de vencimiento"
+"Card holder full name","Nombre impreso en la tarjeta"
+"Number of installments","Número de cuotas"
+"Save for later use.","Guardar para uso futuro."
+"A 3-digit number in italics on the back of your card.","Un número de 3 dígitos en itálica en el dorso de tu tarjeta."
+"Entity Type","Tipo de entidad"
+"Please provide a valid document identification.","No fue posible realizar el pago. Por favor, presenta un documento de identidad válido."
+"Unable to make payment, check card details.","No fue posible realizar el pago. Por favor, verifica los datos de la tarjeta."
+"Payment Services","Servicio de pago"
+"Permission to set up the module","Permiso para configurar el módulo"
Mercado Pago
It offers payments with credit and debit cards, as well as offline means - in addition to exclusive advantages for those who pay logged into their Mercado Pago account, such as credits, discounts and other special conditions.
Mercado Pago
Ofrece pagos con tarjetas de crédito y débito, además de los medios offline y ventajas exclusivas para quien paga después de iniciar sesión en la cuenta de Mercado Pago, como créditos, descuentos y otras condiciones especiales.
+"Technical support available here.","Soporte técnico disponible aquí."
+"Basic Settings","Configuraciones básicas"
+"Mercado Pago integration","Integración con Mercado Pago"
In order to sell or test a store, you must first enter your test and production credentials.
Using the account of the collaborator with access to Mercado Pago Seller Account, search the credentials according to the account: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Peru.
Para vender o testear la tienda , tienes que ingresar las credenciales de test y de producción.
+"Checkout operation mode","Modo de Operación del Checkout"
+"When operational mode is set as Sandbox, your sales will not be communicated to financial institutions.","Cuando el modo operacional esté definido como Sandbox, tus ventas no serán comunicadas a las instituciones financieras."
+"Public Key - production","Public Key - producción"
+"Access Token - production","Access Token - producción"
+"Public Key - Sandbox","Public Key - Sandbox"
+"Access Token - Sandbox","Access Token - Sandbox"
+"Developers support","Soporte para desarrolladores"
+"We record your store's communications with Mercado Pago in orer to offer a better support. Please note it is not recommended to use the debug mode when your store is in production mode.","Registramos las comunicaciones de tu tienda con Mercado Pago para ofrecer un soporte aún mejor. Atención: no se recomienda usar el modo debug con la tienda en modo de producción."
+"Rewrite notification URL","Reescribe la notificación URL"
+"You can override notification URLs which are automatically generated. In order to use the module's default, please do not fill in this details.","Puedes substituir las URLs de notificación que se generan automáticamente. Para usar el padrón del módulo, por favor, no cargues estos datos."
+"Store Name, Category and Integrator ID","Nombre de la tienda, Categoría e ID del Integrador"
+"Store Name","Nombre de la tienda"
+"This is the store's name as it will appear on the customer's invoice. In case the sale was made through Checkout Pro, the invoice will also show Mercado Pago in the name.","El nombre de la tienda igual a como figurará en la factura del cliente. Si la venta se hizo por medio del Checkout Pro, la factura también identificará a Mercado Pago en el nombre."
+"Category of your store","Categoría de tu tienda"
+"The product category of your store on Mercado Pago.","La categoría del producto de tu tienda en Mercado Pago."
+"Integrator ID","ID del integrador"
+"With this number, we are able to identify all your transactions and know how many sales were processed using your account. Become a certified Mercado Pago partner and request your integrator_id here.","Con este número, podemos identificar todas tus operaciones y saber cuántas ventas fueron procesadas con tu cuenta. Conviértete en un socio certificado de Mercado Pago y pide tu integrator_id here."
+"Sales requirements","Exigencias de ventas"
+"Checkout Pro","Checkout Pro"
+"Payment method title at the store's checkout.","Título de la forma de pago en el checkout de la tienda."
+"Deadline for payment","Plazo límite para el pago"
+"Calendar days.","Días seguidos."
+"Payment completion view","Visualización de la finalización del pago"
+"Modal: Buyer will close via modal on the checkout screen. Redirection: Buyer will be redirected to the Mercado Pago website.","Modal, el cliente finalizará vía modal en la pantalla de checkout. Redireccionamiento, el cliente será redireccionado al sitio de Mercado Pago"
+"Removed payment method","Medio de pago finalizado"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Selecciona los medios de pago que NO quieres aceptar."
+"Installment options limit","Límite de cuotas"
+"It is possible to configure the number of installments in Checkout Pro, but the limit of installments per purchase will also depend on the minimum and maximum amount defined by each flag in the country of your store.","Se puede configurar el número de cuotas en Checkout Pro, pero el límite de cuotas por compra también depende de los valores mínimo y máximo determinados por cada bandera del país en que se encuentra tu tienda."
+"Conversion tags","Tags de conversión"
+"You can link your Checkout Pro sales with external services.","Puedes asociar tus ventas del Checkout Pro a servicios externos."
+"Link your sales with Facebook by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Facebook, informando el ID del de tu código de rastreo."
+"Google Ads","Google Ads"
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Google Ads, informando el ID del tu código de rastreo."
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the Label and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Google Ads, informando el Label del tu código de rastreo."
+"Customization and Styles","Personalización y estilos"
+"Set up how the items will appear in the modal window in which the buyer will complete the purchase.","Define la apariencia de los ítems en la ventana modal en la que el cliente finalizará la compra."
+"Header Color","Color del header"
+"Elements Color","Colores de los elementos"
+"Common Payment Method Definitions","Definiciones comunes de medios de pago"
+"Minimum order total","Monto mínimo del pedido"
+"Minimum amount to pay with Checkout Pro.","Monto mínimo para pago con Checkout Pro."
+"Maximum order amount","Monto máximo de pedido"
+"Maximum amount to pay with Checkout Pro","Monto máximo a pagar con Checkout Pro."
+"Payment From Specific Countries","Pago de países específicos"
+"Countries eligible to use this payment method.","Países que pueden usar este medio de pago."
+"Sort Order","Orden de visualización"
+"Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.","Define el orden de visualización del medio de pago en el Checkout."
+"Checkout Transparent","Checkout Transparente"
+"Capture of customer details in the payment form","Captura de datos del cliente en el formulario de pago"
+"Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.","Activa esta función para capturar documentos de clientes con un campo adicional en el formulario de pago. Desactívala si la tienda ya captura estos datos."
+"Capture document identification","Capturar documento de identificación"
+"Capture name","Capturar nombre"
+"In case you leave this option active, an additional field in the payment form will obtain this information. If disabled, details will be retrieved directly from other fields within your store.","Si se activa, el formulario de pago mostrará un campo adicional para colectar esa información. Si se inhabilita, el monto será capturado directamente de otros campos en tu tienda."
+"Credit and debit cards","Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+"Enable vault","Habilitar caja fuerte"
+"Allows buyer to save the card for future use.","Permite que tu cliente guarde la tarjeta para uso futuro."
+"Payment Action","Perfil de pago"
+"Consult the store's business sector to be able to select capturing the payment at the time of the purchase or at a later moment.","Consulta la rama de negocios de la tienda para poder elegir entre capturar el pago en el acto de la compra o posteriormente."
+"Use Binary Mode","Usa el modo binario"
+"Installment and interest","Cuotas e intereses"
+"Set within your account","Definir en tu cuenta"
+"Minimum amount for payment with this payment method.","Monto mínimo para este medio de pago."
+"Maximum amount for payment with this payment method.","Monto máximo para este medio de pago."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Pse.","Monto mínimo a pagar con Pse."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Pse.","Monto máximo a pagar con Pse."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Webpay.","Monto mínimo a pagar con Webpay."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Webpay.","Monto máximo a pagar con Webpay."
+"Store information hosted in Mercado Pago","Información de la tienda en Mercado Pago"
+"User Id","Código de identificación"
+"User Email","E-mail de usuario"
+"User Name","Nombre"
+"mp_payment_id","Identificación de pago (Mercado Pago)"
+"card_finance_cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"card_number","Numero de tarjeta"
+"card_holder_name","Nombre impreso en tarjeta"
+"card_exp_year","Año de vencimiento"
+"card_exp_month","Mês de vencimiento"
+"payer_document_identification","Documento de identificación"
+"date_of_expiration","Fecha de expiración"
+"barcode","Código de barras"
+"external_resource_url","Enlace de pago"
+"verification_code","Código de verificación"
+"payer_document_type","Tipo de documento"
+"mp_status","Estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"mp_status_detail","Estado Detallado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Line Code","Código de Barras"
+"Payer Document Type","Tipo de Documento"
+"Payment Type (Mercado Pago)","Tipo de pago (Mercado Pago )"
+"Installments (Mercado Pago)","Financiacíon o quotas (Mercado Pago )"
+"Pix QR Code","Código QR do pix"
+"Pix Code","Código de pix"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to check stock of sold items.","El pedido %1 ha sido reembolsado directamente en el Mercado Pago, debe verificar su inventario de productos vendidos."
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, but an error occured when refunding offline, you need to check order refunds and stock of sold items.","El pedido %1, fue reembolsado directamente en Mercado Pago, pero ocurrió un error al reembolsar fuera de línea, debe consultar las devoluciones del pedido y el stock de artículos vendidos."
+"Order refunded in Mercado Pago, refunded offline in the store.","Solicitud reembolsada del Mercado Pago, reembolsado offline creado en la tienda."
+"Order refunded.","Solicitud refactada.."
+"API Integration","Integración de API"
+"Receive refund notification","Recibir notificación de reembolso"
+"Enable the creation of a Credit Note when a refund occurs in Mercado Pago.","Habilitar la creación de notas de credito cuando ocurra un reembolso en Mercado Pago."
+"Enable Facebook pixel","Activar Pixel de Facebook"
+"Enable Google pixel","Activar Google Pixel"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials, they are invalid so they were deleted.","Verifique las credenciales de la tienda ID %1, no son válidas para que se eliminen."
+"Your payment was declined due to an error in the store setup. Please get in touch with the store support and try again later.","Tu pago fue rechazado por un error en la configuración de la tienda. Contáctate con el soporte de la tienda e inténtalo más tarde."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later.","No pudimos completar el pago por una falla de comunicación. Inténtalo más tarde."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase.","Tu pago fue rechazado porque algún dato de la tarjeta es incorrecto. Verifica la información para finalizar la compra."
+"Your payment was declined. We recommend that you use the device and payment method you usually use for online shopping.","Tu pago fue rechazado. Recomendamos que utilices el dispositivo y el medio de pago que sueles usar para compras online."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","No pudimos completar el pago. Usa otro medio para finalizar tu compra."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later or use another payment method.","No pudimos completar el pago por una falla de comunicación. Inténtalo más tarde o usa otro medio de pago."
+"Offline Payments Methods","Medios de Pago OFF"
+"Exclude Payment Methods","Excluir métodos de pago"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Seleccione los métodos de pago que NO desea aceptar."
+"Payment Title","Título del metodo de pago"
+"Accept all payment methods","Aceptar todos los medios de pago"
+"There are no payment methods available, please contact the seller.", "No hay métodos de pago disponibles, póngase en contacto con el vendedor."
+"Generate the ticket and pay it wherever you want.","Genere el ticket de pago y pague."
+"Will be approved within 2 business days.","Será aprobado en hasta 2 días hábiles."
+"Ticket - MercadoPago","Ticket - MercadoPago"
+"Payment Number (Mercado Pago): %1","Número de Pago (Mercado Pago): %1"
+"Card number:","Número de la tarjeta:"
+"Expiration date:","Fecha de vencimiento:"
+"Card holder:","Titular de la tarjeta:"
+"Payment method:","Medio de pago:"
+"Identification in the invoice:","Identificación en el resumen:"
+"Payment status:","Estado del pago:"
+"Detailed payment status:","Estado detallado del pago:"
+"Your order is %1!","Recibimos tu pedido %1!"
+"Thank you for your purchase!","Gracias por su compra!"
+"We are processing your payment","Estamos procesando tu pago"
+"Continue Shopping","Seguir comprando"
+"Create an Account","Crear una cuenta"
+"First card details:","Datos de la primera tarjeta:"
+"Enter the amount to be paid with the first method *", "Ingresá el monto a pagar con el primer medio *"
+"Value not allowed!","Valor no permitido!"
+"Remaining value ","Valor restante "
+"Credit card","Tarjeta de crédito"
+"Second card details:","Datos de la segunda tarjeta:"
+"Payment processed by Mercado Pago","Pago procesado por Mercado Pago"
+"This is a required field.","Este es un campo obligatorio."
+"You can track your order status by creating an account.","Puede rastrear el estado de su pedido creando una cuenta."
+"cardNumber should be a number.","Número de la tarjeta debería ser un número."
+"cardNumber is empty.","Número de la tarjeta está vacío."
+"cardNumber should be of length between '8' and '19'.","Número de la tarjeta debe ser de longitud entre '8' y '19'."
+"securityCode should be a number.","CVV - Código de seguridad debería ser un número."
+"securityCode should be of length '3' or '4'.","CVV - Código de seguridad debe ser de longitud '3' o '4'."
+"securityCode is empty.","CVV - Código de seguridad esta vacio."
+"expirationMonth should be a number.","Mes de vencimiento debería ser un número."
+"expirationMonth is empty.","Mes de vencimiento esta vacio."
+"expirationYear should be of length '2' or '4'.","Año de vencimiento debe ser de longitud '2' o '4'."
+"expirationYear should be a number.","Año de vencimiento debería ser un número."
+"expirationYear is empty.","Año de vencimiento esta vacio."
+"expirationMonth should be a value from 1 to 12.","Mes de vencimiento debe ser un valor de 1 a 12."
+"expirationYear value should be greater or equal than %1.", "Año de vencimiento no es válido"
+"expirationMonth value should be greater than '%1' or expirationYear value should be greater than '%2'.", "Mes de vencimiento o el valor del año de vencimiento no es válido."
+"cardNumber should be of length '16'.","Número de la tarjeta debe ser de longitud 16."
+"Pay with two cards","Pagar con dos tarjetas"
+"Payment with two cards","Pago con dos tarjetas"
+"Interest-free","Sin interés"
+"Your Bank will apply Interest","Tu Banco aplicará Intereses"
+"Complete your order to proceed with payment.","Finaliza tu pedido para proceder con el pago."
+"partially_refunded","Reembolso Parcial"
+"cc_rejected_call_for_authorize","Solicitud de autorización rechazada"
+"in_process","En proceso"
+"by_admin","Por Admin"
+"cc_rejected_high_risk","Alto riesgo"
+"cc_rejected_insufficient_amount","Valor Insuficiente"
+"cc_rejected_other_reason","Otro Motivo"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_security_code","security_code rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_other","Rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_card_number","card_number rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_date","Data rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_card_disabled","Tarjeta desactivada"
+"cc_rejected_max_attempts","Intentos máximos"
+"cc_rejected_invalid_installments","Cuotas llenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_duplicated_payment","Pago duplicado"
+"bank_rejected","Rechazado por el banco"
+"bank_error","Error del banco"
+"rejected_by_bank","Rechazado por el Banco"
+"by_collector","Por Vendedor"
+"by_payer","Por pagador"
+"pending_review_manual","Pendiente de revisión manual"
+"pending_capture","Captura pendiente"
+"pending_waiting_payment","Aguardando pago pendiente"
+"pending_waiting_for_remedy","Pendiente en espera de solución"
+"pending_waiting_transfer","Pendiente aguardando transferencia"
+"Credit or Debit Card","Tarjeta de Crédito o Débito"
+"Email Address","Correo electrónico"
+"We'll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.","Enviaremos un correo electrónico con la confirmación del pedido con detalles e información de seguimiento."
+"Your order number is: %1.","Recibimos su pedido: %1!"
+"Your order # is: %1.","Recibimos su pedido: %1!"
+"By continuing, you agree to our ","Al continuar aceptas nuestros "
+"Terms and Conditions.","Términos y Condiciones."
+"Status (Mercado Pago)","Estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Status Detail (Mercado Pago)","Detalle de estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Google Ads - Id","Google Ads - Id"
+"Google Ads - Label","Google Ads - Label"
+"The card details are incorrect.","Los datos de la tarjeta son incorrectos."
+"The payment was rejected due to suspicion of fraud.","El pago fue rechazado por sospecha de fraude."
+"The payment method used requires prior authorization of the purchase amount.","El medio de pago utilizado requiere previa autorización del monto de la compra."
+"This card is blocked.","La tarjeta está bloqueada."
+"You made a similar payment a short time ago. Please use another payment method.","Hiciste un pago similar recientemente, usa otro medio de pago."
+"Something went wrong with the payment. Please use another card or choose a different payment method.","Algo salió mal con el pago. Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
+"The number of installments chosen is invalid.","El número de cuotas elegido no es válido."
+"The maximum number of attempts was reached.","Alcanzaste el número máximo de intentos de pago."
+"Something went wrong. Please try again.","Algo salió mal, por favor inténtalo de nuevo."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","No pudimos completar el pago. Usa otro medio para finalizar tu compra."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase or try another payment method.","Tu pago fue rechazado porque algún dato de la tarjeta es incorrecto. Verifica la información para finalizar la compra o utiliza otro método de pago."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Please double-check in your account your credentials are correct.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Regrese para completar las credenciales de su tienda correctamente."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Test credentials have been filled in and should be used in sandbox mode. Please check the credentials again.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Las credenciales son de prueba y se deben usar en modo sandbox. Por favor, regrese para completar las credenciales de nuevo."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Production credentials have been filled in and should be used in production mode. Please check the credentials again.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Las credenciales son de Producción y se deben usar en modo Producción. Por favor, regrese para completar las credenciales de nuevo."
+"Minimum transaction amount not allowed for the chosen brand. Please choose another flag or make a purchase over %1.", "Monto mínimo de transacción no permitido para la Bandera elegida. Elija otra Bandera o realice una compra superior a %1."
+"Download the Boleto","Descarga del boleto"
+"pending_contingency", "Pendiente de contingencia"
+"Pay with the method of payment you prefer and all the security of Mercado Pago.If you already have an account at Mercado Livre, use the same email and password.Use your Mercado Pago account balance or saved cards to buy without filling out more details.","Paga con el medio de pago que prefieras y disfruta de la seguridad de Mercado Pago.Si ya tiene una cuenta en Mercado Livre, use el mismo e-mail y clave.Usa tu saldo de Mercado Pago o tarjetas guardadas para comprar sin llenar más detalles."
+"Payments with immediate approval. The payment term is up to %1. At checkout, you will receive the code to make payment at the bank of your choice (check with your bank for your daily Pix transfer limit).", "Pagos con aprobación inmediata. El plazo de pago es hasta %1. Al finalizar la compra, recibirá el código para realizar el pago en el banco de su elección (verifique con su banco cuál es su límite diario de transferencia de Pix)."
+"Please fill a valid color in the Checkout Pro configuration","Complete un color válido en la configuración de Checkout Pro"
diff --git a/i18n/es_CL.csv b/i18n/es_CL.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c482de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/es_CL.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+"Finance Cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"Discount for payment at sight","Descuento para pagar en un pago"
+"Set up installments and interest","Definir cuotas e intereses"
+"Order not found.","Pedido no localizado."
+"Mercado Pago, refund notification","Mercado Pago, notificación de reembolso"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to create an offline refund.","El pedido %1, fue reembolsado directamente en Mercado Pago, necesitas crear un reembolso offline."
+Unavailable.,No disponible.
+"You should not be here...","No tienes que estar aquí..."
+"Order Canceled.","Pedido cancelado."
+"Transaction has been declined. Please try again later.","La operación fue rechazada. Por favor inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+"%1 minutes","%1 minutos"
+"1 hour","1 hora"
+"12 hours","12 horas"
+"1 day","1 día"
+"Payment for order %1 in store %2","Pago del pedido %1 en la tienda %2"
+"Awaiting payment of the Card.","Esperando pago via tarjeta."
+"Awaiting payment.","Esperando pago."
+"Awaiting payment through Checkout Pro.","Esperando pago a través del Checkout Pro."
+"Awaiting payment through Pix.","Esperando pago via Pix."
+"The gateway declined the transaction.","El gateway rechazó la operación."
+"Please select a category","Por favor, selecciona una categoría"
+"Sandbox - Testing environment","Ecositema de testeo"
+"Yes, Processed Order Synchronous","Sí, procesar solicitudes sincrónicamente"
+"No, Processed Order Asynchronous","No, procesar solicitudes asíncronas"
+"1 installment","1 cuota"
+"2 installments","2 cuotas"
+"3 installments","3 cuotas"
+"4 installments","4 cuotas"
+"5 installments","5 cuotas"
+"6 installments","6 cuotas"
+"7 installments","7 cuotas"
+"8 installments","8 cuotas"
+"9 installments","9 cuotas"
+"10 installments","10 cuotas"
+"11 installments","11 cuotas"
+"12 installments","12 cuotas"
+"13 installments","13 cuotas"
+"14 installments","14 cuotas"
+"15 installments","15 cuotas"
+"16 installments","16 cuotas"
+"17 installments","17 cuotas"
+"18 installments","18 cuotas"
+"19 installments","19 cuotas"
+"20 installments","20 cuotas"
+"21 installments","21 cuotas"
+"22 installments","22 cuotas"
+"23 installments","23 cuotas"
+"24 installments","24 cuotas"
+"25 installments","25 cuotas"
+"26 installments","26 cuotas"
+"27 installments","27 cuotas"
+"28 installments","28 cuotas"
+"29 installments","29 cuotas"
+"30 installments","30 cuotas"
+"31 installments","31 cuotas"
+"32 installments","32 cuotas"
+"33 installments","33 cuotas"
+"34 installments","34 cuotas"
+"35 installments","35 cuotas"
+"36 installments","36 cuotas"
+"Do Not Delete","No Finalizar"
+"Authorization for future capture","Autorización para la captura futura"
+"Authorization for immediate capture","Autorización y captura inmediata"
+"15 minutes","15 minutos"
+"30 minutes - recommended","30 minutos - recomendado"
+"24 hours","24 horas"
+"Modal window in store environment","Ventana modal en el ecosistema de la tienda"
+"Redirection to Mercado Pago environment","Redireccionamiento al ecosistema de Mercado Pago"
+"Cart %1 doesn't contain products","El carrito %1 no tiene productos"
+"There was an error when creating the payment. Please try again later.","Error al crear el pago. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+"It was not possible to save on the installment cost amount","No fue posible economizar el monto del costo de las cuotas"
+"Default Store %1 - Set Data for store id %2 Web Site Id %3","Store ID: %1 No habilitado para el uso en producción"
+"Store ID: %1 Not allowed for production use","Datos del comerciante obtenidos con éxito."
+"There was an error saving: %1","Error al guardar: %1"
+"Error fetching information: %1","Error al obtener información %1"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials","Por favor, verifica las credenciales de la tienda id %1"
+"Order %1 - Increment Id %2 - state %3","Order %1 - Increment ID %2 - Status %3"
+"Card - MercadoPago","Card - MercadoPago"
+"Checkout Pro - MercadoPago","Checkout Pro - MercadoPago"
+"Pix - MercadoPago","Pix - MercadoPago"
+"Pse - MercadoPago","Pse - MercadoPago"
+"Webpay - MercadoPago","Webpay - MercadoPago"
+"Document Type","Tipo de documento"
+"Document number","Número del documento"
+"Due date","Vencimiento"
+"In order to comply with PCI regulations, the administrator cannot capture this payment method.","Debido al cumplimiento de la normativa PCI, no es posible capturar este método de pago por el administrador."
+"Payer Entity Type","Tipo de la institución de pago"
+"Financial Institution","Institución financiera"
+"Your access credential for store %1 is valid but you don\'t have production use permission. Request approval before use by click here.","Tu credencial de acceso a la tienda %1 es válida, pero no tienes permiso de uso de producción. Solicita aprobación antes de usar clic aquí."
+"Your payment will be valid until","Tu pago es válido hasta"
+"Link for payment","Link para pago"
+"Details for payment","Detalles para el pago"
+"Verification Code","Código de verificación"
+"Line Code is","El line code es"
+"Issued on behalf of","Emitido en nombre de"
+"Mercado Pago partnership code","Código de convenio con Mercado Pago"
+"To pay, please scan the QR code","Para pagar, escanea el código QR"
+"or, if you prefer, copy-paste the code","o, si prefieres, copia y pega el código"
+"Further instructions","Leer más instrucciones"
+"The Line Code is","El line code es"
+"Enter the ID Document you used in the purchase","Ingresa el Documento de identificación usado en la compra"
+"Place Order","Realizar Pedido"
+"Payer First Name","Nombre del Pagador"
+"Payer Last Name","Apellido del Pagador"
+"Card details","Datos de la tarjeta"
+"Card number","Número de la tarjeta"
+"CVV - Card Verification Value","CVV - Código de seguridad"
+"What is this?","¿Qué es eso?"
+"Expiration month","Mes de vencimiento"
+"Expiration year","Año de vencimiento"
+"Card holder full name","Nombre impreso en la tarjeta"
+"Number of installments","Número de cuotas"
+"Save for later use.","Guardar para uso futuro."
+"A 3-digit number in italics on the back of your card.","Un número de 3 dígitos en itálica en el dorso de tu tarjeta."
+"Entity Type","Tipo de entidad"
+"Please provide a valid document identification.","No fue posible realizar el pago. Por favor, presenta un documento de identidad válido."
+"Unable to make payment, check card details.","No fue posible realizar el pago. Por favor, verifica los datos de la tarjeta."
+"Payment Services","Servicio de pago"
+"Permission to set up the module","Permiso para configurar el módulo"
Mercado Pago
It offers payments with credit and debit cards, as well as offline means - in addition to exclusive advantages for those who pay logged into their Mercado Pago account, such as credits, discounts and other special conditions.
Mercado Pago
Ofrece pagos con tarjetas de crédito y débito, además de los medios offline y ventajas exclusivas para quien paga después de iniciar sesión en la cuenta de Mercado Pago, como créditos, descuentos y otras condiciones especiales.
+"Technical support available here.","Soporte técnico disponible aquí."
+"Basic Settings","Configuraciones básicas"
+"Mercado Pago integration","Integración con Mercado Pago"
In order to sell or test a store, you must first enter your test and production credentials.
Using the account of the collaborator with access to Mercado Pago Seller Account, search the credentials according to the account: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Peru.
Para vender o testear la tienda , tienes que ingresar las credenciales de test y de producción.
+"Checkout operation mode","Modo de Operación del Checkout"
+"When operational mode is set as Sandbox, your sales will not be communicated to financial institutions.","Cuando el modo operacional esté definido como Sandbox, tus ventas no serán comunicadas a las instituciones financieras."
+"Public Key - production","Public Key - producción"
+"Access Token - production","Access Token - producción"
+"Public Key - Sandbox","Public Key - Sandbox"
+"Access Token - Sandbox","Access Token - Sandbox"
+"Developers support","Soporte para desarrolladores"
+"We record your store's communications with Mercado Pago in orer to offer a better support. Please note it is not recommended to use the debug mode when your store is in production mode.","Registramos las comunicaciones de tu tienda con Mercado Pago para ofrecer un soporte aún mejor. Atención: no se recomienda usar el modo debug con la tienda en modo de producción."
+"Rewrite notification URL","Reescribe la notificación URL"
+"You can override notification URLs which are automatically generated. In order to use the module's default, please do not fill in this details.","Puedes substituir las URLs de notificación que se generan automáticamente. Para usar el padrón del módulo, por favor, no cargues estos datos."
+"Store Name, Category and Integrator ID","Nombre de la tienda, Categoría e ID del Integrador"
+"Store Name","Nombre de la tienda"
+"This is the store's name as it will appear on the customer's invoice. In case the sale was made through Checkout Pro, the invoice will also show Mercado Pago in the name.","El nombre de la tienda igual a como figurará en la factura del cliente. Si la venta se hizo por medio del Checkout Pro, la factura también identificará a Mercado Pago en el nombre."
+"Category of your store","Categoría de tu tienda"
+"The product category of your store on Mercado Pago.","La categoría del producto de tu tienda en Mercado Pago."
+"Integrator ID","ID del integrador"
+"With this number, we are able to identify all your transactions and know how many sales were processed using your account. Become a certified Mercado Pago partner and request your integrator_id here.","Con este número, podemos identificar todas tus operaciones y saber cuántas ventas fueron procesadas con tu cuenta. Conviértete en un socio certificado de Mercado Pago y pide tu integrator_id here."
+"Sales requirements","Exigencias de ventas"
+"Checkout Pro","Checkout Pro"
+"Payment method title at the store's checkout.","Título de la forma de pago en el checkout de la tienda."
+"Deadline for payment","Plazo límite para el pago"
+"Calendar days.","Días seguidos."
+"Payment completion view","Visualización de la finalización del pago"
+"Modal: Buyer will close via modal on the checkout screen. Redirection: Buyer will be redirected to the Mercado Pago website.","Modal, el cliente finalizará vía modal en la pantalla de checkout. Redireccionamiento, el cliente será redireccionado al sitio de Mercado Pago"
+"Removed payment method","Medio de pago finalizado"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Selecciona los medios de pago que NO quieres aceptar."
+"Installment options limit","Límite de cuotas"
+"It is possible to configure the number of installments in Checkout Pro, but the limit of installments per purchase will also depend on the minimum and maximum amount defined by each flag in the country of your store.","Se puede configurar el número de cuotas en Checkout Pro, pero el límite de cuotas por compra también depende de los valores mínimo y máximo determinados por cada bandera del país en que se encuentra tu tienda."
+"Conversion tags","Tags de conversión"
+"You can link your Checkout Pro sales with external services.","Puedes asociar tus ventas del Checkout Pro a servicios externos."
+"Link your sales with Facebook by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Facebook, informando el ID del de tu código de rastreo."
+"Google Ads","Google Ads"
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Google Ads, informando el ID del tu código de rastreo."
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the Label and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Google Ads, informando el Label del tu código de rastreo."
+"Customization and Styles","Personalización y estilos"
+"Set up how the items will appear in the modal window in which the buyer will complete the purchase.","Define la apariencia de los ítems en la ventana modal en la que el cliente finalizará la compra."
+"Header Color","Color del header"
+"Elements Color","Colores de los elementos"
+"Common Payment Method Definitions","Definiciones comunes de medios de pago"
+"Minimum order total","Monto mínimo del pedido"
+"Minimum amount to pay with Checkout Pro.","Monto mínimo para pago con Checkout Pro."
+"Maximum order amount","Monto máximo de pedido"
+"Maximum amount to pay with Checkout Pro","Monto máximo a pagar con Checkout Pro."
+"Payment From Specific Countries","Pago de países específicos"
+"Countries eligible to use this payment method.","Países que pueden usar este medio de pago."
+"Sort Order","Orden de visualización"
+"Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.","Define el orden de visualización del medio de pago en el Checkout."
+"Checkout Transparent","Checkout Transparente"
+"Capture of customer details in the payment form","Captura de datos del cliente en el formulario de pago"
+"Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.","Activa esta función para capturar documentos de clientes con un campo adicional en el formulario de pago. Desactívala si la tienda ya captura estos datos."
+"Capture document identification","Capturar documento de identificación"
+"Capture name","Capturar nombre"
+"In case you leave this option active, an additional field in the payment form will obtain this information. If disabled, details will be retrieved directly from other fields within your store.","Si se activa, el formulario de pago mostrará un campo adicional para colectar esa información. Si se inhabilita, el monto será capturado directamente de otros campos en tu tienda."
+"Credit and debit cards","Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+"Enable vault","Habilitar caja fuerte"
+"Allows buyer to save the card for future use.","Permite que tu cliente guarde la tarjeta para uso futuro."
+"Payment Action","Perfil de pago"
+"Consult the store's business sector to be able to select capturing the payment at the time of the purchase or at a later moment.","Consulta la rama de negocios de la tienda para poder elegir entre capturar el pago en el acto de la compra o posteriormente."
+"Use Binary Mode","Usa el modo binario"
+"Installment and interest","Cuotas e intereses"
+"Set within your account","Definir en tu cuenta"
+"Minimum amount for payment with this payment method.","Monto mínimo para este medio de pago."
+"Maximum amount for payment with this payment method.","Monto máximo para este medio de pago."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Pse.","Monto mínimo a pagar con Pse."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Pse.","Monto máximo a pagar con Pse."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Webpay.","Monto mínimo a pagar con Webpay."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Webpay.","Monto máximo a pagar con Webpay."
+"Store information hosted in Mercado Pago","Información de la tienda en Mercado Pago"
+"User Id","Código de identificación"
+"User Email","E-mail de usuario"
+"User Name","Nombre"
+"mp_payment_id","Identificación de pago (Mercado Pago)"
+"card_finance_cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"card_number","Numero de tarjeta"
+"card_holder_name","Nombre impreso en tarjeta"
+"card_exp_year","Año de vencimiento"
+"card_exp_month","Mês de vencimiento"
+"payer_document_identification","Documento de identificación"
+"date_of_expiration","Fecha de expiración"
+"barcode","Código de barras"
+"external_resource_url","Enlace de pago"
+"verification_code","Código de verificación"
+"payer_document_type","Tipo de documento"
+"mp_status","Estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"mp_status_detail","Estado Detallado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Line Code","Código de Barras"
+"Payer Document Type","Tipo de Documento"
+"Payment Type (Mercado Pago)","Tipo de pago (Mercado Pago )"
+"Installments (Mercado Pago)","Financiacíon o quotas (Mercado Pago )"
+"Pix QR Code","Código QR do pix"
+"Pix Code","Código de pix"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to check stock of sold items.","El pedido %1 ha sido reembolsado directamente en el Mercado Pago, debe verificar su inventario de productos vendidos."
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, but an error occured when refunding offline, you need to check order refunds and stock of sold items.","El pedido %1, fue reembolsado directamente en Mercado Pago, pero ocurrió un error al reembolsar fuera de línea, debe consultar las devoluciones del pedido y el stock de artículos vendidos."
+"Order refunded in Mercado Pago, refunded offline in the store.","Solicitud reembolsada del Mercado Pago, reembolsado offline creado en la tienda."
+"Order refunded.","Solicitud refactada.."
+"API Integration","Integración de API"
+"Receive refund notification","Recibir notificación de reembolso"
+"Enable the creation of a Credit Note when a refund occurs in Mercado Pago.","Habilitar la creación de notas de credito cuando ocurra un reembolso en Mercado Pago."
+"Enable Facebook pixel","Activar Pixel de Facebook"
+"Enable Google pixel","Activar Google Pixel"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials, they are invalid so they were deleted.","Verifique las credenciales de la tienda ID %1, no son válidas para que se eliminen."
+"Your payment was declined due to an error in the store setup. Please get in touch with the store support and try again later.","Tu pago fue rechazado por un error en la configuración de la tienda. Contáctate con el soporte de la tienda e inténtalo más tarde."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later.","No pudimos completar el pago por una falla de comunicación. Inténtalo más tarde."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase.","Tu pago fue rechazado porque algún dato de la tarjeta es incorrecto. Verifica la información para finalizar la compra."
+"Your payment was declined. We recommend that you use the device and payment method you usually use for online shopping.","Tu pago fue rechazado. Recomendamos que utilices el dispositivo y el medio de pago que sueles usar para compras online."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","No pudimos completar el pago. Usa otro medio para finalizar tu compra."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later or use another payment method.","No pudimos completar el pago por una falla de comunicación. Inténtalo más tarde o usa otro medio de pago."
+"Offline Payments Methods","Medios de Pago OFF"
+"Exclude Payment Methods","Excluir métodos de pago"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Seleccione los métodos de pago que NO desea aceptar."
+"Payment Title","Título del metodo de pago"
+"Accept all payment methods","Aceptar todos los medios de pago"
+"There are no payment methods available, please contact the seller.", "No hay métodos de pago disponibles, póngase en contacto con el vendedor."
+"Generate the ticket and pay it wherever you want.","Genere el ticket de pago y pague."
+"Will be approved within 2 business days.","Será aprobado en hasta 2 días hábiles."
+"Ticket - MercadoPago","Ticket - MercadoPago"
+"Payment Number (Mercado Pago): %1","Número de Pago (Mercado Pago): %1"
+"Card number:","Número de la tarjeta:"
+"Expiration date:","Fecha de vencimiento:"
+"Card holder:","Titular de la tarjeta:"
+"Payment method:","Medio de pago:"
+"Identification in the invoice:","Identificación en el resumen:"
+"Payment status:","Estado del pago:"
+"Detailed payment status:","Estado detallado del pago:"
+"Your order is %1!","Recibimos tu pedido %1!"
+"Thank you for your purchase!","Gracias por su compra!"
+"We are processing your payment","Estamos procesando tu pago"
+"Continue Shopping","Seguir comprando"
+"Create an Account","Crear una cuenta"
+"First card details:","Datos de la primera tarjeta:"
+"Enter the amount to be paid with the first method *", "Ingresá el monto a pagar con el primer medio *"
+"Value not allowed!","Valor no permitido!"
+"Remaining value ","Valor restante "
+"Credit card","Tarjeta de crédito"
+"Second card details:","Datos de la segunda tarjeta:"
+"Payment processed by Mercado Pago","Pago procesado por Mercado Pago"
+"This is a required field.","Este es un campo obligatorio."
+"You can track your order status by creating an account.","Puede rastrear el estado de su pedido creando una cuenta."
+"cardNumber should be a number.","Número de la tarjeta debería ser un número."
+"cardNumber is empty.","Número de la tarjeta está vacío."
+"cardNumber should be of length between '8' and '19'.","Número de la tarjeta debe ser de longitud entre '8' y '19'."
+"securityCode should be a number.","CVV - Código de seguridad debería ser un número."
+"securityCode should be of length '3' or '4'.","CVV - Código de seguridad debe ser de longitud '3' o '4'."
+"securityCode is empty.","CVV - Código de seguridad esta vacio."
+"expirationMonth should be a number.","Mes de vencimiento debería ser un número."
+"expirationMonth is empty.","Mes de vencimiento esta vacio."
+"expirationYear should be of length '2' or '4'.","Año de vencimiento debe ser de longitud '2' o '4'."
+"expirationYear should be a number.","Año de vencimiento debería ser un número."
+"expirationYear is empty.","Año de vencimiento esta vacio."
+"expirationMonth should be a value from 1 to 12.","Mes de vencimiento debe ser un valor de 1 a 12."
+"expirationYear value should be greater or equal than %1.", "Año de vencimiento no es válido"
+"expirationMonth value should be greater than '%1' or expirationYear value should be greater than '%2'.", "Mes de vencimiento o el valor del año de vencimiento no es válido."
+"cardNumber should be of length '16'.","Número de la tarjeta debe ser de longitud 16."
+"Pay with two cards","Pagar con dos tarjetas"
+"Payment with two cards","Pago con dos tarjetas"
+"Interest-free","Sin interés"
+"Your Bank will apply Interest","Tu Banco aplicará Intereses"
+"Complete your order to proceed with payment.","Finaliza tu pedido para proceder con el pago."
+"partially_refunded","Reembolso Parcial"
+"cc_rejected_call_for_authorize","Solicitud de autorización rechazada"
+"in_process","En proceso"
+"by_admin","Por Admin"
+"cc_rejected_high_risk","Alto riesgo"
+"cc_rejected_insufficient_amount","Valor Insuficiente"
+"cc_rejected_other_reason","Otro Motivo"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_security_code","security_code rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_other","Rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_card_number","card_number rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_date","Data rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_card_disabled","Tarjeta desactivada"
+"cc_rejected_max_attempts","Intentos máximos"
+"cc_rejected_invalid_installments","Cuotas llenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_duplicated_payment","Pago duplicado"
+"bank_rejected","Rechazado por el banco"
+"bank_error","Error del banco"
+"rejected_by_bank","Rechazado por el Banco"
+"by_collector","Por Vendedor"
+"by_payer","Por pagador"
+"pending_review_manual","Pendiente de revisión manual"
+"pending_capture","Captura pendiente"
+"pending_waiting_payment","Aguardando pago pendiente"
+"pending_waiting_for_remedy","Pendiente en espera de solución"
+"pending_waiting_transfer","Pendiente aguardando transferencia"
+"Credit or Debit Card","Tarjeta de Crédito o Débito"
+"Email Address","Correo electrónico"
+"We'll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.","Enviaremos un correo electrónico con la confirmación del pedido con detalles e información de seguimiento."
+"Your order number is: %1.","Recibimos su pedido: %1!"
+"Your order # is: %1.","Recibimos su pedido: %1!"
+"By continuing, you agree to our ","Al continuar aceptas nuestros "
+"Terms and Conditions.","Términos y Condiciones."
+"Status (Mercado Pago)","Estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Status Detail (Mercado Pago)","Detalle de estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Google Ads - Id","Google Ads - Id"
+"Google Ads - Label","Google Ads - Label"
+"The card details are incorrect.","Los datos de la tarjeta son incorrectos."
+"The payment was rejected due to suspicion of fraud.","El pago fue rechazado por sospecha de fraude."
+"The payment method used requires prior authorization of the purchase amount.","El medio de pago utilizado requiere previa autorización del monto de la compra."
+"This card is blocked.","La tarjeta está bloqueada."
+"You made a similar payment a short time ago. Please use another payment method.","Hiciste un pago similar recientemente, usa otro medio de pago."
+"Something went wrong with the payment. Please use another card or choose a different payment method.","Algo salió mal con el pago. Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
+"The number of installments chosen is invalid.","El número de cuotas elegido no es válido."
+"The maximum number of attempts was reached.","Alcanzaste el número máximo de intentos de pago."
+"Something went wrong. Please try again.","Algo salió mal, por favor inténtalo de nuevo."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","No pudimos completar el pago. Usa otro medio para finalizar tu compra."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase or try another payment method.","Tu pago fue rechazado porque algún dato de la tarjeta es incorrecto. Verifica la información para finalizar la compra o utiliza otro método de pago."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Please double-check in your account your credentials are correct.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Regrese para completar las credenciales de su tienda correctamente."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Test credentials have been filled in and should be used in sandbox mode. Please check the credentials again.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Las credenciales son de prueba y se deben usar en modo sandbox. Por favor, regrese para completar las credenciales de nuevo."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Production credentials have been filled in and should be used in production mode. Please check the credentials again.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Las credenciales son de Producción y se deben usar en modo Producción. Por favor, regrese para completar las credenciales de nuevo."
+"Minimum transaction amount not allowed for the chosen brand. Please choose another flag or make a purchase over %1.", "Monto mínimo de transacción no permitido para la Bandera elegida. Elija otra Bandera o realice una compra superior a %1."
+"Download the Boleto","Descarga del boleto"
+"pending_contingency", "Pendiente de contingencia"
+"Pay with the method of payment you prefer and all the security of Mercado Pago.If you already have an account at Mercado Livre, use the same email and password.Use your Mercado Pago account balance or saved cards to buy without filling out more details.","Paga con el medio de pago que prefieras y disfruta de la seguridad de Mercado Pago.Si ya tiene una cuenta en Mercado Livre, use el mismo e-mail y clave.Usa tu saldo de Mercado Pago o tarjetas guardadas para comprar sin llenar más detalles."
+"Payments with immediate approval. The payment term is up to %1. At checkout, you will receive the code to make payment at the bank of your choice (check with your bank for your daily Pix transfer limit).", "Pagos con aprobación inmediata. El plazo de pago es hasta %1. Al finalizar la compra, recibirá el código para realizar el pago en el banco de su elección (verifique con su banco cuál es su límite diario de transferencia de Pix)."
+"Please fill a valid color in the Checkout Pro configuration","Complete un color válido en la configuración de Checkout Pro"
diff --git a/i18n/es_CO.csv b/i18n/es_CO.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c482de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/es_CO.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+"Finance Cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"Discount for payment at sight","Descuento para pagar en un pago"
+"Set up installments and interest","Definir cuotas e intereses"
+"Order not found.","Pedido no localizado."
+"Mercado Pago, refund notification","Mercado Pago, notificación de reembolso"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to create an offline refund.","El pedido %1, fue reembolsado directamente en Mercado Pago, necesitas crear un reembolso offline."
+Unavailable.,No disponible.
+"You should not be here...","No tienes que estar aquí..."
+"Order Canceled.","Pedido cancelado."
+"Transaction has been declined. Please try again later.","La operación fue rechazada. Por favor inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+"%1 minutes","%1 minutos"
+"1 hour","1 hora"
+"12 hours","12 horas"
+"1 day","1 día"
+"Payment for order %1 in store %2","Pago del pedido %1 en la tienda %2"
+"Awaiting payment of the Card.","Esperando pago via tarjeta."
+"Awaiting payment.","Esperando pago."
+"Awaiting payment through Checkout Pro.","Esperando pago a través del Checkout Pro."
+"Awaiting payment through Pix.","Esperando pago via Pix."
+"The gateway declined the transaction.","El gateway rechazó la operación."
+"Please select a category","Por favor, selecciona una categoría"
+"Sandbox - Testing environment","Ecositema de testeo"
+"Yes, Processed Order Synchronous","Sí, procesar solicitudes sincrónicamente"
+"No, Processed Order Asynchronous","No, procesar solicitudes asíncronas"
+"1 installment","1 cuota"
+"2 installments","2 cuotas"
+"3 installments","3 cuotas"
+"4 installments","4 cuotas"
+"5 installments","5 cuotas"
+"6 installments","6 cuotas"
+"7 installments","7 cuotas"
+"8 installments","8 cuotas"
+"9 installments","9 cuotas"
+"10 installments","10 cuotas"
+"11 installments","11 cuotas"
+"12 installments","12 cuotas"
+"13 installments","13 cuotas"
+"14 installments","14 cuotas"
+"15 installments","15 cuotas"
+"16 installments","16 cuotas"
+"17 installments","17 cuotas"
+"18 installments","18 cuotas"
+"19 installments","19 cuotas"
+"20 installments","20 cuotas"
+"21 installments","21 cuotas"
+"22 installments","22 cuotas"
+"23 installments","23 cuotas"
+"24 installments","24 cuotas"
+"25 installments","25 cuotas"
+"26 installments","26 cuotas"
+"27 installments","27 cuotas"
+"28 installments","28 cuotas"
+"29 installments","29 cuotas"
+"30 installments","30 cuotas"
+"31 installments","31 cuotas"
+"32 installments","32 cuotas"
+"33 installments","33 cuotas"
+"34 installments","34 cuotas"
+"35 installments","35 cuotas"
+"36 installments","36 cuotas"
+"Do Not Delete","No Finalizar"
+"Authorization for future capture","Autorización para la captura futura"
+"Authorization for immediate capture","Autorización y captura inmediata"
+"15 minutes","15 minutos"
+"30 minutes - recommended","30 minutos - recomendado"
+"24 hours","24 horas"
+"Modal window in store environment","Ventana modal en el ecosistema de la tienda"
+"Redirection to Mercado Pago environment","Redireccionamiento al ecosistema de Mercado Pago"
+"Cart %1 doesn't contain products","El carrito %1 no tiene productos"
+"There was an error when creating the payment. Please try again later.","Error al crear el pago. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+"It was not possible to save on the installment cost amount","No fue posible economizar el monto del costo de las cuotas"
+"Default Store %1 - Set Data for store id %2 Web Site Id %3","Store ID: %1 No habilitado para el uso en producción"
+"Store ID: %1 Not allowed for production use","Datos del comerciante obtenidos con éxito."
+"There was an error saving: %1","Error al guardar: %1"
+"Error fetching information: %1","Error al obtener información %1"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials","Por favor, verifica las credenciales de la tienda id %1"
+"Order %1 - Increment Id %2 - state %3","Order %1 - Increment ID %2 - Status %3"
+"Card - MercadoPago","Card - MercadoPago"
+"Checkout Pro - MercadoPago","Checkout Pro - MercadoPago"
+"Pix - MercadoPago","Pix - MercadoPago"
+"Pse - MercadoPago","Pse - MercadoPago"
+"Webpay - MercadoPago","Webpay - MercadoPago"
+"Document Type","Tipo de documento"
+"Document number","Número del documento"
+"Due date","Vencimiento"
+"In order to comply with PCI regulations, the administrator cannot capture this payment method.","Debido al cumplimiento de la normativa PCI, no es posible capturar este método de pago por el administrador."
+"Payer Entity Type","Tipo de la institución de pago"
+"Financial Institution","Institución financiera"
+"Your access credential for store %1 is valid but you don\'t have production use permission. Request approval before use by click here.","Tu credencial de acceso a la tienda %1 es válida, pero no tienes permiso de uso de producción. Solicita aprobación antes de usar clic aquí."
+"Your payment will be valid until","Tu pago es válido hasta"
+"Link for payment","Link para pago"
+"Details for payment","Detalles para el pago"
+"Verification Code","Código de verificación"
+"Line Code is","El line code es"
+"Issued on behalf of","Emitido en nombre de"
+"Mercado Pago partnership code","Código de convenio con Mercado Pago"
+"To pay, please scan the QR code","Para pagar, escanea el código QR"
+"or, if you prefer, copy-paste the code","o, si prefieres, copia y pega el código"
+"Further instructions","Leer más instrucciones"
+"The Line Code is","El line code es"
+"Enter the ID Document you used in the purchase","Ingresa el Documento de identificación usado en la compra"
+"Place Order","Realizar Pedido"
+"Payer First Name","Nombre del Pagador"
+"Payer Last Name","Apellido del Pagador"
+"Card details","Datos de la tarjeta"
+"Card number","Número de la tarjeta"
+"CVV - Card Verification Value","CVV - Código de seguridad"
+"What is this?","¿Qué es eso?"
+"Expiration month","Mes de vencimiento"
+"Expiration year","Año de vencimiento"
+"Card holder full name","Nombre impreso en la tarjeta"
+"Number of installments","Número de cuotas"
+"Save for later use.","Guardar para uso futuro."
+"A 3-digit number in italics on the back of your card.","Un número de 3 dígitos en itálica en el dorso de tu tarjeta."
+"Entity Type","Tipo de entidad"
+"Please provide a valid document identification.","No fue posible realizar el pago. Por favor, presenta un documento de identidad válido."
+"Unable to make payment, check card details.","No fue posible realizar el pago. Por favor, verifica los datos de la tarjeta."
+"Payment Services","Servicio de pago"
+"Permission to set up the module","Permiso para configurar el módulo"
Mercado Pago
It offers payments with credit and debit cards, as well as offline means - in addition to exclusive advantages for those who pay logged into their Mercado Pago account, such as credits, discounts and other special conditions.
Mercado Pago
Ofrece pagos con tarjetas de crédito y débito, además de los medios offline y ventajas exclusivas para quien paga después de iniciar sesión en la cuenta de Mercado Pago, como créditos, descuentos y otras condiciones especiales.
+"Technical support available here.","Soporte técnico disponible aquí."
+"Basic Settings","Configuraciones básicas"
+"Mercado Pago integration","Integración con Mercado Pago"
In order to sell or test a store, you must first enter your test and production credentials.
Using the account of the collaborator with access to Mercado Pago Seller Account, search the credentials according to the account: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Peru.
Para vender o testear la tienda , tienes que ingresar las credenciales de test y de producción.
+"Checkout operation mode","Modo de Operación del Checkout"
+"When operational mode is set as Sandbox, your sales will not be communicated to financial institutions.","Cuando el modo operacional esté definido como Sandbox, tus ventas no serán comunicadas a las instituciones financieras."
+"Public Key - production","Public Key - producción"
+"Access Token - production","Access Token - producción"
+"Public Key - Sandbox","Public Key - Sandbox"
+"Access Token - Sandbox","Access Token - Sandbox"
+"Developers support","Soporte para desarrolladores"
+"We record your store's communications with Mercado Pago in orer to offer a better support. Please note it is not recommended to use the debug mode when your store is in production mode.","Registramos las comunicaciones de tu tienda con Mercado Pago para ofrecer un soporte aún mejor. Atención: no se recomienda usar el modo debug con la tienda en modo de producción."
+"Rewrite notification URL","Reescribe la notificación URL"
+"You can override notification URLs which are automatically generated. In order to use the module's default, please do not fill in this details.","Puedes substituir las URLs de notificación que se generan automáticamente. Para usar el padrón del módulo, por favor, no cargues estos datos."
+"Store Name, Category and Integrator ID","Nombre de la tienda, Categoría e ID del Integrador"
+"Store Name","Nombre de la tienda"
+"This is the store's name as it will appear on the customer's invoice. In case the sale was made through Checkout Pro, the invoice will also show Mercado Pago in the name.","El nombre de la tienda igual a como figurará en la factura del cliente. Si la venta se hizo por medio del Checkout Pro, la factura también identificará a Mercado Pago en el nombre."
+"Category of your store","Categoría de tu tienda"
+"The product category of your store on Mercado Pago.","La categoría del producto de tu tienda en Mercado Pago."
+"Integrator ID","ID del integrador"
+"With this number, we are able to identify all your transactions and know how many sales were processed using your account. Become a certified Mercado Pago partner and request your integrator_id here.","Con este número, podemos identificar todas tus operaciones y saber cuántas ventas fueron procesadas con tu cuenta. Conviértete en un socio certificado de Mercado Pago y pide tu integrator_id here."
+"Sales requirements","Exigencias de ventas"
+"Checkout Pro","Checkout Pro"
+"Payment method title at the store's checkout.","Título de la forma de pago en el checkout de la tienda."
+"Deadline for payment","Plazo límite para el pago"
+"Calendar days.","Días seguidos."
+"Payment completion view","Visualización de la finalización del pago"
+"Modal: Buyer will close via modal on the checkout screen. Redirection: Buyer will be redirected to the Mercado Pago website.","Modal, el cliente finalizará vía modal en la pantalla de checkout. Redireccionamiento, el cliente será redireccionado al sitio de Mercado Pago"
+"Removed payment method","Medio de pago finalizado"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Selecciona los medios de pago que NO quieres aceptar."
+"Installment options limit","Límite de cuotas"
+"It is possible to configure the number of installments in Checkout Pro, but the limit of installments per purchase will also depend on the minimum and maximum amount defined by each flag in the country of your store.","Se puede configurar el número de cuotas en Checkout Pro, pero el límite de cuotas por compra también depende de los valores mínimo y máximo determinados por cada bandera del país en que se encuentra tu tienda."
+"Conversion tags","Tags de conversión"
+"You can link your Checkout Pro sales with external services.","Puedes asociar tus ventas del Checkout Pro a servicios externos."
+"Link your sales with Facebook by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Facebook, informando el ID del de tu código de rastreo."
+"Google Ads","Google Ads"
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Google Ads, informando el ID del tu código de rastreo."
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the Label and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Google Ads, informando el Label del tu código de rastreo."
+"Customization and Styles","Personalización y estilos"
+"Set up how the items will appear in the modal window in which the buyer will complete the purchase.","Define la apariencia de los ítems en la ventana modal en la que el cliente finalizará la compra."
+"Header Color","Color del header"
+"Elements Color","Colores de los elementos"
+"Common Payment Method Definitions","Definiciones comunes de medios de pago"
+"Minimum order total","Monto mínimo del pedido"
+"Minimum amount to pay with Checkout Pro.","Monto mínimo para pago con Checkout Pro."
+"Maximum order amount","Monto máximo de pedido"
+"Maximum amount to pay with Checkout Pro","Monto máximo a pagar con Checkout Pro."
+"Payment From Specific Countries","Pago de países específicos"
+"Countries eligible to use this payment method.","Países que pueden usar este medio de pago."
+"Sort Order","Orden de visualización"
+"Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.","Define el orden de visualización del medio de pago en el Checkout."
+"Checkout Transparent","Checkout Transparente"
+"Capture of customer details in the payment form","Captura de datos del cliente en el formulario de pago"
+"Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.","Activa esta función para capturar documentos de clientes con un campo adicional en el formulario de pago. Desactívala si la tienda ya captura estos datos."
+"Capture document identification","Capturar documento de identificación"
+"Capture name","Capturar nombre"
+"In case you leave this option active, an additional field in the payment form will obtain this information. If disabled, details will be retrieved directly from other fields within your store.","Si se activa, el formulario de pago mostrará un campo adicional para colectar esa información. Si se inhabilita, el monto será capturado directamente de otros campos en tu tienda."
+"Credit and debit cards","Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+"Enable vault","Habilitar caja fuerte"
+"Allows buyer to save the card for future use.","Permite que tu cliente guarde la tarjeta para uso futuro."
+"Payment Action","Perfil de pago"
+"Consult the store's business sector to be able to select capturing the payment at the time of the purchase or at a later moment.","Consulta la rama de negocios de la tienda para poder elegir entre capturar el pago en el acto de la compra o posteriormente."
+"Use Binary Mode","Usa el modo binario"
+"Installment and interest","Cuotas e intereses"
+"Set within your account","Definir en tu cuenta"
+"Minimum amount for payment with this payment method.","Monto mínimo para este medio de pago."
+"Maximum amount for payment with this payment method.","Monto máximo para este medio de pago."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Pse.","Monto mínimo a pagar con Pse."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Pse.","Monto máximo a pagar con Pse."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Webpay.","Monto mínimo a pagar con Webpay."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Webpay.","Monto máximo a pagar con Webpay."
+"Store information hosted in Mercado Pago","Información de la tienda en Mercado Pago"
+"User Id","Código de identificación"
+"User Email","E-mail de usuario"
+"User Name","Nombre"
+"mp_payment_id","Identificación de pago (Mercado Pago)"
+"card_finance_cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"card_number","Numero de tarjeta"
+"card_holder_name","Nombre impreso en tarjeta"
+"card_exp_year","Año de vencimiento"
+"card_exp_month","Mês de vencimiento"
+"payer_document_identification","Documento de identificación"
+"date_of_expiration","Fecha de expiración"
+"barcode","Código de barras"
+"external_resource_url","Enlace de pago"
+"verification_code","Código de verificación"
+"payer_document_type","Tipo de documento"
+"mp_status","Estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"mp_status_detail","Estado Detallado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Line Code","Código de Barras"
+"Payer Document Type","Tipo de Documento"
+"Payment Type (Mercado Pago)","Tipo de pago (Mercado Pago )"
+"Installments (Mercado Pago)","Financiacíon o quotas (Mercado Pago )"
+"Pix QR Code","Código QR do pix"
+"Pix Code","Código de pix"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to check stock of sold items.","El pedido %1 ha sido reembolsado directamente en el Mercado Pago, debe verificar su inventario de productos vendidos."
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, but an error occured when refunding offline, you need to check order refunds and stock of sold items.","El pedido %1, fue reembolsado directamente en Mercado Pago, pero ocurrió un error al reembolsar fuera de línea, debe consultar las devoluciones del pedido y el stock de artículos vendidos."
+"Order refunded in Mercado Pago, refunded offline in the store.","Solicitud reembolsada del Mercado Pago, reembolsado offline creado en la tienda."
+"Order refunded.","Solicitud refactada.."
+"API Integration","Integración de API"
+"Receive refund notification","Recibir notificación de reembolso"
+"Enable the creation of a Credit Note when a refund occurs in Mercado Pago.","Habilitar la creación de notas de credito cuando ocurra un reembolso en Mercado Pago."
+"Enable Facebook pixel","Activar Pixel de Facebook"
+"Enable Google pixel","Activar Google Pixel"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials, they are invalid so they were deleted.","Verifique las credenciales de la tienda ID %1, no son válidas para que se eliminen."
+"Your payment was declined due to an error in the store setup. Please get in touch with the store support and try again later.","Tu pago fue rechazado por un error en la configuración de la tienda. Contáctate con el soporte de la tienda e inténtalo más tarde."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later.","No pudimos completar el pago por una falla de comunicación. Inténtalo más tarde."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase.","Tu pago fue rechazado porque algún dato de la tarjeta es incorrecto. Verifica la información para finalizar la compra."
+"Your payment was declined. We recommend that you use the device and payment method you usually use for online shopping.","Tu pago fue rechazado. Recomendamos que utilices el dispositivo y el medio de pago que sueles usar para compras online."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","No pudimos completar el pago. Usa otro medio para finalizar tu compra."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later or use another payment method.","No pudimos completar el pago por una falla de comunicación. Inténtalo más tarde o usa otro medio de pago."
+"Offline Payments Methods","Medios de Pago OFF"
+"Exclude Payment Methods","Excluir métodos de pago"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Seleccione los métodos de pago que NO desea aceptar."
+"Payment Title","Título del metodo de pago"
+"Accept all payment methods","Aceptar todos los medios de pago"
+"There are no payment methods available, please contact the seller.", "No hay métodos de pago disponibles, póngase en contacto con el vendedor."
+"Generate the ticket and pay it wherever you want.","Genere el ticket de pago y pague."
+"Will be approved within 2 business days.","Será aprobado en hasta 2 días hábiles."
+"Ticket - MercadoPago","Ticket - MercadoPago"
+"Payment Number (Mercado Pago): %1","Número de Pago (Mercado Pago): %1"
+"Card number:","Número de la tarjeta:"
+"Expiration date:","Fecha de vencimiento:"
+"Card holder:","Titular de la tarjeta:"
+"Payment method:","Medio de pago:"
+"Identification in the invoice:","Identificación en el resumen:"
+"Payment status:","Estado del pago:"
+"Detailed payment status:","Estado detallado del pago:"
+"Your order is %1!","Recibimos tu pedido %1!"
+"Thank you for your purchase!","Gracias por su compra!"
+"We are processing your payment","Estamos procesando tu pago"
+"Continue Shopping","Seguir comprando"
+"Create an Account","Crear una cuenta"
+"First card details:","Datos de la primera tarjeta:"
+"Enter the amount to be paid with the first method *", "Ingresá el monto a pagar con el primer medio *"
+"Value not allowed!","Valor no permitido!"
+"Remaining value ","Valor restante "
+"Credit card","Tarjeta de crédito"
+"Second card details:","Datos de la segunda tarjeta:"
+"Payment processed by Mercado Pago","Pago procesado por Mercado Pago"
+"This is a required field.","Este es un campo obligatorio."
+"You can track your order status by creating an account.","Puede rastrear el estado de su pedido creando una cuenta."
+"cardNumber should be a number.","Número de la tarjeta debería ser un número."
+"cardNumber is empty.","Número de la tarjeta está vacío."
+"cardNumber should be of length between '8' and '19'.","Número de la tarjeta debe ser de longitud entre '8' y '19'."
+"securityCode should be a number.","CVV - Código de seguridad debería ser un número."
+"securityCode should be of length '3' or '4'.","CVV - Código de seguridad debe ser de longitud '3' o '4'."
+"securityCode is empty.","CVV - Código de seguridad esta vacio."
+"expirationMonth should be a number.","Mes de vencimiento debería ser un número."
+"expirationMonth is empty.","Mes de vencimiento esta vacio."
+"expirationYear should be of length '2' or '4'.","Año de vencimiento debe ser de longitud '2' o '4'."
+"expirationYear should be a number.","Año de vencimiento debería ser un número."
+"expirationYear is empty.","Año de vencimiento esta vacio."
+"expirationMonth should be a value from 1 to 12.","Mes de vencimiento debe ser un valor de 1 a 12."
+"expirationYear value should be greater or equal than %1.", "Año de vencimiento no es válido"
+"expirationMonth value should be greater than '%1' or expirationYear value should be greater than '%2'.", "Mes de vencimiento o el valor del año de vencimiento no es válido."
+"cardNumber should be of length '16'.","Número de la tarjeta debe ser de longitud 16."
+"Pay with two cards","Pagar con dos tarjetas"
+"Payment with two cards","Pago con dos tarjetas"
+"Interest-free","Sin interés"
+"Your Bank will apply Interest","Tu Banco aplicará Intereses"
+"Complete your order to proceed with payment.","Finaliza tu pedido para proceder con el pago."
+"partially_refunded","Reembolso Parcial"
+"cc_rejected_call_for_authorize","Solicitud de autorización rechazada"
+"in_process","En proceso"
+"by_admin","Por Admin"
+"cc_rejected_high_risk","Alto riesgo"
+"cc_rejected_insufficient_amount","Valor Insuficiente"
+"cc_rejected_other_reason","Otro Motivo"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_security_code","security_code rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_other","Rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_card_number","card_number rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_date","Data rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_card_disabled","Tarjeta desactivada"
+"cc_rejected_max_attempts","Intentos máximos"
+"cc_rejected_invalid_installments","Cuotas llenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_duplicated_payment","Pago duplicado"
+"bank_rejected","Rechazado por el banco"
+"bank_error","Error del banco"
+"rejected_by_bank","Rechazado por el Banco"
+"by_collector","Por Vendedor"
+"by_payer","Por pagador"
+"pending_review_manual","Pendiente de revisión manual"
+"pending_capture","Captura pendiente"
+"pending_waiting_payment","Aguardando pago pendiente"
+"pending_waiting_for_remedy","Pendiente en espera de solución"
+"pending_waiting_transfer","Pendiente aguardando transferencia"
+"Credit or Debit Card","Tarjeta de Crédito o Débito"
+"Email Address","Correo electrónico"
+"We'll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.","Enviaremos un correo electrónico con la confirmación del pedido con detalles e información de seguimiento."
+"Your order number is: %1.","Recibimos su pedido: %1!"
+"Your order # is: %1.","Recibimos su pedido: %1!"
+"By continuing, you agree to our ","Al continuar aceptas nuestros "
+"Terms and Conditions.","Términos y Condiciones."
+"Status (Mercado Pago)","Estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Status Detail (Mercado Pago)","Detalle de estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Google Ads - Id","Google Ads - Id"
+"Google Ads - Label","Google Ads - Label"
+"The card details are incorrect.","Los datos de la tarjeta son incorrectos."
+"The payment was rejected due to suspicion of fraud.","El pago fue rechazado por sospecha de fraude."
+"The payment method used requires prior authorization of the purchase amount.","El medio de pago utilizado requiere previa autorización del monto de la compra."
+"This card is blocked.","La tarjeta está bloqueada."
+"You made a similar payment a short time ago. Please use another payment method.","Hiciste un pago similar recientemente, usa otro medio de pago."
+"Something went wrong with the payment. Please use another card or choose a different payment method.","Algo salió mal con el pago. Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
+"The number of installments chosen is invalid.","El número de cuotas elegido no es válido."
+"The maximum number of attempts was reached.","Alcanzaste el número máximo de intentos de pago."
+"Something went wrong. Please try again.","Algo salió mal, por favor inténtalo de nuevo."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","No pudimos completar el pago. Usa otro medio para finalizar tu compra."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase or try another payment method.","Tu pago fue rechazado porque algún dato de la tarjeta es incorrecto. Verifica la información para finalizar la compra o utiliza otro método de pago."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Please double-check in your account your credentials are correct.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Regrese para completar las credenciales de su tienda correctamente."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Test credentials have been filled in and should be used in sandbox mode. Please check the credentials again.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Las credenciales son de prueba y se deben usar en modo sandbox. Por favor, regrese para completar las credenciales de nuevo."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Production credentials have been filled in and should be used in production mode. Please check the credentials again.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Las credenciales son de Producción y se deben usar en modo Producción. Por favor, regrese para completar las credenciales de nuevo."
+"Minimum transaction amount not allowed for the chosen brand. Please choose another flag or make a purchase over %1.", "Monto mínimo de transacción no permitido para la Bandera elegida. Elija otra Bandera o realice una compra superior a %1."
+"Download the Boleto","Descarga del boleto"
+"pending_contingency", "Pendiente de contingencia"
+"Pay with the method of payment you prefer and all the security of Mercado Pago.If you already have an account at Mercado Livre, use the same email and password.Use your Mercado Pago account balance or saved cards to buy without filling out more details.","Paga con el medio de pago que prefieras y disfruta de la seguridad de Mercado Pago.Si ya tiene una cuenta en Mercado Livre, use el mismo e-mail y clave.Usa tu saldo de Mercado Pago o tarjetas guardadas para comprar sin llenar más detalles."
+"Payments with immediate approval. The payment term is up to %1. At checkout, you will receive the code to make payment at the bank of your choice (check with your bank for your daily Pix transfer limit).", "Pagos con aprobación inmediata. El plazo de pago es hasta %1. Al finalizar la compra, recibirá el código para realizar el pago en el banco de su elección (verifique con su banco cuál es su límite diario de transferencia de Pix)."
+"Please fill a valid color in the Checkout Pro configuration","Complete un color válido en la configuración de Checkout Pro"
diff --git a/i18n/es_MX.csv b/i18n/es_MX.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c482de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/es_MX.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+"Finance Cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"Discount for payment at sight","Descuento para pagar en un pago"
+"Set up installments and interest","Definir cuotas e intereses"
+"Order not found.","Pedido no localizado."
+"Mercado Pago, refund notification","Mercado Pago, notificación de reembolso"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to create an offline refund.","El pedido %1, fue reembolsado directamente en Mercado Pago, necesitas crear un reembolso offline."
+Unavailable.,No disponible.
+"You should not be here...","No tienes que estar aquí..."
+"Order Canceled.","Pedido cancelado."
+"Transaction has been declined. Please try again later.","La operación fue rechazada. Por favor inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+"%1 minutes","%1 minutos"
+"1 hour","1 hora"
+"12 hours","12 horas"
+"1 day","1 día"
+"Payment for order %1 in store %2","Pago del pedido %1 en la tienda %2"
+"Awaiting payment of the Card.","Esperando pago via tarjeta."
+"Awaiting payment.","Esperando pago."
+"Awaiting payment through Checkout Pro.","Esperando pago a través del Checkout Pro."
+"Awaiting payment through Pix.","Esperando pago via Pix."
+"The gateway declined the transaction.","El gateway rechazó la operación."
+"Please select a category","Por favor, selecciona una categoría"
+"Sandbox - Testing environment","Ecositema de testeo"
+"Yes, Processed Order Synchronous","Sí, procesar solicitudes sincrónicamente"
+"No, Processed Order Asynchronous","No, procesar solicitudes asíncronas"
+"1 installment","1 cuota"
+"2 installments","2 cuotas"
+"3 installments","3 cuotas"
+"4 installments","4 cuotas"
+"5 installments","5 cuotas"
+"6 installments","6 cuotas"
+"7 installments","7 cuotas"
+"8 installments","8 cuotas"
+"9 installments","9 cuotas"
+"10 installments","10 cuotas"
+"11 installments","11 cuotas"
+"12 installments","12 cuotas"
+"13 installments","13 cuotas"
+"14 installments","14 cuotas"
+"15 installments","15 cuotas"
+"16 installments","16 cuotas"
+"17 installments","17 cuotas"
+"18 installments","18 cuotas"
+"19 installments","19 cuotas"
+"20 installments","20 cuotas"
+"21 installments","21 cuotas"
+"22 installments","22 cuotas"
+"23 installments","23 cuotas"
+"24 installments","24 cuotas"
+"25 installments","25 cuotas"
+"26 installments","26 cuotas"
+"27 installments","27 cuotas"
+"28 installments","28 cuotas"
+"29 installments","29 cuotas"
+"30 installments","30 cuotas"
+"31 installments","31 cuotas"
+"32 installments","32 cuotas"
+"33 installments","33 cuotas"
+"34 installments","34 cuotas"
+"35 installments","35 cuotas"
+"36 installments","36 cuotas"
+"Do Not Delete","No Finalizar"
+"Authorization for future capture","Autorización para la captura futura"
+"Authorization for immediate capture","Autorización y captura inmediata"
+"15 minutes","15 minutos"
+"30 minutes - recommended","30 minutos - recomendado"
+"24 hours","24 horas"
+"Modal window in store environment","Ventana modal en el ecosistema de la tienda"
+"Redirection to Mercado Pago environment","Redireccionamiento al ecosistema de Mercado Pago"
+"Cart %1 doesn't contain products","El carrito %1 no tiene productos"
+"There was an error when creating the payment. Please try again later.","Error al crear el pago. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+"It was not possible to save on the installment cost amount","No fue posible economizar el monto del costo de las cuotas"
+"Default Store %1 - Set Data for store id %2 Web Site Id %3","Store ID: %1 No habilitado para el uso en producción"
+"Store ID: %1 Not allowed for production use","Datos del comerciante obtenidos con éxito."
+"There was an error saving: %1","Error al guardar: %1"
+"Error fetching information: %1","Error al obtener información %1"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials","Por favor, verifica las credenciales de la tienda id %1"
+"Order %1 - Increment Id %2 - state %3","Order %1 - Increment ID %2 - Status %3"
+"Card - MercadoPago","Card - MercadoPago"
+"Checkout Pro - MercadoPago","Checkout Pro - MercadoPago"
+"Pix - MercadoPago","Pix - MercadoPago"
+"Pse - MercadoPago","Pse - MercadoPago"
+"Webpay - MercadoPago","Webpay - MercadoPago"
+"Document Type","Tipo de documento"
+"Document number","Número del documento"
+"Due date","Vencimiento"
+"In order to comply with PCI regulations, the administrator cannot capture this payment method.","Debido al cumplimiento de la normativa PCI, no es posible capturar este método de pago por el administrador."
+"Payer Entity Type","Tipo de la institución de pago"
+"Financial Institution","Institución financiera"
+"Your access credential for store %1 is valid but you don\'t have production use permission. Request approval before use by click here.","Tu credencial de acceso a la tienda %1 es válida, pero no tienes permiso de uso de producción. Solicita aprobación antes de usar clic aquí."
+"Your payment will be valid until","Tu pago es válido hasta"
+"Link for payment","Link para pago"
+"Details for payment","Detalles para el pago"
+"Verification Code","Código de verificación"
+"Line Code is","El line code es"
+"Issued on behalf of","Emitido en nombre de"
+"Mercado Pago partnership code","Código de convenio con Mercado Pago"
+"To pay, please scan the QR code","Para pagar, escanea el código QR"
+"or, if you prefer, copy-paste the code","o, si prefieres, copia y pega el código"
+"Further instructions","Leer más instrucciones"
+"The Line Code is","El line code es"
+"Enter the ID Document you used in the purchase","Ingresa el Documento de identificación usado en la compra"
+"Place Order","Realizar Pedido"
+"Payer First Name","Nombre del Pagador"
+"Payer Last Name","Apellido del Pagador"
+"Card details","Datos de la tarjeta"
+"Card number","Número de la tarjeta"
+"CVV - Card Verification Value","CVV - Código de seguridad"
+"What is this?","¿Qué es eso?"
+"Expiration month","Mes de vencimiento"
+"Expiration year","Año de vencimiento"
+"Card holder full name","Nombre impreso en la tarjeta"
+"Number of installments","Número de cuotas"
+"Save for later use.","Guardar para uso futuro."
+"A 3-digit number in italics on the back of your card.","Un número de 3 dígitos en itálica en el dorso de tu tarjeta."
+"Entity Type","Tipo de entidad"
+"Please provide a valid document identification.","No fue posible realizar el pago. Por favor, presenta un documento de identidad válido."
+"Unable to make payment, check card details.","No fue posible realizar el pago. Por favor, verifica los datos de la tarjeta."
+"Payment Services","Servicio de pago"
+"Permission to set up the module","Permiso para configurar el módulo"
Mercado Pago
It offers payments with credit and debit cards, as well as offline means - in addition to exclusive advantages for those who pay logged into their Mercado Pago account, such as credits, discounts and other special conditions.
Mercado Pago
Ofrece pagos con tarjetas de crédito y débito, además de los medios offline y ventajas exclusivas para quien paga después de iniciar sesión en la cuenta de Mercado Pago, como créditos, descuentos y otras condiciones especiales.
+"Technical support available here.","Soporte técnico disponible aquí."
+"Basic Settings","Configuraciones básicas"
+"Mercado Pago integration","Integración con Mercado Pago"
In order to sell or test a store, you must first enter your test and production credentials.
Using the account of the collaborator with access to Mercado Pago Seller Account, search the credentials according to the account: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Peru.
Para vender o testear la tienda , tienes que ingresar las credenciales de test y de producción.
+"Checkout operation mode","Modo de Operación del Checkout"
+"When operational mode is set as Sandbox, your sales will not be communicated to financial institutions.","Cuando el modo operacional esté definido como Sandbox, tus ventas no serán comunicadas a las instituciones financieras."
+"Public Key - production","Public Key - producción"
+"Access Token - production","Access Token - producción"
+"Public Key - Sandbox","Public Key - Sandbox"
+"Access Token - Sandbox","Access Token - Sandbox"
+"Developers support","Soporte para desarrolladores"
+"We record your store's communications with Mercado Pago in orer to offer a better support. Please note it is not recommended to use the debug mode when your store is in production mode.","Registramos las comunicaciones de tu tienda con Mercado Pago para ofrecer un soporte aún mejor. Atención: no se recomienda usar el modo debug con la tienda en modo de producción."
+"Rewrite notification URL","Reescribe la notificación URL"
+"You can override notification URLs which are automatically generated. In order to use the module's default, please do not fill in this details.","Puedes substituir las URLs de notificación que se generan automáticamente. Para usar el padrón del módulo, por favor, no cargues estos datos."
+"Store Name, Category and Integrator ID","Nombre de la tienda, Categoría e ID del Integrador"
+"Store Name","Nombre de la tienda"
+"This is the store's name as it will appear on the customer's invoice. In case the sale was made through Checkout Pro, the invoice will also show Mercado Pago in the name.","El nombre de la tienda igual a como figurará en la factura del cliente. Si la venta se hizo por medio del Checkout Pro, la factura también identificará a Mercado Pago en el nombre."
+"Category of your store","Categoría de tu tienda"
+"The product category of your store on Mercado Pago.","La categoría del producto de tu tienda en Mercado Pago."
+"Integrator ID","ID del integrador"
+"With this number, we are able to identify all your transactions and know how many sales were processed using your account. Become a certified Mercado Pago partner and request your integrator_id here.","Con este número, podemos identificar todas tus operaciones y saber cuántas ventas fueron procesadas con tu cuenta. Conviértete en un socio certificado de Mercado Pago y pide tu integrator_id here."
+"Sales requirements","Exigencias de ventas"
+"Checkout Pro","Checkout Pro"
+"Payment method title at the store's checkout.","Título de la forma de pago en el checkout de la tienda."
+"Deadline for payment","Plazo límite para el pago"
+"Calendar days.","Días seguidos."
+"Payment completion view","Visualización de la finalización del pago"
+"Modal: Buyer will close via modal on the checkout screen. Redirection: Buyer will be redirected to the Mercado Pago website.","Modal, el cliente finalizará vía modal en la pantalla de checkout. Redireccionamiento, el cliente será redireccionado al sitio de Mercado Pago"
+"Removed payment method","Medio de pago finalizado"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Selecciona los medios de pago que NO quieres aceptar."
+"Installment options limit","Límite de cuotas"
+"It is possible to configure the number of installments in Checkout Pro, but the limit of installments per purchase will also depend on the minimum and maximum amount defined by each flag in the country of your store.","Se puede configurar el número de cuotas en Checkout Pro, pero el límite de cuotas por compra también depende de los valores mínimo y máximo determinados por cada bandera del país en que se encuentra tu tienda."
+"Conversion tags","Tags de conversión"
+"You can link your Checkout Pro sales with external services.","Puedes asociar tus ventas del Checkout Pro a servicios externos."
+"Link your sales with Facebook by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Facebook, informando el ID del de tu código de rastreo."
+"Google Ads","Google Ads"
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Google Ads, informando el ID del tu código de rastreo."
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the Label and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Google Ads, informando el Label del tu código de rastreo."
+"Customization and Styles","Personalización y estilos"
+"Set up how the items will appear in the modal window in which the buyer will complete the purchase.","Define la apariencia de los ítems en la ventana modal en la que el cliente finalizará la compra."
+"Header Color","Color del header"
+"Elements Color","Colores de los elementos"
+"Common Payment Method Definitions","Definiciones comunes de medios de pago"
+"Minimum order total","Monto mínimo del pedido"
+"Minimum amount to pay with Checkout Pro.","Monto mínimo para pago con Checkout Pro."
+"Maximum order amount","Monto máximo de pedido"
+"Maximum amount to pay with Checkout Pro","Monto máximo a pagar con Checkout Pro."
+"Payment From Specific Countries","Pago de países específicos"
+"Countries eligible to use this payment method.","Países que pueden usar este medio de pago."
+"Sort Order","Orden de visualización"
+"Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.","Define el orden de visualización del medio de pago en el Checkout."
+"Checkout Transparent","Checkout Transparente"
+"Capture of customer details in the payment form","Captura de datos del cliente en el formulario de pago"
+"Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.","Activa esta función para capturar documentos de clientes con un campo adicional en el formulario de pago. Desactívala si la tienda ya captura estos datos."
+"Capture document identification","Capturar documento de identificación"
+"Capture name","Capturar nombre"
+"In case you leave this option active, an additional field in the payment form will obtain this information. If disabled, details will be retrieved directly from other fields within your store.","Si se activa, el formulario de pago mostrará un campo adicional para colectar esa información. Si se inhabilita, el monto será capturado directamente de otros campos en tu tienda."
+"Credit and debit cards","Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+"Enable vault","Habilitar caja fuerte"
+"Allows buyer to save the card for future use.","Permite que tu cliente guarde la tarjeta para uso futuro."
+"Payment Action","Perfil de pago"
+"Consult the store's business sector to be able to select capturing the payment at the time of the purchase or at a later moment.","Consulta la rama de negocios de la tienda para poder elegir entre capturar el pago en el acto de la compra o posteriormente."
+"Use Binary Mode","Usa el modo binario"
+"Installment and interest","Cuotas e intereses"
+"Set within your account","Definir en tu cuenta"
+"Minimum amount for payment with this payment method.","Monto mínimo para este medio de pago."
+"Maximum amount for payment with this payment method.","Monto máximo para este medio de pago."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Pse.","Monto mínimo a pagar con Pse."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Pse.","Monto máximo a pagar con Pse."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Webpay.","Monto mínimo a pagar con Webpay."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Webpay.","Monto máximo a pagar con Webpay."
+"Store information hosted in Mercado Pago","Información de la tienda en Mercado Pago"
+"User Id","Código de identificación"
+"User Email","E-mail de usuario"
+"User Name","Nombre"
+"mp_payment_id","Identificación de pago (Mercado Pago)"
+"card_finance_cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"card_number","Numero de tarjeta"
+"card_holder_name","Nombre impreso en tarjeta"
+"card_exp_year","Año de vencimiento"
+"card_exp_month","Mês de vencimiento"
+"payer_document_identification","Documento de identificación"
+"date_of_expiration","Fecha de expiración"
+"barcode","Código de barras"
+"external_resource_url","Enlace de pago"
+"verification_code","Código de verificación"
+"payer_document_type","Tipo de documento"
+"mp_status","Estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"mp_status_detail","Estado Detallado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Line Code","Código de Barras"
+"Payer Document Type","Tipo de Documento"
+"Payment Type (Mercado Pago)","Tipo de pago (Mercado Pago )"
+"Installments (Mercado Pago)","Financiacíon o quotas (Mercado Pago )"
+"Pix QR Code","Código QR do pix"
+"Pix Code","Código de pix"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to check stock of sold items.","El pedido %1 ha sido reembolsado directamente en el Mercado Pago, debe verificar su inventario de productos vendidos."
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, but an error occured when refunding offline, you need to check order refunds and stock of sold items.","El pedido %1, fue reembolsado directamente en Mercado Pago, pero ocurrió un error al reembolsar fuera de línea, debe consultar las devoluciones del pedido y el stock de artículos vendidos."
+"Order refunded in Mercado Pago, refunded offline in the store.","Solicitud reembolsada del Mercado Pago, reembolsado offline creado en la tienda."
+"Order refunded.","Solicitud refactada.."
+"API Integration","Integración de API"
+"Receive refund notification","Recibir notificación de reembolso"
+"Enable the creation of a Credit Note when a refund occurs in Mercado Pago.","Habilitar la creación de notas de credito cuando ocurra un reembolso en Mercado Pago."
+"Enable Facebook pixel","Activar Pixel de Facebook"
+"Enable Google pixel","Activar Google Pixel"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials, they are invalid so they were deleted.","Verifique las credenciales de la tienda ID %1, no son válidas para que se eliminen."
+"Your payment was declined due to an error in the store setup. Please get in touch with the store support and try again later.","Tu pago fue rechazado por un error en la configuración de la tienda. Contáctate con el soporte de la tienda e inténtalo más tarde."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later.","No pudimos completar el pago por una falla de comunicación. Inténtalo más tarde."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase.","Tu pago fue rechazado porque algún dato de la tarjeta es incorrecto. Verifica la información para finalizar la compra."
+"Your payment was declined. We recommend that you use the device and payment method you usually use for online shopping.","Tu pago fue rechazado. Recomendamos que utilices el dispositivo y el medio de pago que sueles usar para compras online."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","No pudimos completar el pago. Usa otro medio para finalizar tu compra."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later or use another payment method.","No pudimos completar el pago por una falla de comunicación. Inténtalo más tarde o usa otro medio de pago."
+"Offline Payments Methods","Medios de Pago OFF"
+"Exclude Payment Methods","Excluir métodos de pago"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Seleccione los métodos de pago que NO desea aceptar."
+"Payment Title","Título del metodo de pago"
+"Accept all payment methods","Aceptar todos los medios de pago"
+"There are no payment methods available, please contact the seller.", "No hay métodos de pago disponibles, póngase en contacto con el vendedor."
+"Generate the ticket and pay it wherever you want.","Genere el ticket de pago y pague."
+"Will be approved within 2 business days.","Será aprobado en hasta 2 días hábiles."
+"Ticket - MercadoPago","Ticket - MercadoPago"
+"Payment Number (Mercado Pago): %1","Número de Pago (Mercado Pago): %1"
+"Card number:","Número de la tarjeta:"
+"Expiration date:","Fecha de vencimiento:"
+"Card holder:","Titular de la tarjeta:"
+"Payment method:","Medio de pago:"
+"Identification in the invoice:","Identificación en el resumen:"
+"Payment status:","Estado del pago:"
+"Detailed payment status:","Estado detallado del pago:"
+"Your order is %1!","Recibimos tu pedido %1!"
+"Thank you for your purchase!","Gracias por su compra!"
+"We are processing your payment","Estamos procesando tu pago"
+"Continue Shopping","Seguir comprando"
+"Create an Account","Crear una cuenta"
+"First card details:","Datos de la primera tarjeta:"
+"Enter the amount to be paid with the first method *", "Ingresá el monto a pagar con el primer medio *"
+"Value not allowed!","Valor no permitido!"
+"Remaining value ","Valor restante "
+"Credit card","Tarjeta de crédito"
+"Second card details:","Datos de la segunda tarjeta:"
+"Payment processed by Mercado Pago","Pago procesado por Mercado Pago"
+"This is a required field.","Este es un campo obligatorio."
+"You can track your order status by creating an account.","Puede rastrear el estado de su pedido creando una cuenta."
+"cardNumber should be a number.","Número de la tarjeta debería ser un número."
+"cardNumber is empty.","Número de la tarjeta está vacío."
+"cardNumber should be of length between '8' and '19'.","Número de la tarjeta debe ser de longitud entre '8' y '19'."
+"securityCode should be a number.","CVV - Código de seguridad debería ser un número."
+"securityCode should be of length '3' or '4'.","CVV - Código de seguridad debe ser de longitud '3' o '4'."
+"securityCode is empty.","CVV - Código de seguridad esta vacio."
+"expirationMonth should be a number.","Mes de vencimiento debería ser un número."
+"expirationMonth is empty.","Mes de vencimiento esta vacio."
+"expirationYear should be of length '2' or '4'.","Año de vencimiento debe ser de longitud '2' o '4'."
+"expirationYear should be a number.","Año de vencimiento debería ser un número."
+"expirationYear is empty.","Año de vencimiento esta vacio."
+"expirationMonth should be a value from 1 to 12.","Mes de vencimiento debe ser un valor de 1 a 12."
+"expirationYear value should be greater or equal than %1.", "Año de vencimiento no es válido"
+"expirationMonth value should be greater than '%1' or expirationYear value should be greater than '%2'.", "Mes de vencimiento o el valor del año de vencimiento no es válido."
+"cardNumber should be of length '16'.","Número de la tarjeta debe ser de longitud 16."
+"Pay with two cards","Pagar con dos tarjetas"
+"Payment with two cards","Pago con dos tarjetas"
+"Interest-free","Sin interés"
+"Your Bank will apply Interest","Tu Banco aplicará Intereses"
+"Complete your order to proceed with payment.","Finaliza tu pedido para proceder con el pago."
+"partially_refunded","Reembolso Parcial"
+"cc_rejected_call_for_authorize","Solicitud de autorización rechazada"
+"in_process","En proceso"
+"by_admin","Por Admin"
+"cc_rejected_high_risk","Alto riesgo"
+"cc_rejected_insufficient_amount","Valor Insuficiente"
+"cc_rejected_other_reason","Otro Motivo"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_security_code","security_code rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_other","Rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_card_number","card_number rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_date","Data rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_card_disabled","Tarjeta desactivada"
+"cc_rejected_max_attempts","Intentos máximos"
+"cc_rejected_invalid_installments","Cuotas llenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_duplicated_payment","Pago duplicado"
+"bank_rejected","Rechazado por el banco"
+"bank_error","Error del banco"
+"rejected_by_bank","Rechazado por el Banco"
+"by_collector","Por Vendedor"
+"by_payer","Por pagador"
+"pending_review_manual","Pendiente de revisión manual"
+"pending_capture","Captura pendiente"
+"pending_waiting_payment","Aguardando pago pendiente"
+"pending_waiting_for_remedy","Pendiente en espera de solución"
+"pending_waiting_transfer","Pendiente aguardando transferencia"
+"Credit or Debit Card","Tarjeta de Crédito o Débito"
+"Email Address","Correo electrónico"
+"We'll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.","Enviaremos un correo electrónico con la confirmación del pedido con detalles e información de seguimiento."
+"Your order number is: %1.","Recibimos su pedido: %1!"
+"Your order # is: %1.","Recibimos su pedido: %1!"
+"By continuing, you agree to our ","Al continuar aceptas nuestros "
+"Terms and Conditions.","Términos y Condiciones."
+"Status (Mercado Pago)","Estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Status Detail (Mercado Pago)","Detalle de estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Google Ads - Id","Google Ads - Id"
+"Google Ads - Label","Google Ads - Label"
+"The card details are incorrect.","Los datos de la tarjeta son incorrectos."
+"The payment was rejected due to suspicion of fraud.","El pago fue rechazado por sospecha de fraude."
+"The payment method used requires prior authorization of the purchase amount.","El medio de pago utilizado requiere previa autorización del monto de la compra."
+"This card is blocked.","La tarjeta está bloqueada."
+"You made a similar payment a short time ago. Please use another payment method.","Hiciste un pago similar recientemente, usa otro medio de pago."
+"Something went wrong with the payment. Please use another card or choose a different payment method.","Algo salió mal con el pago. Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
+"The number of installments chosen is invalid.","El número de cuotas elegido no es válido."
+"The maximum number of attempts was reached.","Alcanzaste el número máximo de intentos de pago."
+"Something went wrong. Please try again.","Algo salió mal, por favor inténtalo de nuevo."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","No pudimos completar el pago. Usa otro medio para finalizar tu compra."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase or try another payment method.","Tu pago fue rechazado porque algún dato de la tarjeta es incorrecto. Verifica la información para finalizar la compra o utiliza otro método de pago."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Please double-check in your account your credentials are correct.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Regrese para completar las credenciales de su tienda correctamente."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Test credentials have been filled in and should be used in sandbox mode. Please check the credentials again.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Las credenciales son de prueba y se deben usar en modo sandbox. Por favor, regrese para completar las credenciales de nuevo."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Production credentials have been filled in and should be used in production mode. Please check the credentials again.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Las credenciales son de Producción y se deben usar en modo Producción. Por favor, regrese para completar las credenciales de nuevo."
+"Minimum transaction amount not allowed for the chosen brand. Please choose another flag or make a purchase over %1.", "Monto mínimo de transacción no permitido para la Bandera elegida. Elija otra Bandera o realice una compra superior a %1."
+"Download the Boleto","Descarga del boleto"
+"pending_contingency", "Pendiente de contingencia"
+"Pay with the method of payment you prefer and all the security of Mercado Pago.If you already have an account at Mercado Livre, use the same email and password.Use your Mercado Pago account balance or saved cards to buy without filling out more details.","Paga con el medio de pago que prefieras y disfruta de la seguridad de Mercado Pago.Si ya tiene una cuenta en Mercado Livre, use el mismo e-mail y clave.Usa tu saldo de Mercado Pago o tarjetas guardadas para comprar sin llenar más detalles."
+"Payments with immediate approval. The payment term is up to %1. At checkout, you will receive the code to make payment at the bank of your choice (check with your bank for your daily Pix transfer limit).", "Pagos con aprobación inmediata. El plazo de pago es hasta %1. Al finalizar la compra, recibirá el código para realizar el pago en el banco de su elección (verifique con su banco cuál es su límite diario de transferencia de Pix)."
+"Please fill a valid color in the Checkout Pro configuration","Complete un color válido en la configuración de Checkout Pro"
diff --git a/i18n/es_PE.csv b/i18n/es_PE.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd1ba63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/es_PE.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+"Finance Cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"Discount for payment at sight","Descuento para pagar en un pago"
+"Set up installments and interest","Definir cuotas e intereses"
+"Order not found.","Pedido no localizado."
+"Mercado Pago, refund notification","Mercado Pago, notificación de reembolso"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to create an offline refund.","El pedido %1, fue reembolsado directamente en Mercado Pago, necesitas crear un reembolso offline."
+Unavailable.,No disponible.
+"You should not be here...","No tienes que estar aquí..."
+"Order Canceled.","Pedido cancelado."
+"Transaction has been declined. Please try again later.","La operación fue rechazada. Por favor inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+"%1 minutes","%1 minutos"
+"1 hour","1 hora"
+"12 hours","12 horas"
+"1 day","1 día"
+"Payment for order %1 in store %2","Pago del pedido %1 en la tienda %2"
+"Awaiting payment of the Card.","Esperando pago via tarjeta."
+"Awaiting payment.","Esperando pago."
+"Awaiting payment through Checkout Pro.","Esperando pago a través del Checkout Pro."
+"Awaiting payment through Pix.","Esperando pago via Pix."
+"The gateway declined the transaction.","El gateway rechazó la operación."
+"Please select a category","Por favor, selecciona una categoría"
+"Sandbox - Testing environment","Ecositema de testeo"
+"Yes, Processed Order Synchronous","Sí, procesar solicitudes sincrónicamente"
+"No, Processed Order Asynchronous","No, procesar solicitudes asíncronas"
+"1 installment","1 cuota"
+"2 installments","2 cuotas"
+"3 installments","3 cuotas"
+"4 installments","4 cuotas"
+"5 installments","5 cuotas"
+"6 installments","6 cuotas"
+"7 installments","7 cuotas"
+"8 installments","8 cuotas"
+"9 installments","9 cuotas"
+"10 installments","10 cuotas"
+"11 installments","11 cuotas"
+"12 installments","12 cuotas"
+"13 installments","13 cuotas"
+"14 installments","14 cuotas"
+"15 installments","15 cuotas"
+"16 installments","16 cuotas"
+"17 installments","17 cuotas"
+"18 installments","18 cuotas"
+"19 installments","19 cuotas"
+"20 installments","20 cuotas"
+"21 installments","21 cuotas"
+"22 installments","22 cuotas"
+"23 installments","23 cuotas"
+"24 installments","24 cuotas"
+"25 installments","25 cuotas"
+"26 installments","26 cuotas"
+"27 installments","27 cuotas"
+"28 installments","28 cuotas"
+"29 installments","29 cuotas"
+"30 installments","30 cuotas"
+"31 installments","31 cuotas"
+"32 installments","32 cuotas"
+"33 installments","33 cuotas"
+"34 installments","34 cuotas"
+"35 installments","35 cuotas"
+"36 installments","36 cuotas"
+"Do Not Delete","No Finalizar"
+"Authorization for future capture","Autorización para la captura futura"
+"Authorization for immediate capture","Autorización y captura inmediata"
+"15 minutes","15 minutos"
+"30 minutes - recommended","30 minutos - recomendado"
+"24 hours","24 horas"
+"Modal window in store environment","Ventana modal en el ecosistema de la tienda"
+"Redirection to Mercado Pago environment","Redireccionamiento al ecosistema de Mercado Pago"
+"Cart %1 doesn't contain products","El carrito %1 no tiene productos"
+"There was an error when creating the payment. Please try again later.","Error al crear el pago. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+"It was not possible to save on the installment cost amount","No fue posible economizar el monto del costo de las cuotas"
+"Default Store %1 - Set Data for store id %2 Web Site Id %3","Store ID: %1 No habilitado para el uso en producción"
+"Store ID: %1 Not allowed for production use","Datos del comerciante obtenidos con éxito."
+"There was an error saving: %1","Error al guardar: %1"
+"Error fetching information: %1","Error al obtener información %1"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials","Por favor, verifica las credenciales de la tienda id %1"
+"Order %1 - Increment Id %2 - state %3","Order %1 - Increment ID %2 - Status %3"
+"Card - MercadoPago","Card - MercadoPago"
+"Checkout Pro - MercadoPago","Checkout Pro - MercadoPago"
+"Pix - MercadoPago","Pix - MercadoPago"
+"Pse - MercadoPago","Pse - MercadoPago"
+"Webpay - MercadoPago","Webpay - MercadoPago"
+"Document Type","Tipo de documento"
+"Document number","Número del documento"
+"Due date","Vencimiento"
+"In order to comply with PCI regulations, the administrator cannot capture this payment method.","Debido al cumplimiento de la normativa PCI, no es posible capturar este método de pago por el administrador."
+"Payer Entity Type","Tipo de la institución de pago"
+"Financial Institution","Institución financiera"
+"Your access credential for store %1 is valid but you don\'t have production use permission. Request approval before use by click here.","Tu credencial de acceso a la tienda %1 es válida, pero no tienes permiso de uso de producción. Solicita aprobación antes de usar clic aquí."
+"Your payment will be valid until","Tu pago es válido hasta"
+"Link for payment","Link para pago"
+"Details for payment","Detalles para el pago"
+"Verification Code","Código de verificación"
+"Line Code is","El line code es"
+"Issued on behalf of","Emitido en nombre de"
+"Mercado Pago partnership code","Código de convenio con Mercado Pago"
+"To pay, please scan the QR code","Para pagar, escanea el código QR"
+"or, if you prefer, copy-paste the code","o, si prefieres, copia y pega el código"
+"Further instructions","Leer más instrucciones"
+"The Line Code is","El line code es"
+"Enter the ID Document you used in the purchase","Ingresa el Documento de identificación usado en la compra"
+"Place Order","Realizar Pedido"
+"Payer First Name","Nombre del Pagador"
+"Payer Last Name","Apellido del Pagador"
+"Card details","Datos de la tarjeta"
+"Card number","Número de la tarjeta"
+"CVV - Card Verification Value","CVV - Código de seguridad"
+"What is this?","¿Qué es eso?"
+"Expiration month","Mes de vencimiento"
+"Expiration year","Año de vencimiento"
+"Card holder full name","Nombre impreso en la tarjeta"
+"Number of installments","Número de cuotas"
+"Save for later use.","Guardar para uso futuro."
+"A 3-digit number in italics on the back of your card.","Un número de 3 dígitos en itálica en el dorso de tu tarjeta."
+"Entity Type","Tipo de entidad"
+"Please provide a valid document identification.","No fue posible realizar el pago. Por favor, presenta un documento de identidad válido."
+"Unable to make payment, check card details.","No fue posible realizar el pago. Por favor, verifica los datos de la tarjeta."
+"Payment Services","Servicio de pago"
+"Permission to set up the module","Permiso para configurar el módulo"
Mercado Pago
It offers payments with credit and debit cards, as well as offline means - in addition to exclusive advantages for those who pay logged into their Mercado Pago account, such as credits, discounts and other special conditions.
Mercado Pago
Ofrece pagos con tarjetas de crédito y débito, además de los medios offline y ventajas exclusivas para quien paga después de iniciar sesión en la cuenta de Mercado Pago, como créditos, descuentos y otras condiciones especiales.
+"Technical support available here.","Soporte técnico disponible aquí."
+"Basic Settings","Configuraciones básicas"
+"Mercado Pago integration","Integración con Mercado Pago"
In order to sell or test a store, you must first enter your test and production credentials.
Using the account of the collaborator with access to Mercado Pago Seller Account, search the credentials according to the account: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Peru.
Para vender o testear la tienda , tienes que ingresar las credenciales de test y de producción.
+"Checkout operation mode","Modo de Operación del Checkout"
+"When operational mode is set as Sandbox, your sales will not be communicated to financial institutions.","Cuando el modo operacional esté definido como Sandbox, tus ventas no serán comunicadas a las instituciones financieras."
+"Public Key - production","Public Key - producción"
+"Access Token - production","Access Token - producción"
+"Public Key - Sandbox","Public Key - Sandbox"
+"Access Token - Sandbox","Access Token - Sandbox"
+"Developers support","Soporte para desarrolladores"
+"We record your store's communications with Mercado Pago in orer to offer a better support. Please note it is not recommended to use the debug mode when your store is in production mode.","Registramos las comunicaciones de tu tienda con Mercado Pago para ofrecer un soporte aún mejor. Atención: no se recomienda usar el modo debug con la tienda en modo de producción."
+"Rewrite notification URL","Reescribe la notificación URL"
+"You can override notification URLs which are automatically generated. In order to use the module's default, please do not fill in this details.","Puedes substituir las URLs de notificación que se generan automáticamente. Para usar el padrón del módulo, por favor, no cargues estos datos."
+"Store Name, Category and Integrator ID","Nombre de la tienda, Categoría e ID del Integrador"
+"Store Name","Nombre de la tienda"
+"This is the store's name as it will appear on the customer's invoice. In case the sale was made through Checkout Pro, the invoice will also show Mercado Pago in the name.","El nombre de la tienda igual a como figurará en la factura del cliente. Si la venta se hizo por medio del Checkout Pro, la factura también identificará a Mercado Pago en el nombre."
+"Category of your store","Categoría de tu tienda"
+"The product category of your store on Mercado Pago.","La categoría del producto de tu tienda en Mercado Pago."
+"Integrator ID","ID del integrador"
+"With this number, we are able to identify all your transactions and know how many sales were processed using your account. Become a certified Mercado Pago partner and request your integrator_id here.","Con este número, podemos identificar todas tus operaciones y saber cuántas ventas fueron procesadas con tu cuenta. Conviértete en un socio certificado de Mercado Pago y pide tu integrator_id here."
+"Sales requirements","Exigencias de ventas"
+"Checkout Pro","Checkout Pro"
+"Payment method title at the store's checkout.","Título de la forma de pago en el checkout de la tienda."
+"Deadline for payment","Plazo límite para el pago"
+"Calendar days.","Días seguidos."
+"Payment completion view","Visualización de la finalización del pago"
+"Modal: Buyer will close via modal on the checkout screen. Redirection: Buyer will be redirected to the Mercado Pago website.","Modal, el cliente finalizará vía modal en la pantalla de checkout. Redireccionamiento, el cliente será redireccionado al sitio de Mercado Pago"
+"Removed payment method","Medio de pago finalizado"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Selecciona los medios de pago que NO quieres aceptar."
+"Installment options limit","Límite de cuotas"
+"It is possible to configure the number of installments in Checkout Pro, but the limit of installments per purchase will also depend on the minimum and maximum amount defined by each flag in the country of your store.","Se puede configurar el número de cuotas en Checkout Pro, pero el límite de cuotas por compra también depende de los valores mínimo y máximo determinados por cada bandera del país en que se encuentra tu tienda."
+"Conversion tags","Tags de conversión"
+"You can link your Checkout Pro sales with external services.","Puedes asociar tus ventas del Checkout Pro a servicios externos."
+"Link your sales with Facebook by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Facebook, informando el ID del de tu código de rastreo."
+"Google Ads","Google Ads"
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Google Ads, informando el ID del tu código de rastreo."
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the Label and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Google Ads, informando el Label del tu código de rastreo."
+"Customization and Styles","Personalización y estilos"
+"Set up how the items will appear in the modal window in which the buyer will complete the purchase.","Define la apariencia de los ítems en la ventana modal en la que el cliente finalizará la compra."
+"Header Color","Color del header"
+"Elements Color","Colores de los elementos"
+"Common Payment Method Definitions","Definiciones comunes de medios de pago"
+"Minimum order total","Monto mínimo del pedido"
+"Minimum amount to pay with Checkout Pro.","Monto mínimo para pago con Checkout Pro."
+"Maximum order amount","Monto máximo de pedido"
+"Maximum amount to pay with Checkout Pro","Monto máximo a pagar con Checkout Pro."
+"Payment From Specific Countries","Pago de países específicos"
+"Countries eligible to use this payment method.","Países que pueden usar este medio de pago."
+"Sort Order","Orden de visualización"
+"Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.","Define el orden de visualización del medio de pago en el Checkout."
+"Checkout Transparent","Checkout Transparente"
+"Capture of customer details in the payment form","Captura de datos del cliente en el formulario de pago"
+"Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.","Activa esta función para capturar documentos de clientes con un campo adicional en el formulario de pago. Desactívala si la tienda ya captura estos datos."
+"Capture document identification","Capturar documento de identificación"
+"Capture name","Capturar nombre"
+"In case you leave this option active, an additional field in the payment form will obtain this information. If disabled, details will be retrieved directly from other fields within your store.","Si se activa, el formulario de pago mostrará un campo adicional para colectar esa información. Si se inhabilita, el monto será capturado directamente de otros campos en tu tienda."
+"Credit and debit cards","Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+"Enable vault","Habilitar caja fuerte"
+"Allows buyer to save the card for future use.","Permite que tu cliente guarde la tarjeta para uso futuro."
+"Payment Action","Perfil de pago"
+"Consult the store's business sector to be able to select capturing the payment at the time of the purchase or at a later moment.","Consulta la rama de negocios de la tienda para poder elegir entre capturar el pago en el acto de la compra o posteriormente."
+"Use Binary Mode","Usa el modo binario"
+"Installment and interest","Cuotas e intereses"
+"Set within your account","Definir en tu cuenta"
+"Minimum amount for payment with this payment method.","Monto mínimo para este medio de pago."
+"Maximum amount for payment with this payment method.","Monto máximo para este medio de pago."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Pse.","Monto mínimo a pagar con Pse."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Pse.","Monto máximo a pagar con Pse."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Webpay.","Monto mínimo a pagar con Webpay."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Webpay.","Monto máximo a pagar con Webpay."
+"Store information hosted in Mercado Pago","Información de la tienda en Mercado Pago"
+"User Id","Código de identificación"
+"User Email","E-mail de usuario"
+"User Name","Nombre"
+"mp_payment_id","Identificación de pago (Mercado Pago)"
+"card_finance_cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"card_number","Numero de tarjeta"
+"card_holder_name","Nombre impreso en tarjeta"
+"card_exp_year","Año de vencimiento"
+"card_exp_month","Mês de vencimiento"
+"payer_document_identification","Documento de identificación"
+"date_of_expiration","Fecha de expiración"
+"barcode","Código de barras"
+"external_resource_url","Enlace de pago"
+"verification_code","Código de verificación"
+"payer_document_type","Tipo de documento"
+"mp_status","Estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"mp_status_detail","Estado Detallado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Line Code","Código de Barras"
+"Payer Document Type","Tipo de Documento"
+"Payment Type (Mercado Pago)","Tipo de pago (Mercado Pago )"
+"Installments (Mercado Pago)","Financiacíon o quotas (Mercado Pago )"
+"Pix QR Code","Código QR do pix"
+"Pix Code","Código de pix"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to check stock of sold items.","El pedido %1 ha sido reembolsado directamente en el Mercado Pago, debe verificar su inventario de productos vendidos."
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, but an error occured when refunding offline, you need to check order refunds and stock of sold items.","El pedido %1, fue reembolsado directamente en Mercado Pago, pero ocurrió un error al reembolsar fuera de línea, debe consultar las devoluciones del pedido y el stock de artículos vendidos."
+"Order refunded in Mercado Pago, refunded offline in the store.","Solicitud reembolsada del Mercado Pago, reembolsado offline creado en la tienda."
+"Order refunded.","Solicitud refactada.."
+"API Integration","Integración de API"
+"Receive refund notification","Recibir notificación de reembolso"
+"Enable the creation of a Credit Note when a refund occurs in Mercado Pago.","Habilitar la creación de notas de credito cuando ocurra un reembolso en Mercado Pago."
+"Enable Facebook pixel","Activar Pixel de Facebook"
+"Enable Google pixel","Activar Google Pixel"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials, they are invalid so they were deleted.","Verifique las credenciales de la tienda ID %1, no son válidas para que se eliminen."
+"Your payment was declined due to an error in the store setup. Please get in touch with the store support and try again later.","Tu pago fue rechazado por un error en la configuración de la tienda. Contáctate con el soporte de la tienda e inténtalo más tarde."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later.","No pudimos completar el pago por una falla de comunicación. Inténtalo más tarde."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase.","Tu pago fue rechazado porque algún dato de la tarjeta es incorrecto. Verifica la información para finalizar la compra."
+"Your payment was declined. We recommend that you use the device and payment method you usually use for online shopping.","Tu pago fue rechazado. Recomendamos que utilices el dispositivo y el medio de pago que sueles usar para compras online."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","No pudimos completar el pago. Usa otro medio para finalizar tu compra."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later or use another payment method.","No pudimos completar el pago por una falla de comunicación. Inténtalo más tarde o usa otro medio de pago."
+"Offline Payments Methods","Medios de Pago OFF"
+"Exclude Payment Methods","Excluir métodos de pago"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Seleccione los métodos de pago que NO desea aceptar."
+"Payment Title","Título del metodo de pago"
+"Accept all payment methods","Aceptar todos los medios de pago"
+"There are no payment methods available, please contact the seller.", "No hay métodos de pago disponibles, póngase en contacto con el vendedor."
+"Generate the ticket and pay it wherever you want.","Genere el ticket de pago y pague."
+"Will be approved within 2 business days.","Será aprobado en hasta 2 días hábiles."
+"Ticket - MercadoPago","Ticket - MercadoPago"
+"Payment Number (Mercado Pago): %1","Número de Pago (Mercado Pago): %1"
+"Card number:","Número de la tarjeta:"
+"Expiration date:","Fecha de vencimiento:"
+"Card holder:","Titular de la tarjeta:"
+"Payment method:","Medio de pago:"
+"Identification in the invoice:","Identificación en el resumen:"
+"Payment status:","Estado del pago:"
+"Detailed payment status:","Estado detallado del pago:"
+"Your order is %1!","Recibimos tu pedido %1!"
+"Thank you for your purchase!","Gracias por su compra!"
+"We are processing your payment","Estamos procesando tu pago"
+"Continue Shopping","Seguir comprando"
+"Create an Account","Crear una cuenta"
+"First card details:","Datos de la primera tarjeta:"
+"Enter the amount to be paid with the first method *", "Ingresá el monto a pagar con el primer medio *"
+"Value not allowed!","Valor no permitido!"
+"Remaining value ","Valor restante "
+"Credit card","Tarjeta de crédito"
+"Second card details:","Datos de la segunda tarjeta:"
+"Payment processed by Mercado Pagoo","Pago procesado por Mercado Pago"
+"This is a required field.","Este es un campo obligatorio."
+"You can track your order status by creating an account.","Puede rastrear el estado de su pedido creando una cuenta."
+"cardNumber should be a number.","Número de la tarjeta debería ser un número."
+"cardNumber is empty.","Número de la tarjeta está vacío."
+"cardNumber should be of length between '8' and '19'.","Número de la tarjeta debe ser de longitud entre '8' y '19'."
+"securityCode should be a number.","CVV - Código de seguridad debería ser un número."
+"securityCode should be of length '3' or '4'.","CVV - Código de seguridad debe ser de longitud '3' o '4'."
+"securityCode is empty.","CVV - Código de seguridad esta vacio."
+"expirationMonth should be a number.","Mes de vencimiento debería ser un número."
+"expirationMonth is empty.","Mes de vencimiento esta vacio."
+"expirationYear should be of length '2' or '4'.","Año de vencimiento debe ser de longitud '2' o '4'."
+"expirationYear should be a number.","Año de vencimiento debería ser un número."
+"expirationYear is empty.","Año de vencimiento esta vacio."
+"expirationMonth should be a value from 1 to 12.","Mes de vencimiento debe ser un valor de 1 a 12."
+"expirationYear value should be greater or equal than %1.", "Año de vencimiento no es válido"
+"expirationMonth value should be greater than '%1' or expirationYear value should be greater than '%2'.", "Mes de vencimiento o el valor del año de vencimiento no es válido."
+"cardNumber should be of length '16'.","Número de la tarjeta debe ser de longitud 16."
+"Pay with two cards","Pagar con dos tarjetas"
+"Payment with two cards","Pago con dos tarjetas"
+"Interest-free","Sin interés"
+"Your Bank will apply Interest","Tu Banco aplicará Intereses"
+"Complete your order to proceed with payment.","Finaliza tu pedido para proceder con el pago."
+"partially_refunded","Reembolso Parcial"
+"cc_rejected_call_for_authorize","Solicitud de autorización rechazada"
+"in_process","En proceso"
+"by_admin","Por Admin"
+"cc_rejected_high_risk","Alto riesgo"
+"cc_rejected_insufficient_amount","Valor Insuficiente"
+"cc_rejected_other_reason","Otro Motivo"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_security_code","security_code rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_other","Rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_card_number","card_number rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_date","Data rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_card_disabled","Tarjeta desactivada"
+"cc_rejected_max_attempts","Intentos máximos"
+"cc_rejected_invalid_installments","Cuotas llenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_duplicated_payment","Pago duplicado"
+"bank_rejected","Rechazado por el banco"
+"bank_error","Error del banco"
+"rejected_by_bank","Rechazado por el Banco"
+"by_collector","Por Vendedor"
+"by_payer","Por pagador"
+"pending_review_manual","Pendiente de revisión manual"
+"pending_capture","Captura pendiente"
+"pending_waiting_payment","Aguardando pago pendiente"
+"pending_waiting_for_remedy","Pendiente en espera de solución"
+"pending_waiting_transfer","Pendiente aguardando transferencia"
+"Credit or Debit Card","Tarjeta de Crédito o Débito"
+"Email Address","Correo electrónico"
+"We'll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.","Enviaremos un correo electrónico con la confirmación del pedido con detalles e información de seguimiento."
+"Your order number is: %1.","Recibimos su pedido: %1!"
+"Your order # is: %1.","Recibimos su pedido: %1!"
+"By continuing, you agree to our ","Al continuar aceptas nuestros "
+"Terms and Conditions.","Términos y Condiciones."
+"Status (Mercado Pago)","Estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Status Detail (Mercado Pago)","Detalle de estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Google Ads - Id","Google Ads - Id"
+"Google Ads - Label","Google Ads - Label"
+"The card details are incorrect.","Los datos de la tarjeta son incorrectos."
+"The payment was rejected due to suspicion of fraud.","El pago fue rechazado por sospecha de fraude."
+"The payment method used requires prior authorization of the purchase amount.","El medio de pago utilizado requiere previa autorización del monto de la compra."
+"This card is blocked.","La tarjeta está bloqueada."
+"You made a similar payment a short time ago. Please use another payment method.","Hiciste un pago similar recientemente, usa otro medio de pago."
+"Something went wrong with the payment. Please use another card or choose a different payment method.","Algo salió mal con el pago. Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
+"The number of installments chosen is invalid.","El número de cuotas elegido no es válido."
+"The maximum number of attempts was reached.","Alcanzaste el número máximo de intentos de pago."
+"Something went wrong. Please try again.","Algo salió mal, por favor inténtalo de nuevo."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","No pudimos completar el pago. Usa otro medio para finalizar tu compra."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase or try another payment method.","Tu pago fue rechazado porque algún dato de la tarjeta es incorrecto. Verifica la información para finalizar la compra o utiliza otro método de pago."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Please double-check in your account your credentials are correct.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Regrese para completar las credenciales de su tienda correctamente."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Test credentials have been filled in and should be used in sandbox mode. Please check the credentials again.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Las credenciales son de prueba y se deben usar en modo sandbox. Por favor, regrese para completar las credenciales de nuevo."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Production credentials have been filled in and should be used in production mode. Please check the credentials again.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Las credenciales son de Producción y se deben usar en modo Producción. Por favor, regrese para completar las credenciales de nuevo."
+"Minimum transaction amount not allowed for the chosen brand. Please choose another flag or make a purchase over %1.", "Monto mínimo de transacción no permitido para la Bandera elegida. Elija otra Bandera o realice una compra superior a %1."
+"Download the Boleto","Descarga del boleto"
+"pending_contingency", "Pendiente de contingencia"
+"Pay with the method of payment you prefer and all the security of Mercado Pago.If you already have an account at Mercado Livre, use the same email and password.Use your Mercado Pago account balance or saved cards to buy without filling out more details.","Paga con el medio de pago que prefieras y disfruta de la seguridad de Mercado Pago.Si ya tiene una cuenta en Mercado Livre, use el mismo e-mail y clave.Usa tu saldo de Mercado Pago o tarjetas guardadas para comprar sin llenar más detalles."
+"Payments with immediate approval. The payment term is up to %1. At checkout, you will receive the code to make payment at the bank of your choice (check with your bank for your daily Pix transfer limit).", "Pagos con aprobación inmediata. El plazo de pago es hasta %1. Al finalizar la compra, recibirá el código para realizar el pago en el banco de su elección (verifique con su banco cuál es su límite diario de transferencia de Pix)."
+"Please fill a valid color in the Checkout Pro configuration","Complete un color válido en la configuración de Checkout Pro"
diff --git a/i18n/es_UY.csv b/i18n/es_UY.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1b8a6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/es_UY.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+"Finance Cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"Discount for payment at sight","Descuento para pagar en un pago"
+"Set up installments and interest","Definir cuotas e intereses"
+"Order not found.","Pedido no localizado."
+"Mercado Pago, refund notification","Mercado Pago, notificación de reembolso"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to create an offline refund.","El pedido %1, fue reembolsado directamente en Mercado Pago, necesitas crear un reembolso offline."
+Unavailable.,No disponible.
+"You should not be here...","No tienes que estar aquí..."
+"Order Canceled.","Pedido cancelado."
+"Transaction has been declined. Please try again later.","La operación fue rechazada. Por favor inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+"%1 minutes","%1 minutos"
+"1 hour","1 hora"
+"12 hours","12 horas"
+"1 day","1 día"
+"Payment for order %1 in store %2","Pago del pedido %1 en la tienda %2"
+"Awaiting payment of the Card.","Esperando pago via tarjeta."
+"Awaiting payment.","Esperando pago."
+"Awaiting payment through Checkout Pro.","Esperando pago a través del Checkout Pro."
+"Awaiting payment through Pix.","Esperando pago via Pix."
+"The gateway declined the transaction.","El gateway rechazó la operación."
+"Please select a category","Por favor, selecciona una categoría"
+"Sandbox - Testing environment","Ecositema de testeo"
+"Yes, Processed Order Synchronous","Sí, procesar solicitudes sincrónicamente"
+"No, Processed Order Asynchronous","No, procesar solicitudes asíncronas"
+"1 installment","1 cuota"
+"2 installments","2 cuotas"
+"3 installments","3 cuotas"
+"4 installments","4 cuotas"
+"5 installments","5 cuotas"
+"6 installments","6 cuotas"
+"7 installments","7 cuotas"
+"8 installments","8 cuotas"
+"9 installments","9 cuotas"
+"10 installments","10 cuotas"
+"11 installments","11 cuotas"
+"12 installments","12 cuotas"
+"13 installments","13 cuotas"
+"14 installments","14 cuotas"
+"15 installments","15 cuotas"
+"16 installments","16 cuotas"
+"17 installments","17 cuotas"
+"18 installments","18 cuotas"
+"19 installments","19 cuotas"
+"20 installments","20 cuotas"
+"21 installments","21 cuotas"
+"22 installments","22 cuotas"
+"23 installments","23 cuotas"
+"24 installments","24 cuotas"
+"25 installments","25 cuotas"
+"26 installments","26 cuotas"
+"27 installments","27 cuotas"
+"28 installments","28 cuotas"
+"29 installments","29 cuotas"
+"30 installments","30 cuotas"
+"31 installments","31 cuotas"
+"32 installments","32 cuotas"
+"33 installments","33 cuotas"
+"34 installments","34 cuotas"
+"35 installments","35 cuotas"
+"36 installments","36 cuotas"
+"Do Not Delete","No Finalizar"
+"Authorization for future capture","Autorización para la captura futura"
+"Authorization for immediate capture","Autorización y captura inmediata"
+"15 minutes","15 minutos"
+"30 minutes - recommended","30 minutos - recomendado"
+"24 hours","24 horas"
+"Modal window in store environment","Ventana modal en el ecosistema de la tienda"
+"Redirection to Mercado Pago environment","Redireccionamiento al ecosistema de Mercado Pago"
+"Cart %1 doesn't contain products","El carrito %1 no tiene productos"
+"There was an error when creating the payment. Please try again later.","Error al crear el pago. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+"It was not possible to save on the installment cost amount","No fue posible economizar el monto del costo de las cuotas"
+"Default Store %1 - Set Data for store id %2 Web Site Id %3","Store ID: %1 No habilitado para el uso en producción"
+"Store ID: %1 Not allowed for production use","Datos del comerciante obtenidos con éxito."
+"There was an error saving: %1","Error al guardar: %1"
+"Error fetching information: %1","Error al obtener información %1"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials","Por favor, verifica las credenciales de la tienda id %1"
+"Order %1 - Increment Id %2 - state %3","Order %1 - Increment ID %2 - Status %3"
+"Card - MercadoPago","Card - MercadoPago"
+"Checkout Pro - MercadoPago","Checkout Pro - MercadoPago"
+"Pix - MercadoPago","Pix - MercadoPago"
+"Pse - MercadoPago","Pse - MercadoPago"
+"Webpay - MercadoPago","Webpay - MercadoPago"
+"Document Type","Tipo de documento"
+"Document number","Número del documento"
+"Due date","Vencimiento"
+"In order to comply with PCI regulations, the administrator cannot capture this payment method.","Debido al cumplimiento de la normativa PCI, no es posible capturar este método de pago por el administrador."
+"Payer Entity Type","Tipo de la institución de pago"
+"Financial Institution","Institución financiera"
+"Your access credential for store %1 is valid but you don\'t have production use permission. Request approval before use by click here.","Tu credencial de acceso a la tienda %1 es válida, pero no tienes permiso de uso de producción. Solicita aprobación antes de usar clic aquí."
+"Your payment will be valid until","Tu pago es válido hasta"
+"Link for payment","Link para pago"
+"Details for payment","Detalles para el pago"
+"Verification Code","Código de verificación"
+"Line Code is","El line code es"
+"Issued on behalf of","Emitido en nombre de"
+"Mercado Pago partnership code","Código de convenio con Mercado Pago"
+"To pay, please scan the QR code","Para pagar, escanea el código QR"
+"or, if you prefer, copy-paste the code","o, si prefieres, copia y pega el código"
+"Further instructions","Leer más instrucciones"
+"The Line Code is","El line code es"
+"Enter the ID Document you used in the purchase","Ingresa el Documento de identificación usado en la compra"
+"Place Order","Realizar Pedido"
+"Payer First Name","Nombre del Pagador"
+"Payer Last Name","Apellido del Pagador"
+"Card details","Datos de la tarjeta"
+"Card number","Número de la tarjeta"
+"CVV - Card Verification Value","CVV - Código de seguridad"
+"What is this?","¿Qué es eso?"
+"Expiration month","Mes de vencimiento"
+"Expiration year","Año de vencimiento"
+"Card holder full name","Nombre impreso en la tarjeta"
+"Number of installments","Número de cuotas"
+"Save for later use.","Guardar para uso futuro."
+"A 3-digit number in italics on the back of your card.","Un número de 3 dígitos en itálica en el dorso de tu tarjeta."
+"Entity Type","Tipo de entidad"
+"Please provide a valid document identification.","No fue posible realizar el pago. Por favor, presenta un documento de identidad válido."
+"Unable to make payment, check card details.","No fue posible realizar el pago. Por favor, verifica los datos de la tarjeta."
+"Payment Services","Servicio de pago"
+"Permission to set up the module","Permiso para configurar el módulo"
Mercado Pago
It offers payments with credit and debit cards, as well as offline means - in addition to exclusive advantages for those who pay logged into their Mercado Pago account, such as credits, discounts and other special conditions.
Mercado Pago
Ofrece pagos con tarjetas de crédito y débito, además de los medios offline y ventajas exclusivas para quien paga después de iniciar sesión en la cuenta de Mercado Pago, como créditos, descuentos y otras condiciones especiales.
+"Technical support available here.","Soporte técnico disponible aquí."
+"Basic Settings","Configuraciones básicas"
+"Mercado Pago integration","Integración con Mercado Pago"
In order to sell or test a store, you must first enter your test and production credentials.
Using the account of the collaborator with access to Mercado Pago Seller Account, search the credentials according to the account: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Peru.
Para vender o testear la tienda , tienes que ingresar las credenciales de test y de producción.
+"Checkout operation mode","Modo de Operación del Checkout"
+"When operational mode is set as Sandbox, your sales will not be communicated to financial institutions.","Cuando el modo operacional esté definido como Sandbox, tus ventas no serán comunicadas a las instituciones financieras."
+"Public Key - production","Public Key - producción"
+"Access Token - production","Access Token - producción"
+"Public Key - Sandbox","Public Key - Sandbox"
+"Access Token - Sandbox","Access Token - Sandbox"
+"Developers support","Soporte para desarrolladores"
+"We record your store's communications with Mercado Pago in orer to offer a better support. Please note it is not recommended to use the debug mode when your store is in production mode.","Registramos las comunicaciones de tu tienda con Mercado Pago para ofrecer un soporte aún mejor. Atención: no se recomienda usar el modo debug con la tienda en modo de producción."
+"Rewrite notification URL","Reescribe la notificación URL"
+"You can override notification URLs which are automatically generated. In order to use the module's default, please do not fill in this details.","Puedes substituir las URLs de notificación que se generan automáticamente. Para usar el padrón del módulo, por favor, no cargues estos datos."
+"Store Name, Category and Integrator ID","Nombre de la tienda, Categoría e ID del Integrador"
+"Store Name","Nombre de la tienda"
+"This is the store's name as it will appear on the customer's invoice. In case the sale was made through Checkout Pro, the invoice will also show Mercado Pago in the name.","El nombre de la tienda igual a como figurará en la factura del cliente. Si la venta se hizo por medio del Checkout Pro, la factura también identificará a Mercado Pago en el nombre."
+"Category of your store","Categoría de tu tienda"
+"The product category of your store on Mercado Pago.","La categoría del producto de tu tienda en Mercado Pago."
+"Integrator ID","ID del integrador"
+"With this number, we are able to identify all your transactions and know how many sales were processed using your account. Become a certified Mercado Pago partner and request your integrator_id here.","Con este número, podemos identificar todas tus operaciones y saber cuántas ventas fueron procesadas con tu cuenta. Conviértete en un socio certificado de Mercado Pago y pide tu integrator_id here."
+"Sales requirements","Exigencias de ventas"
+"Checkout Pro","Checkout Pro"
+"Payment method title at the store's checkout.","Título de la forma de pago en el checkout de la tienda."
+"Deadline for payment","Plazo límite para el pago"
+"Calendar days.","Días seguidos."
+"Payment completion view","Visualización de la finalización del pago"
+"Modal: Buyer will close via modal on the checkout screen. Redirection: Buyer will be redirected to the Mercado Pago website.","Modal, el cliente finalizará vía modal en la pantalla de checkout. Redireccionamiento, el cliente será redireccionado al sitio de Mercado Pago"
+"Removed payment method","Medio de pago finalizado"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Selecciona los medios de pago que NO quieres aceptar."
+"Installment options limit","Límite de cuotas"
+"It is possible to configure the number of installments in Checkout Pro, but the limit of installments per purchase will also depend on the minimum and maximum amount defined by each flag in the country of your store.","Se puede configurar el número de cuotas en Checkout Pro, pero el límite de cuotas por compra también depende de los valores mínimo y máximo determinados por cada bandera del país en que se encuentra tu tienda."
+"Conversion tags","Tags de conversión"
+"You can link your Checkout Pro sales with external services.","Puedes asociar tus ventas del Checkout Pro a servicios externos."
+"Link your sales with Facebook by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Facebook, informando el ID del de tu código de rastreo."
+"Google Ads","Google Ads"
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Google Ads, informando el ID del tu código de rastreo."
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the Label and your tracking code.","Asocia tus ventas al Google Ads, informando el Label del tu código de rastreo."
+"Customization and Styles","Personalización y estilos"
+"Set up how the items will appear in the modal window in which the buyer will complete the purchase.","Define la apariencia de los ítems en la ventana modal en la que el cliente finalizará la compra."
+"Header Color","Color del header"
+"Elements Color","Colores de los elementos"
+"Common Payment Method Definitions","Definiciones comunes de medios de pago"
+"Minimum order total","Monto mínimo del pedido"
+"Minimum amount to pay with Checkout Pro.","Monto mínimo a pagar con Checkout Pro."
+"Maximum order amount","Monto máximo de pedido"
+"Maximum amount to pay with Checkout Pro","Monto máximo a pagar con Checkout Pro."
+"Payment From Specific Countries","Pago de países específicos"
+"Countries eligible to use this payment method.","Países que pueden usar este medio de pago."
+"Sort Order","Orden de visualización"
+"Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.","Define el orden de visualización del medio de pago en el Checkout."
+"Checkout Transparent","Checkout Transparente"
+"Capture of customer details in the payment form","Captura de datos del cliente en el formulario de pago"
+"Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.","Activa esta función para capturar documentos de clientes con un campo adicional en el formulario de pago. Desactívala si la tienda ya captura estos datos."
+"Capture document identification","Capturar documento de identificación"
+"Capture name","Capturar nombre"
+"In case you leave this option active, an additional field in the payment form will obtain this information. If disabled, details will be retrieved directly from other fields within your store.","Si se activa, el formulario de pago mostrará un campo adicional para colectar esa información. Si se inhabilita, el monto será capturado directamente de otros campos en tu tienda."
+"Credit and debit cards","Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+"Enable vault","Habilitar caja fuerte"
+"Allows buyer to save the card for future use.","Permite que tu cliente guarde la tarjeta para uso futuro."
+"Payment Action","Perfil de pago"
+"Consult the store's business sector to be able to select capturing the payment at the time of the purchase or at a later moment.","Consulta la rama de negocios de la tienda para poder elegir entre capturar el pago en el acto de la compra o posteriormente."
+"Use Binary Mode","Usa el modo binario"
+"Installment and interest","Cuotas e intereses"
+"Set within your account","Definir en tu cuenta"
+"Minimum amount for payment with this payment method.","Monto mínimo para este medio de pago."
+"Maximum amount for payment with this payment method.","Monto máximo para este medio de pago."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Pse.","Monto mínimo a pagar con Pse."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Pse.","Monto máximo a pagar con Pse."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Webpay.","Monto mínimo a pagar con Webpay."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Webpay.","Monto máximo a pagar con Webpay."
+"Store information hosted in Mercado Pago","Información de la tienda en Mercado Pago"
+"User Id","Código de identificación"
+"User Email","E-mail de usuario"
+"User Name","Nombre"
+"mp_payment_id","Identificación de pago (Mercado Pago)"
+"card_finance_cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"card_number","Numero de tarjeta"
+"card_holder_name","Nombre impreso en tarjeta"
+"card_exp_year","Año de vencimiento"
+"card_exp_month","Mês de vencimiento"
+"payer_document_identification","Documento de identificación"
+"date_of_expiration","Fecha de expiración"
+"barcode","Código de barras"
+"external_resource_url","Enlace de pago"
+"verification_code","Código de verificación"
+"payer_document_type","Tipo de documento"
+"mp_status","Estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"mp_status_detail","Estado Detallado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Line Code","Código de Barras"
+"Payer Document Type","Tipo de Documento"
+"Payment Type (Mercado Pago)","Tipo de pago (Mercado Pago )"
+"Installments (Mercado Pago)","Financiacíon o quotas (Mercado Pago )"
+"Pix QR Code","Código QR do pix"
+"Pix Code","Código de pix"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to check stock of sold items.","El pedido %1 ha sido reembolsado directamente en el Mercado Pago, debe verificar su inventario de productos vendidos."
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, but an error occured when refunding offline, you need to check order refunds and stock of sold items.","El pedido %1, fue reembolsado directamente en Mercado Pago, pero ocurrió un error al reembolsar fuera de línea, debe consultar las devoluciones del pedido y el stock de artículos vendidos."
+"Order refunded in Mercado Pago, refunded offline in the store.","Solicitud reembolsada del Mercado Pago, reembolsado offline creado en la tienda."
+"Order refunded.","Solicitud refactada.."
+"API Integration","Integración de API"
+"Receive refund notification","Recibir notificación de reembolso"
+"Enable the creation of a Credit Note when a refund occurs in Mercado Pago.","Habilitar la creación de notas de credito cuando ocurra un reembolso en Mercado Pago."
+"Enable Facebook pixel","Activar Pixel de Facebook"
+"Enable Google pixel","Activar Google Pixel"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials, they are invalid so they were deleted.","Verifique las credenciales de la tienda ID %1, no son válidas para que se eliminen."
+"Your payment was declined due to an error in the store setup. Please get in touch with the store support and try again later.","Tu pago fue rechazado por un error en la configuración de la tienda. Contáctate con el soporte de la tienda e inténtalo más tarde."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later.","No pudimos completar el pago por una falla de comunicación. Inténtalo más tarde."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase.","Tu pago fue rechazado porque algún dato de la tarjeta es incorrecto. Verifica la información para finalizar la compra."
+"Your payment was declined. We recommend that you use the device and payment method you usually use for online shopping.","Tu pago fue rechazado. Recomendamos que utilices el dispositivo y el medio de pago que sueles usar para compras online."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","No pudimos completar el pago. Usa otro medio para finalizar tu compra."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later or use another payment method.","No pudimos completar el pago por una falla de comunicación. Inténtalo más tarde o usa otro medio de pago."
+"Offline Payments Methods","Medios de Pago OFF"
+"Exclude Payment Methods","Excluir métodos de pago"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Seleccione los métodos de pago que NO desea aceptar."
+"Payment Title","Título del metodo de pago"
+"Accept all payment methods","Aceptar todos los medios de pago"
+"There are no payment methods available, please contact the seller.", "No hay métodos de pago disponibles, póngase en contacto con el vendedor."
+"Generate the ticket and pay it wherever you want.","Genere el ticket de pago y pague."
+"Will be approved within 2 business days.","Será aprobado en hasta 2 días hábiles."
+"Ticket - MercadoPago","Ticket - MercadoPago"
+"Payment Number (Mercado Pago): %1","Número de Pago (Mercado Pago): %1"
+"Card number:","Número de la tarjeta:"
+"Expiration date:","Fecha de vencimiento:"
+"Card holder:","Titular de la tarjeta:"
+"Payment method:","Medio de pago:"
+"Identification in the invoice:","Identificación en el resumen:"
+"Payment status:","Estado del pago:"
+"Detailed payment status:","Estado detallado del pago:"
+"Your order is %1!","Recibimos tu pedido %1!"
+"Thank you for your purchase!","Gracias por su compra!"
+"We are processing your payment","Estamos procesando tu pago"
+"Continue Shopping","Seguir comprando"
+"Create an Account","Crear una cuenta"
+"First card details:","Datos de la primera tarjeta:"
+"Enter the amount to be paid with the first method *", "Ingresá el monto a pagar con el primer medio *"
+"Value not allowed!","Valor no permitido!"
+"Remaining value ","Valor restante "
+"Credit card","Tarjeta de crédito"
+"Second card details:","Datos de la segunda tarjeta:"
+"Payment processed by Mercado Pago","Pago procesado por Mercado Pago"
+"This is a required field.","Este es un campo obligatorio."
+"You can track your order status by creating an account.","Puede rastrear el estado de su pedido creando una cuenta."
+"cardNumber should be a number.","Número de la tarjeta debería ser un número."
+"cardNumber is empty.","Número de la tarjeta está vacío."
+"cardNumber should be of length between '8' and '19'.","Número de la tarjeta debe ser de longitud entre '8' y '19'."
+"securityCode should be a number.","CVV - Código de seguridad debería ser un número."
+"securityCode should be of length '3' or '4'.","CVV - Código de seguridad debe ser de longitud '3' o '4'."
+"securityCode is empty.","CVV - Código de seguridad esta vacio."
+"expirationMonth should be a number.","Mes de vencimiento debería ser un número."
+"expirationMonth is empty.","Mes de vencimiento esta vacio."
+"expirationYear should be of length '2' or '4'.","Año de vencimiento debe ser de longitud '2' o '4'."
+"expirationYear should be a number.","Año de vencimiento debería ser un número."
+"expirationYear is empty.","Año de vencimiento esta vacio."
+"expirationMonth should be a value from 1 to 12.","Mes de vencimiento debe ser un valor de 1 a 12."
+"expirationYear value should be greater or equal than %1.", "Año de vencimiento no es válido"
+"expirationMonth value should be greater than '%1' or expirationYear value should be greater than '%2'.", "Mes de vencimiento o el valor del año de vencimiento no es válido."
+"cardNumber should be of length '16'.","Número de la tarjeta debe ser de longitud 16."
+"Pay with two cards","Pagar con dos tarjetas"
+"Payment with two cards","Pago con dos tarjetas"
+"Interest-free","Sin interés"
+"Your Bank will apply Interest","Tu Banco aplicará Intereses"
+"Complete your order to proceed with payment.","Finaliza tu pedido para proceder con el pago."
+"partially_refunded","Reembolso Parcial"
+"cc_rejected_call_for_authorize","Solicitud de autorización rechazada"
+"in_process","En proceso"
+"by_admin","Por Admin"
+"cc_rejected_high_risk","Alto riesgo"
+"cc_rejected_insufficient_amount","Valor Insuficiente"
+"cc_rejected_other_reason","Otro Motivo"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_security_code","security_code rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_other","Rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_card_number","card_number rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_date","Data rellenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_card_disabled","Tarjeta desactivada"
+"cc_rejected_max_attempts","Intentos máximos"
+"cc_rejected_invalid_installments","Cuotas llenado incorrectamente"
+"cc_rejected_duplicated_payment","Pago duplicado"
+"bank_rejected","Rechazado por el banco"
+"bank_error","Error del banco"
+"rejected_by_bank","Rechazado por el Banco"
+"by_collector","Por Vendedor"
+"by_payer","Por pagador"
+"pending_review_manual","Pendiente de revisión manual"
+"pending_capture","Captura pendiente"
+"pending_waiting_payment","Aguardando pago pendiente"
+"pending_waiting_for_remedy","Pendiente en espera de solución"
+"pending_waiting_transfer","Pendiente aguardando transferencia"
+"Credit or Debit Card","Tarjeta de Crédito o Débito"
+"Email Address","Correo electrónico"
+"We'll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.","Enviaremos un correo electrónico con la confirmación del pedido con detalles e información de seguimiento."
+"Your order number is: %1.","Recibimos su pedido: %1!"
+"Your order # is: %1.","Recibimos su pedido: %1!"
+"By continuing, you agree to our ","Al continuar aceptas nuestros "
+"Terms and Conditions.","Términos y Condiciones."
+"Status (Mercado Pago)","Estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Status Detail (Mercado Pago)","Detalle de estado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Google Ads - Id","Google Ads - Id"
+"Google Ads - Label","Google Ads - Label"
+"The card details are incorrect.","Los datos de la tarjeta son incorrectos."
+"The payment was rejected due to suspicion of fraud.","El pago fue rechazado por sospecha de fraude."
+"The payment method used requires prior authorization of the purchase amount.","El medio de pago utilizado requiere previa autorización del monto de la compra."
+"This card is blocked.","La tarjeta está bloqueada."
+"You made a similar payment a short time ago. Please use another payment method.","Hiciste un pago similar recientemente, usa otro medio de pago."
+"Something went wrong with the payment. Please use another card or choose a different payment method.","Algo salió mal con el pago. Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
+"The number of installments chosen is invalid.","El número de cuotas elegido no es válido."
+"The maximum number of attempts was reached.","Alcanzaste el número máximo de intentos de pago."
+"Something went wrong. Please try again.","Algo salió mal, por favor inténtalo de nuevo."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","No pudimos completar el pago. Usa otro medio para finalizar tu compra."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase or try another payment method.","Tu pago fue rechazado porque algún dato de la tarjeta es incorrecto. Verifica la información para finalizar la compra o utiliza otro método de pago."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Please double-check in your account your credentials are correct.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Regrese para completar las credenciales de su tienda correctamente."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Test credentials have been filled in and should be used in sandbox mode. Please check the credentials again.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Las credenciales son de prueba y se deben usar en modo sandbox. Por favor, regrese para completar las credenciales de nuevo."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Production credentials have been filled in and should be used in production mode. Please check the credentials again.","Sus credenciales son incorrectas. Las credenciales son de Producción y se deben usar en modo Producción. Por favor, regrese para completar las credenciales de nuevo."
+"Minimum transaction amount not allowed for the chosen brand. Please choose another flag or make a purchase over %1.", "Monto mínimo de transacción no permitido para la Bandera elegida. Elija otra Bandera o realice una compra superior a %1."
+"Download the Boleto","Descarga del boleto"
+"pending_contingency", "Pendiente de contingencia"
+"Pay with the method of payment you prefer and all the security of Mercado Pago.If you already have an account at Mercado Livre, use the same email and password.Use your Mercado Pago account balance or saved cards to buy without filling out more details.","Paga con el medio de pago que prefieras y disfruta de la seguridad de Mercado Pago.Si ya tiene una cuenta en Mercado Livre, use el mismo e-mail y clave.Usa tu saldo de Mercado Pago o tarjetas guardadas para comprar sin llenar más detalles."
+"Payments with immediate approval. The payment term is up to %1. At checkout, you will receive the code to make payment at the bank of your choice (check with your bank for your daily Pix transfer limit).", "Pagos con aprobación inmediata. El plazo de pago es hasta %1. Al finalizar la compra, recibirá el código para realizar el pago en el banco de su elección (verifique con su banco cuál es su límite diario de transferencia de Pix)."
+"Please fill a valid color in the Checkout Pro configuration","Complete un color válido en la configuración de Checkout Pro"
diff --git a/i18n/not_collectable.csv b/i18n/not_collectable.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76c2cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/not_collectable.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+"mp_payment_id","Payment Id (Mercado Pago)"
+"card_finance_cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"card_type","Card Type"
+"card_number","Card Number"
+"card_holder_name","Card Holder Name"
+"card_exp_year","Card Exp Year"
+"card_exp_month","Card Exp Month"
+"payer_document_identification","Document number"
+"payer_first_name","First Name"
+"payer_last_name","Last Name"
+"date_of_expiration","Date of Expiration"
+"external_resource_url","External Resource Url"
+"verification_code","Verification Code"
+"financial_institution","Financial Institution"
+"payer_document_type","Payer Document Type"
+"mp_status","Status (Mercado Pago)"
+"mp_status_detail","Status Detail (Mercado Pago)"
diff --git a/i18n/pt_BR.csv b/i18n/pt_BR.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b05649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/pt_BR.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+"Finance Cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"Discount for payment at sight","Desconto para pagamento à vista"
+"Set up installments and interest","Definir Parcelas e Juros"
+"Order not found.","Pedido não localizado."
+"Mercado Pago, refund notification","Mercado Pago, notificação de reembolso"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to create an offline refund.","O pedido %1, foi reembolsado diretamente no Mercado Pago, você precisa realizar um reembolso offine."
+"You should not be here...","Não é para você estar aqui..."
+"Order Canceled.","Pedido cancelado."
+"Transaction has been declined. Please try again later.","A transação foi recusada. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
+"%1 minutes","%1 minutos"
+"1 hour","1 hora"
+"12 hours","12 horas"
+"1 day","1 dia"
+"Payment for order %1 in store %2","Pagamento do pedido %1 na loja %2"
+"Awaiting payment of the Card.","Aguardando pagamento via Cartão."
+"Awaiting payment.","Aguardando pagamento."
+"Awaiting payment through Checkout Pro.","Aguardando pagamento por meio do Checkout Pro."
+"Awaiting payment through Pix.","Aguardando pagamento via Pix."
+"The gateway declined the transaction.","O gateway recusou a transação."
+"Please select a category","Por favor, selecione uma categoria"
+"Sandbox - Testing environment","Sandbox - Ambiente de teste"
+"Yes, Processed Order Synchronous","Sim, processar pedidos síncrono"
+"No, Processed Order Asynchronous","Não, processar pedidos assíncrono"
+"1 installment","1 parcela"
+"2 installments","2 parcelas"
+"3 installments","3 parcelas"
+"4 installments","4 parcelas"
+"5 installments","5 parcelas"
+"6 installments","6 parcelas"
+"7 installments","7 parcelas"
+"8 installments","8 parcelas"
+"9 installments","9 parcelas"
+"10 installments","10 parcelas"
+"11 installments","11 parcelas"
+"12 installments","12 parcelas"
+"13 installments","13 parcelas"
+"14 installments","14 parcelas"
+"15 installments","15 parcelas"
+"16 installments","16 parcelas"
+"17 installments","17 parcelas"
+"18 installments","18 parcelas"
+"19 installments","19 parcelas"
+"20 installments","20 parcelas"
+"21 installments","21 parcelas"
+"22 installments","22 parcelas"
+"23 installments","23 parcelas"
+"24 installments","24 parcelas"
+"25 installments","25 parcelas"
+"26 installments","26 parcelas"
+"27 installments","27 parcelas"
+"28 installments","28 parcelas"
+"29 installments","29 parcelas"
+"30 installments","30 parcelas"
+"31 installments","31 parcelas"
+"32 installments","32 parcelas"
+"33 installments","33 parcelas"
+"34 installments","34 parcelas"
+"35 installments","35 parcelas"
+"36 installments","36 parcelas"
+"Do Not Delete","Não Excluir"
+"Authorization for future capture","Autorização para captura futura"
+"Authorization for immediate capture","Autorização e captura imediata"
+"15 minutes","15 minutos"
+"30 minutes - recommended","30 minutos - recomendado"
+"24 hours","24 horas"
+"Modal window in store environment","Janela modal no ambiente da loja"
+"Redirection to Mercado Pago environment","Redirecionamento para o ambiente do Mercado Pago"
+"Cart %1 doesn't contain products","O carrinho %1 não tem produtos"
+"There was an error when creating the payment. Please try again later.","Erro ao criar o pagamento. Tente novamente mais tarde."
+"It was not possible to save on the installment cost amount","Não foi possível salvar o valor do custo de parcelamento"
+"Default Store %1 - Set Data for store id %2 Web Site Id %3","Store ID: %1 Não habilitado para uso em produção"
+"Store ID: %1 Not allowed for production use","Store ID: %1 Não habilitada para uso em produção."
+"There was an error saving: %1","Erro ao salvar: %1"
+"Error fetching information: %1","Erro ao obter informações: %1"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials","Por favor, verifique as credenciais da loja id %1"
+"Order %1 - Increment Id %2 - state %3","Order %1 - Increment Id %2 - state %3"
+"Card - MercadoPago","Card - MercadoPago"
+"Checkout Pro - MercadoPago","Checkout Pro - MercadoPago"
+"Pix - MercadoPago","Pix - MercadoPago"
+"Pse - MercadoPago","Pse - MercadoPago"
+"Webpay - MercadoPago","Webpay - MercadoPago"
+"Document Type","Tipo de Documento"
+"Document number","Número do documento"
+"Due date","Vencimento"
+"In order to comply with PCI regulations, the administrator cannot capture this payment method.","Devido à conformidade com o PCI, não é possível capturar esta forma de pagamento pelo administrador."
+"Payer Entity Type","Tipo da instituição de pagamento"
+"Financial Institution","Instituição financeira"
+"Your access credential for store %1 is valid but you don\'t have production use permission. Request approval before use by click here.","Sua credencial de acesso à loja %1 é válida, mas você não tem permissão de uso de produção. Solicite aprovação antes de usar clique aqui."
+"Your payment will be valid until","Seu pagamento é válido até"
+"Link for payment","Link para pagamento"
+"Details for payment","Detalhes para o pagamento"
+"Verification Code","Código de Verificação"
+"Line Code is","O código de barras é"
+"Issued on behalf of","Emitido em nome de"
+"Mercado Pago partnership code","Código do convênio com o Mercado Pago"
+"To pay, please scan the QR code","Para pagar, escaneie o código QR"
+"or, if you prefer, copy-paste the code","ou, se preferir, copie e cole o código"
+"Further instructions","Ler mais instruções"
+"The Line Code is","O código de barras é"
+"Enter the ID Document you used in the purchase","Informe o Documento de Identificação usado na compra"
+"Place Order","Realizar pedido"
+"Payer First Name","Nome do Pagador"
+"Payer Last Name","Sobrenome do Pagador"
+"Card details","Dados do cartão"
+"Card number","Número do cartão"
+"CVV - Card Verification Value","CVV - Código de segurança"
+"What is this?","O que é isso?"
+"Expiration month","Mês de vencimento"
+"Expiration year","Ano de vencimento"
+"Card holder full name","Nome impresso no cartão"
+"Number of installments","Número de parcelas"
+"Save for later use.","Salvar para uso futuro."
+"A 3-digit number in italics on the back of your card.","Um número de 3 dígitos em itálico no verso do seu cartão."
+"Entity Type","Tipo"
+"Please provide a valid document identification.","Por favor, forneça um documento de identificação válido."
+"Unable to make payment, check card details.","Não foi possível efetuar o pagamento. Por favor, verifique os dados do cartão."
+"Payment Services","Serviços de pagamento"
+"Permission to set up the module","Permissão para configurar o módulo"
Mercado Pago
It offers payments with credit and debit cards, as well as offline means - in addition to exclusive advantages for those who pay logged into their Mercado Pago account, such as credits, discounts and other special conditions.
Mercado Pago
Oferece pagamentos com cartões de crédito e débito, além dos meios off-line e vantagens exclusivas para quem paga depois de iniciar sessão na conta Mercado Pago, como créditos, descontos e outras condições especiais.
+"Technical support available here.","Suporte técnico disponível aqui."
+"Basic Settings","Configurações Básicas"
+"Mercado Pago integration","Integração com o Mercado Pago"
In order to sell or test a store, you must first enter your test and production credentials.
Using the account of the collaborator with access to Mercado Pago Seller Account, search the credentials according to the account: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Peru.
Para vender ou testar loja, é preciso inserir credenciais de teste e de produção.
+"Checkout operation mode","Modo de Operação do Checkout"
+"When operational mode is set as Sandbox, your sales will not be communicated to financial institutions.","Quando o modo operacional estiver definido como Sandbox, suas vendas não serão comunicadas às instituições financeiras."
+"Public Key - production","Public Key - produção"
+"Access Token - production","Access Token - produção"
+"Public Key - Sandbox","Public Key - Sandbox"
+"Access Token - Sandbox","Access Token - Sandbox"
+"Developers support","Suporte para desenvolvedores"
+"We record your store's communications with Mercado Pago in orer to offer a better support. Please note it is not recommended to use the debug mode when your store is in production mode.","Registramos as comunicações da sua loja com o Mercado Pago para oferecer um suporte ainda melhor. Atenção: não é recomendado usar o modo debug com a loja em modo de produção."
+"Rewrite notification URL","Reescrever a URL de notificação"
+"You can override notification URLs which are automatically generated. In order to use the module's default, please do not fill in this details.","Você pode substituir os URLs de notificação que são gerados automaticamente. Para usar o padrão do módulo, por favor, não preencha esses dados."
+"Store Name, Category and Integrator ID","Nome da loja, Categoria e ID do Integrador"
+"Store Name","Nome da loja"
+"This is the store's name as it will appear on the customer's invoice. In case the sale was made through Checkout Pro, the invoice will also show Mercado Pago in the name.","O nome da loja conforme vai constar na fatura do cliente. Se a venda foi feita por meio do Checkout Pro, a fatura também identificará o Mercado Pago no nome."
+"Category of your store","Categoria da sua loja"
+"The product category of your store on Mercado Pago.","A categoria de produto da sua loja no Mercado Pago."
+"Integrator ID","ID do Integrador"
+"With this number, we are able to identify all your transactions and know how many sales were processed using your account. Become a certified Mercado Pago partner and request your integrator_id here.","Com este número, nós podemos identificar todas as suas transações e saber quantas vendas foram processadas com a sua conta. Torne-se um parceiro certificado do Mercado Pago e solicite seu integrator_id here."
+"Sales requirements","Exigências de vendas"
+"Checkout Pro","Checkout Pro"
+"Payment method title at the store's checkout.","Título da forma de pagamento no checkout da loja."
+"Deadline for payment","Prazo limite para pagamento"
+"Calendar days.","Dias corridos."
+"Payment completion view","Visualização da conclusão de pagamento"
+"Modal: Buyer will close via modal on the checkout screen. Redirection: Buyer will be redirected to the Mercado Pago website.","Modal, o cliente vai concluir via modal na tela de checkout. Redirecionamento, o cliente será redirecionado para o site do Mercado Pago"
+"Removed payment method","Meio de pagamento excluído"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Selecione os meios de pagamento que você NÃO quer aceitar."
+"Installment options limit","Limite de Parcelas"
+"It is possible to configure the number of installments in Checkout Pro, but the limit of installments per purchase will also depend on the minimum and maximum amount defined by each flag in the country of your store.","É possível configurar o número de parcelas no Checkout Pro, mas o limite de parcelas por compra também depende dos valores mínimo e máximo determinados por cada bandeira do país em que sua loja se encontra."
+"Conversion tags","Tags de Conversão"
+"You can link your Checkout Pro sales with external services.","Você pode associar suas vendas do Checkout Pro a serviços externos."
+"Link your sales with Facebook by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Associe suas vendas ao Facebook, informando o ID e seu código de rastreamento."
+"Google Ads","Google Ads"
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the ID No. and your tracking code.","Associe suas vendas ao Google Ads, informando o ID de seu código de rastreamento."
+"Link your sales with Google Ads by entering the Label and your tracking code.","Associe suas vendas ao Google Ads, informando a Label de seu código de rastreamento."
+"Customization and Styles","Personalização e estilos"
+"Set up how the items will appear in the modal window in which the buyer will complete the purchase.","Defina a aparência de itens na janela modal em que o cliente conclui a compra."
+"Header Color","Cor do header"
+"Elements Color","Cores dos elementos"
+"Common Payment Method Definitions","Definições comuns de meios de pagamento"
+"Minimum order total","Valor mínimo do pedido"
+"Minimum amount to pay with Checkout Pro.","Valor mínimo para pagamento com Checkout Pro."
+"Maximum order amount","Valor máximo de pedido"
+"Maximum amount to pay with Checkout Pro","Valor máximo para pagamento com Checkout Pro."
+"Payment From Specific Countries","Pagamento de países específicos"
+"Countries eligible to use this payment method.","Países que podem usar este meio de pagamento."
+"Sort Order","Ordem de exibição"
+"Sets up in which order the payment methods will be shown at the Checkout.","Define a ordem de exibição do meio de pagamento no Checkout."
+"Checkout Transparent","Checkout Transparente"
+"Capture of customer details in the payment form","Captura de dados do cliente no formulário de pagamento"
+"Activate this option if you want to obtain buyer`s documents details, using an additional field on the payment form. Disable it if your store already gets these details.","Ative esta função para capturar documentos de clientes com um campo adicional no formulário de pagamento. Desative se a loja já captura estes dados. "
+"Capture document identification","Capturar documento de identificação"
+"Capture name","Capturar nome"
+"In case you leave this option active, an additional field in the payment form will obtain this information. If disabled, details will be retrieved directly from other fields within your store.","Se ativado, o formulário de pagamento vai mostrar um campo adicional para coletar essas informações. Se desabilitado, o valor será capturado diretamente de outros campos em sua loja."
+"Credit and debit cards","Cartão de crédito e débito"
+"Enable vault","Habilitar cofre"
+"Allows buyer to save the card for future use.","Permite que seu cliente salve o cartão para uso futuro."
+"Payment Action","Perfil do pagamento"
+"Consult the store's business sector to be able to select capturing the payment at the time of the purchase or at a later moment.","Consulte o ramo de negócios da loja para poder escolher entre capturar o pagamento no ato da compra ou posteriormente."
+"Use Binary Mode","Usar modo binário"
+"Installment and interest","Parcelamento e juros"
+"Set within your account","Definir na sua conta"
+"Minimum amount for payment with this payment method.","Valor mínimo para este meio de pagamento."
+"Maximum amount for payment with this payment method.","Valor máximo para este meio de pagamento."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Pse.","Valor mínimo para pagamento Pse."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Pse.","Valor máximo para pagamento Pse."
+"Minimum amount to pay with Webpay.","Valor mínimo para pagamento Webpay."
+"Maximum amount to pay with Webpay.","Valor máximo para pagamento Webpay."
+"Store information hosted in Mercado Pago","Informações da loja no Mercado Pago"
+"User Id","Código de identificação"
+"User Email","E-mail do usuário"
+"User Name","Nome"
+"mp_payment_id","Identificação do Pagamento (Mercado Pago)"
+"card_finance_cost","Custo do Parcelamento"
+"card_number","Número do cartão"
+"card_holder_name","Nome impresso no cartão"
+"card_exp_year","Ano de Expiração"
+"card_exp_month","Mês de Expiração"
+"payer_document_identification","Documento de Identificação"
+"date_of_expiration","Data de Expiração"
+"barcode","Código de Barras"
+"external_resource_url","Link de Pagamento"
+"verification_code","Código de Verificação"
+"payer_document_type","Tipo de Documento"
+"mp_status","Status (Mercado Pago)"
+"mp_status_detail","Status Detalhado (Mercado Pago)"
+"Line Code","Código de Barras"
+"Payer Document Type","Tipo de Documento"
+"Payment Type (Mercado Pago)","Tipo de Pagamento (Mercado Pago)"
+"Installments (Mercado Pago)","Parcelamento (Mercado Pago)"
+"Pix QR Code","QR Code do Pix"
+"Pix Code","Código do Pix"
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, you need to check stock of sold items.","O pedido %1, foi reembolsado diretamente no Mercado Pago, você precisa verificar o estoque de itens vendidos."
+"The order %1, was refunded directly on Mercado Pago, but an error occured when refunding offline, you need to check order refunds and stock of sold items.","O pedido %1, foi reembolsado diretamente no Mercado Pago, mas ocorreu um erro ao reembolsar offline, é necessário verificar o reembolso do pedido e estoque de itens vendidos."
+"Order refunded in Mercado Pago, refunded offline in the store.","Pedido reembolsado no Mercado Pago, reembolsado offline criado na loja."
+"Order refunded.","Pedido reembolsado."
+"API Integration","API Integração"
+"Receive refund notification","Receber notificação de reembolso"
+"Enable the creation of a Credit Note when a refund occurs in Mercado Pago.","Habilite a criação Nota de Crédito quando ocorrer um reembolso no Mercado Pago."
+"Enable Facebook pixel","Ativar pixel do Facebook"
+"Enable Google pixel","Ativar pixel do Google"
+"Please check store id %1 credentials, they are invalid so they were deleted.","Por favor, verifique as credenciais da loja ID %1, elas são inválidas portanto vão ser apagadas."
+"Your payment was declined due to an error in the store setup. Please get in touch with the store support and try again later.","Seu pagamento recusado por um erro na configuração da loja. Entre em contato com o suporte da loja e tente novamente mais tarde."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later.","Não foi possível completar o pagamento por uma falha de comunicação. Tente novamente mais tarde."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase.","Seu pagamento foi recusado, pois algum dado do cartão está incorreto. Verifique as informações para finalizar a compra."
+"Your payment was declined. We recommend that you use the device and payment method you usually use for online shopping.","Seu pagamento foi recusado. Recomendamos que você utilize o dispositivo e meio de pagamento que costuma usar para compras on-line."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","Não foi possível completar o pagamento. Use outro meio para finalizar sua compra."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment due to a communication error. Please try again later or use another payment method.","Não foi possível completar o pagamento por uma falha de comunicação. Tente novamente mais tarde ou use outro meio de pagamento."
+"Offline Payments Methods","Métodos de Pagamento Offline"
+"Exclude Payment Methods","Excluir métodos de pagamento"
+"Select the payment methods you do NOT want to accept.","Selecione os métodos de pagamento que você NÃO deseja aceitar."
+"Payment Title","Título do Método de Pagamento"
+"Accept all payment methods","Aceite todos os métodos de pagamento"
+"There are no payment methods available, please contact the seller.", "Não há métodos de pagamento disponíveis, entre em contato com o vendedor."
+"Generate the ticket and pay it wherever you want.", "Gere o boleto e pague-o onde quiser."
+"Will be approved within 2 business days.","Será aprovado até 2 dias úteis."
+"Ticket - MercadoPago","Ticket - MercadoPago"
+"Payment Number (Mercado Pago): %1","Número de Pagamento (Mercado Pago): %1"
+"Card number:","Número do cartão:"
+"Expiration date:","Data de vencimento:"
+"Card holder:","Titular do cartão:"
+"Payment method:","Meio de pagamento:"
+"Identification in the invoice:","Identificação na Fatura:"
+"Payment status:","Status do pagamento:"
+"Detailed payment status:","Status detalhado do pagamento:"
+"Your order is %1!","Recebemos seu pedido %1!"
+"Thank you for your purchase!","Agradecemos pela sua compra!"
+"We are processing your payment","Estamos processando seu pagamento"
+"Continue Shopping","Continuar comprando"
+"Create an Account","Criar uma conta"
+"First card details:","Dados do primeiro cartão:"
+"Enter the amount to be paid with the first method *", "Insira o valor a pagar com o primeiro meio *"
+"Value not allowed!","Valor não permitido!"
+"Remaining value ","Valor restante "
+"Credit card","Cartão de crédito"
+"Second card details:","Dados do segundo cartão:"
+"Payment processed by Mercado Pago","Pagamento procesado por Mercado Pago"
+"This is a required field.","Este é um campo obrigatório."
+"You can track your order status by creating an account.","Você pode acompanhar o status do seu pedido criando uma conta."
+"cardNumber should be a number.","Número do cartão deve ser um número."
+"cardNumber is empty.","Número do cartão está vazio."
+"cardNumber should be of length between '8' and '19'.","Número do cartão deve ter tamanho entre '8' ou '19' dígitos."
+"securityCode should be a number.","CVV - Código de segurança deve ser um número."
+"securityCode should be of length '3' or '4'.","CVV - Código de segurança deve ter tamanho de '3' ou '4' dígitos."
+"securityCode is empty.","CVV - Código de segurança está vazio."
+"expirationMonth should be a number.","Mês de expiração deve ser um número."
+"expirationMonth is empty.","Mês de expiração is empty."
+"expirationYear should be of length '2' or '4'.","Ano de expiração deve ter tamanho de '2' or '4' dígitos."
+"expirationYear should be a number.","Ano de expiração deve ser um número."
+"expirationYear is empty.","Ano de expiração está vazio."
+"expirationMonth should be a value from 1 to 12.","Mês de expiração deve ser um valor entre 1 e 12."
+"expirationYear value should be greater or equal than %1.", "Ano de expiração é inválido"
+"expirationMonth value should be greater than '%1' or expirationYear value should be greater than '%2'.", "Mês de expiração ou ano de expiração é inválido."
+"cardNumber should be of length '16'.","Número do cartão deve ter tamanho de 16 dígitos."
+"Pay with two cards","Pagar com dois cartões"
+"Payment with two cards","Pagamento com dois cartões"
+"Interest-free","Sem juros"
+"Your Bank will apply Interest","Seu banco aplicará juros"
+"Complete your order to proceed with payment.","Finalize seu pedido para seguir com o pagamento."
+"partially_refunded","Reembolso Parcial"
+"cc_rejected_call_for_authorize","Pedido de autorização rejeitado"
+"in_process","Em processo"
+"by_admin","Pelo Admin"
+"cc_rejected_high_risk","Alto risco"
+"cc_rejected_insufficient_amount","Valor Insuficiente"
+"cc_rejected_other_reason","Outro Motivo"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_security_code","security_code preenchido incorretamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_other","Preenchido incorretamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_card_number","card_number preenchido incorretamente"
+"cc_rejected_bad_filled_date","Data preenchida incorretamente"
+"cc_rejected_card_disabled","Cartão Desativado"
+"cc_rejected_max_attempts","Tentativas máximas"
+"cc_rejected_invalid_installments","Parcela preenchida incorretamente"
+"cc_rejected_duplicated_payment","Pagamento Duplicado"
+"bank_rejected","Banco rejeitado"
+"bank_error","Erro do Banco"
+"rejected_by_bank","Rejeitado pelo Banco"
+"by_collector","Pelo Vendedor"
+"by_payer","Pelo pagador"
+"pending_review_manual","Pendente de revisão manual"
+"pending_capture","Pendente de captura"
+"pending_waiting_payment","Aguardando pagamento pendente"
+"pending_waiting_for_remedy","Pendente aguardando solução"
+"pending_waiting_transfer","Peendente aguardando transferencia"
+"Credit or Debit Card","Cartão de Crédito ou Débito"
+"Email Address","Endereço de email"
+"We'll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.","Enviaremos um e-mail com a confirmação do pedido com detalhes e informações de rastreamento."
+"Your order number is: %1.","Recebemos seu pedido: %1!"
+"Your order # is: %1.","Recebemos seu pedido: %1!"
+"By continuing, you agree to our ","Ao continuar você aceita nossos "
+"Terms and Conditions.","Termos e Condições."
+"Status (Mercado Pago)","Status (Mercado Pago)"
+"Status Detail (Mercado Pago)","Detalhe status (Mercado Pago)"
+"Google Ads - Id","Google Ads - Id"
+"Google Ads - Label","Google Ads - Label"
+"The card details are incorrect.","Os dados do cartão estão incorretos."
+"The payment was rejected due to suspicion of fraud.","O pagamento foi recusado por suspeita de fraude."
+"The payment method used requires prior authorization of the purchase amount.","O meio de pagamento utilizado requer autorização prévia do valor da compra."
+"This card is blocked.","O cartão está bloqueado."
+"You made a similar payment a short time ago. Please use another payment method.","Você fez um pagamento parecido há pouco tempo, utilize outro meio de pagamento."
+"Something went wrong with the payment. Please use another card or choose a different payment method.","Algo deu errado com o pagamento. Pague com outro cartão ou escolha outro meio de pagamento."
+"The number of installments chosen is invalid.","O número de parcelas escolhido é inválido."
+"The maximum number of attempts was reached.","O número máximo de tentativas de pagamento foi atingido."
+"Something went wrong. Please try again.","Algo deu errado, tente novamente."
+"It was not possible to complete the payment. Please use another method to complete the purchase.","Não foi possível completar o pagamento. Use outro meio para finalizar sua compra."
+"Your payment was declined because some of your card details are incorrect. Please check the information to complete the purchase or try another payment method.","Seu pagamento foi recusado, pois algum dado do cartão está incorreto. Verifique as informações para finalizar a compra ou tente com outro meio de pagamento."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Please double-check in your account your credentials are correct.","Suas credenciais estão incorretas. Por favor verifique novamente se preencheu as credenciais da sua loja corretamente."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Test credentials have been filled in and should be used in sandbox mode. Please check the credentials again.","Suas credenciais estão incorretas. Foram preenchidas credenciais de teste e devem ser usadas no modo sandbox. Por favor verifique as credenciais novamente."
+"Your credentials are incorrect. Production credentials have been filled in and should be used in production mode. Please check the credentials again.","Suas credenciais estão incorretas. Foram preenchidas credenciais de produção e devem ser usadas no modo produção. Por favor verifique as credenciais novamente."
+"Minimum transaction amount not allowed for the chosen brand. Please choose another flag or make a purchase over %1.", "Valor mínimo da transação não permitido para a bandeira escolhida. Por favor escolha outra bandeira ou faça uma compra acima de %1."
+"Download the Boleto","Download do Boleto"
+"pending_contingency", "Pendente de contingência"
+"Pay with the method of payment you prefer and all the security of Mercado Pago.If you already have an account at Mercado Livre, use the same email and password.Use your Mercado Pago account balance or saved cards to buy without filling out more details.","Pague com o meio de pagamento que preferir e toda a segurança do Mercado Pago.Se você já tem conta no Mercado Livre, use o mesmo e-mail e senha.Use seu saldo do Mercado Pago ou cartões salvos para comprar sem preencher mais dados."
+"Payments with immediate approval. The payment term is up to %1. At checkout, you will receive the code to make payment at the bank of your choice (check with your bank for your daily Pix transfer limit).","Pagamentos com aprovação imediata. O prazo de pagamento é de até %1. Ao finalizar a compra, você receberá o código para fazer o pagamento no banco que escolher (consulte seu banco para saber seu limite diário de transferência por Pix)."
+"Please fill a valid color in the Checkout Pro configuration","Preencha uma cor válida na configuração do Checkout Pro"
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+ - phtml
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+ ./
+ Tests
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+= /* @noEscape */ $secureRenderer->renderStyleAsTag(
+ "display:none",
+ 'fieldset#payment_form_' . /* @noEscape */ $code
+) ?>
+= /* @noEscape */ $secureRenderer->renderTag('script', [], $scriptString, false) ?>
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+= /* @noEscape */ $secureRenderer->renderStyleAsTag(
+ "display:none",
+ 'fieldset#payment_form_' . $block->escapeJs($block->getMethodCode())
+) ?>
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index 0000000..7c25cf8
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+$publicToken = $block->escapeHtml($block->getMpPublicKey());
+= /* @noEscape */ $secureRenderer->renderStyleAsTag(
+ "display:none",
+ 'fieldset#payment_form_' . $block->escapeJs($block->getMethodCode())
+) ?>
+ {
+ const optValue = option[value];
+ const optLabel = option[label];
+ const opt = document.createElement('option');
+ opt.value = optValue;
+ opt.textContent = optLabel;
+ tempOptions.appendChild(opt);
+ });
+ elem.appendChild(tempOptions);
+ };
+ getIdentificationTypes();
+ });
+= /* @noEscape */ $secureRenderer->renderTag('script', [], $scriptString, false) ?>
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index 0000000..b5d6b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/adminhtml/templates/form/pix.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+$publicToken = $block->escapeHtml($block->getMpPublicKey());
+= /* @noEscape */ $secureRenderer->renderStyleAsTag(
+ "display:none",
+ 'fieldset#payment_form_' . $block->escapeJs($block->getMethodCode())
+) ?>
+ {
+ const optValue = option[value];
+ const optLabel = option[label];
+ const opt = document.createElement('option');
+ opt.value = optValue;
+ opt.textContent = optLabel;
+ tempOptions.appendChild(opt);
+ });
+ elem.appendChild(tempOptions);
+ };
+ getIdentificationTypes();
+ });
+= /* @noEscape */ $secureRenderer->renderTag('script', [], $scriptString, false) ?>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5eefd7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/adminhtml/templates/form/pse.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+$paymentMethodId = $block->escapeHtml($block->getPaymentMethodId());
+$publicToken = $block->escapeHtml($block->getMpPublicKey());
+= /* @noEscape */ $secureRenderer->renderStyleAsTag(
+ "display:none",
+ 'fieldset#payment_form_' . $block->escapeJs($block->getMethodCode())
+) ?>
+ {
+ const optValue = option[value];
+ const optLabel = option[label];
+ const opt = document.createElement('option');
+ opt.value = optValue;
+ opt.textContent = optLabel;
+ tempOptions.appendChild(opt);
+ });
+ elem.appendChild(tempOptions);
+ };
+ getIdentificationTypes();
+ });
+= /* @noEscape */ $secureRenderer->renderTag('script', [], $scriptString, false) ?>
diff --git a/view/adminhtml/templates/form/webpay.phtml b/view/adminhtml/templates/form/webpay.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54fae8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/adminhtml/templates/form/webpay.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+$paymentMethodId = $block->escapeHtml($block->getPaymentMethodId());
+$publicToken = $block->escapeHtml($block->getMpPublicKey());
+= /* @noEscape */ $secureRenderer->renderStyleAsTag(
+ "display:none",
+ 'fieldset#payment_form_' . $block->escapeJs($block->getMethodCode())
+) ?>
+ {
+ const optValue = option[value];
+ const optLabel = option[label];
+ const opt = document.createElement('option');
+ opt.value = optValue;
+ opt.textContent = optLabel;
+ tempOptions.appendChild(opt);
+ });
+ elem.appendChild(tempOptions);
+ };
+ getIdentificationTypes();
+ });
+= /* @noEscape */ $secureRenderer->renderTag('script', [], $scriptString, false) ?>
diff --git a/view/adminhtml/templates/info/cc/instructions.phtml b/view/adminhtml/templates/info/cc/instructions.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c18009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/adminhtml/templates/info/cc/instructions.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+$specificInfo = $block->getSpecificInformation();
+$mpPaymentId = isset($specificInfo['mp_payment_id']) ? $specificInfo['mp_payment_id'] : null;
= $block->escapeHtml(__('Your order number is: %1.', sprintf('%s', $block->escapeUrl($block->getViewOrderUrl()), $block->getOrderId())), ['a', 'strong']) ?>
= $block->escapeHtml(__('Your order # is: %1.', $block->getOrderId()), ['span']) ?>
= $block->escapeHtml(__('We\'ll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.')) ?>
= $block->escapeHtml(__('Your order number is: %1.', sprintf('%s', $block->escapeUrl($block->getViewOrderUrl()), $block->getOrderId())), ['a', 'strong']) ?>
= $block->escapeHtml(__('Your order # is: %1.', $block->getOrderId()), ['span']) ?>
= $block->escapeHtml(__('We\'ll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.')) ?>
+ = $block->escapeHtml(__('To pay, please scan the QR code')) ?>
+ = $block->escapeHtml(__('or, if you prefer, copy-paste the code')) ?>