This project represents the code necessary to export HIV data into a format suitable for import into another system, including a Java API that can be embedded in the target system to facilitate the import.
These steps will setup HIV EMR1, Oracle, Pentaho, and this code:
Install HIV EMR system (both application and Oracle db) running locally using Docker, following these instructions:
Install OpenMRS SDK with a clean database (ie. openmrs_hiv) for Haiti HIV:
- Use Lespwa-style setup with pih_config: haiti-hiv
Get the hivmigration project cloned and available to use locally:
Instructions for executing commands from this java project
- Create file
from etl/src/main/resources/ Check that the values are correct for your databases. - Set
environment variable to point to that file, ie:MIGRATION_PROPERTIES_FILE=/home/mgoodrich/pih/hivmigration/
- Two ways to run the migration:
- IntelliJ: Run
with a config like this one Run with the program argument--help
to see the available options. - Command-line. Something like:
export MIGRATION_PROPERTIES_FILE=/home/mseaton/environments/hivmigration/ export MIGRATION_JAR_PATH=/home/mseaton/code/github/pih/hivmigration/etl/target/hivmigration-etl-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar java -cp $MIGRATION_JAR_PATH org.pih.hivmigration.etl.sql.Migrator -r -d
- IntelliJ: Run
Previously, we were writing the migration using Pentaho. We have switched to Java/SQL approach, but you'll need Pentaho to properly view the existing Pentaho code:
Get Pentaho Data Integration installed locally (mainly so that you can use Spoon - now called "PDI client" to author jobs). There should no difficulty with any version (Versions 6, 7, or 8 appear to work). Download from SourceForge:
The ansible deployment playbook may also be a useful reference.