This phase is mostly full of poking things to see what works and getting used to using Hugo for site development.
Got another good chunk done by building and styling out the portfolio section. Will be adding more projects using Forestry once the structure updates are live. (As soon as I merge this bit). I am getting close to thinking about a major version bump. I need to work a little on the list pages still, and get my technologies category thing working, but I am getting close to version 1.0.0!
Made a nice jump when I got a CMS plugged in. Using, which is providing me a CMS and is automating my deployment process. I am a little obsessed with how easy forestry actually is to set up. I originally planned to put the CMS and automation process off as long as possible because I expected it to be the most complicated part. Since I am most unfamiliar with deployment and devops things, it is the part that normally causes the most issues.
I also used Lighthouse in Chrome Dev Tools to run an audit on my site and made several smaller updates to improve my scores.
In this version I was mostly focused on the blog section. I wanted to get a blog list and individual posts set up. This version was worked on mostly using vim, as I was trying to learn how to use it better, (and vs code keeps crashing on my chromebook (linux side)).
Barely functional early draft. Site has basic mostly static pages. Some level of design has been implemented, and empty placeholder pages exist.