Mathematical discovery and creative problem solving
Code: PMU199FInstructor: Marco Gualtieri, office hours by appointment.\ Class schedule: R3-5 \ Evaluation: Participation/presentation 30%, Assignments 70%\
This course is an exploration of great ideas in mathematics. Some of the topics we will study are centuries-old, while others are still under active development today. Among other things, we will learn about the concept of infinity, the nature of space and spacetime, the meaning of higher-dimensional polyhedra, and how to create and understand fractals. Students will read and critique assigned texts and videos, write micro-essays, carry out experiments, develop mathematical intuition and skills, and engage in class discussion.
The micro-essays within the assignments should be between 300 and 500 words. They must be preceded by an outline. The mini-essay should have a simple structure and a clear idea, and should avoid embellishments and flowery language. Stick to clear factual statements and ensure that each sentence carries actual content and does not duplicate previous statements. Evaluation will be by two main criteria: Does the essay make a clear statement? Does it make an interesting statement?
- Writing Centre
- Writing workshops
- How not to plagiarize/Alternative viewpoint
- How to reference properly
- Improving your English
If you require accommodations for a disability, contact Accessibility Services.
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