\title A Motivational Introduction
\begin{note} This is an interactive HTML version of the Course on logic and constraint logic programming: 1 - Motivation \end{note}
The Program Correctness Problem THIS IS A TEST
Conventional models of using computers -- not easy to determine correctness!
Has become a very important issue, not just in safety-critical apps.
Components with assured quality, being able to give a warranty, ...
Being able to run untrusted code, certificate carrying code, ...
A Simple Imperative Program Example: #include <stdio.h>
main() { int Number, Square; Number = 0; while (Number <= 5) { Square = Number * Number; printf('%d\n',Square); Number = Number + 1; } } Is it correct? With respect to what? A suitable formalism is needed: to provide specifications (describe problems), and to reason about the correctness of programs (their implementation). Natural Language ''Compute the squares of the natural numbers which are less or equal than 5.''