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Install with docker-compose

Docker Compose will help to start the application locally on your computer and provides support to develop and debug the docker containers in the local machine.

Software Prerequisites:

  • Git 2.35.1+
  • Docker 20.10.13+
  • Docker Compose v2.3.3+
  • JWT token

Hardware Prerequisites :

  • Recommend 6GB free RAM


  • For windows user, enable WSL engine in Docker Desktop. Check FAQ to enable WSL.
  • Make sure your firewall is not restricting the npm and gradle packages of the docker files.

JWT Token

JWT token is used to for the internal communication between microservices. You can generate this token by clicking on the link below. Copy the generated JWT token and update the value to the parameters jwtKey,jwtSecretKey in the docker-compose-local-basic.yml.

Git Cloning

Clone the Git Repo in your local computer. (this can be done by executing the below command on terminal/command prompt/some visual git client(GithubDesktop)).

git clone

Once when cloning is finishied , you will have a copy of the entire repository locally.Go to the deployment folder by executing the the below command. (replace <<Cloned Folder>> with actual location path of your computer).

cd <<Clonned Folder Path>>/deployment/

Docker Compose

Execute the below docker-compose command to create the DnA application.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-basic.yml up -d

For Reference:

This is an image

Open the website (http://localhost:8080) in your browser. If you have made any changes in the source files add --build --force-recreate args to docker-compose command. If you face any issue with docker-compose,refer FAQ.

To stop the application.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-basic.yml down

Install with Helm

Helm helps you to deploy and manage Kubernetes applications in an easier way.

Prerequisites :

  • Kubernetes Cluster 1.22+
  • Helm v3.8.1+
  • kubectl 1.22+
  • Kafka Refer here
  • Docker Image Regitsry
  • JWT token
  • Minio Username/Password

JWT Token

JWT token is used to for the internal communication between microservices. You can generate this token by clicking on the link below. Copy the generated JWT token and update the value to the parameters jwtKey,jwtSecretKey in the values.yaml

Minio Username And Password

Go to minio sub-chart values.yaml and specify the username and password of your wish and update the value to the parameters minioAccessKey,s3AccessKey , minioSecretKey,s3SecretKey in the parent values.yaml.

Password should be a min length of 8 or more characters with a mix of letters, numbers & symbols.

Git Cloning

Clone the Git Repo in your local computer (this can be done by executing the below command on terminal/command prompt/some_visual_git_client(GithubDesktop)).

git clone

Once when cloning is finishied, you will have a copy of the entire repository locally .Go to the deployment folder by executing the the below command. (replace <<Cloned Folder>> with actual location path of your computer).

cd <<Clonned Folder Path>>/deployment/

Build & push images

Execute the below command to create images of dnA-frontend,dna-Backend, bitnami-postgress ,dashboard , malware , vault, clamav, naas-backend , zooKeeper , broker , storage-mfe , storage-be and minio .

Refer docker-compose-local-basic.yml

cd <<Clonned Folder Path>>/deployment/
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-basic.yml build

Execute the below commands for pushing the images to your reposirtory . Replace the contents that are enclosed in <<...>> to the respective values.

docker tag <<image_name_that_were_built_with_docker_compose>> <<your_repository_name/image_name_of_your_wish>>
docker push <<your_repository_name/image_name_of_your_wish>>


Execute the below commands to create namespaces.

kubectl create ns dna
kubectl create ns clamav
kubectl create ns naas
kubectl create ns dashboard
kubectl create ns vault
kubectl create ns storage


Update the image names of the respective services in the values.yaml.

Eg: To update the image name of frontend-service , refer the below screenshot .Just like the below update the image names for every service in the values.yaml.

This is an image

For pulling the images from the registry, update the .dockerconfigjson value in the values.yaml.

For more info on kubernetes secret for pulling the images.


We are offering mutiple services via this helm chart , Have a look into those by clicking the link

In order to use our helm charts you should have kafka service . you can install by referring the Kafka Service.

After installing the kafka, update the naasBroker parameter value in Values.yaml to the Fully qualified domain name of the kafka service.

Execute the below commands to deploy application on the kubernetes cluster using helm.

cd <<Clonned Folder Path>>\deployment\kubernetes\helm
helm install dna . -f ./charts/values.yaml

Execute the below command to list out the helm releases.

helm list

Vault service

We are providing vault service to store the API keys that were generated in the malware scan service.

After installating the application with helm , vault service will throw an error that Readiness probe error in vault – Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed.

To resolve this , intialize the vault service and unseal the root key .

kubectl exec vault-0 -n vault  -- vault operator init

After executing the above command , it will give us the root token and 5 keys . Save the root token and mention it in storagebe and backend sections of the values.yaml.

We can unseal the vault service with any of the 3 keys out of 5.

kubectl exec vault-0 -n vault  -- vault operator unseal <key_01>
kubectl exec vault-0 -n vault  -- vault operator unseal <key_02>
kubectl exec vault-0 -n vault  -- vault operator unseal <key_03>

For reference

This is an image

Execute the below commands to enable the kv engine for storing the secrets:

kubectl exec vault-0 -n vault  -- vault operator login <<Vault_root_token>>
kubectl exec vault-0 -n vault  -- vault secrets enable -version=2 -path=kv kv

Attachment scan

To scan the attachments free from malicious code you can use the malware scan service . We are creating malware scan as a service by abstracting the clamav service.

To use this service, set the respective values to the below parameters in the values.yaml.

Open the website http://localhost:7179 in your browser and go to myservices->malwarescan -> Genrate the apikey and copy the application key and application id.


For reference:

This is an image This is an image


Do Helm Upgrade, if you made changes on helm files.

helm upgrade dna . -f ./charts/values.yaml

Accessing the application with localhost

Port-forward the dna-frontend and storage-mfe service to any port_of_your_wish.

kubectl port-forward service/storage-mfe 7175:80
kubectl port-forward service/dna-frontend-service 7179:3000

After executing the above step , you can access the application by opening the (http://localhost:7179) in your browser.

Production Environemnt

We are already providing ingress manifest files for every microservice. So install any kubernetes ingress controller to install the application directly in the production environment.

By default, we are disabling the ingress in values.yaml* . If you are using in the production env then set the parameter enabled: true in the ingress section.

Eg : Please refer the below image and enable the ingress for every microservice.

enabling the ingress for frontend service


  • If you are not using 7175 and 7179 ports then change the below parameter values in values.yaml.


To uninstall the helm app

helm uninstall dna

DnA Platform can be configured quite a lot, have a look at possible config parameters:

Follow simple instructions on how to use simple and free Open ID Connect identity provider



  • If you face any issue with helm installation, refer FAQ.