Marketplace and Submit job v2 are designed to reproducible AI. It helps to reuse machine learning asset across projects or teams: job template sharing and reuse for docker images, data, code, job configuration and etc.
- Marketplace and Submit job V2 Overview
- When to consider marketplace and submit job v2
- How to use
- System design
- Resource
In fact, OpenPAI's job configuration can be composed by tasks, docker images, script and data.
When writing a job configuration, you can create new components(tasks, data, script and docker images) or use existing ones.
And you can share the script, data, docker images or whole job configuration on the marketplace, and other people can reuse it easily.
- When you want to try different models on your collected/downloaded data.
- When you want to use your model to train or predict on different data.
- When you want to share your data, model, docker images, job template with others.
- When you just want to try OpenPAI.
At PAI home page, click the top right corner to login
Click your username at the top right corner, and then click "Change Github PAT"
- Enter your github personal Access Token, and click update. If you don't know how to get it, click the "How to config Github PAT" to see details.
- At PAI home page, click the top right corner to login (Ignore this step if you are already logged in).
- At the left sidebar, click "marketplace"
- Then choose a job template, for example: tensorflow_cifar10
In job details page, click the "use" button, then it will go to the submit page(v2 version).
Click "Submit" button at the bottom, If you successfully submitted the job, you will see a success message.
In submit job v2, we use yaml to describe the job configuration.
Below is an example for tensorflow image classification :
protocol_version: v2
name : tensorflow_serving_mnist
type : job
version : 1.0.0
contributor : Qi chen
description : image classification, mnist dataset, tensorflow, serving
retryCount: -2
tasks :
- role : worker
dockerimage : tf_serving_example
instances : 1
resourcePerInstance: {cpu: 4, memoryMB: 8192, gpu: 1}
portList: [{label: model_server, beginAt: 0, portNumber: 1}]
- bazel-bin/tensorflow_serving/example/mnist_saved_model /tmp/mnist_model
- while :; do tensorflow_model_server --port=$PAI_CONTAINER_HOST_model_server_PORT_LIST --model_name=mnist --model_base_path=/tmp/mnist_model; done
prerequisites :
- protocol_version : v2
name : tf_serving_example
type : dockerimage
version : 1.0.0
contributor : Qi chen
description: python3.5, tensorflow
uri : openpai/pai.example.tensorflow-serving
For more examples, please refer to marketplace directory.
At PAI home page, click the top right corner to login (Ignore this step if you are already logged in).
At the left sidebar, click "Submit Job V2"
In submit job(v2) page, there are two ways to configure your job.
Firstly, you can import your template from yaml file
Or you can add you job components by web UI:
For example, when you click the add docker image button, you can fill the table or choose a docker image which from marketplace.
After import or add some job components, you can edit or delete a task/docker/script/data by web UI. Furthermore, you can edit the yaml directly to change the components.
Then click "Submit" button at the bottom, if your job configuration is right you will see a success message.
The system architecture is illustrated above.