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Rashell, the resilient and replicant shell programming library

As discussed by Lowell Jay Arthur in Unix shell programming (2nd ed.), the Unix shell is a brillant tool for quickly designing prototypes. Unluckily, error management is very difficult in the shell. Most interfaces to the Unix shell found in programming languages share this fragile optimism, which makes impossible to write maintainable and resilient programs.

Rashell defines primitives which combine ease of use with the ability to write maintainable and resilient programs leveraging the full power of Unix. These primitives implements common patterns to interact with Unix utilities as subprocesses. These patterns either yield a string or a stream of lines, which will also adequately report error conditions on subprocesses.

Rashell is based on the excellent Lwt library and its Lwt_process module.

Build Status

Rashell commands

The module Rashell_Command defines the description of commands and common patterns to run computation consuming a subprocess executing a command.

(** The type of command descriptions.

    As for [Lwt_process.exec], if the [program] name is the empty string,
    then the first argument will be used. You should specify a name only
    if you do not want the executable to be searched in the PATH. On
    Windows the only way to enable automatic seach in PATH is to pass an
    empty name.

    If [env] supplied, this is the environment of the child
    process, otherwise the environment is inherited.

    If [workdir] supplied, the child process will be started in
    [workdir] instead of the current working directory. *)
type t = {
  program: string;
  argv: string array;
  env: string array option;
  workdir: string option;

(** The type of process status. *)
type process_status = Unix.process_status  =
  | WEXITED of int
  | WSIGNALED of int
  | WSTOPPED of int

exception Error of t * process_status * string
(** The exception thrown by failed subprocesses.  When the subprocess
consumed by a computation fails, then the thread yielding the result
of the computation or the thread reading from the stream yielding
results of the computation will fail with the given exception.

The string parameter of the exception is the aggregated standard error
output of the failed process. *)

The module implements four computations consuming a subprocess, which are classfied as utility, test, query and filter.

A utility is a program which is called to perform a computation which results are stored on the filesystem (like make, a compiler or inplace edition with sed) or sent on stdout, like uname, uptime or hostname.

(** Execute the given command and return its exit status, the content
    of stdout and of stderr. *)
val exec_utility : t -> string Lwt.t

A test is a program used as a predicate, whose exit status is examined: if it is 0, then the predicate is satisfied, if it is 1 then the predicate is not satisfied. Other values are interpreted as a failure of the program.

(** Execute the given command and test its exit status. An exit status
    of [0] indicates success of the test, [1] indicates failure of the
    test and other values indicate a general error. *)
val exec_test : t -> bool Lwt.t

A query is a program retrieving information structured in records, one on each line. Such programs are join, paste, find, ps, sed and awk for instance.

(** Execute the given command and return a stream reading the output
    of the command and its exit status with error output. *)
val exec_query : t -> string Lwt_stream.t

A filter is a program used to transform a stream of lines in a stream of lines. Program commonly used as filters are tr, sed, awk.

(** Execute the given command and return a function mapping streams,
    and its exit status with error output. *)
val exec_filter : t -> string Lwt_stream.t -> string Lwt_stream.t

Other modules

Other modules builds atop Rashell_Command to implement a convenient interface to various systems. At that time, only a few POSIX utilies have been wrapped, but the number of available modules should increase rapidly.

Free software

Rashell is free software: copying it and redistributing it is very much welcome under conditions of the MIT license agreement, found in the LICENSE file of the distribution.

Setup guide

It is easy to install Rashell using opam and its pinning feature. In a shell visiting the repository, say

% autoconf
% opam pin add rashell .

It is also possible to install Rashell manually. The installation procedure is based on the portable build system BSD Owl Scripts written for BSD Make.

  1. Verify that prerequisites are installed:

    • BSD Make
    • BSD OWl
    • OCaml
    • GNU Autoconf
  2. Get the source, either by cloning the repository or by exploding a distribution tarball.

  3. Optionally run autoconf to produce a configuration script. This is only required if the script is not already present.

  4. Run ./configure, you can choose the installation prefix with --prefix.

  5. Run make build.

  6. Optionally run make test to test your build.

  7. Finally run make install.

Depending on how BSD Make is called on your system, you may need to replace make by bsdmake or bmake in steps 5, 6, and 7. The GNU Make program usually give up the ghost, croaking *** missing separator. Stop. when you mistakingly use it instead of BSD Make.

Step 7 requires that you can su - if you are not already root.

Michael Grünewald in Bonn, on September 5, 2015


Resilient replicant Shell Programming Library







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