This experiment is used to show the performance comparison on two representative CNN models, i.e., ResNeXt and NASNet, with larger input sizes, i.e., ImageNet dataset (224x224), and to reproduce the results in Figure 13 of our origianl paper.
If you are using our Docker container environment, you can just skip this step. Otherwise, you need to finish the item 1-6, 8-12 in the ../ and all the items in ../
Use NNFusion to compile all the frozen models:
cd /root/nnfusion/artifacts/figure13
Run all baselines and NNFusion on all the benchmarks, the corresponding output logs are generated in individual folders. Note that, this will take a relativley long time as each of the running needs to iterative for 1000 times.
Process all the logs and generate the final performance numbers in a Gnuplot input format:
Plot the end-to-end comparision figure (i.g., Figure 13).
cd reproduce_result/
gnuplot gpu1_imgnet_cuda_multifig.plt
Fianlly, in the reproduce_result folder, you will see the "figure13_reproduce.pdf". To compare with paper results, we put the paper data and the same plotting script under the paper_result folder.
All the above steps can be exected by the below single script: