elm-voronoi --- Check it out!
Pretty Voronoi Manhattan-distance Diagram
Using elm as the display engine. Elm is based on Haskell so it makes sense to test the base layer math in Haskell. Elm is a functional reactive programming language which brings the purity of Haskell to the web.
The Voronoi diagram is defined as:
Let X
be a space with distance function d
. Let K
be a set of indices and let (Pk) be a tuple in the space X
The Voronoi region Rk
associated with site Pk
is the set of all points in X
whose distance to Pk
is not greater than their distance to the other sites
for all j
Rk = {x in X | d(x,Pk) <= d(x,Pj) for all j != k}
See a demo at my personal website
Follow the guide here to install elm.
Then feed the elm server the .elm
- resize to window
- fix point globbing
- react to user
- Faster algorithm
- Randomize seed points on each run