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Snap API Documentation

mgp25 edited this page Oct 10, 2015 · 11 revisions

Getting Started

Get Casper API token

This will be required in order to make this API works.

Go to and create an account. Once you have created an account go to "Projects" and create a new project.


Now you will have your project with your API Key and API Secret.


You will need to set this data in the constructor.

Account registration

Use registerTool.php

Note: This is a CLI tool, not for webservers.

It will ask you for the account data:

Username: SnapTest

Password: thisIsMyPassword

Email: [email protected]

Birthday (yyyy-mm-dd): 1970-01-01

You should have a file called '' in your snap api folder, unzip it. You will have 9 images (image0.png, image1.png ...).

I have my 9 images:


Image with ghost = 1 Image without ghost = 0

So my result is: 111000000

Result: 111000000


Sent Request info: POST /bq/solve_captcha HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Snapchat/ (A0001; Android 4.4.4#5229c4ef56#19; gzip)
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en;q=1
Accept-Locale: en
Content-Length: 185
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

DATA: username=SnapTest&timestamp=1427058852343&captcha_id=SnapTest%7E1427058809780&captcha_solution=111000000&req_token=b134a4f8e7f0cc00bd922dc4e08e4b25a7caffb3ff9d985a42d3317a7b260615

Account successfully created

Username: SnapTest
Password: thisIsMyPassword
Email: [email protected]

If there is any error while registering your account, it will appear this:

There was an error registering your account
Error code: 401


Error 403: FORBIDDEN

Logging in

$username = ""; // Your snapchat username
$password = ""; // Your snapchat password
$gEmail   = ""; // Gmail account
$gPasswd  = ""; // Gmail account password
$debug = false; // Set this to true if you want to see all outgoing requests and responses from server

$snapchat = new Snapchat($username, $gEmail, $gPasswd, $debug);

//Login to Snapchat with your username and password

Sending Snaps

$imagePath = ""; // URL or local path to a media file (image or video)
$sendTo = array(); // Single or multiple recipients

// Send snap adding text to your image and 10 seconds
$snapchat->send($imagePath, $sendTo, "this is a test :D", 10);

Sending a message

$message = 'Hello from Snap-API';
$to = 'username';

$snapchat->sendMessage($to, $msg);

Setting a story

Remember that videos must be less or equal 10 seconds duration.

$imagePath = ""; // URL or local path to a media file (image or video)

You can also set a text to the image story.

$snapchat->setStory($imagePath, $time, $text);

Getting your friend list

$friends = $snapchat->getFriends();

Getting Snaps

// Get snaps data

// Automatically downloads Snaps and store it in 'snaps' folder

Getting Friends Stories

// Get stories data

// Automatically downloads Snaps and store it in 'stories' folder

Adding / Deleting a friend


Find friends

$friends = array(
    "Snap API" => "123456789"

Events / Analytics

Open App

When you have the auth-<username>.dat you can call openAppEvent()


Close App

If you are not logging out, you should send close app event:


Other settings

Setting a proxy

You can set an http proxy by doing this:

$myProxy = "";