From df27cbe82ec2619962949a8d2dc2b6f25acbb302 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 01:20:44 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 1222: Build ID 2171304 --- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 22 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 22 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 22 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 22 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 22 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 8 +++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +++---- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 8 +++---- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 8 +++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +++---- 50 files changed, 317 insertions(+), 317 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index c7b59b6f48..def995a255 100644 --- a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} - Došlo k výjimce při shromažďování finálních položek z protokolu událostí {0}: {1} + An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} - DataCollector pro protokol událostí nenašel eventLogContext pro DataCollectionContext: {0} + Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected - Protokol událostí {0} byl pravděpodobně při shromažďování vyčištěn. Některé události nemusely být shromážděny. + The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' - Nepodařilo se přečíst protokol událostí {0} z počítače {1} + Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} - U protokolu událostí {0} došlo k výjimce. Některé události se mohly ztratit. Chyba: {1} + The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} diff --git a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ index 5a52c00e09..0c6dff5a51 100644 --- a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} - Ausnahme beim Erfassen von abschließenden Einträgen aus dem Ereignisprotokoll "{0}": {1} + An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} - Der DataCollector des Ereignisprotokolls hat den eventLogContext für DataCollectionContext nicht gefunden: {0} + Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected - Das Ereignisprotokoll "{0}" wurde während der Sammlung möglicherweise gelöscht. Einige Ereignisse wurden eventuell nicht erfasst. + The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' - Das Ereignisprotokoll "{0}" konnte vom Computer "{1}" nicht gelesen werden. + Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} - Beim Ereignisprotokoll "{0}" ist eine Ausnahme aufgetreten. Einige Ereignisse gehen möglicherweise verloren. Fehler: {1} + The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} diff --git a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ index 859a024da4..f0807841e6 100644 --- a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} - Excepción al recopilar las entradas finales del registro de eventos "{0}": {1} + An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} - La propiedad DataCollector del registro de eventos no encontró eventLogContext para el contexto de DataCollectionContext: {0} + Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected - Es posible que el registro de eventos "{0}" se haya borrado durante la recopilación; algunos eventos pueden no haberse recopilado + The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' - No se puede leer el registro de eventos "{0}" desde el equipo "{1}" + Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} - El registro de eventos "{0}" ha encontrado una excepción; algunos eventos pueden haberse perdido. Error: {1} + The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} diff --git a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ index bae1194c90..ef93d3887f 100644 --- a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} - Une exception s'est produite durant la collecte des entrées finales dans le journal des événements '{0}' : {1} + An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} - Le DataCollector du journal des événements n'a pas trouvé eventLogContext pour DataCollectionContext : {0} + Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected - Le journal des événements '{0}' a peut-être été effacé durant la collecte. Il est possible que certains événements n'aient pas été collectés + The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' - Impossible de lire le journal des événements '{0}' de l'ordinateur '{1}' + Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} - Le journal des événements '{0}' a rencontré une exception, certains événements risquent d'être perdus. Erreur : {1} + The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} diff --git a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ index 8499d73bde..4bed5ca368 100644 --- a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} - Si è verificata un'eccezione durante la raccolta delle voci finali del log eventi '{0}': {1} + An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} - L'agente di raccolta dati del log eventi non ha trovato l'elemento eventLogContext per DataCollectionContext: {0} + Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected - È possibile che il log eventi '{0}' sia stato cancellato durante la raccolta. Alcuni eventi non sono stati raccolti + The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' - Non è possibile leggere il log eventi '{0}' dal computer '{1}' + Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} - Il log eventi '{0}' ha rilevato un'eccezione. È possibile che alcuni eventi siano stati persi. Errore: {1} + The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} diff --git a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index 9cd84da41b..c32bcece51 100644 --- a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} - イベント ログ '{0}' からの最後のエントリの収集中に例外が発生しました: {1} + An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} - イベント ログ DataCollector では、DataCollectionContext の eventLogContext が見つかりませんでした: {0} + Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected - 収集中に '{0}' イベント ログがクリアされた可能性があるため、一部のイベントが収集されていない可能性があります。 + The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' - イベント ログ '{0}' をコンピューター '{1}' から読み取れません + Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} - '{0}' イベント ログで例外が発生しました。一部のイベントが失われる可能性があります。エラー: {1} + The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} diff --git a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index e0eaf643c3..73c83f42dc 100644 --- a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} - 이벤트 로그 ‘{0}’에서 최종 항목을 수집하는 동안 예외가 발생했습니다. {1} + An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} - 이벤트 로그 DataCollector에서 DataCollectionContext에 대한 eventLogContext를 찾지 못했습니다. {0} + Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected - 수집 중 ‘{0}’ 이벤트 로그가 지워졌을 수 있습니다. 일부 이벤트는 수집되지 않았을 수 있습니다. + The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' - ‘{1}’ 컴퓨터에서 이벤트 로그 ‘{0}’을(를) 읽을 수 없습니다. + Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} - ‘{0}’ 이벤트 로그에서 예외가 발생했습니다. 일부 이벤트가 손실되었을 수 있습니다. 오류: {1} + The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} diff --git a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ index b0e29af077..e0aec6fb70 100644 --- a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} - Wystąpił wyjątek podczas zbierania końcowych wpisów z dziennika zdarzeń „{0}”: {1} + An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} - Element DataCollector dziennika zdarzeń nie znalazł elementu eventLogContext dla elementu DataCollectionContext: {0} + Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected - Dziennik zdarzeń „{0}” mógł zostać wyczyszczony podczas zbierania; niektóre zdarzenia mogły nie zostać zebrane + The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' - Nie można odczytać dziennika zdarzeń „{0}” z komputera „{1}” + Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} - Dziennik zdarzeń „{0}” napotkał wyjątek, niektóre zdarzenia mogły zostać utracone. Błąd: {1} + The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} diff --git a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ index ed06f80387..509492a0fb 100644 --- a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} - Ocorreu uma exceção ao coletar entradas finais do log de eventos '{0}': {1} + An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} - O DataCollector de Log de Eventos não encontrou o eventLogContext para DataCollectionContext: {0} + Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected - O log de evento '{0}' pode ter sido limpo durante a coleção; alguns eventos podem não ter sido coletados + The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' - Não é possível ler o log de eventos '{0}' do computador '{1}' + Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} - O log de eventos '{0}' encontrou uma exceção, alguns eventos podem ser perdidos. Erro: {1} + The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} diff --git a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ index 1a586f9ba6..841a3fcc74 100644 --- a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} - Произошло исключение при сборе последних записей в журнале событий "{0}": {1} + An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} - Сборщик данных из журнала событий не нашел eventLogContext по DataCollectionContext: {0} + Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected - Возможно, журнал событий "{0}" был очищен во время сбора данных. Некоторые события могли быть не собраны. + The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' - Не удалось прочитать журнал событий "{0}" с компьютера "{1}" + Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} - В журнале событий "{0}" произошло исключение; некоторые события могли быть потеряны. Ошибка: {1} + The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} diff --git a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ index 4502f92da2..c5b8405e43 100644 --- a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} - '{0}' olay günlüğündeki son girdiler toplanırken bir özel durum oluştu: {1} + An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} - Event Log DataCollector, şu DataCollectionContext için eventLogContext bulamadı: {0} + Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected - '{0}' olay günlüğü toplama sırasında temizlenmiş olabilir. Bazı olaylar toplanmamış olabilir + The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' - '{1}' bilgisayarından olay günlüğü '{0}' okunamıyor + Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} - '{0}' olay günlüğü bir özel durumla karşılaştı. Bazı olaylar kaybolabilir. Hata : {1} + The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} diff --git a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index baaa472c9a..0154f7eec3 100644 --- a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} - 从事件日志“{0}”中收集最后的条目时出现异常: {1} + An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} - 事件日志数据收集器找不到数据收集上下文的事件日志上下文: {0} + Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected - “{0}”事件日志可能在收集期间已被清除;某些事件可能还未被收集 + The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' - 无法从计算机“{1}”中读取事件日志“{0}” + Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} - 事件日志“{0}”出现异常,某些事件可能已丢失。错误: {1} + The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} diff --git a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index d434c66922..31ee819aef 100644 --- a/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/DataCollectors/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.EventLogCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} - 從事件記錄檔 '{0}' 收集最終項目時發生例外狀況: {1} + An exception occurred while collecting final entries from the event log '{0}': {1} Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} - 事件記錄檔 DataCollector 找不到 DataCollectionContext 的 eventLogContext: {0} + Event Log DataCollector did not find eventLogContext for DataCollectionContext: {0} The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected - '{0}' 事件記錄檔可能已在收集期間清除; 某些事件可能未收集到 + The '{0}' event log may have been cleared during collection; some events may not have been collected Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' - 無法從電腦 '{1}' 讀取事件記錄檔 '{0} + Unable to read event log '{0}' from computer '{1}' The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} - '{0}' 事件記錄檔發生例外狀況,某些事件可能會遺失。錯誤: {1} + The '{0}' event log has encountered an exception, some events might get lost. Error : {1} diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index 8e2910e5ef..8dd32bc0ba 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,59 +4,59 @@ ManagedName is incomplete - Název ManagedName není úplný. + ManagedName is incomplete Method arity must be numeric. - Arita metody musí být číselná. + Method arity must be numeric. Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' - Metoda {0} nebyla nalezena u typu {1}. + Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' {0} is the method name, {1} is the full type name. Type '{0}' not found - Typ {0} nebyl nalezen. + Type '{0}' not found {0} is the full type name. Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) - Neočekávané znaky na konci položky ManagedName (pozice: {0}) + Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of unexpected characters Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) - V ManagedName se nepovoluje mezera (pozice: {0}). + Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of invalid whitespace '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! - Metoda {0}.{1} není na této platformě implementována. + '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! '{className}.{methodName}' is not implemented on this platform! Example: 'System.Reflection.MethodBase' is not implemented on this platform! Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) - Neplatná řídicí sekvence. (Segment: {0}, pozice: {1}) + Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) An escape sequence started with '\', but it wasn't legal. {0}: Invalid string, {1}: starting position of invalid sequence. A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) - Na konci segmentu se očekávala ukončovací jednoduchá uvozovka. (Segment: {0}) + A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) An error thrown when the type name ended but opened single quote was not matched. Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) - Argument musí být metoda. (Název argumentu: {0}) + Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. - Po volání metody GetId nebo GetHash není možné připojit k zprostředkovateli TestIdProvider. + Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 468af1bf0f..37af34862d 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,59 +4,59 @@ ManagedName is incomplete - ManagedName unvollständig + ManagedName is incomplete Method arity must be numeric. - Die Stelligkeit der Methode muss numerisch sein. + Method arity must be numeric. Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' - Die Methode "{0}" wurde für den Typ "{1}" nicht gefunden. + Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' {0} is the method name, {1} is the full type name. Type '{0}' not found - Der Typ "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. + Type '{0}' not found {0} is the full type name. Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) - Unerwartetes Zeichen nach dem Ende von ManagedName (Position: {0}). + Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of unexpected characters Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) - Leerzeichen sind in einem ManagedName unzulässig (Position: {0}). + Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of invalid whitespace '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! - "{0}.{1}" ist auf dieser Plattform nicht implementiert! + '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! '{className}.{methodName}' is not implemented on this platform! Example: 'System.Reflection.MethodBase' is not implemented on this platform! Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) - Ungültige Escapesequenz (Segment: {0}, Position: {1}). + Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) An escape sequence started with '\', but it wasn't legal. {0}: Invalid string, {1}: starting position of invalid sequence. A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) - Am Ende des Segments wurde ein schließendes einfaches Anführungszeichen erwartet (Segment: {0}). + A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) An error thrown when the type name ended but opened single quote was not matched. Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) - Das Argument muss eine Methode sein. (Argumentname: {0}) + Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. - Kann nicht an einen TestIdProvider angefügt werden, nachdem die GetId- oder GetHash-Methode aufgerufen wurde. + Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 6d93fe7b57..bca7924335 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,59 +4,59 @@ ManagedName is incomplete - ManagedName está incompleto. + ManagedName is incomplete Method arity must be numeric. - La aridad del método debe ser numérica. + Method arity must be numeric. Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' - Método "{0}" no encontrado en el tipo "{1}" + Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' {0} is the method name, {1} is the full type name. Type '{0}' not found - Tipo "{0}" no encontrado + Type '{0}' not found {0} is the full type name. Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) - Caracteres inesperados después del final de ManagedName (posición: {0}) + Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of unexpected characters Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) - El espacio en blanco no es válido en un elemento ManagedName (posición: {0}) + Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of invalid whitespace '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! - "{0}.{1}" no se ha implementado en esta plataforma. + '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! '{className}.{methodName}' is not implemented on this platform! Example: 'System.Reflection.MethodBase' is not implemented on this platform! Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) - Secuencia de escape no válida. (Segmento: {0}. Posición: {1}) + Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) An escape sequence started with '\', but it wasn't legal. {0}: Invalid string, {1}: starting position of invalid sequence. A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) - Se esperaba una comilla simple de cierre al final del segmento. (Segmento: {0}) + A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) An error thrown when the type name ended but opened single quote was not matched. Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) - El argumento debe ser un método. (Nombre del argumento: {0}) + Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. - No se puede anexar a un TestIdProvider después de llamar al método GetId o GetHash. + Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 1d368f958f..74ba856fe0 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,59 +4,59 @@ ManagedName is incomplete - ManagedName est incomplet + ManagedName is incomplete Method arity must be numeric. - L'arité de la méthode doit être numérique. + Method arity must be numeric. Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' - Méthode '{0}' introuvable sur le type '{1}' + Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' {0} is the method name, {1} is the full type name. Type '{0}' not found - Type '{0}' introuvable + Type '{0}' not found {0} is the full type name. Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) - Caractères inattendus après la fin de ManagedName (pos. : {0}) + Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of unexpected characters Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) - Les espaces blancs ne sont pas valides dans un ManagedName (pos. : {0}) + Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of invalid whitespace '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! - '{0}.{1}' n'est pas implémenté sur cette plateforme ! + '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! '{className}.{methodName}' is not implemented on this platform! Example: 'System.Reflection.MethodBase' is not implemented on this platform! Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) - Séquence d'échappement non valide ! (segment : {0}, position : {1}) + Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) An escape sequence started with '\', but it wasn't legal. {0}: Invalid string, {1}: starting position of invalid sequence. A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) - Un guillemet simple fermant était attendu à la fin du segment ! (segment : {0}) + A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) An error thrown when the type name ended but opened single quote was not matched. Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) - L’argument doit être une méthode. (Nom de l’argument : {0}) + Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. - Impossible d’ajouter à un TestIdProvider, après l’appel de la méthode GetId ou GetHash. + Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 5612c49ce1..aaee84915d 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,59 +4,59 @@ ManagedName is incomplete - L'elemento ManagedName è incompleto + ManagedName is incomplete Method arity must be numeric. - Il grado del metodo deve essere numerico. + Method arity must be numeric. Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' - Il metodo '{0}' non è stato trovato nel tipo '{1}' + Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' {0} is the method name, {1} is the full type name. Type '{0}' not found - Il tipo '{0}' non è stato trovato + Type '{0}' not found {0} is the full type name. Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) - Caratteri imprevisti dopo la fine dell'elemento ManagedName (pos.: {0}) + Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of unexpected characters Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) - Gli spazi vuoti non sono validi in un elemento ManagedName (pos.: {0}) + Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of invalid whitespace '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! - '{0}.{1}' non è implementato in questa piattaforma. + '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! '{className}.{methodName}' is not implemented on this platform! Example: 'System.Reflection.MethodBase' is not implemented on this platform! Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) - La sequenza di escape non è valida. Segmento: {0}. Posizione: {1} + Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) An escape sequence started with '\', but it wasn't legal. {0}: Invalid string, {1}: starting position of invalid sequence. A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) - Alla fine del segmento era prevista una virgoletta singola di chiusura. Segmento: {0} + A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) An error thrown when the type name ended but opened single quote was not matched. Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) - L'argomento deve essere un metodo. (Nome argomento: {0}) + Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. - Non è possibile accodare a TestIdProvider dopo la chiamata del metodo GetId o GetHash. + Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index 56c3aac7e3..e2e3dc934e 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,59 +4,59 @@ ManagedName is incomplete - ManagedName が不完全です + ManagedName is incomplete Method arity must be numeric. - メソッドのアリティは数値である必要があります。 + Method arity must be numeric. Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' - メソッド '{0}' が型 '{1}' に見つかりませんでした。 + Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' {0} is the method name, {1} is the full type name. Type '{0}' not found - 型 '{0}' が見つかりません。 + Type '{0}' not found {0} is the full type name. Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) - ManagedName の末尾の後ろに予期しない文字があります (位置: {0}) + Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of unexpected characters Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) - ManagedName では空白は無効です (位置: {0}) + Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of invalid whitespace '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! - '{0}.{1}' はこのプラットフォームに実装されていません。 + '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! '{className}.{methodName}' is not implemented on this platform! Example: 'System.Reflection.MethodBase' is not implemented on this platform! Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) - 無効なエスケープ シーケンスです。(セグメント: {0}、位置: {1}) + Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) An escape sequence started with '\', but it wasn't legal. {0}: Invalid string, {1}: starting position of invalid sequence. A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) - セグメントの最後に対応する一重引用符を指定する必要があります。(セグメント: {0}) + A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) An error thrown when the type name ended but opened single quote was not matched. Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) - 引数はメソッドである必要があります。(引数名: {0}) + Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. - GetId メソッドまたは GetHash メソッドが呼び出された後は、TestIdProvider に追加できません。 + Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index d061d56352..a4c9cbc8a9 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,59 +4,59 @@ ManagedName is incomplete - ManagedName이 불완전함 + ManagedName is incomplete Method arity must be numeric. - 메서드 인수 개수는 숫자여야 합니다. + Method arity must be numeric. Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' - '{0}' 메서드를 '{1}' 형식에서 찾을 수 없습니다. + Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' {0} is the method name, {1} is the full type name. Type '{0}' not found - '{0}' 형식을 찾을 수 없습니다. + Type '{0}' not found {0} is the full type name. Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) - ManagedName의 끝 다음에 예기치 않은 문자가 있습니다(pos: {0}). + Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of unexpected characters Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) - ManagedName에서 공백은 유효하지 않습니다(pos: {0}). + Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of invalid whitespace '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! - '{0}.{1}'이(가)이 플랫폼에서 구현되지 않았습니다. + '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! '{className}.{methodName}' is not implemented on this platform! Example: 'System.Reflection.MethodBase' is not implemented on this platform! Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) - 이스케이프 시퀀스가 잘못되었습니다. (세그먼트: {0}, pos: {1}) + Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) An escape sequence started with '\', but it wasn't legal. {0}: Invalid string, {1}: starting position of invalid sequence. A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) - 세그먼트 끝에 닫는 작은따옴표가 있어야 합니다. (세그먼트: {0}) + A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) An error thrown when the type name ended but opened single quote was not matched. Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) - 인수는 메서드여야 합니다. (인수 이름: {0}) + Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. - GetId 또는 GetHash 메서드가 호출된 후에는 TestIdProvider에 추가할 수 없습니다. + Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 8a39e98765..c923c01c47 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,59 +4,59 @@ ManagedName is incomplete - Wartość ManagedName jest niekompletna + ManagedName is incomplete Method arity must be numeric. - Liczba argumentów metody musi mieść wartość liczbową. + Method arity must be numeric. Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' - Nie znaleziono metody „{0}” w typie „{1}” + Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' {0} is the method name, {1} is the full type name. Type '{0}' not found - Nie znaleziono typu „{0}” + Type '{0}' not found {0} is the full type name. Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) - Nieoczekiwane znaki po zakończeniu wartości ManagedName (pozycja: {0}) + Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of unexpected characters Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) - Biały znak jest niedozwolony w wartości ManagedName (pozycja: {0}) + Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of invalid whitespace '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! - Element „{0}.{1}” nie jest zaimplementowany na tej platformie. + '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! '{className}.{methodName}' is not implemented on this platform! Example: 'System.Reflection.MethodBase' is not implemented on this platform! Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) - Nieprawidłowa sekwencja ucieczki (segment: {0}, pozycja: {1}) + Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) An escape sequence started with '\', but it wasn't legal. {0}: Invalid string, {1}: starting position of invalid sequence. A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) - Oczekiwano zamykającego cudzysłowu pojedynczego na końcu segmentu. (segment: {0}) + A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) An error thrown when the type name ended but opened single quote was not matched. Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) - Argument musi być metodą. (Nazwa argumentu: {0}) + Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. - Nie można dołączyć do elementu TestIdProvider po wywołaniu metody GetId lub GetHash. + Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index b01c848a0c..c23822eb64 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,59 +4,59 @@ ManagedName is incomplete - O ManagedName está incompleto + ManagedName is incomplete Method arity must be numeric. - A aridade do método deve ser numérica. + Method arity must be numeric. Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' - Método '{0}' não encontrado no tipo '{1}' + Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' {0} is the method name, {1} is the full type name. Type '{0}' not found - Tipo '{0}' não encontrado + Type '{0}' not found {0} is the full type name. Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) - Caracteres inesperados após o final de ManagedName (posição: {0}) + Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of unexpected characters Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) - O espaço em branco não é válido em um ManagedName (posição: {0}) + Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of invalid whitespace '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! - '{0}.{1}' não está implementado nesta plataforma. + '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! '{className}.{methodName}' is not implemented on this platform! Example: 'System.Reflection.MethodBase' is not implemented on this platform! Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) - Sequência de escape inválida. (segmento: {0}, posição: {1}) + Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) An escape sequence started with '\', but it wasn't legal. {0}: Invalid string, {1}: starting position of invalid sequence. A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) - Uma aspa simples de fechamento era esperada no final do segmento. (segmento: {0}) + A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) An error thrown when the type name ended but opened single quote was not matched. Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) - O argumento deve ser um método. (Nome do argumento: {0}) + Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. - Não é possível anexar a um TestIdProvider depois que o método GetId ou GetHash é chamado. + Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index a926405638..332f226163 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,59 +4,59 @@ ManagedName is incomplete - ManagedName является неполным. + ManagedName is incomplete Method arity must be numeric. - Арность метода должна быть числовым значением + Method arity must be numeric. Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' - Метод "{0}" не найден для типа "{1}" + Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' {0} is the method name, {1} is the full type name. Type '{0}' not found - Тип "{0}" не найден + Type '{0}' not found {0} is the full type name. Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) - Неожиданные символы после окончания ManagedName (позиция: {0}). + Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of unexpected characters Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) - Пробел в ManagedName (позиция: {0}) не допускается. + Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of invalid whitespace '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! - Метод "{0}.{1}" не реализован на этой платформе. + '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! '{className}.{methodName}' is not implemented on this platform! Example: 'System.Reflection.MethodBase' is not implemented on this platform! Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) - Недопустимая escape-последовательность (сегмент: {0}, позиция: {1}). + Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) An escape sequence started with '\', but it wasn't legal. {0}: Invalid string, {1}: starting position of invalid sequence. A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) - В конце сегмента ожидалась закрывающая одинарная кавычка (сегмент: {0}). + A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) An error thrown when the type name ended but opened single quote was not matched. Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) - Аргумент должен быть методом. (Имя аргумента: {0}) + Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. - Невозможно добавить к TestIdProvider после вызова метода GetId или GetHash. + Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index d67a10b6c9..16ff0e1fda 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,59 +4,59 @@ ManagedName is incomplete - ManagedName tamamlanmadı + ManagedName is incomplete Method arity must be numeric. - Yöntem parametre sayısı, sayısal bir değer olmalıdır. + Method arity must be numeric. Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' - '{1}' türünde '{0}' metodu bulunamadı + Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' {0} is the method name, {1} is the full type name. Type '{0}' not found - {0} türü bulunamadı. + Type '{0}' not found {0} is the full type name. Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) - ManagedName'den sonra beklenmeyen karakterler var (konum: {0}) + Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of unexpected characters Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) - ManagedName'de boşluk geçersiz (konum: {0}) + Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of invalid whitespace '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! - '{0}.{1}' bu platformda uygulanmıyor! + '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! '{className}.{methodName}' is not implemented on this platform! Example: 'System.Reflection.MethodBase' is not implemented on this platform! Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) - Kaçış dizisi geçersiz! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) + Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) An escape sequence started with '\', but it wasn't legal. {0}: Invalid string, {1}: starting position of invalid sequence. A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) - Segmentin sonunda bir kapanış tek tırnak işareti bekleniyordu! (segment: {0}) + A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) An error thrown when the type name ended but opened single quote was not matched. Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) - Bağımsız değişken bir yöntem olmalıdır. (Bağımsız değişken adı: {0}) + Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. - GetId veya GetHash yöntemi çağrıldıktan sonra bir TestIdProvider sağlayıcısına eklenemiyor. + Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index 773e38d4c3..33f45e3002 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,59 +4,59 @@ ManagedName is incomplete - ManagedName 不完整 + ManagedName is incomplete Method arity must be numeric. - 方法参数数量必须是数值。 + Method arity must be numeric. Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' - 类型“{1}”上找不到方法“{0}” + Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' {0} is the method name, {1} is the full type name. Type '{0}' not found - 找不到类型“{0}” + Type '{0}' not found {0} is the full type name. Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) - ManagedName 末尾后面有不需要的字符(位置: {0}) + Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of unexpected characters Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) - ManagedName 中空白无效(位置: {0}) + Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of invalid whitespace '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! - 未在此平台上实现 "{0}.{1}"! + '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! '{className}.{methodName}' is not implemented on this platform! Example: 'System.Reflection.MethodBase' is not implemented on this platform! Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) - 无效转义序列! (段: {0},位置: {1}) + Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) An escape sequence started with '\', but it wasn't legal. {0}: Invalid string, {1}: starting position of invalid sequence. A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) - 该段末尾应使用右单引号! (段: {0}) + A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) An error thrown when the type name ended but opened single quote was not matched. Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) - 参数必须是方法。(参数名称: {0}) + Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. - 调用 GetId 或 GetHash 方法后,无法追加到 TestIdProvider。 + Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index e45a020643..c51f33eb62 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,59 +4,59 @@ ManagedName is incomplete - ManagedName 不完整 + ManagedName is incomplete Method arity must be numeric. - 方法 arity 必須為數值。 + Method arity must be numeric. Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' - 在類型 '{1}' 上找不到方法 '{0}' + Method '{0}' not found on type '{1}' {0} is the method name, {1} is the full type name. Type '{0}' not found - 找不到類型 '{0}' + Type '{0}' not found {0} is the full type name. Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) - ManagedName 的結尾後出現非預期的字元 (位置: {0}) + Unexpected characters after the end of the ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of unexpected characters Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) - 空白字元在 ManagedName 中無效 (位置: {0}) + Whitespace is not valid in a ManagedName (pos: {0}) {0} is the position of invalid whitespace '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! - '{0}.{1}' 未在此平台上實作! + '{0}.{1}' is not implemented on this platform! '{className}.{methodName}' is not implemented on this platform! Example: 'System.Reflection.MethodBase' is not implemented on this platform! Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) - 逸出序列無效! (區段: {0},位置: {1}) + Invalid escape sequence! (segment: {0}, pos: {1}) An escape sequence started with '\', but it wasn't legal. {0}: Invalid string, {1}: starting position of invalid sequence. A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) - 區段結尾必須有右單引號! (區段: {0}) + A closing single quote was expected at the end of the segment! (segment: {0}) An error thrown when the type name ended but opened single quote was not matched. Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) - 引數必須是方法。(引數名稱: {0}) + Argument must be a method. (Argument name: {0}) Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. - 在呼叫 GetId 或 GetHash 方法之,無法附加到 TestIdProvider。 + Cannot append to a TestIdProvider, after GetId or GetHash method is called. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index b74c6a609b..22e615f49b 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Build completed. - Sestavení bylo dokončeno. + Build completed. Build started, please wait... - Začalo sestavování. Počkejte prosím... + Build started, please wait... Test run for {0} ({1}) - Testovací běh pro {0} ({1}) + Test run for {0} ({1}) Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. - Upozornění: Aktualizujte odkaz na balíček Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk na verzi 15.8.0 nebo novější, aby se získalo pokrytí kódu. + Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. - Přeskakuje se spuštění testu pro projekt {0}. Pokud chcete spustit testy pomocí příkazu dotnet test, přidejte do souboru projektu vlastnost <IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>. + Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ index 097000b274..36d148229d 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Build completed. - Buildvorgang abgeschlossen. + Build completed. Build started, please wait... - Buildvorgang gestartet, bitte warten... + Build started, please wait... Test run for {0} ({1}) - Testlauf für "{0}" ({1}) + Test run for {0} ({1}) Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. - Warnung: Aktualisieren Sie die Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk-Paketreferenz auf Version 15.8.0 oder höher, um von Code Coverage zu profitieren. + Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. - Die Ausführung des Tests für das Projekt "{0}" wird übersprungen. Um Tests mit "dotnet test" auszuführen, fügen Sie der Projektdatei die Eigenschaft <IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject> hinzu. + Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ index 663b65b466..bdd2e7eb24 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Build completed. - Se completó la compilación. + Build completed. Build started, please wait... - Compilación iniciada, espere... + Build started, please wait... Test run for {0} ({1}) - Serie de pruebas para {0} ({1}) + Test run for {0} ({1}) Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. - Advertencia: Actualice la referencia del paquete Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk a la versión 15.8.0 o posterior para recopilar la cobertura de código. + Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. - Omitiendo la ejecución de la prueba para el proyecto {0}. Para ejecutar pruebas con dotnet test, agregue la propiedad "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" al archivo del proyecto. + Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ index b8f5761abf..935cf81107 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Build completed. - Fin de la build. + Build completed. Build started, please wait... - La build a démarré. Patientez… + Build started, please wait... Test run for {0} ({1}) - Série de tests pour {0} ({1}) + Test run for {0} ({1}) Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. - Avertissement : mettez à jour la référence de package Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk vers la version 15.8.0 ou ultérieure pour collecter la couverture du code. + Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. - Le test en cours d'exécution est ignoré pour le projet {0}. Pour exécuter des tests avec dotnet test, ajoutez la propriété "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" au fichier projet. + Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ index 6c707ff8d9..59e152ee11 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Build completed. - Compilazione completata. + Build completed. Build started, please wait... - Compilazione avviata. Attendere... + Build started, please wait... Test run for {0} ({1}) - Esecuzione dei test per {0} ({1}) + Test run for {0} ({1}) Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. - Avviso: per raccogliere i dati di code coverage, aggiornare il riferimento al pacchetto Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk alla versione 15.8.0 o successiva. + Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. - L'esecuzione del test per il progetto {0} verrà ignorata. Per eseguire test con dotnet test, aggiungere la proprietà "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" al file di progetto. + Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index 17beb21646..297e882a92 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Build completed. - ビルドが完了しました。 + Build completed. Build started, please wait... - ビルドが開始されました。しばらくお待ちください... + Build started, please wait... Test run for {0} ({1}) - {0} ({1}) のテスト実行 + Test run for {0} ({1}) Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. - 警告: コード カバレッジを収集するには、Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk パッケージ参照をバージョン 15.8.0 以降に更新してください。 + Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. - プロジェクト {0} へのテストの実行をスキップしています。dotnet テストでテストを実行するには、"<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" プロパティをプロジェクト ファイルに追加します。 + Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index 83ae74691e..84ea643780 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Build completed. - 빌드가 완료되었습니다. + Build completed. Build started, please wait... - 빌드가 시작되었습니다. 잠시 기다려 주세요. + Build started, please wait... Test run for {0} ({1}) - {0}({1})에 대한 테스트 실행 + Test run for {0} ({1}) Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. - 경고: 코드 검사를 수집하려면 Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk 패키지 참조를 버전 15.8.0 이상으로 업데이트하세요. + Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. - 프로젝트 {0}에 대한 테스트 실행을 건너뜁니다. dotnet 테스트와 함께 테스트를 실행하려면 "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" 속성을 프로젝트 파일에 추가합니다. + Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ index 48f474faf4..392582557f 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Build completed. - Kompilacja zakończona. + Build completed. Build started, please wait... - Kompilacja została rozpoczęta, czekaj... + Build started, please wait... Test run for {0} ({1}) - Przebieg testu dla: {0} ({1}) + Test run for {0} ({1}) Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. - Ostrzeżenie: zaktualizuj odwołanie do pakietu Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk do wersji 15.8.0 lub nowszej w celu zbierania danych dotyczących pokrycia kodu. + Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. - Pomijanie uruchamiania testu dla projektu {0}. Aby uruchomić testy za pomocą polecenia dotnet test, dodaj właściwość „<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>” do pliku projektu. + Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ index 1fbecc2281..189aa0a473 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Build completed. - Build concluído. + Build completed. Build started, please wait... - Build iniciada, aguarde... + Build started, please wait... Test run for {0} ({1}) - Execução de teste para {0} ({1}) + Test run for {0} ({1}) Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. - Aviso: Atualize a referência do pacote Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk para a versão 15.8.0 ou posterior para coletar a cobertura do código. + Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. - Ignorando a execução de teste do projeto {0}. Para executar testes com dotnet test, adicione a propriedade "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" ao arquivo de projeto. + Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ index 754035a805..196defec43 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Build completed. - Сборка выполнена. + Build completed. Build started, please wait... - Сборка начата, подождите... + Build started, please wait... Test run for {0} ({1}) - Тестовый запуск для {0} ({1}) + Test run for {0} ({1}) Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. - Внимание. Для сбора данных об объеме протестированного кода обновите пакет Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk по ссылке как минимум до версии 15.8.0. + Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. - Пропуск выполнения теста для проекта {0}. Чтобы выполнить тесты с помощью теста dotnet, добавьте свойство "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" в файл проекта. + Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ index 497bf2b840..fd8822973c 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Build completed. - Derleme tamamlandı. + Build completed. Build started, please wait... - Derleme başlatıldı. Lütfen bekleyin... + Build started, please wait... Test run for {0} ({1}) - {0} ({1}) için test çalıştırması + Test run for {0} ({1}) Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. - Uyarı: Kod kapsamını toplamak için Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk paketinin başvurusunu 15.8.0 veya üzeri bir sürüme güncelleştirin. + Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. - {0} projesi için test çalıştırma atlanıyor. Testleri dotnet test ile çalıştırmak için proje dosyasına "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" özelliğini ekleyin. + Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index f853215269..5838b7b9a3 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Build completed. - 完成的生成。 + Build completed. Build started, please wait... - 已开始生成,请等待... + Build started, please wait... Test run for {0} ({1}) - {0} ({1})的测试运行 + Test run for {0} ({1}) Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. - 警告: 将 Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk 包引用更新为版本 15.8.0 或更高版本,以便收集代码覆盖率。 + Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. - 正在跳过项目 {0} 的运行测试。若要使用 dotnet test 运行 dotnet 测试,请向项目文件添加 "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" 属性。 + Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index 250f0e4166..a9f91f8d9d 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Build completed. - 建置完成。 + Build completed. Build started, please wait... - 已開始建置,請稍候... + Build started, please wait... Test run for {0} ({1}) - {0} 的測試回合 ({1}) + Test run for {0} ({1}) Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. - 警告: 將 Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk 套件參考更新至版本 15.8.0 或更新版本,才可收集程式碼涵蓋範圍。 + Warning: Update the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk package reference to version 15.8.0 or later to collect code coverage. Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. - 跳過專案 {0} 目前正在執行中的測試。若要執行有 dotnet 測試的測試項目,請對專案檔新增 "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" 屬性。 + Skipping running test for project {0}. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true</IsTestProject>" property to project file. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index b75d2bec98..955173dfed 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. - Testovací běh nešlo spustit, protože byl neplatný počáteční stav. + The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. - V případě, že nejsou aktivní žádné testovací běhy, se operace čekání na dokončení nepovoluje. + Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. - Testovací běh se ruší: byl překročen časový limit testovacího běhu ({0} ms). + Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. - Pro tento běh se nenašel žádný vhodný zprostředkovatel testů v režimu runtime. + No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ index b722981722..29b381c9af 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. - Der Testlauf konnte nicht ausgeführt werden, weil der Anfangszustand ungültig war. + The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. - Das Warten auf den Fertigstellungsvorgang ist unzulässig, wenn kein aktiver Testlauf vorhanden ist. + Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. - Der Testlauf wird abgebrochen: Das Timeout von {0} Millisekunden für den Testlauf wurde überschritten. + Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. - Für diese Ausführung wurde kein geeigneter Testlaufzeitanbieter gefunden. + No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ index 795f155215..bcbcb73f0a 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. - No se pudo ejecutar la serie de pruebas porque el estado inicial no era válido. + The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. - La operación “Esperar que termine” no se permite cuando no hay ninguna serie de pruebas activa. + Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. - Anulando la serie de pruebas: se superó el tiempo de espera de {0} milisegundos para la serie de pruebas. + Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. - No se encontró un proveedor de tiempo de ejecución de prueba adecuado para esta ejecución. + No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ index de3857c34d..72db7434ec 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. - Impossible d'exécuter la série de tests, car l'état initial est non valide. + The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. - L'attente de la fin de l'exécution d'une opération n'est pas autorisée quand il n'existe aucune série de tests active. + Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. - Abandon de la série de tests : dépassement du délai d'expiration de la série de tests fixé à {0} millisecondes. + Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. - Aucun fournisseur d'exécution de tests approprié n'a été trouvé pour cette série. + No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ index 5c1c78429e..58b7d473b6 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. - Non è stato possibile completare l'esecuzione dei test perché lo stato iniziale non era valido. + The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. - L'operazione di attesa completamento non è consentita se non sono presenti esecuzioni dei test attive. + Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. - Interruzione dell'esecuzione dei test: è stato superato il timeout dell'esecuzione dei test, pari a {0} millisecondi. + Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. - Non è stato trovato alcun provider di runtime dei test adatto per questa esecuzione. + No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index 8a41f55e84..6c090123d6 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. - 初期状態が無効なため、テストの実行を実行できませんでした。 + The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. - アクティブなテストの実行がない場合、完了の待機操作は許可されません。 + Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. - テストの実行を中止しています: テスト実行のタイムアウト {0} ミリ秒を超過しました。 + Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. - この実行に対して適切なテスト ランタイム プロバイダーが見つかりませんでした。 + No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index 4ab193fad0..1466f8fccf 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. - 초기 상태가 잘못되어 테스트 실행을 실행할 수 없습니다. + The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. - 활성 테스트 실행이 없으면 완료 작업을 대기할 수 없습니다. + Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. - 테스트 실행 중단 중: 테스트 실행 시간 제한 {0}밀리초가 초과되었습니다. + Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. - 이 실행에 적합한 테스트 런타임 공급자를 찾지 못했습니다. + No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ index 85452cc58a..1d31f53e21 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. - Nie można wykonać przebiegu testu, ponieważ stan początkowy jest nieprawidłowy. + The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. - Oczekiwanie na operację zakończenia nie jest dozwolone, gdy nie ma aktywnego przebiegu testu. + Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. - Przerywanie przebiegu testu: przekroczono limit czasu dla przebiegu testu równy {0}. + Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. - Nie znaleziono odpowiedniego dostawcy testowego środowiska uruchomieniowego dla tego uruchomienia. + No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ index 66beb85c5a..55d0f0a887 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. - A execução de teste não pôde ser realizada porque o estado inicial era inválido. + The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. - A operação esperar conclusão não é permitida quando não há nenhuma execução de teste ativa. + Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. - Anulando a execução de teste: o tempo limite da execução de teste de {0} milissegundos foi excedido. + Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. - Nenhum provedor de runtime de teste encontrado para esta execução. + No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ index 1f3f922fc0..d018558034 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. - Не удалось выполнить тестовый запуск из-за недопустимого начального состояния. + The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. - Операция "Ожидать завершения" запрещена, если нет активного тестового запуска. + Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. - Тестовый запуск отменяется: превышено допустимое время ожидания в {0} мс. + Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. - Не найден подходящий поставщик среды выполнения теста для этого запуска. + No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ index 45f5697dfb..5927b2323d 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. - İlk durum geçersiz olduğundan test çalıştırması yürütülemedi. + The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. - Etkin bir test çalıştırması olmadığında tamamlanmasını bekleme işlemine izin verilmez. + Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. - Test çalıştırması durduruluyor: Test çalıştırması için {0} milisaniyelik zaman aşımına ulaşıldı. + Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. - Bu çalıştırma için uygun bir test çalışma zamanı sağlayıcısı yok. + No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. From 1941678f9b0f910a7befb260f824076cb226b331 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 01:21:52 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 1222: Build ID 2171304 --- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 78 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 78 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 78 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 78 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 78 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 78 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 78 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 78 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 78 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 78 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 78 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 78 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 78 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 22 +++--- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++--- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++--- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++--- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++--- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 22 +++--- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 22 +++--- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++--- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++--- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++--- .../Resources/xlf/ | 22 +++--- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 22 +++--- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 22 +++--- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 32 ++++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 32 ++++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 32 ++++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 32 ++++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 32 ++++---- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 32 ++++---- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 32 ++++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 32 ++++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 32 ++++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 32 ++++---- .../Resources/xlf/ | 32 ++++---- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 32 ++++---- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 32 ++++---- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 74 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 74 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 74 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 74 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 74 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 74 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 74 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 74 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 74 +++++++++--------- 50 files changed, 1199 insertions(+), 1199 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index d2e08e3ee2..a717dea671 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. - 由于初始状态无效,无法执行测试运行。 + The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. - 没有活动的测试运行时不允许等待完成操作。 + Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. - 中止测试运行: 测试运行超时时间超出 {0} 毫秒。 + Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. - 对于此运行,未找到适合的测试运行时提供程序。 + No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index 3d4a773655..b30b592d6d 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Client/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. - 因為初始狀態無效,所以無法執行測試回合。 + The test run could not be executed because the initial state was invalid. Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. - 沒有使用中的測試回合時,不允許等候完成作業。 + Wait for completion operation is not allowed when there is no active test run. Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. - 正在中止測試回合: 超過了測試回合逾時 ({0} 毫秒)。 + Aborting test run: test run timeout of {0} milliseconds exceeded. No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. - 找不到適用於此回合的測試執行階段提供者。 + No suitable test runtime provider found for this run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index 4b59416829..5c8f076bdc 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,197 +4,197 @@ Data collection : {0} - Shromažďování dat: {0} + Data collection : {0} Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. - Zpráva kolekce dat {0}: {1} + Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. - Duplicitní identifikátor URI testu rozšíření {0}. Duplicitní rozšíření se ignoruje. + Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. - Duplicitní poskytovatel nastavení s názvem {0}. Duplicitní poskytovatel se ignoruje. + Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. - Našel se duplicitní oddíl nastavení běhu s názvem {0}. Duplicitní nastavení se ignoruje. + Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) - Chyba: Prázdné závorky ( ) + Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' - Chyba: Neplatná podmínka {0} + Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} - Rozšíření testu má neplatný identifikátor URI {0}: {1} + Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} Error: Invalid operator '{0}' - Chyba: Neplatný operátor {0} + Error: Invalid operator '{0}' Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} - Během inicializace protokolovače s {0}: {1} došlo k výjimce. Protokolovač se nepoužije. Výjimka: {2} + Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Nepovedlo se najít protokolovač testu s kvalifikovaným názvem sestavení (AssemblyQualifiedName), identifikátorem URI (uri) nebo popisným názvem (FriendlyName) {0}. + Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Error: Missing ')' - Chyba: Chybí ). + Error: Missing ')' Error: Missing '(' - Chyba: Chybí (. + Error: Missing '(' Error: Missing operand - Chyba: Chybí operand. + Error: Missing operand Missing Operator '|' or '&' - Chybějící operátor | nebo & + Missing Operator '|' or '&' The Run Settings have already been loaded. - Parametry spouštění jsou už načtené. + The Run Settings have already been loaded. An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} - Při načítání parametrů spouštění se stala chyba. Chyba: {0} + An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. - Zadal se neplatný uzel nastavení. Vlastnost name uzlu nastavení nesmí být prázdná. + Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} - Při inicializaci poskytovatele nastavení s názvem {0} se stala chyba. Chyba: {1} + An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. - Poskytovatel nastavení s názvem {0} se nenašel. Nastavení nešlo načíst. + Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. - Nesprávný formát pro TestCaseFilter {0}. Zadejte správný formát a zkuste to znovu. Poznámka: Nesprávný formát může vést k tomu, že se nespustí žádný test. + Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} - Kolekce dat {0} neposkytla informace o inicializaci. Chyba: {1} + Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. - Kolekce dat {0} během načítání typu, konstrukce nebo inicializace vyvolala výjimku: {1} + Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. Could not find data collector '{0}' - Nepovedlo se najít kolekci dat {0}. + Could not find data collector '{0}' The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. - Kolekce dat {0} si v prostředí provedení testu vyžádala nastavení proměnné prostředí {1} na hodnotu {2}, ale jiná kolekce dat {3} si už vyžádala stejnou proměnnou prostředí s rozdílnou hodnotou {4}. + The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. - Existuje více konfigurací, které mají popisný název kolekce dat {0}. Duplicitní konfigurace se budou v testovacím běhu ignorovat. + There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. - Kolekce dat zachytila výjimku typu {0}: {1}. Další podrobnosti: {2} + Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. - Typy odvozené z kontextu shromažďování dat nelze použít pro posílání zpráv a dat. DataCollectionContext použitý pro posílání dat a zpráv musí pocházet z jedné z událostí vyvolaných na kolekci dat. + Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - Identifikátor URI {0} protokolovače testu není platný. Protokolovač testu se bude ignorovat. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} - Nepovedlo se najít seznam nainstalovaných rozšíření testu jednotek. Důvod: {0} + Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. - Tato možnost funguje jenom se souborem vstest.console.exe nainstalovaným jako součást sady Visual Studio. + This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. An error occurred while creating Fast filter. - Při vytváření rychlého filtru došlo k chybě. + An error occurred while creating Fast filter. Cancelling the operation as requested. - Operace se ruší na základě žádosti. + Cancelling the operation as requested. Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. - Nepovedlo se najít datacollector s popisným názvem {0}. + Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. - Nepovedlo se načíst rozšíření ze souboru {0}. Další informace získáte pomocí parametru /diag. + Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: - {0} Při pokusu o vytvoření složky TestResults v uvedeném umístění došlo k odepření přístupu. Tato výjimka se vyvolala, protože spouštíte vstest.console.exe ze složky, která vyžaduje, abyste měli přístup pro zápis. Pokud chcete problém vyřešit, spusťte prosím vstest.console.exe ze složky, ve které máte oprávnění k zápisu. Další informace najdete v chybové zprávě: + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: Inner exception: - Vnitřní výjimka: + Inner exception: Stack trace: - Trasování zásobníku: + Stack trace: <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. - <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> se pro testovací běh zdrojů nepodporuje. + <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ index 3b0e0ee3a5..01fd903bbf 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,197 +4,197 @@ Data collection : {0} - Datensammlung: {0} + Data collection : {0} Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. - Datensammler "{0}" – Meldung: {1}. + Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. - Doppelter Testerweiterungs-URI "{0}". Die doppelte Erweiterung wird ignoriert. + Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. - Doppelter Einstellungsanbieter namens "{0}". Der doppelte Anbieter wird ignoriert. + Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. - Duplizierter Abschnitt mit Ausführungseinstellungen "{0}". Die Einstellungsduplikate werden ignoriert. + Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) - Fehler: Leere Klammern ( ) + Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' - Fehler: Ungültige Bedingung "{0}". + Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} - Die Testerweiterung weist einen ungültigen URI "{0}" auf: {1} + Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} Error: Invalid operator '{0}' - Fehler: Ungültiger Operator "{0}". + Error: Invalid operator '{0}' Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} - Ausnahme beim Initialisieren der Protokollierung mit "{0}": "{1}". Die Protokollierung wird nicht verwendet. Ausnahme: {2} + Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Es wurde keine Testprotokollierung mit AssemblyQualifiedName, URI oder FriendlyName "{0}" gefunden. + Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Error: Missing ')' - Fehler: Fehlende Klammer ")" + Error: Missing ')' Error: Missing '(' - Fehler: Fehlende Klammer "(" + Error: Missing '(' Error: Missing operand - Fehler: Fehlender Operand. + Error: Missing operand Missing Operator '|' or '&' - Operator "|" oder "&" fehlt + Missing Operator '|' or '&' The Run Settings have already been loaded. - Die Laufzeiteinstellungen wurden bereits geladen. + The Run Settings have already been loaded. An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} - Fehler beim Laden der Laufzeiteinstellungen. Fehler: {0} + An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. - Es wurde ein ungültiger Einstellungsknoten angegebenen. Die Eigenschaft "name" eines Einstellungsknotens darf nicht leer sein. + Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} - Fehler beim Initialisieren des Einstellungsanbieters namens "{0}". Fehler: {1} + An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. - Der Einstellungsanbieter namens "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. Die Einstellungen können nicht geladen werden. + Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. - Ungültiges Format für TestCaseFilter {0}. Geben Sie das richtige Format an, und versuchen Sie es erneut. Beachten Sie, dass das falsche Format dazu führen kann, dass kein Test ausgeführt wird. + Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} - Vom Datensammler "{0}" wurden keine Initialisierungsinformationen bereitgestellt. Fehler: {1} + Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. - Der Datensammler "{0}" hat beim Laden, bei der Konstruktion oder bei der Initialisierung des Typs eine Ausnahme ausgelöst: {1}. + Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. Could not find data collector '{0}' - Datensammler "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden + Could not find data collector '{0}' The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. - Der Datensammler "{0}" hat das Festlegen der Umgebungsvariablen "{1}" mit dem Wert "{2}" in der Testausführungsumgebung angefordert, ein anderer Datensammler "{3}" hat jedoch die gleiche Umgebungsvariable mit dem anderen Wert "{4}" angefordert. + The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. - Es gibt mehrere Konfigurationen mit dem Datensammler-FriendlyName "{0}". Doppelte Konfigurationen werden beim Testlauf ignoriert. + There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. - Der Datensammler hat eine Ausnahme vom Typ "{0}" aufgefangen: "{1}". Weitere Informationen: {2}. + Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. - Typen, die vom Datensammlungskontext abgeleitet werden, können nicht zum Senden von Daten und Meldungen verwendet werden. Der DataCollectionContext für das Senden von Daten und Meldungen muss aus einem der Ereignisse stammen, die für den Datensammler ausgelöst wurden. + Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - Der Testprotokollierungs-URI "{0}" ist ungültig. Die Testprotokollierung wird ignoriert. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} - Die Liste installierter Komponententesterweiterungen wurde nicht gefunden. Ursache: {0} + Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. - Diese Option funktioniert nur, wenn "vstest.console.exe" als Teil von Visual Studio installiert wurde. + This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. An error occurred while creating Fast filter. - Fehler beim Erstellen eines Schnellfilters. + An error occurred while creating Fast filter. Cancelling the operation as requested. - Der Vorgang wird gemäß Anforderung abgebrochen. + Cancelling the operation as requested. Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. - datacollector mit dem Anzeigenamen "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. + Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. - Fehler beim Laden von Erweiterungen aus der Datei "{0}". Verwenden Sie "/diag", um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. + Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: - {0} Beim Erstellen des Ordners "TestResults" am angegebenen Speicherort wurde der Zugriff verweigert. Sie erhalten diese Ausnahme, weil Sie "vstest.console.exe" von einem Ordner aus ausführen, für den Schreibzugriff erforderlich ist. So beheben Sie das Problem: Führen Sie "vstest.console.exe" in einem Ordner aus, für den Sie Schreibberechtigungen besitzen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Fehlermeldung: + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: Inner exception: - Innere Ausnahme: + Inner exception: Stack trace: - Stapelüberwachung: + Stack trace: <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. - <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>TRUE</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> wird für den Testlauf der Quellen nicht unterstützt. + <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ index c9f07356ae..b852981bdc 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,197 +4,197 @@ Data collection : {0} - Recopilación de datos: {0} + Data collection : {0} Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. - Mensaje del recopilador de datos "{0}": {1}. + Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. - URI de extensión de pruebas duplicado ({0}). Se omitirá la extensión duplicada. + Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. - Proveedor de configuración duplicado con el nombre '{0}'. Se omitirá el proveedor duplicado. + Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. - Sección de parámetros de ejecución duplicada con el nombre "{0}". Se omitirán los parámetros duplicados. + Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) - Error: Paréntesis vacío ( ) + Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' - Error: Condición '{0}' no válida + Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} - La extensión de pruebas tiene un URI no válido ({0}): {1} + Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} Error: Invalid operator '{0}' - Error: Operador no válido ({0}) + Error: Invalid operator '{0}' Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} - Se produjo una excepción al inicializar el registrador con {0}: "{1}". No se usará el registrador. Excepción: {2} + Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - No se encuentra ningún registrador de pruebas con AssemblyQualifiedName, URI o FriendlyName "{0}". + Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Error: Missing ')' - Error: Falta ')' + Error: Missing ')' Error: Missing '(' - Error: Falta '(' + Error: Missing '(' Error: Missing operand - Error: Falta un operando + Error: Missing operand Missing Operator '|' or '&' - Falta el operador "|" o "&" + Missing Operator '|' or '&' The Run Settings have already been loaded. - Los parámetros de ejecución ya se han cargado. + The Run Settings have already been loaded. An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} - Error al cargar los parámetros de ejecución. Error: {0} + An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. - Se especificó un nodo de configuración no válido. La propiedad de nombre del nodo de configuración no debe estar vacía. + Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} - Error al inicializar el proveedor de configuración '{0}'. Error: {1} + An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. - No se encuentra el proveedor de configuración '{0}'. No se puede cargar la configuración. + Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. - Formato incorrecto de TestCaseFilter {0}. Especifique el formato correcto y vuelva a intentarlo. Tenga en cuenta que un formato incorrecto puede dar lugar a que no se ejecute ninguna prueba. + Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} - El recopilador de datos "{0}" no pudo proporcionar información de inicialización. Error: {1} + Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. - El recopilador de datos "{0}" produjo una excepción durante la carga, creación o inicialización del tipo: {1}. + Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. Could not find data collector '{0}' - No se pudo encontrar el recopilador de datos "{0}" + Could not find data collector '{0}' The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. - El recopilador de datos "{0}" solicitó que la variable de entorno "{1}" con el valor "{2}" se estableciera en el entorno de ejecución de pruebas, pero otro recopilador de datos "{3}" ya ha solicitado la misma variable de entorno con otro valor "{4}". + The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. - Hay varias configuraciones que tienen el nombre descriptivo del recopilador de datos "{0}". Se omitirán las configuraciones duplicadas en la serie de pruebas. + There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. - El recopilador de datos detectó una excepción de tipo "{0}": "{1}". Más detalles: {2}. + Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. - Los tipos derivados del contexto de recolección de datos no se pueden usar para enviar datos y mensajes. El elemento DataCollectionContext usado para enviar datos y mensajes debe proceder de alguno de los eventos generados para el recolector de datos. + Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - El URI de registrador de pruebas '{0}' no es válido. Se omitirá el registrador de pruebas. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} - No se pudo encontrar la lista de extensiones de prueba unitaria instaladas. Motivo: {0} + Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. - Esta opción funciona solo con vstest.console.exe instalado como parte de Visual Studio. + This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. An error occurred while creating Fast filter. - Error al crear el filtro rápido. + An error occurred while creating Fast filter. Cancelling the operation as requested. - La operación se cancelará como se ha solicitado. + Cancelling the operation as requested. Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. - No se encuentra ningún objeto datacollector con el nombre descriptivo "{0}". + Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. - No se pudieron cargar las extensiones del archivo "{0}". Use /diag para obtener más información. + Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: - {0} Se denegó el acceso al intentar crear la carpeta "TestResults" en la ubicación mencionada. Está recibiendo esta excepción porque está ejecutando vstest.console.exe desde una carpeta que requiere acceso de escritura. Para solucionar el problema: ejecute vstest.console.exe desde una carpeta en la que tenga privilegios de escritura. Para obtener más información, consulte el mensaje de error: + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: Inner exception: - Excepción interna: + Inner exception: Stack trace: - Seguimiento de la pila: + Stack trace: <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. - <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> no se admite para la serie de pruebas de orígenes. + <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ index 11ba039130..7569bce4fd 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,197 +4,197 @@ Data collection : {0} - Collecte de données : {0} + Data collection : {0} Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. - Message du collecteur de données '{0}' : {1}. + Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. - L'URI d'extension de test '{0}' est dupliquée. L'extension dupliquée est ignorée. + Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. - Le fournisseur de paramètres nommé '{0}' est dupliqué. Le fournisseur dupliqué est ignoré. + Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. - La section de paramètres d'exécution nommée '{0}' est dupliquée. Les paramètres dupliqués sont ignorés. + Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) - Erreur : parenthèses vides ( ) + Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' - Erreur : condition non valide '{0}' + Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} - L'URI d'extension de test est non valide '{0}' : {1} + Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} Error: Invalid operator '{0}' - Erreur : opérateur non valide '{0}' + Error: Invalid operator '{0}' Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} - Une exception s'est produite durant l'initialisation de l'enregistreur d'événements avec {0} : '{1}'. L'enregistreur d'événements ne sera pas utilisé. Exception : {2} + Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Impossible de localiser un enregistreur d'événements de test ayant pour AssemblyQualifiedName, URI ou FriendlyName '{0}'. + Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Error: Missing ')' - Erreur : ')' manquante + Error: Missing ')' Error: Missing '(' - Erreur : '(' manquante + Error: Missing '(' Error: Missing operand - Erreur : opérande manquant + Error: Missing operand Missing Operator '|' or '&' - Opérateur manquant '|' ou '&' + Missing Operator '|' or '&' The Run Settings have already been loaded. - Les paramètres d'exécution ont déjà été chargés. + The Run Settings have already been loaded. An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} - Une erreur s'est produite durant le chargement des paramètres d'exécution. Erreur : {0} + An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. - Le nœud de paramètres spécifié est non valide. La propriété name du nœud de paramètres ne doit pas être vide. + Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} - Une erreur s'est produite durant l'initialisation du fournisseur de paramètres nommé '{0}'. Erreur : {1} + An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. - Le fournisseur de paramètres nommé '{0}' est introuvable. Impossible de charger les paramètres. + Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. - Format incorrect pour le TestCaseFilter {0}. Spécifiez le format approprié, puis réessayez. Notez que si le format est incorrect, aucun test n'est exécuté. + Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} - Le collecteur de données '{0}' n'a pas pu fournir les informations d'initialisation. Erreur : {1} + Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. - Le collecteur de données '{0}' a levé une exception pendant le chargement, la construction ou l'initialisation du type : {1}. + Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. Could not find data collector '{0}' - Collecteur de données '{0}' introuvable + Could not find data collector '{0}' The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. - Le collecteur de données '{0}' exige que la variable d'environnement '{1}' avec la valeur '{2}' soit définie dans un environnement d'exécution de test, mais un autre collecteur de données '{3}' a déjà exigé la même variable d'environnement avec une autre valeur '{4}'. + The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. - Plusieurs configurations ont comme FriendlyName de collecteur de données '{0}'. Les configurations dupliquées seront ignorées dans la série de tests. + There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. - Le collecteur de données a intercepté une exception de type '{0}' : '{1}'. Plus de détails : {2}. + Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. - Impossible d'utiliser les types qui dérivent du contexte de collecte de données pour envoyer des données et des messages. La valeur DataCollectionContext utilisée pour envoyer des données et des messages doit provenir de l'un des événements déclenchés par le collecteur de données. + Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - L'URI de l'enregistreur d'événements de tests '{0}' est non valide. L'enregistreur d'événements de tests va être ignoré. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} - La liste des extensions de test unitaire installées est introuvable. Raison : {0} + Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. - Cette option fonctionne uniquement si vstest.console.exe est installé dans le cadre de Visual Studio. + This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. An error occurred while creating Fast filter. - Une erreur s'est produite durant la création du filtre rapide. + An error occurred while creating Fast filter. Cancelling the operation as requested. - Annulation de l'opération, comme demandé. + Cancelling the operation as requested. Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. - Le datacollector ayant le nom convivial '{0}' est introuvable. + Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. - Le chargement des extensions à partir du fichier '{0}' a échoué. Pour plus d'informations, utilisez /diag. + Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: - {0} Accès refusé durant la tentative de création du dossier "TestResults" à l'emplacement indiqué. Vous obtenez cette exception, car vous exécutez vstest.console.exe à partir d'un dossier qui nécessite un accès en écriture. Pour résoudre le problème, exécutez vstest.console.exe à partir d'un dossier sur lequel vous disposez de privilèges d'accès en écriture. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le message d'erreur : + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: Inner exception: - Exception interne : + Inner exception: Stack trace: - Arborescence des appels de procédure : + Stack trace: <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. - <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost></ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> true n’est pas prise en charge pour la série de tests sources. + <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ index 6aa82f4ec1..6385384433 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,197 +4,197 @@ Data collection : {0} - Raccolta dei dati: {0} + Data collection : {0} Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. - Messaggio '{0}' dell'agente di raccolta dati: {1}. + Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. - L'URI dell'estensione di test '{0}' è duplicato. L'estensione duplicata verrà ignorata. + Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. - Il provider di impostazioni denominato '{0}' è duplicato. Il provider duplicato verrà ignorato. + Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. - La sezione delle impostazioni esecuzione test denominata '{0}' è duplicata. Le impostazioni duplicate verranno ignorate. + Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) - Errore: parentesi vuote ( ) + Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' - Errore: condizione non valida '{0}' + Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} - L'URI '{0}' dell'estensione di test non è valido: {1} + Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} Error: Invalid operator '{0}' - Errore: operatore non valido '{0}' + Error: Invalid operator '{0}' Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} - Si è verificata un'eccezione durante l'inizializzazione del logger con {0}: '{1}'. Il logger non verrà usato. Eccezione: {2} + Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Non è stato trovato alcun logger di test con AssemblyQualifiedName, URI o FriendlyName '{0}'. + Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Error: Missing ')' - Errore: manca ')' + Error: Missing ')' Error: Missing '(' - Errore: manca '(' + Error: Missing '(' Error: Missing operand - Errore: manca l'operando + Error: Missing operand Missing Operator '|' or '&' - Manca l'operatore '|' o '&' + Missing Operator '|' or '&' The Run Settings have already been loaded. - Le impostazioni esecuzione test sono già state caricate. + The Run Settings have already been loaded. An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} - Errore durante il caricamento delle impostazioni esecuzione test. Errore: {0} + An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. - Il nodo impostazioni specificato non è valido. La proprietà del nome del nodo impostazioni non deve essere vuota. + Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} - Si è verificato un errore durante l'inizializzazione del provider di impostazioni denominato '{0}'. Errore: {1} + An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. - Il provider di impostazioni denominato '{0}' non è stato trovato. Non è possibile caricare le impostazioni. + Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. - Il formato per TestCaseFilter {0} non è corretto. Specificare il formato corretto e riprovare. Se il formato non è corretto, potrebbe non essere eseguito alcun test. + Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} - L'agente di raccolta dati '{0}' non ha fornito le informazioni di inizializzazione. Errore: {1} + Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. - L'agente di raccolta dati '{0}' ha generato un'eccezione durante la costruzione, l'inizializzazione o il caricamento dei tipi: {1}. + Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. Could not find data collector '{0}' - L'agente di raccolta dati '{0}' non è stato trovato + Could not find data collector '{0}' The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. - L'agente di raccolta dati '{0}' ha richiesto che la variabile di ambiente '{1}' con valore '{2}' fosse impostata nell'ambiente di esecuzione dei test, ma un altro agente di raccolta dati '{3}' ha già richiesto la stessa variabile di ambiente con un valore diverso '{4}'. + The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. - Sono presenti più configurazioni in cui il nome descrittivo dell'agente di raccolta dati è '{0}'. Le configurazioni duplicate verranno ignorate nell'esecuzione dei test. + There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. - L'agente di raccolta dati ha rilevato un'eccezione di tipo '{0}': '{1}'. Altri dettagli: {2}. + Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. - Non è possibile usare i tipi che derivano da DataCollectionContext per inviare dati e messaggi. L'elemento DataCollectionContext usato per inviare dati e messaggi deve provenire da uno degli eventi generati per l'agente di raccolta dati. + Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - L'URI del logger di test '{0}' non è valido. Il logger di test verrà ignorato. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} - L'elenco delle estensioni degli unit test installate non è stato trovato. Motivo: {0} + Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. - Questa opzione funziona solo se vstest.console.exe è installato con Visual Studio. + This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. An error occurred while creating Fast filter. - Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione del filtro Fast. + An error occurred while creating Fast filter. Cancelling the operation as requested. - L'operazione verrà annullata come richiesto. + Cancelling the operation as requested. Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. - Non è possibile trovare un oggetto datacollector con nome descrittivo '{0}'. + Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. - Non è stato possibile caricare le estensioni dal file '{0}'. Per altre informazioni, usare /diag. + Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: - {0} Accesso negato durante il tentativo di creare la cartella "TestResults" nel percorso indicato. Si riceve questa eccezione perché si esegue vstest.console.exe da una cartella per cui è necessario l'accesso in scrittura. Per risolvere il problema, eseguire vstest.console.exe da una cartella per cui si hanno privilegi di scrittura. Per altre informazioni, vedere il messaggio di errore: + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: Inner exception: - Eccezione interna: + Inner exception: Stack trace: - Analisi dello stack: + Stack trace: <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. - <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> non è supportato per l'esecuzione dei test delle origini. + <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index 3a22f8ad08..51b807cc21 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,197 +4,197 @@ Data collection : {0} - データ コレクション : {0} + Data collection : {0} Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. - データ コレクター '{0}' メッセージ: {1}。 + Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. - テスト拡張 URI '{0}' は重複しています。重複する拡張を無視しています。 + Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. - '{0}' という名前の設定プロバイダーが重複しています。重複するプロバイダーを無視しています。 + Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. - '{0}' という名前の重複した実行設定セクションが見つかりました。重複する設定を無視しています。 + Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) - エラー: かっこ ( ) が空です + Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' - エラー: 条件 '{0}' が無効です + Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} - テスト拡張に無効な URI '{0}' があります: {1} + Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} Error: Invalid operator '{0}' - エラー: 演算子 '{0}' が無効です + Error: Invalid operator '{0}' Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} - {0}: '{1}' でのロガーの初期化中に例外が発生しました。ロガーは使用されません。例外: {2} + Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - AssemblyQualifiedName、URI または FriendlyName が '{0}' のテスト ロガーは見つかりませんでした。 + Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Error: Missing ')' - エラー: ')' がありません + Error: Missing ')' Error: Missing '(' - エラー: '(' がありません + Error: Missing '(' Error: Missing operand - エラー: オペランドがありません + Error: Missing operand Missing Operator '|' or '&' - 演算子 '|' または '&' がありません + Missing Operator '|' or '&' The Run Settings have already been loaded. - 実行設定は既に読み込まれています。 + The Run Settings have already been loaded. An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} - 実行設定の読み込み中にエラーが発生しました。エラー: {0} + An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. - 無効な設定ノードが指定されました。設定ノードの名前プロパティを空白にしないようにしてください。 + Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} - '{0}' という名前の設定プロバイダーを初期化中にエラーが発生しました。エラー: {1} + An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. - '{0}' という名前の設定プロバイダーが見つかりませんでした。設定を読み込めません。 + Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. - TestCaseFilter {0} の形式が正しくありません。正しい形式を指定してもう一度お試しください。形式が正しくないと、テストが実行されないことがあります。 + Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} - データ コレクター '{0}' で初期化情報を表示できませんでした。エラー: {1} + Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. - データ コレクター '{0}' が型の読み込み、作成、または初期化中に例外をスローしました: {1}。 + Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. Could not find data collector '{0}' - データ コレクター '{0}' が見つかりませんでした + Could not find data collector '{0}' The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. - データ コレクター '{0}' が値 '{2}' の環境変数 '{1}' をテスト実行時環境で設定するように要求しましたが、別のデータ コレクター '{3}' が既に別の値 '{4}' を持つ同じ環境変数を要求しています。 + The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. - データ コレクターの FriendlyName が '{0}' の構成が複数あります。テストの実行では、重複した構成は無視されます。 + There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. - データ コレクターが型 '{0}' の例外をキャッチしました: '{1}'。詳細: {2}。 + Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. - データ コレクション コンテキストから派生する型をデータおよびメッセージの送信に使用することはできません。データおよびメッセージの送信に使用される DataCollectionContext は、データ コレクターに対して発生したイベントの 1 つからのものである必要があります。 + Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - テスト ロガーの URI '{0}' は無効です。テスト ロガーは無視されます。 + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} - インストール済みの単体テスト拡張の一覧が見つかりませんでした。理由: {0} + Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. - このオプションは Visual Studio の一部として vstest.console.exe がインストールされている場合のみ使用できます。 + This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. An error occurred while creating Fast filter. - 高速フィルターを作成中にエラーが発生しました。 + An error occurred while creating Fast filter. Cancelling the operation as requested. - 操作のキャンセルが要求されたため、キャンセルしています。 + Cancelling the operation as requested. Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. - フレンドリ名が '{0}' の datacollector が見つかりません。 + Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. - ファイル '{0}' から拡張機能を読み込めませんでした。詳細な情報を得るには、/diag をご使用ください。 + Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: - {0} 記載した場所に "TestResults" フォルダーを作成しようとしたときにアクセスが拒否されました。書き込みアクセスを必要とするフォルダーから vstest.console.exe を実行しているため、この例外が発生しています。この問題を解決するには、書き込み権限のあるフォルダーから vstest.console.exe を実行してください。詳細については、次のエラー メッセージをご覧ください。 + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: Inner exception: - 内部例外: + Inner exception: Stack trace: - スタック トレース: + Stack trace: <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. - <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> は、ソース テストの実行ではサポートされていません。 + <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index 37175efc69..955185cb4e 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,197 +4,197 @@ Data collection : {0} - 데이터 수집: {0} + Data collection : {0} Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. - 데이터 수집기 '{0}' 메시지: {1}. + Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. - 테스트 확장 URI '{0}'이(가) 중복됩니다. 중복 확장을 무시합니다. + Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. - 설정 공급자 '{0}'이(가) 중복됩니다. 중복 공급자를 무시합니다. + Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. - 중복 실행 설정 섹션 '{0}'이(가) 있습니다. 중복 설정을 무시합니다. + Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) - 오류: 빈 괄호 ( ) + Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' - 오류: 잘못된 조건 '{0}' + Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} - 테스트 확장의 URI '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. {1} + Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} Error: Invalid operator '{0}' - 오류: 잘못된 연산자 '{0}' + Error: Invalid operator '{0}' Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} - {0}: '{1}'인 로거를 초기화하는 동안 예외가 발생했습니다. 로거가 사용되지 않습니다. 예외: {2} + Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - AssemblyQualifiedName, URI 또는 FriendlyName이 '{0}'인 테스트 로거를 찾을 수 없습니다. + Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Error: Missing ')' - 오류: ')' 누락 + Error: Missing ')' Error: Missing '(' - 오류: '(' 누락 + Error: Missing '(' Error: Missing operand - 오류: 피연산자 누락 + Error: Missing operand Missing Operator '|' or '&' - '|' 또는 '&' 연산자 누락 + Missing Operator '|' or '&' The Run Settings have already been loaded. - 실행 설정이 이미 로드되었습니다. + The Run Settings have already been loaded. An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} - 실행 설정을 로드하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류: {0} + An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. - 잘못된 설정 노드를 지정했습니다. 설정 노드의 이름 속성이 비어 있어서는 안 됩니다. + Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} - 설정 공급자 '{0}'을(를) 초기화하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류: {1} + An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. - 설정 공급자 '{0}'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 설정을 로드할 수 없습니다. + Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. - TestCaseFilter {0}의 형식이 잘못되었습니다. 올바른 형식을 지정하고 다시 시도하세요. 잘못된 형식을 사용하면 테스트가 실행되지 않을 수 있습니다. + Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} - 데이터 수집기 '{0}'에서 초기화 정보를 제공하지 못했습니다. 오류: {1} + Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. - 형식 로드, 생성 또는 초기화 중에 데이터 수집기 '{0}'에서 예외를 throw했습니다. {1}. + Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. Could not find data collector '{0}' - 데이터 수집기 '{0}'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. + Could not find data collector '{0}' The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. - 데이터 수집기 '{0}'에서 값이 '{2}'인 환경 변수 '{1}'을(를) 테스트 실행 환경에서 설정하도록 요청했는데, 다른 데이터 수집기 '{3}'이(가) 다른 값('{4}')을 포함하는 동일 환경 변수를 이미 요청했습니다. + The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. - 데이터 수집기 FriendlyName이 '{0}'인 여러 개의 구성이 있습니다. 중복 구성은 테스트 실행에서 무시됩니다. + There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. - 데이터 수집기에서 '{0}': '{1}' 형식의 예외를 catch했습니다. 자세한 정보: {2}. + Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. - 데이터 컬렉션 컨텍스트에서 파생된 형식을 사용하여 데이터 및 메시지를 보낼 수 없습니다. 데이터 및 메시지를 보내는 데 사용되는 DataCollectionContext는 데이터에 대해 발생한 이벤트 중 하나에서 가져와야 합니다. + Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - 테스트 로거 URI '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 테스트 로거를 무시합니다. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} - 설치된 단위 테스트 확장 목록을 찾지 못했습니다. 이유: {0} + Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. - 이 옵션은 Visual Studio의 일부로 설치된 vstest.console.exe에서만 실행됩니다. + This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. An error occurred while creating Fast filter. - 빠른 필터를 만드는 중 오류가 발생했습니다. + An error occurred while creating Fast filter. Cancelling the operation as requested. - 요청한 대로 작업을 취소하는 중입니다. + Cancelling the operation as requested. Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. - 이름이 '{0}'인 datacollector를 찾을 수 없습니다. + Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. - '{0}' 파일에서 확장을 로드하지 못했습니다. 자세한 내용을 보려면 /diag를 사용하세요. + Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: - {0} "TestResults" 폴더를 언급된 위치에 만드는 동안 액세스가 거부되었습니다. 쓰기 권한이 필요한 폴더에서 vstest.console.exe를 실행하고 있으므로 이 예외가 발생했습니다. 이 문제를 해결하려면 쓰기 권한이 있는 폴더에서 vstest.console.exe를 실행하세요. 자세한 내용은 다음 오류 메시지를 확인하세요. + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: Inner exception: - 내부 예외: + Inner exception: Stack trace: - 스택 추적: + Stack trace: <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. - <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>는 원본 테스트 실행에 대해 지원되지 않습니다. + <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ index 10c5a716e5..4a0ac0aeca 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,197 +4,197 @@ Data collection : {0} - Zbieranie danych: {0} + Data collection : {0} Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. - Komunikat modułu zbierającego dane „{0}”: {1}. + Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. - Zduplikowany identyfikator URI rozszerzenia testu „{0}”. Zduplikowane rozszerzenie zostanie zignorowane. + Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. - Zduplikowany dostawca ustawień o nazwie „{0}”. Zduplikowany dostawca zostanie zignorowany. + Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. - Znaleziono zduplikowaną sekcję parametrów uruchomieniowych o nazwie „{0}”. Zduplikowane ustawienia zostaną zignorowane. + Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) - Błąd: puste nawiasy ( ) + Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' - Błąd: nieprawidłowy warunek „{0}” + Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} - Rozszerzenie testu ma nieprawidłowy identyfikator URI „{0}”: {1} + Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} Error: Invalid operator '{0}' - Błąd: nieprawidłowy operator „{0}” + Error: Invalid operator '{0}' Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} - Wystąpił wyjątek podczas inicjowania rejestratora o identyfikatorze {0}: „{1}”. Rejestrator nie będzie używany. Wyjątek: {2} + Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Nie można odnaleźć rejestratora testów z atrybutem AssemblyQualifiedName, identyfikatorem URI lub przyjazną nazwą „{0}”. + Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Error: Missing ')' - Błąd: brak znaku „)” + Error: Missing ')' Error: Missing '(' - Błąd: brak znaku „(” + Error: Missing '(' Error: Missing operand - Błąd: brak argumentu operacji + Error: Missing operand Missing Operator '|' or '&' - Brak operatora „|” lub „&” + Missing Operator '|' or '&' The Run Settings have already been loaded. - Parametry uruchomieniowe zostały już załadowane. + The Run Settings have already been loaded. An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} - Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania parametrów uruchomieniowych. Błąd: {0} + An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. - Określono nieprawidłowy węzeł ustawień. Właściwość name węzła ustawień nie może być pusta. + Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} - Wystąpił błąd podczas inicjowania dostawcy ustawień o nazwie „{0}”. Błąd: {1} + An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. - Nie znaleziono dostawcy ustawień o nazwie „{0}”. Nie można załadować ustawień. + Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. - Niepoprawny format elementu TestCaseFilter {0}. Określ poprawny format i spróbuj ponownie. Należy pamiętać, że niepoprawny format może spowodować, że żadne testy nie zostaną wykonane. + Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} - Dostarczenie informacji o inicjowaniu przez moduł zbierający dane „{0}” nie powiodło się. Błąd: {1} + Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. - Moduł zbierający dane „{0}” zgłosił wyjątek w trakcie ładowania, konstruowania lub inicjowania typu: {1}. + Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. Could not find data collector '{0}' - Nie można znaleźć modułu zbierającego dane „{0}” + Could not find data collector '{0}' The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. - Moduł zbierający dane „{0}” zażądał ustawienia zmiennej środowiskowej „{1}” o wartości „{2}” w środowisku wykonywania testu, ale inny moduł zbierający dane „{3}” już zażądał ustawienia tej zmiennej środowiskowej na wartość „{4}”. + The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. - Istnieje wiele konfiguracji, które zawierają przyjazną nazwę modułu zbierającego dane „{0}”. Zduplikowane konfiguracje będą ignorowane w przebiegu testu. + There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. - Moduł zbierający dane przechwycił wyjątek typu „{0}”: „{1}”. Więcej szczegółów: {2}. + Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. - Typy pochodzące od kontekstu kolekcji danych nie mogą być używane do wysyłania danych i komunikatów. Element DataCollectionContext służący do wysyłania danych i komunikatów musi pochodzić z jednego ze zdarzeń wywołanych dla modułu zbierającego dane. + Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - Podany identyfikator URI rejestratora testów „{0}” jest nieprawidłowy. Rejestrator testów zostanie zignorowany. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} - Nie można znaleźć listy zainstalowanych rozszerzeń testów jednostkowych. Przyczyna: {0} + Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. - Ta opcja działa wyłącznie z elementem vstest.console.exe zainstalowanym jako część programu Visual Studio. + This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. An error occurred while creating Fast filter. - Wystąpił błąd podczas tworzenia szybkiego filtru. + An error occurred while creating Fast filter. Cancelling the operation as requested. - Anulowanie operacji zgodnie z żądaniem. + Cancelling the operation as requested. Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. - Nie można znaleźć elementu datacollector o przyjaznej nazwie „{0}”. + Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. - Nie można załadować rozszerzeń z pliku „{0}”. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, użyj opcji /diag. + Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: - {0} Odmowa dostępu podczas próby utworzenia folderu „TestResults” w określonej lokalizacji. Widzisz ten wyjątek, ponieważ program vstest.console.exe został uruchomiony z folderu wymagającego dostępu do zapisu. Aby rozwiązać ten problem: uruchom program vstest.console.exe z folderu, w którym masz uprawnienia do zapisu. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w komunikacie o błędzie: + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: Inner exception: - Wewnętrzny wyjątek: + Inner exception: Stack trace: - Ślad stosu: + Stack trace: <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. - <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> nie jest obsługiwana w przypadku przebiegu testu źródeł. + <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ index 5a543755e2..74782e69be 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,197 +4,197 @@ Data collection : {0} - Coleção de dados: {0} + Data collection : {0} Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. - Coletor de dados '{0}' mensagem: {1}. + Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. - URI da extensão do teste '{0}' duplicada. Ignorando a extensão duplicada. + Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. - Provedor de configurações denominado '{0}' duplicado. Ignorando o provedor duplicado. + Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. - Foi encontrada uma seção de configurações de execução denominada '{0}' duplicada. Ignorando as configurações duplicadas. + Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) - Erro: parênteses vazios ( ) + Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' - Erro: condição inválida '{0}' + Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} - A Extensão do Teste tem um URI inválido '{0}': {1} + Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} Error: Invalid operator '{0}' - Erro: operador inválido '{0}' + Error: Invalid operator '{0}' Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} - Ocorreu uma exceção durante a inicialização do agente com {0}: ‘{1}’. O agente não será usado. Exceção: {2} + Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Não foi possível localizar um agente de teste com o AssemblyQualifiedName, o URI ou o FriendlyName '{0}'. + Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Error: Missing ')' - Erro: ')' ausente + Error: Missing ')' Error: Missing '(' - Erro: '(' ausente + Error: Missing '(' Error: Missing operand - Erro: operando ausente + Error: Missing operand Missing Operator '|' or '&' - Faltando operador '|' ou '&' + Missing Operator '|' or '&' The Run Settings have already been loaded. - As Configurações de Execução já foram carregadas. + The Run Settings have already been loaded. An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} - Ocorreu um erro ao carregar as configurações de execução. Erro: {0} + An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. - Nó de configurações inválido especificado. A propriedade de nome do nó de configurações não deve estar vazia. + Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} - Ocorreu um erro ao inicializar o provedor de configurações denominado '{0}'. Erro: {1} + An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. - O Provedor de Configurações denominado '{0}' não foi encontrado. Não é possível carregar as configurações. + Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. - Formato incorreto para TestCaseFilter {0}. Especifique o formato correto e tente novamente. Observe que o formato incorreto pode fazer com que nenhum teste seja executado. + Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} - O coletor de dados '{0}' falhou ao fornecer informações de inicialização. Erro: {1} + Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. - O coletor de dados '{0}' lançou uma exceção durante a inicialização, construção ou carregamento de tipo: {1}. + Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. Could not find data collector '{0}' - Não foi possível encontrar o coletor de dados '{0}' + Could not find data collector '{0}' The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. - O coletor de dados '{0}' solicitou a variável de ambiente '{1}' com valor '{2}' para ser definida no ambiente de execução de teste, mas outro coletor de dados '{3}' já solicitou a mesma variável de ambiente com um valor diferente '{4}'. + The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. - Existem várias configurações que têm o FriendlyName do coletor de dados como '{0}'. Configurações duplicadas serão ignoradas na execução de teste. + There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. - O coletor de dados capturou uma exceção do tipo '{0}': '{1}'. Mais detalhes: {2}. + Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. - Tipos derivados de DataCollectionContext não podem ser usados para enviar dados e mensagens. Os DataCollectionContext usado para enviar dados e mensagens devem vir de um dos eventos adicionados ao coletor de dados. + Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - O URI do Agente de Teste '{0}' não é válido. O Agente de Teste será ignorado. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} - Falha ao encontrar a lista de extensões de teste de unidade. Motivo: {0} + Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. - Essa opção funciona somente com vstest.console.exe instalado como parte do Visual Studio. + This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. An error occurred while creating Fast filter. - Ocorreu um erro ao criar o filtro Rápido. + An error occurred while creating Fast filter. Cancelling the operation as requested. - Cancelando a operação conforme solicitado. + Cancelling the operation as requested. Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. - Não é possível localizar um datacollector com o nome amigável '{0}'. + Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. - Falha ao carregar as extensões do arquivo '{0}'. Use /diag para obter mais informações. + Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: - {0} Acesso negado ao tentar criar a pasta "TestResults" no local mencionado. Você está recebendo esta exceção porque está executando o vstest.console.exe em uma pasta que requer acesso para gravação. Para resolver o problema: execute vstest.console.exe em uma pasta na qual você tenha privilégios de gravação. Para obter mais informações, verifique a mensagem de erro: + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: Inner exception: - Exceção interna: + Inner exception: Stack trace: - Rastreamento de pilha: + Stack trace: <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. - <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>verdadeiro</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> não tem suporte para execução de teste de fontes. + <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ index f569087653..cbd49f865a 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,197 +4,197 @@ Data collection : {0} - Сбор данных: {0} + Data collection : {0} Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. - Сообщение сборщика данных "{0}": {1}. + Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. - Повторяющийся URI расширения теста "{0}". Повторяющееся расширение пропускается. + Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. - Повторяющийся поставщик параметров с именем "{0}". Повторяющийся поставщик пропускается. + Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. - Обнаружен повторяющийся раздел параметров запуска с именем "{0}". Повторяющиеся параметры пропускаются. + Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) - Ошибка: пустые круглые скобки () + Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' - Ошибка: недопустимое условие "{0}" + Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} - Расширение теста имеет недопустимый URI "{0}": {1} + Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} Error: Invalid operator '{0}' - Ошибка: недопустимый оператор "{0}" + Error: Invalid operator '{0}' Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} - Возникло исключение при инициализации средства ведения журнала с {0}: "{1}". Средство ведения журнала не будет использоваться. Исключение: {2} + Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Не удалось найти средство ведения журнала тестирования с AssemblyQualifiedName, URI или FriendlyName "{0}". + Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Error: Missing ')' - Ошибка: отсутствует ")" + Error: Missing ')' Error: Missing '(' - Ошибка: отсутствует "(" + Error: Missing '(' Error: Missing operand - Ошибка: отсутствует операнд + Error: Missing operand Missing Operator '|' or '&' - Отсутствует оператор "|" или "&" + Missing Operator '|' or '&' The Run Settings have already been loaded. - Параметры запуска уже загружены. + The Run Settings have already been loaded. An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} - Произошла ошибка при загрузке параметров запуска. Ошибка: {0} + An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. - Указан недопустимый узел параметров. Узел параметров должен иметь допустимое значение для свойства имени. + Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} - При инициализации поставщика параметров с именем "{0}" произошла ошибка. Ошибка: {1} + An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. - Поставщик параметров с именем "{0}" не найден. Невозможно загрузить параметры. + Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. - Неверный формат фильтра TestCaseFilter {0}. Задайте правильный формат и повторите попытку. Обратите внимание, что использование неверного формата может привести к тому, что ни один из тестов не будет выполнен. + Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} - Сборщик данных "{0}" не предоставил сведения для инициализации. Ошибка: {1} + Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. - В сборщике данных "{0}" возникло исключение во время загрузки типа, создания или инициализации: {1}. + Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. Could not find data collector '{0}' - Не удалось найти сборщик данных "{0}" + Could not find data collector '{0}' The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. - Сборщик данных "{0}" запросил, чтобы в окружении выполнения тестов была установлена переменная окружения "{1}" со значением "{2}", но другой сборщик данных "{3}" уже запросил эту переменную окружения со значением "{4}". + The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. - Существует несколько конфигураций со значением "{0}" для FriendlyName сборщика данных. Повторяющиеся конфигурации будут пропущены в тестовом запуске. + There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. - В сборщике данных возникло исключение типа "{0}": "{1}". Дополнительные сведения: {2}. + Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. - Нельзя использовать типы, производные от контекста сбора данных, для отправки данных и сообщений. Используемый для отправки данных и сообщений DataCollectionContext должен происходить от одного из событий, возникших для сборщика данных. + Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - URI средства ведения журнала тестирования "{0}" недопустимо. Это средство ведения журнала тестирования будет игнорироваться. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} - Не удалось найти список установленных расширений модульных тестов. Причина: {0} + Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. - Этот параметр работает, только если в рамках Visual Studio установлена служебная программа vstest.console.exe. + This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. An error occurred while creating Fast filter. - При создании быстрого фильтра произошла ошибка. + An error occurred while creating Fast filter. Cancelling the operation as requested. - Операция отменяется в соответствии с запросом. + Cancelling the operation as requested. Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. - Не удается найти datacollector с понятным именем "{0}". + Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. - Не удалось загрузить расширения из файла "{0}". Для получения дополнительных сведений используйте /diag. + Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: - {0} Отказано в доступе при попытке создания папки "TestResults" в указанном расположении. Это исключение возникло, так как вы запускаете файл vstest.console.exe из папки, для которой требуется доступ на запись. Чтобы устранить эту проблему, запустите vstest.console.exe из папки, для которой у вас есть разрешения на запись. Дополнительные сведения см. в сообщении об ошибке: + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: Inner exception: - Внутреннее исключение: + Inner exception: Stack trace: - Трассировка стека: + Stack trace: <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. - <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> не поддерживается для тестового запуска источников. + <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ index 6dba89fbd3..de2b860e62 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,197 +4,197 @@ Data collection : {0} - Veri toplama: {0} + Data collection : {0} Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. - '{0}' veri toplayıcısı iletisi: {1}. + Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. - Yinelenen test uzantısı URI’si '{0}'. Yinelenen uzantı yoksayılıyor. + Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. - '{0}' adlı yinelenen ayar sağlayıcısı. Yinelenen sağlayıcı yoksayılıyor. + Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. - '{0}' adlı yinelenen çalıştırma ayarları bölümü bulundu. Yinelenen ayarlar yoksayılıyor. + Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) - Hata: Boş ayraç ( ) + Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' - Hata: Geçersiz Koşul '{0}' + Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} - Test Uzantısı geçersiz bir '{0}' URI’sine sahip: {1} + Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} Error: Invalid operator '{0}' - Hata: Geçersiz işleç '{0}' + Error: Invalid operator '{0}' Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} - Günlükçü, '{0}' ile başlatılırken özel durum oluştu: '{1}'. Günlükçü kullanılmayacak. Özel durum: {2} + Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - AssemblyQualifiedName, URI veya FriendlyName değeri '{0}' olan bir test günlükçüsü bulunamadı. + Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Error: Missing ')' - Hata: ')' eksik + Error: Missing ')' Error: Missing '(' - Hata: '(' eksik + Error: Missing '(' Error: Missing operand - Hata: İşlenen eksik + Error: Missing operand Missing Operator '|' or '&' - '|' veya '&' işleci eksik + Missing Operator '|' or '&' The Run Settings have already been loaded. - Çalıştırma Ayarları zaten yüklendi. + The Run Settings have already been loaded. An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} - Çalıştırma ayarları yüklenirken bir hata oluştu. Hata: {0} + An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. - Belirtilen ayar düğümü geçersiz. Ayar düğümünün ad özelliği boş olmamalıdır. + Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} - '{0}' adlı ayar sağlayıcısı başlatılırken bir hata oluştu. Hata: {1} + An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. - '{0}' adlı Ayar Sağlayıcısı bulunamadı. Ayarlar yüklenemiyor. + Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. - TestCaseFilter {0} için yanlış biçim. Doğru biçimi belirtin ve yeniden deneyin. Yanlış biçim hiçbir testin yürütülmemesine neden olabilir. + Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} - '{0}' veri toplayıcısı başlatma bilgilerini sağlayamadı. Hata: {1} + Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. - '{0}' veri toplayıcısı tür yükleme, oluşturma veya başlatma sırasında bir özel durum oluşturdu: {1}. + Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. Could not find data collector '{0}' - '{0}' veri toplayıcısı bulunamadı + Could not find data collector '{0}' The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. - '{0}' veri toplayıcısı, test yürütme ortamında değeri '{2}' olan '{1}' ortam değişkeninin ayarlanması için istekte bulundu, ancak başka bir veri toplayıcısı ('{3}') zaten farklı bir değerle ('{4}') aynı ortam değişkeni için istekte bulunmuştu. + The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. - Veri toplayıcısı FriendlyName değeri '{0}' olan birden çok yapılandırma var. Yinelenen yapılandırmalar test çalıştırmasında yoksayılacak. + There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. - Veri toplayıcısı '{0}' türünde bir özel durum yakaladı: '{1}'. Diğer ayrıntılar:'{2}'. + Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. - Veri koleksiyonu bağlamından türetilen türler, veri ve ileti göndermek için kullanılamaz. Veri ve ileti göndermek için kullanılan DataCollectionContext veri toplayıcısı yükseltilmiş olayların birinden gelmelidir. + Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - Test Günlükçüsünün '{0}' URI’si geçerli değil. Test Günlükçüsü yoksayılacak. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} - Yüklenen birim testi uzantılarının listesi bulunamadı. Neden: {0} + Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. - Bu seçenek yalnızca Visual Studio’nun bir parçası olarak yüklenen vstest.console.exe ile birlikte çalışır. + This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. An error occurred while creating Fast filter. - Hızlı filtre oluşturulurken bir hata oluştu. + An error occurred while creating Fast filter. Cancelling the operation as requested. - İşlem istek üzerine iptal ediliyor. + Cancelling the operation as requested. Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. - '{0}' kolay adına sahip bir datacollector bulunamadı. + Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. - Uzantılar '{0}' dosyasından yüklenemedi. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen /diag kullanın. + Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: - {0} Belirtilen konumda "TestResults" klasörü oluşturulmaya çalışılırken erişim engellendi. Yazma erişimi gerektiren bir klasörden vstest.console.exe çalıştırdığınız için bu özel durumu aldınız. Sorunu çözmek için: Lütfen yazma ayrıcalıklarına sahip olduğunuz bir klasörden vstest.console.exe dosyasını çalıştırın. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen hata iletisine bakın: + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: Inner exception: - Özel iç durum: + Inner exception: Stack trace: - Yığın izleme: + Stack trace: <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. - <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> kaynak test çalıştırması için desteklenmiyor. + <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index e6a274da6d..a449a96b03 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,197 +4,197 @@ Data collection : {0} - 数据收集: {0} + Data collection : {0} Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. - 数据收集器“{0}”消息: {1}。 + Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. - 测试扩展 URI“{0}”重复。忽略重复的扩展。 + Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. - 名为“{0}”的设置提供程序重复。忽略重复的提供程序。 + Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. - 名为“{0}”的运行设置部分重复。请忽略重复的设置。 + Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) - 错误: 空括号 ( ) + Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' - 错误: 无效条件“{0}” + Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} - 测试扩展具有无效的 URI“{0}”: {1} + Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} Error: Invalid operator '{0}' - 错误: 运算符“{0}”无效 + Error: Invalid operator '{0}' Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} - 初始化带有 {0} 的记录器时发生异常: "{1}"。将不会使用该记录器。异常: {2} + Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - 找不到 AssemblyQualifiedName、URI 或 FriendlyName 为 "{0}" 的测试记录器。 + Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Error: Missing ')' - 错误: 缺少 ")" + Error: Missing ')' Error: Missing '(' - 错误: 缺少 "(" + Error: Missing '(' Error: Missing operand - 错误: 缺少操作数 + Error: Missing operand Missing Operator '|' or '&' - 缺少运算符 '|' 或 '&' + Missing Operator '|' or '&' The Run Settings have already been loaded. - 已加载运行设置。 + The Run Settings have already been loaded. An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} - 加载运行设置时出错。错误: {0} + An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. - 指定了无效的设置节点。设置节点的名称属性必须为非空。 + Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} - 初始化名为“{0}”的设置提供程序时出错。错误: {1} + An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. - 找不到名为“{0}”的设置提供程序。无法加载设置。 + Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. - TestCaseFilter {0} 的格式不正确。请指定正确的格式并重试。请注意,格式不正确会导致不执行任何测试。 + Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} - 数据收集器“{0}”未能提供初始化信息。错误: {1} + Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. - 在类型加载、构造或初始化期间,数据收集器“{0}”引发了异常: {1}。 + Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. Could not find data collector '{0}' - 找不到数据收集器“{0}” + Could not find data collector '{0}' The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. - 数据收集器“{0}”已请求具有将在测试执行环境中设置的值“{2}”的环境变量“{1}”,但另一个数据收集器“{3}”已请求具有其他值“{4}”的同一环境变量。 + The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. - 有多个配置的数据收集器 FriendlyName 为“{0}”。测试运行中将忽略重复的配置。 + There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. - 数据收集器已捕获类型为“{0}”的异常:“{1}”。更多详细信息: {2}。 + Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. - 从数据收集上下文派生的类型不能用于发送数据和消息。 用于发送数据和消息的 DataCollectionContext 必须来自向数据收集器引发的某个事件。 + Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - 测试记录器 URI“{0}”无效。将忽略该测试记录器。 + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} - 找不到已安装的单元测试扩展列表。原因: {0} + Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. - 此选项仅适用于作为 Visual Studio 一部分安装的 vstest.console.exe。 + This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. An error occurred while creating Fast filter. - 创建“快”筛选器时遇到错误。 + An error occurred while creating Fast filter. Cancelling the operation as requested. - 按要求取消该操作。 + Cancelling the operation as requested. Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. - 找不到友好名称为“{0}”的 datacollector。 + Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. - 未能从文件 "{0}" 加载扩展。有关详细信息,请使用 /diag。 + Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: - {0} 尝试在所述位置创建 "TestResults" 文件夹时,访问被拒。你收到此异常是因为你正在从需要具有写入权限的文件夹运行 vstest.console.exe。若要解决此问题,请从你具有写入权限的文件夹运行 vstest.console.exe。有关详细信息,请查看错误消息: + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: Inner exception: - 内部异常: + Inner exception: Stack trace: - 堆栈跟踪: + Stack trace: <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. - 源测试运行不支持 <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>。 + <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index b8b68c3ba4..d822357612 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,197 +4,197 @@ Data collection : {0} - 資料收集: {0} + Data collection : {0} Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. - 資料收集器 '{0}' 的訊息: {1}。 + Data collector '{0}' message: {1}. Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. - 重複的測試延伸模組 URI '{0}'。忽略重複的延伸模組。 + Duplicate test extension URI '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate extension. Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. - 名為 '{0}' 的重複的設定提供者。忽略重複的提供者。 + Duplicate settings provider named '{0}'. Ignoring the duplicate provider. Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. - 找到名為 '{0}' 的重複執行設定區段。忽略重複的設定。 + Duplicate run settings section named '{0}' found. Ignoring the duplicate settings. Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) - 錯誤: 空的括弧 ( ) + Error: Empty parenthesis ( ) Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' - 錯誤: 條件 '{0}' 無效 + Error: Invalid Condition '{0}' Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} - 測試延伸模組的 URI '{0}' 無效: {1} + Test Extension has an invalid URI '{0}': {1} Error: Invalid operator '{0}' - 錯誤: 運算子 '{0}' 無效 + Error: Invalid operator '{0}' Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} - 初始化具有 '{0}' 的記錄器時,發生例外狀況: '{1}'。將不會使用此記錄器。例外狀況: {2} + Exception occurred while initializing logger with {0}: '{1}'. The logger will not be used. Exception: {2} Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - 找不到具有 AssemblyQualifiedName、URI 或 FriendlyName '{0}' 的測試記錄器。 + Could not find a test logger with AssemblyQualifiedName, URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Error: Missing ')' - 錯誤: 遺漏 ')' + Error: Missing ')' Error: Missing '(' - 錯誤: 遺漏 '(' + Error: Missing '(' Error: Missing operand - 錯誤: 遺漏運算元 + Error: Missing operand Missing Operator '|' or '&' - 遺漏運算子 '|' 或 '&' + Missing Operator '|' or '&' The Run Settings have already been loaded. - 已載入 [回合設定]。 + The Run Settings have already been loaded. An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} - 載入回合設定時發生錯誤。錯誤: {0} + An error occurred while loading the run settings. Error: {0} Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. - 指定的設定節點無效。設定節點的名稱屬性必須為非空白。 + Invalid settings node specified. The name property of the settings node must be non-empty. An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} - 將名為 '{0}' 的設定提供者初始化時發生錯誤。錯誤: {1} + An error occurred while initializing the settings provider named '{0}'. Error: {1} Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. - 找不到名為 '{0}' 的設定提供者。無法載入設定。 + Settings Provider named '{0}' was not found. The settings can not be loaded. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. - TestCaseFilter {0} 的格式不正確。請指定正確的格式後再試一次。請注意,格式不正確可能會導致無法執行測試。 + Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead to no test getting executed. Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} - 資料收集器 '{0}' 無法提供初始化資訊。錯誤: {1} + Data collector '{0}' failed to provide initialization information. Error: {1} Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. - 載入、建構或初始化類型期間,資料收集器 '{0}'擲回例外狀況: {1}。 + Data collector '{0}' threw an exception during type loading, construction, or initialization: {1}. Could not find data collector '{0}' - 找不到資料收集器 '{0}' + Could not find data collector '{0}' The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. - 資料收集器 '{0}' 要求要在測試執行環境中將環境變數 '{1}' 的值設為 '{2}',但另一個資料收集器 '{3}' 已要求了同一個環境變數,但具有不同的值 '{4}'。 + The data collector '{0}' requested environment variable '{1}' with value '{2}' to be set in test execution environment, but another data collector '{3}' has already requested same environment variable with different value '{4}'. There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. - 有多個組態的資料收集器 FriendlyName 為 '{0}'。在測試回合中,重複的組態將予忽略。 + There are multiple configurations that have data collector FriendlyName as '{0}'. Duplicate configurations will be ignored in the test run. Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. - 資料收集器攔截到類型為 '{0}' 的例外狀況: '{1}'。更多詳細資料: {2}。 + Data collector caught an exception of type '{0}': '{1}'. More details: {2}. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. - 衍生自資料收集內容的類型無法用於傳送資料和訊息。用於傳送資料和訊息的 DataCollectionContext 必須來自其中一個引發資料收集器的事件。 + Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used for sending data and messages must come from one of the events raised to the data collector. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - 測試記錄器 URI '{0}' 無效。將忽略測試記錄器。 + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} - 無法找到已安裝之單元測試延伸模組的清單。原因: {0} + Failed to find the list of installed unit test extensions. Reason: {0} This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. - 此選項僅適用於隨 Visual Studio 安裝的 vstest.console.exe。 + This option works only with vstest.console.exe installed as part of Visual Studio. An error occurred while creating Fast filter. - 建立快速篩選時發生錯誤。 + An error occurred while creating Fast filter. Cancelling the operation as requested. - 正在應要求取消作業。 + Cancelling the operation as requested. Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. - 找不到易記名稱為 '{0}' 的 datacollector。 + Unable to find a datacollector with friendly name '{0}'. Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. - 無法從檔案 '{0}' 載入延伸模組。如需詳細資訊,請使用 /diag。 + Failed to load extensions from file '{0}'. Please use /diag for more information. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: - {0} 嘗試在提及的位置上建立 "TestResults" 資料夾時存取被拒。因為您正從需要寫入存取權的資料夾執行 vstest.console.exe,所以收到此例外狀況。若要解決此問題: 請從您有權寫入的資料夾執行 vstest.console.exe。如需詳細資訊,請參閱錯誤訊息: + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. For more information, please look at the error message: Inner exception: - 內部例外狀況: + Inner exception: Stack trace: - 堆疊追蹤: + Stack trace: <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. - 來源測試回合不支援 <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>。 + <ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost>true</ForceOneTestAtTimePerTestHost> is not supported for sources test run. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index 8573e3d270..2f6b4fdfff 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} - Aktivní testovací běh se přerušil. Důvod: {0} + The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - Vzdálený hostitel vynutil ukončení existujícího připojení. + An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The active test discovery was aborted. - Aktivní zjišťování testů se přerušilo. + The active test discovery was aborted. The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} - Aktivní zjišťování testu se přerušilo. Důvod: {0} + The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} Unable to communicate with test host process. - Nepovedlo se navázat komunikaci s procesem hostitele testu. + Unable to communicate with test host process. Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} - Byla přijata neočekávaná zpráva. Očekávaný typ zprávy: {0} Skutečný typ zprávy: {1} + Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. - Kontrola verze protokolu selhala. Ověřte, jestli je spouštěč testů kompatibilní s hostitelem. + Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. - Nepodařilo se vyjednat protokol. Po {0} s vypršel časový limit čekání na odezvu. Důvodem může být pomalý počítač. Nastavením proměnné prostředí {1} prosím časový limit prodlužte. + Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. - Procesu {0} se nepovedlo připojit k procesu {1} ani po {2} s. Důvodem může být pomalý počítač. Nastavením proměnné prostředí {3} prosím časový limit prodlužte. + {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. Test host process crashed - Proces testovacího hostitele se chybově ukončil. + Test host process crashed Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. - Ladicí program se nedá připojit k výchozímu hostiteli testů. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index f94cf5c424..21b534fe2d 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} - Der aktive Testlauf wurde abgebrochen. Grund: {0} + The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - Das Schließen einer vorhandenen Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost erzwungen. + An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The active test discovery was aborted. - Die aktive Testerkennung wurde abgebrochen. + The active test discovery was aborted. The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} - Die aktive Testermittlung wurde abgebrochen. Grund: {0} + The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} Unable to communicate with test host process. - Die Kommunikation mit dem Testhostprozess ist nicht möglich. + Unable to communicate with test host process. Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} - Unerwartete Meldung empfangen. Erwarteter MessageType: {0}. Tatsächlicher MessageType: {1} + Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. - Fehler beim Überprüfen der Protokollversion. Der Test Runner und der Host müssen kompatibel sein. + Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. - Fehler beim Verhandeln des Protokolls. Timeout beim Warten auf Antwort nach {0} Sekunden. Möglicherweise ist der Computer langsam. Legen Sie die Umgebungsvariable "{1}" fest, um den Timeoutwert zu erhöhen. + Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. - Fehler beim Herstellen einer Verbindung des Prozesses "{0}" mit dem Prozess "{1}" nach {2} Sekunden. Möglicherweise ist der Computer langsam. Legen Sie die Umgebungsvariable "{3}" fest, um den Timeoutwert zu erhöhen. + {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. Test host process crashed - Der Testhostprozess ist abgestürzt. + Test host process crashed Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. - Der Debugger kann nicht an den Standardtesthost angefügt werden. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 2143343451..e90d7b3e98 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} - Se ha anulado la serie de pruebas activa. Motivo: {0} + The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - El host remoto forzó el cierre de una conexión. + An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The active test discovery was aborted. - Se ha anulado la detección de pruebas activa. + The active test discovery was aborted. The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} - Se ha anulado la detección de pruebas activa. Motivo: {0} + The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} Unable to communicate with test host process. - No se puede establecer comunicación con el proceso del host de pruebas. + Unable to communicate with test host process. Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} - Se ha recibido un mensaje inesperado. Tipo de mensaje esperado: {0} Tipo de mensaje real: {1} + Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. - Error en la comprobación de la versión del protocolo. Asegúrese de que el ejecutor de pruebas y el host son compatibles. + Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. - No se pudo negociar el protocolo, se agotó el tiempo de espera para la respuesta después de {0} segundos. Esto puede deberse a la lentitud de la máquina, configure la variable de entorno {1} para aumentar el tiempo de espera. + Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. - El proceso {0} no pudo conectar con el proceso {1} después de {2} segundos. Esto puede deberse a la lentitud de la máquina, configure la variable de entorno {3} para aumentar el tiempo de espera. + {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. Test host process crashed - Proceso de host de pruebas bloqueado + Test host process crashed Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. - No se puede asociar el depurador al host de prueba predeterminado. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 6c7715e2d7..8cceddf42c 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} - La série de tests active a été abandonnée. Raison : {0} + The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - Une connexion existante a été fermée de force par l'hôte distant. + An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The active test discovery was aborted. - La découverte de tests active a été abandonnée. + The active test discovery was aborted. The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} - La découverte de tests active a été abandonnée. Raison : {0} + The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} Unable to communicate with test host process. - Impossible de communiquer avec le processus hôte du test. + Unable to communicate with test host process. Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} - Message inattendu reçu. MessageType attendu : {0} MessageType réel : {1} + Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. - Échec de la vérification de la version du protocole. Vérifiez que Test Runner et l'hôte sont compatibles. + Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. - Échec de négociation du protocole, en attente d’une réponse dont le délai expire après {0} secondes. Cette situation peut se produire à cause de la lenteur de la machine. Définissez la variable d’environnement {1} de sorte à augmenter le délai d’expiration. + Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. - Le processus {0} n’a pas réussi à se connecter au processus {1} après {2} secondes. Cette situation peut se produire à cause de la lenteur de la machine. Définissez la variable d’environnement {3} de sorte à augmenter le délai d’expiration. + {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. Test host process crashed - Plantage du processus hôte de test + Test host process crashed Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. - Impossible d'attacher le débogueur à l'hôte de test par défaut. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 553b51cb16..227e888930 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} - L'esecuzione dei test attivi è stata interrotta. Motivo: {0} + The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - Una connessione esistente è stata chiusa forzatamente dall'host remoto. + An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The active test discovery was aborted. - L'individuazione dei test attivi è stata interrotta. + The active test discovery was aborted. The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} - L'individuazione dei test attivi è stata interrotta. Motivo: {0} + The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} Unable to communicate with test host process. - Non è possibile comunicare con il processo host dei test. + Unable to communicate with test host process. Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} - È stato ricevuto un messaggio imprevisto. Tipo di messaggio previsto: {0}. Tipo di messaggio effettivo: {1} + Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. - Il controllo della versione del protocollo non è riuscito. Assicurarsi che runner e host dei test siano compatibili. + Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. - Non è stato possibile negoziare il protocollo: in attesa del timeout della risposta dopo {0} secondi. Questo problema può verificarsi a causa della lentezza del computer. Impostare la variabile di ambiente {1} in modo da incrementare il timeout. + Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. - Il processo {0} non è riuscito a connettersi al processo {1} dopo {2} secondi. Questo problema può verificarsi a causa della lentezza del computer. Impostare la variabile di ambiente {3} in modo da incrementare il timeout. + {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. Test host process crashed - Arresto anomalo del processo host di test + Test host process crashed Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. - Non è possibile collegare il debugger all'host di test predefinito. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index bce2062c64..084782a714 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} - アクティブなテストの実行が中止されました。理由: {0} + The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - 既存の接続はリモート ホストに強制的に切断されました。 + An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The active test discovery was aborted. - アクティブなテスト探索が中止されました。 + The active test discovery was aborted. The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} - アクティブなテスト探索が中止されました。理由: {0} + The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} Unable to communicate with test host process. - テスト ホスト プロセスと通信できません。 + Unable to communicate with test host process. Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} - 予期しないメッセージを受信しました。予想されたメッセージの種類: {0} 実際のメッセージの種類: {1} + Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. - プロトコルのバージョンを確認できませんでした。テスト ランナーとホストに互換性があることをご確認ください。 + Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. - プロトコルをネゴシエートできませんでした。応答への待機が {0} 秒後にタイムアウトしました。これはマシンの遅さが原因で発生する可能性があるため、環境変数 {1} を設定してタイムアウト時間を増やしてください。 + Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. - {0} プロセスでは、{2} 秒後に {1} プロセスへ接続できませんでした。これは、マシンの遅さが原因で発生する可能性があるため、環境変数 {3} を設定してタイムアウト時間を増やしてください。 + {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. Test host process crashed - テストのホスト プロセスがクラッシュしました + Test host process crashed Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. - デバッガーを既定のテスト ホストにアタッチできません。 + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index 52423f5968..b31d5a19d2 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} - 활성 테스트 실행이 중단되었습니다. 이유: {0} + The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - 원격 호스트에 의해 기존 연결이 강제로 종료되었습니다. + An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The active test discovery was aborted. - 활성 테스트 검색이 중단되었습니다. + The active test discovery was aborted. The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} - 활성 테스트 검색이 중단되었습니다. 이유: {0} + The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} Unable to communicate with test host process. - 테스트 호스트 프로세스와 통신할 수 없습니다. + Unable to communicate with test host process. Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} - 예기치 않은 메시지를 수신했습니다. 필요한 MessageType: {0} 실제 MessageType: {1} + Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. - 프로토콜 버전을 확인하지 못했습니다. Test Runner와 호스트가 호환되는지 확인하세요. + Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. - 프로토콜을 협상하지 못했습니다. {0}초 후 응답 시간이 초과될 때까지 기다리는 중입니다. 이런 오류는 컴퓨터가 느려서 발생할 수 있습니다. 환경 변수 {1}을(를) 설정하여 시간 제한을 늘리세요. + Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. - {0} 프로세스가 {2}초 후 {1} 프로세스에 연결하지 못했습니다. 이런 오류는 컴퓨터가 느려서 발생할 수 있습니다. 환경 변수 {3}을(를) 설정하여 시간 제한을 늘리세요. + {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. Test host process crashed - 테스트 호스트 프로세스 작동이 중단됨 + Test host process crashed Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. - 기본 테스트 호스트에 디버거를 연결할 수 없습니다. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 32f9e407ec..7e3016c6e7 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} - Aktywny przebieg testu został przerwany. Przyczyna: {0} + The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - Zamknięcie istniejącego połączenia zostało wymuszone przez host zdalny. + An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The active test discovery was aborted. - Aktywny proces wykrywania testu został przerwany. + The active test discovery was aborted. The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} - Aktywny proces wykrywania testu został przerwany. Przyczyna: {0} + The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} Unable to communicate with test host process. - Nie można nawiązać komunikacji z procesem hosta. + Unable to communicate with test host process. Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} - Otrzymano nieoczekiwany komunikat. Oczekiwany typ komunikatu: {0}, otrzymany typ komunikatu: {1} + Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. - Sprawdzanie wersji protokołu nie powiodło się. Upewnij się, że moduł uruchamiający testy i host są zgodne. + Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. - Negocjowanie protokołu nie powiodło się, po upływie {0} sekund został przekroczony limit czasu oczekiwania na odpowiedź. Przyczyną może być wolne działanie maszyny. Zwiększ limit czasu, ustawiając zmienną środowiskową {1}. + Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. - Proces {0} nie mógł połączyć się z procesem {1} w ciągu {2} sekund. Przyczyną może być wolne działanie maszyny. Zwiększ limit czasu, ustawiając zmienną środowiskową {3}. + {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. Test host process crashed - Wystąpiła awaria procesu hosta testu + Test host process crashed Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. - Nie można dołączyć debugera do domyślnego hosta testowego. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 848b7773d4..e96deac2c4 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} - A execução de teste ativa foi anulada. Motivo: {0} + The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - Uma conexão existente foi fechada à força pelo host remoto. + An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The active test discovery was aborted. - A detecção de testes ativa foi anulada. + The active test discovery was aborted. The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} - A descoberta de teste ativa foi anulada. Motivo: {0} + The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} Unable to communicate with test host process. - Não é possível se comunicar com o processo de host de teste. + Unable to communicate with test host process. Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} - Mensagem inesperada recebida. MessageType esperada: {0} MessageType real: {1} + Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. - Falha na verificação da versão do protocolo. Verifique se o executor de testes e o host são compatíveis. + Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. - Falha ao negociar o protocolo, aguardando pelo tempo limite de resposta após {0} segundos. Isso pode ocorrer devido à lentidão do computador. Defina a variável de ambiente {1} para aumentar o tempo limite. + Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. - O processo {0} falha ao se conectar ao processo {1} após {2} segundos. Isso pode ocorrer devido à lentidão do computador. Defina a variável de ambiente {3} para aumentar o tempo limite. + {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. Test host process crashed - Falha no processo do host de teste + Test host process crashed Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. - Não é possível anexar o depurador ao host de teste padrão. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index ba06838750..5540f7a95f 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} - Активный тестовый запуск прерван. Причина: {0} + The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - Существующее подключение принудительно закрыто удаленным узлом. + An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The active test discovery was aborted. - Активное обнаружение тестов прервано. + The active test discovery was aborted. The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} - Активное обнаружение тестов прервано. Причина: {0} + The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} Unable to communicate with test host process. - Не удалось связаться с хост-процессом теста. + Unable to communicate with test host process. Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} - Получено непредвиденное сообщение. Ожидаемый тип сообщения (MessageType): {0}, фактический тип сообщения (MessageType): {1} + Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. - Проверка версии протокола не пройдена. Убедитесь, что средство запуска теста и узел совместимы. + Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. - Не удалось согласовать протокол, превышено время ожидания ответа по прошествии {0} с. Это может происходить из-за медленной работы компьютера. Увеличьте время ожидания в переменной среды {1}. + Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. - Процесс {0} не смог подключиться к процессу {1} по прошествии {2} с. Это может происходить из-за медленной работы компьютера. Увеличьте время ожидания в переменной среды {3}. + {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. Test host process crashed - Сбой хост-процесса теста + Test host process crashed Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. - Не удается подключить отладчик к узлу тестирования по умолчанию. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index d653842622..10e75f57e9 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} - Etkin test çalıştırması iptal edildi. Nedeni: {0} + The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - Mevcut bir bağlantı uzak konak tarafından zorla kapatıldı. + An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The active test discovery was aborted. - Etkin test bulma durduruldu. + The active test discovery was aborted. The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} - Etkin test bulma iptal edildi. Nedeni: {0} + The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} Unable to communicate with test host process. - Test ana bilgisayarı işlemi ile iletişim kurulamıyor. + Unable to communicate with test host process. Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} - Beklenmeyen ileti alındı. Beklenen MessageType: {0} Gerçek MessageType: {1} + Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. - Protokol sürümü denetlenemedi. Test çalıştırıcısı ve ana bilgisayarının uyumlu olduğundan emin olun. + Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. - Protokol üzerinde anlaşmaya varılamadı, yanıt bekleme süresi {0} saniyenin ardından zaman aşımına uğradı. Bu durum makinenin yavaşlığından kaynaklanıyor olabilir, zaman aşımı süresini artırmak için lütfen ortam değişkenini {1} olarak ayarlayın. + Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. - {0} işlemi, {2} saniye sonra {1} işlemine bağlanamadı. Bu durum makinenin yavaşlığından kaynaklanıyor olabilir, zaman aşımı süresini artırmak için lütfen ortam değişkenini {3} olarak ayarlayın. + {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. Test host process crashed - Test ana işlemi kilitlendi + Test host process crashed Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. - Hata ayıklayıcı, varsayılan test ana bilgisayarına eklenemiyor. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index be99a9bc47..6286f6f9a8 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} - 活动的测试运行已中止。原因: {0} + The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - 现有连接被远程主机强制关闭。 + An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The active test discovery was aborted. - 活动的测试发现已中止。 + The active test discovery was aborted. The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} - 活动的测试发现已中止。原因: {0} + The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} Unable to communicate with test host process. - 无法与测试宿主进程通信。 + Unable to communicate with test host process. Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} - 收到意外消息。意外 MessageType: {0} 实际 MessageType: {1} + Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. - 协议版本检查失败。请确保测试运行程序和主机兼容。 + Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. - 未能协商协议,等待响应在 {0} 秒后超时。出现此问题可能是因为计算机性能较低,请设置环境变量 {1},增加超时时间值。 + Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. - {0} 进程未能在 {2} 秒后连接到 {1} 进程。出现此问题可能是因为计算机性能较低,请设置环境变量 {3},增加超时时间值。 + {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. Test host process crashed - 测试主机进程崩溃 + Test host process crashed Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. - 无法将调试程序附加到默认测试主机。 + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index 9e0062726f..1b4fdece91 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} - 使用中的測試回合已中止。原因: {0} + The active test run was aborted. Reason: {0} An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - 遠端主機已強制關閉現有連線。 + An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The active test discovery was aborted. - 使用中的測試探索已中止。 + The active test discovery was aborted. The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} - 使用中的測試探索已中止。原因: {0} + The active test discovery was aborted. Reason: {0} Unable to communicate with test host process. - 無法與測試主機處理序通訊。 + Unable to communicate with test host process. Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} - 收到未預期的訊息。需要的訊息類型: {0},實際的訊息類型: {1} + Unexpected message received. Expected MessageType : {0} Actual MessageType: {1} Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. - 通訊協定版本檢查失敗。請確定測試執行器與主機相容。 + Protocol version check failed. Make sure test runner and host are compatible. Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. - 無法交涉通訊協定,等待回應在 {0} 秒後已逾時。原因可能是電腦太慢,請設定環境變數 {1},加長逾時。 + Failed to negotiate protocol, waiting for response timed out after {0} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {1} to increase timeout. {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. - 在 {2} 秒後,{0} 處理序無法連線到 {1} 處理序。原因可能是電腦太慢,請設定環境變數 {3},加長逾時。 + {0} process failed to connect to {1} process after {2} seconds. This may occur due to machine slowness, please set environment variable {3} to increase timeout. Test host process crashed - 測試主機處理序當機 + Test host process crashed Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. - 無法將偵錯工具連結到預設測試主機。 + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index 6293abf623..f7a3592f77 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,82 +4,82 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Parametr nemůže být null nebo prázdný. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Error: {0} - Chyba: {0} + Error: {0} Information: {0} - Informace: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Upozornění: {0} + Warning: {0} The specified argument cannot be empty. - Zadaný argument nemůže být prázdný. + The specified argument cannot be empty. The specified argument cannot be negative. - Zadaný argument nemůže být záporný. + The specified argument cannot be negative. The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. - Zadaný argument musí být tohoto typu: {0} + The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. - Zadaný argument má následující vlastnost, která nemůže být prázdný řetězec: {0} + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. - Zadaný argument má následující vlastnost, která nemůže být záporná: {0} + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. - Zadaný argument má následující vlastnost, která nemůže být null: {0} + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. - Zadaný argument má následující vlastnost: {0}. Tato vlastnost musí být tohoto typu: {1} + The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} - Při zpracování úlohy z fronty {0} došlo k neošetřené výjimce: {1} + Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} The {0} queue has already been disposed. - Fronta {0} se už uvolnila. + The {0} queue has already been disposed. The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. - Frontu {0} nejde uvolnit, když je pozastavená. + The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. Error getting process name. - Při získávání názvu procesu se stala chyba. + Error getting process name. Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. - Hostitele {0} nešlo najít. Ujistěte se, jestli je {0} nainstalovaný na počítači a dostupný v cestě určené proměnnou prostředí PATH. + Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 62c0907a4c..14e56066e1 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,82 +4,82 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Der Parameter darf nicht NULL oder leer sein. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Error: {0} - Fehler: {0} + Error: {0} Information: {0} - Informationen: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Warnung: {0} + Warning: {0} The specified argument cannot be empty. - Das angegebene Argument darf nicht leer sein. + The specified argument cannot be empty. The specified argument cannot be negative. - Das angegebene Argument darf nicht negativ sein. + The specified argument cannot be negative. The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. - Das angegebene Argument muss den folgenden Typ aufweisen: {0}. + The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. - Das angegebene Argument weist die folgende Eigenschaft auf, die keine leere Zeichenfolge sein darf: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. - Das angegebene Argument weist die folgende Eigenschaft auf, die nicht negativ sein darf: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. - Das angegebene Argument weist die folgende Eigenschaft auf, die nicht NULL sein darf: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. - Das angegebene Argument weist die folgende Eigenschaft auf: {0}. Diese Eigenschaft muss den folgenden Typ aufweisen: {1}. + The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} - Ausnahmefehler beim Verarbeiten eines Auftrags aus der Warteschlange "{0}": {1} + Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} The {0} queue has already been disposed. - Die Warteschlange {0} wurde bereits verworfen. + The {0} queue has already been disposed. The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. - Die Warteschlange {0} kann nicht verworfen werden, während sie angehalten ist. + The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. Error getting process name. - Fehler beim Abrufen des Prozessnamens. + Error getting process name. Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. - Der Host "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass "{0}" auf dem Computer installiert und in der PATH-Umgebungsvariablen verfügbar ist. + Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index e51b82f212..3179acc3ad 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,82 +4,82 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - El parámetro no puede ser nulo ni estar vacío. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Error: {0} - Error: {0} + Error: {0} Information: {0} - Información: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Advertencia: {0} + Warning: {0} The specified argument cannot be empty. - El argumento especificado no puede estar vacío. + The specified argument cannot be empty. The specified argument cannot be negative. - El argumento especificado no puede ser negativo. + The specified argument cannot be negative. The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. - El argumento especificado debe tener el tipo {0}. + The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. - El argumento especificado tiene la siguiente propiedad, que no puede ser una cadena vacía: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. - El argumento especificado tiene la siguiente propiedad, que no puede ser negativa: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. - El argumento especificado tiene la siguiente propiedad, que no puede ser nula: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. - El argumento especificado tiene la siguiente propiedad: {0}. Esta propiedad debe tener el tipo {1}. + The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} - Se produjo una excepción no controlada al procesar un trabajo de la cola '{0}': {1} + Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} The {0} queue has already been disposed. - La cola {0} ya se ha eliminado. + The {0} queue has already been disposed. The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. - La cola {0} no se puede eliminar mientras está en pausa. + The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. Error getting process name. - Error al obtener el nombre del proceso. + Error getting process name. Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. - No se pudo encontrar el host "{0}". Asegúrese de que "{0}" está instalado en el equipo y está disponible en la variable de entorno PATH. + Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index afe77aa864..89df03cc0e 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,82 +4,82 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Le paramètre ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être vide. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Error: {0} - Erreur : {0} + Error: {0} Information: {0} - Informations : {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Avertissement : {0} + Warning: {0} The specified argument cannot be empty. - L'argument spécifié ne peut pas être vide. + The specified argument cannot be empty. The specified argument cannot be negative. - L'argument spécifié ne peut pas être négatif. + The specified argument cannot be negative. The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. - L'argument spécifié doit être du type suivant : {0}. + The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. - L'argument spécifié a la propriété suivante, laquelle ne peut pas être une chaîne vide : {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. - L'argument spécifié a la propriété suivante, laquelle ne peut pas être négative : {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. - L'argument spécifié a la propriété suivante, laquelle ne peut pas être une valeur null : {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. - L'argument spécifié a la propriété suivante : {0}. Cette propriété doit avoir le type suivant : {1}. + The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} - Une exception non prise en charge s'est produite durant le traitement d'un travail à partir de la file d'attente '{0}' : {1} + Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} The {0} queue has already been disposed. - La file d'attente {0} a déjà été supprimée. + The {0} queue has already been disposed. The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. - Impossible de supprimer la file d'attente {0} pendant qu'elle est en pause. + The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. Error getting process name. - Erreur d'obtention du nom du processus. + Error getting process name. Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. - L'hôte '{0}' est introuvable. Vérifiez que '{0}' est installé sur la machine et qu'il est disponible dans la variable d'environnement PATH. + Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 3956137a02..e539ee62b6 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,82 +4,82 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Il parametro non può essere vuoto o Null. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Error: {0} - Errore: {0} + Error: {0} Information: {0} - Informazioni: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Avviso: {0} + Warning: {0} The specified argument cannot be empty. - L'argomento specificato non può essere vuoto. + The specified argument cannot be empty. The specified argument cannot be negative. - L'argomento specificato non può essere negativo. + The specified argument cannot be negative. The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. - L'argomento specificato deve essere del tipo seguente: {0}. + The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. - L'argomento specificato presenta la proprietà seguente, che non può essere una stringa vuota: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. - L'argomento specificato presenta la proprietà seguente, che non può essere negativa: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. - L'argomento specificato presenta la proprietà seguente, che non può essere Null: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. - L'argomento specificato presenta la proprietà seguente: {0}. Tale proprietà deve essere del tipo seguente: {1}. + The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} - Si è verificata un'eccezione non gestita durante l'elaborazione di un processo dalla coda di '{0}': {1} + Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} The {0} queue has already been disposed. - La coda {0} è già stata eliminata. + The {0} queue has already been disposed. The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. - Non è possibile eliminare la coda {0} mentre è in sospeso. + The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. Error getting process name. - Si è verificato un errore durante il recupero del nome del processo. + Error getting process name. Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. - L'host '{0}' non è stato trovato. Assicurarsi che '{0}' sia installato nel computer e che sia disponibile nella variabile di ambiente PATH. + Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index 8dcc27956e..a0da874ce2 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,82 +4,82 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - パラメーターを null または空にすることはできません。 + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Error: {0} - エラー: {0} + Error: {0} Information: {0} - 情報: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - 警告: {0} + Warning: {0} The specified argument cannot be empty. - 指定した引数を空にすることはできません。 + The specified argument cannot be empty. The specified argument cannot be negative. - 指定した引数を負の値にすることはできません。 + The specified argument cannot be negative. The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. - 指定された引数は次の型でなければなりません: {0}。 + The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. - 指定された引数には次のプロパティがあり、これを空の文字列にすることはできません: {0}。 + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. - 指定した引数には次のプロパティがあります。このプロパティを負の値にすることはできません: {0}。 + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. - 指定した引数には次のプロパティがあります。このプロパティを null にすることはできません: {0}。 + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. - 指定された引数には次のプロパティがあります: {0}。このプロパティは次の型でなければなりません: {1}。 + The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} - '{0}' キューからジョブを処理中にハンドルされない例外が発生しました: {1}。 + Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} The {0} queue has already been disposed. - {0} キューは既に破棄されています。 + The {0} queue has already been disposed. The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. - {0} キューは一時停止中に破棄できません。 + The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. Error getting process name. - プロセス名の取得エラーです。 + Error getting process name. Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. - '{0}' ホストが見つかりませんでした。'{0}' がコンピューターにインストールされており、PATH 環境変数で使用できることを確認してください。 + Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index 975dc94381..f9ff160a55 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,82 +4,82 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - 매개 변수는 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Error: {0} - 오류: {0} + Error: {0} Information: {0} - 정보: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - 경고: {0} + Warning: {0} The specified argument cannot be empty. - 지정한 인수는 비워 둘 수 없습니다. + The specified argument cannot be empty. The specified argument cannot be negative. - 지정한 인수는 음수일 수 없습니다. + The specified argument cannot be negative. The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. - 지정한 인수는 {0} 형식이어야 합니다. + The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. - 지정한 인수에 {0} 속성이 있습니다. 이 속성은 빈 문자열일 수 없습니다. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. - 지정한 인수에 {0} 속성이 있습니다. 이 속성은 음수일 수 없습니다. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. - 지정한 인수에 {0} 속성이 있습니다. 이 속성은 null일 수 없습니다. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. - 지정한 인수에 {0} 속성이 있습니다. 이 속성은 {1} 형식이어야 합니다. + The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} - '{0}' 큐에서 작업을 처리하는 동안 처리되지 않은 예외가 발생했습니다. {1} + Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} The {0} queue has already been disposed. - {0} 큐가 이미 삭제되었습니다. + The {0} queue has already been disposed. The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. - 일시 중지된 동안에는 {0} 큐를 삭제할 수 없습니다. + The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. Error getting process name. - 프로세스 이름을 가져오는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. + Error getting process name. Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. - ‘{0}’ 호스트를 찾을 수 없습니다. ‘{0}’이(가) 컴퓨터에 설치되어 있고 PATH 환경 변수에서 사용할 수 있는지 확인하세요. + Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index dbddf6087c..05895374dd 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,82 +4,82 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Parametr nie może mieć wartości null ani być pusty. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Error: {0} - Błąd: {0} + Error: {0} Information: {0} - Informacje: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Ostrzeżenie: {0} + Warning: {0} The specified argument cannot be empty. - Określony argument nie może być pusty. + The specified argument cannot be empty. The specified argument cannot be negative. - Określony argument nie może być ujemny. + The specified argument cannot be negative. The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. - Określony argument musi być następującego typu: {0}. + The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. - Określony argument ma następującą właściwość, która nie może być pustym ciągiem: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. - Określony argument ma następującą właściwość, która nie może być ujemna: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. - Określony argument ma następującą właściwość, która nie może mieć wartości null: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. - Określony argument ma następującą właściwość: {0}. Ta właściwość musi być następującego typu: {1}. + The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} - Wystąpił nieobsługiwany wyjątek podczas przetwarzania zadania z kolejki „{0}”: {1} + Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} The {0} queue has already been disposed. - Kolejka {0} została już usunięta. + The {0} queue has already been disposed. The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. - Nie można usunąć kolejki {0} podczas wstrzymania. + The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. Error getting process name. - Błąd podczas pobierania nazwy procesu. + Error getting process name. Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. - Nie można znaleźć hosta „{0}”. Upewnij się, że element „{0}” jest zainstalowany na maszynie i jest dostępny w zmiennej środowiskowej PATH. + Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 1ef2e67832..b835166a45 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,82 +4,82 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - O parâmetro não pode ser nulo ou estar vazio. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Error: {0} - Erro: {0} + Error: {0} Information: {0} - Informações: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Aviso: {0} + Warning: {0} The specified argument cannot be empty. - O argumento especificado não pode estar vazio. + The specified argument cannot be empty. The specified argument cannot be negative. - O argumento especificado não pode ser negativo. + The specified argument cannot be negative. The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. - O argumento especificado deve ter o seguinte tipo: {0}. + The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. - O argumento especificado tem a seguinte propriedade, que não pode ser uma cadeia de caracteres vazia: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. - O argumento especificado tem a seguinte propriedade, que não pode ser negativa: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. - O argumento especificado tem a seguinte propriedade, que não pode ser nula: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. - O argumento especificado tem a seguinte propriedade: {0}. Esta propriedade deve ter o seguinte tipo: {1}. + The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} - Ocorreu uma exceção sem tratamento ao processar um trabalho da fila '{0}': {1} + Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} The {0} queue has already been disposed. - A fila {0} já foi descartada. + The {0} queue has already been disposed. The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. - A fila {0} não pode ser descartada enquanto está em pausa. + The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. Error getting process name. - Erro ao obter o nome do processo. + Error getting process name. Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. - Não foi possível encontrar o host '{0}'. Verifique se o '{0}' está instalado no computador e está disponível na variável de ambiente PATH. + Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index 3abeba195c..1da4b0f90f 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,82 +4,82 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Параметр не может быть пустым или иметь значение null. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Error: {0} - Ошибка: {0} + Error: {0} Information: {0} - Сведения: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Предупреждение: {0} + Warning: {0} The specified argument cannot be empty. - Указанный аргумент не может быть пустым. + The specified argument cannot be empty. The specified argument cannot be negative. - Указанный аргумент не может быть отрицательным. + The specified argument cannot be negative. The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. - Указанный аргумент должен иметь следующий тип: {0}. + The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. - Указанный аргумент имеет следующее свойство, которое не может быть пустой строкой: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. - Указанный аргумент имеет следующее свойство, которое не может быть отрицательным: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. - Указанный аргумент имеет следующее свойство, которое не может иметь значение null: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. - Указанный аргумент имеет следующее свойство: {0}. Это свойство должно относиться к следующему типу: {1}. + The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} - При обработке задания из очереди "{0}" возникло необработанное исключение: {1} + Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} The {0} queue has already been disposed. - Очередь {0} уже удалена. + The {0} queue has already been disposed. The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. - Нельзя удалить приостановленную очередь {0}. + The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. Error getting process name. - Ошибка при получении имени процесса. + Error getting process name. Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. - Не удалось найти хост "{0}". Убедитесь, что "{0}" установлен на компьютере и доступен в переменной среды PATH. + Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ index cc12f2e210..8367609ee3 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,82 +4,82 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Parametre null veya boş olamaz. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Error: {0} - Hata: {0} + Error: {0} Information: {0} - Bilgi: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Uyarı: {0} + Warning: {0} The specified argument cannot be empty. - Belirtilen bağımsız değişken boş olamaz. + The specified argument cannot be empty. The specified argument cannot be negative. - Belirtilen bağımsız değişken negatif olamaz. + The specified argument cannot be negative. The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. - Belirtilen bağımsız değişken şu türde olmalıdır: {0}. + The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. - Belirtilen bağımsız değişken, boş dize olamayacak olan şu özelliğe sahiptir: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. - Belirtilen bağımsız değişken, negatif olamayacak olan şu özelliğe sahiptir: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. - Belirtilen bağımsız değişken, null olamayacak olan şu özelliğe sahiptir: {0}. + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. - Belirtilen bağımsız değişken şu özelliğe sahiptir: {0}. Bu özellik şu türde olmalıdır: {1}. + The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} - '{0}' kuyruğundan bir iş işlenirken, işlenmeyen özel durum oluştu: {1} + Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} The {0} queue has already been disposed. - {0} kuyruğu zaten atıldı. + The {0} queue has already been disposed. The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. - {0} kuyruğu duraklatılmış durumdayken atılamaz. + The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. Error getting process name. - İşlem adı alınırken hata oluştu. + Error getting process name. Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. - '{0}' konağı bulunamadı. '{0}' konağının makinede yüklü olduğundan ve PATH ortam değişkeninde bulunduğundan emin olun. + Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index af18ef86be..8dfb08d1aa 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,82 +4,82 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - 参数不能为 NULL 或为空。 + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Error: {0} - 错误: {0} + Error: {0} Information: {0} - 信息: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - 警告: {0} + Warning: {0} The specified argument cannot be empty. - 指定的参数不能为空。 + The specified argument cannot be empty. The specified argument cannot be negative. - 指定的参数不能为负。 + The specified argument cannot be negative. The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. - 指定的参数都必须具有以下类型: {0}。 + The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. - 指定的参数具有以下属性: {0},且不能为空字符串。 + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. - 指定的参数具有以下属性: {0},且不能为负。 + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. - 指定的参数具有以下属性: {0},且不能为 null。 + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. - 指定的参数具有以下属性: {0}。此属性必须具有以下类型: {1}。 + The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} - 处理“{0}”队列中的作业时发生未处理的异常: {1} + Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} The {0} queue has already been disposed. - 已处置 {0} 队列。 + The {0} queue has already been disposed. The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. - 暂停时无法处置 {0} 队列。 + The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. Error getting process name. - 获取进程名称时出错。 + Error getting process name. Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. - 找不到“{0}”主机。请确保计算机上已安装“{0}”且位于 PATH 环境变量中。 + Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index fb461c7a25..aff5501da1 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,82 +4,82 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - 參數不可為 null 或空白。 + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Error: {0} - 錯誤: {0} + Error: {0} Information: {0} - 資訊: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - 警告: {0} + Warning: {0} The specified argument cannot be empty. - 指定的引數不可為空白。 + The specified argument cannot be empty. The specified argument cannot be negative. - 指定的引數不可為負數。 + The specified argument cannot be negative. The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. - 指定的引數必須具備下列類型: {0}。 + The specified argument must have the following type: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. - 指定的引數具有下列屬性,且不可為空字串: {0}。 + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be an empty string: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. - 指定的引數具有下列屬性,且不可為負數: {0}。 + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be negative: {0}. The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. - 指定的引數具有下列屬性,且不可為 null: {0}。 + The specified argument has the following property, which cannot be null: {0}. The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. - 指定的引數具有下列屬性: {0}。此屬性必須具有下列類型: {1}。 + The specified argument has the following property: {0}. This property must have the following type: {1}. Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} - 從 '{0}' 佇列處理工作時,發生未處理的例外狀況: {1} + Unhandled exception occurred while processing a job from the '{0}' queue: {1} The {0} queue has already been disposed. - 已處置 {0} 佇列。 + The {0} queue has already been disposed. The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. - 暫停時無法處置 {0} 佇列。 + The {0} queue cannot be disposed while paused. Error getting process name. - 取得處理序名稱時發生錯誤。 + Error getting process name. Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. - 找不到 '{0}' 主機。請確認 '{0}' 已安裝在機器上,而且可在 PATH 環境變數中使用。 + Could not find '{0}' host. Make sure that '{0}' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index 6bfe73ae1c..0f09dc912c 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,187 +4,187 @@ Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} - Při vytváření instance nástroje zjišťování došlo k výjimce: {0} + Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. - Našlo se více adaptérů testů se stejným identifikátorem URI {0}. Ignoruje se adaptér {1}. Pokud se chcete tomuto upozornění vyhnout, odinstalujte prosím konfliktní adaptéry. + Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. {0} is the unique identifier of test adapter. {1} is the name of the test adapter that shares a unique identifier with a previously loaded adapter. Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. - Ignoruje se zadaný duplicitní zdroj {0}. + Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} - V době, kdy nástroj zjišťování testů {0} načítal testy, došlo k výjimce. Výjimka: {1} + An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} - Při volání prováděcího modulu {0} došlo k výjimce: {1} + An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} Could not find file {0}. - Nepovedlo se najít soubor {0}. + Could not find file {0}. Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. - Je povolené ladění hostitele. Pokud chcete pokračovat, připojte prosím ladicí program k procesu testhost. + Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Host, testhost are key words, it should not be localized Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. - Ignoruje se prováděcí modul testování, který odpovídá nástroji zjišťování testů {0}, protože nástroj zjišťování nemá atribut DefaultExecutorUri. Možná bude nutné přeinstalovat doplněk adaptéru testu. + Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. - Nepovedlo se inicializovat proxy klienta: nešlo se připojit k procesu testu. + Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. - Tato operace se v kontextu běhu bez ladění nepovoluje. + This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. - Nepovedlo se najít prováděcí modul testování s identifikátorem URI {0}. Ujistěte se, že je prováděcí modul testování nainstalovaný a že podporuje .NET runtime verze {1}. + Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. {0} - Executor uri String {1}- Version - .net Version Eg:-2.0.50727.00 None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. - Žádný ze zadaných zdrojů {0} není platný. Opravte chyby/upozornění výše a zkuste to znovu. + None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. , - , + , No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). - Filtru neodpovídá žádný test, protože obsahuje nejméně jednu vlastnost, která není platná ({0}). Zadejte výraz filtru, který obsahuje platné vlastnosti ({1}). + No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. - Nejde najít {0}. Ujistěte se, že na počítači je nainstalovaný dotnet. + Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. - Proces testhost pro zdroj(e) {0} se ukončil s chybou: {1}. Další informace najdete v diagnostických protokolech. + Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. {0} a source, or very rarely list of sources, {1} the output error. DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. - Je povolené ladění kolekce dat. Pokud chcete pokračovat, připojte prosím ladicí program k procesu kolekce dat. + DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - V {0} nejsou dostupné žádné testy. Ujistěte se, že nástroje pro zjišťování a provádění testů jsou zaregistrované a že jsou vhodně zvolená nastavení verzí platformy a architektury, a zkuste to znovu. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} - Protokolování diagnostiky TestHost v souboru: {0} + Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} - Nepovedlo se spustit hostitele testu kvůli této chybě: {0} + Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. - Možnost ExecutionThreadApartmentState se pro rozhraní nepodporuje: {0}. + ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. - Používáte starší verzi sady Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Přejděte prosím na verzi 15.3.0 nebo vyšší. + You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. Could not find extensions: {0} - Nepovedlo se najít rozšíření: {0} + Could not find extensions: {0} Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. - Mění se vyhledávání adaptéru. Pro další informace se podívejte sem: + Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} - Žádný test neodpovídá danému filtru testovacích případů {0} v: {1} + No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} Discovery of tests cancelled. - Zjišťování testů bylo zrušeno. + Discovery of tests cancelled. Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. - Ladicí program se nedá připojit k výchozímu hostiteli testů s ID procesu {0}. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. - {0} Při pokusu o vytvoření složky TestResults v uvedeném umístění došlo k odepření přístupu. Tato výjimka se vyvolala, protože spouštíte vstest.console.exe ze složky, která vyžaduje, abyste měli přístup pro zápis. Pokud chcete problém vyřešit, spusťte prosím vstest.console.exe ze složky, ve které máte oprávnění k zápisu. + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. Could not find an available proxy to deque. - Nepovedlo se najít dostupný proxy server, který se má odebrat z fronty. + Could not find an available proxy to deque. Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. - Aktuální správce relace nespravuje proxy s ID {0}. + Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. - Proxy s ID {0} je už k dispozici a nedá se znovu zařadit do fronty. + Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. - V tomto běhu se nenašel žádný vhodný zprostředkovatel testovacího modulu runtime pro žádný zdroj. + No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. - Soubor runsettings se změnil mezi časem, kdy byla relace testu vytvořena, a časem aktuálního požadavku spuštění nebo zjišťování. + The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. {0} - {0} + {0} Attachments: - Přílohy: + Attachments: No suitable test runtime provider was found: - Nenašel se žádný vhodný zprostředkovatel testovacího modulu runtime: + No suitable test runtime provider was found: Skipping source: - Přeskočení zdroje: + Skipping source: diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ index a1b4810b3a..9108061e90 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,187 +4,187 @@ Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} - Ausnahme beim Instanziieren des Discoverers: {0} + Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. - Mehrere Testadapter mit dem gleichen URI "{0}" wurden gefunden. Der Adapter "{1}" wird ignoriert. Deinstallieren Sie die in Konflikt stehenden Adapter, um diese Warnung zu vermeiden. + Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. {0} is the unique identifier of test adapter. {1} is the name of the test adapter that shares a unique identifier with a previously loaded adapter. Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. - Die angegebene doppelte Quelle "{0}" wird ignoriert. + Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} - Ausnahme beim Laden von Tests durch den Testdiscoverer "{0}". Ausnahme: {1} + An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} - Ausnahme beim Aufrufen von Executor "{0}": {1} + An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} Could not find file {0}. - Die Datei "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. + Could not find file {0}. Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. - Hostdebuggen ist aktiviert. Fügen Sie den Debugger an den Testhostprozess an, um den Vorgang fortzusetzen. + Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Host, testhost are key words, it should not be localized Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. - Der Testexecutor, der dem Testdiscoverer "{0}" entspricht, wird ignoriert, weil der Discoverer nicht das DefaultExecutorUri-Attribut aufweist. Sie müssen ggf. das Testadapter-Add-In erneut installieren. + Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. - Fehler beim Initialisieren des Clientproxys: Es konnte keine Verbindung mit dem Testprozess hergestellt werden. + Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. - Dieser Vorgang ist im Kontext einer Nichtdebugausführung unzulässig. + This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. - Der Testexecutor mit dem URI "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Testexecutor installiert ist und .NET Runtime-Version {1} unterstützt. + Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. {0} - Executor uri String {1}- Version - .net Version Eg:-2.0.50727.00 None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. - Keine der angegebenen Quellen "{0}" ist gültig. Beheben Sie die oben aufgeführten Fehler/Warnungen, und versuchen Sie es erneut. + None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. , - , + , No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). - Es stimmten keine Tests mit dem Filter überein, weil er mindestens eine ungültige Eigenschaft enthält ({0}). Geben Sie einen Filterausdruck mit gültigen Eigenschaften an ({1}). + No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. - {0} wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das dotnet auf dem Computer installiert ist. + Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. - Der TestHost-Prozess für die Quelle(n) {0} wurde mit folgendem Fehler beendet: {1}. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den Diagnoseprotokollen. + Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. {0} a source, or very rarely list of sources, {1} the output error. DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. - DataCollector-Debugging ist aktiviert. Fügen Sie den Debugger an den Datensammlerprozess an, um den Vorgang fortzusetzen. + DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - In "{0}" ist kein Test verfügbar. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Testdiscoverer und -executors registriert und die Versionseinstellungen für Plattform und Framework richtig sind, und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} - Die TestHost-Diagnose wird in der Datei {0} protokolliert. + Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} - Fehler beim Starten von Testhost: {0} + Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. - Die ExecutionThreadApartmentState-Option wird für das Framework nicht unterstützt: {0}. + ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. - Sie verwenden eine ältere Version von Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Wechseln Sie zu Version 15.3.0 oder höher. + You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. Could not find extensions: {0} - Erweiterungen nicht gefunden: {0} + Could not find extensions: {0} Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. - Die Adaptersuche wird geändert. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter „“. + Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} - Kein Test entspricht dem angegebenen Testfallfilter "{0}" in "{1}". + No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} Discovery of tests cancelled. - Die Ermittlung von Tests wurde abgebrochen. + Discovery of tests cancelled. Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. - Der Debugger kann nicht an den Standardtesthost mit der Prozess-ID {0} angefügt werden. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. - {0} Beim Erstellen des Ordners "TestResults" am angegebenen Speicherort wurde der Zugriff verweigert. Sie erhalten diese Ausnahme, weil Sie "vstest.console.exe" in einem Ordner ausführen, für den Schreibzugriff erforderlich ist. So beheben Sie das Problem: Führen Sie "vstest.console.exe" in einem Ordner aus, für den Sie Schreibberechtigungen besitzen. + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. Could not find an available proxy to deque. - Es wurde kein verfügbarer Proxy für die Deque gefunden. + Could not find an available proxy to deque. Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. - Der Proxy mit der ID {0} wird nicht vom aktuellen Sitzungs-Manager verwaltet. + Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. - Der Proxy mit der ID {0} ist bereits verfügbar und kann nicht erneut in die Warteschlange eingereiht werden. + Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. - Für eine Quelle in dieser Ausführung wurde kein geeigneter Testruntimeanbieter gefunden. + No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. - Die Ausführungseinstellungen wurden zwischen dem Zeitpunkt, zu dem die Testsitzung eingerichtet wurde, und dem Zeitpunkt der aktuellen Ausführungs-/Ermittlungsanforderung geändert. + The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. {0} - {0} + {0} Attachments: - Anlagen: + Attachments: No suitable test runtime provider was found: - Es wurde kein geeigneter Testruntimeanbieter gefunden: + No suitable test runtime provider was found: Skipping source: - Quelle wird übersprungen: + Skipping source: diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ index 4f88016d94..ec67d7b99e 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,187 +4,187 @@ Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} - Se produjo una excepción al crear una instancia del programa de detección: {0} + Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. - Se han encontrado varios adaptadores de prueba con el mismo URI ({0}). Se omitirá el adaptador '{1}'. Desinstale los adaptadores que están en conflicto para evitar esta advertencia. + Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. {0} is the unique identifier of test adapter. {1} is the name of the test adapter that shares a unique identifier with a previously loaded adapter. Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. - Se omitirá el origen duplicado especificado ({0}). + Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} - Se produjo una excepción cuando el programa de detección de pruebas '{0}' estaba cargando pruebas. Excepción: {1} + An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} - Se produjo una excepción al invocar al ejecutor '{0}': {1} + An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} Could not find file {0}. - No se encuentra el archivo {0}. + Could not find file {0}. Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. - La depuración host está habilitada. Asocie el depurador al proceso de host de prueba para continuar. + Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Host, testhost are key words, it should not be localized Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. - Se omitirá el ejecutor de pruebas correspondiente al programa de detección de pruebas {0}, porque este último no tiene el atributo DefaultExecutorUri. Puede ser necesario reinstalar el complemento del adaptador de prueba. + Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. - No se pudo inicializar el proxy de cliente: no se puede conectar al proceso de prueba. + Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. - Esta operación no se permite en el contexto de una ejecución que no sea de depuración. + This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. - No se encuentra el ejecutor de pruebas con el URI '{0}'. Asegúrese de que el ejecutor de pruebas está instalado y admite el entorno de ejecución .NET, versión {1}. + Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. {0} - Executor uri String {1}- Version - .net Version Eg:-2.0.50727.00 None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. - Ninguno de los orígenes especificados ({0}) es válido. Corrija los errores o advertencias y vuelva a intentarlo. + None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. , - , + , No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). - Ninguna prueba coincide con el filtro porque contiene una o varias propiedades no válidas ({0}). Especifique una expresión de filtro que contenga propiedades válidas ({1}). + No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. - No se pudo encontrar {0}. Asegúrese de que dotnet esté instalado en la máquina. + Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. - El proceso del host de prueba para fuentes "{0}" finalizó con el siguiente error: {1}. Consulte los registros de diagnóstico para obtener más información. + Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. {0} a source, or very rarely list of sources, {1} the output error. DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. - La depuración del recopilador de datos está habilitada. Asocie el depurador al proceso del recopilador de datos para continuar. + DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - No hay ninguna prueba disponible en {0}. Asegúrese de que los detectores y ejecutores de pruebas están registrados y de que la configuración de versión de la plataforma y de Framework es correcta y vuelva a intentarlo. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} - Registrando diagnóstico de TestHost en el archivo: {0} + Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} - No se pudo iniciar el host de prueba con el error: {0} + Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. - Opción ExecutionThreadApartmentState de ejecución no admitida para el marco: {0}. + ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. - Está utilizando una versión anterior de Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Cámbiese a una versión igual o superior a 15.3.0. + You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. Could not find extensions: {0} - No se pudieron encontrar las extensiones {0}. + Could not find extensions: {0} Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. - Se está cambiando la búsqueda de adaptador. Siga para obtener más detalles. + Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} - Ninguna prueba coincide con el filtro de casos de prueba proporcionado "{0}" en {1} + No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} Discovery of tests cancelled. - Se ha cancelado la detección de las pruebas. + Discovery of tests cancelled. Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. - No se puede asociar el depurador al host de prueba predeterminado con el id. de proceso: {0}. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. - {0} Se denegó el acceso al intentar crear la carpeta "TestResults" en la ubicación mencionada. Está recibiendo esta excepción porque está ejecutando vstest.console.exe desde una carpeta que requiere acceso de escritura. Para solucionar la incidencia: ejecute vstest.console.exe desde una carpeta en la que tenga privilegios de escritura. + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. Could not find an available proxy to deque. - No se encontró ningún proxy disponible para quitar de la cola. + Could not find an available proxy to deque. Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. - El administrador de la sesión actual no administra el proxy con el identificador {0}. + Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. - El proxy con el identificador {0} ya está disponible y no se puede volver a poner en cola. + Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. - No se encontró ningún proveedor de tiempo de ejecución de pruebas adecuado para ningún origen en esta ejecución. + No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. - Los ajustes de ejecución cambiaron entre el momento en que se estableció la sesión de prueba y el momento de la solicitud de ejecución/detección actual. + The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. {0} - {0} + {0} Attachments: - Datos adjuntos: + Attachments: No suitable test runtime provider was found: - No se encontró ningún proveedor de tiempo de ejecución de prueba adecuado: + No suitable test runtime provider was found: Skipping source: - Omitiendo origen: + Skipping source: diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ index 2e6e8fd03d..513f224091 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,187 +4,187 @@ Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} - Une exception s'est produite durant l'instanciation du découvreur : {0} + Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. - Plusieurs adaptateurs de tests ayant le même URI '{0}' ont été trouvés. Adaptateur '{1}' ignoré. Désinstallez les adaptateurs en conflit pour éviter cet avertissement. + Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. {0} is the unique identifier of test adapter. {1} is the name of the test adapter that shares a unique identifier with a previously loaded adapter. Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. - La source dupliquée spécifiée '{0}' est ignorée. + Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} - Une exception s'est produite durant le chargement des tests par le découvreur de tests '{0}'. Exception : {1} + An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} - Une exception s'est produite durant l'appel de l'exécuteur '{0}' : {1} + An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} Could not find file {0}. - Fichier {0} introuvable. + Could not find file {0}. Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. - Le débogage de l'hôte est activé. Attachez le débogueur au processus testhost pour continuer. + Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Host, testhost are key words, it should not be localized Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. - L'exécuteur de tests correspondant au découvreur de tests {0} est ignoré, car le découvreur n'a pas l'attribut DefaultExecutorUri. Vous devrez peut-être réinstaller le complément d'adaptateur de test. + Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. - Échec d'initialisation du proxy client : connexion impossible au processus de test. + Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. - Cette opération n'est pas autorisée dans le contexte d'une exécution qui ne sert pas au débogage. + This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. - L'exécuteur de tests ayant l'URI '{0}' est introuvable. Vérifiez que l'exécuteur de tests est installé et qu'il prend en charge le runtime .NET version {1}. + Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. {0} - Executor uri String {1}- Version - .net Version Eg:-2.0.50727.00 None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. - Aucune des sources spécifiées '{0}' n'est valide. Corrigez les erreurs/avertissements ci-dessus, puis réessayez. + None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. , - , + , No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). - Aucun test ne correspond au filtre, car il contient une ou plusieurs propriétés non valides ({0}). Spécifiez une expression de filtre contenant des propriétés valides ({1}). + No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. - {0} est introuvable. Vérifiez que le dotnet est installé sur la machine. + Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. - Le processus Testhost pour la ou les sources '{0}' s’est arrêté. Erreur : {1}. Pour plus d’informations, consultez les journaux de diagnostic. + Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. {0} a source, or very rarely list of sources, {1} the output error. DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. - Le débogage de collecteur de données est activé. Attachez le débogueur au processus datacollector pour continuer. + DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - Aucun test n'est disponible dans {0}. Vérifiez que les découvreurs et exécuteurs de tests sont inscrits. Vérifiez également que les paramètres de version de plateforme et de framework sont appropriés, puis réessayez. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} - Journalisation des diagnostics TestHost dans le fichier : {0} + Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} - Échec du lancement de l'hôte de test. Erreur : {0} + Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. - L'option ExecutionThreadApartmentState n'est pas prise en charge pour le framework : {0}. + ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. - Vous utilisez une ancienne version de Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Passez à une version égale ou supérieure à la version 15.3.0. + You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. Could not find extensions: {0} - Extensions introuvables : {0} + Could not find extensions: {0} Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. - La fonctionnalité de recherche d’adaptateur fait actuellement l’objet de modifications. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter + Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} - Aucun test ne correspond au filtre testcase donné `{0}` dans {1} + No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} Discovery of tests cancelled. - Découverte de tests annulée. + Discovery of tests cancelled. Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. - Impossible d'attacher le débogueur à l'hôte de test par défaut ayant l'ID de processus : {0}. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. - {0} Accès refusé durant la tentative de création du dossier "TestResults" à l'emplacement indiqué. Vous obtenez cette exception, car vous exécutez vstest.console.exe à partir d'un dossier qui nécessite un accès en écriture. Pour résoudre le problème, exécutez vstest.console.exe à partir d'un dossier sur lequel vous disposez de privilèges d'accès en écriture. + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. Could not find an available proxy to deque. - Impossible de localiser un proxy disponible à dépiler. + Could not find an available proxy to deque. Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. - Le proxy ayant l'ID {0} n'est pas géré par le gestionnaire de session actuel. + Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. - Le proxy ayant l'ID {0} est déjà disponible et ne peut pas être empilé à nouveau. + Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. - Aucun fournisseur de runtime de test approprié n’a été trouvé pour n’importe quelle source dans cette exécution. + No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. - Les paramètres d'exécution ont changé entre le moment où la session de test a été établie et le moment de la demande d'exécution/découverte actuelle. + The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. {0} - {0} + {0} Attachments: - Pièces jointes : + Attachments: No suitable test runtime provider was found: - Aucun fournisseur de runtime de test approprié n’a été trouvé : + No suitable test runtime provider was found: Skipping source: - Source ignorée : + Skipping source: diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ index c6c78eb407..ae8e61184e 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,187 +4,187 @@ Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} - Si è verificata un'eccezione durante la creazione dell'istanza dell'agente di individuazione: {0} + Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. - Sono stati trovati più adattatori di test con lo stesso URI '{0}'. L'adattatore '{1}' verrà ignorato. Per evitare che venga visualizzato questo avviso, disinstallare gli adattatori in conflitto. + Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. {0} is the unique identifier of test adapter. {1} is the name of the test adapter that shares a unique identifier with a previously loaded adapter. Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. - L'origine duplicata specificata verrà ignorata: '{0}'. + Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} - Si è verificata un'eccezione durante il caricamento dei test da parte dell'agente di individuazione test '{0}'. Eccezione: {1} + An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} - Si è verificata un'eccezione durante la chiamata dell'executor '{0}': {1} + An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} Could not find file {0}. - Il file {0} non è stato trovato. + Could not find file {0}. Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. - Il debug dell'host è abilitato. Per continuare, collegare il debugger al processo testhost. + Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Host, testhost are key words, it should not be localized Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. - L'executor di test corrispondente all'agente di individuazione del test {0} verrà ignorato perché manca l'attributo DefaultExecutorUri dell'agente di individuazione. Potrebbe essere necessario reinstallare il componente aggiuntivo dell'adattatore di test. + Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. - Inizializzazione del proxy client non riuscita: non è stato possibile connettersi al processo di test. + Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. - Questa operazione non è consentita nel contesto di un'esecuzione non di debug. + This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. - Non è stato trovato alcun executor di test con URI '{0}'. Verificare che l'executor di test sia installato e supporti la versione {1} di .NET Runtime. + Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. {0} - Executor uri String {1}- Version - .net Version Eg:-2.0.50727.00 None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. - Nessuna delle origini specificate '{0}' è valida. Correggere gli errori/avvisi precedenti e riprovare. + None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. , - , + , No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). - Nessun test corrisponde al filtro perché contiene una o più proprietà non valide ({0}). Specificare un'espressione di filtro contenente proprietà valide ({1}). + No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. - {0} non è stato trovato. Assicurarsi che dotnet sia installato nel computer. + Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. - Il processo Testhost per le origini '{0}' è terminato con errore: {1}. Per altre informazioni, controllare i log di diagnostica. + Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. {0} a source, or very rarely list of sources, {1} the output error. DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. - Il debug dell'agente di raccolta dati è abilitato. Per continuare, collegare il debugger al processo dell'agente di raccolta dati. + DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - Non ci sono test disponibili in {0}. Assicurarsi che l'agente di individuazione test e gli executor di test siano registrati e che le impostazioni delle versioni di piattaforma e framework siano appropriate, quindi riprovare. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} - Registrazione della diagnostica di TestHost nel file: {0} + Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} - Non è stato possibile avviare testhost. Errore: {0} + Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. - L'opzione ExecutionThreadApartmentState non è supportata per il framework: {0}. + ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. - La versione di Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk è obsoleta. Passare alla versione 15.3.0 o a una versione successiva. + You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. Could not find extensions: {0} - Non è stato possibile trovare le estensioni: {0} + Could not find extensions: {0} Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. - La ricerca degli adattatori verrà modificata a breve. Per maggiori dettagli, vedere + Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} - Nessun test corrisponde al filtro di test case specificato `{0}` in {1} + No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} Discovery of tests cancelled. - Individuazione dei test annullata. + Discovery of tests cancelled. Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. - Non è possibile collegare il debugger all'host di test predefinito con ID processo {0}. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. - {0} Accesso negato durante il tentativo di creare la cartella "TestResults" nel percorso indicato. Si riceve questa eccezione perché si esegue vstest.console.exe da una cartella per cui è necessario l'accesso in scrittura. Per risolvere il problema, eseguire vstest.console.exe da una cartella per cui si hanno privilegi di scrittura. + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. Could not find an available proxy to deque. - Non è stato possibile trovare un proxy disponibile da rimuovere dalla coda. + Could not find an available proxy to deque. Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. - Il proxy con ID {0} non è gestito dallo strumento di gestione sessioni corrente. + Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. - Il proxy con ID {0} è già disponibile e non può essere riaccodato. + Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. - Non è stato trovato alcun provider di runtime di test appropriato per qualsiasi origine in questa esecuzione. + No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. - Le impostazioni di esecuzione sono cambiate tra l'ora in cui è stata stabilita la sessione di test e l'ora della richiesta di esecuzione/individuazione corrente. + The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. {0} - {0} + {0} Attachments: - Allegati: + Attachments: No suitable test runtime provider was found: - Non è stato trovato alcun provider di runtime di test appropriato: + No suitable test runtime provider was found: Skipping source: - L'origine verrà ignorata: + Skipping source: diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index aba3c1288b..a12678d185 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,187 +4,187 @@ Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} - 探索プログラムのインスタンス化中に例外が発生しました: {0} + Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. - 同じ URI '{0}' を持つ複数のテスト アダプターが見つかりました。アダプター '{1}' を無視します。この警告が表示されないようにするには、競合するアダプターをアンインストールしてください。 + Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. {0} is the unique identifier of test adapter. {1} is the name of the test adapter that shares a unique identifier with a previously loaded adapter. Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. - 指定された重複データ ソース '{0}' を無視します。 + Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} - テスト探索プログラム '{0}' がテストを読み込んでいるときに例外が発生しました。例外: {1} + An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} - 実行プログラム '{0}' の呼び出し中に例外が発生しました: {1} + An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} Could not find file {0}. - ファイル {0} は見つかりませんでした。 + Could not find file {0}. Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. - ホスト デバッグが有効です。続行するにはデバッガーをテスト ホスト プロセスにアタッチしてください。 + Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Host, testhost are key words, it should not be localized Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. - テスト探索プログラム {0} には DefaultExecutorUri 属性が含まれていないため、このテスト探索プログラムに対応するテスト実行プログラムを無視しています。テスト アダプター アドインの再インストールが必要になる場合があります。 + Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. - クライアント プロキシを初期化できませんでした。テスト プロセスに接続できませんでした。 + Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. - この操作は、非デバッグ実行のコンテキストでは許可されていません。 + This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. - URI が '{0}' のテスト実行プログラムが見つかりませんでした。テスト実行プログラムがインストールされ、.net ランタイム バージョン {1} をサポートしていることをご確認ください。 + Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. {0} - Executor uri String {1}- Version - .net Version Eg:-2.0.50727.00 None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. - 指定されたソース '{0}' がいずれも有効ではありません。上記のエラーおよび警告を修正してから、もう一度お試しください。 + None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. , - , + , No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). - フィルターに一致するテストがありません。フィルターに無効なプロパティが 1 つ以上含まれています ({0})。有効なプロパティを含むフィルター式 ({1}) を指定してください。 + No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. - {0} が見つかりませんでした。dotnet がマシンにインストールされていることを確認してください。 + Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. - ソース `{0}` の Testhost プロセスがエラーで終了しました: {1}。詳細については、診断ログを確認してください。 + Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. {0} a source, or very rarely list of sources, {1} the output error. DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. - DataCollector のデバッグが有効です。続行するにはデバッガーを datacollector プロセスにアタッチしてください。 + DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - {0} で使用できるテストはありません。テスト探索プログラムおよび実行プログラムが登録されており、プラットフォームおよびフレームワークのバージョン設定が適切であることを確認してから、もう一度お試しください。 + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} - 次のファイルで TestHost 診断をログ記録しています: {0} + Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} - エラーが発生したため、TestHost を起動できませんでした: {0} + Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. - フレームワークでの ThreadApartmentState オプションの実行はサポートされていません: {0}。 + ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. - Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk の古いバージョンを使用しています。15.3.0 以降のバージョンに移行することをお勧めします。 + You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. Could not find extensions: {0} - 拡張機能が見つかりませんでした: {0} + Could not find extensions: {0} Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. - アダプター検索は変更中です。詳細については、 をご覧ください。 + Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} - 指定のテストケース フィルター `{0}` に一致するテストは {1} にありません + No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} Discovery of tests cancelled. - テストの検出が取り消されました。 + Discovery of tests cancelled. Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. - デバッガーをプロセス ID: {0} の既定のテスト ホストにアタッチできません。 + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. - {0} 記載した場所に "TestResults" フォルダーを作成しようとしたときにアクセスが拒否されました。書き込みアクセスを必要とするフォルダーから vstest.console.exe を実行しているため、この例外が発生しています。この問題を解決するには、書き込み特権のあるフォルダーから vstest.console.exe を実行してください。 + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. Could not find an available proxy to deque. - デキューするために使用できるプロキシが見つかりませんでした。 + Could not find an available proxy to deque. Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. - ID が {0} のプロキシは、現在のセッション マネージャーで管理されません。 + Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. - ID が {0} のプロキシは、既に使用可能になっているため、再度エンキューすることはできません。 + Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. - この実行のどのソースにも適切なテスト ランタイム プロバイダーが見つかりませんでした。 + No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. - テスト セッションが確立された時刻と現在の実行/検出要求の時刻の間で、実行設定が変更されました。 + The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. {0} - {0} + {0} Attachments: - 添付ファイル: + Attachments: No suitable test runtime provider was found: - 適切なテスト ランタイム プロバイダーが見つかりませんでした。 + No suitable test runtime provider was found: Skipping source: - ソースをスキップしています: + Skipping source: diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index e8e5edff47..d15098a874 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,187 +4,187 @@ Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} - {0} Discoverer를 인스턴스화하는 중 예외가 발생했습니다. + Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. - 동일한 URI '{0}'을(를) 가진 테스트 어댑터가 여러 개 있습니다. '{1}' 어댑터를 무시합니다. 이 경고가 발생하지 않게 하려면 충돌하는 어댑터를 제거하세요. + Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. {0} is the unique identifier of test adapter. {1} is the name of the test adapter that shares a unique identifier with a previously loaded adapter. Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. - 지정한 중복되는 '{0}' 소스를 무시합니다. + Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} - 테스트 Discoverer '{0}'에서 테스트를 로드하는 동안 예외가 발생했습니다. 예외: {1} + An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} - '{0}' Executor를 호출하는 동안 예외가 발생했습니다. {1} + An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} Could not find file {0}. - {0} 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. + Could not find file {0}. Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. - 호스트 디버깅을 사용하도록 설정했습니다. testhost 프로세스를 계속하려면 디버거를 연결하세요. + Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Host, testhost are key words, it should not be localized Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. - Discoverer에 DefaultExecutorUri 특성이 없으므로 테스트 Discoverer {0}에 해당하는 테스트 Executor를 무시합니다. 테스트 어댑터 추가 기능을 다시 설치해야 할 수 있습니다. + Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. - 클라이언트 프록시를 초기화하지 못했습니다. 테스트 프로세스에 연결할 수 없습니다. + Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. - 디버그가 아닌 실행의 컨텍스트에서는 이 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다. + This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. - URI가 '{0}'인 테스트 Executor를 찾을 수 없습니다. 테스트 Executor가 설치되어 있고 .NET 런타임 버전 {1}을(를) 지원하는지 확인하세요. + Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. {0} - Executor uri String {1}- Version - .net Version Eg:-2.0.50727.00 None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. - 지정한 '{0}' 소스가 올바르지 않습니다. 위의 오류/경고를 해결한 후 다시 시도하세요. + None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. , - , + , No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). - 필터에 잘못된 속성({0})이 하나 이상 포함되어 있으므로 해당 필터와 일치하는 테스트가 없습니다. 유효한 속성({1})을 포함하는 필터 식을 지정하세요. + No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. - {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 컴퓨터에 dotnet이 설치되어 있는지 확인하세요. + Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. - 원본 '{0}'에 대한 Testhost 프로세스가 오류 {1}과(와) 함께 종료되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 진단 로그를 확인하세요. + Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. {0} a source, or very rarely list of sources, {1} the output error. DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. - DataCollector 디버깅을 사용하도록 설정했습니다. datacollector 프로세스를 계속하려면 디버거를 연결하세요. + DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - {0}에서 테스트를 사용할 수 없습니다. 테스트 Discoverer 및 Executor가 등록되고 플랫폼 및 프레임워크 버전 설정이 적절한지 확인하고 다시 시도하세요. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} - {0} 파일에 TestHost Diagnostics 로깅 중 + Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} - Testhost를 시작하지 못했습니다(오류: {0}). + Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. - 프레임워크 {0}에 대해 ExecutionThreadApartmentState 옵션이 지원되지 않습니다. + ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. - 이전 버전의 Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk를 사용하고 있습니다. 15.3.0 이상 버전으로 이동하세요. + You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. Could not find extensions: {0} - 확장을 찾을 수 없음: {0} + Could not find extensions: {0} Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. - 어댑터 조회를 변경하는 중입니다. 자세한 내용은을 팔로우하세요. + Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} - {1}에 지정된 테스트 사례 필터 `{0}`과(와) 일치하는 테스트가 없습니다. + No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} Discovery of tests cancelled. - 테스트 검색이 취소되었습니다. + Discovery of tests cancelled. Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. - 프로세스 ID가 {0}인 기본 테스트 호스트에 디버거를 연결할 수 없습니다. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. - {0} "TestResults" 폴더를 언급된 위치에 만드는 동안 액세스가 거부되었습니다. 쓰기 권한이 필요한 폴더에서 vstest.console.exe를 실행하고 있으므로 이 예외가 발생했습니다. 이 문제를 해결하려면 쓰기 권한이 있는 폴더에서 vstest.console.exe를 실행하세요. + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. Could not find an available proxy to deque. - 큐에서 제거하기 위해 사용할 수 있는 프록시를 찾을 수 없습니다. + Could not find an available proxy to deque. Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. - ID가 {0}인 프록시가 현재 세션 관리자에서 관리되지 않습니다. + Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. - ID가 {0}인 프록시를 이미 사용할 수 있으며 큐에 다시 넣을 수 없습니다. + Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. - 이 실행에서 원본에 적합한 테스트 런타임 공급자를 찾을 수 없습니다. + No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. - 테스트 세션이 설정된 시간과 현재 실행/검색 요청의 시간 사이에 runsettings가 변경되었습니다. + The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. {0} - {0} + {0} Attachments: - 첨부 파일: + Attachments: No suitable test runtime provider was found: - 적합한 테스트 런타임 공급자를 찾을 수 없습니다. + No suitable test runtime provider was found: Skipping source: - 원본을 건너뛰는 중: + Skipping source: diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ index 7254f8c97e..b7d0b0cb9e 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,187 +4,187 @@ Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} - Wystąpił wyjątek podczas tworzenia wystąpienia wykrywacza: {0} + Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. - Znaleziono wiele adapterów testowych z takim samym identyfikatorem URI „{0}”. Adapter „{1}” zostanie zignorowany. Aby uniknąć tego ostrzeżenia, odinstaluj adaptery powodujące konflikt. + Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. {0} is the unique identifier of test adapter. {1} is the name of the test adapter that shares a unique identifier with a previously loaded adapter. Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. - Określone zduplikowane źródło „{0}” zostanie zignorowane. + Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} - Wystąpił wyjątek podczas ładowania testów przez wykrywacz testów „{0}”. Wyjątek: {1} + An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} - Wystąpił wyjątek podczas wywoływania modułu wykonywania „{0}”: {1} + An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} Could not find file {0}. - Nie można odnaleźć pliku {0}. + Could not find file {0}. Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. - Debugowanie hosta zostało włączone. Dołącz debuger do procesu testhost, aby kontynuować. + Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Host, testhost are key words, it should not be localized Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. - Moduł wykonywania testów odpowiadający wykrywaczowi testów {0} zostanie zignorowany, ponieważ wykrywacz nie ma atrybutu DefaultExecutorUri. Konieczna może być ponowna instalacja dodatku adaptera testowego. + Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. - Zainicjowanie serwera proxy klienta nie powiodło się: nie można nawiązać połączenia z procesem testowania. + Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. - Ta operacja jest niedozwolona w kontekście uruchamiania bez debugowania. + This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. - Nie można odnaleźć modułu wykonywania testów o identyfikatorze URI „{0}”. Upewnij się, że moduł wykonywania testów został zainstalowany i obsługuje środowisko uruchomieniowe platformy .NET w wersji {1}. + Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. {0} - Executor uri String {1}- Version - .net Version Eg:-2.0.50727.00 None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. - Wszystkie określone źródła „{0}” są nieprawidłowe. Napraw powyższe błędy/ostrzeżenia i spróbuj ponownie. + None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. , - , + , No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). - Brak testów zgodnych z filtrem, ponieważ zawiera on co najmniej jedną nieprawidłową właściwość ({0}). Określ wyrażenie filtru zawierające prawidłowe właściwości ({1}). + No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. - Nie znaleziono elementu {0}. Upewnij się, że program dotnet jest zainstalowany na maszynie. + Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. - Zakończono proces hosta testowego dla źródła „{0}” z powodu błędu: {1}. Sprawdź dzienniki diagnostyczne, aby uzyskać więcej informacji. + Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. {0} a source, or very rarely list of sources, {1} the output error. DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. - Debugowanie modułu zbierającego dane zostało włączone. Dołącz debuger do procesu datacollector, aby kontynuować. + DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - W elemencie {0} nie są dostępne żadne testy. Upewnij się, że wykrywacze i moduły wykonywania testów są zarejestrowane oraz że ustawienia wersji platformy i struktury są odpowiednie, a następnie spróbuj ponownie. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} - Rejestrowanie diagnostyki TestHost w pliku: {0} + Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} - Nie można uruchomić hosta testów. Błąd: {0} + Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. - Opcja ExecutionThreadApartmentState nie jest obsługiwana dla platformy: {0}. + ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. - Używamy starszej wersji zestawu Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Przejdź na wersję 15.3.0 lub nowszą. + You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. Could not find extensions: {0} - Nie można znaleźć rozszerzeń: {0} + Could not find extensions: {0} Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. - Wyszukiwanie adaptera jest zmieniane. Aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów, przejdź do strony + Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} - Żaden test nie jest zgodny z podanym filtrem przypadku testowego „{0}” w elemencie {1} + No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} Discovery of tests cancelled. - Odnajdywanie testów zostało anulowane. + Discovery of tests cancelled. Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. - Nie można dołączyć debugera do domyślnego hosta testowego z identyfikatorem procesu: {0}. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. - {0} Odmowa dostępu podczas próby utworzenia folderu „TestResults” w określonej lokalizacji. Widzisz ten wyjątek, ponieważ program vstest.console.exe został uruchomiony z folderu wymagającego dostępu do zapisu. Aby rozwiązać ten problem: uruchom program vstest.console.exe z folderu, w którym masz uprawnienia do zapisu. + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. Could not find an available proxy to deque. - Nie można było znaleźć dostępnego serwera proxy do umieszczenia w kolejce dwukierunkowej. + Could not find an available proxy to deque. Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. - Serwer proxy o identyfikatorze {0} nie jest zarządzany przez bieżącego menedżera sesji. + Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. - Serwer proxy o identyfikatorze {0} jest już dostępny i nie można go ponownie umieścić w kolejce. + Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. - Nie znaleziono odpowiedniego dostawcy środowiska uruchomieniowego testu dla żadnego źródła w tym przebiegu. + No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. - Ustawienia runsettings uległy zmianie między czasem ustanowienia sesji testowej a czasem bieżącego żądania uruchomienia/odnajdywania. + The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. {0} - {0} + {0} Attachments: - Załączniki: + Attachments: No suitable test runtime provider was found: - Nie znaleziono odpowiedniego dostawcy środowiska uruchomieniowego testu: + No suitable test runtime provider was found: Skipping source: - Pomijanie źródła: + Skipping source: diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ index 248a5a7248..1de17ab90b 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,187 +4,187 @@ Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} - Ocorreu uma exceção ao criar uma instância do discoverer: {0} + Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. - Foram encontrados vários adaptadores de teste com o mesmo URI '{0}'. Ignorando o adaptador '{1}'. Desinstale os adaptadores conflitantes para evitar este aviso. + Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. {0} is the unique identifier of test adapter. {1} is the name of the test adapter that shares a unique identifier with a previously loaded adapter. Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. - Ignorando a fonte duplicada especificada '{0}'. + Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} - Ocorreu uma exceção enquanto o discoverer de testes '{0}' estava carregando testes. Exceção: {1} + An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} - Ocorreu uma exceção ao chamar o executor '{0}': {1} + An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} Could not find file {0}. - Não foi possível localizar o arquivo {0}. + Could not find file {0}. Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. - O host de depuração está habilitado. Anexe o depurador ao processo de testhost para continuar. + Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Host, testhost are key words, it should not be localized Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. - Ignorando o executor de teste correspondente ao discoverer de teste {0} porque o discoverer não tem o atributo DefaultExecutorUri. Talvez seja necessário instalar novamente o suplemento do adaptador de teste. + Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. - Falha ao inicializar o proxy do cliente: não foi possível se conectar ao processo de teste. + Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. - Esta operação não é permitida no contexto de uma execução sem depuração. + This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. - Não foi possível localizar o executor de teste com o URI '{0}'. Verifique se o executor de teste está instalado e oferece suporte à versão de runtime do .net {1}. + Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. {0} - Executor uri String {1}- Version - .net Version Eg:-2.0.50727.00 None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. - Nenhuma das fontes especificadas '{0}' é válida. Corrija os erros/avisos acima e tente novamente. + None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. , - , + , No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). - Nenhum teste correspondeu ao filtro porque ele contém uma ou mais propriedades que não são válidas ({0}). Especifique a expressão de filtro contendo as propriedades válidas ({1}). + No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. - Não foi possível localizar {0}. Certifique-se de que o dotnet esteja instalado no computador. + Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. - Processo testhost para fonte(s) '{0}' encerrado com erro: {1}. Verifique os logs de diagnóstico para mais informações. + Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. {0} a source, or very rarely list of sources, {1} the output error. DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. - A depuração do DataCollector está habilitada. Anexe o depurador ao processo datacollector para continuar. + DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - Não há nenhum teste disponível em {0}. Verifique se o detector e os executores de teste estão registrados e se as configurações de versão da estrutura da plataforma & são apropriadas e tente novamente. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} - Registro em log do diagnóstico TestHost no arquivo: {0} + Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} - Falha ao iniciar o host de teste com o erro: {0} + Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. - A opção ExecutionThreadApartmentState não tem suporte para a estrutura: {0}. + ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. - Você está usando uma versão mais antiga do Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Mude para uma versão igual ou maior que 15.3.0. + You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. Could not find extensions: {0} - Não foi possível encontrar as extensões: {0} + Could not find extensions: {0} Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. - A pesquisa do adaptador está sendo alterada, acesse para obter mais detalhes. + Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} - Nenhum teste corresponde ao filtro de testcase `{0}` determinado no {1} + No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} Discovery of tests cancelled. - Descoberta de testes cancelada. + Discovery of tests cancelled. Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. - Não é possível anexar o depurador ao host de teste padrão com a ID de processo: {0}. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. - {0} Acesso negado ao tentar criar a pasta "TestResults" no local mencionado. Você está recebendo esta exceção porque está executando o vstest.console.exe em uma pasta que requer acesso para gravação. Para resolver o problema: execute vstest.console.exe em uma pasta na qual você tenha privilégios de gravação. + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. Could not find an available proxy to deque. - Não foi possível encontrar um proxy disponível para deque. + Could not find an available proxy to deque. Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. - O proxy com a ID {0} não é gerenciado pelo gerenciador de sessão atual. + Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. - O proxy com a ID {0} já está disponível e não pode ser enfileirado novamente. + Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. - Nenhum provedor de runtime de teste encontrado para esta execução. + No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. - As runsettings foram alteradas entre a hora em que a sessão de teste foi estabelecida e a hora da solicitação de execução/descoberta atual. + The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. {0} - {0} + {0} Attachments: - Anexos: + Attachments: No suitable test runtime provider was found: - Nenhum provedor de runtime de teste encontrado: + No suitable test runtime provider was found: Skipping source: - Ignorando origem: + Skipping source: From 2f4958df6999e0f0621aa22011ea6bb68aeb810f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 01:23:00 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 1222: Build ID 2171304 --- .../Resources/xlf/ | 74 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 74 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 74 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 74 +++++++++---------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 36 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 36 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 36 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 36 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 36 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 36 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 36 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 36 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 36 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 36 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/ | 36 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 36 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 36 ++++----- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 8 +- .../Resources/xlf/TrxResource.cs.xlf | 68 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 68 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 68 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 68 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 68 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/TrxResource.ja.xlf | 68 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/TrxResource.ko.xlf | 68 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 68 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 68 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 68 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 68 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/TrxResource.zh-Hans.xlf | 68 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/TrxResource.zh-Hant.xlf | 68 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/CommonResources.cs.xlf | 10 +-- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 +-- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 +-- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 +-- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 +-- .../Resources/xlf/CommonResources.ja.xlf | 10 +-- .../Resources/xlf/CommonResources.ko.xlf | 10 +-- 50 files changed, 911 insertions(+), 911 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ index 3392873c33..5e380bacf9 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,187 +4,187 @@ Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} - При создании экземпляра средства обнаружения возникло исключение: {0} + Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. - Найдено несколько адаптеров тестов с одинаковым URI "{0}". Адаптер "{1}" пропускается. Чтобы избежать этого предупреждения, удалите все конфликтующие адаптеры. + Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. {0} is the unique identifier of test adapter. {1} is the name of the test adapter that shares a unique identifier with a previously loaded adapter. Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. - Указанный повторяющийся источник "{0}" игнорируется. + Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} - При загрузке тестов средством обнаружения тестов "{0}" возникло исключение. Исключение: {1} + An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} - При вызове исполнителя "{0}" возникло исключение: {1} + An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} Could not find file {0}. - Не удалось найти файл {0}. + Could not find file {0}. Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. - Включена отладка узла. Для продолжения подключите отладчик к процессу testhost. + Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Host, testhost are key words, it should not be localized Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. - Исполнитель теста, соответствующий средству обнаружения тестов {0}, пропускается, так как у средства обнаружения нет атрибута DefaultExecutorUri. Возможно, необходимо переустановить надстройку адаптера теста. + Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. - Не удалось инициализировать прокси клиента: не удалось подключиться к процессу теста. + Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. - Эта операция запрещена в контексте неотладочного запуска. + This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. - Не удалось найти исполнитель тестов с URI "{0}". Убедитесь, что исполнитель тестов установлен и поддерживает версию среды выполнения .NET {1}. + Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. {0} - Executor uri String {1}- Version - .net Version Eg:-2.0.50727.00 None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. - Ни один из указанных источников "{0}" не является допустимым. Исправьте эти ошибки и предупреждения и повторите попытку. + None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. , - , + , No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). - Соответствующих фильтру тестов нет, так как фильтр содержит одно недопустимое свойство или несколько ({0}). Укажите выражение фильтра, содержащее допустимые свойства ({1}). + No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. - Не удалось найти {0}. Убедитесь, что dotnet установлен на компьютере. + Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. - Процесс testhost для источника (-ов) {0} завершился с ошибкой. {1}Дополнительные сведения см. в журналах диагностики. + Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. {0} a source, or very rarely list of sources, {1} the output error. DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. - Включена отладка datacollector. Для продолжения подключите отладчик к процессу datacollector. + DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - В {0} нет доступных тестов. Убедитесь, что средства обнаружения и выполнения тестов зарегистрированы, а также проверьте правильность параметров платформы и версии платформы, после чего повторите попытку. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} - Ведение журналов диагностики TestHost в файле: {0} + Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} - Не удалось запустить хост для тестов с ошибкой: {0} + Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. - Параметр ExecutionThreadApartmentState не поддерживается для платформы: {0}. + ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. - Вы используете более старую версию Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Перейдите на версию 15.3.0 или более позднюю. + You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. Could not find extensions: {0} - Не удалось найти расширения: {0} + Could not find extensions: {0} Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. - Изменяется поиск адаптеров. Дополнительные сведения: + Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} - Нет тестов, соответствующих указанному фильтру тестовых случаев "{0}" в {1} + No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} Discovery of tests cancelled. - Обнаружение тестов отменено. + Discovery of tests cancelled. Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. - Не удается подключить отладчик к узлу тестирования по умолчанию с идентификатором процесса {0}. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. - {0} Отказано в доступе при попытке создания папки "TestResults" в указанном расположении. Это исключение возникло, так как вы запускаете файл vstest.console.exe из папки, для которой требуется доступ на запись. Чтобы устранить эту проблему, запустите vstest.console.exe из папки, для которой у вас есть разрешения на запись. + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. Could not find an available proxy to deque. - Не удалось найти доступный прокси-сервер для двусторонней очереди. + Could not find an available proxy to deque. Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. - Прокси-сервер с идентификатором {0} не управляется текущим диспетчером сеансов. + Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. - Прокси-сервер с идентификатором {0} уже доступен и не может быть повторно поставлен в очередь. + Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. - Не найден подходящий поставщик среды выполнения теста для источников в этом запуске. + No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. - Параметры runsettings изменились между временем начала тестового сеанса и временем текущего запроса на запуск или обнаружение. + The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. {0} - {0} + {0} Attachments: - Вложения: + Attachments: No suitable test runtime provider was found: - Не найден подходящий поставщик среды выполнения теста: + No suitable test runtime provider was found: Skipping source: - Пропуск источника: + Skipping source: diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ index 4f05cc5c29..2b07a2dc9f 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,187 +4,187 @@ Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} - Bulucu örneği oluşturulurken özel durum oluştu: {0} + Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. - Aynı '{0}' URI’sine sahip birden fazla test bağdaştırıcısı bulundu. '{1}' bağdaştırıcısı yoksayılıyor. Bu uyarıyı önlemek için lütfen çakışan bağdaştırıcıları kaldırın. + Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. {0} is the unique identifier of test adapter. {1} is the name of the test adapter that shares a unique identifier with a previously loaded adapter. Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. - Belirtilen '{0}' yinelenen kaynağı yoksayılıyor. + Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} - '{0}' test bulucusu testleri yüklerken bir özel durum oluştu. Özel durum: {1} + An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} - '{0}' yürütücüsü çağrılırken bir özel durum oluştu: {1} + An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} Could not find file {0}. - {0} dosyası bulunamadı. + Could not find file {0}. Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. - Konak hata ayıklaması etkin. Devam etmek için lütfen hata ayıklayıcısını testhost işlemine ekleyin. + Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Host, testhost are key words, it should not be localized Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. - Bulucu DefaultExecutorUri özniteliğine sahip olmadığından {0} test bulucusuna karşılık gelen test yürütücüsü yoksayılıyor. Test bağdaştırıcısı eklentisini yeniden yüklemeniz gerekebilir. + Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. - İstemci ara sunucusu başlatılamadı: Test işlemine bağlanılamadı. + Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. - Bu işlem hata ayıklama dışındaki bir çalıştırmanın bağlamında yapılamaz. + This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. - URI’si '{0}' olan test yürütücüsü bulunamadı. Test yürütücüsünün yüklendiğinden ve .NET çalışma zamanı {1} sürümünü desteklediğinden emin olun. + Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. {0} - Executor uri String {1}- Version - .net Version Eg:-2.0.50727.00 None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. - Belirtilen '{0}' kaynaklarının hiçbiri geçerli değil. Yukarıdaki hataları/uyarıları düzeltin ve yeniden deneyin. + None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. , - , + , No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). - Geçerli olmayan bir veya daha fazla özellik içerdiğinden filtre ile eşleşen test yok ({0}). Geçerli değerleri ({1}) içeren bir filtre ifadesi belirtin. + No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. - {0} bulunamadı. Makinede dotnet’in yüklü olduğundan emin olun. + Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. - '{0}' kaynağı için testhost işleminden şu hatayla çıkıldı: {1}. Daha fazla bilgi edinmek için lütfen tanılama günlüklerini denetleyin. + Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. {0} a source, or very rarely list of sources, {1} the output error. DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. - DataCollector hata ayıklaması etkin. Devam etmek için lütfen hata ayıklayıcısını datacollector işlemine ekleyin. + DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - {0} içinde hiç test yok. Test bulucuları ile yürütücülerinin kayıtlı olduğundan ve platform ile çerçeve sürümü ayarlarının uygun olduğundan emin olun ve yeniden deneyin. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} - TestHost Tanılamaları şu dosyadaki günlüğe kaydediliyor: {0} + Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} - Testhost başlatılamadı. Şu hata alındı: {0} + Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. - ExecutionThreadApartmentState seçeneği {0} çerçevesi için desteklenmiyor. + ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. - Eski bir Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk sürümü kullanıyorsunuz. Lütfen 15.3.0 veya daha yeni bir sürüme geçin. + You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. Could not find extensions: {0} - Dosya uzantıları bulunamadı: {0} + Could not find extensions: {0} Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. - Bağdaştırıcı arama değiştiriliyor. Ayrıntılar için lütfen bağlantısını takip edin. + Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} - {1} içinde sunulan test çalışması filtresi `{0}` ile eşleşen test yok + No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} Discovery of tests cancelled. - Test bulma iptal edildi. + Discovery of tests cancelled. Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. - Hata ayıklayıcı, {0} işlem kimliğine sahip varsayılan test ana bilgisayarına eklenemiyor. + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. - {0} Belirtilen konumda "TestResults" klasörü oluşturulmaya çalışılırken erişim engellendi. Yazma erişimi gerektiren bir klasörden vstest.console.exe çalıştırdığınız için bu özel durumu aldınız. Sorunu çözmek için lütfen yazma ayrıcalıklarına sahip olduğunuz bir klasörden vstest.console.exe dosyasını çalıştırın. + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. Could not find an available proxy to deque. - İki uçtan erişimli kuyruğa yönelik kullanılabilir ara sunucu bulunamadı. + Could not find an available proxy to deque. Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. - {0} kimliğine sahip ara sunucu, geçerli oturum yöneticisi tarafından yönetilmiyor. + Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. - {0} kimliğine sahip ara sunucu zaten var ve yeniden kuyruğa alınamaz. + Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. - Bu çalıştırmadaki hiçbir kaynak için uygun bir test çalışma zamanı sağlayıcısı bulunamadı. + No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. - runsettings, test oturumunun kurulduğu zamanla mevcut çalıştırma/keşif isteği zamanı arasında değişti. + The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. {0} - {0} + {0} Attachments: - Ekler: + Attachments: No suitable test runtime provider was found: - Uygun bir test çalışma zamanı sağlayıcısı bulunamadı: + No suitable test runtime provider was found: Skipping source: - Kaynak atlanıyor: + Skipping source: diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index ad3cd5c151..a3a42026f7 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,187 +4,187 @@ Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} - 实例化发现器时发生异常: {0} + Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. - 找到了多个具有同一 URI“{0}”的测试适配器。忽略适配器“{1}”。请卸载冲突的适配器以避免此警告。 + Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. {0} is the unique identifier of test adapter. {1} is the name of the test adapter that shares a unique identifier with a previously loaded adapter. Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. - 忽略指定的重复源“{0}”。 + Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} - 测试发现器“{0}”加载测试时发生异常。异常: {1} + An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} - 调用的执行器“{0}”时发生异常: {1} + An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} Could not find file {0}. - 找不到文件 {0}。 + Could not find file {0}. Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. - 启用主机调试。请将调试器附加到 testhost 进程以继续。 + Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Host, testhost are key words, it should not be localized Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. - 忽略与测试发现器 {0} 对应的测试执行器,因为该发现器不具有 DefaultExecutorUri 特性。可能需要重新安装测试适配器外接程序。 + Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. - 未能初始化客户端代理: 无法连接到测试过程。 + Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. - 非调试运行的上下文中不允许此操作。 + This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. - 找不到 URI 为“{0}”的测试执行器。请确保安装了测试执行器且该执行器支持.net 运行时版本 {1}。 + Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. {0} - Executor uri String {1}- Version - .net Version Eg:-2.0.50727.00 None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. - 无有效的指定源“{0}”。请修复以上错误/警告,然后重试。 + None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. , - + , No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). - 没有与筛选器匹配的测试,因为该筛选器包含一个或多个无效属性 ({0})。请指定包含有效属性 ({1}) 的筛选器表达式。 + No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. - 找不到 {0}。请确保计算机上安装了 dotnet。 + Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. - 源“{0}”的 Testhost 进程已退出,但出现错误: {1}。请查看诊断日志以了解详细信息。 + Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. {0} a source, or very rarely list of sources, {1} the output error. DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. - 启用 DataCollector 调试。请将调试器附加到 datacollector 进程以继续。 + DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - {0} 中没有可用测试。请确保已注册测试发现器和执行器且平台和框架版本设置合理,然后重试。 + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} - 在文件 {0} 中记录 TestHost 诊断 + Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} - 未能启动测试主机,错误为 {0} + Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. - 框架 {0} 不支持 ExecutionThreadApartmentState 选项。 + ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. - 你使用的是旧版 Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk。请迁移到 15.3.0 及更高版本。 + You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. Could not find extensions: {0} - 找不到扩展名: {0} + Could not find extensions: {0} Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. - 适配器查找正在发生更改,请转到 了解详细信息。 + Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} - 没有测试匹配 {1} 中的给定用例测试筛选器“{0}” + No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} Discovery of tests cancelled. - 已取消测试发现。 + Discovery of tests cancelled. Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. - 无法将调试程序附加到进程 ID 为“{0}”的默认测试主机。 + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. - {0} 尝试在所述位置创建 "TestResults" 文件夹时,访问被拒。你收到此异常是因为你正在从需要具有写入权限的文件夹运行 vstest.console.exe。若要解决此问题,请从你具有写入权限的文件夹运行 vstest.console.exe。 + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. Could not find an available proxy to deque. - 找不到用于取消排队的可用代理。 + Could not find an available proxy to deque. Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. - ID 为 {0} 的代理不受当前会话管理器管理。 + Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. - ID 为 {0} 的代理已可用,无法重新排队。 + Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. - 在此运行中,没有为任何源找到合适的测试运行时提供程序。 + No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. - runsettings 在建立测试会话的时间和当前运行/发现请求的时间之间发生了更改。 + The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. {0} - {0} + {0} Attachments: - 附件: + Attachments: No suitable test runtime provider was found: - 找不到合适的测试运行时提供程序: + No suitable test runtime provider was found: Skipping source: - 正在跳过源: + Skipping source: diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index bbc67131a0..08913a43ea 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,187 +4,187 @@ Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} - 將探索程式具現化時發生例外狀況: {0} + Exception occurred while instantiating discoverer : {0} Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. - 找到多個具有相同 URI '{0}' 的測試配接器。忽略配接器 '{1}'。請將衝突的配接器解除安裝,以避免這項警告。 + Multiple test adapters with the same uri '{0}' were found. Ignoring adapter '{1}'. Please uninstall the conflicting adapter(s) to avoid this warning. {0} is the unique identifier of test adapter. {1} is the name of the test adapter that shares a unique identifier with a previously loaded adapter. Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. - 忽略指定的重複來源 '{0}'。 + Ignoring the specified duplicate source '{0}'. An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} - 測試探索程式 '{0}' 載入測試時發生例外狀況。例外狀況: {1} + An exception occurred while test discoverer '{0}' was loading tests. Exception: {1} An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} - 叫用執行程式 '{0}' 時發生例外狀況: {1} + An exception occurred while invoking executor '{0}': {1} Could not find file {0}. - 找不到檔案 {0}。 + Could not find file {0}. Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. - 已啟用主機偵錯。請將偵錯工具附加到 testhost 處理序以繼續進行。 + Host debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Host, testhost are key words, it should not be localized Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. - 忽略對應到測試探索程式 {0} 的測試執行程式,因為探索程式沒有 DefaultExecutorUri 屬性。您可能必須重新安裝測試配接器增益集。 + Ignoring the test executor corresponding to test discoverer {0} because the discoverer does not have the DefaultExecutorUri attribute . You might need to re-install the test adapter add-in. Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. - 無法將用戶端 Proxy 初始化: 無法連接到測試處理序 + Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to test process. This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. - 這項作業不能用於非偵錯回合的內容中。 + This operation is not allowed in the context of a non-debug run. Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. - 找不到具有 URI '{0}' 的測試執行程式。請確定已安裝測試執行程式,且其支援 .NET 執行階段版本 {1}。 + Could not find test executor with URI '{0}'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version {1}. {0} - Executor uri String {1}- Version - .net Version Eg:-2.0.50727.00 None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. - 指定的來源 '{0}' 皆無效。請修正上述錯誤/警告,並再試一次。 + None of the specified source(s) '{0}' is valid. Fix the above errors/warnings and then try again. , - + , No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). - 因為篩選包含一或多個無效的屬性 ({0}),所以沒有符合篩選的測試。請指定包含有效屬性 ({1}) 的篩選運算式。 + No tests matched the filter because it contains one or more properties that are not valid ({0}). Specify filter expression containing valid properties ({1}). Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. - 找不到 {0}。請確定電腦上安裝了 .NET。 + Could not find {0}. Make sure that the dotnet is installed on the machine. Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. - 來源 '{0}' 的 Testhost 處理序已結束,發生錯誤: {1}。如需詳細資訊,請查看診斷記錄。 + Testhost process for source(s) '{0}' exited with error: {1}. Please check the diagnostic logs for more information. {0} a source, or very rarely list of sources, {1} the output error. DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. - DataCollector 已啟用。若要繼續,請將偵錯工具連結到 datacollector 處理序。 + DataCollector debugging is enabled. Please attach debugger to datacollector process to continue. No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - {0} 中未提供任何測試。請確定已登錄了測試探索程式與執行程式,且平台與 Framework 版本設定皆正確,然後再試一次。 + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} - 在檔案 {0} 中記錄 TestHost 診斷 + Logging TestHost Diagnostics in file: {0} Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} - 無法啟動測試主機。錯誤: {0} + Failed to launch testhost with error: {0} ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. - 架構 {0} 不支援 ExecutionThreadApartmentState 選項。 + ExecutionThreadApartmentState option not supported for framework: {0}. You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. - 您正使用較舊版的 Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk。請移到等於或大於 15.3.0 的版本。 + You are using an older version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. Kindly move to a version equal or greater than 15.3.0. Could not find extensions: {0} - 找不到延伸模組: {0} + Could not find extensions: {0} Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. - 目前正在變更配接器查閱,請遵循 以尋求詳細資料。 + Adapter lookup is being changed, please follow for more details. No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} - 沒有任何測試符合 {1} 中的指定 testcase 篩選 `{0}` + No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1} Discovery of tests cancelled. - 已取消測試的探索。 + Discovery of tests cancelled. Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. - 無法將偵錯工具連結到處理序識別碼為 {0} 的預設測試主機。 + Cannot attach the debugger to the default test host with process ID: {0}. {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. - {0} 當嘗試在提及的位置上建立 "TestResults" 資料夾時存取被拒。因為您正從需要寫入存取權的資料夾執行 vstest.console.exe,所以收到此例外狀況。若要解決此問題: 請從您有權寫入的資料夾執行 vstest.console.exe。 + {0} Access denied while trying to create "TestResults" folder in mentioned location. You are getting this exception because you are running vstest.console.exe from a folder which requires having write access. To solve the issue: please run vstest.console.exe from a folder where you have write privileges. Could not find an available proxy to deque. - 找不到任何要排除於佇列外的 Proxy。 + Could not find an available proxy to deque. Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. - 識別碼為 {0} 的 Proxy 並非由目前的工作階段管理員所管理。 + Proxy with id {0} is not managed by the current session manager. Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. - 識別碼為 {0} 的 Proxy 已可供使用,但無法重新加入佇列。 + Proxy with id {0} is already available and cannot be re-enqueued. No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. - 在此回合的任何來源中,找不到適合的測試執行階段提供者。 + No suitable test runtime provider was found for any source in this run. The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. - Runsettings 在測試工作階段建立時間與目前執行/探索要求的時間之間有所變更。 + The runsettings changed between the time when the test session was established and the time of the current run/discovery request. {0} - {0} + {0} Attachments: - 附件: + Attachments: No suitable test runtime provider was found: - 找不到適合的測試執行階段提供者: + No suitable test runtime provider was found: Skipping source: - 正在略過來源: + Skipping source: diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index dafafdf58d..fa72326663 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -7,85 +7,85 @@ The test running when the crash occurred: {0} This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. - Aktivní testovací běh se přerušil, protože proces hostitele se neočekávaně ukončil. Prověřte prosím výše zásobník volání, pokud je k dispozici. Nabídne vám další informace o původu výjimky. -Test, který běžel, když došlo k chybovému ukončení: + The active Test Run was aborted because the host process exited unexpectedly. Please inspect the call stack above, if available, to get more information about where the exception originated from. +The test running when the crash occurred: {0} -Tento test může a nemusí být příčinou chybového ukončení. +This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. {0} is a single test (or in rare cases multiple tests) that were running when test host crashed. Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. - Vyžadovaná proměnná prostředí PROCDUMP_PATH má hodnotu Null nebo je prázdná. Nastavte pro ni cestu ke složce obsahující příslušný spustitelný soubor ProcDump. + Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. - Bylo povoleno shromáždění výpisu, ale nebyl vygenerován žádný soubor výpisu. + Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. - Zadaný klíč parametru blame {0} není platný. Tento klíč se bude ignorovat. + The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} - Klíč parametru blame {0} má nesprávnou hodnotu: {1}. Podporované hodnoty jsou: {2} + The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} {0} and {1} are single values referring to parameters such as BlameHang and Full. {2} is comma separated list of valid values, e.g. Full, Mini, None. Could not start process dump: {0} - Nešlo spustit výpis procesu: {0} + Could not start process dump: {0} CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. - Byla povolena funkce CollectDump, ale soubor výpisu nebyl vygenerován. + CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes - Zadaná doba nečinnosti {0} {1} vypršela. Shromažďují se výpisy při zablokování z hostitele testhost a jeho podřízených procesů. + The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes {0} value, {1} one of the unit strings below, Minutes/Seconds Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 - Jako časový limit se přidala neočekávaná hodnota {0}. Zadejte prosím hodnotu v tomto formátu: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 + Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated - Všechny testy se dokončily. Soubor sekvence se nevygeneruje. + All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated "Sequence" is the name of the file. No . at the end, because this is a blame message and the . will be added automatically. Dumping {0} - {1} - Vytváří se výpis pro {0} – {1} + Dumping {0} - {1} as in creating a process dump, {0} process id, {1} process name Dumping this process tree (from bottom) - Vytváří se výpis tohoto stromu procesu (zespod) + Dumping this process tree (from bottom) minutes - minuty + minutes seconds - sekundy + seconds {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable - {0} nelze najít. Zkontrolujte, zda je spustitelný soubor k dispozici v cestě PATH, případně nastavte proměnnou prostředí PROCDUMP_PATH na adresář, který obsahuje spustitelný soubor {0}. + {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable 0 is procDumpPath, a name of procdump executable such as procdump64.exe, 0 is used twice on purpose. PROCDUMP_PATH and PATH are literal and should not be localized. Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor - Neplatná vlastnost DumpDirectoryPath pro monitorování ladicího programu postmortem + Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ index 5c21b44514..bfab6b4fb0 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -7,85 +7,85 @@ The test running when the crash occurred: {0} This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. - Der aktive Testlauf wurde abgebrochen, weil der Hostprozess unerwartet beendet wurde. Überprüfen Sie die oben aufgeführte Aufrufliste, falls verfügbar, um weitere Informationen zur Ursache der Ausnahme zu erhalten. -Beim Absturz ausgeführter Test: + The active Test Run was aborted because the host process exited unexpectedly. Please inspect the call stack above, if available, to get more information about where the exception originated from. +The test running when the crash occurred: {0} -Dieser Test kann, muss aber nicht unbedingt die Absturzursache sein. +This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. {0} is a single test (or in rare cases multiple tests) that were running when test host crashed. Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. - Die erforderliche Umgebungsvariable PROCDUMP_PATH war NULL oder leer. Legen Sie PROCDUMP_PATH auf den Pfad des Ordners fest, der die geeignete ausführbare procdump-Datei enthält. + Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. - Die Abbilderfassung war aktiviert, aber es wurde keine Abbilddatei generiert. + Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. - Der angegebene blame-Parameterschlüssel "{0}" ist ungültig. Dieser Schlüssel wird ignoriert. + The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} - Der \"blame\"-Parameterschlüssel {0}, hat einen falschen Wert: {1}. Unterstützte Werte: {2} + The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} {0} and {1} are single values referring to parameters such as BlameHang and Full. {2} is comma separated list of valid values, e.g. Full, Mini, None. Could not start process dump: {0} - Prozesssicherung konnte nicht gestartet werden: {0} + Could not start process dump: {0} CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. - CollectDump war aktiviert, aber es wurde keine Abbilddatei generiert. + CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes - Die angegebene Inaktivitätszeit von {0} {1} ist abgelaufen. Vom Testhost und den untergeordneten Prozessen werden Stillstandsicherungen erfasst. + The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes {0} value, {1} one of the unit strings below, Minutes/Seconds Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 - Unerwarteter Wert "{0}" als Timeout angegeben. Geben Sie einen Wert in folgendem Format an: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 + Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated - Alle Tests wurden ausgeführt. Die Datei "Sequence" wird nicht generiert. + All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated "Sequence" is the name of the file. No . at the end, because this is a blame message and the . will be added automatically. Dumping {0} - {1} - "{1}" ({0}) wird gesichert. + Dumping {0} - {1} as in creating a process dump, {0} process id, {1} process name Dumping this process tree (from bottom) - Diese Prozessstruktur wird gesichert (von unten). + Dumping this process tree (from bottom) minutes - Minuten + minutes seconds - Sekunden + seconds {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable - {0} wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die ausführbare Datei unter PATH verfügbar ist. Legen Sie alternativ die Umgebungsvariable PROCDUMP_PATH auf ein Verzeichnis fest, das {0} ausführbare Datei enthält. + {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable 0 is procDumpPath, a name of procdump executable such as procdump64.exe, 0 is used twice on purpose. PROCDUMP_PATH and PATH are literal and should not be localized. Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor - Ungültiger "DumpDirectoryPath" für Postmortemdebuggermonitor + Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ index de67d8af2c..e7624d032f 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -7,85 +7,85 @@ The test running when the crash occurred: {0} This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. - La serie de pruebas activa se anuló porque el proceso de host se cerró de forma inesperada. Compruebe la pila de llamadas anterior, si está disponible, para obtener más información sobre el origen de la excepción. -Prueba en ejecución cuando se produjo el bloqueo: + The active Test Run was aborted because the host process exited unexpectedly. Please inspect the call stack above, if available, to get more information about where the exception originated from. +The test running when the crash occurred: {0} -Esta prueba puede ser el origen del bloqueo o no serlo. +This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. {0} is a single test (or in rare cases multiple tests) that were running when test host crashed. Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. - La variable de entorno PROCDUMP_PATH requerida era NULL o estaba vacía. Establezca PROCDUMP_PATH en la ruta de acceso de la carpeta que contiene el ejecutable procdump correcto. + Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. - La opción para recopilar un volcado de memoria estaba habilitada, pero no se generó ningún archivo de volcado de memoria. + Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. - La clave de parámetro blame especificada {0} no es válida. Se omitirá esta clave. + The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} - La clave del parámetro de culpa {0} tiene un valor incorrecto: {1}. Los valores admitidos son: {2} + The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} {0} and {1} are single values referring to parameters such as BlameHang and Full. {2} is comma separated list of valid values, e.g. Full, Mini, None. Could not start process dump: {0} - No se ha podido iniciar el volcado de proceso: {0} + Could not start process dump: {0} CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. - CollectDump estaba habilitado pero no se ha generado el archivo de volcado. + CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes - El tiempo de inactividad de {0} {1} que se ha especificado ha transcurrido. Recopilando volcados de bloqueos del host de pruebas y sus procesos secundarios + The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes {0} value, {1} one of the unit strings below, Minutes/Seconds Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 - Valor inesperado "{0}" proporcionado como tiempo de espera. Indique un valor en este formato: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 + Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated - Todas las pruebas han terminado de ejecutarse; no se generará el archivo Sequence. + All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated "Sequence" is the name of the file. No . at the end, because this is a blame message and the . will be added automatically. Dumping {0} - {1} - Volcando {0} - {1} + Dumping {0} - {1} as in creating a process dump, {0} process id, {1} process name Dumping this process tree (from bottom) - Volcando este árbol de procesos (desde abajo) + Dumping this process tree (from bottom) minutes - minutos + minutes seconds - segundos + seconds {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable - no se encontró {0}. Cerciórese de que el ejecutable está disponible en PATH o establezca variable de entorno PROCDUMP_PATH en un directorio que contenga {0} ejecutable + {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable 0 is procDumpPath, a name of procdump executable such as procdump64.exe, 0 is used twice on purpose. PROCDUMP_PATH and PATH are literal and should not be localized. Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor - 'DumpDirectoryPath' no válido para el monitor del depurador post mortem + Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ index ae354a94d3..966a430e4f 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -7,85 +7,85 @@ The test running when the crash occurred: {0} This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. - La série de tests active a été abandonnée, car le processus hôte s'est arrêté de manière inattendue. Inspectez la pile des appels ci-dessus, le cas échéant, pour obtenir plus d'informations sur l'origine de l'exception. -Test en cours d'exécution au moment du plantage : + The active Test Run was aborted because the host process exited unexpectedly. Please inspect the call stack above, if available, to get more information about where the exception originated from. +The test running when the crash occurred: {0} -Ce test est éventuellement à l'origine du plantage. +This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. {0} is a single test (or in rare cases multiple tests) that were running when test host crashed. Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. - La variable d'environnement exigée PROCDUMP_PATH était null ou vide. Affectez à PROCDUMP_PATH le chemin du dossier contenant l'exécutable procdump approprié. + Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. - La collecte de fichiers dump a été activée, mais aucun fichier dump n'a été généré. + Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. - La clé de paramètre blame spécifiée {0} n'est pas valide. Cette clé est ignorée. + The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} - La clé de paramètre de responsabilité {0}, a une valeur incorrecte : {1}. Les valeurs prises en charge sont les suivantes : {2} + The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} {0} and {1} are single values referring to parameters such as BlameHang and Full. {2} is comma separated list of valid values, e.g. Full, Mini, None. Could not start process dump: {0} - Impossible de démarrer le fichier dump du processus : {0} + Could not start process dump: {0} CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. - CollectDump a été activé, mais le fichier dump n'a pas été généré. + CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes - Le délai d'inactivité spécifié ({0} {1}) s'est écoulé. Collecte d'images mémoire des plantages de l'hôte de test et de ses processus enfants + The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes {0} value, {1} one of the unit strings below, Minutes/Seconds Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 - Valeur inattendue '{0}' fournie en tant que délai d'expiration. Indiquez une valeur au format suivant : 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 + Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated - Tous les tests ont fini de s'exécuter. Le fichier de séquence ne sera pas généré + All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated "Sequence" is the name of the file. No . at the end, because this is a blame message and the . will be added automatically. Dumping {0} - {1} - Création d'une image mémoire {0} - {1} + Dumping {0} - {1} as in creating a process dump, {0} process id, {1} process name Dumping this process tree (from bottom) - Création d'une image mémoire de cette arborescence de processus (à partir du bas) + Dumping this process tree (from bottom) minutes - minutes + minutes seconds - secondes + seconds {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable - {0} est introuvable, vérifiez que l’exécutable est disponible sur PATH. Vous pouvez également définir PROCDUMP_PATH variable d’environnement sur un répertoire qui contient l’exécutable {0} + {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable 0 is procDumpPath, a name of procdump executable such as procdump64.exe, 0 is used twice on purpose. PROCDUMP_PATH and PATH are literal and should not be localized. Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor - 'DumpDirectoryPath' non valide pour l’analyse du débogueur post-mortem + Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ index 6fb6917ae9..de8f9d279e 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -7,85 +7,85 @@ The test running when the crash occurred: {0} This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. - L'esecuzione dei test attiva è stata interrotta perché il processo host è stato terminato in modo imprevisto. Esaminare lo stack di chiamate in alto, se disponibile, per ottenere altre informazioni sull'origine dell'eccezione. -Test in esecuzione quando si è verificato l'arresto anomalo: + The active Test Run was aborted because the host process exited unexpectedly. Please inspect the call stack above, if available, to get more information about where the exception originated from. +The test running when the crash occurred: {0} -Il test potrebbe essere l'origine dell'arresto anomalo. +This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. {0} is a single test (or in rare cases multiple tests) that were running when test host crashed. Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. - La variabile di ambiente PROCDUMP_PATH richiesta è Null o vuota. Impostare PROCDUMP_PATH sul percorso della cartella che contiene il file eseguibile appropriato di procdump. + Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. - La raccolta del dump è stata abilitata ma non è stato generato alcun file di dump. + Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. - La chiave specificata {0} del parametro di Blame non è valida e verrà ignorata. + The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} - La chiave del parametro di errore {0}, ha un valore non corretto: {1}. I valori supportati sono: {2} + The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} {0} and {1} are single values referring to parameters such as BlameHang and Full. {2} is comma separated list of valid values, e.g. Full, Mini, None. Could not start process dump: {0} - Non è stato possibile avviare il dump del processo: {0} + Could not start process dump: {0} CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. - CollectDump è stato abilitato ma non è stato generato alcun file di dump. + CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes - Il tempo di inattività specificato di {0} {1} è scaduto. Verranno raccolti i dump in sospeso da testhost e dai relativi processi figlio + The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes {0} value, {1} one of the unit strings below, Minutes/Seconds Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 - Il valore '{0}', specificato come timeout, è imprevisto. Specificare un valore in questo formato: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 + Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated - L'esecuzione di tutti i test è stata completata. Il file di sequenza non verrà generato + All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated "Sequence" is the name of the file. No . at the end, because this is a blame message and the . will be added automatically. Dumping {0} - {1} - Dump di {0} - {1} + Dumping {0} - {1} as in creating a process dump, {0} process id, {1} process name Dumping this process tree (from bottom) - Dump di questo albero processi (dal basso) + Dumping this process tree (from bottom) minutes - minuti + minutes seconds - secondi + seconds {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable - {0} non è stato trovato, verificare che il file eseguibile sia disponibile in PATH. In alternativa, impostare la variabile di ambiente PROCDUMP_PATH su una directory che contiene {0} eseguibile + {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable 0 is procDumpPath, a name of procdump executable such as procdump64.exe, 0 is used twice on purpose. PROCDUMP_PATH and PATH are literal and should not be localized. Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor - Il valore di 'DumpDirectoryPath' non è valido per il monitoraggio del debugger effettuato dopo che l'applicazione è terminata. + Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index 6342208092..3e40efb879 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -7,85 +7,85 @@ The test running when the crash occurred: {0} This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. - ホスト プロセスが予期せずに終了したため、アクティブなテストの実行が中止されました。(使用可能な場合) 上記の呼び出し履歴を調べて、例外の発生元に関する詳細情報を取得してください。 -クラッシュの発生時に実行中だったテスト: + The active Test Run was aborted because the host process exited unexpectedly. Please inspect the call stack above, if available, to get more information about where the exception originated from. +The test running when the crash occurred: {0} -このテストは、必ずしもクラッシュの原因ではない場合もあります。 +This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. {0} is a single test (or in rare cases multiple tests) that were running when test host crashed. Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. - 必須の環境変数 PROCDUMP_PATH は Null または空でした。PROCDUMP_PATH を、適切な procdump 実行可能ファイルを含むフォルダーのパスに設定してください。 + Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. - ダンプの収集は有効化されましたが、ダンプ ファイルは生成されませんでした。 + Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. - 指定された blame パラメーター キー {0} は無効です。このキーは無視されます。 + The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} - blame パラメーター キー {0} に正しくない値が含まれています: {1}。サポートされている値: {2} + The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} {0} and {1} are single values referring to parameters such as BlameHang and Full. {2} is comma separated list of valid values, e.g. Full, Mini, None. Could not start process dump: {0} - プロセス ダンプを開始できませんでした: {0} + Could not start process dump: {0} CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. - CollectDump は有効になりましたが、ダンプ ファイルは生成されませんでした。 + CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes - 指定された非アイドル時間 {0} {1} が経過しました。testhost およびその子プロセスからのハング ダンプを収集しています + The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes {0} value, {1} one of the unit strings below, Minutes/Seconds Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 - 予期しない値 '{0}' がタイムアウトとして指定されました。次の形式で値を指定してください: 1.5h、90m、5400s、5400000ms、5400000 + Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated - すべてのテストの実行が完了しました。Sequence ファイルは生成されません + All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated "Sequence" is the name of the file. No . at the end, because this is a blame message and the . will be added automatically. Dumping {0} - {1} - {0} - {1} をダンプしています + Dumping {0} - {1} as in creating a process dump, {0} process id, {1} process name Dumping this process tree (from bottom) - このプロセス ツリーをダンプしています (下から) + Dumping this process tree (from bottom) minutes - + minutes seconds - + seconds {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable - {0} が見つかりませんでした。PATH で実行可能ファイルを使用できることを確認してください。または、PROCDUMP_PATH 環境変数を、実行可能ファイル {0} が含まれるディレクトリに設定してください + {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable 0 is procDumpPath, a name of procdump executable such as procdump64.exe, 0 is used twice on purpose. PROCDUMP_PATH and PATH are literal and should not be localized. Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor - 事後デバッガー モニターの 'DumpDirectoryPath' が無効です + Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index 17e587362a..1ccef8aeeb 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -7,85 +7,85 @@ The test running when the crash occurred: {0} This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. - 호스트 프로세스가 예기치 않게 종료되어 활성 테스트 실행이 중단되었습니다. 사용 가능한 경우 예외가 발생한 위치에 대한 자세한 정보를 보려면 위의 호출 스택을 검사하세요. -크래시가 발생했을 때 실행 중이었던 테스트: + The active Test Run was aborted because the host process exited unexpectedly. Please inspect the call stack above, if available, to get more information about where the exception originated from. +The test running when the crash occurred: {0} -이 테스트는 크래시의 원인이거나 원인이 아닐 수 있습니다. +This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. {0} is a single test (or in rare cases multiple tests) that were running when test host crashed. Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. - 필요한 환경 변수 PROCDUMP_PATH가 null이거나 비어 있습니다. 적절한 procdump 실행 파일이 포함된 폴더의 경로에 PROCDUMP_PATH를 설정하세요. + Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. - 덤프 수집이 사용하도록 설정되었지만 덤프 파일이 생성되지 않았습니다. + Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. - 지정된 blame 매개 변수 키 {0}이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 이 키를 무시합니다. + The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} - 원인 매개 변수 키 {0}에 잘못된 값 {1}이(가) 있습니다. 지원되는 값은 {2}입니다. + The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} {0} and {1} are single values referring to parameters such as BlameHang and Full. {2} is comma separated list of valid values, e.g. Full, Mini, None. Could not start process dump: {0} - 프로세스 덤프를 시작할 수 없음: {0} + Could not start process dump: {0} CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. - CollectDump가 사용하도록 설정되었지만 덤프 파일이 생성되지 않았습니다. + CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes - 지정한 비활성 시간({0}{1})이 경과되었습니다. Testhost 및 해당 자식 프로세스에서 중단 덤프를 수집하는 중 + The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes {0} value, {1} one of the unit strings below, Minutes/Seconds Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 - 예기치 않은 값 '{0}'이(가) 시간 제한으로 제공되었습니다. 1.5h/90m/5400s/5400000ms/5400000 형식으로 값을 제공하세요. + Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated - 모든 테스트 실행이 완료되었지만, 시퀀스 파일이 생성되지 않습니다. + All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated "Sequence" is the name of the file. No . at the end, because this is a blame message and the . will be added automatically. Dumping {0} - {1} - 덤프 {0} - {1} + Dumping {0} - {1} as in creating a process dump, {0} process id, {1} process name Dumping this process tree (from bottom) - 이 프로세스 트리 덤핑(아래쪽에서) + Dumping this process tree (from bottom) minutes - + minutes seconds - + seconds {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable - {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 실행 파일을 PATH에서 사용할 수 있는지 확인합니다. 또는 PROCDUMP_PATH 환경 변수를 {0} 실행 파일이 포함된 디렉터리로 설정하세요. + {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable 0 is procDumpPath, a name of procdump executable such as procdump64.exe, 0 is used twice on purpose. PROCDUMP_PATH and PATH are literal and should not be localized. Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor - 사후 디버거 모니터에 대한 잘못된 'DumpDirectoryPath' + Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ index bc99526529..d9ec2ca4e5 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -7,85 +7,85 @@ The test running when the crash occurred: {0} This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. - Aktywny przebieg testu został przerwany, ponieważ proces hosta nieoczekiwanie zakończył działanie. Sprawdź powyższy stos wywołań, jeśli jest dostępny, aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat miejsca, z którego pochodzi wyjątek. -Test uruchomiony w momencie wystąpienia awarii: + The active Test Run was aborted because the host process exited unexpectedly. Please inspect the call stack above, if available, to get more information about where the exception originated from. +The test running when the crash occurred: {0} -Ten test może, ale nie musi być źródłem awarii. +This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. {0} is a single test (or in rare cases multiple tests) that were running when test host crashed. Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. - Wymagana zmienna środowiskowa PROCDUMP_PATH miała wartość null lub była pusta. Ustaw zmienną PROCDUMP_PATH na ścieżkę lub folder zawierające odpowiedni plik wykonywalny procdump. + Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. - Zbieranie zrzutów zostało włączone, ale nie wygenerowano żadnego pliku zrzutu. + Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. - Podany klucz parametru blame {0} nie jest prawidłowy. Ten klucz jest ignorowany. + The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} - Klucz parametru blame {0} ma niepoprawną wartość: {1}. Obsługiwane wartości to: {2} + The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} {0} and {1} are single values referring to parameters such as BlameHang and Full. {2} is comma separated list of valid values, e.g. Full, Mini, None. Could not start process dump: {0} - Nie można rozpocząć zrzutu procesu: {0} + Could not start process dump: {0} CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. - Opcja CollectDump została włączona, ale nie wygenerowano pliku zrzutu. + CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes - Upłynął czas nieaktywności {0} {1}. Zbieranie zrzutów podczas zawieszenia z procesu testhost i jego procesów podrzędnych + The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes {0} value, {1} one of the unit strings below, Minutes/Seconds Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 - Podano nieoczekiwaną wartość „{0}” jako limit czasu. Podaj wartość w następującym formacie: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 + Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated - Wszystkie testy zakończyły działanie, plik sekwencji nie zostanie wygenerowany + All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated "Sequence" is the name of the file. No . at the end, because this is a blame message and the . will be added automatically. Dumping {0} - {1} - Tworzenie zrzutu: {0} — {1} + Dumping {0} - {1} as in creating a process dump, {0} process id, {1} process name Dumping this process tree (from bottom) - Tworzenie zrzutu tego drzewa procesów (od dołu) + Dumping this process tree (from bottom) minutes - min + minutes seconds - s + seconds {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable - Nie można odnaleźć pliku wykonywalnego {0}. Upewnij się, że plik wykonywalny jest dostępny w ścieżce PATH. Możesz też ustawić zmienną środowiskową PROCDUMP_PATH na katalog zawierający plik wykonywalny {0}. + {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable 0 is procDumpPath, a name of procdump executable such as procdump64.exe, 0 is used twice on purpose. PROCDUMP_PATH and PATH are literal and should not be localized. Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor - Nieprawidłowy element „DumpDirectoryPath” dla monitora debugera postmortem + Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ index 5b39153cf7..903df493a5 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -7,85 +7,85 @@ The test running when the crash occurred: {0} This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. - A Execução de Teste ativa foi anulada porque o processo do host foi encerrado inesperadamente. Inspecione a pilha de chamadas acima, caso ela esteja disponível, para obter mais informações sobre a origem da exceção. -O teste em execução quando a falha ocorreu: + The active Test Run was aborted because the host process exited unexpectedly. Please inspect the call stack above, if available, to get more information about where the exception originated from. +The test running when the crash occurred: {0} -Esse teste pode ser a origem da falha ou não. +This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. {0} is a single test (or in rare cases multiple tests) that were running when test host crashed. Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. - A variável de ambiente obrigatória PROCDUMP_PATH era nula ou estava vazia. Defina PROCDUMP_PATH para o caminho da pasta que contém o executável procdump apropriado. + Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. - A coleta de despejo estava habilitada, mas não foi gerado nenhum arquivo de despejo. + Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. - A chave de parâmetro de blame especificada {0} é inválida. Ignorando esta chave. + The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} - A chave de parâmetro {0}, tem um valor incorreto: {1}. Os valores com suporte são: {2} + The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} {0} and {1} are single values referring to parameters such as BlameHang and Full. {2} is comma separated list of valid values, e.g. Full, Mini, None. Could not start process dump: {0} - Não foi possível iniciar o processo de despejo: {0} + Could not start process dump: {0} CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. - CollectDump foi habilitado, mas o arquivo de despejo não foi gerado. + CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes - O tempo de inatividade especificado de {0} {1} foi decorrido. Coletando os despejos do travamento do testhost e dos processos filho + The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes {0} value, {1} one of the unit strings below, Minutes/Seconds Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 - Valor inesperado '{0}' fornecido como tempo limite. Forneça um valor neste formato: 1.5h/90m/5400s/5400000ms/5400000 + Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated - A execução de todos os testes foi concluída. O arquivo de sequência não será gerado. + All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated "Sequence" is the name of the file. No . at the end, because this is a blame message and the . will be added automatically. Dumping {0} - {1} - Despejando {0} – {1} + Dumping {0} - {1} as in creating a process dump, {0} process id, {1} process name Dumping this process tree (from bottom) - Despejando esta árvore de processos (da parte inferior) + Dumping this process tree (from bottom) minutes - minutos + minutes seconds - segundos + seconds {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable - {0} não pôde ser encontrado, verifique se o executável está disponível no CAMINHO. Alternativamente, defina a variável de ambiente PROCDUMP_PATH para um diretório que contenha o executável {0} + {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable 0 is procDumpPath, a name of procdump executable such as procdump64.exe, 0 is used twice on purpose. PROCDUMP_PATH and PATH are literal and should not be localized. Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor - 'DumpDirectoryPath' inválido para o monitor do depurador postmortem + Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ index fc5cb4b297..dc0ac7cfd7 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -7,85 +7,85 @@ The test running when the crash occurred: {0} This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. - Активный тестовый запуск был прерван из-за непредвиденного завершения хост-процесса. Просмотрите стек вызовов выше (если он доступен), чтобы получить дополнительные сведения об источнике исключения. -Тест, который выполнялся в момент возникновения сбоя: + The active Test Run was aborted because the host process exited unexpectedly. Please inspect the call stack above, if available, to get more information about where the exception originated from. +The test running when the crash occurred: {0} -Этот тест может являться источником сбоя. +This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. {0} is a single test (or in rare cases multiple tests) that were running when test host crashed. Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. - Требуемая переменная среды PROCDUMP_PATH была пустой или имела значение NULL. Задайте для PROCDUMP_PATH путь к папке, содержащей нужный исполняемый файл procdump. + Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. - Сбор дампа включен, но файл дампа не создан. + Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. - Указанный ключ {0} параметра Blame недопустим. Он будет пропущен. + The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} - Ключ параметра вины {0} имеет неверное значение{1}: . Поддерживаемые значения:{2} + The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} {0} and {1} are single values referring to parameters such as BlameHang and Full. {2} is comma separated list of valid values, e.g. Full, Mini, None. Could not start process dump: {0} - Не удалось запустить дамп процесса: {0} + Could not start process dump: {0} CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. - Параметр CollectDump включен, но файл дампа не был создан. + CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes - Указанное время неактивности {0} {1} истекло. Сбор дампов зависаний из тестового узла и его дочерних процессов. + The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes {0} value, {1} one of the unit strings below, Minutes/Seconds Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 - В качестве времени ожидания указано непредвиденное значение "{0}". Укажите значение в следующем формате: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 + Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated - Все тесты завершены, файл последовательности не будет создан. + All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated "Sequence" is the name of the file. No . at the end, because this is a blame message and the . will be added automatically. Dumping {0} - {1} - Создание дампа {0} — {1} + Dumping {0} - {1} as in creating a process dump, {0} process id, {1} process name Dumping this process tree (from bottom) - Создание дампа для этого дерева процессов (из нижней части) + Dumping this process tree (from bottom) minutes - мин + minutes seconds - с + seconds {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable - Не удалось найти {0}. Убедитесь, что исполняемый файл доступен в PATH. Также можно настроить переменную среды PROCDUMP_PATH, указав каталог, содержащий исполняемый файл {0}. + {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable 0 is procDumpPath, a name of procdump executable such as procdump64.exe, 0 is used twice on purpose. PROCDUMP_PATH and PATH are literal and should not be localized. Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor - Недопустимый DumpDirectoryPath для монитора отладчика с разбором итогов + Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ index 1ef6ca4a85..b65135a02e 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/ @@ -7,85 +7,85 @@ The test running when the crash occurred: {0} This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. - Konak işleminden beklenmedik şekilde çıkış yapıldığından etkin Test Çalıştırması durduruldu. Özel durumun kaynağı hakkında daha fazla bilgi almak için varsa yukarıdan çağrı yığınını inceleyin. -Kilitlenme oluştuğunda çalışan test: + The active Test Run was aborted because the host process exited unexpectedly. Please inspect the call stack above, if available, to get more information about where the exception originated from. +The test running when the crash occurred: {0} -Bu test, kilitlenmenin kaynağı olmayabilir veya olmayabilir. +This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. {0} is a single test (or in rare cases multiple tests) that were running when test host crashed. Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. - Gerekli ortam değişkeni PROCDUMP_PATH null veya boştu. PROCDUMP_PATH değişkenini uygun yürütülebilir procdump içeren klasörün yoluna ayarlayın. + Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. - Döküm toplama etkindi, ancak hiçbir döküm dosyası oluşturulmamıştı. + Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. - Belirtilen blame parametresi anahtarı {0} geçerli değil. Bu anahtar yoksayılıyor. + The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} - {0} blame parametresi anahtarı geçersiz değer içeriyor: {1}. Desteklenen değerler şunlardır: {2} + The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} {0} and {1} are single values referring to parameters such as BlameHang and Full. {2} is comma separated list of valid values, e.g. Full, Mini, None. Could not start process dump: {0} - İşlem dökümü başlatılamadı: {0} + Could not start process dump: {0} CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. - CollectDump etkindi, ancak döküm dosyası oluşturulmamıştı. + CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes - Belirtilen {0} {1} etkinlik dışı kalma süresi geçti. Testhost ve alt işlemlerinden askı dökümleri toplanıyor + The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes {0} value, {1} one of the unit strings below, Minutes/Seconds Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 - Zaman aşımı olarak beklenmeyen '{0}' değeri sağlandı. Lütfen şu biçimde bir değer girin: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 + Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated - Tüm testlerin çalışması tamamlandı. Dizi dosyası oluşturulmayacak. + All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated "Sequence" is the name of the file. No . at the end, because this is a blame message and the . will be added automatically. Dumping {0} - {1} - {0} - {1} dökümü oluşturuluyor + Dumping {0} - {1} as in creating a process dump, {0} process id, {1} process name Dumping this process tree (from bottom) - Bu işlem ağacının dökümü alınıyor (alttan) + Dumping this process tree (from bottom) minutes - dakika + minutes seconds - saniye + seconds {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable - {0} bulunamadı, lütfen yürütülebilir dosyanın PATH üzerinde kullanılabilir olduğundan emin olun veya PROCDUMP_PATH ortam değişkenini {0} yürütülebilir dosyasını içeren bir dizine ayarlayın. + {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable 0 is procDumpPath, a name of procdump executable such as procdump64.exe, 0 is used twice on purpose. PROCDUMP_PATH and PATH are literal and should not be localized. Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor - Postmortem hata ayıklayıcısı izleyicisi için geçersiz 'DumpDirectoryPath' + Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index 38702a9594..4ed291f912 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -7,85 +7,85 @@ The test running when the crash occurred: {0} This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. - 活动的测试运行已中止,因为主机进程意外退出。请检查上面的调用堆栈(如果有),以获取有关异常来源的详细信息。 -发生崩溃时运行的测试: + The active Test Run was aborted because the host process exited unexpectedly. Please inspect the call stack above, if available, to get more information about where the exception originated from. +The test running when the crash occurred: {0} -此测试可能是(也可能不是)崩溃的来源。 +This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. {0} is a single test (or in rare cases multiple tests) that were running when test host crashed. Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. - 所需环境变量 PROCDUMP_PATH 为空。请将 PROCDUMP_PATH 设为包含适当的可执行进程转储的文件夹路径。 + Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. - 收集转储已启用,但是未生成转储文件。 + Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. - 指定的追责参数键 {0} 无效。忽略此键。 + The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} - 追责参数键 {0} 值不正确: {1}。支持的值为: {2} + The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} {0} and {1} are single values referring to parameters such as BlameHang and Full. {2} is comma separated list of valid values, e.g. Full, Mini, None. Could not start process dump: {0} - 无法启动进程转储: {0} + Could not start process dump: {0} CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. - CollectDump 已启用,但是未生成转储文件。 + CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes - 指定的非活动时间({0} {1})已过。正在从测试主机及其子进程中收集挂起的转储 + The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes {0} value, {1} one of the unit strings below, Minutes/Seconds Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 - 提供了意外的值“{0}”作为超时。请按以下格式提供值: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 + Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated - 所有测试都已运行完毕,将不生成序列文件 + All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated "Sequence" is the name of the file. No . at the end, because this is a blame message and the . will be added automatically. Dumping {0} - {1} - 正在转储 {0} - {1} + Dumping {0} - {1} as in creating a process dump, {0} process id, {1} process name Dumping this process tree (from bottom) - 正在转储此进程树(从底部) + Dumping this process tree (from bottom) minutes - 分钟 + minutes seconds - + seconds {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable - 找不到 {0},请确保可执行文件在路径上可用,或者将 PROCDUMP_PATH 环境变量设置为包含 {0} 可执行文件的目录。 + {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable 0 is procDumpPath, a name of procdump executable such as procdump64.exe, 0 is used twice on purpose. PROCDUMP_PATH and PATH are literal and should not be localized. Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor - 事后分析调试程序监视器的 “DumpDirectoryPath” 无效 + Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index d28661032e..7a8189fd02 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -7,85 +7,85 @@ The test running when the crash occurred: {0} This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. - 因為主機處理序在未預期的狀況下結束,所以已中止使用中的測試回合。請檢查上方的呼叫堆疊 (若有的話),以取得例外狀況來源的詳細資訊。 -發生損毀時正在執行的測試: + The active Test Run was aborted because the host process exited unexpectedly. Please inspect the call stack above, if available, to get more information about where the exception originated from. +The test running when the crash occurred: {0} -此測試可能是或不是損毀的來源。 +This test may, or may not be the source of the crash. {0} is a single test (or in rare cases multiple tests) that were running when test host crashed. Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. - 必要的環境變數 PROCDUMP_PATH 為 null 或是空的。請將 PROCDUMP_PATH 設定為包含適當之 procdump 可執行檔之資料夾的路徑。 + Required environment variable PROCDUMP_PATH was null or empty. Set PROCDUMP_PATH to path of folder containing appropriate procdump executable. Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. - 已啟用了收集傾印,但未產生任何傾印檔。 + Collect dump was enabled but no dump file was generated. The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. - 指定的 blame 參數索引鍵 {0} 無效。即將忽略此索引鍵。 + The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key. The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} - blame 參數金鑰 {0} 的值不正確: {1}。支援的值為: {2} + The blame parameter key {0}, has incorrect value: {1}. Supported values are: {2} {0} and {1} are single values referring to parameters such as BlameHang and Full. {2} is comma separated list of valid values, e.g. Full, Mini, None. Could not start process dump: {0} - 無法啟動處理序傾印: {0} + Could not start process dump: {0} CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. - CollectDump 已啟用,但未產生傾印檔案。 + CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated. The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes - 指定的非使用狀態時間已經過 {0} {1}。正在從 testhost 及其子處理序收集停止回應的傾印 + The specified inactivity time of {0} {1} has elapsed. Collecting hang dumps from testhost and its child processes {0} value, {1} one of the unit strings below, Minutes/Seconds Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 - 提供了非預期的值 '{0}' 作為逾時。請提供以下格式的值: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 + Unexpected value '{0}' provided as timeout. Please provide a value in this format: 1.5h / 90m / 5400s / 5400000ms / 5400000 All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated - 所有測試皆已執行完成,將不會產生 Sequence 檔案 + All tests finished running, Sequence file will not be generated "Sequence" is the name of the file. No . at the end, because this is a blame message and the . will be added automatically. Dumping {0} - {1} - 正在傾印 {0} - {1} + Dumping {0} - {1} as in creating a process dump, {0} process id, {1} process name Dumping this process tree (from bottom) - 正在傾印此處理序樹狀結構 (從底部) + Dumping this process tree (from bottom) minutes - 分鐘 + minutes seconds - + seconds {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable - 找不到{0},請確定可執行檔可在 PATH 上使用。或將 PROCDUMP_PATH 環境變數設定為包含 {0} 可執行檔的目錄。 + {0} could not be found, please make sure that the executable is available on PATH. Alternatively set PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable to a directory that contains {0} executable 0 is procDumpPath, a name of procdump executable such as procdump64.exe, 0 is used twice on purpose. PROCDUMP_PATH and PATH are literal and should not be localized. Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor - 事後剖析偵錯工具監視的 'DumpDirectoryPath' 無效 + Invalid 'DumpDirectoryPath' for postmortem debugger monitor diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index 77fa8a375b..58192f6b8e 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Html test results file : {0} - Soubor HTML s výsledky testů: {0} + Html test results file : {0} Html Logger Error : {0} - Chyba protokolovače HTML: {0} + Html Logger Error : {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. - Parametry LogFileName a LogFilePrefix nelze uvést společně. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. - Nelze vygenerovat jedinečný název souboru pro název {0} v cestě {1}. + Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ index 429dae6d63..c85f83893b 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Html test results file : {0} - HTML-Testergebnisdatei: {0} + Html test results file : {0} Html Logger Error : {0} - HTML-Protokollierungsfehler: {0} + Html Logger Error : {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. - Die Parameter "LogFileName" und "LogFilePrefix" können nicht zusammen angegeben werden. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. - Für den Namen „{0}“ im Pfad „{1}“ kann kein eindeutiger Dateiname generiert werden. + Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ index ce60e6fe80..33315dde78 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Html test results file : {0} - Archivo de resultados de pruebas HTML: {0} + Html test results file : {0} Html Logger Error : {0} - Error del registrador HTML: {0} + Html Logger Error : {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. - Los parámetros LogFileName y LogFilePrefix no se pueden proporcionar juntos. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. - No se puede generar un nombre de archivo único para el nombre "{0}" en la ruta de acceso "{1}". + Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ index 52278263c2..e540c16fa1 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Html test results file : {0} - Fichier de résultats des tests HTML : {0} + Html test results file : {0} Html Logger Error : {0} - Erreur de l'enregistreur d'événements HTML : {0} + Html Logger Error : {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. - Les paramètres LogFileName et LogFilePrefix ne peuvent pas être donnés ensemble. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. - Impossible de générer un nom de fichier unique pour le nom '{0}' sur le chemin d’accès '{1}'. + Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ index cb13dfca9a..6f0becbbe2 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Html test results file : {0} - File di risultati del test HTML: {0} + Html test results file : {0} Html Logger Error : {0} - Errore del logger HTML: {0} + Html Logger Error : {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. - Non è possibile specificare insieme i parametri LogFileName e LogFilePrefix. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. - Impossibile generare un nome file univoco per il nome '{0}' nel percorso '{1}'. + Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index 9edbdac06d..060d79b1fc 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Html test results file : {0} - HTML テスト結果ファイル: {0} + Html test results file : {0} Html Logger Error : {0} - HTML ロガー エラー: {0} + Html Logger Error : {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. - パラメーター LogFileName と LogFilePrefix を同時に指定することはできません。 + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. - パス「{1}」上に名前「{0}」で一意のファイル名を生成できません。 + Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index bdaef212d1..1bf29a53c2 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Html test results file : {0} - HTML 테스트 결과 파일: {0} + Html test results file : {0} Html Logger Error : {0} - HTML 로거 오류: {0} + Html Logger Error : {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. - LogFileName 및 LogFilePrefix 매개 변수는 함께 제공할 수 없습니다. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. - ‘{1}’ 경로에서 ‘{0}’ 이름에 대한 고유 파일 이름을 생성할 수 없습니다. + Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ index 8e3f36f3b4..ddc13d52d2 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Html test results file : {0} - Plik wyników testu HTML: {0} + Html test results file : {0} Html Logger Error : {0} - Błąd rejestratora HTML: {0} + Html Logger Error : {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. - Parametry LogFileName i LogFilePrefix nie mogą być podawane razem. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. - Nie można wygenerować unikatowej nazwy pliku dla nazwy „{0}” w ścieżce „{1}”. + Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ index 327df6ffb7..9f32a21cc9 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Html test results file : {0} - Arquivo de resultados de teste HTML: {0} + Html test results file : {0} Html Logger Error : {0} - Erro do Agente de HTML: {0} + Html Logger Error : {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. - Os parâmetros LogFileName e LogFilePrefix não podem ser usados juntos. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. - Não é possível gerar um nome de arquivo exclusivo para o nome '{0}' no caminho '{1}'. + Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ index 8a036f34f9..1c3c321944 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Html test results file : {0} - Файл результатов теста HTML: {0} + Html test results file : {0} Html Logger Error : {0} - Ошибка в средстве ведения журнала HTML: {0} + Html Logger Error : {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. - Параметры LogFileName и LogFilePrefix не могут использоваться вместе. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. - Не удается создать уникальное имя файла для имени ''{0}'' пути ''{1}''. + Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ index 1c1ab78076..0d8597eef0 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Html test results file : {0} - HTML test sonuçları dosyası: {0} + Html test results file : {0} Html Logger Error : {0} - HTML Günlükçü Hatası: {0} + Html Logger Error : {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. - LogFileName ve LogFilePrefix parametreleri birlikte kullanılamaz. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. - '{1}' yolunda '{0}' adı için benzersiz bir dosya adı oluşturulamıyor. + Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index 7ba666a953..75f8b3f1f0 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Html test results file : {0} - HTML 测试结果文件: {0} + Html test results file : {0} Html Logger Error : {0} - HTML 记录器错误: {0} + Html Logger Error : {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. - 参数 LogFileName 和 LogFilePrefix 不能一起使用。 + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. - 无法为路径“{1}”上的名称“{0}”生成唯一的文件名。 + Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index 6103295afc..3e0cf33409 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.HtmlLogger/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Html test results file : {0} - Html 測試結果檔案: {0} + Html test results file : {0} Html Logger Error : {0} - Html 記錄器錯誤: {0} + Html Logger Error : {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. - 不能同時指定參數 LogFileName 和 LogFilePrefix。 + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be given together. Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. - 無法在路徑 '{1}' 上產生名稱 '{0}' 唯一的檔案名稱。 + Cannot generate a unique file name for name '{0}' on path '{1}'. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.cs.xlf index f38f43af47..7290308b0a 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.cs.xlf @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Aborted - Přerušené + Aborted Abgebrochen @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Completed - Dokončené + Completed Abgeschlossen @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disconnected - Odpojené + Disconnected Verbindung getrennt @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Error - Chyba + Error Fehler @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Failed - Neúspěšné + Failed Fehler @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Inconclusive - Neprůkazné + Inconclusive Nicht eindeutig @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ In Progress - Probíhá + In Progress In Bearbeitung @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Not Executed - Neprovedené + Not Executed Nicht ausgeführt @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Not Runnable - Nejde spustit + Not Runnable Nicht ausführbar @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Passed - Úspěšné + Passed Übergeben @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Passed (run aborted) - Úspěšné (běh se přerušil) + Passed (run aborted) Erfolgreich (Testlauf abgebrochen) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Pending - Čekající + Pending Ausstehend @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Timeout - Časový limit + Timeout Zeitlimit @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Warning - Upozornění + Warning Warnung @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The parameter cannot be less than 0. - Parametr nemůže být menší než 0. + The parameter cannot be less than 0. Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Parametr nemůže být null nebo prázdný. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Der Parameter darf nicht null oder leer sein. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. - Nejde získat volný název pro {0}(1),(2),... v adresáři {1}. Vyčistěte prosím tento adresář. + Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. Freien Name für {0}(1),(2),... in Verzeichnis ' {1} ' kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Test Settings are not specified. - Nezadala se nastavení testu. + Test Settings are not specified. Einstellungen sind nicht angegeben. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. - Aktivní nastavení testu nedefinují adresář nasazení běhu. + The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. Aktive Testkonfigurationen definieren Bereitstellungsverzeichnis auszuführen. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. - Výsledek není přidružený k testovacímu běhu. Použijte výsledek, který se získal z probíhajícího nebo dokončeného testovacího běhu. + The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. Das Ergebnis ist ein Testlauf nicht zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis aus einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Testlaufs. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. - Zadaný název souboru nebo adresáře {0} není platný. + The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname '{0}' ist ungültig. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ {0}@{1} {2} - {0}@{1} {2} + {0}@{1} {2} {0}@{1} {2} @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Failed to attach files from: {0} Error Details: {1}:{2} - Nepovedlo se připojit soubory z {0}. -Podrobnosti o chybě: {1}:{2} + Failed to attach files from: {0} +Error Details: {1}:{2} Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. - V testovacím běhu se přeskočil test {0}. + Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results File: {0} - Soubor výsledků: {0} + Results File: {0} Datei: {0} @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} All Loaded Results - Všechny načtené výsledky + All Loaded Results Alle geladenen Ergebnisse @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results Not in a List - Výsledky neuvedené v seznamu + Results Not in a List Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' - položka nasazení {0} + deployment item '{0}' Bereitstellungselement "{0}" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') - položka nasazení {0} (výstupní adresář {1}) + deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') Bereitstellungselement "{0}' (Ausgabeverzeichnis '{1}') @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} (null) - (null) + (null) (null) @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} - UPOZORNĚNÍ: Přepíše se soubor výsledků: {0} + WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. - Parametry LogFileName a LogFilePrefix nejde použít společně. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. - Nepovedlo se najít dostupný název souboru pro {0} pomocí formátu časového razítka {2} v {1}. + Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ index 276c71abda..f7e4e86a73 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Aborted - Abgebrochen + Aborted Abgebrochen @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Completed - Abgeschlossen + Completed Abgeschlossen @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disconnected - Getrennt + Disconnected Verbindung getrennt @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Error - Fehler + Error Fehler @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Failed - Fehler + Failed Fehler @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Inconclusive - Nicht eindeutig + Inconclusive Nicht eindeutig @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ In Progress - In Bearbeitung + In Progress In Bearbeitung @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Not Executed - Nicht ausgeführt + Not Executed Nicht ausgeführt @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Not Runnable - Nicht ausführbar + Not Runnable Nicht ausführbar @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Passed - Bestanden + Passed Übergeben @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Passed (run aborted) - Bestanden (Ausführung abgebrochen) + Passed (run aborted) Erfolgreich (Testlauf abgebrochen) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Pending - Ausstehend + Pending Ausstehend @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Timeout - Timeout + Timeout Zeitlimit @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Warning - Warnung + Warning Warnung @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The parameter cannot be less than 0. - Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. + The parameter cannot be less than 0. Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Der Parameter darf nicht NULL oder leer sein. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Der Parameter darf nicht null oder leer sein. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. - Der freie Name für {0}(1),(2),... im Verzeichnis "{1}" kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. + Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. Freien Name für {0}(1),(2),... in Verzeichnis ' {1} ' kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Test Settings are not specified. - Es wurden keine Testeinstellungen angegeben. + Test Settings are not specified. Einstellungen sind nicht angegeben. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. - Die aktiven Testeinstellungen definieren nicht das Bereitstellungsverzeichnis der Ausführung. + The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. Aktive Testkonfigurationen definieren Bereitstellungsverzeichnis auszuführen. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. - Das Ergebnis ist keinem Testlauf zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis, das aus einem aktuell ausgeführten oder abgeschlossenen Testlauf stammt. + The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. Das Ergebnis ist ein Testlauf nicht zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis aus einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Testlaufs. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. - Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname "{0}" ist ungültig. + The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname '{0}' ist ungültig. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ {0}@{1} {2} - {0}@{1} {2} + {0}@{1} {2} {0}@{1} {2} @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Failed to attach files from: {0} Error Details: {1}:{2} - Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} -Fehlerdetails: {1}:{2} + Failed to attach files from: {0} +Error Details: {1}:{2} Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. - Der Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. + Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results File: {0} - Ergebnisdatei: {0} + Results File: {0} Datei: {0} @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} All Loaded Results - Alle geladenen Ergebnisse + All Loaded Results Alle geladenen Ergebnisse @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results Not in a List - Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste + Results Not in a List Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' - Bereitstellungselement "{0}" + deployment item '{0}' Bereitstellungselement "{0}" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') - Bereitstellungselement "{0}" (Ausgabeverzeichnis "{1}") + deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') Bereitstellungselement "{0}' (Ausgabeverzeichnis '{1}') @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} (null) - (NULL) + (null) (null) @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} - WARNUNG: Ergebnisdatei wird überschrieben: {0} + WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. - Die Parameter "LogFileName" und "LogFilePrefix" können nicht zusammen verwendet werden. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. - Unter "{1}" wurde kein verfügbarer Dateiname für "{0}" mit dem Zeitstempelformat "{2}" abgerufen. + Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ index d3bc96a1f1..f9448f2edc 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Aborted - Anuladas + Aborted Abgebrochen @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Completed - Finalizadas + Completed Abgeschlossen @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disconnected - Desconectadas + Disconnected Verbindung getrennt @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Error - Error + Error Fehler @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Failed - Con error + Failed Fehler @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Inconclusive - No concluyentes + Inconclusive Nicht eindeutig @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ In Progress - En curso + In Progress In Bearbeitung @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Not Executed - No ejecutadas + Not Executed Nicht ausgeführt @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Not Runnable - No ejecutables + Not Runnable Nicht ausführbar @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Passed - Correctas + Passed Übergeben @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Passed (run aborted) - Correctas (ejecución anulada) + Passed (run aborted) Erfolgreich (Testlauf abgebrochen) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Pending - Pendientes + Pending Ausstehend @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Timeout - Tiempo de espera agotado + Timeout Zeitlimit @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Warning - Advertencia + Warning Warnung @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The parameter cannot be less than 0. - El parámetro no puede ser menor que 0. + The parameter cannot be less than 0. Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - El parámetro no puede ser nulo ni estar vacío. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Der Parameter darf nicht null oder leer sein. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. - No se puede obtener el nombre libre de {0}(1),(2),... en el directorio {1}. Limpie este directorio. + Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. Freien Name für {0}(1),(2),... in Verzeichnis ' {1} ' kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Test Settings are not specified. - No se ha especificado ninguna configuración de pruebas. + Test Settings are not specified. Einstellungen sind nicht angegeben. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. - La configuración de pruebas activa no define el directorio de implementación de ejecución. + The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. Aktive Testkonfigurationen definieren Bereitstellungsverzeichnis auszuführen. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. - El resultado no está asociado a una serie de pruebas. Use un resultado que se haya obtenido de una serie de pruebas finalizada o en curso. + The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. Das Ergebnis ist ein Testlauf nicht zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis aus einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Testlaufs. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. - El nombre del archivo o directorio especificado ({0}) no es válido. + The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname '{0}' ist ungültig. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ {0}@{1} {2} - {0}@{1} {2} + {0}@{1} {2} {0}@{1} {2} @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Failed to attach files from: {0} Error Details: {1}:{2} - No se pudieron asociar archivos de: {0} -Detalles del error: {1}:{2} + Failed to attach files from: {0} +Error Details: {1}:{2} Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. - Se ha omitido la prueba '{0}' en la serie de pruebas. + Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results File: {0} - Archivo de resultados: {0} + Results File: {0} Datei: {0} @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} All Loaded Results - Todos los resultados cargados + All Loaded Results Alle geladenen Ergebnisse @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results Not in a List - Resultados sin formato de lista + Results Not in a List Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' - elemento de implementación '{0}' + deployment item '{0}' Bereitstellungselement "{0}" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') - elemento de implementación '{0}' (directorio de salida '{1}') + deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') Bereitstellungselement "{0}' (Ausgabeverzeichnis '{1}') @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} (null) - (nulo) + (null) (null) @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} - ADVERTENCIA: Se sobrescribirá el archivo de resultados: {0} + WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. - Los parámetros LogFileName y LogFilePrefix no se pueden usar juntos. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. - No se encuentra ningún nombre de archivo disponible para {0} con el formato de marca de tiempo "{2}" en {1}. + Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ index f31b7b1173..9273f967d4 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Aborted - Abandonné + Aborted Abgebrochen @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Completed - Effectué + Completed Abgeschlossen @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disconnected - Déconnecté + Disconnected Verbindung getrennt @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Error - Erreur + Error Fehler @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Failed - Échec + Failed Fehler @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Inconclusive - Non concluant + Inconclusive Nicht eindeutig @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ In Progress - En cours + In Progress In Bearbeitung @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Not Executed - Non exécuté + Not Executed Nicht ausgeführt @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Not Runnable - Non exécutable + Not Runnable Nicht ausführbar @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Passed - Réussite + Passed Übergeben @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Passed (run aborted) - Réussi (exécution abandonnée) + Passed (run aborted) Erfolgreich (Testlauf abgebrochen) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Pending - En attente + Pending Ausstehend @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Timeout - Délai d'expiration + Timeout Zeitlimit @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Warning - Avertissement + Warning Warnung @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The parameter cannot be less than 0. - Le paramètre ne peut pas être inférieur à 0. + The parameter cannot be less than 0. Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Le paramètre ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être vide. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Der Parameter darf nicht null oder leer sein. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. - Impossible d'obtenir un nom libre pour {0}(1),(2),... dans le répertoire {1}. Nettoyez ce répertoire. + Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. Freien Name für {0}(1),(2),... in Verzeichnis ' {1} ' kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Test Settings are not specified. - Les paramètres de test ne sont pas spécifiés. + Test Settings are not specified. Einstellungen sind nicht angegeben. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. - Les paramètres de test ne définissent pas le répertoire de déploiement de la série de tests. + The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. Aktive Testkonfigurationen definieren Bereitstellungsverzeichnis auszuführen. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. - Le résultat n'est pas associé à une série de tests. Utilisez un résultat obtenu à partir d'une série de tests en cours d'exécution ou achevée. + The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. Das Ergebnis ist ein Testlauf nicht zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis aus einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Testlaufs. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. - Le nom de fichier/répertoire spécifié '{0}' est non valide. + The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname '{0}' ist ungültig. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ {0}@{1} {2} - {0}@{1} {2} + {0}@{1} {2} {0}@{1} {2} @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Failed to attach files from: {0} Error Details: {1}:{2} - Impossible de joindre des fichiers à partir de : {0} -Détails de l'erreur : {1}:{2} + Failed to attach files from: {0} +Error Details: {1}:{2} Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. - Le test '{0}' a été ignoré dans la série de tests. + Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results File: {0} - Fichier de résultats : {0} + Results File: {0} Datei: {0} @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} All Loaded Results - Tous les résultats chargés + All Loaded Results Alle geladenen Ergebnisse @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results Not in a List - Les résultats ne figurent pas dans une liste + Results Not in a List Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' - élément de déploiement '{0}' + deployment item '{0}' Bereitstellungselement "{0}" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') - élément de déploiement '{0}' (répertoire de sortie '{1}') + deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') Bereitstellungselement "{0}' (Ausgabeverzeichnis '{1}') @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} (null) - (null) + (null) (null) @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} - AVERTISSEMENT : Fichier de résultats en cours de remplacement : {0} + WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. - Les paramètres LogFileName et LogFilePrefix ne peuvent pas être utilisés ensemble. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. - Impossible de trouver un nom de fichier disponible pour {0} avec le format d'horodatage '{2}' à l'emplacement {1}. + Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ index f946123aca..5cc0c458ad 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Aborted - Interrotto + Aborted Abgebrochen @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Completed - Completato + Completed Abgeschlossen @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disconnected - Disconnesso + Disconnected Verbindung getrennt @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Error - Errore + Error Fehler @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Failed - Non superato + Failed Fehler @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Inconclusive - Senza risultati + Inconclusive Nicht eindeutig @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ In Progress - In corso + In Progress In Bearbeitung @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Not Executed - Non eseguito + Not Executed Nicht ausgeführt @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Not Runnable - Non eseguibile + Not Runnable Nicht ausführbar @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Passed - Superato + Passed Übergeben @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Passed (run aborted) - Superato (esecuzione interrotta) + Passed (run aborted) Erfolgreich (Testlauf abgebrochen) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Pending - In sospeso + Pending Ausstehend @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Timeout - Timeout + Timeout Zeitlimit @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Warning - Avviso + Warning Warnung @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The parameter cannot be less than 0. - Il parametro non può essere minore di 0. + The parameter cannot be less than 0. Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Il parametro non può essere vuoto o Null. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Der Parameter darf nicht null oder leer sein. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. - Non è possibile ottenere un nome disponibile per {0}(1), (2) e così via, nella directory {1}. Pulire la directory. + Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. Freien Name für {0}(1),(2),... in Verzeichnis ' {1} ' kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Test Settings are not specified. - Le impostazioni test non sono state specificate. + Test Settings are not specified. Einstellungen sind nicht angegeben. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. - Nelle impostazioni test attive non è definita la directory di distribuzione dell'esecuzione. + The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. Aktive Testkonfigurationen definieren Bereitstellungsverzeichnis auszuführen. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. - Il risultato non è associato a un'esecuzione dei test. Usare un risultato ottenuto da un'esecuzione dei test in corso o completata. + The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. Das Ergebnis ist ein Testlauf nicht zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis aus einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Testlaufs. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. - Il nome di file o directory specificato '{0}' non è valido. + The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname '{0}' ist ungültig. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ {0}@{1} {2} - {0}@{1} {2} + {0}@{1} {2} {0}@{1} {2} @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Failed to attach files from: {0} Error Details: {1}:{2} - Non è stato possibile allegare i file da: {0} -Dettagli errore: {1}:{2} + Failed to attach files from: {0} +Error Details: {1}:{2} Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. - Il test '{0}' è stato ignorato nell'esecuzione dei test. + Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results File: {0} - File di risultati: {0} + Results File: {0} Datei: {0} @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} All Loaded Results - Tutti i risultati caricati + All Loaded Results Alle geladenen Ergebnisse @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results Not in a List - Risultati non in elenco + Results Not in a List Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' - elemento di distribuzione '{0}' + deployment item '{0}' Bereitstellungselement "{0}" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') - elemento di distribuzione '{0}' (directory di output '{1}') + deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') Bereitstellungselement "{0}' (Ausgabeverzeichnis '{1}') @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} (null) - (Null) + (null) (null) @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} - AVVISO: il file dei risultati {0} verrà sovrascritto + WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. - Non è possibile usare insieme i parametri LogFileName e LogFilePrefix. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. - Non è possibile ottenere o trovare un nome file disponibile per {0} che usa il formato timestamp '{2}' nella directory {1}. + Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.ja.xlf index 25806919a4..4110f257a3 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.ja.xlf @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Aborted - 中止 + Aborted Abgebrochen @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Completed - 完了 + Completed Abgeschlossen @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disconnected - 切断 + Disconnected Verbindung getrennt @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Error - エラー + Error Fehler @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Failed - 失敗 + Failed Fehler @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Inconclusive - 結果不確定 + Inconclusive Nicht eindeutig @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ In Progress - 処理中 + In Progress In Bearbeitung @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Not Executed - 実行されませんでした + Not Executed Nicht ausgeführt @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Not Runnable - 実行できませんでした + Not Runnable Nicht ausführbar @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Passed - 成功 + Passed Übergeben @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Passed (run aborted) - 成功 (中止された実行) + Passed (run aborted) Erfolgreich (Testlauf abgebrochen) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Pending - 保留中 + Pending Ausstehend @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Timeout - タイムアウト + Timeout Zeitlimit @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Warning - 警告 + Warning Warnung @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The parameter cannot be less than 0. - パラメーターを 0 より小さい値にすることはできません。 + The parameter cannot be less than 0. Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - パラメーターを null または空にすることはできません。 + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Der Parameter darf nicht null oder leer sein. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. - {0}(1),(2),... に対して、ディレクトリ {1} で使用可能な名前を取得できません。このディレクトリをクリーンアップしてください。 + Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. Freien Name für {0}(1),(2),... in Verzeichnis ' {1} ' kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Test Settings are not specified. - テストの設定が指定されていません。 + Test Settings are not specified. Einstellungen sind nicht angegeben. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. - アクティブなテストの設定は実行配置ディレクトリを定義していません。 + The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. Aktive Testkonfigurationen definieren Bereitstellungsverzeichnis auszuführen. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. - この結果はテストの実行に関連付けられていません。進行中または完了したテストの実行から取得した結果をご使用ください。 + The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. Das Ergebnis ist ein Testlauf nicht zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis aus einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Testlaufs. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. - 指定されたファイルまたはディレクトリ名 '{0}' は有効ではありません。 + The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname '{0}' ist ungültig. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ {0}@{1} {2} - {0}@{1} {2} + {0}@{1} {2} {0}@{1} {2} @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Failed to attach files from: {0} Error Details: {1}:{2} - 次の場所からのファイルの添付に失敗しました: {0} -エラーの詳細: {1}:{2} + Failed to attach files from: {0} +Error Details: {1}:{2} Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. - テストの実行でテスト '{0}' がスキップされました。 + Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results File: {0} - 結果ファイル: {0} + Results File: {0} Datei: {0} @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} All Loaded Results - 読み込まれたすべての結果 + All Loaded Results Alle geladenen Ergebnisse @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results Not in a List - 一覧に存在しない結果 + Results Not in a List Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' - 配置項目 '{0}' + deployment item '{0}' Bereitstellungselement "{0}" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') - 配置項目 '{0}' (出力ディレクトリ ' {1} ') + deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') Bereitstellungselement "{0}' (Ausgabeverzeichnis '{1}') @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} (null) - (null) + (null) (null) @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} - 警告: 結果ファイルを上書きしています: {0} + WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. - パラメーター LogFileName と LogFilePrefix を同時に使用することはできません。 + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. - {1} でタイムスタンプ形式 '{2}' を使用して {0} の使用可能なファイル名を取得できません。 + Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.ko.xlf index 904df514ae..adb16df5b4 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.ko.xlf @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Aborted - 중단됨 + Aborted Abgebrochen @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Completed - 완료됨 + Completed Abgeschlossen @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disconnected - 연결 끊김 + Disconnected Verbindung getrennt @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Error - 오류 + Error Fehler @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Failed - 실패 + Failed Fehler @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Inconclusive - 결과 불충분 + Inconclusive Nicht eindeutig @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ In Progress - 진행 중 + In Progress In Bearbeitung @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Not Executed - 실행되지 않음 + Not Executed Nicht ausgeführt @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Not Runnable - 실행할 수 없음 + Not Runnable Nicht ausführbar @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Passed - 통과 + Passed Übergeben @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Passed (run aborted) - 통과(실행이 중단됨) + Passed (run aborted) Erfolgreich (Testlauf abgebrochen) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Pending - 보류 중 + Pending Ausstehend @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Timeout - 시간 초과 + Timeout Zeitlimit @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Warning - 경고 + Warning Warnung @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The parameter cannot be less than 0. - 매개 변수는 0보다 작을 수 없습니다. + The parameter cannot be less than 0. Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - 매개 변수는 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Der Parameter darf nicht null oder leer sein. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. - {1} 디렉터리에 {0}(1),(2),..의 형식으로 새 이름을 지정할 수 없습니다. 이 디렉터리를 정리하세요. + Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. Freien Name für {0}(1),(2),... in Verzeichnis ' {1} ' kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Test Settings are not specified. - 테스트 설정이 지정되지 않았습니다. + Test Settings are not specified. Einstellungen sind nicht angegeben. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. - 활성 테스트 설정에 실행 배포 디렉터리가 정의되어 있지 않습니다. + The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. Aktive Testkonfigurationen definieren Bereitstellungsverzeichnis auszuführen. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. - 결과가 테스트 실행과 연결되어 있지 않습니다. 진행 중이거나 완료된 테스트 실행에서 가져온 결과를 사용하세요. + The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. Das Ergebnis ist ein Testlauf nicht zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis aus einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Testlaufs. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. - 지정한 파일/디렉터리 이름 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. + The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname '{0}' ist ungültig. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ {0}@{1} {2} - {0}@{1} {2} + {0}@{1} {2} {0}@{1} {2} @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Failed to attach files from: {0} Error Details: {1}:{2} - {0}의 파일에 연결하지 못했습니다. -오류 정보: {1}:{2} + Failed to attach files from: {0} +Error Details: {1}:{2} Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. - 테스트 실행에서 ‘{0}’ 테스트를 건너뛰었습니다. + Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results File: {0} - 결과 파일: {0} + Results File: {0} Datei: {0} @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} All Loaded Results - 로드된 모든 결과 + All Loaded Results Alle geladenen Ergebnisse @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results Not in a List - 목록에 없는 결과 + Results Not in a List Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' - 배포 항목 '{0}' + deployment item '{0}' Bereitstellungselement "{0}" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') - 배포 항목 '{0}'(출력 디렉터리 '{1}') + deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') Bereitstellungselement "{0}' (Ausgabeverzeichnis '{1}') @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} (null) - (null) + (null) (null) @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} - 경고: 결과 파일을 덮어쓰는 중: {0} + WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. - LogFileName 및 LogFilePrefix 매개 변수는 함께 사용할 수 없습니다. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. - {1}에서 타임스탬프 형식 '{2}'을(를) 사용하는 {0}의 사용 가능한 파일 이름을 찾을 수 없습니다. + Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ index 42f58f9a8d..3c88551e83 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Aborted - Przerwano + Aborted Abgebrochen @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Completed - Zakończono + Completed Abgeschlossen @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disconnected - Rozłączono + Disconnected Verbindung getrennt @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Error - Błąd + Error Fehler @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Failed - Niepowodzenie + Failed Fehler @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Inconclusive - Niejednoznaczny + Inconclusive Nicht eindeutig @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ In Progress - W toku + In Progress In Bearbeitung @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Not Executed - Niewykonany + Not Executed Nicht ausgeführt @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Not Runnable - Niemożliwy do uruchomienia + Not Runnable Nicht ausführbar @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Passed - Powodzenie + Passed Übergeben @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Passed (run aborted) - Powodzenie (uruchomienie zostało przerwane) + Passed (run aborted) Erfolgreich (Testlauf abgebrochen) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Pending - Oczekiwanie + Pending Ausstehend @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Timeout - Limit czasu + Timeout Zeitlimit @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Warning - Ostrzeżenie + Warning Warnung @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The parameter cannot be less than 0. - Parametr nie może być mniejszy niż 0. + The parameter cannot be less than 0. Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Parametr nie może mieć wartości null ani być pusty. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Der Parameter darf nicht null oder leer sein. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. - Nie można pobrać wolnej nazwy dla elementu {0}(1),(2)... w katalogu {1}. Wyczyść ten katalog. + Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. Freien Name für {0}(1),(2),... in Verzeichnis ' {1} ' kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Test Settings are not specified. - Ustawienia testu nie są określone. + Test Settings are not specified. Einstellungen sind nicht angegeben. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. - Ustawienia aktywnego testu nie definiują katalogu uruchamiania wdrożenia. + The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. Aktive Testkonfigurationen definieren Bereitstellungsverzeichnis auszuführen. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. - Wynik nie został skojarzony z przebiegiem testu. Użyj wyniku uzyskanego z przebiegu testu, który jest w toku lub który został zakończony. + The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. Das Ergebnis ist ein Testlauf nicht zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis aus einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Testlaufs. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. - Nazwa określonego pliku/katalogu „{0}” jest nieprawidłowa. + The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname '{0}' ist ungültig. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ {0}@{1} {2} - {0}@{1} {2} + {0}@{1} {2} {0}@{1} {2} @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Failed to attach files from: {0} Error Details: {1}:{2} - Nie można dołączyć plików z katalogu: {0} -Szczegóły błędu: {1}: {2} + Failed to attach files from: {0} +Error Details: {1}:{2} Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. - Test „{0}” został pominięty w przebiegu testu. + Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results File: {0} - Plik wynikowy: {0} + Results File: {0} Datei: {0} @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} All Loaded Results - Wszystkie załadowane wyniki + All Loaded Results Alle geladenen Ergebnisse @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results Not in a List - Wyniki, których nie ma na liście + Results Not in a List Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' - element wdrożenia „{0}” + deployment item '{0}' Bereitstellungselement "{0}" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') - element wdrożenia „{0}” (katalog wyjściowy „{1}”) + deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') Bereitstellungselement "{0}' (Ausgabeverzeichnis '{1}') @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} (null) - (null) + (null) (null) @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} - OSTRZEŻENIE: Plik wynikowy jest zastępowany: {0} + WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. - Parametry LogFileName i LogFilePrefix nie mogą być używane razem. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. - Nie można znaleźć dostępnej nazwy pliku dla elementu {0} przy użyciu formatu sygnatury czasowej „{2}” o {1}. + Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ index 89a4009171..71f78d530a 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Aborted - Anulado + Aborted Abgebrochen @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Completed - Concluído + Completed Abgeschlossen @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disconnected - Desconectado + Disconnected Verbindung getrennt @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Error - Erro + Error Fehler @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Failed - Com falha + Failed Fehler @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Inconclusive - Inconclusivo + Inconclusive Nicht eindeutig @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ In Progress - Em andamento + In Progress In Bearbeitung @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Not Executed - Não executado + Not Executed Nicht ausgeführt @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Not Runnable - Não executável + Not Runnable Nicht ausführbar @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Passed - Aprovado + Passed Übergeben @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Passed (run aborted) - Aprovado (execução anulada) + Passed (run aborted) Erfolgreich (Testlauf abgebrochen) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Pending - Pendente + Pending Ausstehend @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Timeout - Tempo limite + Timeout Zeitlimit @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Warning - Aviso + Warning Warnung @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The parameter cannot be less than 0. - O parâmetro não pode ser menor que 0. + The parameter cannot be less than 0. Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - O parâmetro não pode ser nulo ou estar vazio. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Der Parameter darf nicht null oder leer sein. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. - Não é possível obter o nome livre para {0}(1),(2),... no diretório {1}. Limpe esse diretório. + Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. Freien Name für {0}(1),(2),... in Verzeichnis ' {1} ' kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Test Settings are not specified. - As Configurações de Teste não estão especificadas. + Test Settings are not specified. Einstellungen sind nicht angegeben. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. - As Configurações de Teste ativas não definem o Diretório de Implantação de Execução. + The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. Aktive Testkonfigurationen definieren Bereitstellungsverzeichnis auszuführen. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. - O resultado não está associado a uma execução de teste. Use um resultado obtido de uma execução de teste em andamento ou concluída. + The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. Das Ergebnis ist ein Testlauf nicht zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis aus einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Testlaufs. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. - O nome do arquivo/diretório '{0}' especificado não é válido. + The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname '{0}' ist ungültig. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ {0}@{1} {2} - {0}@{1} {2} + {0}@{1} {2} {0}@{1} {2} @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Failed to attach files from: {0} Error Details: {1}:{2} - Falha ao anexar arquivos de: {0} -Detalhes do erro: {1}:{2} + Failed to attach files from: {0} +Error Details: {1}:{2} Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. - O teste '{0}' foi ignorado na execução de teste. + Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results File: {0} - Arquivo de resultados: {0} + Results File: {0} Datei: {0} @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} All Loaded Results - Todos os resultados carregados + All Loaded Results Alle geladenen Ergebnisse @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results Not in a List - Resultados que não estão em uma lista + Results Not in a List Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' - item de implantação '{0}' + deployment item '{0}' Bereitstellungselement "{0}" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') - item de implantação '{0}' (diretório de saída '{1}') + deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') Bereitstellungselement "{0}' (Ausgabeverzeichnis '{1}') @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} (null) - (nulo) + (null) (null) @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} - AVISO: sobrescrevendo o arquivo de resultados: {0} + WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. - Os parâmetros LogFileName e LogFilePrefix não podem ser usados juntos. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. - Não é possível localizar um nome de arquivo disponível para {0} usando o formato de carimbo de data/hora '{2}' em {1}. + Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ index 7c45a5dfd3..29768e75bc 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Aborted - Прерван + Aborted Abgebrochen @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Completed - Завершен + Completed Abgeschlossen @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disconnected - Отключен + Disconnected Verbindung getrennt @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Error - Ошибка + Error Fehler @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Failed - Не пройден + Failed Fehler @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Inconclusive - С неопределенным результатом + Inconclusive Nicht eindeutig @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ In Progress - Выполняется + In Progress In Bearbeitung @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Not Executed - Не выполнен + Not Executed Nicht ausgeführt @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Not Runnable - Не готов к запуску + Not Runnable Nicht ausführbar @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Passed - Пройден + Passed Übergeben @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Passed (run aborted) - Пройден (выполнение прервано) + Passed (run aborted) Erfolgreich (Testlauf abgebrochen) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Pending - Ожидание + Pending Ausstehend @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Timeout - Время ожидания + Timeout Zeitlimit @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Warning - Предупреждение + Warning Warnung @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The parameter cannot be less than 0. - Значение параметра не может быть меньше 0. + The parameter cannot be less than 0. Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Параметр не может быть пустым или иметь значение null. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Der Parameter darf nicht null oder leer sein. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. - Нельзя получить свободное имя для {0}(1),(2)... в каталоге {1}. Выполните очистку этого каталога. + Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. Freien Name für {0}(1),(2),... in Verzeichnis ' {1} ' kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Test Settings are not specified. - Не указаны параметры тестирования. + Test Settings are not specified. Einstellungen sind nicht angegeben. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. - В активных параметрах тестирования не определен каталог развертывания тестового запуска. + The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. Aktive Testkonfigurationen definieren Bereitstellungsverzeichnis auszuführen. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. - Результат не связан с тестовым запуском. Используйте результат, полученный от выполняющегося или завершенного тестового запуска. + The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. Das Ergebnis ist ein Testlauf nicht zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis aus einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Testlaufs. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. - Указано недопустимое имя файла или каталога "{0}". + The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname '{0}' ist ungültig. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ {0}@{1} {2} - {0}@{1} {2} + {0}@{1} {2} {0}@{1} {2} @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Failed to attach files from: {0} Error Details: {1}:{2} - Не удалось присоединить файлы из: {0} -Подробные сведения об ошибке: {1}:{2} + Failed to attach files from: {0} +Error Details: {1}:{2} Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. - Тест "{0}" пропущен в тестовом запуске. + Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results File: {0} - Файл результатов: {0} + Results File: {0} Datei: {0} @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} All Loaded Results - Все загруженные результаты + All Loaded Results Alle geladenen Ergebnisse @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results Not in a List - Список результатов + Results Not in a List Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' - элемент развертывания "{0}" + deployment item '{0}' Bereitstellungselement "{0}" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') - элемент развертывания "{0}" (выходной каталог "{1}") + deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') Bereitstellungselement "{0}' (Ausgabeverzeichnis '{1}') @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} (null) - (null) + (null) (null) @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} - Внимание! Перезапись файла с результатами: {0} + WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. - Параметры LogFileName и LogFilePrefix недопустимо использовать вместе. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. - Не удается найти доступное имя файла в {0} с использованием формата метки времени "{2}" в {1}. + Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ index 91e401890b..fc60f49948 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Aborted - İptal edildi + Aborted Abgebrochen @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Completed - Tamamlandı + Completed Abgeschlossen @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disconnected - Bağlantı kesildi + Disconnected Verbindung getrennt @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Error - Hata + Error Fehler @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Failed - Başarısız + Failed Fehler @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Inconclusive - Sonuçsuz + Inconclusive Nicht eindeutig @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ In Progress - Sürüyor + In Progress In Bearbeitung @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Not Executed - Yürütülmedi + Not Executed Nicht ausgeführt @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Not Runnable - Çalıştırılamıyor + Not Runnable Nicht ausführbar @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Passed - Başarılı + Passed Übergeben @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Passed (run aborted) - Başarılı (çalıştırma iptal edildi) + Passed (run aborted) Erfolgreich (Testlauf abgebrochen) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Pending - Bekliyor + Pending Ausstehend @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Timeout - Zaman aşımı + Timeout Zeitlimit @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Warning - Uyarı + Warning Warnung @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The parameter cannot be less than 0. - Parametre 0’dan küçük olamaz. + The parameter cannot be less than 0. Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Parametre null veya boş olamaz. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Der Parameter darf nicht null oder leer sein. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. - {1} dizininde {0}(1),(2),... için boş bir ad alınamıyor. Lütfen bu dizini temizleyin. + Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. Freien Name für {0}(1),(2),... in Verzeichnis ' {1} ' kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Test Settings are not specified. - Test Ayarları belirtilmedi. + Test Settings are not specified. Einstellungen sind nicht angegeben. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. - Etkin Test Ayarları içinde Çalıştırma Dağıtım Dizini tanımlanmıyor. + The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. Aktive Testkonfigurationen definieren Bereitstellungsverzeichnis auszuführen. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. - Sonuç bir test çalıştırmasıyla ilişkili değil. Devam eden veya tamamlanmış bir test çalıştırmasından alınmış bir sonucu kullanın. + The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. Das Ergebnis ist ein Testlauf nicht zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis aus einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Testlaufs. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. - Belirtilen '{0}' dosya/dizin adı geçerli değil. + The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname '{0}' ist ungültig. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ {0}@{1} {2} - {0}@{1} {2} + {0}@{1} {2} {0}@{1} {2} @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Failed to attach files from: {0} Error Details: {1}:{2} - Dosyalar şuradan eklenemedi: {0} -Hata Ayrıntıları: {1}:{2} + Failed to attach files from: {0} +Error Details: {1}:{2} Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. - Test çalıştırmasında '{0}' testi atlandı. + Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results File: {0} - Sonuç Dosyası: {0} + Results File: {0} Datei: {0} @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} All Loaded Results - Yüklenen Tüm Sonuçlar + All Loaded Results Alle geladenen Ergebnisse @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results Not in a List - Bir Listede Olmayan Sonuçlar + Results Not in a List Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' - dağıtım öğesi '{0}' + deployment item '{0}' Bereitstellungselement "{0}" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') - dağıtım öğesi '{0}' (çıktı dizini '{1}') + deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') Bereitstellungselement "{0}' (Ausgabeverzeichnis '{1}') @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} (null) - (null) + (null) (null) @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} - UYARI: Sonuç dosyasının üzerine yazılıyor: {0} + WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. - LogFileName ve LogFilePrefix parametreleri birlikte kullanılamaz. + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. - {1} konumundaki '{2}' zaman damgası biçimi kullanılarak {0} için kullanılabilir bir dosya adı alınamıyor. + Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.zh-Hans.xlf index 855609940b..21dfa1e697 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Aborted - 已中止 + Aborted Abgebrochen @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Completed - 完成 + Completed Abgeschlossen @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disconnected - 已断开连接 + Disconnected Verbindung getrennt @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Error - 错误 + Error Fehler @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Failed - 失败 + Failed Fehler @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Inconclusive - 无结论 + Inconclusive Nicht eindeutig @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ In Progress - 正在进行 + In Progress In Bearbeitung @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Not Executed - 未执行 + Not Executed Nicht ausgeführt @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Not Runnable - 不可运行 + Not Runnable Nicht ausführbar @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Passed - 已通过 + Passed Übergeben @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Passed (run aborted) - 已通过(运行已中止) + Passed (run aborted) Erfolgreich (Testlauf abgebrochen) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Pending - 待定 + Pending Ausstehend @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Timeout - 超时 + Timeout Zeitlimit @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Warning - 警告 + Warning Warnung @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The parameter cannot be less than 0. - 参数不能小于 0。 + The parameter cannot be less than 0. Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - 参数不能为 NULL 或为空。 + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Der Parameter darf nicht null oder leer sein. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. - 无法为目录 {1} 中的 {0}(1),(2),... 获取可用名称。请清理此目录。 + Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. Freien Name für {0}(1),(2),... in Verzeichnis ' {1} ' kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Test Settings are not specified. - 未指定测试设置。 + Test Settings are not specified. Einstellungen sind nicht angegeben. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. - 活动的测试设置未定义运行部署目录。 + The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. Aktive Testkonfigurationen definieren Bereitstellungsverzeichnis auszuführen. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. - 结果与测试运行不关联。请使用获取自正在进行或已完成的测试运行的结果。 + The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. Das Ergebnis ist ein Testlauf nicht zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis aus einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Testlaufs. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. - 指定的文件/目录名称“{0}”无效。 + The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname '{0}' ist ungültig. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ {0}@{1} {2} - {0}@{1} {2} + {0}@{1} {2} {0}@{1} {2} @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Failed to attach files from: {0} Error Details: {1}:{2} - 未能从以下位置附加文件: {0} -错误详细信息: {1}:{2} + Failed to attach files from: {0} +Error Details: {1}:{2} Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. - 在测试运行中跳过测试“{0}”。 + Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results File: {0} - 结果文件: {0} + Results File: {0} Datei: {0} @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} All Loaded Results - 所有已加载的结果 + All Loaded Results Alle geladenen Ergebnisse @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results Not in a List - 列表中未列出的结果 + Results Not in a List Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' - 部署项“{0}” + deployment item '{0}' Bereitstellungselement "{0}" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') - 部署项“{0}”(输出目录“{1}”) + deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') Bereitstellungselement "{0}' (Ausgabeverzeichnis '{1}') @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} (null) - (null) + (null) (null) @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} - 警告: 正在覆盖结果文件: {0} + WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. - 参数 LogFileName 和 LogFilePrefix 不能一起使用。 + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. - 无法在 {1} 处为 {0} 找到使用时间戳格式“{2}”的可用文件名。 + Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.zh-Hant.xlf index 438ab8538c..9481ddbd23 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger/Resources/xlf/TrxResource.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Aborted - 已中止 + Aborted Abgebrochen @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Completed - 已完成 + Completed Abgeschlossen @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disconnected - 已中斷連線 + Disconnected Verbindung getrennt @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Error - 錯誤 + Error Fehler @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Failed - 失敗 + Failed Fehler @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Inconclusive - 結果不明 + Inconclusive Nicht eindeutig @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ In Progress - 進行中 + In Progress In Bearbeitung @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Not Executed - 未執行 + Not Executed Nicht ausgeführt @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Not Runnable - 無法執行 + Not Runnable Nicht ausführbar @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Passed - 成功 + Passed Übergeben @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Passed (run aborted) - 成功 (執行已中止) + Passed (run aborted) Erfolgreich (Testlauf abgebrochen) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Pending - 暫止 + Pending Ausstehend @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Timeout - 逾時 + Timeout Zeitlimit @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Warning - 警告 + Warning Warnung @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The parameter cannot be less than 0. - 參數不可少於 0。 + The parameter cannot be less than 0. Der Parameter darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - 參數不可為 null 或空白。 + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Der Parameter darf nicht null oder leer sein. @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. - 無法在目錄 {1} 中為 {0} 取得可用的名稱 (1)、(2)...。請清除這個目錄。 + Cannot get free name for {0}(1),(2),... in directory {1}. Please clean up this directory. Freien Name für {0}(1),(2),... in Verzeichnis ' {1} ' kann nicht abgerufen werden. Bereinigen Sie dieses Verzeichnis. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Test Settings are not specified. - 未指定測試設定。 + Test Settings are not specified. Einstellungen sind nicht angegeben. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. - 使用中的測試設定未定義回合部署目錄。 + The active Test Settings do not define the Run Deployment Directory. Aktive Testkonfigurationen definieren Bereitstellungsverzeichnis auszuführen. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. - 此結果未與測試回合相關聯。請使用從進行中或已完成的測試回合所取得的結果。 + The result is not associated with a test run. Use a result that was obtained from an in-progress or completed test run. Das Ergebnis ist ein Testlauf nicht zugeordnet. Verwenden Sie ein Ergebnis aus einem laufenden oder abgeschlossenen Testlaufs. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. - 指定的檔案/目錄名稱 '{0}' 無效。 + The specified file/directory name '{0}' is not valid. Der angegebene Datei-/Verzeichnisname '{0}' ist ungültig. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ {0}@{1} {2} - {0}@{1} {2} + {0}@{1} {2} {0}@{1} {2} @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Failed to attach files from: {0} Error Details: {1}:{2} - 無法附加來自下列位置的檔案: {0} -錯誤詳細資料: {1}:{2} + Failed to attach files from: {0} +Error Details: {1}:{2} Fehler beim Anfügen von Dateien: {0} @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. - 已略過測試回合中的測試 '{0}'。 + Test '{0}' was skipped in the test run. Test "{0}" wurde im Testlauf übersprungen. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results File: {0} - 結果檔案: {0} + Results File: {0} Datei: {0} @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} All Loaded Results - 所有載入的結果 + All Loaded Results Alle geladenen Ergebnisse @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} Results Not in a List - 不在清單中的結果 + Results Not in a List Ergebnisse nicht in einer Liste @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' - 部署項目 '{0}' + deployment item '{0}' Bereitstellungselement "{0}" @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') - 部署項目 '{0}' (輸出目錄 '{1}') + deployment item '{0}' (output directory '{1}') Bereitstellungselement "{0}' (Ausgabeverzeichnis '{1}') @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} (null) - (null) + (null) (null) @@ -295,17 +295,17 @@ Fehlerdetails: {1}: {2} WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} - 警告: 將要覆寫結果檔案: {0} + WARNING: Overwriting results file: {0} The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. - 不能同時使用參數 LogFileName 和 LogFilePrefix。 + The parameters LogFileName and LogFilePrefix cannot be used together. Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. - 無法在 {1} 中使用時間戳記格式 '{2}' 找到 {0} 的可用檔案名。 + Cannot get find an available filename for {0} using timestamp format '{2}' at {1}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.cs.xlf index f1e43d1cfe..4f26e0a6a9 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.cs.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Parametr nemůže být null nebo prázdný. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. - Testovací běh zjistil knihovny DLL, které by používaly různé verze architektury a platformy. Následující knihovny DLL neodpovídají aktuálnímu nastavení architektury {0} a platformy {1}.{2}Pro další podrobnosti o správě těchto nastavení přejděte na {3}. + Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. - Žádný s poskytnutých kontejnerů testů neodpovídá nastavení architektury platformy a rozhraní .NET Framework pro testovací běh. Platforma: {0} .NET Framework: {1}. Další podrobnosti o správě těchto nastavení najdete na adrese + None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. Settings file provided does not conform to required format. - Zadaný soubor nastavení neodpovídá požadovanému formátu. + Settings file provided does not conform to required format. {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. - {0} by používal architekturu {1} a platformu {2}. + {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index e5ec4735b2..5b7f5bd7e0 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Der Parameter darf nicht NULL oder leer sein. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. - Beim Testlauf wurden DLLs erkannt, die für verschiedene Framework- und Plattformversionen erstellt wurden. Die folgenden DLLs entsprechen nicht den aktuellen Einstellungen: {0} Framework und {1} Plattform.{2}Wechseln Sie zu {3}, um weitere Informationen zum Verwalten dieser Einstellungen zu erhalten. + Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. - Keiner der angegebenen Testcontainer stimmt mit der Plattformarchitektur und den .NET Framework-Einstellungen für den Testlauf überein. Plattform: {0}, .NET Framework: {1}. Navigieren Sie zu, um weitere Informationen zum Verwalten dieser Einstellungen zu erhalten. + None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. Settings file provided does not conform to required format. - Die angegebene Einstellungsdatei entspricht nicht dem erforderlichen Format. + Settings file provided does not conform to required format. {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. - {0} würde Framework {1} und Platform {2} verwenden. + {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index d37812b28c..460ee0aafb 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - El parámetro no puede ser nulo ni estar vacío. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. - La serie de pruebas detectó archivos DLL que usarían diferentes versiones de marco de trabajo y plataforma. Los siguientes archivos DLL no coinciden con la configuración actual, que es el marco de trabajo {0} y la plataforma {1}. {2}Vaya a {3} para obtener más información sobre cómo administrar esta configuración. + Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. - Ninguno de los contenedores de prueba proporcionados coincide con la configuración de arquitectura de plataforma y .Net Framework de la serie de pruebas. Plataforma: {0}, .Net Framework: {1}. Vaya a para obtener más información sobre cómo administrar esta configuración. + None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. Settings file provided does not conform to required format. - El archivo de configuración proporcionado no tiene el formato requerido. + Settings file provided does not conform to required format. {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. - {0} usaría el marco de trabajo {1} y la plataforma {2}. + {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index 56255af163..2d78cd28be 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Le paramètre ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être vide. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. - La série de tests a détecté une ou plusieurs DLL qui utiliseraient d'autres versions de framework et de plateforme. La ou les DLL suivantes ne correspondent pas aux paramètres actuels : framework {0} et plateforme {1}.{2}Accédez à {3} pour plus d'informations sur la gestion de ces paramètres. + Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. - Aucun des conteneurs de tests fournis ne correspond aux paramètres d'architecture de la plateforme et du .Net Framework pour la série de tests. Plateforme : {0} .Net Framework : {1}. Accédez à pour plus de détails sur la gestion de ces paramètres. + None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. Settings file provided does not conform to required format. - Le fichier de paramètres fourni n'est pas conforme au format requis. + Settings file provided does not conform to required format. {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. - {0} utiliserait framework {1} et {2} plateforme. + {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index 54bea3539a..ec09317f96 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Il parametro non può essere vuoto o Null. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. - L'esecuzione dei test ha rilevato DLL compilate per versioni diverse del framework e della piattaforma. Le DLL seguenti non corrispondono alle impostazioni correnti, ovvero al framework {0} e alla piattaforma {1}.{2}Per altri dettagli sulla gestione di queste impostazioni, vedi {3}. + Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. - Nessuno dei contenitori di test specificati corrisponde alle impostazioni di architettura della piattaforma e .NET Framework per l'esecuzione dei test. Piattaforma: {0} .NET Framework: {1}. Per altre informazioni sulla gestione di tali impostazioni, visitare + None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. Settings file provided does not conform to required format. - Il file di impostazioni specificato non è conforme al formato richiesto. + Settings file provided does not conform to required format. {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. - {0} userebbe Framework {1} e platform {2}. + {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.ja.xlf index 4e9c23e6b8..f59b9c6388 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.ja.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - パラメーターを null または空にすることはできません。 + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. - テストの実行で、別のフレームワークとプラットフォームのバージョンを使用する DLL が検出されました。以下の DLL は、現在の設定と一致しません。現在のフレームワーク: {0}、プラットフォーム: {1}。{2}これらの設定の管理について詳しくは、{3} にアクセスしてください。 + Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. - 提供されたどのテスト コンテナーも、テスト実行のプラットフォーム アーキテクチャおよび .NET Framework 設定に一致しません。プラットフォーム: {0}、.NET Framework: {1}。これらの設定の管理方法の詳細については、 にアクセスしてください。 + None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. Settings file provided does not conform to required format. - 指定された設定ファイルは、必要な形式に準拠していません。 + Settings file provided does not conform to required format. {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. - {0} では、フレームワーク {1} と プラットフォーム {2} が使用されます。 + {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.ko.xlf index 78f2247f34..5f2b22bce7 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.ko.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - 매개 변수는 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. - 테스트 실행에서 다른 프레임워크 및 플랫폼 버전용을 사용하는 DLL을 감지했습니다. 다음 DLL은 현재 설정({0} 프레임워크 및 {1} 플랫폼)과 일치하지 않습니다.{2}이 설정을 관리하는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용을 보려면 {3}(으)로 이동하세요. + Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. - 제공된 테스트 컨테이너 중에 테스트 실행을 위한 플랫폼 아키텍처 및 .NET Framework 설정과 일치하는 것이 없습니다. 플랫폼: {0}, .NET Framework: {1}. 이러한 설정의 관리에 대한 자세한 내용은을 참조하세요. + None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. Settings file provided does not conform to required format. - 제공된 설정 파일이 필요한 형식에 맞지 않습니다. + Settings file provided does not conform to required format. {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. - {0}은(는) Framework {1} 및 Platform {2}을(를) 사용합니다. + {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. From 73eba643732f6dec3cc4bc43aa0c2aa79789fb8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 01:24:07 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 4/5] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 1222: Build ID 2171304 --- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 +- .../Resources/xlf/CommonResources.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 +- .../Resources/xlf/CommonResources.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 136 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 136 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 136 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 136 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 136 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 136 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 136 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 136 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 136 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 136 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 136 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 136 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 136 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 14 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 14 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 14 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 14 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/InternalResources.cs.xlf | 4 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 4 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 4 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 4 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 4 +- 50 files changed, 1084 insertions(+), 1084 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index ca2bbddacf..87bb014921 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Parametr nie może mieć wartości null ani być pusty. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. - Przebieg testowy wykrył biblioteki DLL używające innych wersji struktury i platformy. Następujące biblioteki DLL są niezgodne z bieżącymi ustawieniami (określającymi strukturę {0} i platformę {1}).{2}Aby uzyskać więcej informacji o zarządzaniu tymi ustawieniami, przejdź do: {3}. + Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. - Żaden z dostarczonych kontenerów testów nie odpowiada architekturze platformy i ustawieniom programu .NET Framework dotyczącym przebiegu testu. Platforma: {0}. Program .NET Framework: {1}. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat zarządzania tymi ustawieniami, przejdź do strony + None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. Settings file provided does not conform to required format. - Podany plik ustawień nie jest zgodny z wymaganym formatem. + Settings file provided does not conform to required format. {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. - {0} będzie używać struktury {1} i platformy {2}. + {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index 5ff19843c3..01415fe352 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - O parâmetro não pode ser nulo ou estar vazio. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. - A execução do teste detectou DLL(s) que usariam diferentes versões de estrutura e de plataforma. A(s) DLL(s) a seguir não corresponde(m) às configurações atuais, que são a estrutura {0} e a plataforma {1}.{2}Acesse {3} para obter mais detalhes sobre o gerenciamento dessas configurações. + Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. - Nenhum dos contêineres de teste fornecidos corresponde às configurações da Arquitetura da Plataforma e do .Net Framework para a execução de teste. Plataforma: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Acesse para obter mais detalhes sobre como gerenciar essas configurações. + None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. Settings file provided does not conform to required format. - O arquivo de configurações fornecido não está em conformidade com o formato exigido. + Settings file provided does not conform to required format. {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. - {0} usariam a estrutura {1} e a plataforma {2}. + {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index a4babf8f6f..d947f2c092 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Параметр не может быть пустым или иметь значение null. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. - Тестовый запуск обнаружил библиотеки DLL, предназначенные для других версий инфраструктуры и платформы. Следующие DLL не соответствуют текущим параметрам (инфраструктура {0} и платформа {1}).{2}Дополнительные сведения об управлении этими параметрами: {3}. + Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. - Ни один из предоставленных контейнеров тестов не соответствует архитектуре платформы и параметрам .NET Framework для тестового запуска. Платформа: {0} .NET Framework: {1}. Дополнительные сведения об управлении этими параметрами см. по адресу + None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. Settings file provided does not conform to required format. - Указанный файл параметров не соответствует требуемому формату. + Settings file provided does not conform to required format. {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. - {0} предполагает использование инфраструктуры {1} и платформы {2}. + {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index 526caf3203..a54082d9db 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Parametre null veya boş olamaz. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. - Test çalıştırması, farklı çerçeve ve platform sürümlerini kullanan DLL’ler algıladı. Aşağıdaki DLL’ler, {0} çerçevesi ve {1} platformu olarak seçilmiş geçerli ayarlarla eşleşmiyor. {2}Bu ayarları yönetme hakkında daha fazla ayrıntı için {3} bölümüne gidin. + Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. - Belirtilen test kapsayıcılarının hiçbiri test çalıştırmasına ait Platform Mimarisi ve .NET Framework ayarlarıyla eşleşmiyor. Platform: {0} .NET Framework: {1}. Bu ayarları yönetmeye ilişkin ayrıntılar için bkz. + None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. Settings file provided does not conform to required format. - Belirtilen ayarlar dosyası, gerekli biçime uymuyor. + Settings file provided does not conform to required format. {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. - {0}, {1} Çerçevesini ve {2} Platformunu kullanır. + {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.zh-Hans.xlf index 8d0e07ec5f..a6b1da660f 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - 参数不能为 NULL 或为空。 + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. - 测试运行检测到将使用不同框架和平台版本的 DLL。后面的 DLL 与当前设置(即 {0} 框架和 {1} 平台)不匹配。{2}要了解如何管理这些设置的更多详细信息,请转到 {3}。 + Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. - 提供的所有测试容器均与用于测试运行的平台体系结构和 .Net Framework 设置不匹配。平台: {0}。.Net Framework: {1}。有关管理这些设置的详细信息,请转到。 + None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. Settings file provided does not conform to required format. - 提供的设置文件不符合格式要求。 + Settings file provided does not conform to required format. {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. - {0} 将使用 {1} 框架和 {2} 平台。 + {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.zh-Hant.xlf index 8b0e98363f..d313ff19ef 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/CommonResources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ The parameter cannot be null or empty. - 參數不可為 null 或空白。 + The parameter cannot be null or empty. Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. - 測試回合偵測到的 DLL 會使用不同架構和平台版本。下列 DLL 與目前的設定不相符,亦即 {0} 架構及 {1} 平台。{2}如需管理這些設定的詳細資料,請前往 {3}。 + Test run detected DLL(s) which would use different framework and platform versions. Following DLL(s) do not match current settings, which are {0} framework and {1} platform.{2}Go to {3} for more details on managing these settings. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. - 提供的測試容器全都不符合測試回合的平台架構與 .Net Framework 設定。平台: {0} .Net Framework: {1}。如需如何管理這些設定的詳細資料,請前往。 + None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: {0} .Net Framework: {1}. Go to for more details on managing these settings. Settings file provided does not conform to required format. - 提供的設定檔案不符合所需的格式。 + Settings file provided does not conform to required format. {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. - {0} 將使用架構 {1} 與平台 {2}。 + {0} would use Framework {1} and Platform {2}. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index 24c3e8f100..5ce4d546fe 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,348 +4,348 @@ Failed - Neúspěšné + Failed Test result for failed test None - Žádné + None Passed - Úspěšné + Passed Test result for passed test {0,-10} {1} - {0,-10} {1} + {0,-10} {1} {0}: {1} - {0}: + {0}: {1} Test Messages: {0} - Zprávy testů: + Test Messages: {0} Message: {0} - Zpráva: {0} + Message: {0} StackTrace: {0} - Trasování zásobníku: + StackTrace: {0} (null) - (null) + (null) Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. - Vlastnost {0} nejde zaregistrovat jako typ hodnoty {1}, protože už je zaregistrovaná jako {2}. + Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. Column Number - Číslo sloupce + Column Number The label of the test property ColumnNumber for test case. Executor Uri - Identifikátor URI prováděcího modulu + Executor Uri The label of the test property ExecutorUri for test case. Source - Zdroj + Source The label of the test property Source for test case. Line Number - Číslo řádku + Line Number The label of the test property LineNumber for test case. Name - Název + Name The label of the test property Name for test case. Computer Name - Název počítače + Computer Name The label of the test property ComputerName for test result. TestResult Display Name - Zobrazovaný název výsledku testu + TestResult Display Name The label of TestResult.DisplayName, mainly used for parameterized data tests Duration - Doba trvání + Duration The label of the test property Duration for test result. End Time - Čas ukončení + End Time The label of the test property EndTime for test result. Error Column Number - Číslo sloupce chyby + Error Column Number The label of the test property ErrorColumnNumber for test result. Error Message - Chybová zpráva + Error Message The label of the test property ErrorMessage for test result. Error Stack Trace - Trasování zásobníku chyb + Error Stack Trace The label of the test property ErrorStackTrace for test result. Outcome - Výsledek + Outcome The label of the test property Outcome for test result. Start Time - Čas zahájení + Start Time The label of the test property StartTime for test result. Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. - Nejde najít TypeConverter pro typ {0}. + Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. File Path - Cesta k souboru + File Path The label of the test property FilePath for test case. Notification frequency need to be a positive value. - Četnost oznámení musí být kladné číslo. + Notification frequency need to be a positive value. frequency for DiscoveryCriteria/TestRunCriteria needs to be a positive value Id - ID + Id Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. - Neplatné nastavení {0}. Neočekávaný XmlAttribute: {1} + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. - Neplatné nastavení {0}. Neočekávaný XmlElement: {1} + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. - Neplatné nastavení kolekce dat. Očekávaný atribut '{0}' nebyl nalezen. Typické nastavení kolekce dat by mělo vypadat přibližně následovně <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. + Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. NotFound - Nenalezeno + NotFound Test result for not found test Skipped - Přeskočeno + Skipped Test result for skipped test Notification timeout must be greater than zero. - Časový limit upozornění musí být větší než nula. + Notification timeout must be greater than zero. Timeout used during test discovery and execution must be greater than zero. Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Neplatné nastavení {0}. Pro {2} se zadala neplatná hodnota {1}. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. - Kořenový uzel parametrů spouštění se musí jmenovat RunSettings. + The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. - TestCaseFilter se nedá zadat pro konkrétní běh testů. Parametr FilterCriteria je určený jenom pro běhy se zdroji. + Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. - Typ vlastnosti testu {0} vlastnosti {1} se nepodporuje. Použijte jeden z podporovaných typů vlastností (primitivní typy, identifikátor URI, řetězec, string[]) a zkuste to znovu. + The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. Could not find '{0}' node - Nepovedlo se najít uzel {0}. + Could not find '{0}' node Error message when the specified {0} xml node can not be found in the run settings xml document FullyQualifiedName - PlněKvalifikovanýNázev + FullyQualifiedName Traits - Vlastnosti + Traits The label of the test property Traits for test case. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. - Adresář řešení {0} neexistuje. Ujistěte se prosím, že adresář řešení zadaný v nastavení Runsettings existuje a že máte oprávnění ho číst. + Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Parametr nemůže být null nebo prázdný. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. File {0} does not exist. - Soubor {0} neexistuje. + File {0} does not exist. Object must be of type {0}. - Objekt musí být typu {0}. + Object must be of type {0}. Aborted - Přerušené + Aborted Completed - Dokončené + Completed Disconnected - Odpojené + Disconnected Error - Chyba + Error Failed - Neúspěšné + Failed Inconclusive - Neprůkazné + Inconclusive In Progress - Probíhá + In Progress Not Executed - Neprovedené + Not Executed Not Runnable - Nejde spustit + Not Runnable Passed - Úspěšné + Passed Passed (run aborted) - Úspěšné (běh se přerušil) + Passed (run aborted) Pending - Čekající + Pending Timeout - Časový limit + Timeout Warning - Upozornění + Warning Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. - Z poskytnutého streamu nejde číst. Pokud stream nepodporuje čtení, jeho data nejde poslat. + Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. - Zadaný název souboru {0} obsahuje tyto neplatné znaky: {1} + The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. - Zadaný název souboru {0} je rezervovaný. + The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. - Nepovedlo se vytvořit model COM pro relaci msdia. HResult: {0} + Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. Failed to load msdia - Nepovedlo se načíst knihovnu msdia + Failed to load msdia Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. - Neplatný identifikátor URI v nastavení {0} kolekce dat + Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. - Neplatný identifikátor URI {0} v nastavení {1} + Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. - Neplatné nastavení {0}. Očekával se alespoň jeden XmlAttribute: popisný název (friendlyName), identifikátor URI (uri) nebo kvalifikovaný název sestavení (assemblyQualifiedName). + Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. - Řetězec filtru {0} zahrnuje nerozpoznanou řídicí sekvenci. + Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index 1f1f2cec15..d9f7c2c6cd 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,348 +4,348 @@ Failed - Fehler + Failed Test result for failed test None - Keine + None Passed - Bestanden + Passed Test result for passed test {0,-10} {1} - {0,-10} {1} + {0,-10} {1} {0}: {1} - {0}: + {0}: {1} Test Messages: {0} - Testmeldungen: + Test Messages: {0} Message: {0} - Meldung: {0} + Message: {0} StackTrace: {0} - StackTrace: + StackTrace: {0} (null) - (NULL) + (null) Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. - Die Eigenschaft "{0}" kann nicht als Werttyp "{1}" registriert werden, weil sie bereits als "{2}" registriert wurde. + Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. Column Number - Spaltennummer + Column Number The label of the test property ColumnNumber for test case. Executor Uri - Executor-URI + Executor Uri The label of the test property ExecutorUri for test case. Source - Quelle + Source The label of the test property Source for test case. Line Number - Zeilennummer + Line Number The label of the test property LineNumber for test case. Name - Name + Name The label of the test property Name for test case. Computer Name - Computername + Computer Name The label of the test property ComputerName for test result. TestResult Display Name - TestResult-Anzeigename + TestResult Display Name The label of TestResult.DisplayName, mainly used for parameterized data tests Duration - Dauer + Duration The label of the test property Duration for test result. End Time - Endzeit + End Time The label of the test property EndTime for test result. Error Column Number - Spaltennummer des Fehlers + Error Column Number The label of the test property ErrorColumnNumber for test result. Error Message - Fehlermeldung + Error Message The label of the test property ErrorMessage for test result. Error Stack Trace - Fehlerstapelüberwachung + Error Stack Trace The label of the test property ErrorStackTrace for test result. Outcome - Ergebnis + Outcome The label of the test property Outcome for test result. Start Time - Startzeit + Start Time The label of the test property StartTime for test result. Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. - TypeConverter für den Typ "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. + Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. File Path - Dateipfad + File Path The label of the test property FilePath for test case. Notification frequency need to be a positive value. - Die Benachrichtigungshäufigkeit muss ein positiver Wert sein. + Notification frequency need to be a positive value. frequency for DiscoveryCriteria/TestRunCriteria needs to be a positive value Id - ID + Id Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. - Ungültige Einstellungen "{0}". Unerwartetes XmlAttribute: "{1}". + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. - Ungültige Einstellungen "{0}". Unerwartetes XmlElement: "{1}". + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. - Ungültige Datensammlereinstellungen. Das erwartete Attribut '{0}' fehlt. Eine typische Datensammlereinstellung hat das folgende Format: <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. + Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. NotFound - NotFound + NotFound Test result for not found test Skipped - Übersprungen + Skipped Test result for skipped test Notification timeout must be greater than zero. - Das Benachrichtigungstimeout muss größer als null sein. + Notification timeout must be greater than zero. Timeout used during test discovery and execution must be greater than zero. Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Ungültige Einstellung "{0}". Es wurde ein ungültiger Wert "{1}" für "{2}" angegeben. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. - Der Stammknoten der Laufzeiteinstellungen muss "RunSettings" heißen. + The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. - TestCaseFilter kann nicht für einen bestimmten Testlauf angegeben werden. FilterCriteria gilt nur für Ausführungen mit Quellen. + Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. - Der Testeigenschaftentyp "{0}" der Eigenschaft "{1}" wird nicht unterstützt. Verwenden Sie einen der unterstützten Eigenschaftentypen (primitive Typen, uri, string, string[]), und versuchen Sie es erneut. + The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. Could not find '{0}' node - Der Knoten "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. + Could not find '{0}' node Error message when the specified {0} xml node can not be found in the run settings xml document FullyQualifiedName - FullyQualifiedName + FullyQualifiedName Traits - Merkmale + Traits The label of the test property Traits for test case. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. - Das Projektmappenverzeichnis "{0}" ist nicht vorhanden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das in "runsettings" angegebene Projektmappenverzeichnis vorhanden ist und über Leseberechtigungen für das Verzeichnis verfügt. + Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Der Parameter darf nicht NULL oder leer sein. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. File {0} does not exist. - Die Datei "{0}" ist nicht vorhanden. + File {0} does not exist. Object must be of type {0}. - Das Objekt muss vom Typ {0} sein. + Object must be of type {0}. Aborted - Abgebrochen + Aborted Completed - Abgeschlossen + Completed Disconnected - Getrennt + Disconnected Error - Fehler + Error Failed - Fehler + Failed Inconclusive - Nicht eindeutig + Inconclusive In Progress - In Bearbeitung + In Progress Not Executed - Nicht ausgeführt + Not Executed Not Runnable - Nicht ausführbar + Not Runnable Passed - Bestanden + Passed Passed (run aborted) - Bestanden (Ausführung abgebrochen) + Passed (run aborted) Pending - Ausstehend + Pending Timeout - Timeout + Timeout Warning - Warnung + Warning Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. - Aus dem bereitgestellten Datenstrom kann nicht gelesen werden. Daten aus einem Datenstrom können nur gesendet werden, wenn der Datenstrom Lesevorgänge unterstützt. + Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. - Der angegebene Dateiname "{0}" enthält die folgenden ungültigen Zeichen: "{1}". + The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. - Der angegebene Dateiname "{0}" ist reserviert. + The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. - Fehler beim Erstellen von MSDIA-Sitzung. COM-HRESULT "{0}". + Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. Failed to load msdia - Fehler beim Laden von MSDIA. + Failed to load msdia Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. - Ungültiger URI in Datensammlereinstellungen "{0}". + Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. - Ungültiger URI "{0}" in den Einstellungen "{1}". + Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. - Ungültige Einstellungen "{0}". Erwartet wird mindestens ein XmlAttribute: "friendlyName", "uri" oder "assemblyQualifiedName". + Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. - Die Filterzeichenfolge "{0}" umfasst eine nicht erkannte Escapesequenz. + Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index 34209c5830..8bf16f4952 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,348 +4,348 @@ Failed - Con error + Failed Test result for failed test None - Ninguna + None Passed - Correctas + Passed Test result for passed test {0,-10} {1} - {0,-10} {1} + {0,-10} {1} {0}: {1} - {0}: + {0}: {1} Test Messages: {0} - Mensajes de prueba: + Test Messages: {0} Message: {0} - Mensaje: {0} + Message: {0} StackTrace: {0} - Seguimiento de la pila: + StackTrace: {0} (null) - (nulo) + (null) Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. - No se puede registrar la propiedad '{0}' como tipo de valor '{1}' porque ya se registró como '{2}'. + Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. Column Number - Número de columna + Column Number The label of the test property ColumnNumber for test case. Executor Uri - URI del ejecutor + Executor Uri The label of the test property ExecutorUri for test case. Source - Origen + Source The label of the test property Source for test case. Line Number - Número de línea + Line Number The label of the test property LineNumber for test case. Name - Nombre + Name The label of the test property Name for test case. Computer Name - Nombre de equipo + Computer Name The label of the test property ComputerName for test result. TestResult Display Name - Nombre para mostrar del resultado de la prueba + TestResult Display Name The label of TestResult.DisplayName, mainly used for parameterized data tests Duration - Duración + Duration The label of the test property Duration for test result. End Time - Hora de finalización + End Time The label of the test property EndTime for test result. Error Column Number - Número de columna de error + Error Column Number The label of the test property ErrorColumnNumber for test result. Error Message - Mensaje de error + Error Message The label of the test property ErrorMessage for test result. Error Stack Trace - Seguimiento de la pila de errores + Error Stack Trace The label of the test property ErrorStackTrace for test result. Outcome - Resultado + Outcome The label of the test property Outcome for test result. Start Time - Hora de inicio + Start Time The label of the test property StartTime for test result. Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. - No se encuentra TypeConverter para el tipo {0}. + Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. File Path - Ruta de acceso del archivo + File Path The label of the test property FilePath for test case. Notification frequency need to be a positive value. - La frecuencia de notificación debe ser un valor positivo. + Notification frequency need to be a positive value. frequency for DiscoveryCriteria/TestRunCriteria needs to be a positive value Id - Id. + Id Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. - Configuración no válida: '{0}'. Atributo XML no esperado: '{1}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. - Configuración no válida: '{0}'. Elemento XML no esperado: '{1}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. - La configuración del recolector de datos no es válida. Falta el atributo esperado '{0}'. Una configuración de colector de datos típica debería ser similar a <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. + Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. NotFound - No se encuentra + NotFound Test result for not found test Skipped - Se ha omitido + Skipped Test result for skipped test Notification timeout must be greater than zero. - El tiempo de espera de notificación debe ser mayor que cero. + Notification timeout must be greater than zero. Timeout used during test discovery and execution must be greater than zero. Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Configuración no válida: '{0}'. Se ha especificado un valor no válido ('{1}') para '{2}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. - El nodo raíz de los parámetros de ejecución debe denominarse 'RunSettings'. + The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. - No se puede especificar TestCaseFilter para series de pruebas específicas. FilterCriteria se usa solo para ejecuciones con orígenes. + Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. - No se admite el tipo '{0}' de la propiedad de prueba '{1}'. Use un tipo de propiedad admitido (tipos primitivos, URI, string, string[]) y vuelva a intentarlo. + The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. Could not find '{0}' node - No se encuentra el nodo '{0}' + Could not find '{0}' node Error message when the specified {0} xml node can not be found in the run settings xml document FullyQualifiedName - Nombre completo + FullyQualifiedName Traits - Rasgos + Traits The label of the test property Traits for test case. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. - El directorio de solución '{0}' no existe. Asegúrese de que el directorio de solución especificado en Runsettings existe y de que tiene permisos de lectura para el directorio. + Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. The parameter cannot be null or empty. - El parámetro no puede ser nulo ni estar vacío. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. File {0} does not exist. - El archivo {0} no existe. + File {0} does not exist. Object must be of type {0}. - El objeto debe ser de tipo {0}. + Object must be of type {0}. Aborted - Anuladas + Aborted Completed - Finalizadas + Completed Disconnected - Desconectadas + Disconnected Error - Error + Error Failed - Con error + Failed Inconclusive - No concluyentes + Inconclusive In Progress - En curso + In Progress Not Executed - No ejecutadas + Not Executed Not Runnable - No ejecutables + Not Runnable Passed - Correctas + Passed Passed (run aborted) - Correctas (ejecución anulada) + Passed (run aborted) Pending - Pendientes + Pending Timeout - Tiempo de espera agotado + Timeout Warning - Advertencia + Warning Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. - No se puede leer el flujo proporcionado. Los datos de un flujo no se pueden enviar si el flujo no admite lectura. + Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. - El nombre de archivo proporcionado ({0}) contiene los siguientes caracteres no válidos: '{1}'. + The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. - El nombre de archivo proporcionado ({0}) es un nombre reservado. + The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. - No se pudo crear msdia Session COM HResult "{0}". + Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. Failed to load msdia - No se pudo cargar msdia + Failed to load msdia Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. - URI no válido en la configuración del recopilador de datos "{0}". + Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. - URI "{0}" no válido en la configuración "{1}". + Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. - Configuración "{0}" no válida. Se esperaba al menos uno de los siguientes valores de XmlAttribute: friendlyName, uri y assemblyQualifiedName. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. - La cadena de filtro "{0}" incluye una secuencia de escape no reconocida. + Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index 084d5372c8..9b331dcb5b 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,348 +4,348 @@ Failed - Échec + Failed Test result for failed test None - Aucun + None Passed - Réussite + Passed Test result for passed test {0,-10} {1} - {0,-10} {1} + {0,-10} {1} {0}: {1} - {0} : + {0}: {1} Test Messages: {0} - Messages de test : + Test Messages: {0} Message: {0} - Message : {0} + Message: {0} StackTrace: {0} - StackTrace : + StackTrace: {0} (null) - (null) + (null) Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. - Impossible d'inscrire la propriété '{0}' en tant que type valeur '{1}', car elle est déjà inscrite en tant que '{2}'. + Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. Column Number - Numéro de colonne + Column Number The label of the test property ColumnNumber for test case. Executor Uri - URI de l'exécuteur + Executor Uri The label of the test property ExecutorUri for test case. Source - Source + Source The label of the test property Source for test case. Line Number - Numéro de ligne + Line Number The label of the test property LineNumber for test case. Name - Nom + Name The label of the test property Name for test case. Computer Name - Nom de l'ordinateur + Computer Name The label of the test property ComputerName for test result. TestResult Display Name - Nom d'affichage de TestResult + TestResult Display Name The label of TestResult.DisplayName, mainly used for parameterized data tests Duration - Durée + Duration The label of the test property Duration for test result. End Time - Heure de fin + End Time The label of the test property EndTime for test result. Error Column Number - Numéro de colonne d'erreur + Error Column Number The label of the test property ErrorColumnNumber for test result. Error Message - Message d'erreur + Error Message The label of the test property ErrorMessage for test result. Error Stack Trace - Arborescence des appels de procédure d'erreur + Error Stack Trace The label of the test property ErrorStackTrace for test result. Outcome - Résultat + Outcome The label of the test property Outcome for test result. Start Time - Heure de début + Start Time The label of the test property StartTime for test result. Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. - TypeConverter introuvable pour le type {0}. + Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. File Path - Chemin du fichier + File Path The label of the test property FilePath for test case. Notification frequency need to be a positive value. - La fréquence de notification doit être une valeur positive. + Notification frequency need to be a positive value. frequency for DiscoveryCriteria/TestRunCriteria needs to be a positive value Id - ID + Id Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. - Paramètres non valides '{0}'. XmlAttribute inattendu : '{1}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. - Paramètres non valides '{0}'. XmlElement inattendu : '{1}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. - Paramètres de collecteur de données non valides. Attribut attendu '{0}' manquant. Un paramétrage de collecteur de données classique se présente comme suit : <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. + Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. NotFound - NotFound + NotFound Test result for not found test Skipped - Ignoré + Skipped Test result for skipped test Notification timeout must be greater than zero. - Le délai d'expiration de notification doit être supérieur à zéro. + Notification timeout must be greater than zero. Timeout used during test discovery and execution must be greater than zero. Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Paramètres non valides '{0}'. Valeur non valide '{1}' spécifiée pour '{2}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. - Le nœud racine des paramètres d'exécution doit être nommé 'RunSettings'. + The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. - Impossible de spécifier TestCaseFilter pour l'exécution de tests spécifiques. FilterCriteria est destiné uniquement à l'exécution avec des sources. + Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. - Le type de propriété de test '{0}' de la propriété '{1}' n'est pas pris en charge. Utilisez l'un des types de propriété pris en charge (types primitifs, uri, string, string[]), puis réessayez. + The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. Could not find '{0}' node - Nœud '{0}' introuvable + Could not find '{0}' node Error message when the specified {0} xml node can not be found in the run settings xml document FullyQualifiedName - FullyQualifiedName + FullyQualifiedName Traits - Caractéristiques + Traits The label of the test property Traits for test case. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. - Le répertoire de solution '{0}' n'existe pas. Vérifiez que le répertoire de solution spécifié dans runsettings existe, et que vous disposez d'autorisations d'accès en lecture pour celui-ci. + Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Le paramètre ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être vide. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. File {0} does not exist. - Le fichier {0} n'existe pas. + File {0} does not exist. Object must be of type {0}. - L'objet doit être de type {0}. + Object must be of type {0}. Aborted - Abandonné + Aborted Completed - Effectué + Completed Disconnected - Déconnecté + Disconnected Error - Erreur + Error Failed - Échec + Failed Inconclusive - Non concluant + Inconclusive In Progress - En cours + In Progress Not Executed - Non exécuté + Not Executed Not Runnable - Non exécutable + Not Runnable Passed - Réussite + Passed Passed (run aborted) - Réussi (exécution abandonnée) + Passed (run aborted) Pending - En attente + Pending Timeout - Délai d'expiration + Timeout Warning - Avertissement + Warning Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. - Impossible de lire le flux fourni. Impossible d'envoyer les données d'un flux s'il ne prend pas en charge la lecture. + Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. - Le nom de fichier '{0}' fourni contient les caractères non valides suivants : '{1}'. + The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. - Le nom de fichier '{0}' fourni est réservé. + The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. - Échec de la création du HResult COM de la session msdia : '{0}'. + Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. Failed to load msdia - Échec du chargement de msdia + Failed to load msdia Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. - URI non valide dans les paramètres de collecteur de données '{0}'. + Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. - URI '{0}' non valide dans les paramètres '{1}'. + Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. - Paramètres '{0}' non valides. Au moins un des attributs XmlAttribute (friendlyName, uri ou assemblyQualifiedName) était attendu. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. - La chaîne de filtre '{0}' inclut une séquence d'échappement non reconnue. + Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index 2a5ef20af3..a739523b6b 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,348 +4,348 @@ Failed - Non superato + Failed Test result for failed test None - Nessuno + None Passed - Superato + Passed Test result for passed test {0,-10} {1} - {0,-10} {1} + {0,-10} {1} {0}: {1} - {0}: + {0}: {1} Test Messages: {0} - Messaggi di test: + Test Messages: {0} Message: {0} - Messaggio: {0} + Message: {0} StackTrace: {0} - Analisi dello stack: + StackTrace: {0} (null) - (Null) + (null) Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. - Non è possibile registrare la proprietà '{0}' come tipo valore '{1}' perché è stata già registrata come '{2}'. + Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. Column Number - Numero di colonna + Column Number The label of the test property ColumnNumber for test case. Executor Uri - URI executor + Executor Uri The label of the test property ExecutorUri for test case. Source - Origine + Source The label of the test property Source for test case. Line Number - Numero di riga + Line Number The label of the test property LineNumber for test case. Name - Nome + Name The label of the test property Name for test case. Computer Name - Nome computer + Computer Name The label of the test property ComputerName for test result. TestResult Display Name - Nome visualizzato TestResult + TestResult Display Name The label of TestResult.DisplayName, mainly used for parameterized data tests Duration - Durata + Duration The label of the test property Duration for test result. End Time - Ora di fine + End Time The label of the test property EndTime for test result. Error Column Number - Numero di colonna errore + Error Column Number The label of the test property ErrorColumnNumber for test result. Error Message - Messaggio di errore + Error Message The label of the test property ErrorMessage for test result. Error Stack Trace - Analisi dello stack errore + Error Stack Trace The label of the test property ErrorStackTrace for test result. Outcome - Risultato + Outcome The label of the test property Outcome for test result. Start Time - Ora di inizio + Start Time The label of the test property StartTime for test result. Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. - Non è stato trovato alcun convertitore di tipo per il tipo {0}. + Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. File Path - Percorso file + File Path The label of the test property FilePath for test case. Notification frequency need to be a positive value. - La frequenza di notifica deve essere un valore positivo. + Notification frequency need to be a positive value. frequency for DiscoveryCriteria/TestRunCriteria needs to be a positive value Id - ID + Id Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. - Le impostazioni '{0}' non sono valide. Elemento XmlAttribute imprevisto: '{1}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. - Le impostazioni '{0}' non sono valide. Elemento XmlElement imprevisto: '{1}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. - Impostazioni agente di raccolta dati non valide. Attributo previsto '{0}' mancante. Un'impostazione tipica dell'agente di raccolta dati è analoga alla seguente: <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. + Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. NotFound - Non trovato + NotFound Test result for not found test Skipped - Ignorato + Skipped Test result for skipped test Notification timeout must be greater than zero. - Il timeout di notifica deve essere un valore maggiore di zero. + Notification timeout must be greater than zero. Timeout used during test discovery and execution must be greater than zero. Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Le impostazioni '{0}' non sono valide. È stato specificato un valore '{1}' non valido per '{2}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. - Al nodo radice delle impostazioni esecuzione test è necessario assegnare il nome 'RunSettings'. + The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. - Non è possibile specificare TestCaseFilter per la specifica esecuzione dei test. FilterCriteria è valido solo per l'esecuzione con origini. + Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. - Il tipo '{0}' della proprietà di test '{1}' non è supportato. Usare un tipo di proprietà supportato (tipi primitivi, uri, string, string[]) e riprovare. + The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. Could not find '{0}' node - Il nodo '{0}' non è stato trovato + Could not find '{0}' node Error message when the specified {0} xml node can not be found in the run settings xml document FullyQualifiedName - Nome completo + FullyQualifiedName Traits - Tratti + Traits The label of the test property Traits for test case. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. - La directory '{0}' della soluzione non esiste. Assicurarsi che la directory della soluzione specificata in runsettings esista e che siano disponibili le autorizzazioni di lettura. + Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Il parametro non può essere vuoto o Null. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. File {0} does not exist. - Il file {0} non esiste. + File {0} does not exist. Object must be of type {0}. - L'oggetto deve essere di tipo {0}. + Object must be of type {0}. Aborted - Interrotto + Aborted Completed - Completato + Completed Disconnected - Disconnesso + Disconnected Error - Errore + Error Failed - Non superato + Failed Inconclusive - Senza risultati + Inconclusive In Progress - In corso + In Progress Not Executed - Non eseguito + Not Executed Not Runnable - Non eseguibile + Not Runnable Passed - Superato + Passed Passed (run aborted) - Superato (esecuzione interrotta) + Passed (run aborted) Pending - In sospeso + Pending Timeout - Timeout + Timeout Warning - Avviso + Warning Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. - Non è possibile leggere dal flusso specificato. I dati di un flusso non possono essere inviati se il flusso non supporta l'operazione di lettura. + Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. - Il nome file '{0}' specificato contiene i seguenti caratteri non validi: '{1}'. + The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. - Il nome file '{0}' specificato è riservato. + The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. - Non è stato possibile creare la sessione msdia. HResult COM: '{0}'. + Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. Failed to load msdia - Non è stato possibile caricare msdia + Failed to load msdia Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. - URI non valido nelle impostazioni '{0}' dell'agente di raccolta dati. + Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. - URI '{0}' non valido nelle impostazioni '{1}'. + Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. - Impostazioni '{0}' non valide. È previsto almeno un elemento XmlAttribute, tra friendlyName, uri e assemblyQualifiedName. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. - La stringa di filtro '{0}' include una sequenza di escape non riconosciuta. + Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index cb02014c7b..01c5c22004 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,348 +4,348 @@ Failed - 失敗 + Failed Test result for failed test None - なし + None Passed - 成功 + Passed Test result for passed test {0,-10} {1} - {0,-10} {1} + {0,-10} {1} {0}: {1} - {0}: + {0}: {1} Test Messages: {0} - テスト メッセージ: + Test Messages: {0} Message: {0} - メッセージ: {0} + Message: {0} StackTrace: {0} - スタック トレース: + StackTrace: {0} (null) - (null) + (null) Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. - プロパティ '{0}' は既に値の型 '{2}' として登録されていたため、'{1}' として登録できません。 + Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. Column Number - 列番号 + Column Number The label of the test property ColumnNumber for test case. Executor Uri - 実行プログラムの URI + Executor Uri The label of the test property ExecutorUri for test case. Source - ソース + Source The label of the test property Source for test case. Line Number - 行番号 + Line Number The label of the test property LineNumber for test case. Name - 名前 + Name The label of the test property Name for test case. Computer Name - コンピューター名 + Computer Name The label of the test property ComputerName for test result. TestResult Display Name - TestResult 表示名 + TestResult Display Name The label of TestResult.DisplayName, mainly used for parameterized data tests Duration - 期間 + Duration The label of the test property Duration for test result. End Time - 終了時刻 + End Time The label of the test property EndTime for test result. Error Column Number - エラー列番号 + Error Column Number The label of the test property ErrorColumnNumber for test result. Error Message - エラー メッセージ + Error Message The label of the test property ErrorMessage for test result. Error Stack Trace - エラーのスタック トレース + Error Stack Trace The label of the test property ErrorStackTrace for test result. Outcome - 結果 + Outcome The label of the test property Outcome for test result. Start Time - 開始時刻 + Start Time The label of the test property StartTime for test result. Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. - 型 {0} の TypeConverter が見つかりません。 + Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. File Path - ファイル パス + File Path The label of the test property FilePath for test case. Notification frequency need to be a positive value. - 通知頻度は正の値である必要があります。 + Notification frequency need to be a positive value. frequency for DiscoveryCriteria/TestRunCriteria needs to be a positive value Id - ID + Id Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. - 設定 '{0}' は無効です。予期しない XmlAttribute: '{1}'。 + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. - 設定 '{0}' は無効です。予期しない XmlElement: '{1}'。 + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. - データ コレクターの設定が無効です。予期された属性 '{0}' が見つかりません。通常のデータ コレクターの設定は <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector"> のようになります。 + Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. NotFound - NotFound + NotFound Test result for not found test Skipped - スキップ + Skipped Test result for skipped test Notification timeout must be greater than zero. - 通知タイムアウトは 0 より大きくする必要があります。 + Notification timeout must be greater than zero. Timeout used during test discovery and execution must be greater than zero. Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - 無効な設定です: '{0}'。'{2}' に対して無効な値 '{1}' が指定されました。 + Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. - 実行設定のルート ノードには 'RunSettings' という名前を付ける必要があります。 + The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. - 特定のテストの実行には TestCaseFilter を指定できません。FilterCriteria は、ソースでの実行だけで使用できます。 + Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. - プロパティ '{1}' のテスト プロパティの型 '{0}' はサポートされていません。サポートされているプロパティの型 (プリミティブ型、URI、string、string[]) のいずれかを使用して、もう一度お試しください。 + The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. Could not find '{0}' node - '{0}' ノードが見つかりませんでした + Could not find '{0}' node Error message when the specified {0} xml node can not be found in the run settings xml document FullyQualifiedName - FullyQualifiedName + FullyQualifiedName Traits - 特徴 + Traits The label of the test property Traits for test case. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. - ソリューション ディレクトリ '{0}' は存在しません。実行設定で指定したソリューション ディレクトリが存在することと、ディレクトリの読み取りアクセス許可があることをご確認ください。 + Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. The parameter cannot be null or empty. - パラメーターを null または空にすることはできません。 + The parameter cannot be null or empty. File {0} does not exist. - ファイル {0} は存在しません。 + File {0} does not exist. Object must be of type {0}. - オブジェクトは {0} 型でなければなりません。 + Object must be of type {0}. Aborted - 中止 + Aborted Completed - 完了 + Completed Disconnected - 切断 + Disconnected Error - エラー + Error Failed - 失敗 + Failed Inconclusive - 結果不確定 + Inconclusive In Progress - 処理中 + In Progress Not Executed - 実行されませんでした + Not Executed Not Runnable - 実行できませんでした + Not Runnable Passed - 成功 + Passed Passed (run aborted) - 成功 (中止された実行) + Passed (run aborted) Pending - 保留中 + Pending Timeout - タイムアウト + Timeout Warning - 警告 + Warning Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. - 指定されたストリームからデータを読み取ることができません。ストリームで読み取りがサポートされていない場合は、ストリームのデータを送信できません。 + Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. - 指定されたファイル名 '{0}' に次の無効な文字が含まれています: '{1}'。 + The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. - 指定されたファイル名 '{0}' は、予約済みです。 + The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. - msdia Session COM HResult '{0}' を作成できませんでした。 + Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. Failed to load msdia - msdia を読み込めませんでした + Failed to load msdia Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. - データ コレクター設定 '{0}' の URI は無効です。 + Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. - 設定 '{1}' の URI '{0}' は無効です。 + Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. - 設定 '{0}' は無効です。friendlyName、uri、assemblyQualifiedName のうち少なくとも一つの XmlAttribute が必要です。 + Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. - フィルター文字列 '{0}' には、認識されないエスケープ シーケンスが含まれています。 + Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index 7852fc2ac0..f8b495ba51 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,348 +4,348 @@ Failed - 실패 + Failed Test result for failed test None - 없음 + None Passed - 통과 + Passed Test result for passed test {0,-10} {1} - {0,-10} {1} + {0,-10} {1} {0}: {1} - {0}: + {0}: {1} Test Messages: {0} - 테스트 메시지: + Test Messages: {0} Message: {0} - 메시지: {0} + Message: {0} StackTrace: {0} - StackTrace: + StackTrace: {0} (null) - (null) + (null) Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. - '{0}' 속성은 이미 '{2}'(으)로 등록되었으므로 '{1}' 값 형식으로 등록할 수 없습니다. + Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. Column Number - 열 번호 + Column Number The label of the test property ColumnNumber for test case. Executor Uri - Executor URI + Executor Uri The label of the test property ExecutorUri for test case. Source - 소스 + Source The label of the test property Source for test case. Line Number - 줄 번호 + Line Number The label of the test property LineNumber for test case. Name - 이름 + Name The label of the test property Name for test case. Computer Name - 컴퓨터 이름 + Computer Name The label of the test property ComputerName for test result. TestResult Display Name - TestResult 표시 이름 + TestResult Display Name The label of TestResult.DisplayName, mainly used for parameterized data tests Duration - 기간 + Duration The label of the test property Duration for test result. End Time - 종료 시간 + End Time The label of the test property EndTime for test result. Error Column Number - 오류 열 번호 + Error Column Number The label of the test property ErrorColumnNumber for test result. Error Message - 오류 메시지 + Error Message The label of the test property ErrorMessage for test result. Error Stack Trace - 오류 스택 추적 + Error Stack Trace The label of the test property ErrorStackTrace for test result. Outcome - 결과 + Outcome The label of the test property Outcome for test result. Start Time - 시작 시간 + Start Time The label of the test property StartTime for test result. Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. - {0} 형식에 대해 TypeConverter를 찾을 수 없습니다. + Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. File Path - 파일 경로 + File Path The label of the test property FilePath for test case. Notification frequency need to be a positive value. - 알림 빈도는 양수 값이어야 합니다. + Notification frequency need to be a positive value. frequency for DiscoveryCriteria/TestRunCriteria needs to be a positive value Id - ID + Id Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. - '{0}' 설정이 잘못되었습니다. 예기치 않은 XmlAttribute '{1}'이(가) 있습니다. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. - '{0}' 설정이 잘못되었습니다. 예기치 않은 XmlElement '{1}'이(가) 있습니다. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. - 데이터 수집기 설정이 잘못되었습니다. 필요한 '{0}' 특성이 없습니다. 일반적인 데이터 수집기 설정은 <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">와 같습니다. + Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. NotFound - NotFound + NotFound Test result for not found test Skipped - 건너뜀 + Skipped Test result for skipped test Notification timeout must be greater than zero. - 알림 시간 제한은 0보다 커야 합니다. + Notification timeout must be greater than zero. Timeout used during test discovery and execution must be greater than zero. Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - '{0}' 설정이 잘못되었습니다. '{2}'에 대해 잘못된 값 '{1}'을(를) 지정했습니다. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. - 실행 설정의 루트 노드 이름은 'RunSettings'여야 합니다. + The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. - 특정 테스트 실행에 대해 TestCaseFilter를 지정할 수 없습니다. FilterCriteria는 소스와 실행하기 위한 용도로만 사용됩니다. + Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. - 속성 '{1}'의 테스트 속성 형식 '{0}'이(가) 지원되지 않습니다. 지원되는 속성 형식(기본 형식, URI, 문자열, string[]) 중 하나를 사용하고 다시 시도하세요. + The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. Could not find '{0}' node - '{0}' 노드를 찾을 수 없습니다. + Could not find '{0}' node Error message when the specified {0} xml node can not be found in the run settings xml document FullyQualifiedName - FullyQualifiedName + FullyQualifiedName Traits - 특성 + Traits The label of the test property Traits for test case. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. - 솔루션 디렉터리 '{0}'이(가) 없습니다. runsettings에 지정된 솔루션 디렉터리가 존재하는지와 디렉터리에 대한 읽기 권한이 있는지 확인하세요. + Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. The parameter cannot be null or empty. - 매개 변수는 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. File {0} does not exist. - {0} 파일이 없습니다. + File {0} does not exist. Object must be of type {0}. - 개체는 {0} 형식이어야 합니다. + Object must be of type {0}. Aborted - 중단됨 + Aborted Completed - 완료됨 + Completed Disconnected - 연결 끊김 + Disconnected Error - 오류 + Error Failed - 실패 + Failed Inconclusive - 결과 불충분 + Inconclusive In Progress - 진행 중 + In Progress Not Executed - 실행되지 않음 + Not Executed Not Runnable - 실행할 수 없음 + Not Runnable Passed - 통과 + Passed Passed (run aborted) - 통과(실행이 중단됨) + Passed (run aborted) Pending - 보류 중 + Pending Timeout - 시간 초과 + Timeout Warning - 경고 + Warning Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. - 제공된 스트림에서 읽을 수 없습니다. 스트림에서 읽기를 지원하지 않으면 스트림의 데이터를 보낼 수 없습니다. + Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. - 제공된 파일 이름 '{0}'에 다음과 같은 잘못된 문자가 들어 있습니다. '{1}'. + The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. - 제공된 파일 이름 '{0}'이(가) 예약되어 있습니다. + The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. - msdia 세션 COM HResult '{0}'을(를) 만들지 못했습니다. + Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. Failed to load msdia - msdia 로드 실패 + Failed to load msdia Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. - 데이터 수집기 설정 '{0}'의 URI가 잘못되었습니다. + Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. - '{1}' 설정의 '{0}' URI가 잘못되었습니다. + Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. - '{0}' 설정이 잘못되었습니다. friendlyName, URI 및 assemblyQualifiedName 중 하나 이상의 XmlAttribute가 필요합니다. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. - 필터 문자열 '{0}'에 인식할 수 없는 이스케이프 시퀀스가 포함되어 있습니다. + Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index 2f3329295f..c5579a1b4b 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,348 +4,348 @@ Failed - Niepowodzenie + Failed Test result for failed test None - Brak + None Passed - Powodzenie + Passed Test result for passed test {0,-10} {1} - {0,-10} {1} + {0,-10} {1} {0}: {1} - {0}: + {0}: {1} Test Messages: {0} - Komunikaty testowe: + Test Messages: {0} Message: {0} - Komunikat: {0} + Message: {0} StackTrace: {0} - Ślad stosu: + StackTrace: {0} (null) - (null) + (null) Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. - Nie można zarejestrować właściwości „{0}” jako typu wartości „{1}”, ponieważ została już ona zarejestrowana jako „{2}”. + Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. Column Number - Numer kolumny + Column Number The label of the test property ColumnNumber for test case. Executor Uri - Identyfikator URI modułu wykonywania + Executor Uri The label of the test property ExecutorUri for test case. Source - Źródło + Source The label of the test property Source for test case. Line Number - Numer wiersza + Line Number The label of the test property LineNumber for test case. Name - Nazwa + Name The label of the test property Name for test case. Computer Name - Nazwa komputera + Computer Name The label of the test property ComputerName for test result. TestResult Display Name - Nazwa wyświetlana wyniku testu + TestResult Display Name The label of TestResult.DisplayName, mainly used for parameterized data tests Duration - Czas trwania + Duration The label of the test property Duration for test result. End Time - Czas zakończenia + End Time The label of the test property EndTime for test result. Error Column Number - Numer kolumny błędu + Error Column Number The label of the test property ErrorColumnNumber for test result. Error Message - Komunikat o błędzie + Error Message The label of the test property ErrorMessage for test result. Error Stack Trace - Ślad stosu błędów + Error Stack Trace The label of the test property ErrorStackTrace for test result. Outcome - Wynik + Outcome The label of the test property Outcome for test result. Start Time - Czas rozpoczęcia + Start Time The label of the test property StartTime for test result. Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. - Nie można odnaleźć elementu TypeConverter dla typu {0}. + Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. File Path - Ścieżka do pliku + File Path The label of the test property FilePath for test case. Notification frequency need to be a positive value. - Częstotliwość powiadomień musi być wartością dodatnią. + Notification frequency need to be a positive value. frequency for DiscoveryCriteria/TestRunCriteria needs to be a positive value Id - Identyfikator + Id Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. - Nieprawidłowe ustawienia „{0}”. Nieoczekiwany atrybut XmlAttribute: „{1}”. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. - Nieprawidłowe ustawienia „{0}”. Nieoczekiwany atrybut XmlElement: „{1}”. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. - Nieprawidłowe ustawienia modułów zbierających dane. Brak oczekiwanego atrybutu „{0}”. Typowe ustawienia modułu zbierającego dane typowe mają postać <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. + Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. NotFound - Nie znaleziono + NotFound Test result for not found test Skipped - Pominięto + Skipped Test result for skipped test Notification timeout must be greater than zero. - Limit czasu powiadomienia musi mieć wartość większą niż zero. + Notification timeout must be greater than zero. Timeout used during test discovery and execution must be greater than zero. Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Nieprawidłowe ustawienia „{0}”. Nieprawidłowa wartość „{1}” określona dla elementu „{2}”. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. - Węzeł główny ustawień uruchamiania musi mieć nazwę „RunSettings”. + The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. - Nie można określić elementu TestCaseFilter dla określonego przebiegu testów. Element FilterCriteria jest przeznaczony tylko dla przebiegu ze źródłami. + Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. - Typ „{0}” właściwości testu „{1}” nie jest obsługiwany. Użyj jednego z obsługiwanych typów właściwości (typy pierwotne, identyfikator URI, ciąg, ciąg[]) i spróbuj ponownie. + The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. Could not find '{0}' node - Nie można odnaleźć węzła „{0}” + Could not find '{0}' node Error message when the specified {0} xml node can not be found in the run settings xml document FullyQualifiedName - W pełni kwalifikowana nazwa + FullyQualifiedName Traits - Cechy + Traits The label of the test property Traits for test case. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. - Katalog „{0}” rozwiązania nie istnieje. Upewnij się, że katalog rozwiązania podany w pliku runsettings istnieje, a Ty masz uprawnienia odczytu wobec katalogu. + Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Parametr nie może mieć wartości null ani być pusty. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. File {0} does not exist. - Plik {0} nie istnieje. + File {0} does not exist. Object must be of type {0}. - Obiekt musi być typu {0}. + Object must be of type {0}. Aborted - Przerwano + Aborted Completed - Zakończono + Completed Disconnected - Rozłączono + Disconnected Error - Błąd + Error Failed - Niepowodzenie + Failed Inconclusive - Niejednoznaczny + Inconclusive In Progress - W toku + In Progress Not Executed - Niewykonany + Not Executed Not Runnable - Niemożliwy do uruchomienia + Not Runnable Passed - Powodzenie + Passed Passed (run aborted) - Powodzenie (uruchomienie zostało przerwane) + Passed (run aborted) Pending - Oczekiwanie + Pending Timeout - Limit czasu + Timeout Warning - Ostrzeżenie + Warning Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. - Nie można przeprowadzić odczytu z podanego strumienia. Nie można wysłać danych ze strumienia, jeśli strumień nie obsługuje odczytu. + Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. - Podana nazwa pliku „{0}” zawiera następujące nieprawidłowe znaki: „{1}”. + The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. - Podana nazwa pliku „{0}” została zarezerwowana. + The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. - Nie można utworzyć modelu COM sesji msdia, wartość HResult: „{0}”. + Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. Failed to load msdia - Nie można załadować elementu msdia + Failed to load msdia Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. - Nieprawidłowy identyfikator URI w ustawieniach modułu zbierającego dane „{0}”. + Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. - Nieprawidłowy identyfikator URI „{0}” w ustawieniach „{1}”. + Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. - Nieprawidłowe ustawienia „{0}”. Oczekiwany jest co najmniej jeden atrybut XmlAttribute wraz z przyjazną nazwą, identyfikatorem URI oraz kwalifikowaną nazwą zestawu. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. - Ciąg filtra „{0}” obejmuje nierozpoznaną sekwencję ucieczki. + Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index bcee002edf..df3a09aced 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,348 +4,348 @@ Failed - Com falha + Failed Test result for failed test None - Nenhum + None Passed - Aprovado + Passed Test result for passed test {0,-10} {1} - {0,-10} {1} + {0,-10} {1} {0}: {1} - {0}: + {0}: {1} Test Messages: {0} - Mensagens de teste: + Test Messages: {0} Message: {0} - Mensagem: {0} + Message: {0} StackTrace: {0} - StackTrace: + StackTrace: {0} (null) - (nulo) + (null) Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. - Não é possível registrar a propriedade '{0}' com o tipo de valor '{1}' porque ela já foi registrada como '{2}'. + Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. Column Number - Número da coluna + Column Number The label of the test property ColumnNumber for test case. Executor Uri - URI do executor + Executor Uri The label of the test property ExecutorUri for test case. Source - Fonte + Source The label of the test property Source for test case. Line Number - Número de linha + Line Number The label of the test property LineNumber for test case. Name - Nome + Name The label of the test property Name for test case. Computer Name - Nome do computador + Computer Name The label of the test property ComputerName for test result. TestResult Display Name - Nome de exibição de TestResult + TestResult Display Name The label of TestResult.DisplayName, mainly used for parameterized data tests Duration - Duração + Duration The label of the test property Duration for test result. End Time - Hora de término + End Time The label of the test property EndTime for test result. Error Column Number - Número da coluna com erro + Error Column Number The label of the test property ErrorColumnNumber for test result. Error Message - Mensagem de erro + Error Message The label of the test property ErrorMessage for test result. Error Stack Trace - Rastreamento de pilha com erro + Error Stack Trace The label of the test property ErrorStackTrace for test result. Outcome - Resultado + Outcome The label of the test property Outcome for test result. Start Time - Hora de início + Start Time The label of the test property StartTime for test result. Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. - Não é possível localizar o TypeConverter para o tipo {0}. + Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. File Path - Caminho do arquivo + File Path The label of the test property FilePath for test case. Notification frequency need to be a positive value. - A frequência de notificação deve ser um valor positivo. + Notification frequency need to be a positive value. frequency for DiscoveryCriteria/TestRunCriteria needs to be a positive value Id - ID + Id Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. - Configurações inválidas '{0}'. XmlAttribute inesperado: '{1}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. - Configurações inválidas '{0}'. XmlElement inesperado: '{1}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. - Configurações de coletores de dados inválidas. Atributo esperado '{0}' está ausente. O coletor de dados típico de configuração se pareceria com <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyqualifiedname="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. + Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. NotFound - NotFound + NotFound Test result for not found test Skipped - Ignorado + Skipped Test result for skipped test Notification timeout must be greater than zero. - O tempo limite de notificação deve ser maior que zero. + Notification timeout must be greater than zero. Timeout used during test discovery and execution must be greater than zero. Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Configurações inválidas '{0}'. Valor inválido '{1}' especificado para '{2}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. - O nó raiz das configurações de execução deve ser nomeado como 'RunSettings'. + The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. - Não é possível especificar o TestCaseFilter para a execução de testes específicos. FilterCriteria é somente para execução com fontes. + Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. - Não há suporte para o tipo de propriedade de teste '{0}' da propriedade '{1}'. Use um dos tipos de propriedade com suporte (tipos primitivos, URI, cadeia de caracteres, string[]) e tente novamente. + The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. Could not find '{0}' node - Não foi possível localizar o nó '{0}' + Could not find '{0}' node Error message when the specified {0} xml node can not be found in the run settings xml document FullyQualifiedName - FullyQualifiedName + FullyQualifiedName Traits - Características + Traits The label of the test property Traits for test case. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. - O diretório da solução '{0}' não existe. Verifique se o diretório da solução especificado em runsettings existe e se tem permissões de leitura para o diretório. + Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. The parameter cannot be null or empty. - O parâmetro não pode ser nulo ou estar vazio. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. File {0} does not exist. - O arquivo {0} não existe. + File {0} does not exist. Object must be of type {0}. - O objeto deve ser do tipo {0}. + Object must be of type {0}. Aborted - Anulado + Aborted Completed - Concluído + Completed Disconnected - Desconectado + Disconnected Error - Erro + Error Failed - Com falha + Failed Inconclusive - Inconclusivo + Inconclusive In Progress - Em andamento + In Progress Not Executed - Não executado + Not Executed Not Runnable - Não executável + Not Runnable Passed - Aprovado + Passed Passed (run aborted) - Aprovado (execução anulada) + Passed (run aborted) Pending - Pendente + Pending Timeout - Tempo limite + Timeout Warning - Aviso + Warning Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. - Não é possível ler o fluxo fornecido. Não é possível enviar dados de um fluxo, a menos que o fluxo ofereça suporte para leitura. + Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. - O nome de arquivo fornecido '{0}' contém os seguintes caracteres inválidos: '{1}'. + The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. - O nome de arquivo fornecido '{0}' é reservado. + The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. - Falha ao Criar o HResult COM de Sessão msdia '{0}'. + Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. Failed to load msdia - Falha ao carregar msdia + Failed to load msdia Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. - URI inválido nas configurações do coletor de dados '{0}'. + Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. - URI inválido '{0}' nas configurações '{1}'. + Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. - Configurações inválidas '{0}'. Era esperado pelo menos um do XmlAttribute entre friendlyName, uri e assemblyQualifiedName. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. - A cadeia de caracteres de filtro '{0}' inclui sequência de escape não reconhecida + Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index 3f40387a89..081f05e3a5 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,348 +4,348 @@ Failed - Не пройден + Failed Test result for failed test None - Нет + None Passed - Пройден + Passed Test result for passed test {0,-10} {1} - {0,-10} {1} + {0,-10} {1} {0}: {1} - {0}: + {0}: {1} Test Messages: {0} - Тестовые сообщения: + Test Messages: {0} Message: {0} - Сообщение: {0} + Message: {0} StackTrace: {0} - Трассировка стека: + StackTrace: {0} (null) - (null) + (null) Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. - Невозможно зарегистрировать свойство "{0}" как тип значения "{1}", так как оно уже зарегистрировано как "{2}". + Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. Column Number - Номер столбца + Column Number The label of the test property ColumnNumber for test case. Executor Uri - URI исполнителя + Executor Uri The label of the test property ExecutorUri for test case. Source - Источник + Source The label of the test property Source for test case. Line Number - Номер строки + Line Number The label of the test property LineNumber for test case. Name - Имя + Name The label of the test property Name for test case. Computer Name - Имя компьютера + Computer Name The label of the test property ComputerName for test result. TestResult Display Name - Отображаемое имя результатов теста + TestResult Display Name The label of TestResult.DisplayName, mainly used for parameterized data tests Duration - Длительность + Duration The label of the test property Duration for test result. End Time - Время окончания + End Time The label of the test property EndTime for test result. Error Column Number - Номер столбца ошибки + Error Column Number The label of the test property ErrorColumnNumber for test result. Error Message - Сообщение об ошибке + Error Message The label of the test property ErrorMessage for test result. Error Stack Trace - Трассировка стека ошибок + Error Stack Trace The label of the test property ErrorStackTrace for test result. Outcome - Результат + Outcome The label of the test property Outcome for test result. Start Time - Время начала + Start Time The label of the test property StartTime for test result. Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. - Не удается найти преобразователь TypeConverter для типа {0}. + Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. File Path - Путь к файлу + File Path The label of the test property FilePath for test case. Notification frequency need to be a positive value. - Частота уведомлений должна быть положительным значением. + Notification frequency need to be a positive value. frequency for DiscoveryCriteria/TestRunCriteria needs to be a positive value Id - Идентификатор + Id Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. - Недопустимые параметры "{0}". Неожиданный атрибут XmlAttribute: "{1}". + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. - Недопустимые параметры "{0}". Неожиданный элемент XmlElement: "{1}". + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. - Недопустимые параметры сборщика данных. Отсутствует ожидаемый атрибут "{0}". Типичный параметр сборщика данных обычно выглядит следующим образом: <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. + Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. NotFound - Не найден + NotFound Test result for not found test Skipped - Пропущен + Skipped Test result for skipped test Notification timeout must be greater than zero. - Время ожидания уведомления должно быть больше нуля. + Notification timeout must be greater than zero. Timeout used during test discovery and execution must be greater than zero. Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Недопустимые параметры "{0}". Недопустимое значение "{1}", указанное для "{2}". + Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. - Корневой узел параметров запуска должен иметь имя RunSettings. + The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. - Нельзя указывать фильтр TestCaseFilter для конкретного тестового запуска. Условия фильтра FilterCriteria предназначены только для выполнения с использованием источников. + Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. - Тип свойства теста "{0}" для свойства "{1}" не поддерживается. Используйте один из поддерживаемых типов свойств (типы-примитивы, URI, string, string[]) и повторите попытку. + The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. Could not find '{0}' node - Не удалось найти узел "{0}". + Could not find '{0}' node Error message when the specified {0} xml node can not be found in the run settings xml document FullyQualifiedName - FullyQualifiedName + FullyQualifiedName Traits - Признаки + Traits The label of the test property Traits for test case. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. - Каталог решения "{0}" не существует. Убедитесь, что указанный в файле параметров запуска RUNSETTINGS каталог решения существует и для него имеются разрешения на чтение. + Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Параметр не может быть пустым или иметь значение null. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. File {0} does not exist. - Файл {0} не существует. + File {0} does not exist. Object must be of type {0}. - Объект должен принадлежать типу {0}. + Object must be of type {0}. Aborted - Прерван + Aborted Completed - Завершен + Completed Disconnected - Отключен + Disconnected Error - Ошибка + Error Failed - Не пройден + Failed Inconclusive - С неопределенным результатом + Inconclusive In Progress - Выполняется + In Progress Not Executed - Не выполнен + Not Executed Not Runnable - Не готов к запуску + Not Runnable Passed - Пройден + Passed Passed (run aborted) - Пройден (выполнение прервано) + Passed (run aborted) Pending - Ожидание + Pending Timeout - Время ожидания + Timeout Warning - Предупреждение + Warning Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. - Не удается прочитать данные из указанного потока. Данные из потока не могут быть отправлены, если поток поддерживает чтение. + Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. - Указанное имя файла "{0}" содержит следующие недопустимые символы: "{1}". + The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. - Указанное имя файла "{0}" зарезервировано. + The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. - Не удалось создать HResult COM сеанса msdia "{0}". + Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. Failed to load msdia - Не удалось загрузить msdia + Failed to load msdia Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. - Недопустимый URI в параметрах сборщика данных "{0}". + Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. - Недопустимый URI "{0}" в параметрах "{1}". + Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. - Недопустимые параметры "{0}". Ожидается как минимум один атрибут XmlAttribute: friendlyName, uri или assemblyQualifiedName. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. - Строка фильтра "{0}" содержит нераспознанную escape-последовательность. + Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ index 85e5e4c130..852df4fec6 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,348 +4,348 @@ Failed - Başarısız + Failed Test result for failed test None - Yok + None Passed - Başarılı + Passed Test result for passed test {0,-10} {1} - {0,-10} {1} + {0,-10} {1} {0}: {1} - {0}: + {0}: {1} Test Messages: {0} - Test İletileri: + Test Messages: {0} Message: {0} - İleti: {0} + Message: {0} StackTrace: {0} - StackTrace: + StackTrace: {0} (null) - (null) + (null) Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. - '{0}' özelliği daha önce '{2}' olarak kaydedildiğinden '{1}' değer türü olarak kaydedilemiyor. + Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. Column Number - Sütun Numarası + Column Number The label of the test property ColumnNumber for test case. Executor Uri - Yürütücü URI’si + Executor Uri The label of the test property ExecutorUri for test case. Source - Kaynak + Source The label of the test property Source for test case. Line Number - Satır Numarası + Line Number The label of the test property LineNumber for test case. Name - Ad + Name The label of the test property Name for test case. Computer Name - Bilgisayar Adı + Computer Name The label of the test property ComputerName for test result. TestResult Display Name - TestResult Görünen Adı + TestResult Display Name The label of TestResult.DisplayName, mainly used for parameterized data tests Duration - Süre + Duration The label of the test property Duration for test result. End Time - Bitiş Saati + End Time The label of the test property EndTime for test result. Error Column Number - Hata Sütun Numarası + Error Column Number The label of the test property ErrorColumnNumber for test result. Error Message - Hata İletisi + Error Message The label of the test property ErrorMessage for test result. Error Stack Trace - Hata Yığın İzlemesi + Error Stack Trace The label of the test property ErrorStackTrace for test result. Outcome - Sonuç + Outcome The label of the test property Outcome for test result. Start Time - Başlangıç Saati + Start Time The label of the test property StartTime for test result. Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. - {0} türü için TypeConverter bulunamıyor. + Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. File Path - Dosya Yolu + File Path The label of the test property FilePath for test case. Notification frequency need to be a positive value. - Bildirim sıklığı pozitif bir değer olmalıdır. + Notification frequency need to be a positive value. frequency for DiscoveryCriteria/TestRunCriteria needs to be a positive value Id - Kimlik + Id Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. - '{0}' ayarları geçersiz. Beklenmeyen XmlAttribute: '{1}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. - '{0}' ayarları geçersiz. Beklenmeyen XmlElement: '{1}'. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. - Geçersiz veri toplayıcı ayarları. Beklenen '{0}' özniteliği eksik. Normal bir veri toplayıcı ayarı şöyle görünmelidir: <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. + Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. NotFound - NotFound + NotFound Test result for not found test Skipped - Atlandı + Skipped Test result for skipped test Notification timeout must be greater than zero. - Bildirim zaman aşımı sıfırdan büyük olmalıdır. + Notification timeout must be greater than zero. Timeout used during test discovery and execution must be greater than zero. Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - '{0}' ayarları geçersiz. '{2}' için geçersiz '{1}' değeri belirtildi. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. - Çalıştırma ayarlarının kök düğümü 'RunSettings' olarak adlandırılmalıdır. + The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. - Belirli bir test çalıştırması için TestCaseFilter belirtilemiyor. FilterCriteria yalnızca kaynakları olan bir çalıştırma içindir. + Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. - '{1}' özelliğinin '{0}' test özelliği türü desteklenmiyor. Desteklenen özellik türlerinden birini (temel türler, uri, string, string[]) seçin ve yeniden deneyin. + The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. Could not find '{0}' node - '{0}' düğümü bulunamadı + Could not find '{0}' node Error message when the specified {0} xml node can not be found in the run settings xml document FullyQualifiedName - FullyQualifiedName + FullyQualifiedName Traits - Nitelikler + Traits The label of the test property Traits for test case. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. - '{0}' çözüm dizini yok. Lütfen runsettings içinde belirtilen çözüm dizininin mevcut olduğundan ve dizin için okuma izinlerine sahip olduğundan emin olun. + Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Parametre null veya boş olamaz. + The parameter cannot be null or empty. File {0} does not exist. - {0} dosyası yok. + File {0} does not exist. Object must be of type {0}. - Nesne {0} türünde olmalıdır. + Object must be of type {0}. Aborted - İptal edildi + Aborted Completed - Tamamlandı + Completed Disconnected - Bağlantı kesildi + Disconnected Error - Hata + Error Failed - Başarısız + Failed Inconclusive - Sonuçsuz + Inconclusive In Progress - Sürüyor + In Progress Not Executed - Yürütülmedi + Not Executed Not Runnable - Çalıştırılamıyor + Not Runnable Passed - Başarılı + Passed Passed (run aborted) - Başarılı (çalıştırma iptal edildi) + Passed (run aborted) Pending - Bekliyor + Pending Timeout - Zaman aşımı + Timeout Warning - Uyarı + Warning Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. - Belirtilen akıştan okunamadı. Bir akış okumayı desteklemiyorsa, akıştaki veriler gönderilemez. + Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. - Belirtilen '{0}' dosya adı şu geçersiz karakterleri içeriyor: '{1}'. + The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. - Belirtilen '{0}' dosya adı ayrılmış. + The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. - Msdia Oturumu COM HResult '{0}' oluşturulamadı. + Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. Failed to load msdia - Msdia yüklenemedi + Failed to load msdia Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. - '{0}' veri toplayıcı ayarlarında geçersiz URI. + Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. - '{1}' ayarlarında geçersiz URI '{0}'. + Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. - Geçersiz ayarlar '{0}'. FriendlyName, URI veya AssemblyQualifiedName değişkenlerinden en az biri bekleniyordu. + Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. - '{0}' filtre dizesi tanınmayan atlatma sırası içeriyor. + Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index d1e11f64bb..1bcfe9b2c1 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,348 +4,348 @@ Failed - 失败 + Failed Test result for failed test None - + None Passed - 已通过 + Passed Test result for passed test {0,-10} {1} - {0,-10} {1} + {0,-10} {1} {0}: {1} - {0}: + {0}: {1} Test Messages: {0} - 测试消息: + Test Messages: {0} Message: {0} - 消息: {0} + Message: {0} StackTrace: {0} - StackTrace: + StackTrace: {0} (null) - (null) + (null) Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. - 无法将属性“{0}”注册为值类型“{1}”,因为已将它注册为“{2}”。 + Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. Column Number - 列号 + Column Number The label of the test property ColumnNumber for test case. Executor Uri - 执行器 URI + Executor Uri The label of the test property ExecutorUri for test case. Source - + Source The label of the test property Source for test case. Line Number - 行号 + Line Number The label of the test property LineNumber for test case. Name - 名称 + Name The label of the test property Name for test case. Computer Name - 计算机名 + Computer Name The label of the test property ComputerName for test result. TestResult Display Name - TestResult 显示名称 + TestResult Display Name The label of TestResult.DisplayName, mainly used for parameterized data tests Duration - 持续时间 + Duration The label of the test property Duration for test result. End Time - 结束时间 + End Time The label of the test property EndTime for test result. Error Column Number - 错误列号 + Error Column Number The label of the test property ErrorColumnNumber for test result. Error Message - 错误消息 + Error Message The label of the test property ErrorMessage for test result. Error Stack Trace - 错误堆栈跟踪 + Error Stack Trace The label of the test property ErrorStackTrace for test result. Outcome - 结果 + Outcome The label of the test property Outcome for test result. Start Time - 开始时间 + Start Time The label of the test property StartTime for test result. Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. - 找不到类型 {0} 的 TypeConverter。 + Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. File Path - 文件路径 + File Path The label of the test property FilePath for test case. Notification frequency need to be a positive value. - 通知频率需为正值。 + Notification frequency need to be a positive value. frequency for DiscoveryCriteria/TestRunCriteria needs to be a positive value Id - ID + Id Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. - 设置“{0}”无效。意外的 XmlAttribute:“{1}”。 + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. - 设置“{0}”无效。意外的 XmlElement:“{1}”。 + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. - 数据收集器设置无效。缺少所需的特性“{0}”。典型数据收集器设置将类似于 <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">。 + Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. NotFound - NotFound + NotFound Test result for not found test Skipped - 已跳过 + Skipped Test result for skipped test Notification timeout must be greater than zero. - 通知超时值必须大于零。 + Notification timeout must be greater than zero. Timeout used during test discovery and execution must be greater than zero. Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - 设置“{0}”无效。为“{2}”指定的值“{1}”无效。 + Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. - 必须将运行设置的根节点命名为 "RunSettings"。 + The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. - 不能为特定测试运行指定 TestCaseFilter。FilterCriteria 仅用于与源一起运行。 + Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. - 不支持属性“{1}”的测试属性类型“{0}”。使用一种支持的属性类型(基元类型、URI、字符串和 string[]),然后重试。 + The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. Could not find '{0}' node - 找不到“{0}”节点 + Could not find '{0}' node Error message when the specified {0} xml node can not be found in the run settings xml document FullyQualifiedName - FullyQualifiedName + FullyQualifiedName Traits - 特征 + Traits The label of the test property Traits for test case. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. - 解决方案目录“{0}”不存在。请确保在 runsettings 中指定的解决方案目录存在并且具有对该目录的读取权限。 + Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. The parameter cannot be null or empty. - 参数不能为 NULL 或为空。 + The parameter cannot be null or empty. File {0} does not exist. - 文件 {0} 不存在。 + File {0} does not exist. Object must be of type {0}. - 对象必须为类型 {0}。 + Object must be of type {0}. Aborted - 已中止 + Aborted Completed - 完成 + Completed Disconnected - 已断开连接 + Disconnected Error - 错误 + Error Failed - 失败 + Failed Inconclusive - 无结论 + Inconclusive In Progress - 正在进行 + In Progress Not Executed - 未执行 + Not Executed Not Runnable - 不可运行 + Not Runnable Passed - 已通过 + Passed Passed (run aborted) - 已通过(运行已中止) + Passed (run aborted) Pending - 待定 + Pending Timeout - 超时 + Timeout Warning - 警告 + Warning Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. - 无法从所提供的流读取。无法发送流中的数据,除非该流支持读取。 + Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. - 提供的文件名“{0}”包含以下无效字符:“{1}”。 + The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. - 所提供的文件名“{0}”是保留文件名。 + The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. - 未能创建 msdia 会话 COM HResult“{0}”。 + Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. Failed to load msdia - 未能加载 msdia + Failed to load msdia Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. - 数据收集器设置“{0}”中的 URI 无效。 + Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. - 设置 "{1}" 中的 URI "{0}" 无效。 + Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. - 无效设置 "{0}"。按照预期,在 friendlyName、URI 和 assemblyQualifiedName 中至少存在一个 XmlAttribute。 + Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. - 筛选器字符串“{0}”包含无法识别的转义序列。 + Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index 780e17c7ec..a2d19fd5bb 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,348 +4,348 @@ Failed - 失敗 + Failed Test result for failed test None - + None Passed - 成功 + Passed Test result for passed test {0,-10} {1} - {0,-10} {1} + {0,-10} {1} {0}: {1} - {0}: + {0}: {1} Test Messages: {0} - 測試訊息: + Test Messages: {0} Message: {0} - 訊息: {0} + Message: {0} StackTrace: {0} - StackTrace: + StackTrace: {0} (null) - (null) + (null) Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. - 無法將屬性 '{0}' 登錄為值類型 '{1}',因為它已登錄為 '{2}'。 + Cannot register property '{0}' as value type '{1}' because it was already registered as '{2}'. Column Number - 欄號 + Column Number The label of the test property ColumnNumber for test case. Executor Uri - 執行程式 URI + Executor Uri The label of the test property ExecutorUri for test case. Source - 來源 + Source The label of the test property Source for test case. Line Number - 行號 + Line Number The label of the test property LineNumber for test case. Name - 名稱 + Name The label of the test property Name for test case. Computer Name - 電腦名稱 + Computer Name The label of the test property ComputerName for test result. TestResult Display Name - TestResult 顯示名稱 + TestResult Display Name The label of TestResult.DisplayName, mainly used for parameterized data tests Duration - 持續時間 + Duration The label of the test property Duration for test result. End Time - 結束時間 + End Time The label of the test property EndTime for test result. Error Column Number - 錯誤欄號 + Error Column Number The label of the test property ErrorColumnNumber for test result. Error Message - 錯誤訊息 + Error Message The label of the test property ErrorMessage for test result. Error Stack Trace - 錯誤堆疊追蹤 + Error Stack Trace The label of the test property ErrorStackTrace for test result. Outcome - 結果 + Outcome The label of the test property Outcome for test result. Start Time - 開始時間 + Start Time The label of the test property StartTime for test result. Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. - 找不到類型 {0} 的 TypeConverter。 + Cannot find TypeConverter for type {0}. File Path - 檔案路徑 + File Path The label of the test property FilePath for test case. Notification frequency need to be a positive value. - 通知頻率必須為正值。 + Notification frequency need to be a positive value. frequency for DiscoveryCriteria/TestRunCriteria needs to be a positive value Id - 識別碼 + Id Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. - 設定 '{0}' 無效。未預期的 XmlAttribute: '{1}'。 + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlAttribute: '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. - 設定 '{0}' 無效。未預期的 XmlElement: '{1}'。 + Invalid settings '{0}'. Unexpected XmlElement: '{1}'. Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. - 無效的資料收集器設定。預期的屬性 '{0}' 遺失。一般的資料收集器設定看起來像 <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">。 + Invalid data collector settings. Expected attribute '{0}' is missing. A typical data collector setting would look like <DataCollector uri="dataCollector://Samples/SampleCollector/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Samples.SampleCollector.SampleDataCollector, SampleCollectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1111111111111111" friendlyName="sampleCollector">. NotFound - NotFound + NotFound Test result for not found test Skipped - 略過 + Skipped Test result for skipped test Notification timeout must be greater than zero. - 通知逾時必須大於零。 + Notification timeout must be greater than zero. Timeout used during test discovery and execution must be greater than zero. Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - 設定 '{0}' 無效。為 '{2}' 指定的值 '{1}' 無效。 + Invalid settings '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. - 回合設定的根節點必須命名為 'RunSettings'。 + The root node of the run settings must be named 'RunSettings'. Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. - 無法為特定測試回合指定 TestCaseFilter。FilterCriteria 只適用於以來源執行的狀況。 + Cannot specify TestCaseFilter for specific tests run. FilterCriteria is only for run with sources. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. - 不支援屬性 '{1}' 的測試屬性類型 '{0}'。請使用其中一個支援的屬性類型 (基本類型、uri、string、string[]),並再試一次。 + The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, uri, string, string[]) and try again. Could not find '{0}' node - 找不到 '{0}' 節點 + Could not find '{0}' node Error message when the specified {0} xml node can not be found in the run settings xml document FullyQualifiedName - FullyQualifiedName + FullyQualifiedName Traits - 特性 + Traits The label of the test property Traits for test case. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. - 解決方案目錄 '{0}' 不存在。請確認 runsettings 中指定的解決方案目錄存在,並且具有目錄的讀取權限。 + Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read permissions for directory. The parameter cannot be null or empty. - 參數不可為 null 或空白。 + The parameter cannot be null or empty. File {0} does not exist. - 檔案 {0} 不存在。 + File {0} does not exist. Object must be of type {0}. - 物件必須為 {0} 類型。 + Object must be of type {0}. Aborted - 已中止 + Aborted Completed - 已完成 + Completed Disconnected - 已中斷連線 + Disconnected Error - 錯誤 + Error Failed - 失敗 + Failed Inconclusive - 結果不明 + Inconclusive In Progress - 進行中 + In Progress Not Executed - 未執行 + Not Executed Not Runnable - 無法執行 + Not Runnable Passed - 成功 + Passed Passed (run aborted) - 成功 (執行已中止) + Passed (run aborted) Pending - 暫止 + Pending Timeout - 逾時 + Timeout Warning - 警告 + Warning Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. - 無法讀取提供的資料流。除非資料流支援讀取,否則無法傳送來自資料流的資料。 + Unable to read from the provided stream. Data from a stream cannot be sent unless the stream supports reading. The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. - 提供的檔案名稱 '{0}' 含有下列無效的字元: '{1}'。 + The provided file name '{0}' contains the following invalid characters: '{1}'. The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. - 已保留提供的檔案名稱 '{0}'。 + The provided file name '{0}' is reserved. Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. - 無法建立 msdia 工作階段 COM HResult '{0}'。 + Failed to Create msdia Session COM HResult '{0}'. Failed to load msdia - 無法載入 msdia + Failed to load msdia Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. - 資料收集器設定 '{0}' 中的 URI 無效。 + Invalid URI in data collector settings '{0}'. Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. - 設定 '{1}' 中的 URI '{0}' 無效。 + Invalid URI '{0}' in settings '{1}'. Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. - 設定 '{0}' 無效。在 friendlyName、URI assemblyQualifiedName 之間,至少要有一個 XmlAttribute。 + Invalid settings '{0}'. Expected atleast one of the XmlAttribute among friendlyName, uri and assemblyQualifiedName. Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. - 篩選字串 '{0}' 包含無法辨識的逸出序列。 + Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index 256626d298..84202123fc 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} - Našlo se více verzí stejného rozšíření. Vybere se nejvyšší verze. + Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". - Nejde najít {0}. Ujistěte se, že testovací projekt má odkaz na balíček nuget Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. + Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. - Nejde najít {0}. Publikujte prosím svůj testovací projekt a zkuste to znovu. + Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. The specified framework can be found at: - - Nepovedlo se najít hostitele {0} pro architekturu {1}. + Could not find '{0}' host for the '{1}' architecture. -Problém můžete vyřešit instalací {1} technologie .NET. +You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. -Zadaná architektura se dá najít tady: - – +The specified framework can be found at: + - '{0}' is the placeholder for 'dotnet.exe' or 'dotnet' value and depends on platform Windows/Unix, '{1}' is the placeholder for the architeture name like ARM64, X64 etc... diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ index 2967eba3cd..12432314ef 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} - Es wurden mehrere Versionen derselben Erweiterung gefunden. Die höchste Version wird ausgewählt. + Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". - "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Testprojekt einen NuGet-Verweis des Pakets "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" aufweist. + Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. - "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. Veröffentlichen Sie Ihr Testprojekt, und versuchen Sie es noch mal. + Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. The specified framework can be found at: - - Der Host "{0}" für die Architektur "{1}" wurde nicht gefunden. + Could not find '{0}' host for the '{1}' architecture. -Sie können das Problem beheben, indem Sie .NET "{1}" installieren. +You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. -Das angegebene Framework finden Sie unter: - – +The specified framework can be found at: + - '{0}' is the placeholder for 'dotnet.exe' or 'dotnet' value and depends on platform Windows/Unix, '{1}' is the placeholder for the architeture name like ARM64, X64 etc... diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ index 1baa96fce9..45a5628fd9 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} - Se encontraron varias versiones de la misma extensión. Seleccionando la versión más alta. + Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". - No se encuentra {0}. Asegúrese de que el proyecto de prueba tenga una referencia NuGet del paquete "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". + Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. - No se encuentra {0}. Publique el proyecto de prueba y vuelva a intentarlo. + Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. @@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. The specified framework can be found at: - - No se encontró el host "{0}" para la arquitectura "{1}". + Could not find '{0}' host for the '{1}' architecture. -Puede resolver el problema instalando el .NET "{1}". +You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. -El marco especificado se puede encontrar en: +The specified framework can be found at: - '{0}' is the placeholder for 'dotnet.exe' or 'dotnet' value and depends on platform Windows/Unix, '{1}' is the placeholder for the architeture name like ARM64, X64 etc... diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ index 6bc1c4ece8..4799b7dced 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} - Plusieurs versions de la même extension ont été trouvées. Sélection de la version la plus élevée. + Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". - {0} est introuvable. Vérifiez que le projet de test a une référence nuget du package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". + Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. - {0} est introuvable. Publiez votre projet de test et réessayez. + Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. @@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. The specified framework can be found at: - - Hôte « {0} » introuvable pour l’architecture '{1}'. + Could not find '{0}' host for the '{1}' architecture. -Vous pouvez résoudre le problème en installant le fichier .NET '{1}'. +You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. -L’infrastructure spécifiée se trouve à l’adresse suivante : +The specified framework can be found at: - '{0}' is the placeholder for 'dotnet.exe' or 'dotnet' value and depends on platform Windows/Unix, '{1}' is the placeholder for the architeture name like ARM64, X64 etc... diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ index 28a9ab558a..6d4b3f1089 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} - Sono state trovate più versioni della stessa estensione. Verrà selezionata quella più recente. + Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". - Non è possibile trovare {0}. Assicurarsi che il progetto di test includa un riferimento NuGet del pacchetto "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". + Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. - Non è possibile trovare {0}. Pubblicare il progetto di test e riprovare. + Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. @@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. The specified framework can be found at: - - Non è stato possibile trovare l'{0}' host per l'architettura '{1}'. + Could not find '{0}' host for the '{1}' architecture. -Per risolvere il problema, installare il '{1}' .NET. +You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. -Il framework specificato è disponibile in: +The specified framework can be found at: - '{0}' is the placeholder for 'dotnet.exe' or 'dotnet' value and depends on platform Windows/Unix, '{1}' is the placeholder for the architeture name like ARM64, X64 etc... diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index 77a6d4fa7a..ff09064357 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} - 同じ拡張子で複数のバージョンが見つかりました。最新のバージョンを選択しています。 + Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". - {0} を見つけることができません。テスト プロジェクトにパッケージ "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" の NuGet 参照があることを確認してください。 + Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. - {0} を見つけることができません。テスト プロジェクトを公開してもう一度お試しください。 + Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. @@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. The specified framework can be found at: - - '{1}' アーキテクチャの '{0}' ホストが見つかりませんでした。 + Could not find '{0}' host for the '{1}' architecture. -'{1}' .NET をインストールすると、問題を解決できます。 +You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. -指定したフレームワークは次の場所にあります: +The specified framework can be found at: - '{0}' is the placeholder for 'dotnet.exe' or 'dotnet' value and depends on platform Windows/Unix, '{1}' is the placeholder for the architeture name like ARM64, X64 etc... diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index bc1dea8896..f729d4394a 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} - 동일한 확장의 여러 버전을 찾았습니다. 가장 높은 버전을 선택합니다. + Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". - {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 테스트 프로젝트에 "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" 패키지의 nuget 참조가 포함되어 있는지 확인하세요. + Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. - {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 테스트 프로젝트를 게시하고 다시 시도하세요. + Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. @@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. The specified framework can be found at: - - '{1}' 아키텍처에 대한 '{0}' 호스트를 찾을 수 없습니다.. + Could not find '{0}' host for the '{1}' architecture. -'{1}' .NET을 사용하여 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다. +You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. -지정된 프레임워크는 다음에서 찾을 수 있습니다. +The specified framework can be found at: - '{0}' is the placeholder for 'dotnet.exe' or 'dotnet' value and depends on platform Windows/Unix, '{1}' is the placeholder for the architeture name like ARM64, X64 etc... diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ index 167d6f7382..ca441f7d3a 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} - Znaleziono wiele wersji tego samego rozszerzenia. Wybierana jest najwyższa wersja. + Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". - Nie można znaleźć elementu {0}. Upewnij się, że projekt testowy ma odwołanie nuget do pakietu „Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk”. + Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. - Nie można znaleźć elementu {0}. Opublikuj swój projekt testowy i spróbuj ponownie. + Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. The specified framework can be found at: - - Nie można odnaleźć hosta „{0}” dla architektury „{1}”. + Could not find '{0}' host for the '{1}' architecture. -Problem można rozwiązać, instalując program .NET „{1}”. +You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. -Określoną strukturę można znaleźć pod adresem: - — +The specified framework can be found at: + - '{0}' is the placeholder for 'dotnet.exe' or 'dotnet' value and depends on platform Windows/Unix, '{1}' is the placeholder for the architeture name like ARM64, X64 etc... diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ index 2c6e6e4e81..c1680cca52 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} - Várias versões da mesma extensão foram encontradas. Selecionando a versão mais alta. + Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". - Não foi possível localizar {0}. Certifique-se de que o projeto de teste tem uma referência nuget do pacote "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". + Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. - Não foi possível localizar {0}. Publique o projeto de teste e tente novamente. + Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. @@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. The specified framework can be found at: - - Não foi possível '{0}' o host para a '{1}' configuração. + Could not find '{0}' host for the '{1}' architecture. -Você pode resolver o problema instalando o '{1}' .NET. +You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. -A estrutura especificada pode ser encontrada em: +The specified framework can be found at: - '{0}' is the placeholder for 'dotnet.exe' or 'dotnet' value and depends on platform Windows/Unix, '{1}' is the placeholder for the architeture name like ARM64, X64 etc... diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ index e8b38482c5..c1b9e6eebf 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} - Обнаружено несколько версий одного расширения. Выбрана самая поздняя версия. + Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". - Не удается найти {0}. Убедитесь, что в тестовом проекте есть ссылка NuGet на пакет "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". + Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. - Не удалось найти {0}. Опубликуйте тестовый проект и повторите попытку. + Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. The specified framework can be found at: - - Не удалось найти узел "{0}" для архитектуры "{1}". + Could not find '{0}' host for the '{1}' architecture. -Чтобы устранить проблему, установите .NET "{1}". +You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. -Указанную платформу можно найти по адресу: - +The specified framework can be found at: + - '{0}' is the placeholder for 'dotnet.exe' or 'dotnet' value and depends on platform Windows/Unix, '{1}' is the placeholder for the architeture name like ARM64, X64 etc... diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ index b66a5a4d50..b78dcb08a8 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/ @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} - Aynı uzantının birden çok sürümü bulundu. En yüksek sürüm seçiliyor. + Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". - {0} bulunamıyor. Test projesinin "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" paketinde nuget başvurusu olduğundan emin olun. + Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. - {0} bulunamıyor. Lütfen test projenizi yayımlayın ve yeniden deneyin. + Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. @@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. The specified framework can be found at: - - '{1}' mimarisi için '{0}' ana bilgisayarı bulunamadı. + Could not find '{0}' host for the '{1}' architecture. -‘{1}’ .NET'i yükleyerek sorunu çözebilirsiniz. +You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. -Belirtilen çerçeve şu konumda bulunamadı: +The specified framework can be found at: - '{0}' is the placeholder for 'dotnet.exe' or 'dotnet' value and depends on platform Windows/Unix, '{1}' is the placeholder for the architeture name like ARM64, X64 etc... diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index 29ea7524b7..eec3453edd 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} - 找到多个具有相同扩展的版本。请选择最高版本。 + Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". - 无法找到 {0}。确保测试项目具有包 "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" 的 nuget 引用。 + Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. - 无法找到 {0}。请发布测试项目并重试。 + Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. @@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. The specified framework can be found at: - - 找不到“{1}”体系结构的“{0}”主机。 + Could not find '{0}' host for the '{1}' architecture. -你可以通过安装“{1}”.NET 来解决该问题。 +You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. -可以在以下位置找到指定的框架: +The specified framework can be found at: - '{0}' is the placeholder for 'dotnet.exe' or 'dotnet' value and depends on platform Windows/Unix, '{1}' is the placeholder for the architeture name like ARM64, X64 etc... diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index 9f370fae8a..b56c3379fe 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} - 找到相同延伸模組的多個版本。系統會選取最高版本。 + Multiple versions of same extension found. Selecting the highest version. {0} Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". - 找不到 {0}。請確認測試專案有 "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk "套件的 nuget 參考。 + Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk". Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. - 找不到 {0}。請發佈您的測試專案並重試。 + Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry. @@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. The specified framework can be found at: - - 找不到 '{1}' 架構的 '{0}' 主機。 + Could not find '{0}' host for the '{1}' architecture. -您可以安裝 '{1}' .NET 來解決問題。 +You can resolve the problem by installing the '{1}' .NET. -指定的架構可在下列位置找到: +The specified framework can be found at: - '{0}' is the placeholder for 'dotnet.exe' or 'dotnet' value and depends on platform Windows/Unix, '{1}' is the placeholder for the architeture name like ARM64, X64 etc... diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index ab91224f87..a9ab68096f 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. - Kód XML parametrů spouštění neobsahuje uzel RunSettings. + Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Neplatné nastavení {0}. Pro {2} se zadala neplatná hodnota {1}. + Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Nepovedlo se najít uzel RunSettings. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Nepovedlo se najít uzel RunSettings. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. - Při načítání nastavení se stala chyba. Chyba: {0} + An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. Unexpected settings file specified. - Zadal se neočekávaný soubor nastavení. + Unexpected settings file specified. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ index 2c044f7e52..0f9880d26e 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. - Das Laufzeiteinstellungen-XML enthält nicht den Knoten "RunSettings". + Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Ungültige Einstellung "{0}". Für "{2}" wurde ein ungültiger Wert "{1}" angegeben. + Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Der Knoten "RunSettings" wurde nicht gefunden. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Der Knoten "RunSettings" wurde nicht gefunden. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. - Fehler beim Laden der Einstellungen. Fehler: {0}. + An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. Unexpected settings file specified. - Es wurde eine unerwartete Einstellungsdatei angegeben. + Unexpected settings file specified. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ index c30b355b82..0c4c3ac592 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. - El archivo XML de parámetros de ejecución no contiene el nodo "RunSettings". + Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Parámetro '{0}' no válido. Se ha especificado un valor no válido ({1}) para '{2}'. + Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - No se encuentra el nodo 'RunSettings'. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - No se encuentra el nodo 'RunSettings'. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. - Error al cargar la configuración. Error: {0}. + An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. Unexpected settings file specified. - Se ha especificado un archivo de configuración no esperado. + Unexpected settings file specified. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ index 7dd5e8a47d..158cfadb66 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. - Le fichier XML des paramètres d'exécution ne contient pas le nœud "RunSettings". + Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Paramètre non valide '{0}'. Valeur non valide '{1}' spécifiée pour '{2}'. + Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Nœud 'RunSettings' introuvable. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Nœud 'RunSettings' introuvable. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. - Une erreur s'est produite durant le chargement des paramètres. Erreur : {0}. + An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. Unexpected settings file specified. - Un fichier de paramètres inattendu a été spécifié. + Unexpected settings file specified. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ index 355349edf8..0a5eb22120 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. - L'XML delle impostazioni esecuzione test non contiene il nodo "RunSettings". + Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - L'impostazione '{0}' non è valida. Il valore '{1}' specificato per '{2}' non è valido. + Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Il nodo 'RunSettings' non è stato trovato. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Il nodo 'RunSettings' non è stato trovato. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. - Si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento delle impostazioni. Errore: {0}. + An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. Unexpected settings file specified. - È stato specificato un file di impostazioni imprevisto. + Unexpected settings file specified. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index 357e6d0aff..b2d1488a1a 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. - 実行設定 XML に "RunSettings" ノードがありません。 + Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - 設定 '{0}' は無効です。無効な値 '{1}' が '{2}' に指定されました。 + Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - 'RunSettings' ノードが見つかりませんでした。 + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - 'RunSettings' ノードが見つかりませんでした。 + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. - 設定の読み込み中にエラーが発生しました。エラー: {0}。 + An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. Unexpected settings file specified. - 予期しない設定ファイルが指定されました。 + Unexpected settings file specified. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index fae0afe348..0792eaf4bb 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. - 실행 설정 XML에 "RunSettings" 노드가 포함되어 있지 않습니다. + Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - '{0}' 설정이 잘못되었습니다. '{2}'에 대해 잘못된 값 '{1}'을(를) 지정했습니다. + Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - 'RunSettings' 노드를 찾을 수 없습니다. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - 'RunSettings' 노드를 찾을 수 없습니다. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. - 설정을 로드하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류: {0}. + An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. Unexpected settings file specified. - 예기치 않은 설정 파일을 지정했습니다. + Unexpected settings file specified. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ index 9945aa63de..2860ca0cb2 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. - Plik XML parametrów uruchomieniowych nie zawiera węzła „RunSettings”. + Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Nieprawidłowe ustawienie „{0}”. Nieprawidłowa wartość „{1}” określona dla elementu „{2}”. + Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Nie można odnaleźć węzła „RunSettings”. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Nie można odnaleźć węzła „RunSettings”. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. - Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania ustawień. Błąd: {0} + An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. Unexpected settings file specified. - Określono nieoczekiwany plik ustawień. + Unexpected settings file specified. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ index 9572a1265d..54bf07c3c7 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. - O XML de configurações de execução não contém o nó de "RunSettings". + Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Configuração inválida '{0}'. Valor inválido '{1}' especificado para '{2}'. + Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Não foi possível localizar o nó 'RunSettings'. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Não foi possível localizar o nó 'RunSettings'. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. - Ocorreu um erro ao carregar as configurações. Erro: {0}. + An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. Unexpected settings file specified. - Arquivo de configurações inesperado especificado. + Unexpected settings file specified. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ index 5c41d58db7..821e990ee6 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. - XML-файл параметров запуска не содержит узел RunSettings. + Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - Недопустимый параметр "{0}". Недопустимое значение "{1}", указанное для "{2}". + Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Не удалось найти узел RunSettings. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - Не удалось найти узел RunSettings. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. - Произошла ошибка при загрузке параметров. Ошибка: {0}. + An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. Unexpected settings file specified. - Указанный неожиданный файл параметров. + Unexpected settings file specified. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ index cd38321dd6..637ab9cdfa 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. - Çalıştırma ayarları XML dosyası "RunSettings" düğümünü içermiyor. + Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - '{0}' ayarı geçersiz. '{2}' için geçersiz '{1}' değeri belirtildi. + Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - 'RunSettings' düğümü bulunamadı. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - 'RunSettings' düğümü bulunamadı. + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. - Ayarlar yüklenirken bir hata oluştu. Hata: {0}. + An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. Unexpected settings file specified. - Beklenmeyen ayarlar dosyası belirtildi. + Unexpected settings file specified. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index 529d998066..66d119cd5a 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. - 运行设置 XML 不包含 "RunSettings" 节点。 + Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - 设置“{0}”无效。为“{2}”指定的值“{1}”无效。 + Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - 找不到 "RunSettings" 节点。 + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - 找不到 "RunSettings" 节点。 + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. - 加载设置时出错。错误: {0}。 + An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. Unexpected settings file specified. - 指定了意外的设置文件。 + Unexpected settings file specified. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index 4834872086..c99b2bd1d4 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. - 回合設定 XML 不包含 " RunSettings" 節點。 + Run settings XML does not contain "RunSettings" node. Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. - 設定 '{0}' 無效。為 '{2}' 指定的值 '{1}' 無效。 + Invalid setting '{0}'. Invalid value '{1}' specified for '{2}'. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - 找不到 'RunSettings' 節點。 + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. Could not find 'RunSettings' node. - 找不到 'RunSettings' 節點。 + Could not find 'RunSettings' node. An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. - 載入設定時發生錯誤。錯誤: {0}。 + An error occurred while loading the settings. Error: {0}. Unexpected settings file specified. - 指定了非預期的設定檔案。 + Unexpected settings file specified. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.cs.xlf index 410aa5879e..d05b3edb92 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.cs.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Cannot find the console runner {0}. - Nepovedlo se najít {0} spouštěče konzoly. + Cannot find the console runner {0}. {0}: the console runner path An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. - Při otevírání {0} souboru s argumenty {1} došlo k chybě. + An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. {0}: process path {1}: arguments passed to the process invocation diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index 37accae976..b2c62ce2e6 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Cannot find the console runner {0}. - Der Konsolen-Runner {0} wurde nicht gefunden. + Cannot find the console runner {0}. {0}: the console runner path An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. - Beim Öffnen der Datei {0} mit den Argumenten {1} ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. + An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. {0}: process path {1}: arguments passed to the process invocation diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index 6fa1ef30fc..6658918998 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Cannot find the console runner {0}. - No se encuentra el ejecutor de consola {0}. + Cannot find the console runner {0}. {0}: the console runner path An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. - Error al abrir el archivo {0} con los argumentos {1}. + An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. {0}: process path {1}: arguments passed to the process invocation diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index 1620e28ec2..269542c2b7 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Cannot find the console runner {0}. - Impossible de trouver l’exécuteur de console {0}. + Cannot find the console runner {0}. {0}: the console runner path An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. - Une erreur s’est produite lors de l’ouverture du fichier {0} avec des arguments {1}. + An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. {0}: process path {1}: arguments passed to the process invocation diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index 0508a368ca..9555caec42 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Cannot find the console runner {0}. - Impossibile trovare lo strumento di esecuzione della console {0}.. + Cannot find the console runner {0}. {0}: the console runner path An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. - Errore durante l'apertura del file {0} con argomenti {1}. + An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. {0}: process path {1}: arguments passed to the process invocation From 67947878e95bbf5fa9095e3d8bde249926d0bc72 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 01:25:13 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 1222: Build ID 2171304 --- .../Resources/xlf/InternalResources.ja.xlf | 4 +- .../Resources/xlf/InternalResources.ko.xlf | 4 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 4 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 4 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 4 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 4 +- .../xlf/InternalResources.zh-Hans.xlf | 4 +- .../xlf/InternalResources.zh-Hant.xlf | 4 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 14 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 10 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 24 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 10 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/ | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 12 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 16 +- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf | 596 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 596 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 605 +++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 598 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 598 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf | 592 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf | 594 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 602 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 594 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 592 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/ | 602 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf | 600 ++++++++--------- .../Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf | 594 ++++++++--------- 47 files changed, 4099 insertions(+), 4102 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.ja.xlf index 67faac9173..7b81337575 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.ja.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Cannot find the console runner {0}. - コンソール ランナー {0}が見つかりません。 + Cannot find the console runner {0}. {0}: the console runner path An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. - 引数 {1} でファイル {0} を開くときにエラーが発生しました。 + An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. {0}: process path {1}: arguments passed to the process invocation diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.ko.xlf index 10a75c3c29..eb129b8e91 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.ko.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Cannot find the console runner {0}. - {0} 콘솔 실행기를 찾을 수 없습니다. + Cannot find the console runner {0}. {0}: the console runner path An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. - {1} 인스가 있는 {0} 파일을 여는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. + An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. {0}: process path {1}: arguments passed to the process invocation diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index 01eb8ee75e..ed4a8db02c 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Cannot find the console runner {0}. - Nie można odnaleźć modułu uruchamiającego konsoli {0}. + Cannot find the console runner {0}. {0}: the console runner path An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. - Wystąpił błąd podczas otwierania pliku {0} z argumentami {1}. + An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. {0}: process path {1}: arguments passed to the process invocation diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index 6aec215e47..8cf7b17464 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Cannot find the console runner {0}. - Não é possível localizar o executor do console {0}. + Cannot find the console runner {0}. {0}: the console runner path An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. - Erro ao abrir o arquivo {0} com argumentos {1}. + An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. {0}: process path {1}: arguments passed to the process invocation diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index 731c823e1c..ebd3c10b67 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Cannot find the console runner {0}. - Не удается найти средство выполнения консоли {0}. + Cannot find the console runner {0}. {0}: the console runner path An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. - Произошла ошибка при открытии файла {0} с аргументами {1}. + An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. {0}: process path {1}: arguments passed to the process invocation diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index 871fb2f22c..91abeb08c9 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Cannot find the console runner {0}. - Konsol çalıştırıcısı {0} bulunamıyor. + Cannot find the console runner {0}. {0}: the console runner path An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. - {1} bağımsız değişkenleriyle {0} dosyası açılırken bir hata oluştu. + An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. {0}: process path {1}: arguments passed to the process invocation diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.zh-Hans.xlf index a72f148157..dc7585ab02 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Cannot find the console runner {0}. - 无法找到控制台运行其 {0}。 + Cannot find the console runner {0}. {0}: the console runner path An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. - 使用参数 {1} 打开文件 {0} 时出错。 + An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. {0}: process path {1}: arguments passed to the process invocation diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.zh-Hant.xlf index 4ccf5ed147..be16d55fb7 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/InternalResources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Cannot find the console runner {0}. - 找不到主控台執行器 {0}。 + Cannot find the console runner {0}. {0}: the console runner path An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. - 開啟具有引數 {1} 的檔案 {0} 時發生錯誤。 + An error occurred when opening the file {0} with arguments {1}. {0}: process path {1}: arguments passed to the process invocation diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index 606739e965..1075592df4 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,42 +4,42 @@ The active Tests Run was aborted. - Aktivní testovací běh se přerušil. + The active Tests Run was aborted. The active Tests Discovery was aborted. - Aktivní zjišťování testů se přerušilo. + The active Tests Discovery was aborted. Failed to receive message from vstest.console process - Nepovedlo se přijmout zprávu z procesu vstest.console. + Failed to receive message from vstest.console process vstest.console process exited abnormally - Proces vstest.console se ukončil neobvyklým způsobem. + vstest.console process exited abnormally File {0} does not exists - Soubor {0} neexistuje. + File {0} does not exists The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. - Aktivní zpracovávání příloh testovacího běhu se přerušilo. + The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. The Start Test Session operation was aborted. - Operace zahájení testovací relace se přerušila. + The Start Test Session operation was aborted. The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. - Operace zastavení testovací relace se přerušila. + The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index 2bcf8be295..a22d7b387d 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,42 +4,42 @@ The active Tests Run was aborted. - Der aktive Testlauf wurde abgebrochen. + The active Tests Run was aborted. The active Tests Discovery was aborted. - Die aktive Testermittlung wurde abgebrochen. + The active Tests Discovery was aborted. Failed to receive message from vstest.console process - Fehler beim Empfangen der Nachricht aus dem vstest.console-Prozess. + Failed to receive message from vstest.console process vstest.console process exited abnormally - Der vstest.console-Prozess wurde anormal beendet. + vstest.console process exited abnormally File {0} does not exists - Die Datei "{0}" ist nicht vorhanden. + File {0} does not exists The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. - Die Verarbeitung aktiver Testlaufanlagen wurde abgebrochen. + The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. The Start Test Session operation was aborted. - Der Vorgang zum Starten der Testsitzung wurde abgebrochen. + The Start Test Session operation was aborted. The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. - Der Vorgang zum Beenden der Testsitzung wurde abgebrochen. + The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index c003e2e574..d1a8c15000 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,42 +4,42 @@ The active Tests Run was aborted. - Se ha anulado la serie de pruebas activa. + The active Tests Run was aborted. The active Tests Discovery was aborted. - Se ha anulado la detección de pruebas activa. + The active Tests Discovery was aborted. Failed to receive message from vstest.console process - No se pudo recibir el mensaje del proceso vstest.console + Failed to receive message from vstest.console process vstest.console process exited abnormally - El proceso vstest.console finalizó de forma anómala + vstest.console process exited abnormally File {0} does not exists - El archivo {0} no existe + File {0} does not exists The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. - Se ha anulado el procesamiento de los datos adjuntos de la serie de pruebas activa. + The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. The Start Test Session operation was aborted. - La operación de inicio de la sesión de prueba se ha anulado. + The Start Test Session operation was aborted. The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. - La operación de detención de la sesión de prueba se ha anulado. + The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index 33e49af784..0796235c4c 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,42 +4,42 @@ The active Tests Run was aborted. - La série de tests active a été abandonnée. + The active Tests Run was aborted. The active Tests Discovery was aborted. - La découverte de tests active a été abandonnée. + The active Tests Discovery was aborted. Failed to receive message from vstest.console process - Échec de réception du message du processus vstest.console + Failed to receive message from vstest.console process vstest.console process exited abnormally - Sortie anormale du processus vstest.console + vstest.console process exited abnormally File {0} does not exists - Le fichier {0} n'existe pas + File {0} does not exists The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. - Le traitement des pièces jointes de série de tests actif a été abandonné. + The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. The Start Test Session operation was aborted. - L'opération de démarrage de la session de test a été abandonnée. + The Start Test Session operation was aborted. The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. - L'opération d'arrêt de la session de test a été abandonnée. + The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index 80b4b793b7..356fa79689 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,42 +4,42 @@ The active Tests Run was aborted. - L'esecuzione dei test attiva è stata interrotta. + The active Tests Run was aborted. The active Tests Discovery was aborted. - L'individuazione dei test attiva è stata interrotta. + The active Tests Discovery was aborted. Failed to receive message from vstest.console process - Non è stato possibile ricevere il messaggio dal processo vstest.console + Failed to receive message from vstest.console process vstest.console process exited abnormally - Il processo vstest.console è stato chiuso in modo anomalo + vstest.console process exited abnormally File {0} does not exists - Il file {0} non esiste + File {0} does not exists The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. - L'elaborazione degli allegati dell'esecuzione dei test attiva è stata interrotta. + The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. The Start Test Session operation was aborted. - L'operazione di avvio della sessione di test è stata interrotta. + The Start Test Session operation was aborted. The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. - L'operazione di arresto della sessione di test è stata interrotta. + The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index 3d7294aed6..488da0b79e 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,42 +4,42 @@ The active Tests Run was aborted. - アクティブなテストの実行が中止されました。 + The active Tests Run was aborted. The active Tests Discovery was aborted. - アクティブなテスト探索が中止されました。 + The active Tests Discovery was aborted. Failed to receive message from vstest.console process - vstest.console プロセスからメッセージを受信できませんでした + Failed to receive message from vstest.console process vstest.console process exited abnormally - vstest.console プロセスが異常終了しました + vstest.console process exited abnormally File {0} does not exists - ファイル {0} が存在しません + File {0} does not exists The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. - アクティブなテストの実行の添付ファイルの処理が中止されました。 + The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. The Start Test Session operation was aborted. - テスト セッションの開始操作が中止されました。 + The Start Test Session operation was aborted. The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. - テスト セッションの停止操作が中止されました。 + The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index 6124e01c75..c9db3f73b8 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,42 +4,42 @@ The active Tests Run was aborted. - 활성 테스트 실행이 중단되었습니다. + The active Tests Run was aborted. The active Tests Discovery was aborted. - 활성 테스트 검색이 중단되었습니다. + The active Tests Discovery was aborted. Failed to receive message from vstest.console process - vstest.console 프로세스에서 메시지를 받지 못했습니다. + Failed to receive message from vstest.console process vstest.console process exited abnormally - vstest.console 프로세스가 비정상적으로 종료되었습니다. + vstest.console process exited abnormally File {0} does not exists - {0} 파일이 없습니다. + File {0} does not exists The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. - 활성 테스트 실행 첨부 파일 처리가 중단되었습니다. + The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. The Start Test Session operation was aborted. - 테스트 세션 시작 작업이 중단되었습니다. + The Start Test Session operation was aborted. The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. - 테스트 세션 중지 작업이 중단되었습니다. + The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index e864c216ca..5b0474036c 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,42 +4,42 @@ The active Tests Run was aborted. - Aktywny przebieg testów został przerwany. + The active Tests Run was aborted. The active Tests Discovery was aborted. - Aktywny proces wykrywania testów został przerwany. + The active Tests Discovery was aborted. Failed to receive message from vstest.console process - Nie można odebrać komunikatu z procesu vstest.console + Failed to receive message from vstest.console process vstest.console process exited abnormally - Proces vstest.console zakończył się nieprawidłowo + vstest.console process exited abnormally File {0} does not exists - Plik {0} nie istnieje + File {0} does not exists The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. - Aktywne przetwarzanie załączników przebiegu testu zostało przerwane. + The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. The Start Test Session operation was aborted. - Operacja uruchamiania sesji testowania została przerwana. + The Start Test Session operation was aborted. The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. - Operacja zatrzymywania sesji testowania została przerwana. + The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index a9368c6aa1..ff90b592aa 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,42 +4,42 @@ The active Tests Run was aborted. - A Execução de Testes ativa foi anulada. + The active Tests Run was aborted. The active Tests Discovery was aborted. - A Descoberta de Testes ativa foi anulada. + The active Tests Discovery was aborted. Failed to receive message from vstest.console process - Falha ao receber mensagem do processo vstest.console + Failed to receive message from vstest.console process vstest.console process exited abnormally - processo de vstest.console encerrado de forma anormal + vstest.console process exited abnormally File {0} does not exists - O arquivo {0} não existe + File {0} does not exists The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. - O Processamento de Anexos de Execução de Teste ativo foi anulado. + The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. The Start Test Session operation was aborted. - A operação Iniciar a Sessão de Teste foi anulada. + The Start Test Session operation was aborted. The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. - A operação Parar a Sessão de Teste foi anulada. + The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index d86672c1ad..9f2a4beedb 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,42 +4,42 @@ The active Tests Run was aborted. - Активный тестовый запуск прерван. + The active Tests Run was aborted. The active Tests Discovery was aborted. - Активное обнаружение тестов прервано. + The active Tests Discovery was aborted. Failed to receive message from vstest.console process - Не удалось получить сообщение из процесса vstest.console. + Failed to receive message from vstest.console process vstest.console process exited abnormally - Аварийное завершение процесса vstest.console + vstest.console process exited abnormally File {0} does not exists - Файл {0} не существует. + File {0} does not exists The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. - Обработка вложений активного тестового запуска прервана. + The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. The Start Test Session operation was aborted. - Операция запуска сеанса тестирования прервана. + The Start Test Session operation was aborted. The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. - Операция остановки сеанса тестирования прервана. + The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ index a10a642a8e..10f596b78b 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,42 +4,42 @@ The active Tests Run was aborted. - Etkin Test Çalıştırması iptal edildi. + The active Tests Run was aborted. The active Tests Discovery was aborted. - Etkin Test Bulma iptal edildi. + The active Tests Discovery was aborted. Failed to receive message from vstest.console process - vstest.console işleminden ileti alınamadı + Failed to receive message from vstest.console process vstest.console process exited abnormally - vstest.console işlemi anormal şekilde çıkış yaptı + vstest.console process exited abnormally File {0} does not exists - {0} dosyası yok + File {0} does not exists The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. - Etkin Test Çalıştırması Ekleri İşlemi durduruldu. + The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. The Start Test Session operation was aborted. - Test Oturumunu Başlatma işlemi iptal edildi. + The Start Test Session operation was aborted. The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. - Test Oturumunu Durdurma işlemi iptal edildi. + The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index 88829d455f..12120dd93e 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,42 +4,42 @@ The active Tests Run was aborted. - 活动的测试运行已中止。 + The active Tests Run was aborted. The active Tests Discovery was aborted. - 活动的测试发现已中止。 + The active Tests Discovery was aborted. Failed to receive message from vstest.console process - 未能从 vstest.console 进程接收消息 + Failed to receive message from vstest.console process vstest.console process exited abnormally - vstest.console 进程异常退出 + vstest.console process exited abnormally File {0} does not exists - 文件 {0} 不存在 + File {0} does not exists The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. - 已中止正在进行的测试运行附件处理操作。 + The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. The Start Test Session operation was aborted. - 已中止启动测试会话操作。 + The Start Test Session operation was aborted. The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. - 已中止停止测试会话操作。 + The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index b5ef69e200..151651d1b8 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,42 +4,42 @@ The active Tests Run was aborted. - 已中止使用中的測試回合。 + The active Tests Run was aborted. The active Tests Discovery was aborted. - 已中止使用中的測試探索。 + The active Tests Discovery was aborted. Failed to receive message from vstest.console process - 無法接收來自 vstest.console 處理序的訊息 + Failed to receive message from vstest.console process vstest.console process exited abnormally - vstest.console 處理序異常結束 + vstest.console process exited abnormally File {0} does not exists - 檔案 {0} 不存在 + File {0} does not exists The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. - 執行中的測試回合附件處理已中止。 + The active Test Run Attachments Processing was aborted. The Start Test Session operation was aborted. - 開始測試工作階段作業已中止。 + The Start Test Session operation was aborted. The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. - 停止測試工作階段作業已中止。 + The Stop Test Session operation was aborted. diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index 2974629c07..81ff7a6a32 100644 --- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. - Všechny uzly LegacySettings, které už jsou v souboru Runsettings, se odstraní. + Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. - RunSettings neobsahuje žádné vložené testSettings, nemigruje se. + RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} - Migrovaný soubor RunSettings se vytvořil v: {0} + The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. - Atributy agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout a scriptTimeout uzlu Timeouts nejsou podporované, takže se nebudou migrovat. + The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings - Platné použití: -SettingsMigrator.exe <Úplná cesta k souboru testsettings nebo runsettings, který se má migrovat> -SettingsMigrator.exe <Úplná cesta k souboru testsettings nebo runsettings, který se má migrovat> <Úplná cesta k souboru runsettings, který se má vytvořit> -Příklady: + Valid usage: +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to runsettings file to be created> +Examples: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ index 7844d26972..3bcbb7bd6a 100644 --- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. - Bereits in RunSettings vorhandene LegacySettings-Knoten werden entfernt. + Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. - RunSettings enthält keine eingebetteten testSettings. Die Migration wird nicht durchgeführt. + RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} - Die migrierte RunSettings-Datei wurde in folgendem Verzeichnis erstellt: {0} + The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. - Die Attribute "agentNotRespondingTimeout", "deploymentTimeout" und "scriptTimeout" des Knotens "Timeouts" werden nicht unterstützt und daher nicht migriert. + The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings - Gültige Syntax: -SettingsMigrator.exe <vollständiger Pfad zur TESTSETTINGS-Datei oder RUNSETTINGS-Datei für die Migration> -SettingsMigrator.exe <vollständiger Pfad zur TESTSETTINGS-Datei oder RUNSETTINGS-Datei für die Migration> <vollständiger Pfad zur zu erstellenden RUNSETTINGS-Datei> -Beispiele: + Valid usage: +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to runsettings file to be created> +Examples: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ index 8e73dc517f..35e67dfaf8 100644 --- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. - Se quitará cualquier nodo de LegacySettings que ya exista en el archivo RunSettings. + Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. - RunSettings no contiene ningún valor de testSettings incrustado, por lo que no se migrará. + RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} - El archivo RunSettings migrado se ha creado a las {0}. + The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. - Los atributos agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout del nodo Timeouts no se admiten, por lo que no se migrarán. + The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings - Uso válido: -SettingsMigrator.exe <Ruta completa al archivo testsettings o runsettings que se va a migrar> -SettingsMigrator.exe <Ruta completa al archivo testsettings o runsettings que se va a migrar> <Ruta completa al archivo runsettings que se va a crear> -Ejemplos: + Valid usage: +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to runsettings file to be created> +Examples: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ index 2c3d50d885..a0866c7131 100644 --- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. - Tout nœud LegacySettings déjà présent dans les paramètres d’exécution sera supprimé. + Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. - RunSettings ne contient pas de testSettings incorporé. Échec de la migration. + RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} - Le fichier RunSettings migré a été créé à : {0} + The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. - Les attributs agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout et scriptTimeout du nœud Timeouts ne sont pas pris en charge. Ils ne seront donc pas migrés. + The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings - Utilisation valide : -SettingsMigrator.exe <chemin complet du fichier testsettings ou runsettings à migrer> -SettingsMigrator.exe <chemin complet du fichier testsettings ou runsettings à migrer> <chemin complet du fichier runsettings à créer> -Exemples : + Valid usage: +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to runsettings file to be created> +Examples: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ index 31c97f9c80..20145ce670 100644 --- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. - L'eventuale nodo LegacySettings già presente nel file RunSettings verrà rimosso. + Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. - Il file RunSettings non contiene un elemento testSettings incorporato. La migrazione non verrà eseguita. + RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} - Il file RunSettings di cui è stata eseguita la migrazione è stato creato in: {0} + The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. - Gli attributi agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout del nodo Timeouts non sono supportati, di conseguenza non ne verrà eseguita la migrazione. + The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings - Sintassi valida: -SettingsMigrator.exe <percorso completo del file testsettings o runsettings di cui eseguire la migrazione> -SettingsMigrator.exe <percorso completo del file testsettings o runsettings di cui eseguire la migrazione> <percorso completo del file runsettings da creare> -Esempi: + Valid usage: +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to runsettings file to be created> +Examples: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index 7a4bc29684..a7c9beb3e8 100644 --- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. - RunSettings 内に既に存在するすべての LegacySettings ノードは削除されます。 + Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. - RunSettings には埋め込み testSettings が含まれていないため、移行されません。 + RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} - 移行された RunSettings ファイルは次の場所に作成されました: {0} + The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. - Timeouts ノードの agentNotRespondingTimeout、deploymentTimeout、scriptTimeout 属性はサポートされていないため、これらは移行されません。 + The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings - 有効な使用法: + Valid usage: SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> -SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> -例: +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to runsettings file to be created> +Examples: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index 4428f36393..b9ff05dea5 100644 --- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. - runsettings에 이미 존재하는 LegacySettings 노드가 제거됩니다. + Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. - RunSettings에 포함된 testSettings이 없으며 마이그레이션되지 않습니다. + RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} - 마이그레이션된 RunSettings 파일은 {0}에 생성되었습니다. + The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. - 시간 제한 노드의 agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout 특성은 지원되지 않으므로 마이그레이션되지 않습니다. + The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings - 유효한 사용법: + Valid usage: SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to runsettings file to be created> Examples: diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ index 4f824d09fe..a052035c4c 100644 --- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. - Wszelkie węzły LegacySettings już istniejące w pliku runsettings zostaną usunięte. + Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. - Plik RunSettings nie zawiera osadzonego elementu testSettings, migracja nie jest wykonywana. + RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} - Zmigrowany plik RunSettings został utworzony w: {0} + The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. - Atrybuty agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout i scriptTimeout węzła Timeouts nie są obsługiwane, więc nie zostaną zmigrowane. + The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. @@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings - Prawidłowe użycie: -SettingsMigrator.exe <pełna ścieżka do pliku testsettings lub runsettings do zmigrowania> -SettingsMigrator.exe <pełna ścieżka do pliku testsettings lub runsettings do zmigrowania> <pełna ścieżka do pliku runsettings do utworzenia> -Przykłady: -SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MójTest\UstawieniaMojegoTestu.testsettings -SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MójTest\UstawieniaMojegoStaregoPrzebiegu.runsettings -SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MójTest\UstawieniaMojegoTestu.testsettings E:\MójTest\UstawieniaMojegoNowegoPrzebiegu.runsettings -SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MójTest\UstawieniaMojegoStaregoPrzebiegu.runsettings E:\MójTest\UstawieniaMojegoNowegoPrzebiegu.runsettings + Valid usage: +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to runsettings file to be created> +Examples: +SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings +SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings +SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings +SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ index 6245aad7cb..70a563d053 100644 --- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. - Qualquer nó LegacySettings já presente em runsettings será removido. + Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. - O RunSettings que não contém um testSettings incorporado não migrará. + RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} - O arquivo RunSettings migrado foi criado em: {0} + The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. - Os atributos agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout do nó Timeouts não têm suporte, portanto, não serão migrados. + The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings - Uso válido: + Valid usage: SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to runsettings file to be created> Examples: diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ index b7fc9ca6de..e9398e8d90 100644 --- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. - Любые узлы LegacySettings в runsettings будут удалены. + Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. - Файл RunSettings не содержит внутри себя testSettings. Перенос выполняться не будет. + RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} - Перенесенный файл RunSettings создан в {0} + The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. - Атрибуты agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout узла Timeouts не поддерживаются и перенесены не будут. + The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings - Допустимое использование: -SettingsMigrator.exe <полный путь к переносимому файлу TestSettings или RunSettings> -SettingsMigrator.exe <полный путь к переносимому файлу TestSettings или RunSettings> <полный путь к создаваемому файлу RunSettings> -Примеры: + Valid usage: +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to runsettings file to be created> +Examples: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ index 16b557ad45..b6e817bb0b 100644 --- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. - Runsettings içinde zaten mevcut olan tüm Any LegacySettings düğümleri kaldırılacak. + Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. - RunSettings, ekli bir testSettings içermiyor ve geçirilmiyor. + RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} - Geçirilen RunSettings dosyası şu konumda oluşturuldu: {0} + The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. - Zaman aşımları düğümünün agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout öznitelikleri desteklenmediğinden bunlar geçirilmeyecek. + The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings - Geçerli kullanım: -SettingsMigrator.exe <Geçirilecek olan testsettings veya runsettings dosyasının tam yolu> -SettingsMigrator.exe <Geçirilecek olan testsettings veya runsettings dosyasının tam yolu> <Oluşturulacak olan runsettings dosyasının tam yolu> -Örnekler: + Valid usage: +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to runsettings file to be created> +Examples: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index 79ef44f17d..6da3fbdaac 100644 --- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. - 已经存在于 runsettings 中的任何 LegacySettings 节点都将被删除。 + Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. - RunSettings 不包含嵌入的 testSettings,不会迁移。 + RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} - 已迁移的 RunSettings 文件已在 {0} 中创建 + The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. - Timeouts 节点的属性 agentNotRespondingTimeout、deploymentTimeout、scriptTimeout 不受支持,因此不会迁移它们。 + The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings - 有效用法: -SettingsMigrator.exe<Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> + Valid usage: +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to runsettings file to be created> Examples: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index 00a73dac4d..4a973fd60d 100644 --- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. - 所有出現在 runsettings 中的 LegacySettings 節點,都將移除。 + Any LegacySettings node already present in the runsettings will be removed. RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. - RunSettings 並不包含內嵌的 testSettings,所以未移轉。 + RunSettings does not contain an embedded testSettings, not migrating. The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} - 移轉的 RunSettings 檔案已於 {0} 建立 + The migrated RunSettings file has been created at: {0} The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. - 不支援 Timeouts 節點的屬性 agentNotRespondingTimeout、deploymentTimeout、scriptTimeout,所以這些將不會移轉。 + The attributes agentNotRespondingTimeout, deploymentTimeout, scriptTimeout of Timeouts node are not supported, so these will not be migrated. @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings - 有效的用法: -SettingsMigrator.exe <testsettings 檔案或要移轉的 runsettings 檔案的完整路徑> -SettingsMigrator.exe <testsettings 檔案或要移轉的 runsettings 檔案的完整路徑> <要建立的 runsettings 檔案的完整路徑> -範例: + Valid usage: +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> +SettingsMigrator.exe <Full path to testsettings file or runsettings file to be migrated> <Full path to runsettings file to be created> +Examples: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf index 5bb9bbf2c0..c1ce6c5a09 100644 --- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf @@ -4,94 +4,94 @@ '{0}' not found. - {0} se nenašel. + '{0}' not found. The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: - Jsou k dispozici tyto doplňky zjišťování testů: + The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: - Jsou k dispozici tyto doplňky pro provádění testů: + The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: {0}: {1} - {0}: {1} + {0}: {1} The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: - Jsou k dispozici tyto doplňky protokolovače testu: + The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: Error: {0} - Chyba: {0} + Error: {0} , {0} - , {0} + , {0} Format used to comma separate a list of values. The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. - Parametr {0} by se měl poskytnout jenom jednou. + The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} - Při vytváření instance rozšíření {0} došlo k výjimce: {1} + Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} The following Tests are available: - Jsou k dispozici následující testy: + The following Tests are available: Unrecognized parameter "{0}". - Nerozpoznaný parametr {0} + Unrecognized parameter "{0}". The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. - Poskytnutý zdrojový soubor testu {0} se nenašel. + The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - Identifikátor URI {0} protokolovače testu není platný. Protokolovač testu se bude ignorovat. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Information: {0} - Informace: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Upozornění: {0} + Warning: {0} -?|--Help|/?|/Help Display this usage message. - -?|--Help|/?|/Help - Zobrazí tuto zprávu o používání. + -?|--Help|/?|/Help + Display this usage message. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Všechna práva vyhrazena. + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} - Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool verze {0} + Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} @@ -107,43 +107,43 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<identifikátor URI nebo popisný název protokolovacího nástroje> - Určuje protokolovací nástroj pro výsledky testu. Pokud chcete protokolovat výsledky třeba - do souboru výsledků testu sady Visual Studio (TRX), použijte /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<výchozí hodnota je jedinečný název souboru>] - Vytvoří soubor v adresáři TestResults s daným LogFileName. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Změní úroveň podrobností ve zprávách protokolu pro protokolovací nástroj konzoly tak, jak je uvedeno níže. - Příklad: /logger:console;verbosity=<výchozí hodnota je normal> - Povolené hodnoty pro verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal a detailed + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Změní předponu úrovně diagnostiky pro protokolovací nástroj konzoly tak, jak je uvedeno níže. - Příklad: /logger:console;prefix=<výchozí hodnota je false> - Další informace o protokolovacím nástroji konzoly: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Description: Runs tests from the specified files. - Popis: Spustí testy ze zadaných souborů. + Description: Runs tests from the specified files. Options: - Možnosti: + Options: Section Header for subsequent command help listing Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] - Použití: vstest.console.exe [argumenty] [možnosti] [[--] <argumenty RunSettings>...]] + Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] No test source files were specified. - Nezadaly se žádné zdrojové soubory testů. + No test source files were specified. No arguments were specified. - Nezadaly se žádné argumenty. + No arguments were specified. @@ -153,59 +153,59 @@ Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll - [TestFileNames] - Spusťte testy ze zadaných souborů nebo ze vzoru se zástupnými znaky. Oddělte více názvů nebo vzorů testovacích souborů pomocí mezer. - Nastavte úroveň podrobností protokolovacího nástroje konzoly na podrobnou, aby se zobrazily odpovídající testovací soubory. - Příklady: mytestproject.dll + [TestFileNames] + Run tests from the specified files or wild card pattern. Separate multiple test file names or pattern + by spaces. Set console logger verbosity to detailed to view matched test files. + Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: - Jsou k dispozici tyto doplňky poskytovatelů nastavení: + The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> Settings to use when running tests. - --Settings|/Settings:<soubor nastavení> - Nastavení, která se použijí při testování. + --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> + Settings to use when running tests. The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. - Parametr /Settings vyžaduje, aby se poskytl soubor nastavení. + The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. - Soubor nastavení {0} se nenašel. + The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. Test Run Failed. - Testovací běh nebyl úspěšný. + Test Run Failed. Test Run Successful. - Testovací běh byl úspěšný. + Test Run Successful. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. - V příkazu InIsolation se argument {0} neočekává. Zadejte příkaz bez tohoto argumentu (třeba vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) a zkuste to znovu. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true - Parametr /UseVsixExtensions vyžaduje hodnotu. Pokud hodnota bude true, v testovacím běhu se použijí nainstalovaná rozšíření VSIX (pokud nějaká jsou). Pokud je hodnota false, budou se rozšíření ignorovat. Příklad: /UseVsixExtensions:true + The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. - V příkazu UseVsixExtensions se argument {0} neočekává. Zadejte příkaz, který určí, jestli se mají rozšíření vsix používat, nebo přeskočit (třeba vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) a zkuste to znovu. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. @@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests may run slower. - --InIsolation|/InIsolation - Spustí testy v izolovaném procesu. Díky tomu je méně pravděpodobné, - že se proces vstest.console.exe zastaví, pokud se v testech stane chyba, - ale testy můžou být pomalejší. + --InIsolation|/InIsolation + Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe + process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests + may run slower. @@ -224,20 +224,20 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. Example /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions - Tato možnost určí, jestli má proces vstest.console.exe v testovacím běhu používat, - nebo přeskočit nainstalovaná rozšíření VSIX (pokud nějaká jsou). - Příklad: /UseVsixExtensions:true + /UseVsixExtensions + This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions + installed(if any) in the test run. + Example /UseVsixExtensions:true The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 - Argument /BatchSize vyžaduje velikost dávky. Příklad: /BatchSize:10 + The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 - Neplatná velikost dávky {0}. Velikost dávky by měla být větší než nula. Příklad: /BatchSize:10 + Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 @@ -245,67 +245,67 @@ >vstest.console.exe tests.dll To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings - Pro spuštění testů: + To run tests: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll - Pro spuštění testů s dalšími nastaveními, třeba kolekcemi dat: + To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings /ListDiscoverers Lists installed test discoverers. - /ListDiscoverers - Vypíše nainstalované nástroje zjišťování testů. + /ListDiscoverers + Lists installed test discoverers. /ListExecutors Lists installed test executors. - /ListExecutors - Vypíše nainstalované prováděcí moduly testů. + /ListExecutors + Lists installed test executors. /ListLoggers Lists installed test loggers. - /ListLoggers - Vypíše nainstalované protokolovače testů. + /ListLoggers + Lists installed test loggers. /ListSettingsProviders Lists installed test settings providers. - /ListSettingsProviders - Vypíše nainstalované poskytovatele nastavení testů. + /ListSettingsProviders + Lists installed test settings providers. -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. - -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<název souboru> - Vypíše všechny zjištěné testy z daného kontejneru testů. + -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> + Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. Time elapsed : - Uplynulý čas: + Time elapsed : The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 - Argument /Tests vyžaduje aspoň jeden konkrétní název testu nebo jeho podřetězec. - Příklady: /Tests:TestovaciMetoda1, /Tests:TestovaciMetoda1,metoda2 + The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. + Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Zjistilo se několik testů (celkem {0}), ale žádný z testů neodpovídá zadaným kritériím výběru ({1}). Použijte správné hodnoty a zkuste to znovu. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. , - , + , @@ -314,90 +314,90 @@ values, separate them by commas. Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 - --Tests|/Tests:<názvy testů> - Spustí testy s názvy odpovídajícími zadaným hodnotám. Chcete-li zadat více - hodnot, oddělte je čárkami. - Příklady: /Tests:TestMethod1 + --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> + Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple + values, separate them by commas. + Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 Please verify if the console output looks good after modifiaction. Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Ke spouštění testů se používá režim izolace, protože v nastavení Runsettings se povolily adaptéry diagnostických dat. Pokud chcete toto upozornění potlačit, použijte parametr /InIsolation. + Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Ke spouštění testů jednotek pro aplikace pro Windows Store se používá režim izolace. Pokud chcete toto upozornění potlačit, použijte parametr /InIsolation. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Pokud se spouští testy jednotek pro aplikace pro Windows Store, nepodporují se adaptéry diagnostických dat. Odeberte nastavení adaptérů diagnostických dat z nastavení. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. FriendlyName: {0} - PopisnýNázev: {0} + FriendlyName: {0} Uri: {0} - Identifikátor URI: {0} + Uri: {0} SettingName: {0} - NázevNastavení: {0} + SettingName: {0} Supported File Types: - Podporované typy souborů: + Supported File Types: {0} - {0} + {0} {0}, - {0}, + {0}, Default Executor Uri: {0} - Identifikátor URI výchozího prováděcího modulu: {0} + Default Executor Uri: {0} Uri: {0} - Identifikátor URI: {0} + Uri: {0} Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. - Neplatný typ platformy: {0}. Platné typy platformy: {1}. + Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. 0 is the platform type e.g. x86, and 1 is a list of the built in platforms, e.g. x86, x64 The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 - Argument /Platform vyžaduje, aby se pro testovací běh poskytl typ platformy. Příklad: /Platform:x86 + The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. - --Platform|/Platform:<typ platformy> - Cílová architektura platformy, která se použije ke spuštění testu. - Platné hodnoty jsou x86, x64 a ARM. + --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> + Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. + Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Pro provádění testů se používá režim izolace tak, jak to vyžaduje nastavení platformy {0} a rozhraní .NET Framework {1} pro testovací běh. Pokud chcete toto upozornění potlačit, použijte parametr /InIsolation. + Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. @@ -405,25 +405,25 @@ Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - --Framework|/Framework:<verze rozhraní> - Cílová verze rozhraní .NET Framework, která se použije ke spuštění testu. - Platné hodnoty jsou .NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1, .NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0 apod. - Další podporované hodnoty jsou Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 a FrameworkUap10. + --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> + Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. + Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. + Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" - Argument /Framework vyžaduje cílovou verzi rozhraní .NET Framework pro testovací běh. Příklad: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" + The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - Neplatná verze rozhraní .NET Framework: {0}. Zadejte prosím úplný název cílového rozhraní (příklad: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Další podporované verze jsou Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 a FrameworkUap10. + Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. - Nepovedlo se spustit testovací běh pro testy jednotek aplikace pro Windows Store: {0} + Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. @@ -436,13 +436,13 @@ Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" - --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<výraz> - Spustí testy, které odpovídají danému výrazu. - <výraz> musí být formátu <vlastnost>operátor<hodnota>[|&<výraz>], - kde operátor je =, != nebo ~ (operátor ~ má sémantiku - contains a je použitelný na vlastnosti řetězce, jako je DisplayName). - Závorky () mohou být použity pro seskupení podvýrazů. - Příklady: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" + --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> + Run tests that match the given expression. + <Expression> is of the format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] + where Operator is one of =, != or ~ (Operator ~ has 'contains' + semantics and is applicable for string properties like DisplayName). + Parenthesis () can be used to group sub-expressions. + Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" @@ -451,66 +451,66 @@ The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" - Argument příkazu /TestCaseFilter vyžaduje hodnotu filtru. - Hodnota filtru by měla být typu<vlastnost>=<hodnota>. - Příklady: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" + The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. + Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. + Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. - Argument /TestCaseFilter nejde zadat spolu s argumentem /Tests. Když se zadají testy, filtrování testovacích případů nejde použít. + The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. - Projekt {0} je sestavený pro {1}/{2}. Testovací sestavení zadané v běhu by měly mít společné cílové rozhraní .NET Framework a platformu. + {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. - Pro spouštění testů se dá zadat jenom jeden balíček aplikace (soubor .appx). + Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. Starting test discovery, please wait... - Začínají se zjišťovat testy, počkejte prosím... + Starting test discovery, please wait... Starting test execution, please wait... - Začínají se provádět testy, počkejte prosím... + Starting test execution, please wait... Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. - Při čtení nastavení adaptéru diagnostických dat se vyvolala výjimka {0}. Všechny adaptéry diagnostických dat se v tomto běhu přeskočí. + Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. - /EnableCodeCoverage - Povolí kolekci dat CodeCoverage pro testovací běh. + /EnableCodeCoverage + Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. - V příkazu EnableCodeCoverage se argument {0} neočekává. Zadejte příkaz bez tohoto argumentu (třeba vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) a zkuste to znovu. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. - Balíček aplikace {0} nemá vstupní bod prováděcího modulu testování. Pokud chcete spouštět testy jednotek pro aplikace pro Windows Store, vytvořte balíček aplikace pomocí projektu Knihovna testu jednotek pro aplikaci pro Windows Store. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Pro aplikace pro Windows Store není pokrytí kódu k dispozici. Pro tento testovací běh se analýza pokrytí kódu přeskočí. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Zjistilo se několik testů (celkem {0}), ale některé z testů neodpovídají zadaným kritériím výběru ({1}). Použijte správné hodnoty a zkuste to znovu. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. @@ -518,65 +518,65 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> - --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath - Proces vstest.console.exe použije v testovacím běhu vlastní - adaptéry testu ze zadané cesty (pokud existují). - Příklad: /TestAdapterPath:<cesta_k_vlastním_adaptérům> + --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath + This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters + from a given path (if any) in the test run. + Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters - Parametr /TestAdapterPath vyžaduje hodnotu, která je součástí umístění obsahujícího vlastní adaptéry testů. Příklad: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MojeVlastniAdaptery + The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} - Cesta {0} zadaná v TestAdapterPath není platná. Chyba: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Zadaná cesta pro vyhledávání vlastních adaptérů testů se nenašla. Zadejte platnou cestu a zkuste to znovu. + The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. - Cesta {0} zadaná v TestAdapterPath neobsahuje žádné adaptéry testů. Zadejte platnou cestu a zkuste to znovu. + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. - Nepovedlo se spustit testovací běh pro testy aplikace pro Windows Phone: {0} + Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Ke spouštění testů jednotek pro aplikace pro Windows Phone se používá režim izolace. Pokud chcete toto upozornění potlačit, použijte parametr /InIsolation. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Pro aplikace pro Windows Phone není pokrytí kódu k dispozici. Pro tento testovací běh se analýza pokrytí kódu přeskočí. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Pokud se spouští testy jednotek pro aplikace pro Windows Phone, nepodporují se adaptéry diagnostických dat. Odeberte nastavení adaptérů diagnostických dat z nastavení. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. - Balíček aplikace {0} nemá vstupní bod prováděcího modulu testování. Pokud chcete spouštět testy jednotek pro aplikace pro Windows Phone, vytvořte balíček aplikace pomocí projektu Knihovna testu jednotek pro aplikaci pro Windows Phone. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. - Ke spouštění testů se používá rozhraní {0}. Pokud chcete toto upozornění potlačit, zadejte /Framework:{1}. + Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. - V kontejnerech testů se nenašly žádné testy. Navíc Adaptér testování částí aplikací pro Microsoft Windows Store nepodporuje soubory .appxbundle. Při vytváření balíčku aplikace vytvořte soubor appx (nastavte možnost Generovat svazek aplikací na Nikdy) a zkuste to znovu. + No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. @@ -584,185 +584,185 @@ Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up to all available cores on the machine may be used. The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. - --Parallel|/Parallel - Určí, že se testy mají provádět paralelně. Ve výchozím nastavení - se můžou použít všechna dostupná jádra počítače. - Počet jader, která se můžou použít, se dá nakonfigurovat v souboru nastavení. + --Parallel|/Parallel + Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up + to all available cores on the machine may be used. + The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. - V příkazu Parallel se argument {0} neočekává. Zadejte příkaz bez tohoto argumentu (třeba vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) a zkuste to znovu. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. Cannot be null or empty - Nemůže být null nebo prázdné. + Cannot be null or empty --Port|/Port:<Port> The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port:<port> - Port pro připojení soketu a přijímání zpráv událostí + --Port|/Port:<Port> + The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - Argument --Port|/Port vyžaduje celočíselné číslo portu. Zadejte port pro připojení soketu a přijímání zpráv událostí. + The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. - Nepovedlo se najít testované sestavení. Ujistěte se prosím, že je projekt sestavený. + Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. The Path {0} does not exist. - Cesta {0} neexistuje. + The Path {0} does not exist. --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> The directory containing the temporary outputs. - --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> - Adresář, který obsahuje dočasné výstupy + --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> + The directory containing the temporary outputs. -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release - -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<konfigurace> - Konfigurace, pro kterou se projekt sestaví, tj. Debug/Release + -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> + The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release The given configuration is invalid. - Zadaná konfigurace není platná. + The given configuration is invalid. -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> The directory containing the binaries to run. - -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<výstup> - Adresář, který obsahuje binární soubory, které se mají spustit + -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> + The directory containing the binaries to run. The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Cesta k základu sestavení se nenašla, zadejte platnou cestu a zkuste to znovu. + The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Cesta k výstupu se nenašla, zadejte platnou cestu a zkuste to znovu. + The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. Additional Information Messages: - Další informační zprávy: + Additional Information Messages: Days - Dny + Days Error Message: - Chybová zpráva: + Error Message: Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} - Celkový čas: {0:0.0000} {1} + Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} Hours - Hodiny + Hours Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Nepovedlo se najít protokolovač testu s identifikátorem URI nebo popisným názvem {0}. + Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Minutes - Minuty + Minutes Seconds - Sekundy + Seconds Stack Trace: - Trasování zásobníku: + Stack Trace: Standard Error Messages: - Zprávy standardních chyb: + Standard Error Messages: Standard Output Messages: - Zprávy standardního výstupu: + Standard Output Messages: Attachments: - Přílohy: + Attachments: {0} - {0} + {0} No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - V {0} nejsou dostupné žádné testy. Přesvědčte se, že nainstalované nástroje zjišťování testů, moduly provádění, nastavení verzí platformy a rozhraní jsou vhodné a zkuste to znova. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Failed - Neúspěšné + Failed Message which is written to the console when a test fails. Passed - Úspěšné + Passed Message which is written to the console when a test passes. Skipped - Přeskočeno + Skipped Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} - Zjišťování pro dané zdroje selhalo. Výjimka: {0} + Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> - ID nadřazeného procesu, který je odpovědný za spuštění aktuálního procesu + --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> + Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. - Argument --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId vyžaduje ID procesu, které je celočíselné. Zadejte ID nadřazeného procesu, který spustil tento proces. + The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. Arguments: - Argumenty: + Arguments: @@ -773,28 +773,28 @@ Change the trace level for logs as shown below Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. - --Diag|/Diag:<cesta k protokolu souboru> - Povolit protokoly pro testovací platformu - Protokoly se zapisují do zadaného souboru. + --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> + Enable logs for test platform. + Logs are written to the provided file. - Změňte úroveň trasování pro protokoly tak, jak je uvedeno níže. - Příklad: /Diag:<cesta k protokolu souboru>;tracelevel=<výchozí hodnota je verbose> - Povolené hodnoty pro tracelevel: off, error, warning, info a verbose + Change the trace level for logs as shown below + Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> + Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. The file {0} provided is read only - Zadaný soubor {0} je jen pro čtení. + The file {0} provided is read only Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} - Časový limit k propojení nebo zpracování žádosti pro DesignModeClient na portu: {0} + Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} Not Run - Nespuštěno + Not Run @@ -802,61 +802,61 @@ Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. More info on RunSettings arguments support: - Argumenty RunSettings: - Argumenty k předání konfigurací runsettings prostřednictvím příkazového řádku. Argumenty je možné zadat jako dvojici název-hodnota ve formě [název]=[hodnota] po -- . Po -- následuje mezera. - K oddělení více dvojic [název]=[hodnota] použijte mezeru. - Další informace o podpoře argumentů RunSettings: + RunSettings arguments: + Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. + Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. + More info on RunSettings arguments support: One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token - Nejméně jedno z nastavení Runsettings obsahuje neplatný token + One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> - --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory - Na zadané cestě se vytvoří adresář pro výsledky testů, pokud ještě neexistuje. - Příklad: /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> + --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory + Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. + Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory - Parametr /ResultsDirectory vyžaduje hodnotu určující, kam se výsledky testů uloží. Příklad: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MůjAdresářVýsledkůTestů + The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} - Cesta {0} zadaná v ResultsDirectory není platná. Chyba: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process - Příznak /InIsolation je zastaralý. Testy se vždy spouští v samostatném procesu. + The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} - Protokolování diagnostiky Vstest v souboru: {0} + Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : - --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> - Povolit kolekci dat pro testovací běh. Další informace: + --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> + Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. - Popisný název kolekce dat {0} není platný. Kolekce dat se bude ignorovat. + The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. Debug Traces Messages: - Zprávy trasování ladění: + Debug Traces Messages: @@ -872,77 +872,77 @@ Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full - --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] - Spustí test v režimu blame. Tato možnost je užitečná při izolaci problematického testu, který způsobuje jeho chybové ukončení. - Vytvoří výstupní soubor v aktuálním adresáři jako Sequence.xml, - který zachytí pořadí provádění testu před chybovým ukončením. - Volitelně se můžete rozhodnout pro shromáždění výpisu procesu pro hostitele testu. - Pokud se rozhodnete pro shromáždění výpisu, shromáždí se ve výchozím nastavení při chybovém ukončení minivýpis. - Toto výchozí chování můžete také přepsat pomocí určitých volitelných parametrů: - CollectAlways – Pro shromáždění výpisu při ukončení, pokud nedojde k chybovému ukončení (true/false) - DumpType – Pro zadání typu výpisu (mini/full) - Příklad: /Blame + --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] + Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash. + It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml", + that captures the order of execution of test before the crash. + You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host. + When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash. + You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters: + CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false) + DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full). + Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full Test Run Aborted. - Testovací běh se přerušil. + Test Run Aborted. Test Run Canceled. - Testovací běh se zrušil. + Test Run Canceled. Error opening response file '{0}' - Chyba při otevírání souboru odpovědí {0} + Error opening response file '{0}' @<file> Read response file for more options. - @<file> - Načte další možnosti ze souboru odpovědí. + @<file> + Read response file for more options. Total tests: Unknown - Celkový počet testů: neznámý + Total tests: Unknown {0} {1} - {0} {1} + {0} {1} Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. - Kromě toho se cesta k adaptérům testů dá zadat pomocí příkazu /TestAdapterPath. Příklad: /TestAdapterPath:<cesta_k_vlastním_adaptérům>. + Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. - Příkaz /UseVsixExtensions je zastaralý. Použijte místo něj prosím příkaz /TestAdapterPath. + /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true - --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> - Příklad: /DisableAutoFakes:true + --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> + Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. - --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" není podporován, pokud je testovací běh nakonfigurován pomocí nastavení testů. + --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. - Kolekce dat jiné než Pokrytí kódu a Microsoft Fakes konfigurované prostřednictvím nastavení běhu nejsou podporované s vloženým nastavením testů. Další informace viz Nastavení běhu: {0} + Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. @@ -958,115 +958,115 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<identifikátor URI nebo popisný název protokolovacího nástroje> - Určuje protokolovací nástroj pro výsledky testu. Pokud chcete protokolovat výsledky třeba - do souboru výsledků testu sady Visual Studio (TRX), použijte /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<výchozí hodnota je jedinečný název souboru>] - Vytvoří soubor v adresáři TestResults s daným LogFileName. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Změní úroveň podrobností ve zprávách protokolu pro protokolovací nástroj konzoly tak, jak je uvedeno níže. - Příklad: /logger:console;verbosity=<výchozí hodnota je minimal> - Povolené hodnoty pro verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal a detailed + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Změní předponu úrovně diagnostiky pro protokolovací nástroj konzoly tak, jak je uvedeno níže. - Příklad: /logger:console;prefix=<výchozí hodnota je false> - Další informace o protokolovacím nástroji konzoly: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. - Shromažďování výpisů stavu systému pomocí možnosti CollectDump pro Blame se pro tuto platformu nepodporuje. + Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. - Zadaný parametr blame {0} není platný. Tento parametr se bude ignorovat. + The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. - Cesta k souboru diag {0} není platná. + Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. - Argument blame {0} není platný. + Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. - Argument diag {0} není platný. + Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. - Argument logger {0} není platný. + Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". - Rozhraní Framework35 není podporováno. Pro projekty, které cílí na rozhraní .Net Framework 3.5, bude test spuštěn v „režimu kompatibility“ CLR 4.0. + Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". Test run in progress - Probíhá testovací běh + Test run in progress Total tests: {0} - Celkový počet testů: {0} + Total tests: {0} Failed: {0} - Neúspěšné: {0} + Failed: {0} Passed: {0} - Úspěšné: {0} + Passed: {0} Skipped: {0} - Přeskočené: {0} + Skipped: {0} The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. - Argument {0} není platný. Pokud si chcete zobrazit seznam platných argumentů, použijte prosím možnost /help. + The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. - Celkový počet testovacích souborů, které odpovídají zadanému vzoru: {0} + A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") - Argument parametru testovacího běhu {0} není platný. Použijte prosím formát uvedený níže. - Formát: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") + The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. + Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. - Shromažďování výpisů stavu systému při zablokování pomocí možnosti CollectDump s TestTimeout pro Blame se pro tuto platformu nepodporuje. + Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} - {0} - Neúspěšné: {1}, Úspěšné: {2}, Přeskočeno: {3}, Celkem: {4}, Doba trvání: {5} + {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} None - Žádné + None - {0} {1} - - {0} {1} + - {0} {1} @@ -1078,29 +1078,29 @@ Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" - -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NÁZEV>=<HODNOTA> - Nastaví hodnotu proměnné prostředí. Pokud proměnná neexistuje, vytvoří ji, a pokud existuje, přepíše ji. Tato možnost bude znamenat, že se použije přepínač /InIsolation a vynutí se spuštění testů v izolovaném procesu. + -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> + Sets the value of an environment variable. Creates the variable if it does not exist, overrides if it does. This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - Tento argument se dá zadat vícekrát, může se tak poskytnout více proměnných. + This argument can be specified multiple times to provide multiple variables. - Příklad: -e:PROMENNA1=HODNOTA1 - -e:JINA_PROMENNA="HODNOTA S MEZERAMI" - -e:JINA_PROMENNA="HODNOTA;oddělená;středníky" + Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 + -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" + -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. - Proměnná prostředí {0} se už definovala, ale přepsal ji argument -Environment. + Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. Test Run Aborted with error {0}. - Testovací běh se přerušil s chybou {0}. + Test Run Aborted with error {0}. Invalid testSessionCorrelationId - Neplatné testSessionCorrelationId + Invalid testSessionCorrelationId @@ -1124,36 +1124,36 @@ - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. - --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> - Toto má dopad na chování při načítání adaptéru. + --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> + This affects adapter loading behavior. - Aktuálně podporovaná chování: - – Explicit: Testovací platforma načte pouze adaptéry určené přes /TestAdapterPath (nebo uzel RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths). - Pokud je poskytnuta určená cesta k adaptéru, adaptér se načte; pokud je poskytnuta cesta adresáře, načtou se adaptér přímo v dané složce, pokud není zároveň určená rekurzivní možnost. - Pokud není určena žádná cesta k adaptéru, testovací běh se nezdaří. - To bude znamenat přepnutí na /InIsolation a vynutí spuštění testů v izolovaném procesu. + Currently supported behaviors: + - Explicit: Test Platform will only load adapters specified by /TestAdapterPath (or RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). + If a specific adapter path is provided, adapter will be loaded; if a directory path is provided adapters directly in that folder will be loaded, unless Recursive option is also specified. + If no adapter path is specified, test run will fail. + This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - – Výchozí: Testovací platforma načte adaptéry pokud nedošlo k určení tohoto argumentu. - Vyzvedne rozšíření z okolí zdroje, z poskytnutých dodatečných cest k adaptéru a z výchozího adresáře. + - Default: Test Platform will load adapters is if this argument has not been specified. + It will pick up extensions from next to source, provided additional adapter paths and from the default directory. - – DefaultRuntimeProviders: Načte výchozí poskytovatele modulů runtime doručené spolu s Testovací platformou. - Pokud toto není výslovně určeno, když je nastavena možnost „Explicit“, poskytovatel hostitele testu musí být explicitně určen. + - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Load default runtime providers shipped with Test Platform. + If this is not specified when "Explicit" option is set, a test host provider need to be specified explicitly. - – ExtensionsDirectory: Načte adaptéry ve složce Rozšíření. + - ExtensionsDirectory: Load adapters inside Extensions folder. - – NextToSource: Načte adaptéry v okolí zdroje. + - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - – Recursive: Rekurzivně prohledá složky při načítání adaptérů. Toto vyžaduje, aby bylo zároveň určeno „Explicit“ a „NextToSource“. + - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. Do not translate "Default", "DefaultRuntimeProviders", "ExtensionsDirectory", "NextToSource" or "Recursive". Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! - Určená hodnota ({0}) pro /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy je neplatná! + Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Strategie načítání rekurzivního adaptéru nemůže být použita samostatně. Zkombinujte ji prosím s jednou nebo několika z: {0} + Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Do not translate "Recursive", - {0} is the strategy names, seperated by comma: for example "Explicit, NextToSource" @@ -1161,67 +1161,67 @@ The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! - Při načítání určené strategie načítání adaptéru testu {0}musí být zadaný parametr /TestAdapterPath! + The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! {0} is the strategy name, "Explicit" for example. vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. - Nástroj vstest.console.exe je spuštěn v emulovaném režimu jako {0}. Pokud chcete dosáhnout lepšího výkonu, zvažte použití nativního nástroje runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. + vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. - Při čekání na připojení obslužné rutiny požadavku vypršel časový limit po {0} s. + Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Při čekání na spuštění testovací relace vypršel časový limit po {0} s. + Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Při čekání na ukončení testovací relace vypršel časový limit po {0} s. + Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. Error hosting communication channel. - Při hostování komunikačního kanálu došlo k chybě. + Error hosting communication channel. ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. - Pro instalaci nebo odinstalaci ladicího programu postmortem by se měla zadat cesta ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath. + ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. - Ladicí program postmortem se v aktuálním operačním systému nepodporuje. + Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) - Adresář zadaný pro spustitelný soubor procdump není platný a nástroj nebyl nalezen v proměnných prostředí (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH). + The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) Procdump file name not found: '{0}' - Název souboru Procdump se nenašel: {0}. + Procdump file name not found: '{0}' DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. - Pro instalaci ladicího programu postmortem by se měla zadat cesta DumpDirectoryPath. + DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' - Zadaný adresář není platný: {0}. + The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. - Argument AeDebugger {0} není platný. + AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ index 6e8d1e778f..4f2b4a82e2 100644 --- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,94 +4,94 @@ '{0}' not found. - "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. + '{0}' not found. The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: - Die folgenden Testermittlungs-Add-Ins sind verfügbar: + The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: - Die folgenden Testausführungs-Add-Ins sind verfügbar: + The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: {0}: {1} - {0}: {1} + {0}: {1} The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: - Die folgenden Testprotokollierungs-Add-Ins sind verfügbar: + The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: Error: {0} - Fehler: {0} + Error: {0} , {0} - , {0} + , {0} Format used to comma separate a list of values. The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. - Der Parameter "{0}" sollte nur ein Mal angegeben werden. + The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} - Ausnahme beim Instanziieren der Erweiterung "{0}": {1} + Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} The following Tests are available: - Die folgenden Tests sind verfügbar: + The following Tests are available: Unrecognized parameter "{0}". - Unbekannter Parameter "{0}". + Unrecognized parameter "{0}". The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. - Die angegebene Testquelldatei "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. + The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - Der Testprotokollierungs-URI "{0}" ist ungültig. Die Testprotokollierung wird ignoriert. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Information: {0} - Informationen: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Warnung: {0} + Warning: {0} -?|--Help|/?|/Help Display this usage message. - -?|--Help|/?|/Help - Zeigt diese Syntaxmeldung an. + -?|--Help|/?|/Help + Display this usage message. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} - Microsoft (R) Testausführungs-Befehlszeilentool Version {0} + Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} @@ -107,43 +107,43 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<URI/Anzeigename für Protokollierung> - Geben Sie eine Protokollierung für Testergebnisse an. Um Ergebnisse beispielsweise in einer - Visual Studio-Testergebnisdatei (TRX) zu protokollieren, verwenden Sie /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Standardmäßig eindeutiger Dateiname>] - Erstellt die Datei im TestResults-Verzeichnis mit dem angegebenen LogFileName. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Ändern Sie den Ausführlichkeitsgrad in den Protokollmeldungen für die Konsolenprotokollierung wie folgt: - Beispiel: /logger:console;verbosity=<Standardmäßig "normal"> - Zulässige Werte für den Ausführlichkeitsgrad: quiet, minimal, normal, detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Ändern Sie das Präfix für die Diagnoseebene für die Konsolenprotokollierung wie folgt: - Beispiel: /logger:console;prefix=<Standardmäßig "false"> - Weitere Informationen zur Konsolenprotokollierung finden Sie hier: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Description: Runs tests from the specified files. - Beschreibung: Führt Tests aus den angegebenen Dateien aus. + Description: Runs tests from the specified files. Options: - Optionen: + Options: Section Header for subsequent command help listing Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] - Syntax: vstest.console.exe [Argumente] [Optionen] [[--] <RunSettings-Argumente>...]] + Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] No test source files were specified. - Es wurden keine Testquelldateien angegeben. + No test source files were specified. No arguments were specified. - Es wurden keine Argumente angegeben. + No arguments were specified. @@ -153,59 +153,59 @@ Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll - [TestFileNames] - Hiermit führen Sie Tests über die angegebenen Dateien oder das Platzhaltermuster aus. Trennen Sie mehrere Testdateinamen oder Muster - durch Leerzeichen. Legen Sie die Ausführlichkeit der Konsolenprotokollierung auf "detailed" fest, um übereinstimmende Testdateien anzuzeigen. - Beispiele: mytestproject.dll + [TestFileNames] + Run tests from the specified files or wild card pattern. Separate multiple test file names or pattern + by spaces. Set console logger verbosity to detailed to view matched test files. + Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: - Die folgende Einstellungenanbieter-Add-Ins sind verfügbar: + The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> Settings to use when running tests. - --Settings|/Settings:<Einstellungsdatei> - Einstellungen für die Ausführung der Tests. + --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> + Settings to use when running tests. The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. - Für den Parameter "/Settings" muss eine Einstellungsdatei angegeben werden. + The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. - Die Einstellungsdatei "{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. + The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. Test Run Failed. - Fehler beim Testlauf. + Test Run Failed. Test Run Successful. - Der Testlauf war erfolgreich. + Test Run Successful. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. - Das Argument "{0}" wird im Befehl "InIsolation" nicht erwartet. Geben Sie den Befehl ohne das Argument an (Beispiel: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation), und versuchen Sie es erneut. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true - Der /UseVsixExtensions-Parameter erfordert einen Wert. Wenn TRUE, werden die installierten VSIX-Extensions (falls vorhanden) im Testlauf verwendet. Wenn FALSE, werden sie ignoriert. Beispiel: /UseVsixExtensions:true + The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. - Das Argument "{0}" wird im Befehl "UseVsixExtensions" nicht erwartet. Geben Sie den Befehl mit der Angabe an, ob die VSIX-Extensions verwendet oder übersprungen werden sollen (Beispiel: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true), und versuchen Sie es erneut. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. @@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests may run slower. - /InIsolation/InIsolation - Führt die Tests in einem isolierten Prozess aus. Auf diese Weise ist es unwahrscheinlicher, dass der Prozess - "vstest.console.exe" bei einem Fehler in den Tests beendet wird. - Tests werden aber ggf. langsamer ausgeführt. + --InIsolation|/InIsolation + Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe + process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests + may run slower. @@ -224,20 +224,20 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. Example /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions - Bewirkt, dass der Prozess "vstest.console.exe" die installierten VSIX-Extensions - (sofern vorhanden) im Testlauf verwendet oder überspringt. - Beispiel /UseVsixExtensions:true + /UseVsixExtensions + This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions + installed(if any) in the test run. + Example /UseVsixExtensions:true The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 - Das Argument "/BatchSize" erfordert die Größe des Batches. Beispiel: /BatchSize:10 + The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 - Ungültige Batchgröße {0}. Die Batchgröße muss größer als null sein. Beispiel: /BatchSize:10 + Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 @@ -245,67 +245,67 @@ >vstest.console.exe tests.dll To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings - Zum Ausführen von Tests: + To run tests: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll - Zum Ausführen von Tests mit zusätzlichen Einstellungen wie Datensammlern: + To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings /ListDiscoverers Lists installed test discoverers. - / ListDiscoverers - Listet die installierten Testdiscoverer auf. + /ListDiscoverers + Lists installed test discoverers. /ListExecutors Lists installed test executors. - / ListExecutors - Listet die installierten Testexecutors auf. + /ListExecutors + Lists installed test executors. /ListLoggers Lists installed test loggers. - / ListLoggers - Listet die installierten Testprotokollierungen auf. + /ListLoggers + Lists installed test loggers. /ListSettingsProviders Lists installed test settings providers. - / ListSettingsProviders - Listet die installierten Testeinstellungenanbieter auf. + /ListSettingsProviders + Lists installed test settings providers. -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. - -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<Dateiname> - Listet alle gefundenen Tests aus dem angegebenen Testcontainer auf. + -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> + Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. Time elapsed : - Verstrichene Zeit: + Time elapsed : The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 - Das /Tests-Argument erfordert mindestens einen bestimmten Testnamen oder seine Teilzeichenfolgen. - Beispiele: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 + The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. + Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Insgesamt {0} Tests wurden ermittelt, aber kein Test stimmt mit den angegebenen Auswahlkriterien ({1}) überein. Verwenden Sie die richtigen Werte, und versuchen Sie es erneut. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. , - , + , @@ -314,90 +314,90 @@ values, separate them by commas. Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 - --Tests|/Tests:<Testnamen > - Führt Tests aus, die mit den eingegebenen Werten übereinstimmen. Verwenden Sie zum - Angeben mehrerer Werte Kommas als Trennzeichen. - Beispiele: /Tests:TestMethod1 + --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> + Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple + values, separate them by commas. + Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 Please verify if the console output looks good after modifiaction. Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Der Isolationsmodus wird zum Ausführen der Tests verwendet, weil Adapter für diagnostische Daten in den "runsettings" aktiviert wurden. Verwenden Sie den Parameter "/inIsolation", um diese Warnung zu unterdrücken. + Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Der Isolationsmodus wird zum Ausführen der Komponententests für Windows Store-Apps verwendet. Verwenden Sie den Parameter "/inIsolation", um diese Warnung zu unterdrücken. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Adapter für diagnostische Daten werden beim Ausführen von Komponententests für Windows Store-Apps nicht unterstützt. Entfernen Sie die Einstellungen für den Adapter für diagnostische Daten aus den Einstellungen. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. FriendlyName: {0} - FriendlyName: {0} + FriendlyName: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} SettingName: {0} - SettingName: {0} + SettingName: {0} Supported File Types: - Unterstützte Dateitypen: + Supported File Types: {0} - {0} + {0} {0}, - {0}, + {0}, Default Executor Uri: {0} - Standard-Executor-URI: {0} + Default Executor Uri: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. - Ungültiger Plattformtyp: {0}. Gültige Plattformtypen sind {1}. + Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. 0 is the platform type e.g. x86, and 1 is a list of the built in platforms, e.g. x86, x64 The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 - Für das /Platform-Argument muss der Zielplattformtyp für den Testlauf angegeben werden. Beispiel: /Platform:x86 + The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. - --Platform|/Platform:<Plattformtyp> - Zielplattformarchitektur für die Testausführung. - Gültige Werte sind x86, x64 und ARM. + --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> + Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. + Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Der Isolationsmodus wird zum Ausführen von Tests gemäß den Einstellungen der effektiven Plattform {0} und von .NET Framework {1} für den Testlauf verwendet. Verwenden Sie den /inIsolation-Parameter, um diese Warnung zu unterdrücken. + Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. @@ -405,25 +405,25 @@ Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - --Framework|/Framework:<Frameworkversion> - Die .NET-Framework-Zielversion für die Testausführung. - Gültige Werte sind ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" usw. - Weitere unterstützte Werte: Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10, FrameworkUap10. + --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> + Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. + Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. + Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" - Das /Framework-Argument erfordert die .NET Framework-Zielversion für den Testlauf. Beispiel: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" + The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - Ungültige .NET Framework-Version: {0}. Geben Sie den vollständigen Namen von TargetFramework an (Beispiel: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Weitere unterstützte .NET Framework-Versionen sind "Framework40", "Framework45", "FrameworkCore10" und "FrameworkUap10". + Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. - Der Testlauf für Komponententests für die Windows Store-App konnte nicht gestartet werden: {0}. + Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. @@ -436,13 +436,13 @@ Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" - --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Ausdruck> - Führt Tests aus, die mit dem angegebenen Ausdruck übereinstimmen. - <Ausdruck> entspricht dem Format <Eigenschaft>Operator<Wert>[|&<Ausdruck>], - wobei Operator entweder "=", "!=" oder "~" ist (Der Operator "~" verfügt über eine contains- - Semantik und kann auf Zeichenfolgeneigenschaften, z. B. DisplayName, angewendet werden). - Zum Gruppieren von Unterausdrücken können Klammern () verwendet werden. - Beispiele: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" + --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> + Run tests that match the given expression. + <Expression> is of the format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] + where Operator is one of =, != or ~ (Operator ~ has 'contains' + semantics and is applicable for string properties like DisplayName). + Parenthesis () can be used to group sub-expressions. + Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" @@ -451,66 +451,66 @@ The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" - Für das Argument /TestCaseFilter ist der Filterwert erforderlich. - Filterwert kann von folgendem Typ sein: <Eigenschaft>=<Wert>. - Beispiele: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" + The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. + Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. + Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. - Das Argument "/TestCaseFilter" kann nicht mit "/Tests" angegeben werden. Das Filtern von Testfällen ist nicht anwendbar, wenn Tests angegeben werden. + The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. - {0} wurde für {1}/{2} erstellt. Den in einem Testlauf angegebenen Testassemblys muss ein .NET-Zielframework und eine Zielplattform gemeinsam sein. + {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. - Zum Ausführen von Tests kann nur ein App-Paket (APPX-Datei) angegeben werden. + Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. Starting test discovery, please wait... - Die Testermittlung wird gestartet, bitte warten... + Starting test discovery, please wait... Starting test execution, please wait... - Die Testausführung wird gestartet, bitte warten... + Starting test execution, please wait... Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. - Das Lesen der Einstellungen des Adapters für diagnostische Daten hat eine ausgeführte "{0}" ausgelöst. Alle Adapter für diagnostische Daten werden in diesem Testlauf übersprungen. + Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. - /EnableCodeCoverage - Aktiviert den Datensammler "CodeCoverage" für den Testlauf. + /EnableCodeCoverage + Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. - Das Argument "{0}" wird im Befehl "EnableCodeCoverage" nicht erwartet. Geben Sie den Befehl ohne das Argument an (Beispiel: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage), und versuchen Sie es erneut. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. - Das App-Paket "{0}" weist keinen Testexecutor-Einstiegspunkt auf. Erstellen Sie zum Ausführen von Komponententests für Windows Store-Apps ein App-Paket mithilfe des Komponententest-Bibliotheksprojekts der Windows Store-App. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Code Coverage ist für Windows Store-Apps nicht verfügbar. Die Code Coverage-Analyse wird für diesen Testlauf übersprungen. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Insgesamt {0} Tests wurden ermittelt, aber einige Tests stimmen nicht mit den angegebenen Auswahlkriterien ({1}) überein. Verwenden Sie die richtigen Werte, und versuchen Sie es erneut. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. @@ -518,65 +518,65 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> - --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath - Hierdurch verwendet der Prozess "vstest.console.exe" im Testlauf - benutzerdefinierte Testadapter aus einem angegeben Pfad (soweit vorhanden). - Beispiel: /TestAdapterPath:<Pfad_zu_benutzerdefinierten_Adaptern> + --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath + This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters + from a given path (if any) in the test run. + Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters - Der /TestAdapterPath-Parameter erfordert einen Wert. Dabei handelt es sich um den Pfad eines Speicherorts mit benutzerdefinierten Testadaptern. Beispiel: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MeineBenutzerdefiniertenAdapter + The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} - Der in "TestAdapterPath" angegebene Pfad "{0}" ist ungültig. Fehler: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Der angegebene benutzerdefinierte Testadapter-Suchpfad wurde nicht gefunden. Geben Sie einen gültigen Pfad an, und versuchen Sie es erneut. + The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. - Der in "TestAdapterPath" angegebene Pfad "{0}" enthält keine Testadapter. Geben Sie einen gültigen Pfad an, und versuchen Sie es erneut. + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. - Der Testlauf für die Tests für die Windows Phone-App konnte nicht gestartet werden: {0}. + Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Der Isolationsmodus wird zum Ausführen der Komponententests für Windows Phone-Apps verwendet. Verwenden Sie den Parameter "/inIsolation", um diese Warnung zu unterdrücken. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Code Coverage ist für Windows Phone-Apps nicht verfügbar. Die Code Coverage-Analyse wird für diesen Testlauf übersprungen. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Adapter für diagnostische Daten werden beim Ausführen von Komponententests für Windows Phone-Apps nicht unterstützt. Entfernen Sie die Einstellungen für den Adapter für diagnostische Daten aus den Einstellungen. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. - Das App-Paket "{0}" weist keinen Testexecutor-Einstiegspunkt auf. Erstellen Sie zum Ausführen von Komponententests für Windows Phone-Apps ein App-Paket mithilfe des Komponententest-Bibliotheksprojekts der Windows Phone-App. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. - Das Framework {0} wird zum Ausführen der Tests verwendet. Geben Sie /Framework:{1} an, um diese Warnung zu unterdrücken. + Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. - Es wurde kein Test in den angegebenen Testcontainern gefunden. Darüber hinaus unterstützt der Microsoft Windows Store-Komponententestadapter keine APPXBUNDLE-Dateien. Erstellen Sie eine APPX-Datei (legen Sie die Option "App-Bundle generieren" auf "Nie" fest), wenn Sie das App-Paket erstellen, und versuchen Sie es erneut. + No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. @@ -584,185 +584,185 @@ Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up to all available cores on the machine may be used. The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. - --Parallel|/Parallel - Gibt an, dass die Tests parallel ausgeführt werden. Standardmäßig werden - alle verfügbaren Kerne auf dem Computer verwendet. - Die Anzahl der zu verwendenden Kerne kann ggf. mithilfe einer Einstellungsdatei konfiguriert werden. + --Parallel|/Parallel + Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up + to all available cores on the machine may be used. + The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. - Das Argument "{0}" wird im Befehl "Parallel" nicht erwartet. Geben Sie den Befehl ohne das Argument an (Beispiel: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel), und versuchen Sie es erneut. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. Cannot be null or empty - Darf nicht NULL oder leer sein. + Cannot be null or empty --Port|/Port:<Port> The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port:<Port> - Der Port für die Socketverbindung und das Empfangen von Ereignismeldungen. + --Port|/Port:<Port> + The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - Das Argument "--Port|/Port" erfordert die Portnummer (Integerwert). Geben Sie den Port für die Socketverbindung und den Empfang von Ereignismeldungen an. + The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. - Die aktuell getestete Assembly wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Projekt erstellt wird. + Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. The Path {0} does not exist. - Der Pfad "{0}" ist nicht vorhanden. + The Path {0} does not exist. --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> The directory containing the temporary outputs. - --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<Buildbasispfad> - Das Verzeichnis mit den temporären Ausgaben. + --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> + The directory containing the temporary outputs. -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release - -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Konfiguration> - Die Konfiguration, für die das Projekt erstellt wird, d. h. Debug/Release. + -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> + The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release The given configuration is invalid. - Die angegebene Konfiguration ist ungültig. + The given configuration is invalid. -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> The directory containing the binaries to run. - -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Ausgabe> - Das Verzeichnis mit den auszuführenden Binärdateien. + -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> + The directory containing the binaries to run. The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Der BuildBasePath wurde nicht gefunden. Geben Sie einen gültigen Pfad ein, und versuchen Sie es erneut. + The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Der Ausgabepfad wurde nicht gefunden. Geben Sie einen gültigen Pfad ein, und versuchen Sie es erneut. + The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. Additional Information Messages: - Weitere Informationsmeldungen: + Additional Information Messages: Days - Tage + Days Error Message: - Fehlermeldung: + Error Message: Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} - Gesamtzeit: {0:0.0000} {1} + Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} Hours - Stunden + Hours Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Es wurde keine Testprotokollierung mit dem URI oder FriendlyName "{0}" gefunden. + Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Minutes - Minuten + Minutes Seconds - Sekunden + Seconds Stack Trace: - Stapelverfolgung: + Stack Trace: Standard Error Messages: - Standardfehlermeldungen: + Standard Error Messages: Standard Output Messages: - Standardausgabemeldungen: + Standard Output Messages: Attachments: - Anlagen: + Attachments: {0} - {0} + {0} No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - In "{0}" ist kein Test verfügbar. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die installierten Test-Discoverer und -Executor und die Versionseinstellungen für Plattform und Framework richtig sind, und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Failed - Fehler + Failed Message which is written to the console when a test fails. Passed - Bestanden + Passed Message which is written to the console when a test passes. Skipped - Übersprungen + Skipped Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} - Fehler bei der Ermittlung für die angegebenen Quellen. Ausnahme: {0} + Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ÜbergeordneteProzess-ID> - Die Prozess-ID des übergeordneten Prozesses, der für das Starten des aktuellen Prozesses zuständig ist. + --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> + Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. - Das Argument "--ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId" erfordert die Prozess-ID (Integerwert). Geben Sie die Prozess-ID des übergeordneten Prozesses an, der diesen Prozess gestartet hat. + The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. Arguments: - Argumente: + Arguments: @@ -773,28 +773,28 @@ Change the trace level for logs as shown below Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. - --Diag|/Diag:<Pfad zur Protokolldatei> - Aktivieren Sie die Protokolle für die Testplattform. - Protokolle werden in die bereitgestellte Datei geschrieben. + --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> + Enable logs for test platform. + Logs are written to the provided file. - Ändern Sie die Ablaufverfolgungsebene für Protokolle wie folgt: - Beispiel: /Diag:<Pfad zur Protokolldatei>;tracelevel=<standardmäßig "verbose"> - Zulässige Werte für tracelevel: off, error, warning, info, verbose. + Change the trace level for logs as shown below + Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> + Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. The file {0} provided is read only - Die angegebene Datei "{0}" ist schreibgeschützt. + The file {0} provided is read only Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} - Timeout zum Herstellen einer Verbindung oder zum Verarbeiten von Anfragen für DesignModeClient an Port: {0} + Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} Not Run - Nicht ausgeführt + Not Run @@ -802,61 +802,61 @@ Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. More info on RunSettings arguments support: - RunSettings-Argumente: - An die RunSettings-Konfigurationen über die Befehlszeile zu übergebende Argumente. Argumente werden unter Umständen als Name-Wert-Paar der Form [Name]=[Wert] nach "-- " übergeben. Beachten Sie das Leerzeichen nach "--". - Trennen Sie mehrere Paare der Form [Name]=[Wert] mithilfe von Leerzeichen. - Weitere Informationen zur Unterstützung von RunSettings-Argumenten: + RunSettings arguments: + Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. + Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. + More info on RunSettings arguments support: One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token - Mindestens eine angegebene RUNSETTINGS-Datei enthält ein ungültiges Token + One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> - --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory - Das Testergebnisverzeichnis wird im angegebenen Pfad erstellt, wenn es noch nicht vorhanden ist. - Beispiel: /ResultsDirectory:<Pfad_zu_Ergebnisverzeichnis> + --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory + Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. + Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory - Der Parameter "/ResultsDirectory" erfordert einen Wert, wobei die Testergebnisse gespeichert werden müssen. Beispiel: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory + The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} - Der in "ResultsDirectory" angegebene Pfad "{0}" ist ungültig. Fehler: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process - Das Flag "/InIsolation" ist veraltet. Die Tests werden immer in einem separaten Prozess ausgeführt. + The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} - Die Vstest-Diagnose wird in der Datei {0} protokolliert. + Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : - --Collect|/Collect:<Datensammler-Anzeigename> - Aktiviert den Datensammler für den Testlauf. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter + --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> + Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. - Der benutzerfreundliche Name des Datensammlers "{0}" ist ungültig. Der Datensammler wird ignoriert. + The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. Debug Traces Messages: - Meldungen zu Debugablaufverfolgungen: + Debug Traces Messages: @@ -872,77 +872,77 @@ Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full - --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] - Führt den Test im blame-Modus aus. Diese Option ist hilfreich zum Isolieren des problematischen Tests, der einen Absturz des Testhosts verursacht. - Im aktuellen Verzeichnis wird eine Ausgabedatei namens "Sequence.xml" erstellt, - in der die Reihenfolge der Testausführung vor dem Absturz erfasst wird. - Optional können Sie eine Prozesssicherung für den Testhost erfassen. - Wenn Sie sich zum Erfassen einer Sicherung entschließen, wird bei einem Absturz standardmäßig eine Minisicherung erfasst. - Dieses Standardverhalten können Sie durch einige optionale Parameter außer Kraft setzen: - CollectAlways: Zum Erfassen einer Sicherung beim Beenden, selbst wenn kein Absturz eintritt (TRUE/FALSE). - DumpType: Zur Angabe des Sicherungstyps (mini/full). - Beispiel: /Blame + --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] + Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash. + It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml", + that captures the order of execution of test before the crash. + You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host. + When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash. + You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters: + CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false) + DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full). + Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full Test Run Aborted. - Testlauf abgebrochen. + Test Run Aborted. Test Run Canceled. - Testlauf abgebrochen. + Test Run Canceled. Error opening response file '{0}' - Fehler beim Öffnen der Antwortdatei "{0}". + Error opening response file '{0}' @<file> Read response file for more options. - @<Datei> - Antwortdatei mit weiteren Optionen lesen + @<file> + Read response file for more options. Total tests: Unknown - Gesamtzahl Tests: unbekannt + Total tests: Unknown {0} {1} - {0} {1} + {0} {1} Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. - Der Pfad zu Testadaptern kann zudem mit dem Befehl /TestAdapterPath angegeben werden. Beispiel: /TestAdapterPath:<Pfad_zu_benutzerdefinierten_Adaptern>. + Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. - /UseVsixExtensions wird demnächst eingestellt. Verwenden Sie stattdessen /TestAdapterPath. + /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true - --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> - Beispiel: /DisableAutoFakes:true + --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> + Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. - --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" wird nicht unterstützt, wenn der Testlauf mithilfe von "testsettings" konfiguriert wurde. + --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. - Eingebettete Testeinstellungen werden – mit Ausnahme von Code Coverage und Microsoft Fakes – nicht für Datensammler unterstützt, die über Ausführungseinstellungen konfiguriert wurden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Ausführungseinstellungen: {0}. + Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. @@ -958,115 +958,115 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<URI/Anzeigename für Protokollierung> - Geben Sie eine Protokollierung für Testergebnisse an. Um Ergebnisse beispielsweise in einer - Visual Studio-Testergebnisdatei (TRX) zu protokollieren, verwenden Sie /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Standardmäßig eindeutiger Dateiname>] - Erstellt die Datei im TestResults-Verzeichnis mit dem angegebenen LogFileName. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Ändern Sie den Ausführlichkeitsgrad in den Protokollmeldungen für die Konsolenprotokollierung wie folgt: - Beispiel: /logger:console;verbosity=<Standardmäßig "minimal"> - Zulässige Werte für den Ausführlichkeitsgrad: quiet, minimal, normal, detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Ändern Sie das Präfix für die Diagnoseebene für die Konsolenprotokollierung wie folgt: - Beispiel: /logger:console;prefix=<Standardmäßig "false"> - Weitere Informationen zur Konsolenprotokollierung finden Sie hier: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. - Das Sammeln von Absturzabbildern über die Option "CollectDump" für "Blame" wird für diese Plattform nicht unterstützt. + Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. - Der mit "blame" angegebene blame-Parameter "{0}" ist ungültig. Dieser Parameter wird ignoriert. + The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. - Der Diagnosedateipfad "{0}" ist ungültig. + Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. - Das blame-Argument "{0}" ist ungültig. + Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. - Das diag-Argument "{0}" ist ungültig. + Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. - Das logger-Argument "{0}" ist ungültig. + Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". - Framework35 wird nicht unterstützt. Bei Projekten für Zielversion .NET Framework 3.5 wird der Test im CLR 4.0-Kompatibilitätsmodus ausgeführt. + Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". Test run in progress - Testlauf wird ausgeführt. + Test run in progress Total tests: {0} - Gesamtzahl Tests: {0} + Total tests: {0} Failed: {0} - Nicht bestanden: {0} + Failed: {0} Passed: {0} - Bestanden: {0} + Passed: {0} Skipped: {0} - Übersprungen: {0} + Skipped: {0} The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. - Das Argument "{0}" ist ungültig. Verwenden Sie die /help-Option, um die Liste gültiger Argumente anzuzeigen. + The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. - Insgesamt {0} Testdateien stimmten mit dem angegebenen Muster überein. + A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") - Das Parameterargument "{0}" für den Testlauf ist ungültig. Verwenden Sie das nachstehende Format. + The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. - Das Sammeln von Abbildern bei Reaktionsunfähigkeit über die Option "CollectDump" mit "TestTimeout" für "Blame" wird für diese Plattform nicht unterstützt. + Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} - {0}: Fehler: {1}, erfolgreich: {2}, übersprungen: {3}, gesamt: {4}, Dauer: {5} + {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} None - Keine + None - {0} {1} - - {0} {1} + - {0} {1} @@ -1078,29 +1078,29 @@ Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" - -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> - Legt den Wert einer Umgebungsvariablen fest. Erstellt die Variable, wenn Sie nicht vorhanden ist, und setzt sie andernfalls außer Kraft. Dies impliziert die Option "/InIsolation" und erzwingt die Ausführung der Tests in einem isolierten Prozess. + -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> + Sets the value of an environment variable. Creates the variable if it does not exist, overrides if it does. This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - Dieses Argument kann mehrmals angegeben werden, um mehrere Variablen bereitzustellen. + This argument can be specified multiple times to provide multiple variables. - Beispiel: -e:VARIABLE1=WERT1 - -e:WEITERE_VARIABLE="WERT MIT LEERZEICHEN" - -e:WEITERE_VARIABLE="WERT;getrennt durch;Semikolons" + Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 + -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" + -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. - Die Umgebungsvariable "{0}" wurde bereits definiert, sie wird jedoch durch das Argument "-Environment" überschrieben. + Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. Test Run Aborted with error {0}. - Der Testlauf wurde mit dem Fehler {0} abgebrochen. + Test Run Aborted with error {0}. Invalid testSessionCorrelationId - Ungültige testSessionCorrelationId + Invalid testSessionCorrelationId @@ -1124,36 +1124,36 @@ - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. - --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> - Dies wirkt sich auf das Ladeverhalten des Adapters aus. - - Derzeit unterstützte Verhaltensweisen: - – Explicit: Test Platform lädt nur Adapter, die durch /TestAdapterPath (oder runConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths-Knoten) angegeben sind. - Wenn ein bestimmter Adapterpfad angegeben wird, wird der Adapter geladen. Wenn ein Verzeichnispfad bereitgestellt wird, werden Adapter direkt in diesen Ordner geladen, es sei denn, die Option „Rekursiv“ ist ebenfalls angegeben. - Wenn kein Adapterpfad angegeben ist, schlägt der Testlauf fehl. - Dies impliziert den Schalter „/InIsolation“, und es wird erzwungen, dass die Tests in einem isolierten Prozess ausgeführt werden. + --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> + This affects adapter loading behavior. - – Standard: Die Testplattform lädt Adapter, wenn dieses Argument nicht angegeben wurde. - Werden Erweiterungen von der Quelle aus abgerufen, werden zusätzliche Adapterpfade und das Standardverzeichnis bereitgestellt. + Currently supported behaviors: + - Explicit: Test Platform will only load adapters specified by /TestAdapterPath (or RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). + If a specific adapter path is provided, adapter will be loaded; if a directory path is provided adapters directly in that folder will be loaded, unless Recursive option is also specified. + If no adapter path is specified, test run will fail. + This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. + + - Default: Test Platform will load adapters is if this argument has not been specified. + It will pick up extensions from next to source, provided additional adapter paths and from the default directory. - – DefaultRuntimeProviders: StandardruntimeProvider laden, die im Lieferumfang der Testplattform enthalten sind. - Wenn dies nicht angegeben wird, wenn die Option "Explicit" festgelegt ist, muss ein Testhostanbieter explizit angegeben werden. + - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Load default runtime providers shipped with Test Platform. + If this is not specified when "Explicit" option is set, a test host provider need to be specified explicitly. - – ExtensionsDirectory: Laden Sie Adapter in den Ordner "Extensions". + - ExtensionsDirectory: Load adapters inside Extensions folder. - – NextToSource: Laden Sie Adapter neben der Quelle. + - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - – Rekursiv: Suchen Sie beim Laden von Adaptern rekursiv nach Ordnern. Hierfür muss auch „Explicit“ oder „NextToSource“ angegeben werden. + - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. Do not translate "Default", "DefaultRuntimeProviders", "ExtensionsDirectory", "NextToSource" or "Recursive". Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! - Der angegebene Wert ({0}) für /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy ist ungültig! + Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Die Rekursive Adapterladestrategie kann nicht allein verwendet werden. Kombinieren Sie dies mit mindestens einem der folgenden Elemente: {0} + Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Do not translate "Recursive", - {0} is the strategy names, seperated by comma: for example "Explicit, NextToSource" @@ -1161,67 +1161,67 @@ The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! - Der „/TestAdapterPath“ Parameter muss angegeben werden, wenn die Testadapterladestrategie „{0}“ angegeben wird. + The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! {0} is the strategy name, "Explicit" for example. vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. - „vstest.console.exe“ wird im emulierten Modus als {0} ausgeführt. Um eine bessere Leistung zu erzielen, erwägen Sie die Verwendung der nativen Ausführung von „vstest.console.arm64.exe“. + vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. - Zeitüberschreitung beim Warten auf die Anforderungshandlerverbindung nach {0} Sekunden. + Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Zeitüberschreitung beim Warten auf das Starten der Testsitzung nach {0} Sekunden. + Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Zeitüberschreitung beim Warten auf das Stoppen der Testsitzung nach {0} Sekunden. + Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. Error hosting communication channel. - Fehler beim Hosten des Kommunikationskanals. + Error hosting communication channel. ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. - ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath muss angegeben werden, um den Postmortemdebugger zu installieren oder zu deinstallieren. + ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. - Der Postmortemdebugger wird im aktuellen Betriebssystem nicht unterstützt. + Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) - Das für die ausführbare Procdump-Datei angegebene Verzeichnis ist ungültig, und das Tool wurde nicht in Umgebungsvariablen (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) gefunden. + The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) Procdump file name not found: '{0}' - Der Procdump-Dateiname wurde nicht gefunden: "{0}" + Procdump file name not found: '{0}' DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. - DumpDirectoryPath muss angegeben werden, um den Postmortemdebugger zu installieren. + DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' - Das angegebene Verzeichnis ist ungültig: "{0}" + The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. - Das AeDebugger-Argument "{0}" ist ungültig. + AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ index ded9554eff..64f7d4d17c 100644 --- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,94 +4,94 @@ '{0}' not found. - No se encuentra '{0}'. + '{0}' not found. The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: - Los siguientes complementos de detección de pruebas están disponibles: + The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: - Los siguientes complementos de ejecución de pruebas están disponibles: + The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: {0}: {1} - {0}: {1} + {0}: {1} The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: - Los siguientes complementos de registrador de pruebas están disponibles: + The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: Error: {0} - Error: {0} + Error: {0} , {0} - , {0} + , {0} Format used to comma separate a list of values. The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. - El parámetro "{0}" debe proporcionarse solo una vez. + The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} - Se produjo una excepción al crear una instancia de la extensión '{0}': {1} + Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} The following Tests are available: - Las siguientes pruebas están disponibles: + The following Tests are available: Unrecognized parameter "{0}". - No se reconoce el parámetro "{0}". + Unrecognized parameter "{0}". The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. - No se encuentra el archivo de código fuente de prueba "{0}" proporcionado. + The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - El URI de registrador de pruebas '{0}' no es válido. Se omitirá el registrador de pruebas. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Information: {0} - Información: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Advertencia: {0} + Warning: {0} -?|--Help|/?|/Help Display this usage message. - -?|--Help|/?|/Help - Muestra este mensaje de uso. + -?|--Help|/?|/Help + Display this usage message. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados. + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} - Herramienta de línea de comandos de ejecución de pruebas de Microsoft(R), versión {0} + Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} @@ -107,43 +107,43 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<URI del registrador/Nombre descriptivo> - Especifica un registrador para los resultados de las pruebas. Por ejemplo, para registrar los resultados en - un archivo de resultados de pruebas de Visual Studio (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Valor predeterminado: nombre de archivo único>] - Crea un archivo en el directorio TestResults con el valor LogFileName dado. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Cambie el nivel de detalle en los mensajes de registro para el registrador de consola tal y como se muestra a continuación - Ejemplo: /logger:console;verbosity=<Valor predeterminado: "normal"> - Valores permitidos para el nivel de detalle: quiet, minimal, normal y detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Cambie el prefijo de nivel de diagnóstico para el registrador de consola tal y como se muestra a continuación - Ejemplo: /logger:console;prefix=<Valor predeterminado: "false"> - Aquí encontrará más información sobre el registrador de consola: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Description: Runs tests from the specified files. - Descripción: Ejecuta pruebas de los archivos especificados. + Description: Runs tests from the specified files. Options: - Opciones: + Options: Section Header for subsequent command help listing Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] - Uso: vstest.console.exe [Argumentos] [Opciones] [[--] <Argumentos de RunSettings>...]] + Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] No test source files were specified. - No se han especificado archivos de código fuente de prueba. + No test source files were specified. No arguments were specified. - No se han especificado argumentos. + No arguments were specified. @@ -153,60 +153,59 @@ Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll - [TestFileNames] - Ejecuta las pruebas del patrón con comodines o los archivos especificados. Separe varios patrones o - nombres de archivo de prueba con espacios. Establezca el nivel de detalle del - registrador en detallado para ver los archivos de prueba coincidentes. - Ejemplos: mytestproject.dll + [TestFileNames] + Run tests from the specified files or wild card pattern. Separate multiple test file names or pattern + by spaces. Set console logger verbosity to detailed to view matched test files. + Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: - Los siguientes complementos de proveedores de configuración están disponibles: + The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> Settings to use when running tests. - --Settings|/Settings:<archivoConfiguración> - Configuración que se usará cuando se ejecuten pruebas. + --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> + Settings to use when running tests. The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. - El parámetro /Settings requiere que se proporcione un archivo de configuración. + The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. - No se encuentra el archivo de configuración '{0}'. + The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. Test Run Failed. - No se pudo ejecutar la serie de pruebas. + Test Run Failed. Test Run Successful. - La serie de pruebas se ejecutó correctamente. + Test Run Successful. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. - El argumento {0} no se espera en el comando 'InIsolation'. Especifique el comando sin este argumento (por ejemplo: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) y vuelva a intentarlo. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true - El parámetro /UseVsixExtensions requiere un valor. Si es “true”, se usarán las extensiones VSIX instaladas (si las hay) en la serie de pruebas. Si es “false”, se omitirá. Ejemplo: /UseVsixExtensions:true + The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. - El argumento {0} no se espera en el comando 'UseVsixExtensions'. Especifique el comando indicando si deben usarse u omitirse las extensiones vsix (ejemplo: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) y vuelva a intentarlo. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. @@ -214,10 +213,10 @@ Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests may run slower. - --InIsolation|/InIsolation - Ejecuta las pruebas en un proceso aislado. De ese modo, es menos probable que el proceso vstest.console.exe se - detenga ante un error en las pruebas, pero es posible que - las pruebas se ejecuten con más lentitud. + --InIsolation|/InIsolation + Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe + process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests + may run slower. @@ -225,21 +224,20 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. Example /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions - Hace que el proceso vstest.console.exe utilice u omita las - extensiones VSIX instaladas (si las hay) en la serie de - pruebas. - Ejemplo: /UseVsixExtensions:true + /UseVsixExtensions + This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions + installed(if any) in the test run. + Example /UseVsixExtensions:true The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 - El argumento /BatchSize requiere el tamaño del lote. Ejemplo: /BatchSize:10 + The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 - Tamaño de lote no válido ({0}). El tamaño de lote debe ser mayor que cero. Ejemplo: /BatchSize:10 + Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 @@ -247,67 +245,67 @@ >vstest.console.exe tests.dll To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings - Para ejecutar pruebas: + To run tests: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll - Para ejecutar pruebas con configuración adicional como recolectores de datos: + To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings /ListDiscoverers Lists installed test discoverers. - /ListDiscoverers - Enumera los programas de detección de pruebas instalados. + /ListDiscoverers + Lists installed test discoverers. /ListExecutors Lists installed test executors. - /ListExecutors - Enumera los ejecutores de pruebas instalados. + /ListExecutors + Lists installed test executors. /ListLoggers Lists installed test loggers. - /ListLoggers - Enumera los registradores de pruebas instalados. + /ListLoggers + Lists installed test loggers. /ListSettingsProviders Lists installed test settings providers. - /ListSettingsProviders - Enumera los proveedores de configuración de pruebas instalados. + /ListSettingsProviders + Lists installed test settings providers. -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. - -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<nombreArchivo - Muestra todas las pruebas detectadas del contenedor de pruebas especificado. + -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> + Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. Time elapsed : - Tiempo transcurrido: + Time elapsed : The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 - El argumento /Tests requiere uno o varios nombres de pruebas específicas o sus subcadenas. - Ejemplos: /Tests:MétodoDePrueba1, /Tests:MétodoDePrueba1,método2 + The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. + Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Se ha detectado un total de {0} pruebas, pero ninguna de ellas coincide con los criterios de selección especificados ({1}). Use valores correctos y vuelva a intentarlo. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. , - , + , @@ -316,90 +314,90 @@ values, separate them by commas. Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 - --Tests|/Tests:<nombres de pruebas> - Ejecuta las pruebas con nombres que coinciden con los valores proporcionados. Para proporcionar varios - valores, sepárelos con comas - Ejemplos: /Tests:MétodoPrueba1 - /Tests:MétodoPrueba1,MétodoPrueba2 + --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> + Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple + values, separate them by commas. + Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 + /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 Please verify if the console output looks good after modifiaction. Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Se usará el modo de aislamiento para ejecutar las pruebas, ya que los adaptadores de datos de diagnóstico estaban habilitados en RunSettings. Use el parámetro de aislamiento /inIsolation para suprimir esta advertencia. + Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Se usará el modo de aislamiento para ejecutar pruebas unitarias para aplicaciones de la Tienda Windows. Use el parámetro /InIsolation para suprimir esta advertencia. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - No se admiten adaptadores de datos de diagnóstico cuando se ejecutan pruebas unitarias para aplicaciones de la Tienda Windows. Quite la configuración de adaptadores de datos de diagnóstico de la configuración. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. FriendlyName: {0} - Nombre descriptivo: {0} + FriendlyName: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} SettingName: {0} - Nombre de configuración: {0} + SettingName: {0} Supported File Types: - Tipos de archivos admitidos: + Supported File Types: {0} - {0} + {0} {0}, - {0}, + {0}, Default Executor Uri: {0} - URI del ejecutor predeterminado: {0} + Default Executor Uri: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. - Tipo de plataforma no válido: {0}. Los tipos de plataforma válidos son {1}. + Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. 0 is the platform type e.g. x86, and 1 is a list of the built in platforms, e.g. x86, x64 The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 - El argumento /Platform requiere que se proporcione el tipo de plataforma de destino para la serie de pruebas. Ejemplo: /Platform:x86 + The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. - --Platform|/Platform:<tipoPlataforma> - Arquitectura de la plataforma de destino que se usará para la ejecución de pruebas. - Los valores válidos son x86, x64 y ARM. + --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> + Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. + Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Se usará el modo de aislamiento para ejecutar las pruebas, según requiere la configuración de la plataforma efectiva ({0}) y .Net Framework ({1}) para la serie de pruebas. Use el parámetro /inIsolation para suprimir esta advertencia. + Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. @@ -407,25 +405,25 @@ Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - --Framework|/Framework:<Versión de Framework> - Versión de .NET Framework de destino que se usará para la ejecución de pruebas. - Los valores válidos son ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0", etc. - Otros valores admitidos son Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 y FrameworkUap10. + --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> + Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. + Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. + Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" - El argumento /Framework requiere la versión de .Net Framework de destino para la serie de pruebas. Ejemplo: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" + The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - Versión de .Net Framework no válida: {0}. Proporcione el nombre completo de TargetFramework (ejemplo: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Otras versiones de .Net Framework admitidas son Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 y FrameworkUap10. + Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. - No se puede iniciar la serie de pruebas unitarias para la aplicación de la Tienda Windows: {0}. + Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. @@ -438,81 +436,81 @@ Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" - --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expresión> - Ejecuta pruebas que coinciden con la expresión dada. - <Expresión> tiene el formato <propiedad>Operador<valor>[|&<Expresión>] - donde Operador es uno de =, != o ~ (el operador ~ tiene la semántica - "contiene" y es aplicable a propiedades de cadena como DisplayName). - Se pueden usar paréntesis () para agrupar subexpresiones. - Ejemplos: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" + --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> + Run tests that match the given expression. + <Expression> is of the format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] + where Operator is one of =, != or ~ (Operator ~ has 'contains' + semantics and is applicable for string properties like DisplayName). + Parenthesis () can be used to group sub-expressions. + Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly - |Name=MiMétodoDePrueba)" + |Name=MyTestMethod)" The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" - El argumento /TestCaseFilter requiere el valor del filtro. - El valor del filtro puede ser del tipo <propiedad>=<valor>. - Ejemplos: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" + The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. + Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. + Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. - El argumento /TestCaseFilter no se puede especificar con /Tests. El filtrado de casos de prueba no es aplicable cuando se especifican pruebas. + The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. - {0} se ha creado para {1}/{2}. Los ensamblados de prueba especificados en una ejecución deben tener una versión de .Net Framework y una plataforma comunes. + {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. - Solo se puede especificar un paquete de aplicación (archivo .appx) para ejecutar pruebas. + Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. Starting test discovery, please wait... - Iniciando la detección de pruebas, espere... + Starting test discovery, please wait... Starting test execution, please wait... - Iniciando la ejecución de pruebas, espere... + Starting test execution, please wait... Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. - Al leer la configuración de adaptador de datos de diagnóstico, se produjo una excepción al ejecutar '{0}'. Se omitirán todos los adaptadores de datos de diagnóstico en esta ejecución. + Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. - /EnableCodeCoverage - Habilita el recopilador de datos "CodeCoverage" para la serie de pruebas. + /EnableCodeCoverage + Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. - El argumento {0} no se espera en el comando 'EnableCodeCoverage'. Especifique el comando sin este argumento (por ejemplo: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) y vuelva a intentarlo. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. - El paquete de la aplicación '{0}' no tiene un punto de entrada de ejecutor de pruebas. Para ejecutar pruebas unitarias de aplicaciones de la Tienda Windows, cree un paquete de aplicación usando el proyecto Biblioteca de pruebas unitarias para aplicaciones de la Tienda Windows. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - La cobertura de código no está disponible para aplicaciones de la Tienda Windows. Se omitirá el análisis de cobertura de código para esta serie de pruebas. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Se ha detectado un total de {0} pruebas, pero algunas no coinciden con los criterios de selección especificados ({1}). Use valores correctos y vuelva a intentarlo. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. @@ -520,65 +518,65 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> - --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath - Permite que el proceso vstest.console.exe use adaptadores de pruebas personalizados - de una ruta de acceso especificada (si existe alguna) en la serie de pruebas. - Ejemplo /TestAdapterPath:<rutaAAdaptadoresPersonalizados> + --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath + This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters + from a given path (if any) in the test run. + Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters - El parámetro /TestAdapterPath requiere un valor, que es la ruta de acceso de una ubicación que contiene adaptadores de prueba personalizados. Ejemplo: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters + The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} - La ruta de acceso '{0}' especificada en 'TestAdapterPath' no es válida. Error: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - No se encuentra la ruta de búsqueda de adaptadores de prueba personalizados especificada. Proporcione una ruta de acceso válida y vuelva a intentarlo. + The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. - La ruta de acceso '{0}' especificada en 'TestAdapterPath' no contiene ningún adaptador de prueba. Proporcione una ruta de acceso válida y vuelva a intentarlo. + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. - No se puede iniciar la serie de pruebas para la aplicación de Windows Phone: {0}. + Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Se usará el modo de aislamiento para ejecutar pruebas unitarias para aplicaciones de Windows Phone. Use el parámetro /InIsolation para suprimir esta advertencia. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - La cobertura de código no está disponible para aplicaciones de Windows Phone. Se omitirá el análisis de cobertura de código para esta serie de pruebas. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - No se admiten adaptadores de datos de diagnóstico cuando se ejecutan pruebas unitarias para aplicaciones de Windows Phone. Quite la configuración de adaptadores de datos de diagnóstico de la configuración. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. - El paquete de aplicación '{0}' no tiene un punto de entrada de ejecutor de pruebas. Para ejecutar pruebas unitarias de aplicaciones de Windows Phone, cree un paquete de aplicación usando el proyecto Aplicación de pruebas unitarias para Windows Phone. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. - Se usará el marco {0} para ejecutar las pruebas. Especifique /Framework:{1} para suprimir esta advertencia. + Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. - No se han encontrado pruebas en los contenedores de pruebas especificados. Además, el adaptador de pruebas unitarias de la Tienda Microsoft Windows no admite archivos .appxbundle. Cree un archivo .appx (establezca la opción Generar paquete de aplicaciones en Nunca) cuando cree el paquete de la aplicación y vuelva a intentarlo. + No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. @@ -586,186 +584,185 @@ Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up to all available cores on the machine may be used. The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. - --Parallel|/Parallel - Especifica que las pruebas se ejecuten en paralelo. De forma - predeterminada, se pueden usar todos los núcleos disponibles - en la máquina. El número de núcleos que debe usarse se puede - especificar en el archivo de configuración. + --Parallel|/Parallel + Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up + to all available cores on the machine may be used. + The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. - El argumento {0} no se espera en el comando 'Parallel'. Especifique el comando sin el argumento (ejemplo: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) y vuelva a intentarlo. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. Cannot be null or empty - No puede ser nulo ni estar vacío + Cannot be null or empty --Port|/Port:<Port> The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port:<Puerto> - Puerto para la conexión de socket y la recepción de mensajes de eventos. + --Port|/Port:<Port> + The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - El argumento --Port|/Port requiere el número de puerto, que es un entero. Especifique el puerto para la conexión de socket y la recepción de mensajes de eventos. + The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. - No se encuentra el ensamblado sometido a pruebas. Asegúrese de que el proyecto se ha compilado. + Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. The Path {0} does not exist. - La ruta de acceso {0} no existe. + The Path {0} does not exist. --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> The directory containing the temporary outputs. - --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<Ruta de acceso base de la compilación> - Directorio que contiene las salidas temporales. + --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> + The directory containing the temporary outputs. -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release - -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuración> - Configuración para la que se ha compilado el proyecto, es decir, Debug/Release + -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> + The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release The given configuration is invalid. - La configuración dada no es válida. + The given configuration is invalid. -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> The directory containing the binaries to run. - -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Salida> - Directorio que contiene los binarios que se van a ejecutar. + -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> + The directory containing the binaries to run. The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - No se encuentra la ruta de acceso base de la compilación. Proporcione una ruta de acceso válida y vuelva a intentarlo. + The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - No se encuentra la ruta de acceso de salida. Proporcione una ruta de acceso válida y vuelva a intentarlo. + The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. Additional Information Messages: - Mensajes con información adicional: + Additional Information Messages: Days - Días + Days Error Message: - Mensaje de error: + Error Message: Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} - Tiempo total: {0:0.0000} {1} + Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} Hours - Horas + Hours Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - No se encuentra un registrador de pruebas con el URI o el nombre descriptivo '{0}'. + Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Minutes - Minutos + Minutes Seconds - Segundos + Seconds Stack Trace: - Seguimiento de la pila: + Stack Trace: Standard Error Messages: - Mensajes de error estándar: + Standard Error Messages: Standard Output Messages: - Mensajes de salida estándar: + Standard Output Messages: Attachments: - Datos adjuntos: + Attachments: {0} - {0} + {0} No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - No hay ninguna prueba disponible en {0}. Asegúrese de que la configuración de detectores y ejecutores de pruebas, plataforma y versión de .NET Framework sea correcta e inténtelo de nuevo. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Failed - Con error + Failed Message which is written to the console when a test fails. Passed - Correctas + Passed Message which is written to the console when a test passes. Skipped - Omitidas + Skipped Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} - No se pudo llevar a cabo la detección en los orígenes dados. Excepción: {0} + Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<idProcesoPrimario> - Identificador del proceso primario responsable del inicio del proceso actual. + --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> + Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. - El argumento --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId requiere el identificador del proceso, que es un entero. Especifique el identificador del proceso principal que inició este proceso. + The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. Arguments: - Argumentos: + Arguments: @@ -776,28 +773,28 @@ Change the trace level for logs as shown below Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. - --Diag|/Diag:<Ruta al archivo de registro> - Habilita los registros para la plataforma de pruebas. - Los registros se escriben en el archivo proporcionado. + --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> + Enable logs for test platform. + Logs are written to the provided file. - Cambie el nivel de seguimiento de los registros tal y como se muestra a continuación - Ejemplo: /Diag:<Ruta al archivo de registro>;tracelevel=<Valor predeterminado: "verbose"> - Valores permitidos para el nivel de seguimiento: off, error, warning, info y verbose. + Change the trace level for logs as shown below + Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> + Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. The file {0} provided is read only - El archivo {0} proporcionado es de solo lectura + The file {0} provided is read only Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} - Tiempo de espera para conectar o procesar la solicitud para DesignModeClient en el puerto: {0} + Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} Not Run - Sin ejecutar + Not Run @@ -805,61 +802,61 @@ Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. More info on RunSettings arguments support: - Argumentos de RunSettings: - Argumentos para pasar configuraciones de runsettings a través de la línea de comandos. Los argumentos se pueden especificar como un par nombre-valor en la forma [nombre]=[valor] después de "-- ". Observe que hay un espacio después de --. - Use un espacio para separar varios pares de [nombre]=[valor]. - Más información sobre la compatibilidad de argumentos de RunSettings: + RunSettings arguments: + Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. + Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. + More info on RunSettings arguments support: One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token - Uno o varios runsettings proporcionados contienen un token no válido. + One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> - --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory - El directorio de resultados de pruebas se creará en la ruta de acceso especificada, si no existe. - Ejemplo /ResultsDirectory:<Ruta al directorio de resultados> + --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory + Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. + Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory - El parámetro /ResultsDirectory requiere un valor, donde deben guardarse los resultados de la prueba. Ejemplo: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory + The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} - La ruta de acceso "{0}" especificada en "ResultsDirectory" no es válida. Error: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process - La marca /InIsolation está en desuso. Las pruebas se ejecutan siempre en un proceso independiente + The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} - Registrando diagnósticos de Vstest en el archivo: {0} + Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : - --Collect|/Collect:<Nombre descriptivo del recopilador de datos> - Habilita el recopilador de datos para la serie de pruebas. Más información aquí: + --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> + Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. - El nombre descriptivo del recopilador de datos "{0}" no es válido. El recopilador de datos se ignorará. + The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. Debug Traces Messages: - Depurar mensajes de trazas: + Debug Traces Messages: @@ -875,77 +872,77 @@ Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full - --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] - Ejecuta la prueba en modo blame. Esta opción es útil a la hora de aislar la prueba problemática que provoca el bloqueo del host de prueba. - Crea un archivo de salida en el directorio actual como "Sequence.xml", - que captura el orden de ejecución de la prueba antes del bloqueo. - Tiene la opción de elegir recopilar el volcado de proceso para el host de prueba. - Cuando elige recopilar el volcado, de forma predeterminada se recopila un mini volcado en un bloqueo. - También puede elegir invalidar este comportamiento predeterminado mediante algunos parámetros opcionales: - CollectAlways: para recopilar un volcado al salir incluso aunque no haya un bloqueo (true/false) - DumpType: para especificar el tipo de volcado (mini/completo). - Ejemplo: /Blame + --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] + Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash. + It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml", + that captures the order of execution of test before the crash. + You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host. + When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash. + You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters: + CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false) + DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full). + Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full Test Run Aborted. - Serie de pruebas anulada. + Test Run Aborted. Test Run Canceled. - Serie de pruebas cancelada. + Test Run Canceled. Error opening response file '{0}' - Error al abrir el archivo de respuesta "{0}" + Error opening response file '{0}' @<file> Read response file for more options. - @<file> - Leer el archivo de respuesta para ver más opciones. + @<file> + Read response file for more options. Total tests: Unknown - Pruebas totales: desconocido + Total tests: Unknown {0} {1} - {0} {1} + {0} {1} Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. - Además, la ruta de acceso a los adaptadores de pruebas se puede especificar con el comando /TestAdapterPath. Ejemplo /TestAdapterPath:<rutaAAdaptadoresPersonalizados>. + Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. - /UseVsixExtensions se está quedando obsoleto. Utilice /TestAdapterPath en su lugar. + /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true - --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> - Ejemplo: /DisableAutoFakes:true + --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> + Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. - --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" no se admite si la serie de pruebas está configurada mediante testsettings. + --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. - Los recopiladores de datos diferentes de Cobertura de código y Microsoft Fakes configurados a través de la configuración de ejecución no se admiten con la configuración de pruebas integrada. Consulte para obtener más información. Configuración de ejecución: {0}. + Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. @@ -961,115 +958,115 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<URI del registrador/Nombre descriptivo> - Especifica un registrador para los resultados de las pruebas. Por ejemplo, para registrar los resultados en - un archivo de resultados de pruebas de Visual Studio (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Valor predeterminado: nombre de archivo único>] - Crea un archivo en el directorio TestResults con el valor LogFileName dado. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Cambie el nivel de detalle en los mensajes de registro para el registrador de consola tal y como se muestra a continuación - Ejemplo: /logger:console;verbosity=<Valor predeterminado: "minimal"> - Valores permitidos para el nivel de detalle: quiet, minimal, normal y detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Cambie el prefijo de nivel de diagnóstico para el registrador de consola tal y como se muestra a continuación - Ejemplo: /logger:console;prefix=<Valor predeterminado: "false"> - Aquí encontrará más información sobre el registrador de consola: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. - La recopilación de volcados de memoria mediante la opción CollectDump para Blame no se admite en esta plataforma. + Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. - El parámetro blame especificado con blame, {0} no es válido. Se omitirá este parámetro. + The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. - La ruta de acceso al archivo Diag "{0}" no es válida. + Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. - El argumento de Blame "{0}" no es válido. + Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. - El argumento de Diag "{0}" no es válido. + Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. - El argumento de Logger "{0}" no es válido. + Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". - No se admite Framework35. Para los proyectos que tienen como destino .NET Framework 3.5, la prueba se ejecutará en el "modo de compatibilidad" de CLR 4.0. + Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". Test run in progress - Serie de pruebas en curso + Test run in progress Total tests: {0} - Pruebas totales: {0} + Total tests: {0} Failed: {0} - Incorrecto: {0} + Failed: {0} Passed: {0} - Correcto: {0} + Passed: {0} Skipped: {0} - Omitido: {0} + Skipped: {0} The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. - El argumento {0} no es válido. Use la opción /help para comprobar la lista de argumentos válidos. + The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. - {0} archivos de prueba en total coincidieron con el patrón especificado. + A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") - El argumento del parámetro de la serie de pruebas "{0}" no es válido. Use el formato siguiente. - Formato: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") + The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. + Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. - La recopilación de volcados de memoria mediante la opción CollectDump con TestTimeout para Blame no se admite en esta plataforma. + Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} - {0} - Con error: {1}, Superado: {2}, Omitido: {3}, Total: {4}, Duración: {5} + {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} None - Ninguno + None - {0} {1} - - {0} {1} + - {0} {1} @@ -1081,29 +1078,29 @@ Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" - -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NOMBRE>=<VALOR> - Establece el valor de una variable de entorno. Crea la variable si no existe o la reemplaza en caso de que exista. Esto implica el conmutador /InIsolation y fuerza la ejecución de las pruebas en un proceso aislado. + -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> + Sets the value of an environment variable. Creates the variable if it does not exist, overrides if it does. This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - Este argumento se puede especificar varias veces para proporcionar múltiples variables. + This argument can be specified multiple times to provide multiple variables. - Ejemplo: -e:VARIABLE1=VALOR1 - -e:OTRA_VARIABLE="VALOR CON ESPACIOS" - -e:OTRA_VARIABLE="VALOR;separado por;puntoycoma" + Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 + -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" + -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. - La variable de entorno "{0}" ya se definió, pero se reemplaza por el argumento -Environment. + Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. Test Run Aborted with error {0}. - La serie de pruebas se ha anulado con el error {0}. + Test Run Aborted with error {0}. Invalid testSessionCorrelationId - TestSessionCorrelationId no válido + Invalid testSessionCorrelationId @@ -1127,36 +1124,36 @@ - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. - --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> - Esto afecta al comportamiento de carga del adaptador. + --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> + This affects adapter loading behavior. - Comportamientos admitidos actualmente: - - Explícito: Test Platform solo cargará los adaptadores especificados por /TestAdapterPath (o el nodo RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths). - Si se proporciona una ruta de acceso específica del adaptador, se cargará el adaptador; si se proporciona una ruta de acceso del directorio se cargarán los adaptadores directamente en esa carpeta, a menos que también se especifique la opción Recursiva. - Si no se especifica ninguna ruta de acceso de adaptador, se producirá un error en la serie de pruebas. - Esto implicará el modificador /InIsolation y forzará la ejecución de las pruebas en un proceso aislado. + Currently supported behaviors: + - Explicit: Test Platform will only load adapters specified by /TestAdapterPath (or RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). + If a specific adapter path is provided, adapter will be loaded; if a directory path is provided adapters directly in that folder will be loaded, unless Recursive option is also specified. + If no adapter path is specified, test run will fail. + This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - - Valor predeterminado: Test Platform cargará los adaptadores si no se ha especificado este argumento. - Recogerá las extensiones del lado del origen, rutas de acceso de adaptador adicionales proporcionadas y del directorio predeterminado. + - Default: Test Platform will load adapters is if this argument has not been specified. + It will pick up extensions from next to source, provided additional adapter paths and from the default directory. - - DefaultRuntimeProviders: carga los proveedores de tiempo de ejecución predeterminados incluidos con Test Platform. - Si no se especifica esta opción cuando se establece la opción "Explicito", es necesario especificar explícitamente un proveedor de host de prueba. + - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Load default runtime providers shipped with Test Platform. + If this is not specified when "Explicit" option is set, a test host provider need to be specified explicitly. - - ExtensionsDirectory: carga los adaptadores en la carpeta Extensiones. + - ExtensionsDirectory: Load adapters inside Extensions folder. - - NextToSource: cargar los adaptadores junto al origen. + - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - - Recursivo: busca carpetas de forma recursiva al cargar los adaptadores. Esto requiere que también se especifique "Explícito" o "NextToSource". + - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. Do not translate "Default", "DefaultRuntimeProviders", "ExtensionsDirectory", "NextToSource" or "Recursive". Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! - El valor especificado ({0}) para /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy no es válido. + Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - La estrategia de carga recursiva del adaptador no se puede utilizar sola. Combine con uno o más de los elementos siguientes: {0} + Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Do not translate "Recursive", - {0} is the strategy names, seperated by comma: for example "Explicit, NextToSource" @@ -1164,72 +1161,72 @@ The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! - El parámetro /TestAdapterPath debe proporcionarse cuando se especifica la estrategia de carga del adaptador de prueba "{0}". + The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! {0} is the strategy name, "Explicit" for example. vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. - vstest.console.exe se está ejecutando en modo emulado como {0}. Para obtener un mejor rendimiento, considere la posibilidad de usar el ejecutor nativo vstest.console.arm64.exe. + vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. - Se ha agotado el tiempo de espera de la conexión del controlador de solicitudes después de {0} segundos. + Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Se ha agotado el tiempo de espera de la sesión de prueba de inicio después de {0} segundos. + Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Se ha agotado el tiempo de espera para detener la sesión de prueba después de {0} segundos. + Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. Error hosting communication channel. - Error al hospedar el canal de comunicación. + Error hosting communication channel. ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. - Se debe especificar ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath para instalar o desinstalar el depurador post mortem. + ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. - El depurador post mortem no se admite en el sistema operativo actual. + Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) - El directorio especificado para el ejecutable procdump no es válido y no se encontró la herramienta en las variables de entorno (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) + The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) Procdump file name not found: '{0}' - No se encontró el nombre del archivo procdump: '{0}' + Procdump file name not found: '{0}' DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. - DumpDirectoryPath debe especificarse para instalar el depurador post mortem. + DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' - El directorio especificado no es válido: '{0}' + The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. - El argumento AeDebugger '{0}' no es válido. + AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. The dotnet vstest command is superseded by dotnet test, which can now be used to run assemblies. See - El comando dotnet vstest se sustituye por dotnet test, que ahora se puede usar para ejecutar ensamblados. Consulte + The dotnet vstest command is superseded by dotnet test, which can now be used to run assemblies. See diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ index b782f50fad..f2fd2c6a96 100644 --- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,94 +4,94 @@ '{0}' not found. - '{0}' introuvable. + '{0}' not found. The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: - Les compléments de découverte de tests suivants sont disponibles : + The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: - Les compléments d'exécution de tests suivants sont disponibles : + The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: {0}: {1} - {0} : {1} + {0}: {1} The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: - Les compléments suivants de type enregistreur d'événements de tests sont disponibles : + The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: Error: {0} - Erreur : {0} + Error: {0} , {0} - , {0} + , {0} Format used to comma separate a list of values. The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. - Le paramètre "{0}" ne doit être fourni qu'une seule fois. + The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} - Une exception s'est produite durant l'instanciation de l'extension '{0}' : {1} + Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} The following Tests are available: - Les tests suivants sont disponibles : + The following Tests are available: Unrecognized parameter "{0}". - Paramètre non reconnu "{0}". + Unrecognized parameter "{0}". The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. - Le fichier source de test "{0}" fourni est introuvable. + The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - L'URI de l'enregistreur d'événements de tests '{0}' est non valide. L'enregistreur d'événements de tests va être ignoré. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Information: {0} - Informations : {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Avertissement : {0} + Warning: {0} -?|--Help|/?|/Help Display this usage message. - -?|--Help|/?|/Help - Permet d'afficher ce message d'utilisation. + -?|--Help|/?|/Help + Display this usage message. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés. + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} - Outil en ligne de commande d'exécution de tests Microsoft (R), version {0} + Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} @@ -107,43 +107,43 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<URI/nom convivial du journaliseur> - Spécifiez un journaliseur pour les résultats des tests. Par exemple, pour journaliser des résultats dans un - fichier de résultats des tests Visual Studio (TRX), utilisez /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<nom de fichier unique par défaut>] - Crée un fichier dans le répertoire TestResults avec le LogFileName indiqué. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Change le niveau de verbosité des messages du journaliseur de la console, comme indiqué ci-dessous - Exemple : /logger:console;verbosity=<"normal" par défaut> - Valeurs autorisées pour verbosity : quiet, minimal, normal et detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Change le préfixe du niveau de diagnostic pour le journaliseur de la console, comme indiqué ci-dessous - Exemple : /logger:console;prefix=<"false" par défaut> - En savoir plus sur le journaliseur de la console : + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Description: Runs tests from the specified files. - Description : exécute les tests à partir des fichiers spécifiés. + Description: Runs tests from the specified files. Options: - Options : + Options: Section Header for subsequent command help listing Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] - Utilisation : vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <arguments de RunSettings>...]] + Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] No test source files were specified. - Aucun fichier source de test n'a été spécifié. + No test source files were specified. No arguments were specified. - Aucun argument n'a été spécifié. + No arguments were specified. @@ -153,59 +153,59 @@ Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll - [TestFileNames] - Exécutez des tests à partir des fichiers ou des modèles de caractères génériques spécifiés. Séparez plusieurs modèles ou noms de fichiers de test - par des espaces. Affectez à la verbosité du journaliseur de console la valeur Detailed pour voir les fichiers de test correspondants. - Exemples : mytestproject.dll + [TestFileNames] + Run tests from the specified files or wild card pattern. Separate multiple test file names or pattern + by spaces. Set console logger verbosity to detailed to view matched test files. + Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: - Les compléments suivants de type fournisseurs de paramètres sont disponibles : + The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> Settings to use when running tests. - --Settings|/Settings:<fichier de paramètres> - Paramètres à utiliser durant l'exécution des tests. + --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> + Settings to use when running tests. The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. - Le paramètre /Settings nécessite un fichier de paramètres. + The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. - Le fichier de paramètres '{0}' est introuvable. + The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. Test Run Failed. - Échec de la série de tests. + Test Run Failed. Test Run Successful. - Série de tests réussie. + Test Run Successful. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. - L'argument {0} n'est pas attendu dans la commande 'InIsolation'. Spécifiez la commande sans l'argument (exemple : vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation), puis réessayez. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true - Le paramètre /UseVsixExtensions nécessite une valeur. Si la valeur est 'true', les extensions VSIX installées (le cas échéant) sont utilisées dans la série de tests. Si la valeur est false, elles sont ignorées. Exemple : /UseVsixExtensions:true + The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. - L'argument {0} n'est pas attendu dans la commande 'UseVsixExtensions'. Spécifiez la commande indiquant si les extensions vsix doivent être utilisées ou ignorées (exemple : vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true), puis réessayez. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. @@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests may run slower. - --InIsolation|/InIsolation - Exécute les tests dans un processus isolé. Le processus vstest.console.exe - est moins susceptible de s'arrêter en cas d'erreur durant les tests, mais ces derniers - risquent de s'exécuter plus lentement. + --InIsolation|/InIsolation + Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe + process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests + may run slower. @@ -224,20 +224,20 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. Example /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions - Le processus vstest.console.exe utilise ou ignore les extensions VSIX - installées (le cas échéant) durant la série de tests. - Exemple : /UseVsixExtensions:true + /UseVsixExtensions + This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions + installed(if any) in the test run. + Example /UseVsixExtensions:true The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 - L'argument /BatchSize nécessite la taille du lot. Exemple : /BatchSize:10 + The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 - Taille de lot non valide {0}. La taille du lot doit être supérieure à zéro. Exemple : /BatchSize:10 + Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 @@ -245,67 +245,67 @@ >vstest.console.exe tests.dll To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings - Pour exécuter les tests : + To run tests: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll - Pour exécuter les tests avec des paramètres supplémentaires, par exemple des collecteurs de données : - >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings + To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: + >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings /ListDiscoverers Lists installed test discoverers. - /ListDiscoverers - Liste les découvreurs de tests installés. + /ListDiscoverers + Lists installed test discoverers. /ListExecutors Lists installed test executors. - /ListExecutors - Liste les exécuteurs de tests installés. + /ListExecutors + Lists installed test executors. /ListLoggers Lists installed test loggers. - /ListLoggers - Liste les enregistreurs d'événements de tests installés. + /ListLoggers + Lists installed test loggers. /ListSettingsProviders Lists installed test settings providers. - /ListSettingsProviders - Liste les fournisseurs de paramètres de test installés. + /ListSettingsProviders + Lists installed test settings providers. -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. - -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<nom de fichier> - Liste tous les tests découverts dans le conteneur de tests spécifié. + -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> + Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. Time elapsed : - Temps écoulé : + Time elapsed : The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 - L'argument /Tests nécessite un ou plusieurs noms de tests spécifiques ou leurs sous-chaînes. - Exemples : /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 + The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. + Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Au total, {0} tests ont été découverts mais aucun d'entre eux ne correspond aux critères de sélection spécifiés ({1}). Utilisez les valeurs appropriées, puis réessayez. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. , - , + , @@ -314,90 +314,90 @@ values, separate them by commas. Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 - --Tests|/Tests:<noms de tests> - Permet d'exécuter les tests dont les noms correspondent aux valeurs fournies. Pour fournir plusieurs - valeurs, séparez-les par des virgules. - Exemples : /Tests:TestMethod1 + --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> + Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple + values, separate them by commas. + Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 Please verify if the console output looks good after modifiaction. Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Utilisation du mode Isolation pour exécuter les tests, car les adaptateurs de données de diagnostic ont été activés dans les paramètres d'exécution. Utilisez le paramètre /inIsolation pour supprimer cet avertissement. + Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Utilisation du mode Isolation pour exécuter les tests unitaires des applications du Windows Store. Utilisez le paramètre /InIsolation pour supprimer cet avertissement. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Les adaptateurs de données de diagnostic ne sont pas pris en charge durant l'exécution de tests unitaires pour les applications du Windows Store. Supprimez les adaptateurs de données de diagnostic des paramètres. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. FriendlyName: {0} - FriendlyName : {0} + FriendlyName: {0} Uri: {0} - URI : {0} + Uri: {0} SettingName: {0} - SettingName : {0} + SettingName: {0} Supported File Types: - Types de fichier pris en charge : + Supported File Types: {0} - {0} + {0} {0}, - {0}, + {0}, Default Executor Uri: {0} - URI de l'exécuteur par défaut : {0} + Default Executor Uri: {0} Uri: {0} - URI : {0} + Uri: {0} Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. - Type de plate-forme non valide : {0}. Les types de plates-formes valides sont {1}. + Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. 0 is the platform type e.g. x86, and 1 is a list of the built in platforms, e.g. x86, x64 The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 - Si vous utilisez l'argument /Platform, le type de plateforme cible de la série de tests doit être fourni. Exemple : /Platform:x86 + The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. - --Platform|/Platform:<type de plateforme> - Architecture de plateforme cible à utiliser pour l'exécution des tests. - Les valeurs valides sont x86, x64 et ARM. + --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> + Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. + Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Utilisation du mode Isolation pour exécuter les tests, conformément aux paramètres effectifs de la plateforme : {0} et du .Net Framework :{1} de la série de tests. Utilisez le paramètre /inIsolation pour supprimer cet avertissement. + Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. @@ -405,25 +405,25 @@ Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - --Framework|/Framework:<version du framework> - Version cible du .Net Framework à utiliser pour l'exécution des tests. - Les valeurs valides sont : ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0", etc. - Les autres valeurs prises en charge sont Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 et FrameworkUap10. + --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> + Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. + Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. + Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" - L'argument /Framework nécessite la version cible du .Net Framework pour la série de tests. Exemple : /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" + The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - Version non valide du .Net Framework : {0}. Indiquez le nom complet de TargetFramework (exemple : .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Les autres versions du .Net Framework prises en charge sont Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 et FrameworkUap10. + Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. - Impossible de démarrer la série de tests des tests unitaires pour une application du Windows Store : {0}. + Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. @@ -436,13 +436,13 @@ Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" - --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<expression> - Permet d'exécuter les tests qui correspondent à l'expression indiquée. - <Expression> est au format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] - où Operator correspond à =, != ou ~ (Operator ~ utilise la sémantique 'contient' - et s'applique aux propriétés de chaîne telles que DisplayName). - Vous pouvez utiliser des parenthèses () pour regrouper les sous-expressions. - Exemples : /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" + --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> + Run tests that match the given expression. + <Expression> is of the format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] + where Operator is one of =, != or ~ (Operator ~ has 'contains' + semantics and is applicable for string properties like DisplayName). + Parenthesis () can be used to group sub-expressions. + Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" @@ -451,66 +451,66 @@ The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" - L'argument /TestCaseFilter requiert la valeur du filtre. - La valeur du filtre peut être de type <property>=<value>. - Exemples : "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" + The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. + Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. + Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. - Impossible de spécifier l'argument /TestCaseFilter avec /Tests. Le filtrage des cas de test est non applicable quand des tests sont spécifiés. + The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. - {0} est généré pour {1}/{2}. Les assemblys de tests spécifiés dans une série doivent avoir une version cible du .Net Framework et une plateforme communes. + {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. - Un seul package d'application (fichier .appx) peut être spécifié pour l'exécution de tests. + Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. Starting test discovery, please wait... - Démarrage de la découverte de tests, patientez... + Starting test discovery, please wait... Starting test execution, please wait... - Démarrage de l'exécution de tests, patientez... + Starting test execution, please wait... Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. - La lecture des paramètres de l'adaptateur de données de diagnostic a levé une exception durant l'exécution de '{0}'. Tous les adaptateurs de données de diagnostic seront ignorés dans cette série. + Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. - /EnableCodeCoverage - Active le collecteur de données 'CodeCoverage' pour la série de tests. + /EnableCodeCoverage + Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. - L'argument {0} n'est pas attendu dans la commande 'EnableCodeCoverage'. Spécifiez la commande sans l'argument (exemple : vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage), puis réessayez. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. - Le package d'application '{0}' n'a pas de point d'entrée pour l'exécuteur de tests. Pour exécuter les tests unitaires des applications du Windows Store, créez un package de l'application à l'aide du projet de bibliothèque de tests unitaires d'applications du Windows Store. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - La couverture du code n'est pas disponible pour les applications du Windows Store. L'analyse de la couverture du code a été ignorée pour cette série de tests. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Au total, {0} tests ont été découverts mais certains d'entre eux ne correspondent pas aux critères de sélection spécifiés ({1}). Utilisez les valeurs appropriées, puis réessayez. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. @@ -518,65 +518,65 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> - --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath - Le processus vstest.console.exe utilise des adaptateurs de tests personnalisés - à partir du chemin spécifié (le cas échéant) dans la série de tests. - Exemple : /TestAdapterPath:<chemin d'adaptateurs personnalisés> + --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath + This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters + from a given path (if any) in the test run. + Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters - Le paramètre /TestAdapterPath nécessite une valeur qui représente le chemin des adaptateurs de tests personnalisés. Exemple : /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters + The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} - Le chemin '{0}' spécifié dans 'TestAdapterPath' est non valide. Erreur : {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Le chemin de recherche fourni pour l'adaptateur de test personnalisé est introuvable. Indiquez un chemin valide, puis réessayez. + The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. - Le chemin '{0}' spécifié dans 'TestAdapterPath' ne contient aucun adaptateur de test. Indiquez un chemin valide, puis réessayez. + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. - Impossible de démarrer la série de tests pour les tests d'une application Windows Phone : {0}. + Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Utilisation du mode Isolation pour exécuter les tests unitaires des applications Windows Phone. Utilisez le paramètre /InIsolation pour supprimer cet avertissement. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - La couverture du code n'est pas disponible pour les applications Windows Phone. L'analyse de la couverture du code a été ignorée pour cette série de tests. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Les adaptateurs de données de diagnostic ne sont pas pris en charge durant l'exécution de tests unitaires pour les applications Windows Phone. Supprimez les adaptateurs de données de diagnostic des paramètres. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. - Le package d'application '{0}' n'a pas de point d'entrée pour l'exécuteur de tests. Pour exécuter les tests unitaires des applications Windows Phone, créez un package de l'application à l'aide du projet d'application de tests unitaires Windows Phone. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. - Utilisation du framework {0} pour exécuter les tests. Spécifiez /Framework:{1} pour supprimer cet avertissement. + Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. - Tests introuvables dans les conteneurs de tests spécifiés. De plus, l'Adaptateur de test unitaire Microsoft Windows Store ne prend pas en charge les fichiers .appxbundle. Créez un fichier .appx (affectez la valeur Jamais à l'option Générer l'ensemble d'applications) durant la création du package de l'application, puis réessayez. + No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. @@ -584,185 +584,185 @@ Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up to all available cores on the machine may be used. The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. - --Parallel|/Parallel - Spécifie que les tests doivent être exécutés en parallèle. Par défaut, il est - possible d'utiliser la totalité des cœurs disponibles sur la machine. - Vous pouvez configurer le nombre de cœurs à utiliser à l'aide d'un fichier de paramètres. + --Parallel|/Parallel + Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up + to all available cores on the machine may be used. + The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. - L'argument {0} n'est pas attendu dans la commande 'Parallel'. Spécifiez la commande sans l'argument (exemple : vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel), puis réessayez. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. Cannot be null or empty - Ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être vide + Cannot be null or empty --Port|/Port:<Port> The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port:<port> - Port de connexion du socket et de réception des messages d'événement. + --Port|/Port:<Port> + The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - L'argument --Port|/Port nécessite le numéro de port, qui doit être indiqué sous forme d'entier. Spécifiez le port de connexion du socket et de réception des messages d'événement. + The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. - L'assembly testé est introuvable. Vérifiez que le projet est généré. + Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. The Path {0} does not exist. - Le chemin {0} n'existe pas. + The Path {0} does not exist. --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> The directory containing the temporary outputs. - --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<chemin de base de la build> - Répertoire contenant les sorties temporaires. + --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> + The directory containing the temporary outputs. -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release - -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<configuration> - Configuration pour laquelle le projet est généré. Exemple : Debug/Release + -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> + The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release The given configuration is invalid. - La configuration indiquée est non valide. + The given configuration is invalid. -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> The directory containing the binaries to run. - -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<sortie> - Répertoire contenant les fichiers binaires à exécuter. + -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> + The directory containing the binaries to run. The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - BuildBasePath est introuvable. Fournissez un chemin valide, puis réessayez. + The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Le chemin associé à Output est introuvable. Fournissez un chemin valide, puis réessayez. + The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. Additional Information Messages: - Messages d'informations supplémentaires : + Additional Information Messages: Days - Jours + Days Error Message: - Message d'erreur : + Error Message: Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} - Durée totale : {0:0.0000} {1} + Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} Hours - Heures + Hours Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Impossible de localiser un enregistreur d'événements de tests ayant pour URI ou FriendlyName '{0}'. + Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Minutes - Minutes + Minutes Seconds - Secondes + Seconds Stack Trace: - Arborescence des appels de procédure : + Stack Trace: Standard Error Messages: - Messages d'erreur standard : + Standard Error Messages: Standard Output Messages: - Messages de sortie standard : + Standard Output Messages: Attachments: - Pièces jointes : + Attachments: {0} - {0} + {0} No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - Aucun test disponible dans {0}. Vérifiez que les paramètres des découvreurs, des exécuteurs, de la plateforme et de la version de Framework installés sont appropriés, puis réessayez. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Failed - Échoué + Failed Message which is written to the console when a test fails. Passed - Réussi + Passed Message which is written to the console when a test passes. Skipped - Ignoré + Skipped Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} - Échec de la découverte pour les sources indiquées. Exception : {0} + Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<id du processus parent> - ID de processus du processus parent chargé de lancer le processus actuel. + --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> + Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. - L'argument --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId nécessite l'ID de processus, qui doit être indiqué sous forme d'entier. Spécifiez l'ID de processus du processus parent qui a lancé ce processus. + The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. Arguments: - Arguments : + Arguments: @@ -773,28 +773,28 @@ Change the trace level for logs as shown below Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. - --Diag|/Diag:<chemin du fichier journal> - Permet d'activer les journaux pour la plateforme de test. - Les journaux sont écrits dans le fichier fourni. + --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> + Enable logs for test platform. + Logs are written to the provided file. - Change le niveau de trace des journaux comme indiqué ci-dessous - Exemple : /Diag:<chemin du fichier journal>;tracelevel=<"verbose" par défaut> - Valeurs autorisées pour tracelevel : off, error, warning, info et verbose. + Change the trace level for logs as shown below + Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> + Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. The file {0} provided is read only - Le fichier {0} fourni est en lecture seule + The file {0} provided is read only Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} - Délai expiré pour se connecter ou traiter la requête pour DesignModeClient sur le port : {0} + Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} Not Run - Pas exécuté + Not Run @@ -802,61 +802,61 @@ Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. More info on RunSettings arguments support: - Arguments RunSettings : - Arguments pour passer des configurations runsettings via la ligne de commande. Les arguments peuvent être spécifiés comme paire nom-valeur sous la forme [nom]=[valeur] après "-- ". Notez l'espace après --. - Utilisez un espace pour séparer plusieurs [nom]=[valeur]. - Plus d'informations sur la prise en charge des arguments RunSettings : + RunSettings arguments: + Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. + Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. + More info on RunSettings arguments support: One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token - Un ou plusieurs paramètres d'exécution fournis contiennent un jeton non valide + One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> - --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory - Le répertoire des résultats des tests est créé dans le chemin spécifié, s'il n'existe pas. - Exemple : /ResultsDirectory:<chemin du répertoire des résultats> + --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory + Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. + Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory - Le paramètre /ResultsDirectory nécessite une valeur, où les résultats des tests doivent être enregistrés. Exemple : /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory + The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} - Le chemin '{0}' spécifié dans 'ResultsDirectory' est non valide. Erreur : {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process - L'indicateur /InIsolation est déprécié. Les tests sont toujours exécutés dans un processus distinct + The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} - Journalisation des diagnostics Vstest dans le fichier : {0} + Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : - --Collect|/Collect:<nom convivial du collecteur de données> - Active le collecteur de données pour la série de tests. Plus d'informations ici : + --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> + Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. - Le nom convivial du collecteur de données '{0}' n'est pas valide. Le collecteur de données est ignoré. + The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. Debug Traces Messages: - Déboguer les messages de traces : + Debug Traces Messages: @@ -872,77 +872,77 @@ Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full - --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] - Exécute le test en mode blame. Cette option est utile pour isoler le test problématique qui cause le plantage de l'hôte de test. - Il crée un fichier de sortie dans le répertoire actif nommé "Sequence.xml", - qui capture l'ordre d'exécution du test avant le plantage. - Vous pouvez éventuellement choisir de collecter le fichier dump du processus de l'hôte de test. - Quand vous choisissez de collecter le fichier dump, par défaut, un mini-dump est collecté lors du plantage. - Vous pouvez aussi choisir de remplacer ce comportement par défaut par des paramètres facultatifs : - CollectAlways - Pour collecter le fichier dump à la fermeture, même s'il n'y pas de plantage (true/false) - DumpType - Pour spécifier le type de fichier dump (mini/full). - Exemple : /Blame + --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] + Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash. + It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml", + that captures the order of execution of test before the crash. + You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host. + When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash. + You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters: + CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false) + DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full). + Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full Test Run Aborted. - Série de tests abandonnée. + Test Run Aborted. Test Run Canceled. - Série de tests annulée. + Test Run Canceled. Error opening response file '{0}' - Erreur au moment de l'ouverture du fichier réponse '{0}' + Error opening response file '{0}' @<file> Read response file for more options. - @<fichier> - Consultez le fichier réponse pour plus d'options. + @<file> + Read response file for more options. Total tests: Unknown - Nombre total de tests : inconnu + Total tests: Unknown {0} {1} - {0} {1} + {0} {1} Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. - De plus, vous pouvez spécifier le chemin des adaptateurs de tests à l'aide de la commande /TestAdapterPath. Exemple : /TestAdapterPath:<chemin d'adaptateurs personnalisés>. + Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. - /UseVsixExtensions est progressivement déprécié. Utilisez /TestAdapterPath à la place. + /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true - --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> - Exemple : /DisableAutoFakes:true + --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> + Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. - --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" n'est pas pris en charge si la série de tests est configurée avec testsettings. + --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. - Les collecteurs de données autres que la couverture du code et Microsoft Fakes configurés via les paramètres d'exécution ne sont pas pris en charge avec les paramètres de test incorporés. Pour plus d'informations, consultez Paramètres d'exécution : {0}. + Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. @@ -958,115 +958,115 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<URI/nom convivial du journaliseur> - Spécifiez un journaliseur pour les résultats des tests. Par exemple, pour journaliser des résultats dans un - fichier de résultats des tests Visual Studio (TRX), utilisez /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<nom de fichier unique par défaut>] - Crée un fichier dans le répertoire TestResults avec le LogFileName indiqué. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Change le niveau de verbosité des messages du journaliseur de la console, comme indiqué ci-dessous - Exemple : /logger:console;verbosity=<"minimal" par défaut> - Valeurs autorisées pour verbosity : quiet, minimal, normal et detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Change le préfixe du niveau de diagnostic pour le journaliseur de la console, comme indiqué ci-dessous - Exemple : /logger:console;prefix=<"false" par défaut> - En savoir plus sur le journaliseur de la console : + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. - La collecte des vidages sur incident à l'aide de l'option CollectDump pour Blame n'est pas prise en charge pour cette plateforme. + Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. - Le paramètre blame spécifié avec blame, {0} n'est pas valide. Ce paramètre est ignoré. + The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. - Le chemin du fichier Diag '{0}' n'est pas valide. + Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. - L'argument blame '{0}' n'est pas valide. + Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. - L'argument diag '{0}' n'est pas valide. + Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. - L'argument logger '{0}' n'est pas valide. + Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". - Framework35 n'est pas pris en charge. Pour les projets ciblant .NET Framework 3.5, le test s'exécutera dans CLR 4.0 en « mode de compatibilité ». + Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". Test run in progress - Série de tests en cours + Test run in progress Total tests: {0} - Nombre total de tests : {0} + Total tests: {0} Failed: {0} - Non réussi(s) : {0} + Failed: {0} Passed: {0} - Réussi(s) : {0} + Passed: {0} Skipped: {0} - Ignoré(s) : {0} + Skipped: {0} The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. - L’argument {0} n'est pas valide. Utilisez l'option /help pour vérifier la liste des arguments valides. + The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. - Au total, {0} fichiers de test ont correspondu au modèle spécifié. + A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") - L'argument de paramètre de série de tests '{0}' est non valide. Utilisez le format ci-dessous. - Format : TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") + The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. + Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. - La collecte des vidages sur blocage par l'option CollectDump avec TestTimeout pour Blame n'est pas prise en charge pour cette plateforme. + Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} - {0} - échec : {1}, réussite : {2}, ignorée(s) : {3}, total : {4}, durée : {5} + {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} None - Aucun(e) + None - {0} {1} - - {0} {1} + - {0} {1} @@ -1078,29 +1078,29 @@ Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" - -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NOM>=<VALEUR> - Définit la valeur d'une variable d'environnement. Crée la variable si elle n'existe pas, et la remplace si elle existe. Cela implique l'utilisation du commutateur /InIsolation et l'exécution forcée des tests dans un processus isolé. + -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> + Sets the value of an environment variable. Creates the variable if it does not exist, overrides if it does. This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - Vous pouvez spécifier cet argument plusieurs fois pour fournir plusieurs variables. + This argument can be specified multiple times to provide multiple variables. - Exemple : -e:VARIABLE1=VALEUR1 - -e:AUTRE_VARIABLE="VALEUR AVEC ESPACES" - -e:AUTRE_VARIABLE="VALEUR;séparée;par;des;points-virgules" + Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 + -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" + -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. - La variable d'environnement '{0}' est déjà définie, mais elle est substituée par l'argument -Environment. + Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. Test Run Aborted with error {0}. - Désolé... Nous n’avons pas pu procéder à la série de tests, car nous avons rencontré l’erreur suivante : {0}. + Test Run Aborted with error {0}. Invalid testSessionCorrelationId - TestSessionCorrelationId non valide + Invalid testSessionCorrelationId @@ -1124,36 +1124,36 @@ - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. - --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> - Cela affecte le comportement de chargement de l’adaptateur. + --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> + This affects adapter loading behavior. -Comportements actuellement pris en charge : - - Explicite : Test Platform charge uniquement les adaptateurs spécifiés par /TestAdapterPath (ou le nœud RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths). - Si un chemin d’adaptateur spécifique est fourni, l’adaptateur est chargé ; si un chemin d’accès au répertoire est fourni, les adaptateurs directement dans ce dossier sont chargés, sauf si l’option Récursive est également spécifiée. - Si aucun chemin d’adaptateur n’est spécifié, la série de tests échoue. - Cela implique le commutateur /InIsolation et force l’exécution des tests dans un processus isolé. + Currently supported behaviors: + - Explicit: Test Platform will only load adapters specified by /TestAdapterPath (or RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). + If a specific adapter path is provided, adapter will be loaded; if a directory path is provided adapters directly in that folder will be loaded, unless Recursive option is also specified. + If no adapter path is specified, test run will fail. + This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. -- Valeur par défaut : la plateforme de test charge les adaptateurs si cet argument n’a pas été spécifié. - Il va récupérer les extensions à côté de la source, les chemins d’adaptateur supplémentaires fournis et le répertoire par défaut. + - Default: Test Platform will load adapters is if this argument has not been specified. + It will pick up extensions from next to source, provided additional adapter paths and from the default directory. -- DefaultRuntimeProviders : chargez les fournisseurs de runtime par défaut livrés avec la plateforme de test. - Si cette option n’est pas spécifiée lorsque l’option « Explicit » est définie, un fournisseur d’hôtes de test doit être spécifié explicitement. + - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Load default runtime providers shipped with Test Platform. + If this is not specified when "Explicit" option is set, a test host provider need to be specified explicitly. -- ExtensionsDirectory : charge les adaptateurs dans le dossier Extensions. + - ExtensionsDirectory: Load adapters inside Extensions folder. -- NextToSource : chargez les adaptateurs à côté de la source. + - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. -- Récursif : recherche récursive des dossiers lors du chargement des adaptateurs. Pour ce faire, vous devez spécifier également « Explicit » ou « NextToSource ». + - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. Do not translate "Default", "DefaultRuntimeProviders", "ExtensionsDirectory", "NextToSource" or "Recursive". Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! - La valeur spécifiée ({0}) pour /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy n’est pas valide ! + Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - La stratégie de chargement de carte récursive ne peut pas être utilisée seule. Effectuez une combinaison avec un ou plusieurs des éléments suivants : {0} + Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Do not translate "Recursive", - {0} is the strategy names, seperated by comma: for example "Explicit, NextToSource" @@ -1161,67 +1161,67 @@ Comportements actuellement pris en charge : The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! - Le paramètre /TestAdapterPath doit être fourni lorsque la stratégie de chargement de l’adaptateur de test «{0}» est spécifiée ! + The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! {0} is the strategy name, "Explicit" for example. vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. - vstest.console.exe s’exécute en mode émulé en tant que {0}. Pour de meilleures performances, utilisez l’exécuteur natif vstest.console.arm64.exe. + vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. - L’attente de la connexion du gestionnaire de demandes a expiré après {0} secondes. + Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. - L’attente du démarrage de la session de test a expiré après {0} secondes. + Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. - L’attente d’arrêt de la session de test a expiré après {0} secondes. + Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. Error hosting communication channel. - Erreur lors de l’hébergement du canal de communication + Error hosting communication channel. ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. - ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath doit être spécifié pour installer ou annuler l’installation du débogueur post-mortem. + ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. - Le débogueur post-mortem n’est pas pris en charge dans le système d’exploitation actuel. + Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) - Le répertoire spécifié pour l’exécutable procdump n’est pas valide et l’outil est introuvable dans les variables d’environnement (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) + The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) Procdump file name not found: '{0}' - Nom de fichier procdump introuvable : '{0}' + Procdump file name not found: '{0}' DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. - DumpDirectoryPath doit être spécifié pour installer le débogueur post-mortem. + DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' - Le répertoire spécifié n’est pas valide : «{0}» + The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. - L’argument AeDebugger '{0}' n’est pas valide. + AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ index 98071a039f..62cb2f5edc 100644 --- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,94 +4,94 @@ '{0}' not found. - '{0}' non è stato trovato. + '{0}' not found. The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: - Sono disponibili i componenti aggiuntivi di individuazione dei test seguenti: + The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: - Sono disponibili i componenti aggiuntivi di esecuzione dei test seguenti: + The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: {0}: {1} - {0}: {1} + {0}: {1} The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: - Sono disponibili i componenti aggiuntivi di logger di test seguenti: + The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: Error: {0} - Errore: {0} + Error: {0} , {0} - , {0} + , {0} Format used to comma separate a list of values. The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. - Il parametro "{0}" deve essere specificato una sola volta. + The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} - Si è verificata un'eccezione durante la creazione dell'istanza dell'estensione '{0}': {1} + Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} The following Tests are available: - Sono disponibili i test seguenti: + The following Tests are available: Unrecognized parameter "{0}". - Il parametro "{0}" non è stato riconosciuto. + Unrecognized parameter "{0}". The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. - Il file di origine test "{0}" specificato non è stato trovato. + The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - L'URI del logger di test '{0}' non è valido. Il logger di test verrà ignorato. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Information: {0} - Informazioni: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Avviso: {0} + Warning: {0} -?|--Help|/?|/Help Display this usage message. - -?|--Help|/?|/Help - Visualizza questo messaggio relativo alla sintassi. + -?|--Help|/?|/Help + Display this usage message. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} - Strumento da riga di comando per l'esecuzione di test Microsoft (R) Versione {0} + Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} @@ -107,43 +107,43 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<URI/Nome descrittivo logger> - Specifica un logger per i risultati dei test. Ad esempio, per registrare risultati in un - file di risultati dei test di Visual Studio (TRX), usare /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<impostazione predefinita: nome file univoco>] - Crea nella directory TestResults il file con il valore specificato per LogFileName. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Consente di cambiare il livello di dettaglio nei messaggi del log per il logger di console come illustrato di seguito: - Esempio: /logger:console;verbosity=<impostazione predefinita: "normal"> - Valori consentiti per verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal e detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Consente di cambiare il prefisso del livello di diagnostica per il logger di console come illustrato di seguito: - Esempio: /logger:console;prefix=<impostazione predefinita: "false"> - Per altre informazioni sul logger di console, vedere: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Description: Runs tests from the specified files. - Descrizione: esegue test dai file specificati. + Description: Runs tests from the specified files. Options: - Opzioni: + Options: Section Header for subsequent command help listing Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] - Utilizzo: vstest.console.exe [Argomenti] [Opzioni] [[--] <argomenti di RunSettings>...]] + Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] No test source files were specified. - Non sono stati specificati file di origine test. + No test source files were specified. No arguments were specified. - Non sono stati specificati argomenti. + No arguments were specified. @@ -153,59 +153,59 @@ Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll - [NomiFileDiTest] - Esegue i test corrispondenti ai file specificati o al carattere jolly. Separare più nomi di file di test o - caratteri jolly con uno spazio. Impostare il livello di dettaglio del logger della console su dettagliato per visualizzare i file di test corrispondenti. - Esempi: mytestproject.dll + [TestFileNames] + Run tests from the specified files or wild card pattern. Separate multiple test file names or pattern + by spaces. Set console logger verbosity to detailed to view matched test files. + Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: - Sono disponibili i componenti aggiuntivi di provider di impostazioni seguenti: + The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> Settings to use when running tests. - --Settings|/Settings:<FileImpostazioni> - Impostazioni da usare per l'esecuzione dei test. + --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> + Settings to use when running tests. The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. - Con il parametro /Settings è necessario specificare un file di impostazioni. + The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. - Il file di impostazioni '{0}' non è stato trovato. + The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. Test Run Failed. - L'esecuzione dei test non è riuscita. + Test Run Failed. Test Run Successful. - L'esecuzione dei test è riuscita. + Test Run Successful. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. - L'argomento {0} non è previsto nel comando 'InIsolation'. Specificare il comando senza l'argomento, ad esempio: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation, quindi riprovare. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true - Con il parametro /UseVsixExtensions è richiesto un valore. Se è 'true', le estensioni VSIX eventualmente installate verranno usate nell'esecuzione dei test. Se è false, verranno ignorate. Esempio: /UseVsixExtensions:true + The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. - L'argomento {0} non è previsto nel comando 'UseVsixExtensions'. Specificare il comando indicando se le estensioni vsix devono essere usate o ignorate, ad esempio vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true, quindi riprovare. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. @@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests may run slower. - --InIsolation|/InIsolation - Esegue i test in un processo isolato. In questo modo è meno probabile che - il processo vstest.console.exe venga arrestato in caso di errore nei test, - che però potrebbero risultare più lenti. + --InIsolation|/InIsolation + Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe + process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests + may run slower. @@ -224,20 +224,20 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. Example /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions - Determina se il processo vstest.console.exe usa o ignora le estensioni VSIX - eventualmente installate nell'esecuzione dei test. - Esempio: /UseVsixExtensions:true + /UseVsixExtensions + This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions + installed(if any) in the test run. + Example /UseVsixExtensions:true The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 - Con l'argomento /BatchSize sono richieste le dimensioni del batch. Esempio: /BatchSize:10 + The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 - Le dimensioni {0} del batch non sono valide. Devono essere maggiori di zero. Esempio: /BatchSize:10 + Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 @@ -245,67 +245,67 @@ >vstest.console.exe tests.dll To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings - Per eseguire test: + To run tests: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll - Per eseguire test con impostazioni aggiuntive, quali agenti di raccolta dati: + To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings /ListDiscoverers Lists installed test discoverers. - /ListDiscoverers - Elenca gli agenti di individuazione test installati. + /ListDiscoverers + Lists installed test discoverers. /ListExecutors Lists installed test executors. - /ListExecutors - Elenca gli executor di test installati. + /ListExecutors + Lists installed test executors. /ListLoggers Lists installed test loggers. - /ListLoggers - Elenca i logger di test installati. + /ListLoggers + Lists installed test loggers. /ListSettingsProviders Lists installed test settings providers. - /ListSettingsProviders - Elenca i provider di impostazioni test installati. + /ListSettingsProviders + Lists installed test settings providers. -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. - -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<Nome file> - Elenca tutti i test individuati dal contenitore di test specificato. + -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> + Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. Time elapsed : - Tempo trascorso: + Time elapsed : The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 - Con l'argomento /Tests sono richiesti uno o più nomi di test specifici o relative sottostringhe. - Esempi: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 + The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. + Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - In totale sono stati individuati {0} test, ma nessuno corrisponde ai criteri di selezione specificati ({1}). Usare i valori corretti e riprovare. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. , - , + , @@ -314,90 +314,90 @@ values, separate them by commas. Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 - --Tests|/Tests:<Nomi test> - Esegue test con nomi corrispondenti ai valori specificati. Per specificare più - valori, separarli con virgole. - Esempi: /Tests:TestMethod1 + --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> + Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple + values, separate them by commas. + Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 Please verify if the console output looks good after modifiaction. Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Per eseguire i test, verrà usata la modalità di isolamento perché gli adattatori dati di diagnostica sono stati abilitati in runsettings. Usare il parametro /inIsolation per non visualizzare più questo avviso. + Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Per eseguire gli unit test per le app di Windows Store, verrà usata la modalità di isolamento. Usare il parametro /InIsolation per non visualizzare più questo avviso. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Gli adattatori dati di diagnostica non sono supportati durante l'esecuzione di unit test per app di Windows Store. Rimuovere le impostazioni degli adattatori dati di diagnostica dalle impostazioni. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. FriendlyName: {0} - Nome descrittivo: {0} + FriendlyName: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} SettingName: {0} - Nome impostazione: {0} + SettingName: {0} Supported File Types: - Tipi di file supportati: + Supported File Types: {0} - {0} + {0} {0}, - {0}, + {0}, Default Executor Uri: {0} - URI executor predefinito: {0} + Default Executor Uri: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. - Tipo di piattaforma non valido: {0}. I tipi di piattaforma validi sono {1}. + Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. 0 is the platform type e.g. x86, and 1 is a list of the built in platforms, e.g. x86, x64 The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 - L'argomento /Platform richiede il tipo di piattaforma di destinazione per l'esecuzione dei test. Ad esempio: /Platform:x86 + The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. - --Platform|/Platform:<Tipo di piattaforma> - Architettura della piattaforma di destinazione da usare per l'esecuzione dei test. - Valori validi: x86, x64 e ARM. + --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> + Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. + Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Per eseguire i test, verrà usata la modalità di isolamento in base a quanto specificato nelle impostazioni effettive di piattaforma {0} e .NET Framework {1} per l'esecuzione dei test. Usare il parametro /inIsolation per non visualizzare più questo avviso. + Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. @@ -405,25 +405,25 @@ Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - --Framework|/Framework:<Versione framework> - Versione di .NET Framework di destinazione da usare per l'esecuzione dei test. - Valori validi: ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" e così via. - Altri valori supportati: Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 e FrameworkUap10. + --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> + Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. + Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. + Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" - Con l'argomento /Framework è richiesta la versione di .NET Framework di destinazione per l'esecuzione dei test. Esempio: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" + The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - La versione di .NET Framework {0} non è valida. Specificare il nome completo della versione di .NET Framework di destinazione ad esempio .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0. Altre versioni di .NET Framework supportate: Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 e FrameworkUap10. + Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. - Non è stato possibile avviare l'esecuzione dei test per unit test per l'app di Windows Store: {0}. + Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. @@ -436,13 +436,13 @@ Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" - --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Espressione> - Esegue test corrispondenti all'espressione specificata. - <Espressione> è nel formato <proprietà>Operatore<valore>[|&<Espressione>] - dopo l'operatore è =, != oppure ~ (l'operatore ~ implica semantica 'contains' - ed è applicabile solo per proprietà di stringhe quali DisplayName). - È possibile usare le parentesi () per raggruppare sottoespressioni. - Esempi: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" + --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> + Run tests that match the given expression. + <Expression> is of the format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] + where Operator is one of =, != or ~ (Operator ~ has 'contains' + semantics and is applicable for string properties like DisplayName). + Parenthesis () can be used to group sub-expressions. + Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" @@ -451,66 +451,66 @@ The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" - L'argomento /TestCaseFilter richiede il valore di filtro. - Il valore di filtro può essere di tipo <proprietà>=<valore>. - Esempi: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" + The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. + Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. + Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. - Non è possibile specificare l'argomento /TestCaseFilter con /Tests. Il filtro dei test case non è applicabile quando si specificano test. + The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. - {0} è compilato per {1}/{2}. Gli assembly di test specificati in un'esecuzione devono disporre di una piattaforma e di un .NET Framework di destinazione comuni. + {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. - Per i test in esecuzione è possibile specificare un solo pacchetto dell'app (file con estensione appx). + Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. Starting test discovery, please wait... - Avvio dell'individuazione dei test in corso. Attendere... + Starting test discovery, please wait... Starting test execution, please wait... - Avvio dell'esecuzione dei test in corso. Attendere... + Starting test execution, please wait... Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. - La lettura delle impostazioni dell'adattatore dati di diagnostica ha generato un oggetto '{0}' di esecuzione. Tutti gli adattatori dati di diagnostica verranno ignorati durante questa esecuzione. + Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. - /EnableCodeCoverage - Abilita l'agente di raccolta dati 'CodeCoverage' per l'esecuzione dei test. + /EnableCodeCoverage + Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. - L'argomento {0} non è previsto nel comando 'EnableCodeCoverage'. Specificare il comando senza l'argomento, ad esempio: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage, quindi riprovare. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. - Il pacchetto dell'app '{0}' non contiene un punto di ingresso dell'executor di test. Per eseguire unit test per le app di Windows Store, creare il pacchetto dell'app usando il progetto Libreria unit test per app di Windows Store. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Il code coverage non è disponibile per le app di Windows Store. L'analisi del code coverage verrà ignorata per questa esecuzione dei test. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - In totale sono stati individuati {0} test, ma alcuni test non corrispondono ai criteri di selezione specificati ({1}). Usare i valori corretti e riprovare. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. @@ -518,65 +518,65 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> - --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath - Determina se il processo vstest.console.exe usa adattatori di test personalizzati - da un percorso eventualmente specificato nell'esecuzione dei test. - Esempio /TestAdapterPath:<percorsoAdattatoriPersonalizzati> + --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath + This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters + from a given path (if any) in the test run. + Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters - Con il parametro /TestAdapterPath è richiesto un valore, corrispondente al percorso di una posizione contenente adattatori di test personalizzati. Esempio: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters + The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} - Il percorso '{0}' specificato in 'TestAdapterPath' non è valido. Errore: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Il percorso di ricerca dell'adattatore di test personalizzato non è stato trovato. Specificare un percorso valido e riprovare. + The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. - Il percorso '{0}' specificato in 'TestAdapterPath' non contiene alcun adattatore di test. Specificare un percorso valido e riprovare. + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. - Non è stato possibile avviare l'esecuzione dei test per i test per l'app di Windows Phone: {0}. + Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Per eseguire gli unit test per le app di Windows Phone, verrà usata la modalità di isolamento. Usare il parametro /InIsolation per non visualizzare più questo avviso. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Il code coverage non è disponibile per le app di Windows Phone. L'analisi del code coverage verrà ignorata per questa esecuzione dei test. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Gli adattatori dati di diagnostica non sono supportati durante l'esecuzione di unit test per app di Windows Phone. Rimuovere le impostazioni degli adattatori dati di diagnostica dalle impostazioni. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. - Il pacchetto dell'app '{0}' non contiene un punto di ingresso dell'executor di test. Per eseguire unit test per le app di Windows Phone, creare il pacchetto dell'app con il progetto App unit test di Windows Phone. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. - Per eseguire i test, verrà usato il framework {0}. Specificare /Framework:{1} per non visualizzare più questo avviso. + Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. - Non è stato trovato alcun test nei contenitori di test specificati. L'adattatore di unit test di Microsoft Windows Store, inoltre, non supporta i file con estensione appxbundle. Durante la creazione di un pacchetto dell'app, creare un file appx impostando l'opzione Genera il bundle dell'app su Mai, quindi riprovare. + No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. @@ -584,185 +584,185 @@ Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up to all available cores on the machine may be used. The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. - --Parallel|/Parallel - Specifica che i test devono essere eseguiti in parallelo. Per impostazione - predefinita, è possibile usare al massimo tutti i core disponibili in questo computer. - Il numero di core da usare può essere configurato con un file di impostazioni. + --Parallel|/Parallel + Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up + to all available cores on the machine may be used. + The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. - L'argomento {0} non è previsto nel comando 'Parallel'. Specificare il comando senza l'argomento, ad esempio: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel, quindi riprovare. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. Cannot be null or empty - Non può essere Null o vuoto + Cannot be null or empty --Port|/Port:<Port> The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port:<Porta> - Porta per la connessione socket e la ricezione dei messaggi dell'evento. + --Port|/Port:<Port> + The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - Con l'argomento --Port|/Port è richiesto un numero di porta che corrisponde a un numero intero. Specificare la porta per la connessione socket e la ricezione dei messaggi dell'evento. + The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. - L'assembly sottoposto a test non è stato trovato. Assicurarsi che il progetto sia compilato. + Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. The Path {0} does not exist. - Il percorso {0} non esiste. + The Path {0} does not exist. --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> The directory containing the temporary outputs. - --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<PercorsoBaseCompilazione> - Directory che contiene gli output temporanei. + --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> + The directory containing the temporary outputs. -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release - -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configurazione> - Configurazione per cui viene compilato il progetto, ad esempio Debug/Release + -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> + The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release The given configuration is invalid. - La configurazione specificata non è valida. + The given configuration is invalid. -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> The directory containing the binaries to run. - -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> - Directory contenente i file binari da eseguire. + -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> + The directory containing the binaries to run. The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Il percorso di base di compilazione non è stato trovato. Specificare un percorso valido e riprovare. + The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Il percorso di output non è stato trovato. Specificare un percorso valido e riprovare. + The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. Additional Information Messages: - Ulteriori messaggi informativi: + Additional Information Messages: Days - Giorni + Days Error Message: - Messaggio di errore: + Error Message: Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} - Tempo totale: {0:0.0000} {1} + Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} Hours - Ore + Hours Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Non è stato trovato alcun logger di test con URI o nome descrittivo '{0}'. + Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Minutes - Minuti + Minutes Seconds - Secondi + Seconds Stack Trace: - Analisi dello stack: + Stack Trace: Standard Error Messages: - Messaggi di errore standard: + Standard Error Messages: Standard Output Messages: - Messaggi di output standard: + Standard Output Messages: Attachments: - Allegati: + Attachments: {0} - {0} + {0} No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - Non è disponibile alcun test in {0}. Verificare che le impostazioni delle versioni installate di piattaforma e framework, agenti di individuazione ed executor di test siano appropriate e riprovare. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Failed - Non superato + Failed Message which is written to the console when a test fails. Passed - Superato + Passed Message which is written to the console when a test passes. Skipped - Ignorato + Skipped Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} - L'individuazione non è riuscita per le origini specificate. Eccezione: {0} + Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> - ID del processo padre responsabile dell'avvio del processo corrente. + --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> + Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. - Con l'argomento --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId è richiesto l'ID processo che corrisponde a un numero intero. Specificare l'ID del processo padre che ha avviato questo processo. + The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. Arguments: - Argomenti: + Arguments: @@ -773,28 +773,28 @@ Change the trace level for logs as shown below Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. - --Diag|/Diag:<percorso del file di log> - Abilita i log per la piattaforma di test. - I log vengono scritti nel file specificato. + --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> + Enable logs for test platform. + Logs are written to the provided file. - Modifica il livello di traccia per i log come illustrato di seguito: - Esempio: /Diag:<percorso del file di logfile>;tracelevel=<impostazione predefinita: "verbose"> - Valori consentiti per tracelevel: off, error, warning, info e verbose. + Change the trace level for logs as shown below + Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> + Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. The file {0} provided is read only - Il file specificato {0} è di sola lettura + The file {0} provided is read only Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} - Timeout per la connessione o l'elaborazione della richiesta relativa a DesignModeClient sulla porta: {0} + Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} Not Run - Non eseguito + Not Run @@ -802,61 +802,61 @@ Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. More info on RunSettings arguments support: - Argomenti di RunSettings: - Argomenti per passare le configurazioni di runsettings tramite la riga di comando. È possibile specificare gli argomenti come coppia nome-valore in formato [nome]=[valore] dopo "-- ". Notare lo spazio dopo --. - Usare uno spazio per separare più coppie [nome]=[valore]. - Per altre informazioni sul supporto degli argomenti di RunSettings, vedere: + RunSettings arguments: + Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. + Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. + More info on RunSettings arguments support: One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token - Uno o più file runsettings specificati contengono un token non valido + One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> - --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory - Se non esiste già, la directory dei risultati dei test verrà creata nel percorso specificato. - Esempio: /ResultsDirectory:<percorsoDirectoryRisultati> + --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory + Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. + Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory - Con il parametro /ResultsDirectory è richiesto un valore, corrispondente alla directory in cui verranno salvati i risultati dei test. Esempio: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory + The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} - Il percorso '{0}' specificato in 'ResultsDirectory' non è valido. Errore: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process - Il flag /InIsolation è deprecato. I test verranno sempre eseguiti in un processo separato + The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} - Registrazione della diagnostica di Vstest nel file: {0} + Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : - --Collect|/Collect:<Nome descrittivo agente di raccolta dati> - Abilita l'agente di raccolta dati per l'esecuzione dei test. Per altre informazioni, vedere: + --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> + Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. - Il nome descrittivo '{0}' dell'agente di raccolta dati non è valido. L'agente di raccolta dati verrà ignorato. + The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. Debug Traces Messages: - Messaggi delle tracce di debug: + Debug Traces Messages: @@ -872,77 +872,77 @@ Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full - --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Valore];[DumpType]=[Valore] - Esegue il test in modalità di segnalazione errore. Questa opzione è utile per isolare il test problematico che causa l'arresto anomalo di Test Host. - Crea nella directory corrente un file di output "Sequence.xml", che - acquisisce l'ordine di esecuzione del test prima dell'arresto anomalo. - Si può scegliere di raccogliere il dump del processo per Test Host. - Quando si sceglie di raccogliere il dump, per impostazione predefinita viene raccolto un minidump in caso di arresto anomalo. - Si può anche scegliere di eseguire l'override di questo comportamento predefinito usando alcuni parametri facoltativi: - CollectAlways: per raccogliere il dump all'uscita anche in assenza di arresto anomalo (true/false) - DumpType: per specificare il tipo di dump (mini/full). - Esempio: /Blame + --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] + Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash. + It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml", + that captures the order of execution of test before the crash. + You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host. + When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash. + You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters: + CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false) + DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full). + Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full Test Run Aborted. - Esecuzione dei test interrotta. + Test Run Aborted. Test Run Canceled. - Esecuzione dei test annullata. + Test Run Canceled. Error opening response file '{0}' - Si è verificato un errore durante l'apertura del file di risposta '{0}' + Error opening response file '{0}' @<file> Read response file for more options. - @<file> - Legge il file di risposta per altre opzioni. + @<file> + Read response file for more options. Total tests: Unknown - Totale test: sconosciuto + Total tests: Unknown {0} {1} - {0} {1} + {0} {1} Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. - È anche possibile specificare il percorso degli adattatori di test con il comando /TestAdapterPath. Esempio: /TestAdapterPath:<percorsoAdattatoriPersonalizzati>. + Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. - /UseVsixExtensions verrà deprecato. Usare /TestAdapterPath. + /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true - --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> - Esempio: /DisableAutoFakes:true + --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> + Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. - --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" non è supportato se l'esecuzione dei test viene configurata con testsettings. + --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. - Gli agenti di raccolta dati diversi da Code Coverage e Microsoft Fakes configurati tramite le impostazioni esecuzione test non sono supportati con impostazioni di test incorporate. Per altre informazioni, vedere Impostazioni esecuzione test: {0}. + Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. @@ -958,115 +958,115 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<URI/Nome descrittivo logger> - Specifica un logger per i risultati dei test. Ad esempio, per registrare risultati in un - file di risultati dei test di Visual Studio (TRX), usare /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<impostazione predefinita: nome file univoco>] - Crea nella directory TestResults il file con il valore specificato per LogFileName. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Consente di cambiare il livello di dettaglio nei messaggi del log per il logger di console come illustrato di seguito: - Esempio: /logger:console;verbosity=<impostazione predefinita: "minimal"> - Valori consentiti per verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal e detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Consente di cambiare il prefisso del livello di diagnostica per il logger di console come illustrato di seguito: - Esempio: /logger:console;prefix=<impostazione predefinita: "false"> - Per altre informazioni sul logger di console, vedere: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. - L'opzione CollectDump per Blame non supporta la raccolta dei dump di arresto anomalo del sistema per questa piattaforma. + Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. - Il parametro di Blame specificato con Blame {0} non è valido e verrà ignorato. + The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. - Il percorso '{0}' del file di Diag non è valido. + Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. - L'argomento '{0}' di Blame non è valido. + Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. - L'argomento '{0}' di Diag non è valido. + Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. - L'argomento '{0}' di Logger non è valido. + Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". - Framework35 non è supportato. Per i progetti destinati a .NET Framework 3.5, i test verranno eseguiti nella modalità di compatibilità di CLR 4.0. + Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". Test run in progress - Esecuzione dei test in corso + Test run in progress Total tests: {0} - Totale test: {0} + Total tests: {0} Failed: {0} - Non superati: {0} + Failed: {0} Passed: {0} - Superati: {0} + Passed: {0} Skipped: {0} - Ignorati: {0} + Skipped: {0} The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. - L'argomento {0} non è valido. Usare l'opzione/help per verificare l'elenco di argomenti validi. + The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. - Un totale di {0} file di test corrisponde al criterio specificato. + A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") - L'argomento '{0}' del parametro di esecuzione dei test non è valido. Usare il formato seguente. - Formato: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") + The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. + Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. - L'opzione CollectDump con TestTimeout per Blame non supporta la raccolta dei dump di blocco per questa piattaforma. + Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} - {0} - Non superati: {1}. Superati: {2}. Ignorati: {3}. Totale: {4}. Durata: {5} + {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} None - Nessuno + None - {0} {1} - - {0} {1} + - {0} {1} @@ -1078,29 +1078,29 @@ Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" - -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NOME>=<VALORE> - Imposta il valore di una variabile di ambiente. Crea la variabile se non esiste e la sostituisce se esiste. Implica l'opzione /InIsolation e forza l'esecuzione dei test in un processo isolato. + -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> + Sets the value of an environment variable. Creates the variable if it does not exist, overrides if it does. This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - È possibile specificare più volte questo argomento per fornire più variabili. + This argument can be specified multiple times to provide multiple variables. - Esempio: -e:VARIABILE1=VALORE1 - -e:ALTRA_VARIABILE="VALORE CON SPAZI" - -e:ALTRA_VARIABILE="VALORE;delimitato da;punti e virgola" + Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 + -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" + -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. - La variabile di ambiente '{0}' è già stata definita, ma viene sostituita dall'argomento -Environment. + Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. Test Run Aborted with error {0}. - Esecuzione dei test interrotta con errore {0}. + Test Run Aborted with error {0}. Invalid testSessionCorrelationId - TestSessionCorrelationId non valido + Invalid testSessionCorrelationId @@ -1124,36 +1124,36 @@ - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. - --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> - Influisce sul comportamento di caricamento dell'adattatore. + --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> + This affects adapter loading behavior. - Comportamenti attualmente supportati: - - Explicit: la piattaforma di test caricherà solo gli adattatori specificati da /TestAdapterPath (o dal nodo RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths). - Se viene specificato un percorso specifico dell'adattatore, verrà caricato l'adattatore; se viene specificato un percorso di directory, verranno caricati direttamente gli adattatori presenti in tale cartella, a meno che non sia specificata anche l'opzione Recursive. - Se non viene specificato alcun percorso dell'adattatore, l'esecuzione dei test non riuscirà. - Implica l'opzione /InIsolation e forza l'esecuzione dei test in un processo isolato. + Currently supported behaviors: + - Explicit: Test Platform will only load adapters specified by /TestAdapterPath (or RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). + If a specific adapter path is provided, adapter will be loaded; if a directory path is provided adapters directly in that folder will be loaded, unless Recursive option is also specified. + If no adapter path is specified, test run will fail. + This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - - Default: la piattaforma di test caricherà gli adattatori se questo argomento non è stato specificato. - Verranno selezionate le estensioni accanto all'origine, specificati percorsi aggiuntivi dell'adattatore e dalla directory predefinita. + - Default: Test Platform will load adapters is if this argument has not been specified. + It will pick up extensions from next to source, provided additional adapter paths and from the default directory. - - DefaultRuntimeProviders: carica i provider di runtime predefiniti forniti con la piattaforma di test. - Se questa opzione non viene specificata quando viene impostata l'opzione "Explicit", è necessario specificare in modo esplicito un provider host di test. + - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Load default runtime providers shipped with Test Platform. + If this is not specified when "Explicit" option is set, a test host provider need to be specified explicitly. - - ExtensionsDirectory: carica gli adattatori all'interno della cartella Extensions. + - ExtensionsDirectory: Load adapters inside Extensions folder. - - NextToSource: caricare gli adattatori accanto all'origine. + - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - - Recursive: esegue una ricerca ricorsiva nelle cartelle durante il caricamento degli adattatori. È necessario specificare anche "Explicit" o "NextToSource". + - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. Do not translate "Default", "DefaultRuntimeProviders", "ExtensionsDirectory", "NextToSource" or "Recursive". Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! - Il valore specificato ({0}) per /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy non è valido. + Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - La strategia di caricamento ricorsivo dell'adattatore non può essere usata da sola. Combinare con uno o più di: {0} + Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Do not translate "Recursive", - {0} is the strategy names, seperated by comma: for example "Explicit, NextToSource" @@ -1161,72 +1161,72 @@ The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! - È necessario specificare il parametro /TestAdapterPath quando si specifica la strategia di caricamento dell'adattatore di test "{0}". + The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! {0} is the strategy name, "Explicit" for example. vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. - vstest.console.exe è in esecuzione in modalità emulata come {0}. Per prestazioni migliori, è consigliabile usare lo strumento di esecuzione nativo vstest.console.arm64.exe. + vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. - Timeout dell'attesa della connessione del gestore richieste dopo {0} secondi. + Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Timeout dell'attesa dell'avvio della sessione di test dopo {0} secondi. + Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Timeout dell'attesa di arresto della sessione di test dopo {0} secondi. + Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. Error hosting communication channel. - Errore nell'hosting del canale di comunicazione. + Error hosting communication channel. ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. - È necessario specificare ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath per installare o annullare l'installazione del debugger effettuato dopo che l'applicazione è terminata. + ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. - Il debugger effettuato dopo che l'applicazione è terminata non è supportato nel sistema operativo corrente. + Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) - La directory specificata per l'eseguibile procdump non è valida e lo strumento non è stato trovato nelle variabili di ambiente (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) + The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) Procdump file name not found: '{0}' - Il nome del file Procdump non è stato trovato: '{0}' + Procdump file name not found: '{0}' DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. - È necessario specificare DumpDirectoryPath per installare il debugger effettuato dopo che l'applicazione è terminata. + DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' - La directory specificata non è valida: '{0}' + The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. - L'argomento '{0}' di AeDebugger non è valido. + AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. The dotnet vstest command is superseded by dotnet test, which can now be used to run assemblies. See - Il comando dotnet vstest è sostituito da un test dotnet, che può ora essere usato per eseguire gli assembly. Vedi + The dotnet vstest command is superseded by dotnet test, which can now be used to run assemblies. See diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf index ca74524660..9c98f66708 100644 --- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf @@ -4,94 +4,94 @@ '{0}' not found. - '{0}' が見つかりません。 + '{0}' not found. The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: - 次のテスト探索アドインを使用できます: + The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: - 次のテスト実行アドインを使用できます: + The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: {0}: {1} - {0}: {1} + {0}: {1} The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: - 次のテスト ロガー アドインを使用できます: + The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: Error: {0} - エラー: {0} + Error: {0} , {0} - , {0} + , {0} Format used to comma separate a list of values. The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. - パラメーター "{0}" は一度しか指定できません。 + The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} - 拡張をインスタンス化しているときに例外が発生しました: '{0}': {1} + Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} The following Tests are available: - 次のテストを使用できます: + The following Tests are available: Unrecognized parameter "{0}". - パラメーター "{0}" は認識されていません。 + Unrecognized parameter "{0}". The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. - 指定されたテスト ソース ファイル "{0}" が見つかりませんでした。 + The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - テスト ロガーの URI '{0}' は無効です。テスト ロガーは無視されます。 + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Information: {0} - 情報: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - 警告: {0} + Warning: {0} -?|--Help|/?|/Help Display this usage message. - -?|--Help|/?|/Help - この使用方法に関するメッセージを表示します。 + -?|--Help|/?|/Help + Display this usage message. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} - Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} + Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} @@ -107,43 +107,43 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> - テスト結果のロガーを指定します。たとえば、結果のログを - Visual Studio のテスト結果ファイル (TRX) に記録するには、/logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] を使用します - TestResults ディレクトリに、指定された LogFileName でファイルを作成します。 + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - コンソール ロガーのログ メッセージの詳細レベルを、次のように変更します - 例: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> - 詳細レベルに使用できる値: quiet、minimal、normal、detailed。 + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - コンソール ロガーの診断レベルのプレフィックスを次のように変更します - 例: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> - コンソール ロガーの詳細についてはこちらをご覧ください: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Description: Runs tests from the specified files. - 説明: 指定されたファイルからテストを実行します。 + Description: Runs tests from the specified files. Options: - オプション: + Options: Section Header for subsequent command help listing Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] - 使用法: vstest.console.exe [引数] [オプション] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] + Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] No test source files were specified. - テスト ソース ファイルが指定されていません。 + No test source files were specified. No arguments were specified. - 引数が指定されていません。 + No arguments were specified. @@ -153,59 +153,59 @@ Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll - [TestFileNames] - 指定されたファイルまたはワイルド カード パターンからテストを実行します。複数のテスト ファイル名または - パターンをスペースで区切ります。一致したテスト ファイルを表示するには、コンソール ロガーの詳細度を detailed に設定します。 - 例: mytestproject.dll + [TestFileNames] + Run tests from the specified files or wild card pattern. Separate multiple test file names or pattern + by spaces. Set console logger verbosity to detailed to view matched test files. + Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: - 次の設定プロバイダー アドインを使用できます: + The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> Settings to use when running tests. - --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> - テストを実行する際に使用する設定です。 + --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> + Settings to use when running tests. The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. - /Settings パラメーターには、設定ファイルを指定する必要があります。 + The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. - 設定ファイル '{0}' が見つかりませんでした。 + The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. Test Run Failed. - テストの実行に失敗しました。 + Test Run Failed. Test Run Successful. - テストの実行に成功しました。 + Test Run Successful. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. - 'InIsolation' コマンドでは、引数 {0} は適切ではありません。引数なしでコマンドを指定し (例: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation)、もう一度お試しください。 + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions パラメーターに値を指定する必要があります。'true' を指定すると、インストール済みの VSIX 拡張機能 (ある場合) がテストの実行で使用されます。false を指定すると、これらは無視されます。例: /UseVsixExtensions:true + The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. - 'UseVsixExtensions' コマンドでは、引数 {0} は適切ではありません。vsix 拡張機能を使用するのかスキップするのかを示すコマンドを指定し (例: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true)、もう一度お試しください。 + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. @@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests may run slower. - --InIsolation|/InIsolation - 分離プロセスでテストを実行します。これにより、vstest.console.exe - プロセスがテスト時にエラーで停止する可能性は低くなりますが、 - テストの速度が遅くなる場合があります。 + --InIsolation|/InIsolation + Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe + process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests + may run slower. @@ -224,20 +224,20 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. Example /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions - これにより、テストの実行で vstest.console.exe プロセスによってインストール済みの - VSIX 拡張機能 (ある場合) が使用またはスキップされます。 - 例 /UseVsixExtensions:true + /UseVsixExtensions + This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions + installed(if any) in the test run. + Example /UseVsixExtensions:true The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 - /BatchSize 引数には、バッチのサイズが必要です。例: /BatchSize:10 + The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 - バッチ サイズ {0} は無効です。バッチ サイズには、0 より大きい値を指定してください。例: /BatchSize:10 + Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 @@ -245,67 +245,67 @@ >vstest.console.exe tests.dll To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings - テストを実行する: + To run tests: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll - テストをデータ コレクターなどの追加設定を指定して実行する: + To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings /ListDiscoverers Lists installed test discoverers. - /ListDiscoverers - インストール済みのテスト探索プログラムを一覧表示します。 + /ListDiscoverers + Lists installed test discoverers. /ListExecutors Lists installed test executors. - /ListExecutors - インストール済みのテスト実行プログラムを一覧表示します。 + /ListExecutors + Lists installed test executors. /ListLoggers Lists installed test loggers. - /ListLoggers - インストール済みのテスト ロガーを一覧表示します。 + /ListLoggers + Lists installed test loggers. /ListSettingsProviders Lists installed test settings providers. - /ListSettingsProviders - インストール済みのテスト設定プロバイダーを一覧表示します。 + /ListSettingsProviders + Lists installed test settings providers. -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. - -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<ファイル名> - 指定されたテスト コンテナーから、すべての探索されたテストを一覧表示します。 + -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> + Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. Time elapsed : - 経過時間: + Time elapsed : The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 - /Tests 引数には、1 つ以上の特定のテスト名またはその部分文字列が必要です。 - 例: /Tests:TestsMethod1、/Tests:TestMethod1,method2 + The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. + Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - 合計 {0} 個のテストが検出されましたが、指定された選択条件 ({1}) に一致するテストはありません。適切な値を使用して、もう一度お試しください。 + A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. , - , + , @@ -314,90 +314,90 @@ values, separate them by commas. Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 - --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> - 指定された値に一致する名前のテストを実行します。複数の値を - 指定する場合、コンマで区切ります。 - 例: /Tests:TestMethod1 + --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> + Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple + values, separate them by commas. + Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 Please verify if the console output looks good after modifiaction. Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - 診断データ アダプターが実行設定で有効になっていたので、テストの実行に分離モードを使用しています。この警告が表示されないようにするには、/inIsolation パラメーターを使用します。 + Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Windows ストア アプリの単体テストを実行するために、分離モードを使用しています。この警告が表示されないようにするには、/InIsolation パラメーターを使用します。 + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Windows ストア アプリの単体テストの実行時は、診断データ アダプターはサポートされません。設定から診断データ アダプターの設定を削除してください。 + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. FriendlyName: {0} - 表示名: {0} + FriendlyName: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} SettingName: {0} - SettingName: {0} + SettingName: {0} Supported File Types: - サポートされているファイルの種類: + Supported File Types: {0} - {0} + {0} {0}, - {0}, + {0}, Default Executor Uri: {0} - 既定の実行プログラムの URI: {0} + Default Executor Uri: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. - プラットフォームの種類が無効です: {0}。有効なプラットフォームの種類は {1} です。 + Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. 0 is the platform type e.g. x86, and 1 is a list of the built in platforms, e.g. x86, x64 The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 - /Platform 引数には、テストの実行対象とするプラットフォームの種類を指定する必要があります。例: /Platform:x86 + The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. - --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> - テストの実行に使用するターゲット プラットフォームのアーキテクチャです。 - 有効な値は、x86、x64、ARM です。 + --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> + Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. + Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - テスト実行のための効果的なプラットフォーム: {0} および .Net Framework: {1} の設定で必要とされるため、テストの実行に分離モードを使用しています。この警告が表示されないようにするには、/inIsolation パラメーターを使用します。 + Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. @@ -405,25 +405,25 @@ Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> - テストの実行に使用する、.Net Framework のターゲット バージョン。 - 有効な値は ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"、".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" などです。 - サポートされている他の値は、Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10、FrameworkUap10 です。 + --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> + Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. + Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. + Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" - /Framework 引数には、テストの実行対象とする .Net Framework バージョンが必要です。例: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" + The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - .Net Framework バージョンが無効です: {0}。TargetFramework の完全な名前を指定してください (例: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0)。その他のサポートされる .Net Framework バージョンは Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10、FrameworkUap10 です。 + Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. - Windows ストア アプリの単体テストのテスト実行を開始できません: {0}。 + Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. @@ -436,13 +436,13 @@ Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" - --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> - 指定された式と一致するテストを実行します。 - <Expression> の形式は <property>演算子<value>[|&<Expression>] - で、演算子は =、!=、~ のいずれかです (演算子 ~ には '含む' - セマンティクスがあり、DisplayName などの文字列プロパティに適用されます)。 - かっこ () は、サブ式のグループ化に使用できます。 - 例: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" + --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> + Run tests that match the given expression. + <Expression> is of the format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] + where Operator is one of =, != or ~ (Operator ~ has 'contains' + semantics and is applicable for string properties like DisplayName). + Parenthesis () can be used to group sub-expressions. + Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" @@ -451,66 +451,66 @@ The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" - /TestCaseFilter 引数には、フィルター値が必要です。 - フィルター値は、<プロパティ>=<値> という型で指定できます。 - 例: "Priority=1"、"TestCategory=Nightly" + The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. + Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. + Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. - /TestCaseFilter 引数を /Tests と共に指定することはできません。テストが指定されている場合、テスト ケースのフィルター処理は適用できません。 + The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. - {0} は {1}/{2} 用にビルドされています。実行で指定されるテスト アセンブリは、対象とする .NET Framework およびプラットフォームを共通にする必要があります。 + {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. - 実行する複数のテストには、1 つのアプリ パッケージ (.appx ファイル) だけを指定できます。 + Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. Starting test discovery, please wait... - テスト探索を開始しています。お待ちください... + Starting test discovery, please wait... Starting test execution, please wait... - テスト実行を開始しています。お待ちください... + Starting test execution, please wait... Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. - 診断データ アダプターの設定の読み取り中に実行中の '{0}' がスローされました。この実行では、すべての診断データ アダプターがスキップされます。 + Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. - /EnableCodeCoverage - テストの実行用にデータ コレクター 'CodeCoverage' を有効にします。 + /EnableCodeCoverage + Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. - 引数 {0} は、'EnableCodeCoverage' コマンドでは必要ではありません。引数なしでコマンドを指定し (例: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage)、もう一度お試しください。 + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. - アプリ パッケージ '{0}' に、テスト実行プログラムのエントリ ポイントがありません。Windows ストア アプリの単体テストを実行する場合は、Windows ストア アプリ単体テスト ライブラリ プロジェクトを使用して、アプリ パッケージを作成してください。 + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Windows ストア アプリではコード カバレッジを使用できません。このテスト実行ではコード カバレッジ分析はスキップされました。 + Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - 合計 {0} 個のテストが検出されましたが、指定された選択条件 ({1}) に一致しないテストがあります。適切な値を使用して、もう一度お試しください。 + A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. @@ -518,65 +518,65 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> - --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath - テストの実行で、vstest.console.exe プロセスが指定されたパス (ある場合) - からのカスタム テスト アダプターを使用するようにします。 - 例 /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> + --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath + This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters + from a given path (if any) in the test run. + Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters - /TestAdapterPath パラメーターには、値として、カスタム テスト アダプターがある場所のパスが必要です。例: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters + The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} - 'TestAdapterPath' に指定されているパス '{0}' は無効です。エラー: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - カスタム テスト アダプターの指定された検索パスが見つかりませんでした。有効なパスを指定して、もう一度お試しください。 + The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. - 'TestAdapterPath' に指定されているパス '{0}' には、テスト アダプターがありません。有効なパスを指定して、もう一度お試しください。 + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. - Windows Phone アプリに対するテストのテスト実行を開始できません: {0}。 + Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Windows Phone アプリの単体テストを実行するために、分離モードを使用しています。この警告が表示されないようにするには、/InIsolation パラメーターを使用します。 + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Windows Phone アプリではコード カバレッジを使用できません。このテスト実行ではコード カバレッジ分析はスキップされました。 + Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Windows Phone アプリの単体テストの実行時は、診断データ アダプターはサポートされません。設定から診断データ アダプターの設定を削除してください。 + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. - アプリ パッケージ '{0}' に、テスト実行プログラムのエントリ ポイントがありません。Windows Phone アプリの単体テストを実行する場合は、Windows Phone 単体テスト アプリ プロジェクトを使用して、アプリ パッケージを作成してください。 + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. - フレームワーク {0} を使用してテストを実行します。この警告を表示しないようにするには、/Framework:{1} を指定します。 + Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. - 指定されたテスト コンテナーにテストが見つかりません。さらに、Microsoft Windows ストア単体テスト アダプターで .appxbundle ファイルがサポートされていません。アプリ パッケージの作成時に appx ([アプリ バンドルの生成] オプションを [しない] に設定) し、もう一度お試しください。 + No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. @@ -584,185 +584,185 @@ Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up to all available cores on the machine may be used. The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. - --Parallel|/Parallel - テストを並列で実行するように指定します。既定では、 - コンピューター上の使用可能なコア数まで使用できます。 - 使用するコアの数は、設定ファイルを使用して構成できます。 + --Parallel|/Parallel + Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up + to all available cores on the machine may be used. + The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. - 引数 {0} は 'Parallel' コマンド内で使用できません。引数を使用せずにコマンドを指定して (例: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel)、もう一度お試しください。 + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. Cannot be null or empty - null または空にすることはできません。 + Cannot be null or empty --Port|/Port:<Port> The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port:<Port> - ソケット接続およびイベント メッセージを受信するためのポートです。 + --Port|/Port:<Port> + The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port 引数には、整数であるポート番号を指定する必要があります。ソケット接続およびイベント メッセージ受信用のポートを指定してください。 + The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. - テスト中のアセンブリが見つかりません。プロジェクトがビルドされたことをご確認ください。 + Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. The Path {0} does not exist. - パス {0} は存在しません。 + The Path {0} does not exist. --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> The directory containing the temporary outputs. - --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> - 一時的な出力を含むディレクトリです。 + --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> + The directory containing the temporary outputs. -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release - -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> - プロジェクトをビルドする構成です。つまり、Debug/Release + -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> + The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release The given configuration is invalid. - 指定の構成が無効です。 + The given configuration is invalid. -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> The directory containing the binaries to run. - -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> - 実行するバイナリを含むディレクトリです。 + -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> + The directory containing the binaries to run. The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - BuildBasePath が見つかりませんでした。有効なパスを指定してもう一度お試しください。 + The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Output パスが見つかりませんでした。有効なパスを指定してもう一度お試しください。 + The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. Additional Information Messages: - 追加情報メッセージ: + Additional Information Messages: Days - 日数 + Days Error Message: - エラー メッセージ: + Error Message: Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} - 合計時間: {0:0.0000} {1} + Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} Hours - 時間 + Hours Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - URI または FriendlyName が '{0}' のテスト ロガーは見つかりませんでした。 + Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Minutes - + Minutes Seconds - + Seconds Stack Trace: - スタック トレース: + Stack Trace: Standard Error Messages: - 標準エラー メッセージ: + Standard Error Messages: Standard Output Messages: - 標準出力メッセージ: + Standard Output Messages: Attachments: - 添付ファイル: + Attachments: {0} - {0} + {0} No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - {0} で使用できるテストはありません。インストールされているテスト探索プログラム、実行プログラム、プラットフォーム、およびフレームワークのバージョン設定が適切であることを確認し、再試行してください。 + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Failed - 失敗 + Failed Message which is written to the console when a test fails. Passed - 成功 + Passed Message which is written to the console when a test passes. Skipped - スキップ + Skipped Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} - 指定したソースで検出が失敗しました。例外 : {0} + Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> - 現在のプロセスを起動する親プロセスのプロセス ID です。 + --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> + Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId 引数には整数であるプロセス ID を指定する必要があります。このプロセスを開始した親プロセスのプロセス ID を指定してください。 + The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. Arguments: - 引数: + Arguments: @@ -773,28 +773,28 @@ Change the trace level for logs as shown below Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. - --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> - テスト プラットフォームに対してログを有効にします。 - ログは指定されたファイルに書き込まれます。 + --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> + Enable logs for test platform. + Logs are written to the provided file. - 次のようにログのトレース レベルを変更します。 - 例: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> - トレース レベルに使用できる値: off、error、warning、info、verbose。 + Change the trace level for logs as shown below + Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> + Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. The file {0} provided is read only - 指定されたファイル {0} は読み取り専用です。 + The file {0} provided is read only Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} - ポートで接続または DesignModeClient の要求処理のタイムアウト: {0} + Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} Not Run - 未実行 + Not Run @@ -802,61 +802,61 @@ Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. More info on RunSettings arguments support: - RunSettings 引数: - commandline 経由で runsettings 構成を渡す引数。引数は、"-- " の後に [name]=[value] の形式で名前と値のペアとして指定できます。-- の後のスペースにご注意ください。 - 複数の [name]=[value] を区切るにはスペースを使用します。 - RunSettings 引数のサポートに関する詳細情報: + RunSettings arguments: + Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. + Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. + More info on RunSettings arguments support: One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token - 指定の runsettings の 1 つ以上に無効なトークンが含まれています。 + One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> - --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory - 存在しない場合、テスト結果のディレクトリが指定されたパスに作成されます。 - 例: /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> + --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory + Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. + Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory - /ResultsDirectory パラメーターには値が必要であり、そこにテスト結果が保存されます。例: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory + The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} - 'ResultsDirectory' に指定されているパス '{0}' は無効です。エラー: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process - /InIsolation フラグは非推奨です。テストは常に別個のプロセスで実行されます + The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} - 次のファイルで Vstest 診断をログ記録しています: {0} + Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : - --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> - テストの実行用のデータ コレクターを有効にします。詳細情報はこちら: + --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> + Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. - データ コレクターのフレンドリ名 '{0}' が無効です。データ コレクターは無視されます。 + The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. Debug Traces Messages: - デバッグ トレース メッセージ: + Debug Traces Messages: @@ -872,77 +872,77 @@ Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full - --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] - テストを Blame モードで実行します。このオプションは、テスト ホストのクラッシュを引き起こしているテストを分離するのに役立ちます。 - 現在のディレクトリに "Sequence.xml" という出力ファイルを作成し、 - そのファイルにクラッシュ前のテストの実行順序をキャプチャします。 - 必要に応じて、テスト ホストのプロセス ダンプを収集することもできます。 - ダンプを収集するように選択すると、既定ではクラッシュ時にミニ ダンプが収集されます。 - この既定の動作を次のオプション パラメーターでオーバーライドすることもできます: - CollectAlways - クラッシュが発生していなくても終了時にダンプを収集します (true/false) - DumpType - ダンプの種類を指定します (mini/full)。 - 例: /Blame + --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] + Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash. + It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml", + that captures the order of execution of test before the crash. + You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host. + When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash. + You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters: + CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false) + DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full). + Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full Test Run Aborted. - テスト実行が中止されました。 + Test Run Aborted. Test Run Canceled. - テスト実行が取り消されました。 + Test Run Canceled. Error opening response file '{0}' - 応答ファイル '{0}' を開くときにエラーが発生しました + Error opening response file '{0}' @<file> Read response file for more options. - @<file> - その他のオプションについては、応答ファイルを参照してください。 + @<file> + Read response file for more options. Total tests: Unknown - テストの合計数: 不明 + Total tests: Unknown {0} {1} - {0} {1} + {0} {1} Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. - さらに、/TestAdapterPath コマンドを使用してテスト アダプターのパスを指定できます。例: /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>。 + Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. - /UseVsixExtensions は非推奨になりました。代わりに /TestAdapterPath を使用してください。 + /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true - --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> - 例: /DisableAutoFakes:true + --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> + Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. - --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" は、testsettings を使用してテストの実行が構成されている場合、サポートされません。 + --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. - 実行設定を経由して構成されているコード カバレッジと Microsoft Fakes 以外のデータ コレクターは、埋め込まれたテストの設定ではサポートされていません。詳細については、 をご覧ください。実行設定: {0}。 + Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. @@ -958,115 +958,115 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> - テスト結果のロガーを指定します。たとえば、結果のログを - Visual Studio のテスト結果ファイル (TRX) に記録するには、/logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] を使用します - TestResults ディレクトリに、指定された LogFileName でファイルを作成します。 + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - コンソール ロガーのログ メッセージの詳細レベルを、次のように変更します - 例: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> - 詳細レベルに使用できる値: quiet、minimal、normal、detailed。 + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - コンソール ロガーの診断レベルのプレフィックスを次のように変更します - 例: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> - コンソール ロガーの詳細についてはこちらをご覧ください: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. - このプラットフォームでは、Blame の CollectDump オプションによるクラッシュ ダンプの収集はサポートされていません。 + Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. - blame で指定された blame パラメーター {0} は無効です。このパラメーターは無視されます。 + The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. - Diag ファイル パス '{0}' は無効です。 + Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. - Blame 引数 '{0}' は無効です。 + Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. - Diag 引数 '{0}' は無効です。 + Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. - Logger 引数 '{0}' は無効です。 + Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". - Framework35 はサポートされていません。.Net Framework 3.5 を対象にしたプロジェクトでは、CLR 4.0 の「互換モード」でテストが実行されます。 + Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". Test run in progress - テストの実行が処理中 + Test run in progress Total tests: {0} - テストの合計数: {0} + Total tests: {0} Failed: {0} - 失敗: {0} + Failed: {0} Passed: {0} - 成功: {0} + Passed: {0} Skipped: {0} - スキップ: {0} + Skipped: {0} The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. - 引数 {0} が無効です。有効な引数の一覧を確認するには、/help オプションを使用してください。 + The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. - 合計 {0} 個のテスト ファイルが指定されたパターンと一致しました。 + A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") - テストの実行パラメーターの引数 '{0}' が無効です。以下の形式を使用してください。 - 形式: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") + The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. + Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. - このプラットフォームでは、Blame の TestTimeout を使用する CollectDump オプションによるハング ダンプの収集はサポートされていません。 + Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} - {0} -失敗: {1}、合格: {2}、スキップ: {3}、合計: {4}、期間: {5} + {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} None - なし + None - {0} {1} - - {0} {1} + - {0} {1} @@ -1078,29 +1078,29 @@ Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" - -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> - 環境変数の値を設定します。変数が存在しない場合は作成され、存在する場合はオーバーライドされます。これにより、/InIsolation スイッチが暗黙に指定されるため、テストは強制的に分離プロセスで実行されます。 + -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> + Sets the value of an environment variable. Creates the variable if it does not exist, overrides if it does. This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - この引数は、複数の変数を指定するために複数回指定できます。 + This argument can be specified multiple times to provide multiple variables. - 例: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 + Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. - 環境変数 '{0}' は既に定義されていますが、-Environment 引数でオーバーライドされます。 + Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. Test Run Aborted with error {0}. - テストの実行がエラー {0} により中止されました。 + Test Run Aborted with error {0}. Invalid testSessionCorrelationId - 無効な testSessionCorrelationId + Invalid testSessionCorrelationId @@ -1124,36 +1124,36 @@ - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. - --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> - これはアダプターの読み込み動作時の振る舞いに影響します。 + --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> + This affects adapter loading behavior. - 現在サポートされている振る舞い: - - Explicit: テスト プラットフォームは、/TestAdapterPath (または RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths ノード) で指定されたアダプターのみを読み込みます。 - 特定のアダプター パスが指定されている場合、アダプターが読み込まれます; ディレクトリ パスが指定されている場合は、Recursive オプションも指定されていない限り、そのフォルダー内のアダプターが直接読み込まれます。 - アダプター パスが指定されていない場合、テスト実行は失敗します。 - これは/InIsolation スイッチを示し、テストを強制的に分離されたプロセスで実行します。 + Currently supported behaviors: + - Explicit: Test Platform will only load adapters specified by /TestAdapterPath (or RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). + If a specific adapter path is provided, adapter will be loaded; if a directory path is provided adapters directly in that folder will be loaded, unless Recursive option is also specified. + If no adapter path is specified, test run will fail. + This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. -- Default : この引数が指定されていない場合は、アダプターを読み込むテスト プラットフォームが存在します。 - 追加のアダプター パスを指定し、既定のディレクトリから、ソースの隣から拡張機能を取得します。 + - Default: Test Platform will load adapters is if this argument has not been specified. + It will pick up extensions from next to source, provided additional adapter paths and from the default directory. - - DefaultRuntimeProviders: テスト プラットフォームに付属の既定のランタイム プロバイダーを読み込みます。 - "Explicit" オプションが設定されている場合に、これが指定されない場合は、テスト ホスト プロバイダーが明示的に指定されている必要があります。 + - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Load default runtime providers shipped with Test Platform. + If this is not specified when "Explicit" option is set, a test host provider need to be specified explicitly. - - ExtensionsDirectory: 拡張機能フォルダー内にアダプターを読み込みます。 + - ExtensionsDirectory: Load adapters inside Extensions folder. - - NextToSource: ソースの隣にアダプターを読み込みます。 + - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - - Recursive: アダプターの読み込み時にフォルダーを再帰的に検索します。これには、"Explicit" または "NextToSource" も指定する必要があります。 + - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. Do not translate "Default", "DefaultRuntimeProviders", "ExtensionsDirectory", "NextToSource" or "Recursive". Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! - /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy に指定された値 ({0}) は無効です! + Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - 再帰的アダプターの読み込み方法は、それ自身により利用することはできません。以下を 1 つまたはそれ以上組み合わせて下さい: {0} + Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Do not translate "Recursive", - {0} is the strategy names, seperated by comma: for example "Explicit, NextToSource" @@ -1161,67 +1161,67 @@ The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! - テスト アダプターの読み込み方法 "{0}" が指定されている場合、/TestAdapterPath パラメーターが提供される必要があります。 + The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! {0} is the strategy name, "Explicit" for example. vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. - vstest.console.exe はエミュレート済みモードで {0} として実行されています。パフォーマンスを向上させるに、ネイティブ ランナー vstest.console.arm64.exe の使用を検討してください。 + vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. - 要求ハンドラー接続の待機が {0} 秒後にタイムアウトしました。 + Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. - テスト セッション開始の待機が {0} 秒後にタイムアウトしました。 + Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. - テスト セッション停止の待機が {0} 秒後にタイムアウトしました。 + Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. Error hosting communication channel. - 通信チャネルをホスト中にエラーが発生しました。 + Error hosting communication channel. ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. - 事後検証デバッガーをインストールまたはアンインストールするには、ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath を指定する必要があります。 + ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. - 現在の OS では、事後検証デバッガーはサポートされていません。 + Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) - procdump 実行可能ファイルに指定されたディレクトリが無効であり、ツールが環境変数 (PROCDUMP_PATH、PATH) 内に見つかりませんでした + The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) Procdump file name not found: '{0}' - Procdump ファイル名が見つかりません: '{0}' + Procdump file name not found: '{0}' DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. - 事後検証デバッガーをインストールするには、DumpDirectoryPath を指定する必要があります。 + DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' - 指定されたディレクトリは無効です: '{0}' + The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. - AeDebugger 引数 '{0}' は無効です。 + AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf index e9603c115a..161b60d876 100644 --- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf @@ -4,94 +4,94 @@ '{0}' not found. - '{0}'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. + '{0}' not found. The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: - 다음 테스트 검색 추가 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다. + The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: - 다음 테스트 실행 추가 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다. + The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: {0}: {1} - {0}: {1} + {0}: {1} The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: - 다음 테스트 로거 추가 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다. + The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: Error: {0} - 오류: {0} + Error: {0} , {0} - , {0} + , {0} Format used to comma separate a list of values. The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. - "{0}" 매개 변수는 한 번만 제공해야 합니다. + The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} - '{0}' 확장을 인스턴스화할 때 예외가 발생했습니다. {1} + Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} The following Tests are available: - 다음 테스트를 사용할 수 있습니다. + The following Tests are available: Unrecognized parameter "{0}". - "{0}" 매개 변수를 인식할 수 없습니다. + Unrecognized parameter "{0}". The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. - 제공된 테스트 소스 파일 "{0}"을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. + The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - 테스트 로거 URI '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 테스트 로거를 무시합니다. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Information: {0} - 정보: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - 경고: {0} + Warning: {0} -?|--Help|/?|/Help Display this usage message. - -?|--Help|/?|/Help - 이 사용법 메시지를 표시합니다. + -?|--Help|/?|/Help + Display this usage message. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} - Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} + Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} @@ -107,43 +107,43 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> - 테스트 결과의 로거를 지정합니다. 예를 들어 - Visual Studio TRX(테스트 결과 파일)에 결과를 기록하려면 /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>]를 사용합니다. - 지정된 LogFileName으로 TestResults 디렉터리에서 파일을 만듭니다. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - 아래 표시된 대로 콘솔 로거에 대한 로그 메시지에서 세부 정보 표시 수준을 변경합니다. - 예: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> - 허용된 세부 정보 표시 값: quiet, minimal, normal 및 detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - 아래 표시된 대로 콘솔 로거에 대한 진단 수준 접두사를 변경합니다. - 예: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> - 콘솔 로거에 대한 자세한 내용은를 참조하세요. + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Description: Runs tests from the specified files. - 설명: 지정한 파일에서 테스트를 실행합니다. + Description: Runs tests from the specified files. Options: - 옵션: + Options: Section Header for subsequent command help listing Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] - 사용법: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] + Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] No test source files were specified. - 테스트 소스 파일을 지정하지 않았습니다. + No test source files were specified. No arguments were specified. - 인수를 지정하지 않았습니다. + No arguments were specified. @@ -153,59 +153,59 @@ Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll - [TestFileNames] - 지정된 파일 또는 와일드카드 패턴에서 테스트를 실행합니다. 여러 테스트 파일 이름 또는 패턴을 - 공백으로 구분합니다. 일치한 테스트 파일을 보려면 콘솔 로거 세부 정보 표시를 [상세]로 설정합니다. - 예: mytestproject.dll + [TestFileNames] + Run tests from the specified files or wild card pattern. Separate multiple test file names or pattern + by spaces. Set console logger verbosity to detailed to view matched test files. + Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: - 다음 설정 공급자 추가 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다. + The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> Settings to use when running tests. - --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> - 테스트를 실행할 때 사용할 설정입니다. + --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> + Settings to use when running tests. The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. - /Settings 매개 변수에는 설정 파일을 제공해야 합니다. + The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. - 설정 파일 '{0}'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. + The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. Test Run Failed. - 테스트 실행이 실패했습니다. + Test Run Failed. Test Run Successful. - 테스트를 실행했습니다. + Test Run Successful. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. - 'InIsolation' 명령에는 {0} 인수가 필요하지 않습니다. 인수 없이 명령을 지정한 다음(예: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) 다시 시도하세요. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions 매개 변수에는 값이 필요합니다. 'true'인 경우 테스트 실행에서 설치된 VSIX 확장(있는 경우)이 사용됩니다. false인 경우에는 확장이 무시됩니다. 예: /UseVsixExtensions:true + The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. - 'UseVsixExtensions' 명령에는 {0} 인수가 필요하지 않습니다. vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true와 같이 vsix 확장을 사용할지 건너뛸지를 나타내는 명령을 지정하고 다시 시도하세요. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. @@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests may run slower. - --InIsolation|/InIsolation - 격리 모드에서 테스트를 실행합니다. 이렇게 하면 테스트에서 오류가 발생해도 - vstest.console.exe가 중지될 가능성이 작아지지만 테스트 실행 속도가 - 느려질 수 있습니다. + --InIsolation|/InIsolation + Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe + process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests + may run slower. @@ -224,20 +224,20 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. Example /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions - 이 옵션을 사용하면 vstest.console.exe 프로세스가 테스트 실행에서 설치된 VSIX 확장(있는 경우)을 - 사용하거나 건너뛸 수 있습니다. - 예: /UseVsixExtensions:true + /UseVsixExtensions + This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions + installed(if any) in the test run. + Example /UseVsixExtensions:true The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 - /BatchSize 인수에는 일괄 처리 크기가 필요합니다. 예: /BatchSize:10 + The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 - 일괄 처리 크기 {0}이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 일괄 처리 크기는 0보다 커야 합니다. 예: /BatchSize:10 + Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 @@ -245,67 +245,67 @@ >vstest.console.exe tests.dll To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings - 테스트를 실행하려면: + To run tests: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll - 데이터 수집기와 같은 추가 설정을 사용하여 테스트를 실행하려면: + To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings /ListDiscoverers Lists installed test discoverers. - /ListDiscoverers - 설치된 테스트 Discoverer를 나열합니다. + /ListDiscoverers + Lists installed test discoverers. /ListExecutors Lists installed test executors. - /ListExecutors - 설치된 테스트 Executor를 나열합니다. + /ListExecutors + Lists installed test executors. /ListLoggers Lists installed test loggers. - /ListLoggers - 설치된 테스트 로거를 나열합니다. + /ListLoggers + Lists installed test loggers. /ListSettingsProviders Lists installed test settings providers. - /ListSettingsProviders - 설치된 테스트 설정 공급자를 나열합니다. + /ListSettingsProviders + Lists installed test settings providers. -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. - -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> - 지정된 테스트 컨테이너에서 검색된 모든 테스트를 나열합니다. + -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> + Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. Time elapsed : - 경과 시간: + Time elapsed : The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 - /Tests 인수에는 하나 이상의 특정 테스트 이름 또는 해당 하위 문자열이 필요합니다. - 예: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 + The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. + Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - 총 {0}개의 테스트가 검색되었지만 지정된 선택 기준({1})과 일치하는 테스트가 없습니다. 올바른 값을 사용하여 다시 시도하세요. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. , - , + , @@ -314,90 +314,90 @@ values, separate them by commas. Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 - --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> - 제공된 값과 일치하는 이름으로 테스트를 실행합니다. 여러 값을 제공하려면 - 쉼표로 구분합니다. - 예: /Tests:TestMethod1 + --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> + Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple + values, separate them by commas. + Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 Please verify if the console output looks good after modifiaction. Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - 진단 데이터 어댑터가 runsettings에서 사용하도록 설정되었으므로 격리 모드를 사용하여 테스트를 실행합니다. 이 경고를 표시하지 않으려면 /inIsolation 매개 변수를 사용하세요. + Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - 격리 모드를 사용하여 Windows 스토어 앱에 대한 단위 테스트를 실행합니다. 이 경고를 표시하지 않으려면 /InIsolation 매개 변수를 사용하세요. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Windows 스토어 앱에 대한 단위 테스트를 실행할 때는 진단 데이터 어댑터가 지원되지 않습니다. 설정에서 진단 데이터 어댑터 설정을 제거하세요. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. FriendlyName: {0} - FriendlyName: {0} + FriendlyName: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} SettingName: {0} - SettingName: {0} + SettingName: {0} Supported File Types: - 지원되는 파일 형식: + Supported File Types: {0} - {0} + {0} {0}, - {0}, + {0}, Default Executor Uri: {0} - 기본 Executor URI: {0} + Default Executor Uri: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. - {0} 플랫폼 형식이 잘못되었습니다. 올바른 플랫폼 형식은 {1}입니다. + Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. 0 is the platform type e.g. x86, and 1 is a list of the built in platforms, e.g. x86, x64 The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 - /Platform 인수에는 테스트 실행의 대상 플랫폼 형식을 제공해야 합니다. 예: /Platform:x86 + The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. - --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> - 테스트를 실행하는 데 사용할 대상 플랫폼 아키텍처입니다. - 유효한 값은 x86, x64 및 ARM입니다. + --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> + Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. + Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - 유효 플랫폼 {0} 및 .NET Framework {1} 설정에서 테스트 실행에 요구하는 대로 격리 모드를 사용하여 테스트를 실행합니다. 이 경고를 표시하지 않으려면 /inIsolation 매개 변수를 사용하세요. + Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. @@ -405,25 +405,25 @@ Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> - 테스트 실행에 사용할 대상 .NET Framework 버전입니다. - 유효한 값은 ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" 등입니다. - 기타 지원되는 값은 Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 및 FrameworkUap10입니다. + --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> + Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. + Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. + Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" - /Framework 인수에는 테스트 실행의 대상 .NET Framework 버전이 필요합니다. 예: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" + The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - .NET Framework 버전 {0}이(가) 잘못되었습니다. TargetFramework의 전체 이름을 지정하세요(예: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). 지원되는 다른 .NET Framework 버전은 Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 및 FrameworkUap10입니다. + Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. - Windows 스토어 앱에 대한 단위 테스트의 테스트 실행을 시작할 수 없습니다. {0}. + Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. @@ -436,13 +436,13 @@ Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" - --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> - 지정된 식과 일치하는 테스트를 실행합니다. - <Expression>은 <property>연산자<value>[|&<Expression>] - 형식이며, 여기서 연산자는 =, !=, ~ 중 하나입니다(~ 연산자는 '포함' 의미 체계를 - 사용하며 DisplayName 같은 문자열 속성에 적용됩니다). - 괄호 ()를 사용하여 하위 식을 그룹화할 수 있습니다. - 예: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" + --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> + Run tests that match the given expression. + <Expression> is of the format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] + where Operator is one of =, != or ~ (Operator ~ has 'contains' + semantics and is applicable for string properties like DisplayName). + Parenthesis () can be used to group sub-expressions. + Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" @@ -451,66 +451,66 @@ The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" - /TestCaseFilter 인수에는 필터 값이 필요합니다. - 필터 값은 <property>=<value> 형식이 될 수 있습니다. - 예: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" + The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. + Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. + Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. - /TestCaseFilter 인수는 /Tests로 지정할 수 없습니다. 테스트가 지정된 경우 테스트 사례 필터링은 적용할 수 없습니다. + The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. - {0}은(는) {1}/{2}에 대해 빌드됩니다. 실행 중에 지정된 테스트 어셈블리는 공통 대상 .NET Framework와 플랫폼을 사용해야 합니다. + {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. - 테스트 실행을 위해 하나의 app 패키지(.appx file)만 지정할 수 있습니다. + Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. Starting test discovery, please wait... - 테스트 검색을 시작하는 중입니다. 잠시 기다려 주세요... + Starting test discovery, please wait... Starting test execution, please wait... - 테스트 실행을 시작하는 중입니다. 잠시 기다려 주세요... + Starting test execution, please wait... Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. - 진단 데이터 어댑터 설정을 읽는 중에 실행 중인 '{0}'이(가) throw되었습니다. 이 실행에서 모든 진단 데이터 어댑터를 건너뜁니다. + Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. - /EnableCodeCoverage - 테스트 실행에 대해 데이터 수집기 'CodeCoverage'를 사용하도록 설정합니다. + /EnableCodeCoverage + Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. - 'EnableCodeCoverage' 명령에는 {0} 인수가 필요하지 않습니다. 인수 없이 명령을 지정한 다음(예: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) 다시 시도하세요. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. - 앱 패키지 '{0}'에 테스트 Executor 진입점이 없습니다. Windows 스토어 앱에 대한 단위 테스트를 실행하려면 Windows 스토어 앱 단위 테스트 라이브러리 프로젝트를 사용하여 앱 패키지를 만드세요. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Windows 스토어 앱에서는 코드 검사를 사용할 수 없습니다. 이 테스트 실행에 대해 코드 검사 분석을 건너뛰었습니다. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - 총 {0}개의 테스트가 검색되었지만 일부 테스트는 지정된 선택 기준({1})과 일치하지 않습니다. 올바른 값을 사용하여 다시 시도하세요. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. @@ -518,65 +518,65 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> - --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath - 이 옵션을 사용하면 vstest.console.exe 프로세스가 테스트 실행 시 - 지정된 경로(있는 경우)에서 사용자 지정 테스트 어댑터를 사용합니다. - 예: /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> + --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath + This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters + from a given path (if any) in the test run. + Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters - /TestAdapterPath 매개 변수에는 사용자 지정 테스트 어댑터가 포함된 위치의 일부인 값이 필요합니다. 예: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters + The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} - 'TestAdapterPath'에 지정된 경로 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 오류: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - 제공한 사용자 지정 테스트 어댑터 검색 경로를 찾을 수 없습니다. 올바른 경로를 제공하고 다시 시도하세요. + The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. - 'TestAdapterPath'에 지정된 경로 '{0}'에 테스트 어댑터가 포함되지 않습니다. 올바른 경로를 제공하고 다시 시도하세요. + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. - Windows Phone 앱 {0}에 대한 테스트를 위해 테스트 실행을 시작할 수 없습니다. + Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - 격리 모드를 사용하여 Windows Phone 앱에 대한 단위 테스트를 실행합니다. 이 경고를 표시하지 않으려면 /InIsolation 매개 변수를 사용하세요. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Windows Phone 앱에서는 코드 검사를 사용할 수 없습니다. 이 테스트 실행에 대해 코드 검사 분석을 건너뛰었습니다. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Windows Phone 앱에 대한 단위 테스트를 실행할 때는 진단 데이터 어댑터가 지원되지 않습니다. 설정에서 진단 데이터 어댑터 설정을 제거하세요. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. - 앱 패키지 '{0}'에 테스트 Executor 진입점이 없습니다. Windows Phone 앱에 대한 단위 테스트를 실행하려면 Windows Phone 앱 단위 테스트 앱 프로젝트를 사용하여 앱 패키지를 만드세요. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. - {0} 프레임워크를 사용하여 테스트를 실행합니다. 이 경고가 표시되지 않게 하려면 /Framework:{1}을(를) 지정하세요. + Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. - 지정한 테스트 컨테이너에 테스트가 없습니다. 또한 Microsoft Windows 스토어 단위 테스트 어댑터에서 .appxbundle 파일을 지원하지 않습니다. 앱 패키지를 만들 때는 appx를 생성([앱 번들 생성] 옵션을 [사용 안 함]으로 설정)하고 다시 시도하세요. + No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. @@ -584,185 +584,185 @@ Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up to all available cores on the machine may be used. The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. - --Parallel|/Parallel - 테스트가 병렬로 실행되도록 지정합니다. 기본적으로 - 컴퓨터에서 사용 가능한 모든 코어를 사용할 수 있습니다. - 사용할 코어 수는 설정 파일을 사용하여 구성할 수 있습니다. + --Parallel|/Parallel + Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up + to all available cores on the machine may be used. + The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. - 'Parallel' 명령에는 {0} 인수가 필요하지 않습니다. 인수 없이 명령을 지정한 다음(예: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) 다시 시도하세요. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. Cannot be null or empty - null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다. + Cannot be null or empty --Port|/Port:<Port> The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port:<Port> - 소켓 연결 및 이벤트 메시지 수신용 포트입니다. + --Port|/Port:<Port> + The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port 인수에는 정수인 포트 번호가 필요합니다. 소켓 연결 및 이벤트 메시지 수신에 사용할 포트를 지정하세요. + The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. - 테스트 중인 어셈블리를 찾을 수 없습니다. 프로젝트가 빌드되었는지 확인하세요. + Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. The Path {0} does not exist. - {0} 경로가 없습니다. + The Path {0} does not exist. --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> The directory containing the temporary outputs. - --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> - 임시 출력을 포함하는 디렉터리입니다. + --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> + The directory containing the temporary outputs. -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release - -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> - 디버그/릴리스를 위해 프로젝트가 빌드되는 구성입니다. + -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> + The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release The given configuration is invalid. - 지정된 구성이 잘못되었습니다. + The given configuration is invalid. -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> The directory containing the binaries to run. - -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> - 실행할 이진 파일을 포함하는 디렉터리입니다. + -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> + The directory containing the binaries to run. The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - BuildBasePath를 찾을 수 없습니다. 올바른 경로를 제공하고 다시 시도하세요. + The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - 출력 경로를 찾을 수 없습니다. 올바른 경로를 제공하고 다시 시도하세요. + The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. Additional Information Messages: - 추가 정보 메시지: + Additional Information Messages: Days - + Days Error Message: - 오류 메시지: + Error Message: Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} - 총 시간: {0:0.0000} {1} + Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} Hours - 시간 + Hours Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - URI 또는 FriendlyName이 '{0}'인 테스트 로거를 찾을 수 없습니다. + Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Minutes - + Minutes Seconds - + Seconds Stack Trace: - 스택 추적: + Stack Trace: Standard Error Messages: - 표준 오류 메시지: + Standard Error Messages: Standard Output Messages: - 표준 출력 메시지: + Standard Output Messages: Attachments: - 첨부 파일: + Attachments: {0} - {0} + {0} No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - {0}에서 테스트를 사용할 수 없습니다. 설치된 테스트 Discoverer와 Executor, 플랫폼 및 프레임워크 버전 설정이 적절한지 확인한 후에 다시 시도하세요. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Failed - 실패 + Failed Message which is written to the console when a test fails. Passed - 통과 + Passed Message which is written to the console when a test passes. Skipped - 건너뜀 + Skipped Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} - 지정한 소스에 대한 검색이 실패했습니다. 예외: {0} + Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> - 현재 프로세스를 시작해야 하는 부모 프로세스의 프로세스 ID입니다. + --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> + Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId 인수에는 정수인 프로세스 ID가 필요합니다. 이 프로세스를 시작한 부모 프로세스의 프로세스 ID를 지정하세요. + The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. Arguments: - 인수: + Arguments: @@ -773,28 +773,28 @@ Change the trace level for logs as shown below Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. - --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> - 테스트 플랫폼의 로그를 사용하도록 설정합니다. - 로그는 제공된 파일에 기록됩니다. + --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> + Enable logs for test platform. + Logs are written to the provided file. - 아래 표시된 대로 로그의 추적 수준을 변경합니다. - 예: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> - 허용되는 추적 수준 값: off, error, warning, info 및 verbose. + Change the trace level for logs as shown below + Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> + Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. The file {0} provided is read only - 제공한 {0} 파일은 읽기 전용입니다. + The file {0} provided is read only Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} - 포트에서 DesignModeClient에 대한 요청을 연결하거나 처리하는 작업에 대한 시간 제한: {0} + Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} Not Run - 실행되지 않음 + Not Run @@ -802,61 +802,61 @@ Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. More info on RunSettings arguments support: - RunSettings 인수: - 명령줄을 통해 runsettings 구성을 전달하기 위한 인수입니다. 인수는 "--" 뒤에 [name]=[value] 형식의 이름-값 쌍으로 지정할 수 있습니다. -- 뒤의 공백에 주의하세요. - 여러 [name]=[value]를 구분하려면 공백을 사용합니다. - RunSettings 인수 지원에 대한 자세한 정보: + RunSettings arguments: + Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. + Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. + More info on RunSettings arguments support: One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token - 제공된 하나 이상의 runsettings에 잘못된 토큰이 포함되어 있습니다. + One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> - --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory - 테스트 결과 디렉터리가 지정된 경로에 생성됩니다(없는 경우). - 예: /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> + --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory + Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. + Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory - /ResultsDirectory 매개 변수에는 테스트 결과가 저장되어야 하는 값이 필요합니다. 예: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory + The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} - 'ResultsDirectory'에 지정된 경로 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 오류: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process - /InIsolation 플래그는 사용되지 않습니다. 테스트는 항상 별도의 프로세스에서 실행됩니다. + The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} - 파일에 Vstest Diagnostics 로깅 중: {0} + Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : - --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> - 테스트 실행을 위해 데이터 수집기를 사용하도록 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은를 참조하세요. + --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> + Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. - 데이터 수집기 이름 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 데이터 수집기가 무시됩니다. + The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. Debug Traces Messages: - 디버그 추적 메시지: + Debug Traces Messages: @@ -872,77 +872,77 @@ Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full - --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] - 원인 모드에서 테스트를 실행합니다. 이 옵션은 테스트 호스트 크래시를 유발하는 문제 있는 테스트를 격리하는 데 유용합니다. - 이 경우 현재 디렉터리에 "Sequence.xml"라는 출력 파일을 만들며, - 이 파일에는 크래시 이전 테스트 실행 순서가 캡처되어 있습니다. - 필요에 따라 테스트 호스트에 대한 프로세스 덤프를 수집하도록 선택할 수 있습니다. - 덤프를 수집하도록 선택하는 경우 기본적으로 크래시에 대한 미니 덤프가 수집됩니다. - 다음과 같은 몇 가지 선택적 매개 변수로 이 기본 동작을 재정의하도록 선택할 수도 있습니다. - CollectAlways - 크래시가 없는 경우에도 종료 시 덤프를 수집함(true/false) - DumpType - 덤프 유형을 지정함(mini/full). - 예: /Blame + --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] + Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash. + It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml", + that captures the order of execution of test before the crash. + You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host. + When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash. + You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters: + CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false) + DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full). + Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full Test Run Aborted. - 테스트 실행이 중단되었습니다. + Test Run Aborted. Test Run Canceled. - 테스트 실행이 취소되었습니다. + Test Run Canceled. Error opening response file '{0}' - 지시 파일 '{0}'을(를) 여는 중 오류가 발생했습니다. + Error opening response file '{0}' @<file> Read response file for more options. - @<file> - 추가 옵션에 대한 지시 파일을 읽습니다. + @<file> + Read response file for more options. Total tests: Unknown - 총 테스트 수: 알 수 없음 + Total tests: Unknown {0} {1} - {0} {1} + {0} {1} Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. - 또한 테스트 어댑터의 경로는 /TestAdapterPath 명령을 사용하여 지정할 수 있습니다. 예: /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. + Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. - /UseVsixExtensions는 더 이상 사용되지 않습니다. 대신 /TestAdapterPath를 사용하세요. + /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true - --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> - 예: /DisableAutoFakes:true + --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> + Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. - --Collect|/Collect:testsettings를 사용하여 테스트 실행을 구성하는 경우 "{0}"은(는) 지원되지 않습니다. + --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. - 실행 설정을 통해 구성된 코드 검사 및 Microsoft Fakes 이외의 데이터 수집기는 포함된 테스트 설정으로는 지원되지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은를 참조하세요. 실행 설정: {0}. + Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. @@ -958,115 +958,115 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> - 테스트 결과의 로거를 지정합니다. 예를 들어 - Visual Studio TRX(테스트 결과 파일)에 결과를 기록하려면 /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>]를 사용합니다. - 지정된 LogFileName으로 TestResults 디렉터리에서 파일을 만듭니다. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - 아래 표시된 대로 콘솔 로거에 대한 로그 메시지에서 세부 정보 표시 수준을 변경합니다. - 예: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> - 허용된 세부 정보 표시 값: quiet, minimal, normal 및 detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - 아래 표시된 대로 콘솔 로거에 대한 진단 수준 접두사를 변경합니다. - 예: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> - 콘솔 로거에 대한 자세한 내용은를 참조하세요. + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. - Blame에 대한 CollectDump 옵션에 의한 크래시 덤프 수집은 이 플랫폼에서 지원되지 않습니다. + Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. - blame으로 지정된 blame 매개 변수 {0}이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 이 매개 변수를 무시합니다. + The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. - Diag 파일 경로 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. + Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. - Blame 인수 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. + Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. - Diag 인수 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. + Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. - Logger 인수 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. + Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". - Framework35가 지원되지 않습니다. .NET Framework 3.5를 대상으로 하는 프로젝트의 경우 테스트가 CLR 4.0 "호환 모드"에서 실행됩니다. + Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". Test run in progress - 테스트 실행 중 + Test run in progress Total tests: {0} - 총 테스트 수: {0} + Total tests: {0} Failed: {0} - 실패: {0} + Failed: {0} Passed: {0} - 통과: {0} + Passed: {0} Skipped: {0} - 건너뜀: {0} + Skipped: {0} The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. - {0} 인수가 잘못되었습니다. /help 옵션을 사용하여 유효한 인수 목록을 확인하세요. + The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. - 지정된 패턴과 일치한 총 테스트 파일 수는 {0}개입니다. + A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") - 테스트 실행 매개 변수 인수 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 아래 형식을 사용하세요. - 형식: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") + The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. + Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. - Blame에 대한 TestTimeout이 있는 CollectDump 옵션에 의한 중단 덤프 수집은 이 플랫폼에서 지원되지 않습니다. + Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} - {0} - 실패: {1}, 통과: {2}, 건너뜀: {3}, 전체: {4}, 기간: {5} + {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} None - 없음 + None - {0} {1} - - {0} {1} + - {0} {1} @@ -1078,29 +1078,29 @@ Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" - -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> - 환경 변수의 값을 설정합니다. 변수가 없는 경우 변수를 만들고, 변수가 있으면 재정의합니다. 이는 /InIsolation 전환을 의미하며 격리된 프로세스에서 테스트를 강제로 실행합니다. + -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> + Sets the value of an environment variable. Creates the variable if it does not exist, overrides if it does. This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - 이 인수를 여러 번 지정하여 여러 변수를 제공할 수 있습니다. + This argument can be specified multiple times to provide multiple variables. - 예: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 + Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. - 환경 변수 '{0}'이(가) 이미 정의되어 있지만 -Environment 인수로 재정의되었습니다. + Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. Test Run Aborted with error {0}. - 테스트 실행이 {0} 오류로 인해 중단되었습니다. + Test Run Aborted with error {0}. Invalid testSessionCorrelationId - 잘못된 testSessionCorrelationId + Invalid testSessionCorrelationId @@ -1124,36 +1124,36 @@ - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. - --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> - 이는 어댑터 로딩 동작에 영향을 미칩니다. + --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> + This affects adapter loading behavior. - 현재 지원되는 동작: - - 명시적: 테스트 플랫폼은 /TestAdapterPath(또는 RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths 노드)에 지정된 어댑터만 로드합니다. - 특정 어댑터 경로가 제공되면 어댑터가 로드됩니다. 디렉터리 경로가 제공되면 재귀 옵션도 지정되지 않는 한 해당 폴더에 직접 어댑터가 로드됩니다. - 어댑터 경로를 지정하지 않으면 테스트 실행이 실패합니다. - 이는 /InIsolation을 전환을 의미하고 테스트가 격리된 프로세스에서 실행되도록 합니다. - - - 기본값: 테스트 플랫폼은 이 인수가 지정되지 않은 경우 어댑터를 로드합니다. - 추가 어댑터 경로를 제공하고 기본 디렉터리에서 소스 옆에 있는 확장 프로그램을 선택합니다. + Currently supported behaviors: + - Explicit: Test Platform will only load adapters specified by /TestAdapterPath (or RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). + If a specific adapter path is provided, adapter will be loaded; if a directory path is provided adapters directly in that folder will be loaded, unless Recursive option is also specified. + If no adapter path is specified, test run will fail. + This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. + + - Default: Test Platform will load adapters is if this argument has not been specified. + It will pick up extensions from next to source, provided additional adapter paths and from the default directory. - - DefaultRuntimeProviders: 테스트 플랫폼과 함께 제공되는 기본 런타임 공급자를 로드합니다. - '명시적' 옵션이 설정되어 있을 때 지정하지 않으면 테스트 호스트 공급자를 명시적으로 지정해야 합니다. + - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Load default runtime providers shipped with Test Platform. + If this is not specified when "Explicit" option is set, a test host provider need to be specified explicitly. - - ExtensionsDirectory: Extensions 폴더 내부에 어댑터를 로드합니다. + - ExtensionsDirectory: Load adapters inside Extensions folder. - - NextToSource: 소스 옆에 어댑터를 로드합니다. + - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - - 재귀: 어댑터를 로드할 때 폴더를 재귀적으로 검색합니다. 이렇게 하려면 "명시적" 또는 "NextToSource"도 지정해야 합니다. + - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. Do not translate "Default", "DefaultRuntimeProviders", "ExtensionsDirectory", "NextToSource" or "Recursive". Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! - /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy에 대해 지정된 값({0})이 잘못되었습니다! + Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - 재귀 어댑터 로드 전략은 단독으로 사용할 수 없습니다. 다음 중 하나 이상과 결합하세요. {0} + Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Do not translate "Recursive", - {0} is the strategy names, seperated by comma: for example "Explicit, NextToSource" @@ -1161,67 +1161,67 @@ The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! - "{0}" 테스트 어댑터 로드 전략이 지정된 경우 /TestAdapterPath 매개 변수를 제공해야 합니다! + The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! {0} is the strategy name, "Explicit" for example. vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. - vstest.console.exe가 에뮬레이트 모드에서 {0}(으)로 실행 중입니다. 더 나은 성능을 위해 네이티브 실행기 vstest.console.arm64.exe 사용을 고려하세요. + vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. - {0}초 후에 요청 처리기 연결 대기 시간이 초과되었습니다. + Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. - {0}초 후에 테스트 시작 세션 대기 시간이 초과되었습니다. + Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. - {0}초 후에 테스트 중지 세션 대기 시간이 초과되었습니다. + Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. Error hosting communication channel. - 통신 채널을 호스트하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. + Error hosting communication channel. ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. - 사후 디버거를 설치하거나 제거하려면 ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath를 지정해야 합니다. + ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. - 포스트모템 디버거는 현재 OS에서 지원되지 않습니다. + Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) - procdump 실행 파일에 대해 지정된 디렉터리가 유효하지 않으며 도구가 환경 변수(PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) 내에서 발견되지 않았습니다. + The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) Procdump file name not found: '{0}' - Procdump 파일 이름을 찾을 수 없음: '{0}' + Procdump file name not found: '{0}' DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. - 사후 디버거를 설치하려면 DumpDirectoryPath를 지정해야 합니다. + DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' - 지정된 디렉터리가 유효하지 않습니다: '{0}' + The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. - AeDebugger 인수 '{0}'이(가) 유효하지 않습니다. + AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ index cbf024ea8d..e3537f0d0d 100644 --- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,94 +4,94 @@ '{0}' not found. - Nie można odnaleźć elementu „{0}”. + '{0}' not found. The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: - Dostępne są następujące dodatki służące do wykrywania testów: + The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: - Dostępne są następujące dodatki służące do wykonywania testów: + The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: {0}: {1} - {0}: {1} + {0}: {1} The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: - Dostępne są następujące dodatki rejestratora testów: + The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: Error: {0} - Błąd: {0} + Error: {0} , {0} - , {0} + , {0} Format used to comma separate a list of values. The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. - Parametr „{0}” należy podać tylko raz. + The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} - Wystąpił wyjątek podczas tworzenia wystąpienia rozszerzenia „{0}”: {1} + Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} The following Tests are available: - Dostępne są następujące testy: + The following Tests are available: Unrecognized parameter "{0}". - Nierozpoznany parametr „{0}”. + Unrecognized parameter "{0}". The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. - Nie odnaleziono podanego pliku źródłowego testu „{0}”. + The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - Podany identyfikator URI rejestratora testów „{0}” jest nieprawidłowy. Rejestrator testów zostanie zignorowany. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Information: {0} - Informacje: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Ostrzeżenie: {0} + Warning: {0} -?|--Help|/?|/Help Display this usage message. - -?|--Help|/?|/Help - Wyświetla ten komunikat dotyczący sposobu użycia. + -?|--Help|/?|/Help + Display this usage message. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} - Narzędzie wiersza polecenia firmy Microsoft (R) służące do wykonania testów (wersja {0}) + Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} @@ -107,43 +107,43 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<identyfikator URI/przyjazna nazwa rejestratora> - Określa rejestrator dla wyników testu. Aby na przykład rejestrować wyniki testu - do pliku wyników testu (TRX) programu Visual Studio, użyj parametru /logger:trx [;LogFileName=<wartość domyślna to unikatowa nazwa pliku>] - Tworzy w katalogu TestResults plik z podaną nazwą LogFileName. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Zmień poziom szczegółowości dla rejestratora konsoli, jak pokazano poniżej - Przykład: /logger:console;verbosity=<wartość domyślna to „normal”> - Dozwolone wartości szczegółowości: quiet, minimal i normal. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Zmień prefiks poziomu diagnostyki dla rejestratora konsoli, jak pokazano poniżej - Przykład: /logger:console;prefix=<wartość domyślna to „false”> - Więcej informacji o rejestratorze konsoli: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Description: Runs tests from the specified files. - Opis: uruchamia testy z określonych plików. + Description: Runs tests from the specified files. Options: - Opcje: + Options: Section Header for subsequent command help listing Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] - Sposób użycia: vstest.console.exe [argumenty] [opcje] [[--] <argumenty RunSettings>...]] + Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] No test source files were specified. - Nie określono żadnych plików źródłowych testów. + No test source files were specified. No arguments were specified. - Nie określono żadnych argumentów. + No arguments were specified. @@ -153,59 +153,59 @@ Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll - [TestFileNames] - Uruchom testy z określonych plików lub wzorca symbolu wieloznacznego. Rozdziel wiele nazw lub wzorców plików testowych - spacjami. Ustaw szczegółowość rejestratora konsoli na Szczegółowy, aby wyświetlić dopasowane pliki testowe. - Przykłady: mytestproject.dll + [TestFileNames] + Run tests from the specified files or wild card pattern. Separate multiple test file names or pattern + by spaces. Set console logger verbosity to detailed to view matched test files. + Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: - Dostępne są następujące dodatki dostawców ustawień: + The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> Settings to use when running tests. - --Settings|/Settings:<plik ustawień> - Ustawienia, które mają być używane podczas uruchamiania testów. + --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> + Settings to use when running tests. The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. - Parametr /Settings wymaga podania pliku ustawień. + The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. - Nie można odnaleźć pliku ustawień „{0}”. + The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. Test Run Failed. - Przebieg testu nie powiódł się. + Test Run Failed. Test Run Successful. - Przebieg testu zakończony powodzeniem. + Test Run Successful. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. - Argument {0} nie jest oczekiwany w poleceniu „InIsolation”. Określ polecenie bez argumentu (przykład: vstest.console.exe mojeTesty.dll /InIsolation) i spróbuj ponownie. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true - Parametr /UseVsixExtensions wymaga podania wartości. Jeśli wartość to „true”, zainstalowane rozszerzenia VSIX (jeśli istnieją) zostaną użyte w ramach przebiegu testu. Jeśli wartość to „false”, rozszerzenia zostaną zignorowane. Przykład: /UseVsixExtensions:true + The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. - Argument {0} nie jest oczekiwany w poleceniu „UseVsixExtensions”. Określ polecenie wskazujące, czy rozszerzenia vsix mają zostać użyte, czy pominięte (przykład: vstest.console.exe mojeTesty.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true), a następnie spróbuj ponownie. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. @@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests may run slower. - --InIsolation|/InIsolation - Uruchamia testy w procesie izolowanym. Dzięki temu mniej prawdopodobne jest - zatrzymanie procesu vstest.console.exe po wystąpieniu błędu w testach, ale - testy mogą działać wolniej. + --InIsolation|/InIsolation + Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe + process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests + may run slower. @@ -224,20 +224,20 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. Example /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions - Powoduje to, że proces vstest.console.exe używa lub pomija zainstalowane - rozszerzenia VSIX (jeśli istnieją) w przebiegu testu. - Przykład: /UseVsixExtensions:true + /UseVsixExtensions + This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions + installed(if any) in the test run. + Example /UseVsixExtensions:true The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 - Argument /BatchSize wymaga podania wielkości partii. Przykład: /BatchSize:10 + The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 - Rozmiar partii {0} jest nieprawidłowy. Rozmiar partii powinien być większy niż zero. Przykład: /BatchSize:10 + Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 @@ -245,67 +245,67 @@ >vstest.console.exe tests.dll To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings - Aby uruchomić testy: + To run tests: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll - Aby uruchomić testy z użyciem ustawień dodatkowych, takich jak moduły zbierające dane: + To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings /ListDiscoverers Lists installed test discoverers. - /ListDiscoverers - Wyświetla listę zainstalowanych wykrywaczy testów. + /ListDiscoverers + Lists installed test discoverers. /ListExecutors Lists installed test executors. - /ListExecutors - Wyświetla listę zainstalowanych modułów wykonywania testów. + /ListExecutors + Lists installed test executors. /ListLoggers Lists installed test loggers. - /ListLoggers - Wyświetla listę zainstalowanych rejestratorów testów. + /ListLoggers + Lists installed test loggers. /ListSettingsProviders Lists installed test settings providers. - /ListSettingsProviders - Wyświetla listę zainstalowanych dostawców ustawień testów. + /ListSettingsProviders + Lists installed test settings providers. -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. - -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<nazwa pliku> - Wyświetla listę wszystkich wykrytych testów z danego kontenera testów. + -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> + Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. Time elapsed : - Czas, który upłynął: + Time elapsed : The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 - Argument /Tests wymaga co najmniej jednej określonej nazwy testu lub jej podciągu. - Przykłady: /Tests:MetodaTestowa1, /Tests:MetodaTestowa1,metoda2 + The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. + Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Wykryto łącznie następującą liczbę testów: {0}. Żaden z nich nie jest zgodny z określonymi kryteriami wyboru ({1}). Użyj prawidłowych wartości i spróbuj ponownie. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. , - , + , @@ -314,90 +314,90 @@ values, separate them by commas. Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 - --Tests|/Tests:<nazwy testów> - Uruchom testy z nazwami, które są zgodne z podanymi wartościami. Aby - podać wiele wartości, oddziel je przecinkami. - Przykłady: /Tests:MetodaTestowa1 - /Tests:MetodaTestowa1,MetodaTestowa2 + --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> + Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple + values, separate them by commas. + Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 + /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 Please verify if the console output looks good after modifiaction. Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Używanie trybu izolacji do uruchomienia testów jako adapterów danych diagnostycznych zostało włączone w pliku runsettings. Użyj parametru /inIsolation, aby pominąć to ostrzeżenie. + Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Używanie trybu izolacji do uruchomienia testów jednostkowych dla aplikacji ze Sklepu Windows. Użyj parametru /InIsolation, aby pominąć to ostrzeżenie. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Adaptery danych diagnostycznych nie są obsługiwane podczas uruchamiania testów jednostkowych dla aplikacji ze Sklepu Windows. Usuń ustawienia adapterów danych diagnostycznych z ustawień. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. FriendlyName: {0} - Przyjazna nazwa: {0} + FriendlyName: {0} Uri: {0} - Identyfikator URI: {0} + Uri: {0} SettingName: {0} - Nazwa ustawienia: {0} + SettingName: {0} Supported File Types: - Obsługiwane typy plików: + Supported File Types: {0} - {0} + {0} {0}, - {0}, + {0}, Default Executor Uri: {0} - Domyślny identyfikator URI modułu wykonywania: {0} + Default Executor Uri: {0} Uri: {0} - Identyfikator URI: {0} + Uri: {0} Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. - Nieprawidłowy typ platformy: {0}. Prawidłowe typy platform to {1}. + Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. 0 is the platform type e.g. x86, and 1 is a list of the built in platforms, e.g. x86, x64 The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 - Argument /Platform wymaga podania typu platformy docelowej dla przebiegu testu. Przykład: /Platform:x86 + The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. - --Platform|/Platform:<typ platformy> - Docelowa architektura platformy, która zostanie użyta do wykonania testu. - Prawidłowe wartości to x86, x64 i ARM. + --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> + Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. + Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Używanie trybu izolacji do uruchomienia testów w sposób wymagany przez obowiązujące ustawienia platformy ({0}) i programu .NET Framework ({1}) dla przebiegu testu. Użyj parametru /InIsolation, aby pominąć to ostrzeżenie. + Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. @@ -405,25 +405,25 @@ Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - --Framework|/Framework:<wersja struktury> - Docelowa wersja programu .NET Framework, która zostanie użyta na potrzeby wykonania testu. - Prawidłowe wartości to ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" itp. - Inne obsługiwane wartości to Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 i FrameworkUap10. + --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> + Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. + Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. + Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" - Argument /Framework wymaga docelowej wersji programu .NET Framework na potrzeby przebiegu testu. Przykład: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" + The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - Nieprawidłowa wersja programu .NET Framework: {0}. Podaj pełną nazwę struktury docelowej (np. .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Inne obsługiwane wersje programu .NET Framework to Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 i FrameworkUap10. + Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. - Nie można rozpocząć przebiegu testu dla testów jednostkowych aplikacji ze Sklepu Windows: {0}. + Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. @@ -436,81 +436,81 @@ Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" - --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<wyrażenie> - Uruchamia testy, które są zgodne z danym wyrażeniem. - Element <wyrażenie> jest w formacie <właściwość>Operator<wartość>[|&<wyrażenie>] - gdzie Operator to =, != lub ~ (operator ~ ma semantykę „zawiera” - i jest stosowany dla właściwości ciągów, takich jak nazwa wyświetlana). - Nawiasy () mogą służyć do grupowania wyrażeń podrzędnych. - Przykłady: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" - /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nocne - |Name=MojaMetodaTestowa)" + --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> + Run tests that match the given expression. + <Expression> is of the format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] + where Operator is one of =, != or ~ (Operator ~ has 'contains' + semantics and is applicable for string properties like DisplayName). + Parenthesis () can be used to group sub-expressions. + Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" + /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly + |Name=MyTestMethod)" The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" - Argument /TestCaseFilter wymaga wartości filtru. - Wartość filtru może być typu <property>=<value> . - Przykłady: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" + The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. + Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. + Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. - Nie można określać argumentu /TestCaseFilter z argumentem /Tests. Filtrowanie przypadków testowych nie jest stosowane, gdy testy zostały określone. + The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. - Element {0} jest kompilowany dla elementu {1}/{2}. Zestawy testowe określone w ramach uruchomienia powinny mieć wspólny docelowy program .NET Framework i wspólną docelową platformę. + {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. - Na potrzeby uruchamiania testów można określić tylko jeden pakiet aplikacji (plik appx). + Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. Starting test discovery, please wait... - Trwa rozpoczynanie wykrywania testu, czekaj... + Starting test discovery, please wait... Starting test execution, please wait... - Trwa rozpoczynanie wykonywania testu, czekaj... + Starting test execution, please wait... Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. - Podczas odczytywania ustawień adaptera danych diagnostycznych został zgłoszony uruchomiony element „{0}”. Wszystkie adaptery danych diagnostycznych zostaną pominięte podczas tego uruchomienia. + Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. - /EnableCodeCoverage - Włącza moduł zbierający dane „CodeCoverage” dla przebiegu testu. + /EnableCodeCoverage + Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. - Argument {0} nie jest oczekiwany w poleceniu „EnableCodeCoverage”. Określ polecenie bez argumentu (przykład: vstest.console.exe mojeTesty.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) i spróbuj ponownie. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. - Pakiet aplikacji „{0}” nie ma punktu wejścia modułu wykonywania testów. Aby uruchamiać testy jednostkowe dla aplikacji ze Sklepu Windows, utwórz pakiet aplikacji za pomocą projektu biblioteki testów jednostkowych aplikacji ze Sklepu Windows. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Pokrycie kodu nie jest dostępne dla aplikacji ze Sklepu Windows. Pominięto analizę pokrycia kodu dla tego przebiegu testu. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Wykryto łącznie następującą liczbę testów: {0}. Niektóre z nich nie są zgodne z określonymi kryteriami wyboru ({1}). Użyj prawidłowych wartości i spróbuj ponownie. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. @@ -518,65 +518,65 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> - --TestAdapterPath | / TestAdapterPath - Powoduje to, że proces vstest.console.exe używa niestandardowych adapterów - testowych z podanej ścieżki (jeśli istnieje) w ramach przebiegu testu. - Przykład: /TestAdapterPath:<ścieżka do adapterów niestandardowych> + --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath + This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters + from a given path (if any) in the test run. + Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters - Parametr /TestAdapterPath wymaga wartości, którą jest ścieżką do lokalizacji zawierającej niestandardowe adaptery testowe. Przykład: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MojeAdapteryNiestandardowe + The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} - Ścieżka „{0}” określona w parametrze „TestAdapterPath” jest nieprawidłowa. Błąd: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Nie odnaleziono podanej ścieżki wyszukiwania niestandardowego adaptera testowego. Podaj prawidłową ścieżkę i spróbuj ponownie. + The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. - Ścieżka „{0}” określona w parametrze „TestAdapterPath” nie zawiera żadnych adapterów testowych. Podaj prawidłową ścieżkę i spróbuj ponownie. + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. - Nie można rozpocząć przebiegu testu dla testów dla aplikacji Windows Phone: {0}. + Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Używanie trybu izolacji do uruchamiania testów jednostkowych dla aplikacji systemu Windows Phone. Użyj parametru /InIsolation, aby pominąć to ostrzeżenie. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Pokrycie kodu nie jest dostępne dla aplikacji systemu Windows Phone. Pominięto analizę pokrycia kodu dla tego przebiegu testu. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Adaptery danych diagnostycznych nie są obsługiwane podczas uruchamiania testów jednostkowych dla aplikacji systemu Windows Phone. Usuń ustawienia adapterów danych diagnostycznych z ustawień. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. - Pakiet aplikacji „{0}” nie ma punktu wejścia modułu wykonywania testów. Aby uruchamiać testy jednostkowe dla aplikacji systemu Windows Phone, utwórz projekt aplikacji testów jednostkowych systemu Windows Phone. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. - Używanie platformy {0} do uruchamiania testów. Określ parametr /Framework:{1}, aby pominąć to ostrzeżenie. + Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. - Nie odnaleziono żadnych testów w określonych kontenerach testów. Ponadto adapter testów jednostkowych Sklepu Windows firmy Microsoft nie obsługuje plików appxbundle. Utwórz plik appx (ustaw opcję generowania zbioru aplikacji na wartość Nigdy) podczas tworzenia pakietu aplikacji, a następnie spróbuj ponownie. + No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. @@ -584,185 +584,185 @@ Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up to all available cores on the machine may be used. The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. - --Parallel|/Parallel - Określa, że testy będą wykonywane równolegle. Domyślnie mogą zostać użyte - wszystkie dostępne rdzenie maszyny. - Liczbę rdzeni do użycia można skonfigurować za pomocą pliku ustawień. + --Parallel|/Parallel + Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up + to all available cores on the machine may be used. + The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. - Argument {0} nie jest oczekiwany w poleceniu „Parallel”. Określ polecenie bez tego argumentu (przykład: vstest.console.exe mojeTesty.dll /Parallel), a następnie spróbuj ponownie. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. Cannot be null or empty - Nie może mieć wartości null ani być pusty + Cannot be null or empty --Port|/Port:<Port> The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port:<port> - Port służący do połączenia z gniazdem i odbierania komunikatów zdarzeń. + --Port|/Port:<Port> + The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - Argument --Port|/Port wymaga numeru portu będącego liczbą całkowitą. Określ port na potrzeby połączenia z gniazdem i odbierania komunikatów zdarzeń. + The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. - Nie można odnaleźć testowanego zestawu. Upewnij się, że projekt został skompilowany. + Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. The Path {0} does not exist. - Ścieżka {0} nie istnieje. + The Path {0} does not exist. --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> The directory containing the temporary outputs. - --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<podstawowa ścieżka do kompilacji> - Katalog zawierający tymczasowe dane wyjściowe. + --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> + The directory containing the temporary outputs. -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release - -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<konfiguracja> - Konfiguracja, na potrzeby której kompilowany jest projekt, na przykład Debug/Release + -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> + The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release The given configuration is invalid. - Podana konfiguracja jest nieprawidłowa. + The given configuration is invalid. -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> The directory containing the binaries to run. - -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<dane wyjściowe> - Katalog zawierający pliki binarne do uruchomienia. + -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> + The directory containing the binaries to run. The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Nie można odnaleźć parametru BuildBasePath. Podaj prawidłową ścieżkę i spróbuj ponownie. + The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Nie można odnaleźć ścieżki wyjściowej. Podaj prawidłową ścieżkę i spróbuj ponownie. + The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. Additional Information Messages: - Dodatkowe komunikaty informacyjne: + Additional Information Messages: Days - Dni + Days Error Message: - Komunikat o błędzie: + Error Message: Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} - Łączny czas: {0:0.0000} {1} + Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} Hours - Godziny + Hours Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Nie można odnaleźć rejestratora testów z identyfikatorem URI lub przyjazną nazwą „{0}”. + Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Minutes - Minuty + Minutes Seconds - Sekundy + Seconds Stack Trace: - Ślad stosu: + Stack Trace: Standard Error Messages: - Standardowe komunikaty o błędach: + Standard Error Messages: Standard Output Messages: - Standardowe komunikaty wyjściowe: + Standard Output Messages: Attachments: - Załączniki: + Attachments: {0} - {0} + {0} No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - Brak dostępnych testów w elemencie {0}. Upewnij się, że ustawienia zainstalowanych wykrywaczy testów, modułów wykonywania, platform i wersji struktur są odpowiednie, i spróbuj ponownie. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Failed - Niepowodzenie + Failed Message which is written to the console when a test fails. Passed - Powodzenie + Passed Message which is written to the console when a test passes. Skipped - Pominięto + Skipped Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} - Wykrywanie nie powiodło się dla podanych źródeł. Wyjątek: {0} + Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<identyfikator procesu nadrzędnego> - Identyfikator procesu nadrzędnego odpowiedzialnego za uruchomienie bieżącego procesu. + --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> + Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. - Argument --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId wymaga identyfikatora procesu będącego liczbą całkowitą. Określ identyfikator procesu nadrzędnego, który uruchomił ten proces. + The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. Arguments: - Argumenty: + Arguments: @@ -773,28 +773,28 @@ Change the trace level for logs as shown below Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. - --Diag|/Diag:<ścieżka do pliku dziennika> - Włącz dzienniki dla platformy testowej. - Dzienniki są zapisywanie w podanym pliku. + --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> + Enable logs for test platform. + Logs are written to the provided file. - Zmień poziom śledzenia dla dzienników, jak pokazano poniżej - Przykład: /Diag:<ścieżka do pliku dziennika>;tracelevel=<wartość domyślna to „verbose”> - Dozwolone wartości dla elementu tracelevel: off, error, warning, info i verbose. + Change the trace level for logs as shown below + Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> + Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. The file {0} provided is read only - Podany plik {0} jest tylko do odczytu + The file {0} provided is read only Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} - Przekroczono limit czasu żądania nawiązywania połączenia lub przetwarzania dla elementu DesignModeClient na porcie: {0} + Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} Not Run - Nie uruchomiono + Not Run @@ -802,61 +802,61 @@ Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. More info on RunSettings arguments support: - Argumenty RunSettings: - Argumenty do przekazania konfiguracji runsettings za pośrednictwem wiersza polecenia. Argumenty mogą być określone jako para nazwa-wartość formularza [nazwa]=[wartość] po „-- ”. Pamiętaj o spacji po --. - Oddziel wiele par [nazwa]=[wartość] za pomocą spacji. - Więcej informacji na temat obsługi argumentów RunSettings: + RunSettings arguments: + Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. + Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. + More info on RunSettings arguments support: One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token - Co najmniej jedne z podanych ustawień uruchamiania zawierają nieprawidłowy token + One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> - --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory - Jeśli katalog wyników nie istnieje, zostanie utworzony w określonej ścieżce. - Przykład /ResultsDirectory:<ŚcieżkaDoKataloguWyników> + --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory + Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. + Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory - Parametr /ResultsDirectory wymaga wartości określającej miejsce zapisania wyników testu. Przykład: /ResultsDirectory:c:\KatalogWynikówTestu + The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} - Ścieżka „{0}” określona w parametrze „ResultsDirectory” jest nieprawidłowa. Błąd: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process - Flaga /InIsolation jest przestarzała. Testy zawsze są uruchamiane w oddzielnym procesie + The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} - Rejestrowanie diagnostyki Vstest w pliku: {0} + Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : - --Collect|/Collect:<przyjazna nazwa modułu zbierającego dane> - Włącza moduł zbierający dane dla przebiegu testu. Więcej informacji: + --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> + Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. - Przyjazna nazwa modułu zbierającego dane „{0}” jest nieprawidłowa. Moduł zbierający dane będzie ignorowany. + The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. Debug Traces Messages: - Komunikaty śledzenia debugowania: + Debug Traces Messages: @@ -872,77 +872,77 @@ Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full - --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] - Uruchamia test w trybie Blame. Ta opcja jest pomocna w odizolowaniu problematycznego testu powodującego awarię hosta testów. - Tworzy w bieżącym katalogu plik wyjściowy „Sequence.xml”, - który przechwytuje kolejność wykonywania testu przed awarią. - Opcjonalnie możesz zebrać zrzut procesu dla hosta testów. - Gdy zdecydujesz się na zebranie zrzutu, domyślnie w momencie awarii zostanie zebrany minizrzut. - Możesz także przesłonić to zachowanie domyślne opcjonalnymi parametrami: - CollectAlways — zrzut jest zbierany przy wychodzeniu, nawet jeśli nie ma awarii (true/false) - DumpType — określa typ zrzutu (mini/full). - Przykład: /Blame + --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] + Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash. + It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml", + that captures the order of execution of test before the crash. + You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host. + When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash. + You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters: + CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false) + DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full). + Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full Test Run Aborted. - Przebieg testu został przerwany. + Test Run Aborted. Test Run Canceled. - Przebieg testu został anulowany. + Test Run Canceled. Error opening response file '{0}' - Błąd podczas otwierania pliku odpowiedzi „{0}” + Error opening response file '{0}' @<file> Read response file for more options. - @<file> - Przeczytaj zawartość pliku odpowiedzi w celu uzyskania dodatkowych opcji. + @<file> + Read response file for more options. Total tests: Unknown - Łączna liczba testów: nieznana + Total tests: Unknown {0} {1} - {0} {1} + {0} {1} Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. - Dodatkowo ścieżkę do adapterów testów można określić za pomocą polecenia /TestAdapterPath. Przykład: /TestAdapterPath:<ścieżka_do_adapterów_niestandardowych>. + Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. - Polecenie /UseVsixExtensions jest wycofywane. Użyj zamiast niego polecenia /TestAdapterPath. + /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true - --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> - Przykład: /DisableAutoFakes:true + --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> + Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. - --Collect|/Collect: element „{0}” nie jest obsługiwany, jeśli przebieg testu został skonfigurowany za pomocą pliku testsettings. + --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. - Moduły zbierające dane inne niż Pokrycie kodu i Microsoft Fakes skonfigurowane za pośrednictwem ustawień uruchamiania nie są obsługiwane przez osadzone ustawienia testów. Zobacz w celu uzyskania dalszych informacji. Ustawienia uruchamiania: {0}. + Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. @@ -958,115 +958,115 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<identyfikator URI/przyjazna nazwa rejestratora> - Określa rejestrator dla wyników testu. Aby na przykład rejestrować wyniki testu - do pliku wyników testu (TRX) programu Visual Studio, użyj parametru /logger:trx [;LogFileName=<wartość domyślna to unikatowa nazwa pliku>] - Tworzy w katalogu TestResults plik z podaną nazwą LogFileName. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Zmień poziom szczegółowości dla rejestratora konsoli, jak pokazano poniżej - Przykład: /logger:console;verbosity=<wartość domyślna to „minimal”> - Dozwolone wartości szczegółowości: quiet, minimal i normal. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Zmień prefiks poziomu diagnostyki dla rejestratora konsoli, jak pokazano poniżej - Przykład: /logger:console;prefix=<wartość domyślna to „false”> - Więcej informacji o rejestratorze konsoli: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. - Zbieranie zrzutów awaryjnych przez opcję CollectDump programu Blame nie jest obsługiwane w przypadku tej platformy. + Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. - Parametr blame określony z argumentem blame, {0} jest nieprawidłowy. Ten parametr jest ignorowany. + The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. - Ścieżka pliku Diag „{0}” jest nieprawidłowa. + Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. - Argument Blame „{0}” jest nieprawidłowy. + Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. - Argument Diag „{0}” jest nieprawidłowy. + Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. - Argument Logger „{0}” jest nieprawidłowy. + Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". - Program Framework35 nie jest obsługiwany. W przypadku projektów przeznaczonych dla programu .Net Framework 3.5 testy zostaną uruchomione w aparacie CLR 4.0 w trybie zgodności. + Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". Test run in progress - Uruchomienie testu w toku + Test run in progress Total tests: {0} - Łączna liczba testów: {0} + Total tests: {0} Failed: {0} - Zakończone niepowodzeniem: {0} + Failed: {0} Passed: {0} - Zakończone pomyślnie: {0} + Passed: {0} Skipped: {0} - Pominięte: {0} + Skipped: {0} The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. - Argument {0} jest nieprawidłowy. Użyj opcji /help, aby sprawdzić listę prawidłowych argumentów. + The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. - Łączna liczba plików testowych dopasowanych do określonego wzorca: {0}. + A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") - Argument parametru przebiegu testu „{0}” jest nieprawidłowy. Użyj poniższego formatu. + The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. - Zbieranie zrzutów po zawieszeniu przez opcję CollectDump z opcją TestTimeout programu Blame nie jest obsługiwane w przypadku tej platformy. + Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} - {0} — niepowodzenie: {1}, powodzenie: {2}, pominięto: {3}, łącznie: {4}, czas trwania: {5} + {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} None - Brak + None - {0} {1} - - {0} {1} + - {0} {1} @@ -1078,29 +1078,29 @@ Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" - -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> - Ustawia wartość zmiennej środowiskowej. Jeśli zmienna nie istnieje, tworzy ją, a w przeciwnym wypadku przesłania ją. Powoduje to określenie przełącznika /InIsolation i wymuszenie uruchomienia testów w procesie izolowanym. + -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> + Sets the value of an environment variable. Creates the variable if it does not exist, overrides if it does. This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - Ten argument może być określany wielokrotnie w celu dostarczenia wielu zmiennych. + This argument can be specified multiple times to provide multiple variables. - Przykład: -e:ZMIENNA1=WARTOŚĆ1 - -e:INNA_ZMIENNA="WARTOŚĆ ZE SPACJAMI" - -e:INNA_ZMIENNA="WARTOŚCI;oddzielone;średnikami" + Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 + -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" + -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. - Zmienna środowiskowa „{0}” została już zdefiniowana, ale została przysłonięta przez argument by-Environment. + Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. Test Run Aborted with error {0}. - Przebieg testowy został przerwany z powodu błędu {0}. + Test Run Aborted with error {0}. Invalid testSessionCorrelationId - Nieprawidłowy identyfikator testSessionCorrelationId + Invalid testSessionCorrelationId @@ -1124,36 +1124,36 @@ - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. - --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> - Wpływa to na zachowanie ładowania adaptera. + --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> + This affects adapter loading behavior. - Obecnie obsługiwane zachowania: - – Explicit: platforma testowa ładuje tylko adaptery określone przez /TestAdapterPath (lub węzeł RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths). - Jeśli zostanie podana określona ścieżka adaptera, zostanie on załadowany; jeśli ścieżka katalogu jest podana adaptery bezpośrednio w tym folderze zostaną załadowane, o ile nie określono również opcji Recursive. - Jeśli nie określono ścieżki adaptera, przebieg testu zakończy się niepowodzeniem. - Będzie to uruchamiać przełącznik /InIsolation i wymusi uruchomienie testów w izolowanym procesie. - - — Default: platforma testowa ładuje adaptery, tak jakby ten argument nie został określony. - Spowoduje to pobranie rozszerzeń z obszaru Obok źródła, podanie dodatkowych ścieżek adapterów i domyślnego katalogu. + Currently supported behaviors: + - Explicit: Test Platform will only load adapters specified by /TestAdapterPath (or RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). + If a specific adapter path is provided, adapter will be loaded; if a directory path is provided adapters directly in that folder will be loaded, unless Recursive option is also specified. + If no adapter path is specified, test run will fail. + This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. + + - Default: Test Platform will load adapters is if this argument has not been specified. + It will pick up extensions from next to source, provided additional adapter paths and from the default directory. - — DefaultRuntimeProviders: załaduje domyślnych dostawców środowiska uruchomieniowego dostarczanych z platformą testową. - Jeśli nie jest to określone, podczas gdy opcja „Explicit“ jest ustawiona, dostawca hosta testowego musi być wyraźnie określony. + - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Load default runtime providers shipped with Test Platform. + If this is not specified when "Explicit" option is set, a test host provider need to be specified explicitly. - — ExtensionsDirectory: ładuje adaptery w folderze Rozszerzenia. + - ExtensionsDirectory: Load adapters inside Extensions folder. - — NextToSource: załaduje adaptery w obszarze Obok źródła. + - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - — Recursive: cykliczne wyszukiwanie folderów podczas ładowania adapterów. Wymaga to określenia opcji „Explicit“ lub „NextToSource“. + - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. Do not translate "Default", "DefaultRuntimeProviders", "ExtensionsDirectory", "NextToSource" or "Recursive". Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! - Określona wartość ({0}) dla parametru /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy jest nieprawidłowa! + Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Strategia ładowania rekurencyjnego adaptera nie może być używana samodzielnie. Połącz z co najmniej jednym z następujących elementów: {0} + Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Do not translate "Recursive", - {0} is the strategy names, seperated by comma: for example "Explicit, NextToSource" @@ -1161,67 +1161,67 @@ The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! - Parametr /TestAdapterPath musi być podany, gdy określono strategię ładowania adaptera testowego „{0}“. + The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! {0} is the strategy name, "Explicit" for example. vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. - Program vstest.console.exe działa w trybie emulowanym jako {0}. Aby uzyskać lepszą wydajność, rozważ użycie natywnego modułu uruchamiającego vstest.console.arm64.exe. + vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. - Upłynął limit czasu oczekiwania na połączenie programu obsługi żądań po {0} s. + Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Upłynął limit czasu oczekiwania na rozpoczęcie sesji testu po {0} s. + Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Upłynął limit czasu oczekiwania na zatrzymanie sesji testu po {0} sekund. + Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. Error hosting communication channel. - Błąd podczas hostowania kanału komunikacji. + Error hosting communication channel. ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. - Właściwość ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath powinna być określona w celu zainstalowania lub usunięcia debugera post mortem. + ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. - Debuger postmortem nie jest obsługiwany w bieżącym systemie operacyjnym. + Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) - Katalog określony dla pliku wykonywalnego procdump jest nieprawidłowy i nie znaleziono narzędzia wewnątrz zmiennych środowiskowych (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) + The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) Procdump file name not found: '{0}' - Nie znaleziono nazwy pliku procdump: „{0}” + Procdump file name not found: '{0}' DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. - Należy określić element DumpDirectoryPath, aby zainstalować debuger post mortem. + DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' - Określony katalog jest nieprawidłowy: „{0}” + The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. - Argument AeDebugger „{0}” jest nieprawidłowy. + AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ index b254e7207c..753c446377 100644 --- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,94 +4,94 @@ '{0}' not found. - '{0}' não encontrado. + '{0}' not found. The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: - Os seguintes Suplementos de Descoberta de Teste estão disponíveis: + The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: - Os seguintes Suplementos de Execução de Teste estão disponíveis: + The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: {0}: {1} - {0}: {1} + {0}: {1} The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: - Os seguintes Suplementos de Agente de Teste estão disponíveis: + The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: Error: {0} - Erro: {0} + Error: {0} , {0} - , {0} + , {0} Format used to comma separate a list of values. The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. - O parâmetro "{0}" deve ser fornecido apenas uma vez. + The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} - Ocorreu uma exceção ao criar uma instância da extensão '{0}': {1} + Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} The following Tests are available: - Os Testes a seguir estão disponíveis: + The following Tests are available: Unrecognized parameter "{0}". - Parâmetro "{0}" não reconhecido. + Unrecognized parameter "{0}". The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. - O arquivo de origem de teste "{0}" fornecido não foi encontrado. + The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - O URI do Agente de Teste '{0}' não é válido. O Agente de Teste será ignorado. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Information: {0} - Informações: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Aviso: {0} + Warning: {0} -?|--Help|/?|/Help Display this usage message. - -?|--Help|/?|/Help - Exibe esta mensagem de uso. + -?|--Help|/?|/Help + Display this usage message. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados. + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} - Ferramenta de Linha de Comando de Execução de Teste da Microsoft (R) Versão {0} + Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} @@ -107,43 +107,43 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> - Especifique um agente para os resultados de teste. Por exemplo, para registrar os resultados em um Arquivo de Resultados de Teste (TRX) do - Visual Studio use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] - Cria um arquivo no diretório TestResults com o LogFileName determinado. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Altere o nível de detalhamento nas mensagens de log do agente de console, como mostrado abaixo - Exemplo: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> - Os valores permitidos para o nível de detalhamento são: quiet, minimal, normal e detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. -Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado abaixo - Exemplo: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> - Veja mais informações sobre o Agente de Console aqui: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Description: Runs tests from the specified files. - Descrição: executa testes dos arquivos especificados. + Description: Runs tests from the specified files. Options: - Opções: + Options: Section Header for subsequent command help listing Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] - Uso: vstest.console.exe [Argumentos] [Opções] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] + Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] No test source files were specified. - Nenhum arquivo de origem de teste foi especificado. + No test source files were specified. No arguments were specified. - Nenhum argumento foi especificado. + No arguments were specified. @@ -153,59 +153,59 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll - [TestFileNames] - Execute testes por meio dos arquivos especificados ou do padrão curinga. Separe vários nomes de arquivos de teste ou padrões - por espaços. Defina o detalhamento do agente do console como detalhado para exibir os arquivos de teste correspondentes. - Exemplos: mytestproject.dll + [TestFileNames] + Run tests from the specified files or wild card pattern. Separate multiple test file names or pattern + by spaces. Set console logger verbosity to detailed to view matched test files. + Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: - Os seguintes Suplementos de Provedores de Configurações estão disponíveis: + The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> Settings to use when running tests. - --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> - Configurações a serem usadas durante a execução de testes. + --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> + Settings to use when running tests. The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. - O parâmetro /Settings exige que um arquivo de configurações seja fornecido. + The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. - O arquivo de Configurações '{0}' não pôde ser encontrado. + The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. Test Run Failed. - Falha na Execução de Teste. + Test Run Failed. Test Run Successful. - Execução de Teste Bem-sucedida. + Test Run Successful. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. - O argumento {0} não é esperado no comando 'InIsolation'. Especifique o comando sem o argumento (exemplo: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) e tente novamente. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true - O parâmetro /UseVsixExtensions requer um valor. Se ele for 'true', as extensões VSIX instaladas (caso haja alguma) serão usadas na execução de teste. Se ele for false, elas serão ignoradas. Exemplo: /UseVsixExtensions:true + The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. - O argumento {0} não é esperado no comando 'UseVsixExtensions'. Especifique o comando que indica se as extensões vsix devem ser usadas ou ignoradas (exemplo: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) e tente novamente. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. @@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests may run slower. - --InIsolation|/InIsolation - Executa os testes em um processo isolado. Isso diminui a probabilidade de que o processo vstest.console.exe - seja interrompido em um erro nos testes, mas os testes - podem ficar mais lentos. + --InIsolation|/InIsolation + Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe + process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests + may run slower. @@ -224,20 +224,20 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. Example /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions - Faz o processo vstest.console.exe usar ou ignorar as extensões VSIX instaladas - (caso haja alguma) na execução de teste. - Exemplo /UseVsixExtensions:true + /UseVsixExtensions + This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions + installed(if any) in the test run. + Example /UseVsixExtensions:true The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 - O argumento /BatchSize requer o tamanho do lote. Exemplo: /BatchSize:10 + The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 - Tamanho do lote inválido {0}. O tamanho do lote deve ser maior que zero. Exemplo: /BatchSize:10 + Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 @@ -245,67 +245,67 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a >vstest.console.exe tests.dll To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings - Para executar testes: + To run tests: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll - Para executar testes com configurações adicionais, como coletores de dados: + To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings /ListDiscoverers Lists installed test discoverers. - /ListDiscoverers - Lista os discoverers de teste instalados. + /ListDiscoverers + Lists installed test discoverers. /ListExecutors Lists installed test executors. - /ListExecutors - Lista os executores de teste instalados. + /ListExecutors + Lists installed test executors. /ListLoggers Lists installed test loggers. - /ListLoggers - Lista os agentes de teste instalados. + /ListLoggers + Lists installed test loggers. /ListSettingsProviders Lists installed test settings providers. - /ListSettingsProviders - Lista os provedores de configurações de teste instalados. + /ListSettingsProviders + Lists installed test settings providers. -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. - -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> - Lista todos os testes detectados no contêiner de testes especificado. + -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> + Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. Time elapsed : - Tempo decorrido: + Time elapsed : The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 - O argumento /Tests requer um ou mais nomes de teste específicos ou suas subcadeias de caracteres. - Exemplos: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 + The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. + Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Foram descobertos {0} testes no total, mas nenhum teste corresponde ao critério de seleção especificado ({1}). Use valores corretos e tente novamente. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. , - , + , @@ -314,90 +314,90 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a values, separate them by commas. Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 - --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> - Execute testes com nomes que correspondam aos valores fornecidos. Para fornecer vários - valores, separe-os por vírgulas. - Exemplos: /Tests:TestMethod1 + --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> + Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple + values, separate them by commas. + Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 Please verify if the console output looks good after modifiaction. Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Usando o modo de isolamento para executar os testes pois os adaptadores de dados de diagnóstico foram habilitados nas runsettings. Use o parâmetro /inIsolation para suprimir esse aviso. + Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Usando o modo de isolamento para executar testes de unidade para aplicativos da Windows Store. Use o parâmetro /InIsolation para suprimir esse aviso. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Não há suporte para adaptadores de dados de diagnóstico ao executar testes de unidade para aplicativos da Windows Store. Remova as configurações de adaptadores de dados de diagnóstico das configurações. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. FriendlyName: {0} - FriendlyName: {0} + FriendlyName: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} SettingName: {0} - SettingName: {0} + SettingName: {0} Supported File Types: - Tipos de arquivos com suporte: + Supported File Types: {0} - {0} + {0} {0}, - {0}, + {0}, Default Executor Uri: {0} - URI do executor padrão: {0} + Default Executor Uri: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. - Tipo de plataforma inválido: {0}. Os tipos de plataforma válidos {1}. + Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. 0 is the platform type e.g. x86, and 1 is a list of the built in platforms, e.g. x86, x64 The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 - O argumento /Platform requer que o tipo de plataforma de destino para a execução de teste seja fornecido. Exemplo: /Platform:x86 + The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. - --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> - Arquitetura da plataforma destino a ser usada na execução de teste. - Os valores válidos são x86, x64 e ARM. + --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> + Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. + Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Usando o modo de isolamento para executar testes conforme o exigido pelas configurações em vigor da Plataforma: {0} e do .Net Framework: {1} para execução de teste. Use o parâmetro /inIsolation para suprimir esse aviso. + Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. @@ -405,25 +405,25 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - --Framework|/Framework:<Versão do Framework> - Versão de destino do .NET Framework a ser usada para execução de teste. - Os valores válidos são ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. - Outros valores permitidos são Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 e FrameworkUap10. + --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> + Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. + Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. + Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" - O argumento /Framework requer a versão do .Net Framework de destino para a execução de teste. Exemplo: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" + The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - Versão inválida do .Net Framework: {0}. Forneça o nome completo do TargetFramework(Exemplo: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Outras versões compatíveis do .Net Framework são Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 e FrameworkUap10. + Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. - Não foi possível iniciar a execução de testes de unidade para o aplicativo da Windows Store: {0}. + Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. @@ -436,13 +436,13 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" - --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> - Executa testes que correspondem à expressão fornecida. - <Expression> tem o formato <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] - em que Operator é =, != ou ~ (o Operator ~ tem a semântica 'contains' - e é aplicável a propriedades de cadeia de caracteres como DisplayName). - É possível usar parênteses () para agrupar subexpressões. - Exemplos: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" + --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> + Run tests that match the given expression. + <Expression> is of the format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] + where Operator is one of =, != or ~ (Operator ~ has 'contains' + semantics and is applicable for string properties like DisplayName). + Parenthesis () can be used to group sub-expressions. + Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" @@ -451,66 +451,66 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" - O argumento /TestCaseFilter exige um valor de filtro. - O valor de filtro pode ser do tipo <propriedade>=<valor> . - Exemplos: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" + The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. + Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. + Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. - O argumento /TestCaseFilter não pode ser especificado com /Tests. A filtragem de casos de teste não se aplica quando os testes são especificados. + The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. - {0} é construído para {1}/{2}. Os assemblies de testes especificados em uma execução devem ter um destino comum de do Net. framework e da plataforma. + {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. - Somente um pacote do aplicativo (arquivo .appx) pode ser especificado para a execução de testes. + Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. Starting test discovery, please wait... - Iniciando descoberta de teste, espere... + Starting test discovery, please wait... Starting test execution, please wait... - Iniciando execução de teste, espere... + Starting test execution, please wait... Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. - A leitura das configurações do adaptador de dados de diagnóstico emitiu uma execução '{0}'. Todos os adaptadores de dados de diagnóstico serão ignorados nessa execução. + Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. - /EnableCodeCoverage - Habilita o coletor de dados 'CodeCoverage' para a execução de teste. + /EnableCodeCoverage + Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. - O argumento {0} não é esperado no comando 'EnableCodeCoverage'. Especifique o comando sem o argumento (exemplo: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) e tente novamente. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. - O pacote do aplicativo '{0}' não tem o ponto de entrada do executor de teste. Para executar testes de unidade para aplicativos da Windows Store, crie o pacote do aplicativo usando o projeto de Biblioteca de Teste de Unidade de aplicativo da Windows Store. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - A cobertura do teste não está disponível para aplicativos da Windows Store. Análise de cobertura de código ignorada nesta execução de teste. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Foram descobertos {0} testes no total, mas alguns testes não correspondem ao critério de seleção especificado ({1}). Use valores corretos e tente novamente. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. @@ -518,65 +518,65 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> - --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath - Faz com que o processo vstest.console.exe use adaptadores de teste personalizados - de um arquivo fornecido (caso haja algum) na execução de teste. - Exemplo: /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> + --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath + This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters + from a given path (if any) in the test run. + Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters - O parâmetro /TestAdapterPath exige um valor, que é o caminho de um local contendo adaptadores de teste personalizados. Exemplo: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters + The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} - O caminho '{0}' especificado em 'TestAdapterPath' é inválido. Erro: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - O caminho de pesquisa do adaptador de teste personalizado fornecido não foi encontrado, forneça um caminho válido e tente novamente. + The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. - O caminho '{0}' especificado em 'TestAdapterPath' não contém nenhum adaptador de teste, forneça um caminho válido e tente novamente. + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. - Não foi possível iniciar a execução de testes para o aplicativo do Windows Phone: {0}. + Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Usando o modo de isolamento para executar testes de unidade para aplicativos do Windows Phone. Use o parâmetro /InIsolation para suprimir esse aviso. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - A cobertura do teste não está disponível para aplicativos do Windows Phone. Análise de cobertura do teste ignorada nesta execução de teste. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Não há suporte para adaptadores de dados de diagnóstico ao executar testes de unidade para aplicativos do Windows Phone. Remova as configurações de adaptadores de dados de diagnóstico das configurações. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. - O pacote do aplicativo '{0}' não tem o ponto de entrada do executor de teste. Para executar testes de unidade para aplicativos do Windows Phone, crie o pacote do aplicativo usando o projeto de Biblioteca de Teste de Unidade de aplicativo do Windows Phone. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. - Usando a estrutura {0} para executar os testes. Especifique /Framework:{1} para suprimir esse aviso. + Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. - Nenhum teste foi encontrado nos contêineres de teste especificados. Além disso, o adaptador de teste de unidade da Microsoft Windows Store não dá suporte a arquivos .appxbundle. Crie um appx (defina a opção Gerar Pacote do Aplicativo como nunca) quando criar o Pacote do Aplicativo e tente novamente. + No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. @@ -584,185 +584,185 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up to all available cores on the machine may be used. The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. - --Parallel|/Parallel - Especifica que os testes sejam executados em paralelo. Por padrão, - podem ser usados todos os núcleos disponíveis no computador. - O número de núcleos a serem usados pode ser configurado usando um arquivo de configurações. + --Parallel|/Parallel + Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up + to all available cores on the machine may be used. + The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. - O argumento {0} não é esperado no comando 'Parallel'. Especifique o comando sem o argumento (exemplo: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) e tente novamente. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. Cannot be null or empty - Não pode ser nulo ou estar vazio + Cannot be null or empty --Port|/Port:<Port> The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port:<Port> - A Porta para a conexão de soquete e o recebimento de mensagens de eventos. + --Port|/Port:<Port> + The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - O argumento --Port|/Port requer o número da porta que é um número inteiro. Especifique a porta de conexão de soquete e de recebimento de mensagens de evento. + The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. - Não é possível localizar o assembly em teste. Verifique se o projeto foi criado. + Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. The Path {0} does not exist. - O caminho {0} não existe. + The Path {0} does not exist. --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> The directory containing the temporary outputs. - --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> - O diretório que contém as saídas temporárias. + --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> + The directory containing the temporary outputs. -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release - -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> - A configuração para a qual o projeto foi compilado, ou seja, Debug/Release + -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> + The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release The given configuration is invalid. - A configuração fornecida é inválida. + The given configuration is invalid. -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> The directory containing the binaries to run. - -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> - O diretório que contém os binários a serem executados. + -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> + The directory containing the binaries to run. The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - O BuildBasePath não foi encontrado, forneça um caminho válido e tente novamente. + The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - O caminho de saída não foi encontrado, forneça um caminho válido e tente novamente. + The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. Additional Information Messages: - Mensagens de informações adicionais: + Additional Information Messages: Days - Dias + Days Error Message: - Mensagem de erro: + Error Message: Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} - Tempo total: {0:0.0000} {1} + Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} Hours - Horas + Hours Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Não foi possível localizar um agente de teste com o URI ou o FriendlyName '{0}'. + Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Minutes - Minutos + Minutes Seconds - Segundos + Seconds Stack Trace: - Rastreamento de pilha: + Stack Trace: Standard Error Messages: - Mensagens de erro padrão: + Standard Error Messages: Standard Output Messages: - Mensagens de saída padrão: + Standard Output Messages: Attachments: - Anexos: + Attachments: {0} - {0} + {0} No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - Nenhum teste está disponível em {0}. Certifique-se de que os detectores de teste e executores, configurações de versão de estrutura da plataforma instalados sejam apropriados e tente novamente. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Failed - Com falha + Failed Message which is written to the console when a test fails. Passed - Aprovado + Passed Message which is written to the console when a test passes. Skipped - Ignorado + Skipped Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} - Falha na descoberta para as fontes fornecidas. Exceção: {0} + Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> - ID do Processo Pai responsável pela inicialização do processo atual. + --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> + Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. - O argumento --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId requer a ID do processo que é um número inteiro. Especifique a ID do processo pai que iniciou esse processo. + The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. Arguments: - Argumentos: + Arguments: @@ -773,28 +773,28 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a Change the trace level for logs as shown below Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. - --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> - Habilitar os logs para a plataforma de teste. - Os logs são gravados no arquivo fornecido. + --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> + Enable logs for test platform. + Logs are written to the provided file. -Alterar o nível de rastreamento dos logs, como mostrado abaixo - Exemplo: /Diag:<Path to log file>; tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> - Valores permitidos para tracelevel: off, error, warning, info e verbose. + Change the trace level for logs as shown below + Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> + Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. The file {0} provided is read only - O arquivo {0} fornecido é somente leitura + The file {0} provided is read only Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} - Tempo limite atingido para conectar-se ou processar a solicitação para DesignModeClient na porta: {0} + Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} Not Run - Não Executado + Not Run @@ -802,61 +802,61 @@ Alterar o nível de rastreamento dos logs, como mostrado abaixo Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. More info on RunSettings arguments support: - Argumentos de RunSettings: - Argumentos para transmitir as configurações de runsettings através da commandline. Os argumentos podem ser especificados como um par nome-valor do formulário [name]=[value] após "-- ". Observe o espaço após --. - Use um espaço para separar vários [name]=[value]. - Mais informações sobre o suporte para os argumentos de RunSettings: + RunSettings arguments: + Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. + Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. + More info on RunSettings arguments support: One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token - Uma ou mais runsettings fornecidas contêm um token inválido + One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> - --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory - O diretório de resultados de teste será criado no caminho especificado, caso ainda não exista. - Exemplo: /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> + --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory + Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. + Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory - O parâmetro /ResultsDirectory exige um valor no qual os resultados de teste deverão ser salvos. Exemplo: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory + The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} - O caminho '{0}' especificado em 'ResultsDirectory' é inválido. Erro: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process - O sinalizador /InIsolation foi preterido. Os testes sempre são executados em um processo separado + The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} - Registro em log do diagnóstico Vstest no arquivo: {0} + Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : - --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> - Habilita o coletor de dados para a execução de teste. Mais informações aqui: + --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> + Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. - O nome amigável '{0}' do Coletor de Dados não é válido. O Coletor de Dados será ignorado. + The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. Debug Traces Messages: - Depurar Mensagens de Rastreamento: + Debug Traces Messages: @@ -872,77 +872,77 @@ Alterar o nível de rastreamento dos logs, como mostrado abaixo Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full - --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] - Executa o teste em modo blame. Essa opção é útil para isolar o teste com problema causando falha no host de teste . - Ele cria um arquivo de saída no diretório atual como "Sequence.xml", - que captura a ordem de execução do teste antes da falha. - Você pode optar por coletar o processo de despejo para o host de teste. - Ao optar por coletar despejo, por padrão, um mini despejo será coletado em uma falha. - Você também pode optar por sobrescrever este comportamento padrão por alguns parâmetros opcionais: - CollectAlways - Para coletar despejo na saída mesmo que não haja falha (true/false) - DumpType - Para especificar o tipo de despejo (mini/full). - Exemplo: /Blame + --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] + Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash. + It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml", + that captures the order of execution of test before the crash. + You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host. + When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash. + You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters: + CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false) + DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full). + Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full Test Run Aborted. - Execução de Teste Anulada. + Test Run Aborted. Test Run Canceled. - Execução de Teste Cancelada. + Test Run Canceled. Error opening response file '{0}' - Erro ao abrir o arquivo de resposta '{0}' + Error opening response file '{0}' @<file> Read response file for more options. - @<file> - Ler o arquivo de resposta para obter mais opções. + @<file> + Read response file for more options. Total tests: Unknown - Total de testes: desconhecido + Total tests: Unknown {0} {1} - {0} {1} + {0} {1} Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. - Além disso, o caminho para os adaptadores de teste podem ser especificados usando o comando /TestAdapterPath. Exemplo /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. + Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. - /UseVsixExtensions está sendo preterido. Em vez disso, use /TestAdapterPath. + /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true - --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> - Exemplo: /DisableAutoFakes:true + --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> + Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. - --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" não é compatível se a execução de teste é configurada usando configurações de teste. + --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. - Coletores de dados que não sejam a Cobertura de Código e o Microsoft Fakes definidos por meio de configurações de execução não são compatíveis com configurações de teste inseridas. Consulte para obter mais informações. Configurações de execução: {0}. + Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. @@ -958,115 +958,115 @@ Alterar o nível de rastreamento dos logs, como mostrado abaixo Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> - Especifique um agente para os resultados de teste. Por exemplo, para registrar os resultados em um Arquivo de Resultados de Teste (TRX) do - Visual Studio use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] - Cria um arquivo no diretório TestResults com o LogFileName determinado. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Altere o nível de detalhamento nas mensagens de log do agente de console, como mostrado abaixo - Exemplo: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> - Os valores permitidos para o nível de detalhamento são: quiet, minimal, normal e detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. -Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado abaixo - Exemplo: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> - Veja mais informações sobre o Agente de Console aqui: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. - A coleta de despejos de memória pela opção CollectDump para Blame não tem suporte nesta plataforma. + Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. - O parâmetro blame especificado com blame, {0} é inválido. Ignorando este parâmetro. + The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. - O caminho para o arquivo diag '{0}' não é válido. + Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. - O argumento blame '{0}' não é válido. + Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. - O argumento diag '{0}' não é válido. + Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. - O argumento logger '{0}' não é válido. + Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". - Não há suporte para Framework35. Para projetos destinados ao .Net Framework 3.5, o teste será executado no "modo de compatibilidade" do CLR 4.0. + Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". Test run in progress - Execução de teste em andamento + Test run in progress Total tests: {0} - Total de testes: {0} + Total tests: {0} Failed: {0} - Com falha: {0} + Failed: {0} Passed: {0} - Aprovados: {0} + Passed: {0} Skipped: {0} - Ignorados: {0} + Skipped: {0} The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. - O argumento {0} é inválido. Use a opção /help para verificar a lista de argumentos válidos. + The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. - {0} arquivos de teste no total corresponderam ao padrão especificado. + A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") - O argumento do parâmetro de execução de teste '{0}' é inválido. Use o formato abaixo. - Formato: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") + The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. + Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. - A coleta de despejos de trava pela opção CollectDump com TestTimeout para Blame não é tem suporte para esta plataforma. + Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} - {0} – Com falha: {1}, Aprovado: {2}, Ignorado: {3}, Total: {4}, Duração: {5} + {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} None - Nenhum + None - {0} {1} - - {0} {1} + - {0} {1} @@ -1078,29 +1078,29 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" - -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> - Define o valor de uma variável de ambiente. Cria a variável caso ela não exista e substitui caso exista. Isso implicará a opção /InIsolation e forçará a execução dos testes em um processo isolado. + -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> + Sets the value of an environment variable. Creates the variable if it does not exist, overrides if it does. This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - Esse argumento pode ser especificado várias vezes para fornecer várias variáveis. + This argument can be specified multiple times to provide multiple variables. - Exemplo: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 + Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" - -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperado com;ponto e vírgula" + -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. - A variável de ambiente '{0}' já foi definida, mas foi substituída por um argumento -Environment. + Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. Test Run Aborted with error {0}. - Execução de Teste Abortada com Erro {0}. + Test Run Aborted with error {0}. Invalid testSessionCorrelationId - TestSessionCorrelationId inválida + Invalid testSessionCorrelationId @@ -1124,36 +1124,36 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. - --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> - Isto afeta o comportamento de carregamento do adaptador. + --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> + This affects adapter loading behavior. - Comportamentos suportados atualmente: - - Explicito: Plataforma de Teste somente carregará adaptadores especificados por /TestAdapterPath (ou RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). - Se um caminho específico do adaptador for fornecido, o adaptador será carregado; se um caminho de diretório for fornecido adaptadores diretamente naquela pasta será carregado, a menos que a opção Recursive também seja especificada. - Se nenhum caminho de adaptador for especificado, a execução do teste falhará. - Isto implicará /InIsolation switch e forçará os testes a serem executados em um processo isolado. + Currently supported behaviors: + - Explicit: Test Platform will only load adapters specified by /TestAdapterPath (or RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). + If a specific adapter path is provided, adapter will be loaded; if a directory path is provided adapters directly in that folder will be loaded, unless Recursive option is also specified. + If no adapter path is specified, test run will fail. + This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - - Padrão: Plataforma de teste carregará adaptadores é se este argumento não tiver sido especificado. - Ela captará extensões ao lado da fonte, desde que os caminhos do adaptador adicionais e a partir do diretório padrão. + - Default: Test Platform will load adapters is if this argument has not been specified. + It will pick up extensions from next to source, provided additional adapter paths and from the default directory. - - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Carregar os provedores de tempo de execução padrão enviados com a Plataforma de Teste. - Se isto não for especificado quando a opção "Explicit" estiver definida, um provedor de host de teste precisa ser especificado explicitamente. + - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Load default runtime providers shipped with Test Platform. + If this is not specified when "Explicit" option is set, a test host provider need to be specified explicitly. - - ExtensionsDirectory: Carregar adaptadores dentro da pasta Extensões. + - ExtensionsDirectory: Load adapters inside Extensions folder. - - NextToSource: Adaptadores de carga ao lado da fonte. + - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - - Recursivo: Buscar recursivamente as pastas ao carregar adaptadores. Isto requer que "Explicit" ou "NextToSource" seja especificado também. + - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. Do not translate "Default", "DefaultRuntimeProviders", "ExtensionsDirectory", "NextToSource" or "Recursive". Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! - O valor especificado ({0}) para /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy é inválido! + Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - A estratégia de carregamento do adaptador recursivo não pode ser usada por si só. Combine com um ou mais de: {0} + Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Do not translate "Recursive", - {0} is the strategy names, seperated by comma: for example "Explicit, NextToSource" @@ -1161,67 +1161,67 @@ Altere o prefixo de nível de diagnóstico do agente de console, como mostrado a The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! - O parâmetro /TestAdapterPath precisa ser fornecido quando a "{0}" estratégia de carregamento do adaptador de teste for especificada! + The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! {0} is the strategy name, "Explicit" for example. vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. - vstest.console.exe está sendo executado no modo emulado como {0}. Para obter um melhor desempenho, considere usar o executor nativo vstest.console.arm64.exe. + vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. - A espera pela conexão do manipulador de solicitação expirou após {0} segundos. + Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Aguardando o início da sessão de teste expirou após {0} segundos. + Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. - A espera da sessão de teste de parada expirou após {0} segundos. + Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. Error hosting communication channel. - Erro ao hospedar o canal de comunicação. + Error hosting communication channel. ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. - DocumentDirectoryPath deve ser especificado para instalar ou desinstalar o depurador post mortem. + ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. - O depurador postmortem não é compatível com o sistema operacional atual. + Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) - O diretório especificado para o executável procdump não é válido e a ferramenta não foi encontrada dentro das variáveis de ambiente (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) + The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) Procdump file name not found: '{0}' - Nome do arquivo procdump não encontrado: '{0}' + Procdump file name not found: '{0}' DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. - DumpDirectoryPath deve ser especificado para instalar o depurador post mortem. + DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' - O diretório especificado não é válido: '{0}' + The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. - O argumento do AeDebugger '{0}' não é válido. + AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ index f3c761fb44..983dbbb09d 100644 --- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,94 +4,94 @@ '{0}' not found. - "{0}": не найдено. + '{0}' not found. The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: - Доступны следующие надстройки обнаружения тестов: + The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: - Доступны следующие надстройки выполнения тестов: + The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: {0}: {1} - {0}: {1} + {0}: {1} The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: - Доступны следующие надстройки средства ведения журнала тестирования: + The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: Error: {0} - Ошибка: {0} + Error: {0} , {0} - , {0} + , {0} Format used to comma separate a list of values. The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. - Параметр "{0}" должен быть указан только один раз. + The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} - При создании экземпляра расширения "{0}" возникло исключение: {1} + Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} The following Tests are available: - Доступны следующие тесты: + The following Tests are available: Unrecognized parameter "{0}". - Нераспознанный параметр "{0}". + Unrecognized parameter "{0}". The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. - Указанный исходный файл теста "{0}" не найден. + The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - URI средства ведения журнала тестирования "{0}" недопустимо. Это средство ведения журнала тестирования будет игнорироваться. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Information: {0} - Сведения: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Предупреждение: {0} + Warning: {0} -?|--Help|/?|/Help Display this usage message. - -?|--Help|/?|/Help - Отображение этого сообщения об использовании. + -?|--Help|/?|/Help + Display this usage message. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - (с) Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corporation). Все права защищены. + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} - Программа Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool версии {0} + Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} @@ -107,43 +107,43 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<URI/понятное_имя_средства_ведения_журнала> - Укажите средство ведения журнала результатов тестирования. Например, чтобы сохранять результаты в файле - результатов тестов Visual Studio (TRX), укажите /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<по умолчанию уникальное имя файла>] - Создает файл в каталоге TestResults с заданным именем LogFileName. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Изменить уровень детализации сообщений журнала для средства ведения журнала консоли можно описанным ниже способом - Пример: /logger:console;verbosity=<по умолчанию "normal"> - Допустимые значения для verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal и detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Изменить префикс уровня диагностики для средства ведения журнала консоли можно описанным ниже способом - Пример: /logger:console;prefix=<по умолчанию "false"> - Подробнее о средстве ведения журнала консоли: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Description: Runs tests from the specified files. - Описание: выполняет тесты из указанных файлов. + Description: Runs tests from the specified files. Options: - Параметры: + Options: Section Header for subsequent command help listing Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] - Использование: vstest.console.exe [аргументы] [параметры] [[--] <аргументы RunSettings>...]] + Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] No test source files were specified. - Исходные файлы тестов не указаны. + No test source files were specified. No arguments were specified. - Аргументы не указаны. + No arguments were specified. @@ -153,59 +153,59 @@ Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll - [TestFileNames] - Выполняйте тесты из указанных файлов или шаблона с подстановочными знаками. Разделяйте несколько шаблонов или имен тестовых файлов - пробелами. Задайте высокий уровень детализации для средства ведения журнала консоли, чтобы просмотреть соответствующие тестовые файлы. - Примеры: mytestproject.dll + [TestFileNames] + Run tests from the specified files or wild card pattern. Separate multiple test file names or pattern + by spaces. Set console logger verbosity to detailed to view matched test files. + Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: - Доступны следующие надстройки поставщиков параметров: + The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> Settings to use when running tests. - --Settings|/Settings:<файл параметров> - Параметры, используемые при запуске тестов. + --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> + Settings to use when running tests. The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. - Для параметра /Settings требуется указать файл параметров. + The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. - Не удалось найти файл параметров "{0}". + The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. Test Run Failed. - Сбой тестового запуска. + Test Run Failed. Test Run Successful. - Тестовый запуск выполнен. + Test Run Successful. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. - Аргумент {0} не ожидается в команде InIsolation. Укажите команду без аргумента (например, vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) и повторите попытку. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true - Для параметра /UseVsixExtensions требуется значение. Если задано значение true, установленные расширения VSIX (при наличии) будут использоваться в тестовом запуске. Если задано значение false, то они будут игнорироваться. Пример: /UseVsixExtensions:true + The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. - Аргумент {0} не ожидается в команде UseVsixExtensions. Укажите команду, определяющую, требуется ли использовать или игнорировать расширения VSIX (например, vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true), и повторите попытку. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. @@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests may run slower. - --InIsolation|/InIsolation - Запуск тестов в изолированном процессе. Это снижает вероятность - остановки процесса vstest.console.exe из-за ошибки в тестах, но - тесты могут выполняться медленнее. + --InIsolation|/InIsolation + Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe + process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests + may run slower. @@ -224,20 +224,20 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. Example /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions - Определяет использование или пропуск процессом vstest.console.exe - установленных расширений VSIX (при наличии) в тестовом запуске. - Пример: /UseVsixExtensions:true + /UseVsixExtensions + This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions + installed(if any) in the test run. + Example /UseVsixExtensions:true The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 - Для аргумента /BatchSize требуется указать размер пакета. Пример: /BatchSize:10 + The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 - Недопустимый размер пакета {0}. Размер пакета должен быть больше нуля. Пример: /BatchSize:10 + Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 @@ -245,67 +245,67 @@ >vstest.console.exe tests.dll To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings - Запуск тестов: + To run tests: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll - Запуск тестов с дополнительными параметрами, например со сборщиками данных: + To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings /ListDiscoverers Lists installed test discoverers. - /ListDiscoverers - Список установленных средств обнаружения тестов. + /ListDiscoverers + Lists installed test discoverers. /ListExecutors Lists installed test executors. - /ListExecutors - Список установленных исполнителей тестов. + /ListExecutors + Lists installed test executors. /ListLoggers Lists installed test loggers. - /ListLoggers - Список установленных средств ведения журналов тестирования. + /ListLoggers + Lists installed test loggers. /ListSettingsProviders Lists installed test settings providers. - /ListSettingsProviders - Список установленных поставщиков параметров тестирования. + /ListSettingsProviders + Lists installed test settings providers. -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. - -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<имя_файла> - Перечисление всех обнаруженных тестов из указанного контейнера тестов. + -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> + Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. Time elapsed : - Прошло времени: + Time elapsed : The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 - Для аргумента /Tests требуется указать один или несколько конкретных имен тестов или их подстрок. - Примеры: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1, method2 + The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. + Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Всего обнаружено тестов: {0}, но тесты не соответствуют указанному условию выбора ({1}). Задайте правильные значения и повторите попытку. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. , - , + , @@ -314,90 +314,90 @@ values, separate them by commas. Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 - --Tests|/Tests:<имена_тестов> - Запуск тестов с именами, соответствующими указанным значениям. - Несколько значений разделяются запятыми. - Примеры: /Tests:TestMethod1 + --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> + Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple + values, separate them by commas. + Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 Please verify if the console output looks good after modifiaction. Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Используется режим изоляции для запуска тестов, так как в файле параметров запуска RUNSETTINGS включены адаптеры диагностических данных. Используйте параметр /InIsolation, чтобы отключить это предупреждение. + Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Использование режима изоляции для запуска модульных тестов приложений для Магазина Windows. Используйте параметр /InIsolation, чтобы отключить это предупреждение. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Адаптеры диагностических данных не поддерживаются при запуске модульных тестов для приложений для Магазина Windows. Удалите параметры адаптеров диагностических данных из параметров. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. FriendlyName: {0} - Понятное имя: {0} + FriendlyName: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} SettingName: {0} - Имя параметра: {0} + SettingName: {0} Supported File Types: - Поддерживаемые типы файлов: + Supported File Types: {0} - {0} + {0} {0}, - {0}, + {0}, Default Executor Uri: {0} - URI исполнителя по умолчанию: {0} + Default Executor Uri: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. - Неверный тип платформы: {0}. Допустимые типы платформ: {1}. + Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. 0 is the platform type e.g. x86, and 1 is a list of the built in platforms, e.g. x86, x64 The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 - Для аргумента /Platform требуется указать тип целевой платформы для тестового запуска. Пример: /Platform:x 86 + The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. - --Platform|/Platform:<тип_платформы> - Архитектура целевой платформы, в которой будут выполняться тесты. - Допустимые значения: x86, x64 и ARM. + --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> + Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. + Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Для запуска тестов используется изолированный режим в соответствии с параметрами Platform:{0} и .Net Framework:{1} для тестового запуска. Используйте параметр /InIsolation, чтобы отключить это предупреждение. + Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. @@ -405,25 +405,25 @@ Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - --Framework|/Framework:<версия платформы> - Целевая версия платформы .NET Framework, используемая для выполнения тестов. - Допустимые значения: ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" и т. п. - Другие поддерживаемые значения: Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 и FrameworkUap10. + --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> + Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. + Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. + Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" - Аргумент /Framework требует указать целевую версию .NET Framework для тестового запуска. Пример: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" + The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - Недопустимая версия .NET Framework: {0}. Укажите полное имя целевой платформы (например: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Другие поддерживаемые версии .NET Framework: Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 и FrameworkUap10. + Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. - Не удалось запустить тестовый запуск для модульных тестов приложений для Магазина Windows: {0}. + Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. @@ -436,13 +436,13 @@ Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" - --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<выражение> - Запуск тестов, соответствующих заданному выражению. - <выражение> имеет формат <свойство>оператор<значение>[|&<выражение>] - где в качестве оператора может использоваться =, != или ~ (оператор ~ имеет семантику - "содержит" и применим к строковым свойствам, таким как DisplayName). - Вложенные выражения можно группировать с помощью скобок (). - Примеры: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" + --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> + Run tests that match the given expression. + <Expression> is of the format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] + where Operator is one of =, != or ~ (Operator ~ has 'contains' + semantics and is applicable for string properties like DisplayName). + Parenthesis () can be used to group sub-expressions. + Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" @@ -451,66 +451,66 @@ The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" - Для аргумента /TestCaseFilter необходимо указать значение фильтра. - Значение фильтра можно задать в формате <свойство>=<значение>. - Пример: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" + The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. + Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. + Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. - Аргумент /TestCaseFilter нельзя указывать при использовании аргумента /Tests. Если указываются тесты, фильтрация тестовых случаев не применяется. + The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. - Сборка {0} выполняется для {1}/{2}. Заданные в запуске тестовые сборки должны иметь одинаковые значения целевой среды .NET Framework и платформы. + {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. - Для выполнения тестов можно указать только один пакет приложения (APPX-файл). + Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. Starting test discovery, please wait... - Запуск обнаружения тестов; подождите... + Starting test discovery, please wait... Starting test execution, please wait... - Запуск выполнения тестов; подождите... + Starting test execution, please wait... Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. - При чтении параметров адаптера диагностических данных возникло выполнение "{0}". Все адаптеры диагностических данных будут пропущены в этом запуске. + Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. - /EnableCodeCoverage - Включает сборщик данных "CodeCoverage" для тестового запуска. + /EnableCodeCoverage + Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. - Аргумент {0} не ожидается в команде EnableCodeCoverage. Укажите команду без аргумента (например, vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) и повторите попытку. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. - У пакета приложения "{0}" нет точки входа исполнителя тестов. Для запуска модульных тестов приложений для Магазина Windows создайте пакет приложения с помощью проекта библиотеки модульных тестов приложений для Магазина Windows. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Покрытие кода недоступно для приложений для Магазина Windows. Анализ покрытия кода пропущен для этого тестового запуска. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Всего обнаружено тестов: {0}, но некоторые тесты не соответствуют указанному условию выбора ({1}). Задайте правильные значения и повторите попытку. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. @@ -518,65 +518,65 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> - --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath - Процесс vstest.console.exe будет использовать пользовательские адаптеры тестов - по заданному пути (при наличии) в тестовом запуске. - Пример: /TestAdapterPath:<путь_к_пользовательским_адаптерам_тестов> + --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath + This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters + from a given path (if any) in the test run. + Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters - Для параметра /TestAdapterPath требуется значение, представляющее собой путь к расположению с пользовательскими адаптерами тестов. Пример: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters + The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} - Путь {0}, заданный в параметре TestAdapterPath, недопустим. Ошибка: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Указанный путь поиска пользовательского адаптера теста не найден. Укажите допустимый путь и повторите попытку. + The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. - Путь "{0}", заданный в параметре TestAdapterPath, не содержит адаптеров тестов. Укажите допустимый путь и повторите попытку. + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. - Не удалось запустить тестовый запуск для тестов приложений Windows Phone: {0}. + Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Использование режима изоляции для запуска модульных тестов приложений Windows Phone. Используйте параметр /InIsolation, чтобы отключить это предупреждение. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Покрытие кода недоступно для приложений Windows Phone. Анализ покрытия кода пропущен для этого тестового запуска. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Адаптеры диагностических данных не поддерживаются при запуске модульных тестов для приложений Windows Phone. Удалите параметры адаптеров диагностических данных из параметров. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. - У пакета приложения "{0}" нет точки входа исполнителя тестов. Для запуска модульных тестов приложений Windows Phone создайте пакет приложения с помощью проекта приложения модульного тестирования Windows Phone. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. - Использование платформы {0} для запуска тестов. Укажите /Framework:{1}, чтобы отключить это предупреждение. + Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. - В указанных контейнерах тестов тесты не найдены. Кроме того, адаптер модульных тестов для Магазина Windows (Майкрософт) не поддерживает APPXBUNDLE-файлы. Создайте APPX-файл (установите значение "Никогда" для параметра "Создать набор приложений") при создании пакета приложения и повторите попытку. + No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. @@ -584,185 +584,185 @@ Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up to all available cores on the machine may be used. The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. - --Parallel|/Parallel - Указывает, что тесты должны выполняться параллельно. По умолчанию - можно использовать любое имеющееся число ядер на компьютере. - Число используемых ядер можно настроить с помощью файла параметров. + --Parallel|/Parallel + Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up + to all available cores on the machine may be used. + The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. - Аргумент {0} не ожидается в команде Parallel. Укажите команду без аргумента (например, vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) и повторите попытку. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. Cannot be null or empty - Неопределенное или отсутствующее значение недопустимо. + Cannot be null or empty --Port|/Port:<Port> The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port:<порт> - Порт для подключения через сокет и получения сообщений о событиях. + --Port|/Port:<Port> + The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - Для аргумента --Port|/Port требуется указать номер порта, который должен быть целым числом. Укажите порт для подключения через сокет и получения событий сообщений. + The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. - Не удается найти тестируемую сборку. Убедитесь, что проект создан. + Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. The Path {0} does not exist. - Путь {0} не существует. + The Path {0} does not exist. --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> The directory containing the temporary outputs. - --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<базовый путь к сборке> - Каталог, содержащий временные выходные данные. + --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> + The directory containing the temporary outputs. -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release - -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<конфигурация> - Конфигурация, для которой создан проект, например Debug/Release + -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> + The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release The given configuration is invalid. - Данная конфигурация недопустима. + The given configuration is invalid. -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> The directory containing the binaries to run. - -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<вывод> - Каталог, содержащий двоичные файлы для запуска. + -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> + The directory containing the binaries to run. The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Базовый путь к сборке не найден, укажите допустимый путь и повторите попытку. + The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Выходной путь не найден, укажите допустимый путь и повторите попытку. + The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. Additional Information Messages: - Дополнительные информационные сообщения: + Additional Information Messages: Days - Дни + Days Error Message: - Сообщение об ошибке: + Error Message: Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} - Общее время: {0:0.0000} {1} + Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} Hours - Часы + Hours Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - Не удалось найти средство ведения журнала тестирования с URI или понятным именем "{0}". + Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Minutes - Минуты + Minutes Seconds - Секунды + Seconds Stack Trace: - Трассировка стека: + Stack Trace: Standard Error Messages: - Стандартные сообщения об ошибке: + Standard Error Messages: Standard Output Messages: - Стандартные выходные сообщения: + Standard Output Messages: Attachments: - Вложения: + Attachments: {0} - {0} + {0} No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - В {0} нет доступных тестов. Проверьте правильность параметров установленного средства обнаружения и выполнения тестов, а также платформы и версии платформы, и повторите попытку. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Failed - Не пройден + Failed Message which is written to the console when a test fails. Passed - Пройден + Passed Message which is written to the console when a test passes. Skipped - Пропущен + Skipped Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} - Не удалось выполнить обнаружение для заданных источников. Исключение: {0} + Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ИД_родительского_процесса> - Идентификатор родительского процесса, отвечающего за запуск текущего процесса. + --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> + Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. - Для аргумента --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId требуется указать ИД процесса, который должен быть целым числом. Укажите идентификатор родительского процесса, ответственного за запуск текущего процесса. + The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. Arguments: - Аргументы: + Arguments: @@ -773,28 +773,28 @@ Change the trace level for logs as shown below Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. - --Diag|/Diag:<путь к файлу журнала> - Включение журналов для платформы тестирования. - Журналы записываются в предоставленный файл. + --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> + Enable logs for test platform. + Logs are written to the provided file. - Уровень трассировки для журналов можно изменить описанным ниже способом - Пример: /Diag:<путь к файлу журнала>;tracelevel=<по умолчанию "verbose"> - Разрешенные значения для tracelevel: off, error, warning, info и verbose. + Change the trace level for logs as shown below + Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> + Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. The file {0} provided is read only - Указанный файл {0} доступен только для чтения. + The file {0} provided is read only Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} - Время ожидания установления подключения или обработки запроса для DesignModeClient на порту {0} истекло. + Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} Not Run - Не выполнен + Not Run @@ -802,61 +802,61 @@ Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. More info on RunSettings arguments support: - Аргументы RunSettings: - Аргументы для передачи конфигураций runsettings через командную строку. Аргументы могут быть указаны как пара "имя-значение" в формате [имя]=[значение] после "-- ". Обратите внимание на пробел после --. - Используйте пробел для разделения нескольких пар [имя]=[значение]. - Дополнительные сведения о поддержке аргументов RunSettings: + RunSettings arguments: + Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. + Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. + More info on RunSettings arguments support: One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token - Один или несколько файлов RUNSETTINGS включают в себя недопустимый токен + One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> - --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory - По указанному пути будет создан каталог результатов тестов, если он еще не существует. - Пример: /ResultsDirectory:<путь_к_каталогу_результатов> + --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory + Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. + Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory - Для параметра /ResultsDirectory требуется значение, в котором сохраняются результаты тестирования. Пример: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory + The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} - Путь "{0}", указанный в "ResultsDirectory", недопустим. Ошибка: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process - Флаг /InIsolation использовать не рекомендуется. Тесты всегда запускаются в отдельном процессе + The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} - Ведение журналов диагностики Vstest в файле: {0} + Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : - --Collect|/Collect:<понятное имя сборщика данных> - Включает сборщик данных для тестового запуска. Подробнее: + --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> + Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. - Понятное имя сборщика данных "{0}" недопустимо. Сборщик данных будет пропущен. + The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. Debug Traces Messages: - Сообщения трассировок отладки: + Debug Traces Messages: @@ -872,77 +872,77 @@ Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full - --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[значение];[DumpType]=[значение] - Выполняет тест в blame-режиме. Этот вариант помогает изолировать проблемный тест, вызывающий сбой хоста для тестов. - В текущем каталоге создается выходной файл "Sequence.xml", - который записывает порядок выполнения теста перед сбоем. - При необходимости вы можете выполнить сбор дампа процессов хоста для тестов. - В этом случае по умолчанию при сбое будет собран мини-дамп. - Вы также можете переопределить поведение по умолчанию с помощью дополнительных параметров: - CollectAlways — собирает дамп по завершении даже при отсутствии сбоев (true/false) - DumpType — задает тип дампа, mini (мини-дамп) или full (полный). - Пример: /Blame + --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] + Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash. + It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml", + that captures the order of execution of test before the crash. + You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host. + When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash. + You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters: + CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false) + DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full). + Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full Test Run Aborted. - Тестовый запуск прерван. + Test Run Aborted. Test Run Canceled. - Тестовый запуск отменен. + Test Run Canceled. Error opening response file '{0}' - Произошла ошибка при открытии файла ответа "{0}" + Error opening response file '{0}' @<file> Read response file for more options. - @<файл> - Считывание файла ответов с дополнительными параметрами. + @<file> + Read response file for more options. Total tests: Unknown - Всего тестов: неизвестно + Total tests: Unknown {0} {1} - {0} {1} + {0} {1} Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. - Кроме того, путь к адаптерам тестов можно указать с помощью команды /TestAdapterPath. Пример: /TestAdapterPath:<путь_к_настраиваемым_адаптерам>. + Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. - Параметр /UseVsixExtensions устарел. Используйте /TestAdapterPath. + /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true - --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> - Пример: /DisableAutoFakes:true + --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> + Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. - --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" не поддерживается, если тестовый запуск настроен с использованием testsettings. + --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. - Сборщики данных, настроенные в параметрах запуска, кроме покрытия кода и Microsoft Fakes, не поддерживаются со встроенными параметрами тестирования. Дополнительные сведения: Параметры запуска: {0}. + Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. @@ -958,115 +958,115 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<URI/понятное_имя_средства_ведения_журнала> - Укажите средство ведения журнала результатов тестирования. Например, чтобы сохранять результаты в файле - результатов тестов Visual Studio (TRX), укажите /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<по умолчанию уникальное имя файла>] - Создает файл в каталоге TestResults с заданным именем LogFileName. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Изменить уровень детализации сообщений журнала для средства ведения журнала консоли можно описанным ниже способом - Пример: /logger:console;verbosity=<по умолчанию "minimal"> - Допустимые значения для verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal и detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Изменить префикс уровня диагностики для средства ведения журнала консоли можно описанным ниже способом - Пример: /logger:console;prefix=<по умолчанию "false"> - Подробнее о средстве ведения журнала консоли: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. - Сбор аварийных дампов с помощью параметра CollectDump для Blame не поддерживается для этой платформы. + Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. - Указанный с Blame параметр {0} недопустим. Он будет пропущен. + The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. - Путь к файлу диагностики "{0}" недопустим. + Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. - Аргумент Blame "{0}" недопустим. + Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. - Аргумент диагностики "{0}" недопустим. + Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. - Аргумент средства ведения журнала "{0}" недопустим. + Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". - Framework35 не поддерживается. Для проектов, предназначенных для .NET Framework 3.5, тест будет выполняться в среде CLR 4.0 в "режиме совместимости". + Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". Test run in progress - Выполняется тестовый запуск + Test run in progress Total tests: {0} - Всего тестов: {0} + Total tests: {0} Failed: {0} - Не пройдено: {0} + Failed: {0} Passed: {0} - Пройдено: {0} + Passed: {0} Skipped: {0} - Пропущено: {0} + Skipped: {0} The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. - Аргумент {0} недопустим. Используйте параметр /help, чтобы просмотреть список допустимых аргументов. + The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. - Общее количество тестовых файлов ({0}), соответствующих указанному шаблону. + A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") - Недопустимый аргумент "{0}" для параметра тестового запуска. Используйте указанный ниже формат. - Формат: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") + The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. + Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. - Сбор дампов зависаний с помощью параметра CollectDump с TestTimeout для Blame не поддерживается для этой платформы. + Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} - {0}: не пройдено {1}, пройдено {2}, пропущено {3}, всего {4}, длительность {5}. + {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} None - Нет + None - {0} {1} - - {0} {1} + - {0} {1} @@ -1078,29 +1078,29 @@ Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" - -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> - Устанавливает значение переменной среды. Если переменной среды не существует, она создается. Если переменная среды существует, она переопределяется. Этот параметр подразумевает использование параметра /InIsolation и принудительно выполняет тесты в изолированном процессе. + -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> + Sets the value of an environment variable. Creates the variable if it does not exist, overrides if it does. This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - Этот аргумент может быть указан несколько раз для нескольких переменных среды. + This argument can be specified multiple times to provide multiple variables. - Пример: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 + Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. - Переменная среды "{0}" уже определена, но переопределена аргументом -Environment. + Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. Test Run Aborted with error {0}. - Тестовый запуск прерван с ошибкой {0}. + Test Run Aborted with error {0}. Invalid testSessionCorrelationId - Недопустимый testSessionCorrelationId + Invalid testSessionCorrelationId @@ -1124,36 +1124,36 @@ - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. - --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> - Это влияет на действия адаптера при загрузке. + --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> + This affects adapter loading behavior. - Действия, поддерживаемые в настоящее время: - — Явный: Платформа тестирования будет загружать только адаптеры, указанные в параметре /TestAdapterPath (или узле RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths). - Если указан конкретный путь к адаптеру, адаптер будет загружен; если указан путь к каталогу, то адаптеры, указанные непосредственно в этой папке, будут загружены, если не указан параметр Recursive. - Если путь к адаптеру не указан, тестовый запуск завершится ошибкой. - Это подразумевает переключение /InIsolation и принудительное выполнение тестов в изолированном процессе. + Currently supported behaviors: + - Explicit: Test Platform will only load adapters specified by /TestAdapterPath (or RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). + If a specific adapter path is provided, adapter will be loaded; if a directory path is provided adapters directly in that folder will be loaded, unless Recursive option is also specified. + If no adapter path is specified, test run will fail. + This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - — Default: Платформа тестирования будет загружать адаптеры, если этот аргумент не указан. - Платформа будет выбирать расширения недалеко от источника, при условии наличия дополнительных путей к адаптеру, а также из каталога по умолчанию. + - Default: Test Platform will load adapters is if this argument has not been specified. + It will pick up extensions from next to source, provided additional adapter paths and from the default directory. - — DefaultRuntimeProviders: загрузка поставщиков среды выполнения по умолчанию, поставляемых с платформой тестирования. - Если это не указано, когда задан параметр \"Явный\", поставщик узла тестирования должен быть указан явно. + - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Load default runtime providers shipped with Test Platform. + If this is not specified when "Explicit" option is set, a test host provider need to be specified explicitly. - — ExtensionsDirectory: загружать адаптеры в папку \"Расширения\". + - ExtensionsDirectory: Load adapters inside Extensions folder. - — NextToSource: загружать параметры рядом с источником. + - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - — Recursive: рекурсивный поиск папок при загрузке адаптеров. Для этого также необходимо указать параметры \"Явный\" или \"NextToSource\". + - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. Do not translate "Default", "DefaultRuntimeProviders", "ExtensionsDirectory", "NextToSource" or "Recursive". Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! - Указанное значение ({0}) для /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy недопустимо! + Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Стратегия загрузки адаптера Recursive не может использоваться самостоятельно. Объедините ее с одним или несколькими из: {0} + Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Do not translate "Recursive", - {0} is the strategy names, seperated by comma: for example "Explicit, NextToSource" @@ -1161,67 +1161,67 @@ The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! - Необходимо указать параметр /TestAdapterPath, если указана стратегия загрузки адаптера "{0}"! + The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! {0} is the strategy name, "Explicit" for example. vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. - vstest.console.exe выполняется в режиме эмуляции как {0}. Для повышения производительности рекомендуется использовать собственное средство выполнения тестов vstest.console.arm64.exe. + vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. - Время ожидания подключения обработчика запросов истекло через {0} с. + Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Время ожидания начала тестового сеанса истекло через {0} с. + Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Время ожидания остановки тестового сеанса истекло через {0} с. + Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. Error hosting communication channel. - Ошибка при размещении коммуникационного канала. + Error hosting communication channel. ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. - Для установки или удаления отладчика с разбором итогов необходимо указать ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath. + ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. - Отладчик с разбором итогов не поддерживается в текущей ОС. + Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) - Каталог, указанный для исполняемого файла procdump, недействителен, а инструмент не найден в переменных среды (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH). + The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) Procdump file name not found: '{0}' - Не найдено имя файла procdump: "{0}" + Procdump file name not found: '{0}' DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. - Для установки отладчика с разбором итогов необходимо указать DumpDirectoryPath. + DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' - Указан недопустимый каталог: "{0}" + The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. - Аргумент AeDebugger "{0}" недопустим. + AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ index ec91d6e966..eacfa8ff59 100644 --- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/ @@ -4,94 +4,94 @@ '{0}' not found. - '{0}' bulunamadı. + '{0}' not found. The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: - Şu Test Bulma Eklentileri kullanılabilir: + The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: - Şu Test Yürütmesi eklentileri kullanılabilir: + The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: {0}: {1} - {0}: {1} + {0}: {1} The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: - Şu Test Günlükçüsü Eklentileri kullanılabilir: + The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: Error: {0} - Hata: {0} + Error: {0} , {0} - , {0} + , {0} Format used to comma separate a list of values. The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. - "{0}" parametresi yalnızca bir kez belirtilmelidir. + The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} - '{0}' uzantısının örneği oluşturulurken özel durum oluştu: {1} + Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} The following Tests are available: - Şu Testler kullanılabilir: + The following Tests are available: Unrecognized parameter "{0}". - "{0}" parametresi tanınmıyor. + Unrecognized parameter "{0}". The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. - Belirtilen "{0}" test kaynak dosyası bulunamadı. + The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - Test Günlükçüsünün '{0}' URI’si geçerli değil. Test Günlükçüsü yoksayılacak. + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Information: {0} - Bilgi: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - Uyarı: {0} + Warning: {0} -?|--Help|/?|/Help Display this usage message. - -?|--Help|/?|/Help - Bu kullanım iletisini görüntüler. + -?|--Help|/?|/Help + Display this usage message. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - Telif Hakkı (c) Microsoft Corporation. Tüm hakları saklıdır. + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} - Microsoft (R) Test Yürütmesi Komut Satırı Aracı Sürüm {0} + Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} @@ -107,43 +107,43 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<Günlükçü URI/FriendlyName> - Test sonuçları için bir günlükçü belirtin. Örneğin, sonuçları bir - Visual Studio Test Sonuçları Dosyası'na (TRX) kaydetmek için şunu kullanın: /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Varsayılan olarak benzersiz dosya adını alır>] - İlgili LogFileName ile TestResults dizininde dosya oluşturur. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Konsol günlükçüsü için ayrıntı düzeyini günlük iletilerinde aşağıda gösterildiği gibi değiştirin - Örnek: /logger:console;verbosity=<Varsayılan olarak "normal" değerini alır> - Ayrıntı için izin verilen değerler: quiet, minimal, normal ve detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Konsol günlükçüsü için tanılama düzeyi ön ekini aşağıda gösterildiği gibi değiştirin - Örnek: /logger:console;prefix=<Varsayılan olarak "false" değerini alır> - Konsol Günlükçüsü hakkında daha fazla bilgi: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Description: Runs tests from the specified files. - Açıklama: Belirtilen dosyalardan testleri çalıştırır. + Description: Runs tests from the specified files. Options: - Seçenekler: + Options: Section Header for subsequent command help listing Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] - Kullanım: vstest.console.exe [Bağımsız Değişkenler] [Seçenekler] [[--] <RunSettings bağımsız değişkenleri>...]] + Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] No test source files were specified. - Test kaynak dosyası belirtilmedi. + No test source files were specified. No arguments were specified. - Bağımsız değişken belirtilmedi. + No arguments were specified. @@ -153,59 +153,59 @@ Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll - [TestFileNames] - Belirtilen dosyalardaki veya joker karakter desenindeki testleri çalıştırın. Birden çok test dosyası adını veya desenini - boşluklarla ayırın. Eşleşen test dosyalarını görüntülemek için konsol günlükçüsü ayrıntı düzeyini ayrıntılı olarak ayarlayın. - Örnekler: testprojem.dll - testprojem.dll diğertestprojem.exe - testprojem*.dll diğer*projem.dll + [TestFileNames] + Run tests from the specified files or wild card pattern. Separate multiple test file names or pattern + by spaces. Set console logger verbosity to detailed to view matched test files. + Examples: mytestproject.dll + mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe + testproject*.dll my*project.dll The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: - Şu Ayar Sağlayıcısı Eklentileri kullanılabilir: + The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> Settings to use when running tests. - --Settings|/Settings:<Ayarlar Dosyası> - Testleri çalıştırırken kullanılacak ayarlar. + --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> + Settings to use when running tests. The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. - /Settings parametresi bir ayarlar dosyasının belirtilmesini gerektirir. + The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. - '{0}' Ayarlar dosyası bulunamadı. + The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. Test Run Failed. - Test Çalıştırması Başarısız. + Test Run Failed. Test Run Successful. - Test Çalıştırması Başarılı. + Test Run Successful. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. - {0} bağımsız değişkeni 'InIsolation' komutunda beklenmiyor. Komutu bağımsız değişken olmadan belirtin (Örnek: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) ve yeniden deneyin. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions parametresi bir değer gerektiriyor. Değer 'true' ise test çalıştırmasında yüklü VSIX uzantıları (varsa) kullanılır. Değer false ise uzantılar yoksayılır. Örnek: /UseVsixExtensions:true + The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. - {0} bağımsız değişkeni 'UseVsixExtensions' komutunda beklenmiyor. Komutta vsix uzantılarının kullanılacağını veya atlanacağını belirtin (Örnek: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) ve yeniden deneyin. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. @@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests may run slower. - --InIsolation|/InIsolation - Testleri yalıtılmış bir işlemde çalıştırır. Bu, vstest.console.exe - işleminin testlerdeki bir hata nedeniyle durdurulması olasılığını azaltır, - ancak testler daha yavaş çalışabilir. + --InIsolation|/InIsolation + Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe + process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests + may run slower. @@ -224,20 +224,20 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. Example /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions - Bu işlem vstest.console.exe işleminin test çalıştırmasında yüklü VSIX - uzantılarını (varsa) kullanmasını veya atlamasını sağlar. - Örnek /UseVsixExtensions:true + /UseVsixExtensions + This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions + installed(if any) in the test run. + Example /UseVsixExtensions:true The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 - /BatchSize bağımsız değişkeni toplu iş boyutunu gerektirir. Örnek: /BatchSize:10 + The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 - {0} toplu iş boyutu geçersiz. Toplu iş boyutu sıfırdan büyük olmalıdır. Örnek: /BatchSize:10 + Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 @@ -245,67 +245,67 @@ >vstest.console.exe tests.dll To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings - Testleri çalıştırmak için: + To run tests: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll - Testleri veri toplayıcılar gibi ek ayarlarla çalıştırmak için: + To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings /ListDiscoverers Lists installed test discoverers. - /ListDiscoverers - Yüklü test bulucuları listeler. + /ListDiscoverers + Lists installed test discoverers. /ListExecutors Lists installed test executors. - /ListExecutors - Yüklü test yürütücülerini listeler. + /ListExecutors + Lists installed test executors. /ListLoggers Lists installed test loggers. - /ListLoggers - Yüklü test günlükçülerini listeler. + /ListLoggers + Lists installed test loggers. /ListSettingsProviders Lists installed test settings providers. - /ListSettingsProviders - Yüklü test ayarları sağlayıcılarını listeler. + /ListSettingsProviders + Lists installed test settings providers. -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. - -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<Dosya Adı> - Verilen test kapsayıcısında bulunan tüm testleri listeler. + -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> + Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. Time elapsed : - Geçen süre: + Time elapsed : The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 - /Tests bağımsız değişkeni, alt dizelerinde bir veya daha fazla belirli test adının olmasını gerektirir. - Örnekler: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 + The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. + Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Toplam {0} test bulundu, ancak belirtilen ölçütlerle eşleşen test yok({1}). Doğru değerleri kullanın ve yeniden deneyin. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. , - , + , @@ -314,90 +314,90 @@ values, separate them by commas. Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 - --Tests|/Tests:<Test Adları> - Sağlanan değerlerle eşleşen adlara sahip testleri çalıştırır. Birden çok - değer sağlamak için, değerleri virgülle ayırın. - Örnekler: /Tests:TestYöntemi1 - /Tests:TestYöntemi1,testYöntemi2 + --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> + Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple + values, separate them by commas. + Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 + /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 Please verify if the console output looks good after modifiaction. Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - runsettings içinde tanılama veri bağdaştırıcıları etkinleştirildiğinden testleri çalıştırmak üzere Yalıtım modu kullanılıyor. Bu uyarıyı kapatmak için /inIsolation parametresini kullanın. + Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Windows Mağazası uygulamaları için birim testlerini çalıştırmak üzere Yalıtım modu kullanılıyor. Bu uyarıyı kapatmak için /InIsolation parametresini kullanın. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Windows Mağazası uygulamaları için birim testleri çalıştırılırken tanılama veri bağdaştırıcıları desteklenmiyor. Ayarlardan tanılama veri bağdaştırıcısı ayarlarını kaldırın. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. FriendlyName: {0} - FriendlyName: {0} + FriendlyName: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} SettingName: {0} - SettingName: {0} + SettingName: {0} Supported File Types: - Desteklenen Dosya Türleri: + Supported File Types: {0} - {0} + {0} {0}, - {0}, + {0}, Default Executor Uri: {0} - Varsayılan Yürütücü URI’si: {0} + Default Executor Uri: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. - Geçersiz platform türü: {0}. Geçerli platform türleri şunlardır: {1}. + Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. 0 is the platform type e.g. x86, and 1 is a list of the built in platforms, e.g. x86, x64 The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 - /Platform bağımsız değişkeni, test çalıştırması için hedef platform türünün belirtilmesini gerektirir. Örnek: /Platform:x86 + The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. - --Platform|/Platform:<Platform türü> - Test yürütmesi için kullanılacak hedef platform mimarisi. - Geçerli değerler x86, x64 ve ARM'dir. + --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> + Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. + Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Testleri test çalıştırması için etkili Platformun:{0} ve .NET Framework:{1} ayarlarının gerektirdiği şekilde çalıştırmak için Yalıtım modu kullanılıyor. Bu uyarıyı kapatmak için /inIsolation parametresini kullanın. + Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. @@ -405,25 +405,25 @@ Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Sürümü> - Test yürütme için kullanılacak hedef .Net Framework sürümü. - Geçerli değerler: ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" vb. - Diğer desteklenen değerler: Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 ve FrameworkUap10. + --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> + Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. + Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. + Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" - /Framework bağımsız değişkeni test çalıştırması için hedef .NET Framework sürümünü gerektirir. Örnek: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" + The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - Geçersiz .NET Framework sürümü:{0}. Lütfen TargetFramework tam adını (Örnek: .NETCoreApp,Sürüm=v2.0) belirtin. Desteklenen diğer .NET Framework sürümleri Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10’dur. + Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. - Windows Mağazası uygulamalarına yönelik birim testleri için test çalıştırması başlatılamadı: {0}. + Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. @@ -436,81 +436,81 @@ Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" - --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<İfade> - Verilen ifadeyle eşleşen testleri çalıştırır. - <İfade>, <özellik>İşleç<değer>[|&<İfade>] biçimindedir; - burada İşleç =, != veya ~ simgelerinden biridir (~ İşleci 'içerir' - anlamına gelir ve DisplayName gibi dize özelliklerine uygulanabilir). - Alt ifadeleri gruplandırmak için ayraç () kullanılabilir. - Örnekler: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" - /TestCaseFilter:"(TamAd~Gece - |Name=TestYöntemim)" + --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> + Run tests that match the given expression. + <Expression> is of the format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] + where Operator is one of =, != or ~ (Operator ~ has 'contains' + semantics and is applicable for string properties like DisplayName). + Parenthesis () can be used to group sub-expressions. + Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" + /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly + |Name=MyTestMethod)" The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" - /TestCaseFilter bağımsız değişkeni filtre değeri gerektirir. - Filtre değeri <özellik>=<değer> türünde olabilir. - Örnekler: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Gece" + The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. + Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. + Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. - /TestCaseFilter bağımsız değişkeni /Tests ile belirtilemez. Testler belirtildiğinde test örneklerinin filtrelemesi geçerli değildir. + The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. - {0}, {1}/{2} için derlendi. Bir çalıştırmada belirtilen test bütünleştirilmiş kodu ortak bir hedef .NET framework ve platforma sahip olmalıdır. + {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. - Testleri çalıştırmak için yalnızca bir uygulama paketi (.appx dosyası) belirtilebilir. + Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. Starting test discovery, please wait... - Test bulma başlatılıyor, lütfen bekleyin... + Starting test discovery, please wait... Starting test execution, please wait... - Test yürütmesi başlatılıyor, lütfen bekleyin... + Starting test execution, please wait... Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. - Tanılama veri bağdaştırıcısı ayarlarının okunması çalışan bir '{0}' oluşturdu. Tüm tanılama veri bağdaştırıcıları bu çalıştırmada atlanacak. + Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. - /EnableCodeCoverage - Test çalıştırması için 'CodeCoverage' veri toplayıcısını etkinleştirir. + /EnableCodeCoverage + Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. - {0} bağımsız değişkeni 'EnableCodeCoverage' komutunda beklenmiyor. Komutu bağımsız değişken olmadan belirtin (Örnek: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) ve yeniden deneyin. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. - '{0}' uygulama paketi, test yürütücüsü giriş noktasına sahip değil. Windows Mağazası uygulamalarına yönelik birim testlerini çalıştırmak için Windows Mağazası uygulaması Birim Testi Kitaplığı projesini kullanarak uygulama paketini oluşturun. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Kod kapsamı Windows Mağazası uygulamaları için kullanılamaz. Bu test çalıştırması için kod kapsamı analizi atlandı. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - Toplam {0} test bulundu, ancak bazı testler belirtilen ölçütlerle eşleşmiyor({1}). Doğru değerleri kullanın ve yeniden deneyin. + A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. @@ -518,65 +518,65 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> - --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath - Bu, vstest.console.exe işleminin test çalıştırmasında verilen yoldan - (varsa) özel test bağdaştırıcılarını kullanmasını sağlar. - Örnek /TestAdapterPath:<özelBağdaştırıcılarınYolu> + --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath + This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters + from a given path (if any) in the test run. + Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters - /TestAdapterPath parametresi, özel test bağdaştırıcıları içeren bir konumun yolu olan değeri gerektirir. Örnek: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters + The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} - 'TestAdapterPath' içinde belirtilen '{0}' yolu geçersiz. Hata: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Belirtilen özel test bağdaştırıcısı arama yolu bulunamadı; geçerli bir yol belirtin ve yeniden deneyin. + The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. - 'TestAdapterPath' içinde belirtilen '{0}' yolu hiçbir test bağdaştırıcısı içermiyor; geçerli bir yol belirtin ve yeniden deneyin. + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. - Windows Phone uygulamasına yönelik testler için test çalıştırması başlatılamadı: {0}. + Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - Windows Phone uygulamaları için birim testlerini çalıştırmak üzere Yalıtım modu kullanılıyor. Bu uyarıyı kapatmak için /InIsolation parametresini kullanın. + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Kod kapsamı Windows Phone uygulamaları için kullanılamaz. Bu test çalıştırması için kod kapsamı analizi atlandı. + Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - Windows Phone uygulamaları için birim testleri çalıştırılırken tanılama veri bağdaştırıcıları desteklenmiyor. Ayarlardan tanılama veri bağdaştırıcısı ayarlarını kaldırın. + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. - '{0}' uygulama paketi, test yürütücüsü giriş noktasına sahip değil. Windows Phone uygulamalarına yönelik birim testlerini çalıştırmak için Windows Phone Birim Testi Uygulaması projesini kullanarak uygulama paketini oluşturun. + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. - Testleri çalıştırmak için {0} çerçevesi kullanılıyor. Bu uyarıyı kapatmak için /Framework:{1} değerini belirtin. + Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. - Belirtilen test kapsayıcılarında test bulunamadı. Ayrıca, Microsoft Windows Mağazası Birim testi bağdaştırıcısı .appxbundle dosyalarını desteklemiyor. Uygulama Paketi oluştururken bir appx oluşturun (Uygulama paketi grubu oluştur seçeneğini Hiçbir Zaman olarak ayarlayın) ve yeniden deneyin. + No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. @@ -584,185 +584,185 @@ Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up to all available cores on the machine may be used. The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. - --Parallel|/Parallel - Testlerin paralel olarak yürütülmesini belirtir. Varsayılan olarak - makine üzerindeki tüm mevcut çekirdekler kullanılabilir. - Kullanılacak çekirdek sayısı bir ayarlar dosyası kullanılarak yapılandırılabilir. + --Parallel|/Parallel + Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up + to all available cores on the machine may be used. + The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. - {0} bağımsız değişkeni 'Parallel' komutunda beklenmiyor. Komutu bağımsız değişken olmadan belirtin (Örnek: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) ve yeniden deneyin. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. Cannot be null or empty - Null veya boş olamaz + Cannot be null or empty --Port|/Port:<Port> The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port:<Bağlantı Noktası> - Yuva bağlantısı ve olay iletilerini almaya yönelik Bağlantı Noktası. + --Port|/Port:<Port> + The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port bağımsız değişkeni tamsayı olan bir bağlantı noktası numarası gerektirir. Yuva bağlantısına ve olay iletilerini almaya yönelik bağlantı noktasını belirtin. + The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. - Test kapsamındaki bütünleştirilmiş kod bulunamıyor. Lütfen projenin oluşturulduğundan emin olun. + Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. The Path {0} does not exist. - {0} Yolu yok. + The Path {0} does not exist. --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> The directory containing the temporary outputs. - --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> - Geçici çıkışları içeren dizin. + --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> + The directory containing the temporary outputs. -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release - -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> - Projenin derleme nedeni olan yapılandırma (Debug/Release) + -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> + The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release The given configuration is invalid. - Belirtilen yapılandırma geçersiz. + The given configuration is invalid. -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> The directory containing the binaries to run. - -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Çıkış> - Çalıştırılacak ikili dosyaları içeren dizin. + -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> + The directory containing the binaries to run. The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - BuildBasePath bulunamadı, geçerli bir yol belirtin ve yeniden deneyin. + The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - Çıkış yolu bulunamadı, geçerli bir yol belirtin ve yeniden deneyin. + The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. Additional Information Messages: - Ek Bilgi İletileri: + Additional Information Messages: Days - Gün + Days Error Message: - Hata İletisi: + Error Message: Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} - Toplam süre: {0:0.0000} {1} + Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} Hours - Saat + Hours Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - URI veya FriendlyName değeri '{0}' olan bir test günlükçüsü bulunamadı. + Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Minutes - Dakika + Minutes Seconds - Saniye + Seconds Stack Trace: - Yığın İzleme: + Stack Trace: Standard Error Messages: - Standart Hata İletileri: + Standard Error Messages: Standard Output Messages: - Standart Çıkış İletileri: + Standard Output Messages: Attachments: - Ekler: + Attachments: {0} - {0} + {0} No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - {0} içinde hiç test yok. Yüklü test bulucuları ve yükleyicileri, platform ve çerçeve sürümü ayarlarının uygun olmasına dikkat edin ve yeniden deneyin. + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Failed - Başarısız + Failed Message which is written to the console when a test fails. Passed - Başarılı + Passed Message which is written to the console when a test passes. Skipped - Atlandı + Skipped Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} - Belirtilen kaynaklar için bulma başarısız oldu. Özel durum: {0} + Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> - Geçerli işlemi başlatmadan sorumlu Üst İşlemin işlem kimliği. + --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> + Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId bağımsız değişkeni, işlem kimliğinin tamsayı olmasını gerektirir. Bu işlemi başlatan üst işlemin işlem kimliğini belirtin. + The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. Arguments: - Bağımsız değişkenler: + Arguments: @@ -773,28 +773,28 @@ Change the trace level for logs as shown below Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. - --Diag|/Diag:<Günlük dosyası yolu> - Test platformu için günlükleri sağlayın. - Günlükler sağlanan dosyaya yazılır. + --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> + Enable logs for test platform. + Logs are written to the provided file. -Günlükler için izleme düzeyini aşağıda gösterildiği gibi değiştirin - Örnek: /Diag:<Günlük dosyası yolu>; tracelevel=<Varsayılan olarak "ayrıntılı" değerini alır> - tracelevel için izin verilen değerler: kapalı, hata, uyarı, bilgiler ve ayrıntılı. + Change the trace level for logs as shown below + Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> + Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. The file {0} provided is read only - Belirtilen {0} dosyası salt okunur + The file {0} provided is read only Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} - Şu bağlantı noktası üzerinde DesignModeClient için bağlantı veya işleme isteği zaman aşımı: {0} + Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} Not Run - Çalıştırılmadı + Not Run @@ -802,61 +802,61 @@ Günlükler için izleme düzeyini aşağıda gösterildiği gibi değiştirin Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. More info on RunSettings arguments support: - RunSettings bağımsız değişkenleri: - Komut satırı aracılığıyla runsettings yapılandırmalarını geçirmek için kullanılan bağımsız değişkenler. Bağımsız değişkenler "-- " karakterlerinden sonra [ad]=[değer] biçiminde ad-değer çifti olarak belirtilebilir. -- karakterlerinden sonra boşluk olduğuna dikkat edin. - Birden fazla [ad]=[değer] çiftini ayırmak için bir boşluk kullanın. - RunSettings bağımsız değişkenleri desteği hakkında daha fazla bilgi: + RunSettings arguments: + Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. + Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. + More info on RunSettings arguments support: One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token - Sağlanan bir veya daha fazla runsettings geçersiz belirteç içeriyor + One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> - --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory - Mevcut değilse test sonuçları dizini belirtilen yolda oluşturulacak. - Örnek /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> + --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory + Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. + Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory - /ResultsDirectory parametresi test sonuçlarının kaydedileceği bir değer gerektirir. Örnek: /ResultsDirectory:c:\TestSonuçlarıDizinim + The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} - 'ResultsDirectory' içinde belirtilen '{0}' yolu geçersiz. Hata: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process - /InIsolation bayrağı kullanım dışı bırakıldı. Testler her zaman ayrı bir işlem içinde çalıştırılır + The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} - Vstest Tanılamaları şu dosyadaki günlüğe kaydediliyor: {0} + Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : - --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> - Test çalıştırması için veri toplayıcıyı etkinleştirir. Daha fazla bilgi: + --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> + Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. - Veri Toplayıcı kolay adı '{0}' geçerli değil. Veri Toplayıcı yoksayılacak. + The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. Debug Traces Messages: - Hata Ayıklama İzleme İletileri: + Debug Traces Messages: @@ -872,77 +872,77 @@ Günlükler için izleme düzeyini aşağıda gösterildiği gibi değiştirin Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full - --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] - Testi blame modunda çalıştırır. Bu seçenek, test ana bilgisayarının kilitlenmesine neden olan sorunlu testin ayrı tutulmasını sağlar. - Geçerli dizinde, kilitlenmeden önce testin yürütülme düzenini yakalayan, - “Sequence.xml” adlı bir çıkış dosyası oluşturur. - İsteğe bağlı olarak test ana bilgisayarının işlem dökümünü çıkarmayı seçebilirsiniz. - Dökümü çıkarmayı seçtiğinizde, kilitlenme durumunda varsayılan olarak bir mini döküm çıkarılır. - Dilerseniz bazı isteğe bağlı parametrelerle bu varsayılan davranışı geçersiz kılabilirsiniz: - CollectAlways - Kilitlenme olmasa da her çıkışta döküm çıkarma (true/false) - DumpType - Döküm türünü belirtme (mini/full). - Örnek: /Blame + --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] + Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash. + It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml", + that captures the order of execution of test before the crash. + You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host. + When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash. + You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters: + CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false) + DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full). + Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full Test Run Aborted. - Test Çalıştırması Durduruldu. + Test Run Aborted. Test Run Canceled. - Test Çalıştırması İptal Edildi. + Test Run Canceled. Error opening response file '{0}' - '{0}' yanıt dosyası açılırken hata oluştu + Error opening response file '{0}' @<file> Read response file for more options. - @<dosya> - Daha fazla seçenek için yanıt dosyasını okuyun. + @<file> + Read response file for more options. Total tests: Unknown - Toplam test sayısı: Bilinmiyor + Total tests: Unknown {0} {1} - {0} {1} + {0} {1} Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. - Buna ek olarak, test bağdaştırıcıları yolu /TestAdapterPath komutu kullanılarak belirtilebilir. Örnek /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. + Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. - /UseVsixExtensions kullanımdan kaldırılıyor. Lütfen bunun yerine /TestAdapterPath kullanın. + /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true - --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> - Örnek: /DisableAutoFakes:true + --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> + Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. - --Collect|/Collect: Test çalıştırmasını yapılandırmak için test ayarları kullanıldığında "{0}" desteklenmez. + --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. - Çalıştırma ayarları aracılığıyla yapılandırılan Kod Kapsamı ve Microsoft Fakes dışındaki veri toplayıcılar, ekli test ayarlarında desteklenmiyor. Daha fazla bilgi için bkz. Çalıştırma ayarları: {0}. + Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. @@ -958,115 +958,115 @@ Günlükler için izleme düzeyini aşağıda gösterildiği gibi değiştirin Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<Günlükçü URI/FriendlyName> - Test sonuçları için bir günlükçü belirtin. Örneğin, sonuçları bir - Visual Studio Test Sonuçları Dosyası'na (TRX) kaydetmek için şunu kullanın: /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Varsayılan olarak benzersiz dosya adını alır>] - İlgili LogFileName ile TestResults dizininde dosya oluşturur. + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - Konsol günlükçüsü için ayrıntı düzeyini günlük iletilerinde aşağıda gösterildiği gibi değiştirin - Örnek: /logger:console;verbosity=<Varsayılan olarak "minimal" değerini alır> - Ayrıntı için izin verilen değerler: quiet, minimal, normal ve detailed. + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - Konsol günlükçüsü için tanılama düzeyi ön ekini aşağıda gösterildiği gibi değiştirin - Örnek: /logger:console;prefix=<Varsayılan olarak "false" değerini alır> - Konsol Günlükçüsü hakkında daha fazla bilgi: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. - Blame için CollectDump seçeneğine göre kilitlenme bilgi dökümlerinin toplanması bu platform için desteklenmiyor. + Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. - Blame ile belirtilen blame parametresi {0} geçerli değil. Bu parametre yoksayılıyor. + The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. - Diag dosya yolu '{0}' geçerli değil. + Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. - Blame bağımsız değişkeni '{0}' geçerli değil. + Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. - Diag bağımsız değişkeni '{0}' geçerli değil. + Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. - Logger bağımsız değişkeni '{0}' geçerli değil. + Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". - Framework35 desteklenmiyor. İçin hedefleme .net Framework 3.5, test CLR 4.0 "uyumluluk moduna" çalışacak. + Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". Test run in progress - Test çalıştırması devam ediyor + Test run in progress Total tests: {0} - Toplam test sayısı: {0} + Total tests: {0} Failed: {0} - Başarısız: {0} + Failed: {0} Passed: {0} - Geçti: {0} + Passed: {0} Skipped: {0} - Atlandı: {0} + Skipped: {0} The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. - {0} bağımsız değişkeni geçersiz. Lütfen geçerli bağımsız değişkenlerin listesini denetlemek için /help seçeneğini kullanın. + The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. - Toplam {0} test dosyası belirtilen desenle eşleşti. + A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") - '{0}' test çalıştırması parametre bağımsız değişkeni geçersiz. Lütfen aşağıdaki biçimi kullanın. - Biçim: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") + The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. + Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. - Blame için TestTimeout ile CollectDump seçeneğine göre asılı kalma bilgi dökümlerinin toplanması bu platform için desteklenmiyor. + Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} - {0} - Başarısız: {1}, Başarılı: {2}, Atlanan: {3}, Toplam: {4}, Süre: {5} + {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} None - Hiçbiri + None - {0} {1} - - {0} {1} + - {0} {1} @@ -1078,29 +1078,29 @@ Günlükler için izleme düzeyini aşağıda gösterildiği gibi değiştirin Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" - -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> - Bir ortam değişkeninin değerini ayarlar. Değişken mevcut değilse oluşturur, varsa geçersiz kılar. Bu, /InIsolation anahtarını kapsar ve testleri yalıtılmış bir işlemde çalıştırılmaya zorlar. + -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> + Sets the value of an environment variable. Creates the variable if it does not exist, overrides if it does. This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - Birden çok değişken sağlamak için bu bağımsız değişken birden çok kez belirtilebilir. + This argument can be specified multiple times to provide multiple variables. - Örnek: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 + Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. - '{0}' ortam değişkeni zaten tanımlandı, ancak -Environment bağımsız değişkeni tarafından geçersiz kılındı. + Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. Test Run Aborted with error {0}. - Test Çalıştırması {0} hatasıyla durduruldu. + Test Run Aborted with error {0}. Invalid testSessionCorrelationId - testSessionCorrelationId geçersiz + Invalid testSessionCorrelationId @@ -1124,36 +1124,36 @@ Günlükler için izleme düzeyini aşağıda gösterildiği gibi değiştirin - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. - --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> - Bu, bağdaştırıcı yükleme davranışını etkiliyor. + --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> + This affects adapter loading behavior. - Şu anda desteklenen davranışlar: - - Açık: Test Platformu yalnızca /TestAdapterPath (veya RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths düğümü) tarafından belirtilen bağdaştırıcıları yükler. - Belirli bir bağdaştırıcı yolu sağlanırsa, bağdaştırıcı yüklenir; bir dizin yolu sağlanırsa Özyinelemeli seçeneği de belirtilmediği sürece bağdaştırıcılar doğrudan bu klasörde yüklenir. - Bağdaştırıcı yolu belirtilmezse test çalıştırması başarısız olur. - Bu, /InIsolation geçiş işlemini belirtir ve testleri yalıtılmış bir işlemde çalıştırılmaya zorlar. + Currently supported behaviors: + - Explicit: Test Platform will only load adapters specified by /TestAdapterPath (or RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). + If a specific adapter path is provided, adapter will be loaded; if a directory path is provided adapters directly in that folder will be loaded, unless Recursive option is also specified. + If no adapter path is specified, test run will fail. + This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - - Varsayılan: Bu bağımsız değişken belirtilmemişse, Test Platformu bağdaştırıcıları yükler. - Kaynağın yanında, sağlanan ek bağdaştırıcı yolları ve varsayılan dizinden uzantılar alır. + - Default: Test Platform will load adapters is if this argument has not been specified. + It will pick up extensions from next to source, provided additional adapter paths and from the default directory. - - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Test Platformu ile gönderilen varsayılan çalışma zamanı sağlayıcılarını yükleyin. - "Explicit" seçeneği ayarlandığında bu belirtilmezse, bir test ana bilgisayar sağlayıcısının açıkça belirtilmesi gerekir. + - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Load default runtime providers shipped with Test Platform. + If this is not specified when "Explicit" option is set, a test host provider need to be specified explicitly. -- ExtensionsDirectory: Bağdaştırıcıları Uzantılar klasörünün içine yükleyin. + - ExtensionsDirectory: Load adapters inside Extensions folder. - - NextToSource: Bağdaştırıcıları kaynağın yanında yükle. + - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - - Özyinelemeli: Bağdaştırıcılar yüklenirken klasörleri özyinelemeli olarak arayın. Bu, "Explicit" veya "NextToSource" öğesinin de belirtilmesini gerektirir. + - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. Do not translate "Default", "DefaultRuntimeProviders", "ExtensionsDirectory", "NextToSource" or "Recursive". Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! - /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy için belirtilen değer ({0}) geçersiz! + Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Özyinelemeli bağdaştırıcı yükleme stratejisi kendisi tarafından kullanılamaz. Lütfen bir veya daha fazla öğeyle birleştirin: {0} + Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Do not translate "Recursive", - {0} is the strategy names, seperated by comma: for example "Explicit, NextToSource" @@ -1161,67 +1161,67 @@ Günlükler için izleme düzeyini aşağıda gösterildiği gibi değiştirin The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! - Test bağdaştırıcısı yükleme stratejisi "{0}" belirtilirken /TestAdapterPath parametresi belirtilmelidir! + The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! {0} is the strategy name, "Explicit" for example. vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. - vstest.console.exe, öykünülen modda {0} olarak çalışıyor. Daha iyi performans için vstest.console.arm64.exe yerel çalıştırıcısını kullanmayı deneyin. + vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. - İstek işleyicisi bağlantısını bekleme süresi {0} saniye sonra zaman aşımına uğradı. + Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Test oturumunun başlamasını bekleme süresi {0} saniye sonra zaman aşımına uğradı. + Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. - Test oturumunun durdurulmasını bekleme süresi {0} saniye sonra zaman aşımına uğradı. + Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. Error hosting communication channel. - İletişim kanalını barındırma hatası. + Error hosting communication channel. ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. - İşlem sonrası hata ayıklayıcısını yüklemek veya kaldırmak için ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath belirtilmelidir. + ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. - Postmortem hata ayıklayıcısı mevcut işletim sisteminde desteklenmiyor. + Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) - Procdump yürütülebilir dosyası için belirtilen dizin geçerli değil ve araç ortam değişkenleri içinde bulunamadı (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) + The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) Procdump file name not found: '{0}' - Procdump dosya adı bulunamadı: '{0}' + Procdump file name not found: '{0}' DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. - Son mortem hata ayıklayıcısını yüklemek için DumpDirectoryPath belirtilmelidir. + DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' - Belirtilen dizin geçerli değil: '{0}' + The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. - '{0}' AeDebugger bağımsız değişkeni geçerli değil. + AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf index c7d0b58b6e..e9debbc2af 100644 --- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,94 +4,94 @@ '{0}' not found. - 未找到“{0}”。 + '{0}' not found. The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: - 以下测试发现外接程序可用: + The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: - 以下测试执行外接程序可用: + The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: {0}: {1} - {0}: {1} + {0}: {1} The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: - 以下测试记录器加载项可用: + The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: Error: {0} - 错误: {0} + Error: {0} , {0} - 、{0} + , {0} Format used to comma separate a list of values. The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. - 应只提供一次参数“{0}”。 + The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} - 实例化扩展“{0}”时出现异常: {1} + Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} The following Tests are available: - 以下测试可用: + The following Tests are available: Unrecognized parameter "{0}". - 无法识别的参数“{0}”。 + Unrecognized parameter "{0}". The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. - 找不到提供的测试源文件“{0}”。 + The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - 测试记录器 URI“{0}”无效。将忽略该测试记录器。 + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Information: {0} - 信息: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - 警告: {0} + Warning: {0} -?|--Help|/?|/Help Display this usage message. - -?|--Help|/?|/Help - 显示此用法信息。 + -?|--Help|/?|/Help + Display this usage message. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - 版权所有 (C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。 + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} - Microsoft (R) 测试执行命令行工具版本 {0} + Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} @@ -107,43 +107,43 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> - 为测试结果指定一个记录器。例如,若要将结果记录到 - Visual Studio 测试结果文件(TRX)中,请使用/logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] - 使用给定的 LogFileName 在 TestResults 目录中创建文件。 + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - 更改控制台记录器的日志消息中的详细程度,如下所示 - 示例: /logger:console;verbosity<Defaults to "normal"> - 允许的详细程度的值: quiet、minimal、normal 和 detailed。 + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - 更改控制台记录器的诊断级别前缀,如下所示 - 示例: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> - 此处为控制台记录器的详细信息: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Description: Runs tests from the specified files. - 说明: 从指定的文件运行测试。 + Description: Runs tests from the specified files. Options: - 选项: + Options: Section Header for subsequent command help listing Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] - 用法: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] + Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] No test source files were specified. - 未指定测试源文件。 + No test source files were specified. No arguments were specified. - 未指定参数。 + No arguments were specified. @@ -153,59 +153,59 @@ Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll - [TestFileNames] - 从指定的文件或通配符模式运行测试。通过空格将多个测试文件或模式分隔开来。 - 将控制台记录器详细程度设置为“详细”以查看匹配的测试文件。 - 示例: mytestproject.dll + [TestFileNames] + Run tests from the specified files or wild card pattern. Separate multiple test file names or pattern + by spaces. Set console logger verbosity to detailed to view matched test files. + Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: - 以下设置提供程序外接程序可用: + The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> Settings to use when running tests. - --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> - 运行测试时要使用的设置。 + --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> + Settings to use when running tests. The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. - /Settings 参数要求提供设置文件。 + The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. - 找不到设置文件“{0}”。 + The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. Test Run Failed. - 测试运行失败。 + Test Run Failed. Test Run Successful. - 测试运行成功。 + Test Run Successful. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. - 参数 {0} 不应出现在 "InIsolation" 命令中。指定不带该参数的命令(示例: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation),然后重试。 + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions 参数需要一个值。如果值为 "true",则安装的 VSIX 扩展(如果有)将用在测试运行中。如果值为 "false",则将其忽略。示例: /UseVsixExtensions:true + The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. - 参数 {0} 不应出现在 "UseVsixExtensions" 命令中.指定指示是否应使用或跳过 vsix 扩展的命令(示例:vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true),然后重试. + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. @@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests may run slower. - --InIsolation|/InIsolation - 在独立进程中运行测试。虽然这可使 vstest.console.exe - 进程在测试出现错误时停止的可能性较小,但是测试的 - 运行速度会较慢。 + --InIsolation|/InIsolation + Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe + process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests + may run slower. @@ -224,20 +224,20 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. Example /UseVsixExtensions:true - / UseVsixExtensions - 这可使 vstest.console.exe 进程在测试运行中使用或者跳过 - 安装的 VSIX 扩展(如果有)。 - 示例 /UseVsixExtensions:true + /UseVsixExtensions + This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions + installed(if any) in the test run. + Example /UseVsixExtensions:true The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 - /BatchSize 参数要求批的大小。示例: /BatchSize:10 + The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 - 批大小 {0} 无效。批大小应大于零。示例: /BatchSize:10 + Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 @@ -245,67 +245,67 @@ >vstest.console.exe tests.dll To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings - 运行测试: - >vstest.console.exe tests.dll - 使用其他设置(如数据收集器)运行测试: - >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings + To run tests: + >vstest.console.exe tests.dll + To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: + >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings /ListDiscoverers Lists installed test discoverers. - / ListDiscoverers - 列出已安装的测试发现器。 + /ListDiscoverers + Lists installed test discoverers. /ListExecutors Lists installed test executors. - / ListExecutors - 列出已安装的测试执行器。 + /ListExecutors + Lists installed test executors. /ListLoggers Lists installed test loggers. - / ListLoggers - 列出已安装的测试记录器。 + /ListLoggers + Lists installed test loggers. /ListSettingsProviders Lists installed test settings providers. - / ListSettingsProviders - 列出已安装的测试设置提供程序。 + /ListSettingsProviders + Lists installed test settings providers. -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. - -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> - 从给定测试容器中列出所有已发现的测试。 + -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> + Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. Time elapsed : - 已用时间: + Time elapsed : The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 - /Tests 参数要求一个或多个特定测试名称或其子字符串。 - 示例: /Tests:TestsMethod1、/Tests:TestMethod1、method2 + The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. + Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - 共发现 {0} 个测试,但没有与指定选择条件 ({1}) 匹配的测试。使用正确的值,然后重试。 + A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. , - + , @@ -314,90 +314,90 @@ values, separate them by commas. Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 - --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> - 运行其名称与所提供值相匹配的测试。若要提供多个 - 值,请用逗号将这些值分隔开。 - 示例: /Tests:TestMethod1 - /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 + --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> + Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple + values, separate them by commas. + Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 + /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 Please verify if the console output looks good after modifiaction. Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - 使用隔离模式运行测试,因为已在 runsettings 中启用了诊断数据适配器。使用 /inIsolation 参数取消此警告。 + Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - 使用隔离模式为 Windows 应用商店应用运行单元测试。使用 /InIsolation 参数取消此警告。 + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - 为 Windows 应用商店应用运行单元测试时不支持诊断数据适配器。从设置中删除诊断数据适配器设置。 + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. FriendlyName: {0} - FriendlyName: {0} + FriendlyName: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} SettingName: {0} - SettingName: {0} + SettingName: {0} Supported File Types: - 支持的文件类型: + Supported File Types: {0} - {0} + {0} {0}, - {0}, + {0}, Default Executor Uri: {0} - 默认执行器 URI: {0} + Default Executor Uri: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. - 无效的平台类型: {0}。有效的平台类型为 {1}。 + Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. 0 is the platform type e.g. x86, and 1 is a list of the built in platforms, e.g. x86, x64 The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 - /Platform 参数要求提供用于测试运行的目标平台类型。示例: /Platform:x86 + The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. - --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> - 用于执行测试的目标平台体系结构。 - 有效值为 x86、x64 和 ARM。 + --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> + Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. + Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - 按照针对测试运行有效的 Platform:{0} 和 .Net Framework:{1} 设置要求,使用隔离模式运行测试。使用 /inIsolation 参数取消此警告。 + Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. @@ -405,25 +405,25 @@ Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> - 用于执行测试的目标 .Net Framework 版本。 - 有效值为 ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" 等。 - 其他支持的值为 Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10 和 FrameworkUap10。 + --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> + Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. + Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. + Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" - /Framework 参数要求用于测试运行的目标 .Net Framework 版本。示例: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" + The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - 无效的 .Net Framework 版本: {0}。请提供 TargetFramework 的全名(示例: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0)。其他支持的 .Net Framework 版本为 Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10 和 FrameworkUap10。 + Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. - 无法启动针对 Windows 应用商店应用的单元测试的测试运行: {0}。 + Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. @@ -436,81 +436,81 @@ Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" - --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> - 运行与给定表达式匹配的测试。 - <Expression> 的格式为 <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] - 其中,Operator 是 =、!= 或 ~ (Operator ~ 具有 "contains" - 语义且适用于诸如 DisplayName 之类的字符串属性)。 - 括号()可用于对子表达式进行分组。 - 示例: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" - /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly - |Name=MyTestMethod)" + --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> + Run tests that match the given expression. + <Expression> is of the format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] + where Operator is one of =, != or ~ (Operator ~ has 'contains' + semantics and is applicable for string properties like DisplayName). + Parenthesis () can be used to group sub-expressions. + Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" + /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly + |Name=MyTestMethod)" The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" - /TestCaseFilter 参数需要筛选器值。 - 筛选器值可以是“<属性>=<值>”类型。 - 示例: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" + The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. + Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. + Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. - 不能使用 /Tests 指定 /TestCaseFilter 参数。指定测试时无法筛选测试用例。 + The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. - {0} 为 {1}/{2} 而生成。运行中指定的测试程序集应具有共有的目标.Net Framework 和平台。 + {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. - 只能为运行测试指定一个应用包(.appx 文件)。 + Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. Starting test discovery, please wait... - 正在启动测试发现,请稍候... + Starting test discovery, please wait... Starting test execution, please wait... - 正在启动测试执行,请稍候... + Starting test execution, please wait... Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. - 读取诊断数据适配器设置引发了“{0}”的运行。将在此运行中跳过所有诊断数据适配器。 + Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. - /EnableCodeCoverage - 启动数据收集器“CodeCoverage”以运行测试。 + /EnableCodeCoverage + Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. - 参数 {0} 不应出现在 "EnableCodeCoverage" 命令中。指定不带参数的命令(示例: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage),然后重试。 + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. - 应用包“{0}”没有测试执行器入口点。为对 Windows 应用商店应用运行单元测试,使用 Windows 应用商店应用单元测试库项目创建应用包。 + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - 代码覆盖率不适用于 Windows 应用商店应用。已对此测试运行跳过代码覆盖率分析。 + Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - 共发现 {0} 个测试,但一些测试与指定选择条件 ({1}) 不匹配。使用正确的值,然后重试。 + A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. @@ -518,65 +518,65 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> - --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath - 这将使 vstest.console.exe 进程在测试运行中使用 - 给定路径(如果有)中的自定义测试适配器。 - 示例 /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> + --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath + This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters + from a given path (if any) in the test run. + Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters - /TestAdapterPath 参数需要一个值,该值是自定义测试适配器所在位置的路径。示例: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters + The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} - "TestAdapterPath" 中指定的路径“{0}”无效。错误: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - 找不到提供的自定义测试适配器搜索路径,请提供一个有效路径,然后重试。 + The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. - "TestAdapterPath" 中指定的路径“{0}”不包含任何测试适配器,请提供有效路径,然后重试。 + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. - 无法启动针对 Windows Phone 应用的测试的测试运行: {0}。 + Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - 使用隔离模式为 Windows Phone 应用运行单元测试。使用 /InIsolation 参数取消此警告。 + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - 代码覆盖率不适用于 Windows Phone 应用。已为此测试运行跳过代码覆盖率分析。 + Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - 为 Windows Phone 应用运行单元测试时不支持诊断数据适配器。从设置中删除诊断数据适配器设置。 + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. - 应用包“{0}”没有测试执行器入口点。为对 Windows Phone 应用运行单元测试,使用 Windows Phone 应用单元测试应用项目创建应用包。 + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. - 使用框架 {0} 运行测试。指定 /Framework:{1} 取消此警告。 + Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. - 在指定测试容器中找不到任何测试。此外,Microsoft Windows 应用商店单元测试适配器不支持 .appxbundle 文件。在创建应用包时创建一个 appx (将“生成应用程序包”选项设置为“从不”)并重试。 + No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. @@ -584,185 +584,185 @@ Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up to all available cores on the machine may be used. The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. - --Parallel|/Parallel - 指定并行执行测试。默认情况下,最多 - 可能会使用计算机上所有可用的内核。 - 可使用设置文件配置要使用的内核数。 + --Parallel|/Parallel + Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up + to all available cores on the machine may be used. + The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. - 参数 {0} 不应出现在 "Parallel" 命令中。指定不带参数的命令(示例: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel),然后重试。 + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. Cannot be null or empty - 不能为 NULL 或为空 + Cannot be null or empty --Port|/Port:<Port> The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port:<Port> - 套接字连接和接收事件消息的端口。 + --Port|/Port:<Port> + The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port 参数需要为整数的端口号。指定用于套接字连接以及接收事件消息的端口。 + The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. - 测试下找不到程序集。请确保已生成该项目。 + Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. The Path {0} does not exist. - 路径 {0} 不存在。 + The Path {0} does not exist. --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> The directory containing the temporary outputs. - --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> - 包含临时输出的目录。 + --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> + The directory containing the temporary outputs. -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release - -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> - 项目为调试/发布等生成的配置 + -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> + The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release The given configuration is invalid. - 给定的配置无效。 + The given configuration is invalid. -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> The directory containing the binaries to run. - -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> - 包含要运行的二进制文件的目录。 + -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> + The directory containing the binaries to run. The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - 找不到 BuildBasePath,请提供有效的路径,然后重试。 + The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - 找不到 Output 路径,请提供有效的路径,然后重试。 + The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. Additional Information Messages: - 其他信息性消息: + Additional Information Messages: Days - + Days Error Message: - 错误消息: + Error Message: Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} - 总时间: {0:0.0000} {1} + Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} Hours - 小时 + Hours Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - 找不到 URI 或 FriendlyName 为“{0}”的测试记录器。 + Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Minutes - 分钟 + Minutes Seconds - + Seconds Stack Trace: - 堆栈跟踪: + Stack Trace: Standard Error Messages: - 标准错误消息: + Standard Error Messages: Standard Output Messages: - 标准输出消息: + Standard Output Messages: Attachments: - 附件: + Attachments: {0} - {0} + {0} No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - {0} 中没有可用测试。请确保安装了适当的测试发现器和执行器且平台和框架版本设置合适,然后重试。 + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Failed - 失败 + Failed Message which is written to the console when a test fails. Passed - 已通过 + Passed Message which is written to the console when a test passes. Skipped - 已跳过 + Skipped Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} - 针对给定源的发现失败。异常: {0} + Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> - 父进程的进程 ID 负责启动当前进程。 + --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> + Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId 参数要求整数形式的进程 ID。指定启动此进程的父进程的进程 ID。 + The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. Arguments: - 参数: + Arguments: @@ -773,28 +773,28 @@ Change the trace level for logs as shown below Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. - --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> - 启用测试平台的日志。 - 日志将写入所提供的文件。 + --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> + Enable logs for test platform. + Logs are written to the provided file. - 更改日志的跟踪级别,如下所示 - 示例: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> - 允许的 tracelevel 的值: off、error、 warning、info 和 verbose。 + Change the trace level for logs as shown below + Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> + Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. The file {0} provided is read only - 提供的文件 {0} 是只读文件 + The file {0} provided is read only Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} - 连接或处理端口 {0} 上 DesignModeClient 的请求超时 + Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} Not Run - 未运行 + Not Run @@ -802,61 +802,61 @@ Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. More info on RunSettings arguments support: - RunSettings 参数: - 通过命令行传递 runsettings 配置的参数。参数可以指定为名称-值对,其形式为“-- ”后跟 [名称]=[值]。请注意 -- 后的空格。 - 使用空格分隔多个 [名称]=[值]. - 有关 RunSettings 参数支持的详细信息,请访问: + RunSettings arguments: + Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. + Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. + More info on RunSettings arguments support: One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token - 所提供的一个或多个 runsettings 包含无效令牌 + One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> - -ResultsDirectory | / ResultsDirectory - 如果不存在测试结果目录,则将在指定路径中创建。 - 示例 /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> + --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory + Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. + Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory - /ResultsDirectory 参数需要一个值,应在其中保存测试结果。例如: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory + The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} - “ResultsDirectory”中指定的路径“{0}”无效。错误: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process - /InIsolation 标志已弃用。测试始终在单独的进程中运行 + The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} - 在文件 {0} 中记录 Vstest 诊断 + Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : - --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> - 启用数据收集器以运行测试。可在此处获取详细信息: + --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> + Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. - 数据收集器友好名称“{0}”无效。将忽略数据收集器。 + The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. Debug Traces Messages: - 调试跟踪消息: + Debug Traces Messages: @@ -872,15 +872,15 @@ Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full - --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] - 在追责模式下运行测试。此选项有助于隔离导致测试主机崩溃的问题测试。 - 它会在当前目录中创建一个输出文件 "Sequence.xml", - 用于在崩溃之前捕获测试的执行顺序。 - 可以根据需要选择收集测试主机的进程转储。 - 选择收集转储时,默认情况下,将在崩溃时收集小型转储。 - 还可选择通过一些可选参数覆盖此默认行为: - CollectAlways - 若无崩溃则在退出时收集转储(true/false) - DumpType - 指定转储类型(小型/完整)。 + --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] + Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash. + It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml", + that captures the order of execution of test before the crash. + You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host. + When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash. + You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters: + CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false) + DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full). Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full @@ -888,61 +888,61 @@ Test Run Aborted. - 测试运行已中止。 + Test Run Aborted. Test Run Canceled. - 测试运行已取消。 + Test Run Canceled. Error opening response file '{0}' - 打开响应文件“{0}”时出错 + Error opening response file '{0}' @<file> Read response file for more options. - @<file> - 有关更多选项,请阅读响应文件。 + @<file> + Read response file for more options. Total tests: Unknown - 测试总数: 未知 + Total tests: Unknown {0} {1} - {0} {1} + {0} {1} Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. - 此外,还可以使用 /TestAdapterPath 命令指定测试适配器的路径。示例 /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>。 + Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. - /UseVsixExtensions 即将被弃用。请改为使用 /TestAdapterPath。 + /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true - --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> - 示例: /DisableAutoFakes:true + --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> + Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. - --Collect|/如果使用测试设置配置了测试运行,则不支持收集:“{0}”。 + --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. - 除通过运行设置配置的代码覆盖率和 Microsoft Fakes 之外,嵌入测试设置不支持其他数据收集器。请参阅 了解详细信息。运行测试: {0}。 + Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. @@ -958,115 +958,115 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> - 为测试结果指定一个记录器。例如,若要将结果记录到 - Visual Studio 测试结果文件(TRX)中,请使用 /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] - 使用给定的 LogFileName 在 TestResults 目录中创建文件。 + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - 更改控制台记录器的日志消息中的详细程度,如下所示 - 示例: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> - 允许的详细程度的值: quiet、minimal、normal 和 detailed。 + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - 更改控制台记录器的诊断级别前缀,如下所示 - 示例: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> - 此处为控制台记录器的详细信息: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. - 此平台不支持通过 CollectDump for Blame 选项收集故障转储。 + Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. - 追责时指定的追责参数 {0} 无效。忽略此参数。 + The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. - 诊断文件路径“{0}”无效。 + Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. - 追责参数“{0}”无效。 + Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. - 诊断参数“{0}”无效。 + Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. - 记录器参数“{0}”无效。 + Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". - 不支持 Framework35。对于面向 .Net Framework 3.5 的项目,将在 CLR 4.0“兼容性模式”中运行测试。 + Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". Test run in progress - 正在运行测试 + Test run in progress Total tests: {0} - 测试总数: {0} + Total tests: {0} Failed: {0} - 失败数: {0} + Failed: {0} Passed: {0} - 通过数: {0} + Passed: {0} Skipped: {0} - 跳过数: {0} + Skipped: {0} The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. - 参数 {0} 无效。请使用 /help 选项检查有效参数的列表。 + The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. - 总共 {0} 个测试文件与指定模式相匹配。 + A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") - 测试运行参数自变量“{0}”无效。请使用以下格式。 - 格式: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") + The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. + Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. - 此平台不支持通过 CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame 选项收集挂起转储。 + Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} - {0} - 失败: {1},通过: {2},已跳过: {3},总计: {4},持续时间: {5} + {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} None - + None - {0} {1} - - {0} {1} + - {0} {1} @@ -1078,29 +1078,29 @@ Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" - -e|--Environment|/e|/环境:<NAME>=<VALUE> - 设置环境变量的值。如果该变量不存在,则创建它;如果它已存在,则替代它。这将表示 /InIsolation 开关并强制在隔离的进程中运行测试。 + -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> + Sets the value of an environment variable. Creates the variable if it does not exist, overrides if it does. This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - 可多次指定此参数来提供多个变量。 + This argument can be specified multiple times to provide multiple variables. - 示例: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 + Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. - 环境变量“{0}”已定义,但它被 -Environment 参数替代。 + Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. Test Run Aborted with error {0}. - 测试运行已中止,出现错误 {0}。 + Test Run Aborted with error {0}. Invalid testSessionCorrelationId - testSessionCorrelationId 无效 + Invalid testSessionCorrelationId @@ -1124,36 +1124,36 @@ - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. - --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> - 这会影响适配器加载行为。 + --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> + This affects adapter loading behavior. - 当前支持的行为: - - Explicit: 测试平台将仅加载 /TestAdapterPath (或 RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths 节点) 指定的适配器。 - 如果提供了特定适配器路径,则会加载适配器;如果提供了目录路径,则将直接加载该文件夹中的适配器,除非还指定了 Recursive 选项。 - 如果未指定适配器路径,则测试运行将失败。 - 这将暗示 /InIsolation 开关并强制测试在隔离进程中运行。 + Currently supported behaviors: + - Explicit: Test Platform will only load adapters specified by /TestAdapterPath (or RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). + If a specific adapter path is provided, adapter will be loaded; if a directory path is provided adapters directly in that folder will be loaded, unless Recursive option is also specified. + If no adapter path is specified, test run will fail. + This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - - 默认: 如果未指定此参数,则测试平台将加载适配器。 - 它将从源旁边、提供的附加适配器路径和默认目录中选取扩展。 + - Default: Test Platform will load adapters is if this argument has not been specified. + It will pick up extensions from next to source, provided additional adapter paths and from the default directory. - - DefaultRuntimeProviders: 加载随测试平台一起提供的默认运行时提供程序。 - 如果在设置“Explicit”选项时未指定,则需要显式指定测试主机提供程序。 + - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Load default runtime providers shipped with Test Platform. + If this is not specified when "Explicit" option is set, a test host provider need to be specified explicitly. - - ExtensionsDirectory: 在 Extensions 文件夹内加载适配器。 + - ExtensionsDirectory: Load adapters inside Extensions folder. - - NextToSource: 在源旁边加载适配器。 + - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - - Recursive: 加载适配器时以递归方式搜索文件夹。这也需要指定“Explicit”或“NextToSource”。 + - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. Do not translate "Default", "DefaultRuntimeProviders", "ExtensionsDirectory", "NextToSource" or "Recursive". Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! - 为 /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy 指定的值({0})无效! + Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - 递归适配器加载策略不能由自身使用。请与以下一项或多项结合使用: {0} + Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Do not translate "Recursive", - {0} is the strategy names, seperated by comma: for example "Explicit, NextToSource" @@ -1161,67 +1161,67 @@ The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! - 指定“{0}”测试适配器加载策略时,需要提供 /TestAdapterPath 参数! + The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! {0} is the strategy name, "Explicit" for example. vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. - vstest.console.exe 正在模拟模式下运行,因为 {0}。为了获得更好的性能,请考虑使用本机运行程序 vstest.console.arm64.exe。 + vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. - 等待请求处理程序连接在 {0} 秒后超时。 + Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. - 等待启动测试会话在 {0} 秒后超时。 + Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. - 等待停止测试会话在 {0} 秒后超时。 + Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. Error hosting communication channel. - 托管信道时出错。 + Error hosting communication channel. ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. - 应指定 ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath 以安装或卸载事后分析调试程序。 + ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. - 当前操作系统不支持事后分析调试程序。 + Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) - 为 procdump 可执行文件指定的目录无效,并且在环境变量(PROCDUMP_PATH、PATH)中找不到该工具 + The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) Procdump file name not found: '{0}' - 找不到 Procdump 文件名:“{0}” + Procdump file name not found: '{0}' DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. - 应指定 DumpDirectoryPath 以安装事后分析调试程序。 + DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' - 指定的目录无效:“{0}” + The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. - AeDebugger 参数“{0}”无效。 + AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf index e6166bd4b3..83be68692f 100644 --- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,94 +4,94 @@ '{0}' not found. - 找不到 '{0}'。 + '{0}' not found. The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: - 可使用下列測試探索增益集: + The following Test Discovery Add-Ins are available: The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: - 可使用下列測試執行增益集: + The following Test Execution Add-Ins are available: {0}: {1} - {0}: {1} + {0}: {1} The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: - 可使用下列測試記錄器增益集: + The following Test Logger Add-Ins are available: Error: {0} - 錯誤: {0} + Error: {0} , {0} - ,{0} + , {0} Format used to comma separate a list of values. The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. - 參數 " {0}" 應該僅提供一次。 + The parameter "{0}" should be provided only once. Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} - 產生延伸模組時發生例外狀況 '{0}': {1} + Exception occurred when instantiating extension '{0}': {1} The following Tests are available: - 可使用下列測試: + The following Tests are available: Unrecognized parameter "{0}". - 無法辨識的參數 "{0}"。 + Unrecognized parameter "{0}". The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. - 找不到提供的測試來源檔案 "{0}"。 + The test source file "{0}" provided was not found. The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. - 測試記錄器 URI '{0}' 無效。將忽略測試記錄器。 + The Test Logger URI '{0}' is not valid. The Test Logger will be ignored. Information: {0} - 資訊: {0} + Information: {0} Warning: {0} - 警告: {0} + Warning: {0} -?|--Help|/?|/Help Display this usage message. - -?|--Help|/?|/Help - 顯示此使用方式訊息。 + -?|--Help|/?|/Help + Display this usage message. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. 著作權所有,並保留一切權利。 + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} - Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool {0} 版 + Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version {0} @@ -107,43 +107,43 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<記錄器 URI/易記名稱> - 指定測試結果的記錄器。例如,使用 /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<預設為唯一的檔案名稱>], - 將結果記錄至 Visual Studio 測試結果檔案 (TRX) - 以指定的 LogFileName,在 TestResults 目錄中建立檔案。 + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - 變更主控台記錄器的記錄訊息詳細程度等級,如下所示 - 範例: /logger:console;verbosity=<預設為 "normal"> - 詳細程度的允許值: quiet、minimal、normal 以及 detailed。 + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "normal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - 變更主控台記錄器的診斷等級前置詞,如下所示 - 範例: /logger:console;prefix=<預設為 "false"> - 主控台記錄器詳細資訊於此: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Description: Runs tests from the specified files. - 描述: 從指定的檔案執行測試。 + Description: Runs tests from the specified files. Options: - 選項: + Options: Section Header for subsequent command help listing Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] - 用法: vstest.console.exe [引數] [選項] [[--] <RunSettings 引數>...]] + Usage: vstest.console.exe [Arguments] [Options] [[--] <RunSettings arguments>...]] No test source files were specified. - 未指定測試來源檔案。 + No test source files were specified. No arguments were specified. - 未指定引數。 + No arguments were specified. @@ -153,59 +153,59 @@ Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll - [TestFileNames] - 從指定的檔案或萬用字元模式執行測試。分隔多個測試檔名稱或模式 - 由空格分隔。將主控台記錄器詳細程度設定為詳細來檢視符合的測試檔案。 - 範例: mytestproject.dll + [TestFileNames] + Run tests from the specified files or wild card pattern. Separate multiple test file names or pattern + by spaces. Set console logger verbosity to detailed to view matched test files. + Examples: mytestproject.dll mytestproject.dll myothertestproject.exe testproject*.dll my*project.dll The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: - 可使用下列設定提供者增益集: + The following Settings Providers Add-Ins are available: --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> Settings to use when running tests. - --Settings|/Settings:<設定檔> - 執行測試時要使用的設定。 + --Settings|/Settings:<Settings File> + Settings to use when running tests. The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. - /Settings 參數要求必須提供設定檔。 + The /Settings parameter requires a settings file to be provided. The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. - 找不到設定檔 '{0}'。 + The Settings file '{0}' could not be found. Test Run Failed. - 測試回合失敗。 + Test Run Failed. Test Run Successful. - 測試回合成功。 + Test Run Successful. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. - 'InIsolation' 命令中不應該使用引數 {0}。請指定不加引數的命令 (範例: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation),並再試一次。 + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /InIsolation) and try again. The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions 參數需要一個值。如果為 'true',已安裝的 VSIX 延伸模組 (如果有的話) 將用於測試回合。如果為 false,則會加以忽略。範例: /UseVsixExtensions:true + The /UseVsixExtensions parameter requires a value. If 'true', the installed VSIX extensions (if any) will be used in the test run. If false, they will be ignored. Example: /UseVsixExtensions:true Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. - 'UseVsixExtensions' 命令中不應該使用引數 {0}。請指定命令指出應該使用或略過 VSIX 延伸模組 (範例: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) 並再試一次。 + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions should be used or skipped (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /UseVsixExtensions:true) and try again. @@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests may run slower. - --InIsolation|/InIsolation - 在隔離的處理序中執行測試。這樣會降低 vstest.console.exe - 處理序在測試中發生錯誤而停止的可能性,但是測試 - 可能會執行得較慢。 + --InIsolation|/InIsolation + Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe + process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests + may run slower. @@ -224,20 +224,20 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. Example /UseVsixExtensions:true - /UseVsixExtensions - 這可讓 vstest.console.exe 處理序使用或略過測試回合中 - 已安裝的 VSIX 延伸模組 (如果有的話)。 - 範例 /UseVsixExtensions:true + /UseVsixExtensions + This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions + installed(if any) in the test run. + Example /UseVsixExtensions:true The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 - /BatchSize 引數必須有批次的大小。範例: /BatchSize:10 + The /BatchSize argument requires the size of the batch. Example: /BatchSize:10 Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 - 批次大小無效 {0}。批次大小應該大於零。範例: /BatchSize:10 + Invalid batch size {0}. The batch size should be greater than zero. Example: /BatchSize:10 @@ -245,67 +245,67 @@ >vstest.console.exe tests.dll To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings - 執行測試: + To run tests: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll - 執行測試,同時附上像是資料收集器等其他設定: + To run tests with additional settings such as data collectors: >vstest.console.exe tests.dll /Settings:Local.RunSettings /ListDiscoverers Lists installed test discoverers. - /ListDiscoverers - 列出已安裝的測試探索程式。 + /ListDiscoverers + Lists installed test discoverers. /ListExecutors Lists installed test executors. - /ListExecutors - 列出已安裝的測試執行程式。 + /ListExecutors + Lists installed test executors. /ListLoggers Lists installed test loggers. - /ListLoggers - 列出已安裝的測試記錄器。 + /ListLoggers + Lists installed test loggers. /ListSettingsProviders Lists installed test settings providers. - /ListSettingsProviders - 列出已安裝的測試設定提供者。 + /ListSettingsProviders + Lists installed test settings providers. -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. - -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<檔案名稱> - 列出所有從指定測試容器探索到的測試。 + -lt|--ListTests|/lt|/ListTests:<File Name> + Lists all discovered tests from the given test container. Time elapsed : - 經過時間: + Time elapsed : The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 - /Tests 引數必須有一或多個特定的測試名稱或它們的子字串。 - 範例: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 + The /Tests argument requires one or more specific test names or their substrings. + Examples: /Tests:TestsMethod1, /Tests:TestMethod1,method2 A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - 已探索到總計 {0} 個測試,但沒有測試符合指定的選取準則 ({1})。請使用正確的值,並再試一次。 + A total of {0} tests were discovered but no test matches the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. , - + , @@ -314,90 +314,90 @@ values, separate them by commas. Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 - --Tests|/Tests:<測試名稱> - 對名稱符合所提供值的項目執行測試。 - 若要提供多個值,請使用逗號將其分隔。 - 範例: /Tests:TestMethod1 + --Tests|/Tests:<Test Names> + Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple + values, separate them by commas. + Examples: /Tests:TestMethod1 /Tests:TestMethod1,testMethod2 Please verify if the console output looks good after modifiaction. Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - 使用隔離模式執行測試,因為在 runsettings 中已啟用診斷資料配接器。使用 /inIsolation 參數可隱藏這個警告。 + Using Isolation mode to run the tests as diagnostic data adapters were enabled in the runsettings. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - 使用隔離模式執行 Windows 市集應用程式的單元測試。使用 /InIsolation 參數可隱藏這個警告。 + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - 執行 Windows 市集應用程式的單元測試時,不支援診斷資料配接器。請從設定中移除診斷資料配接器設定。 + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Store apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. FriendlyName: {0} - FriendlyName: {0} + FriendlyName: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} SettingName: {0} - SettingName: {0} + SettingName: {0} Supported File Types: - 支援的檔案類型: + Supported File Types: {0} - {0} + {0} {0}, - {0}, + {0}, Default Executor Uri: {0} - 預設執行程式 URI: {0} + Default Executor Uri: {0} Uri: {0} - URI: {0} + Uri: {0} Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. - 平台類型無效: {0}。有效的平台類型為{1}。 + Invalid platform type: {0}. Valid platform types are {1}. 0 is the platform type e.g. x86, and 1 is a list of the built in platforms, e.g. x86, x64 The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 - /Platform 引數需要提供測試回合的目標平台類型。範例: /Platform:x86 + The /Platform argument requires the target platform type for the test run to be provided. Example: /Platform:x86 --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. - --Platform|/Platform:<平台類型> - 用於測試執行的目標平台架構。 - 有效值為 x86、x64 和 ARM。 + --Platform|/Platform:<Platform type> + Target platform architecture to be used for test execution. + Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM. Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - 依照測試回合的有效平台 {0} 和 .Net Framework {1} 設定的要求,使用隔離模式執行測試。使用 /inIsolation 參數可隱藏這個警告。 + Using Isolation mode to run tests as required by effective Platform:{0} and .Net Framework:{1} settings for test run. Use the /inIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. @@ -405,25 +405,25 @@ Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - --Framework|/Framework:<Framework 版本> - 用於測試執行的目標.Net Framework 版本。 - 有效的值為 ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"、".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" 等等。 - 其他支援的值為 Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10 與 FrameworkUap10。 + --Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version> + Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. + Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc. + Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" - /Framework 引數需要測試回合的目標 .NET Framework 版本。 範例: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" + The /Framework argument requires the target .Net Framework version for the test run. Example: /Framework:".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1" Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. - .Net Framework 版本無效:{0}。請提供 TargetFramework 的全名 (例如: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0)。其他支援的 .Net Framework 版本為 Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10 以及 FrameworkUap10。 + Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10. Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. - 無法針對 Windows 市集應用程式的單元測試啟動測試回合: {0}。 + Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app: {0}. @@ -436,13 +436,13 @@ Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" - --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> - 執行符合指定運算式的測試。 - <Expression> 的格式為 <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] - 其中 Operator 是 =、!= 或 ~ 的其中之一 (運算子 ~ 具有 'contains' - 語意,且適用於 DisplayName 之類的字串屬性)。 - 您可以使用括號 () 來分組子運算式。 - 範例: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" + --TestCaseFilter|/TestCaseFilter:<Expression> + Run tests that match the given expression. + <Expression> is of the format <property>Operator<value>[|&<Expression>] + where Operator is one of =, != or ~ (Operator ~ has 'contains' + semantics and is applicable for string properties like DisplayName). + Parenthesis () can be used to group sub-expressions. + Examples: /TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1" /TestCaseFilter:"(FullyQualifiedName~Nightly |Name=MyTestMethod)" @@ -451,66 +451,66 @@ The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" - /TestCaseFilter 引數需要篩選值。 - 篩選值可以是 <property>=<value> 類型。 - 範例: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" + The /TestCaseFilter argument requires the filter value. + Filter value can be <property>=<value> type. + Examples: "Priority=1", "TestCategory=Nightly" The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. - /TestCaseFilter 引數無法與 /Tests 一起指定。若已指定測試,則篩選測試案例不適用。 + The /TestCaseFilter argument cannot be specified with /Tests. Filtering of test cases is not applicable when tests are specified. {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. - {0} 為針對 {1}/{2} 所建置。回合中指定的測試組件應該具有共同的目標 .Net Framework 和平台。 + {0} is built for {1}/{2}. The test assemblies specified in a run should have a common target .Net framework and platform. Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. - 您只能為執行測試指定一個應用程式套件 (.appx 檔)。 + Only one app package (.appx file) can be specified for running tests. Starting test discovery, please wait... - 正在啟動測試探索,請稍候... + Starting test discovery, please wait... Starting test execution, please wait... - 正在啟動測試執行,請稍候... + Starting test execution, please wait... Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. - 讀取診斷資料配接器設定時擲回執行中的 '{0}'。這個回合中將略過所有診斷資料配接器。 + Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. - /EnableCodeCoverage - 為測試回合啟用資料收集器 'CodeCoverage'。 + /EnableCodeCoverage + Enables data collector 'CodeCoverage' for the test run. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. - 'EnableCodeCoverage' 命令中不應該使用引數 {0}。請指定不加引數的命令 (範例: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage),並再試一次。 + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /EnableCodeCoverage) and try again. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. - 應用程式套件 '{0}' 沒有測試執行程式進入點。若要執行 Windows 市集應用程式的單元測試,請使用 Windows 市集應用程式單元測試程式庫專案建立應用程式套件。 + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package using Windows Store app Unit Test Library project. Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Windows 市集應用程式無法使用程式碼涵蓋範圍。將略過這個測試回合的程式碼涵蓋範圍分析。 + Code coverage is not available for Windows Store apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. - 已探索到總計 {0} 個測試,但有些測試不符合指定的選取準則 ({1})。請使用正確的值並再試一次。 + A total of {0} tests were discovered but some tests do not match the specified selection criteria({1}). Use right value(s) and try again. @@ -518,65 +518,65 @@ This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> - --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath - 這可讓 vstest.console.exe 處理序在測試回合中, - 使用指定路徑 (如有指定) 中的自訂測試配接器。 - 範例 /TestAdapterPath:<自訂配接器的路徑> + --TestAdapterPath|/TestAdapterPath + This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters + from a given path (if any) in the test run. + Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters> The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters - /TestAdapterPath 參數需要一個值,這個值是包含自訂測試配接器之位置的路徑。範例: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters + The /TestAdapterPath parameter requires a value, which is path of a location containing custom test adapters. Example: /TestAdapterPath:c:\MyCustomAdapters The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} - 'TestAdapterPath' 中指定的路徑 '{0}' 無效。錯誤: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' is invalid. Error: {1} The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - 找不到提供的自訂測試配接器搜尋路徑。請提供有效的路徑,並再試一次。 + The custom test adapter search path provided was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. - 'TestAdapterPath' 中指定的路徑 '{0}' 不包含任何測試配接器。請提供有效的路徑,並再試一次。 + The path '{0}' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again. Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. - 無法為 Windows Phone 應用程式的測試啟動測試回合: {0}。 + Could not start test run for the tests for Windows Phone app: {0}. Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. - 使用隔離模式執行 Windows Phone 應用程式的單元測試。使用 /InIsolation 參數可隱藏這個警告。 + Using Isolation mode to run unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Use the /InIsolation parameter to suppress this warning. Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. - Windows Phone 應用程式無法使用程式碼涵蓋範圍。將略過這個測試回合的程式碼涵蓋範圍分析。 + Code coverage is not available for Windows Phone apps. Code coverage analysis skipped for this test run. Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. - 執行 Windows Phone 應用程式的單元測試時,不支援診斷資料配接器。請從設定中移除診斷資料配接器設定。 + Diagnostic data adapters are not supported when running unit tests for Windows Phone apps. Remove diagnostic data adapters settings from settings. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. - 應用程式套件 '{0}' 沒有測試執行程式進入點。若要執行 Windows Phone 應用程式的單元測試,請使用 Windows Phone 單元測試應用程式專案建立應用程式套件。 + App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package using Windows Phone Unit Test App project. Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. - 使用架構 {0} 執行測試。指定 /Framework:{1} 可隱藏這個警告。 + Using framework {0} to run the tests. Specify /Framework:{1} to suppress this warning. No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. - 在指定的測試容器中找不到測試。此外,Microsoft Windows 市集單元測試配接器不支援 .appxbundle 檔案。請在建立應用程式套件時建立 appx (將 [產生應用程式套件組合] 選項設定為 [永不]),並再試一次。 + No test found in the specified test containers. Additionally, Microsoft Windows Store Unit test adapter does not support .appxbundle files. Create an appx (set Generate App bundle option to Never) when creating App Package and try again. @@ -584,185 +584,185 @@ Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up to all available cores on the machine may be used. The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. - --Parallel|/Parallel - 指定平行執行測試。根據預設,最多會使用 - 機器上所有的可用核心。可使用設定檔設定 - 要使用的核心數。 + --Parallel|/Parallel + Specifies that the tests be executed in parallel. By default up + to all available cores on the machine may be used. + The number of cores to use may be configured using a settings file. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. - 'Parallel' 命令中不應該使用引數 {0}。請指定不加引數的命令 (範例: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel),並再試一次。 + Argument {0} is not expected in the 'Parallel' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe myTests.dll /Parallel) and try again. Cannot be null or empty - 不可為 null 或空白 + Cannot be null or empty --Port|/Port:<Port> The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port:<連接埠> - 通訊端連線以及接收事件訊息的連接埠。 + --Port|/Port:<Port> + The Port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. - --Port|/Port 引數需要整數的連接埠號碼。指定用於通訊端連線以及接收事件訊息的連接埠。 + The --Port|/Port argument requires the port number which is an integer. Specify the port for socket connection and receiving the event messages. Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. - 找不到正在進行測試的組件。請確定已建置專案。 + Unable to find the assembly under test. Please make sure that the project is built. The Path {0} does not exist. - 路徑 {0} 不存在。 + The Path {0} does not exist. --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> The directory containing the temporary outputs. - --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<建置基底路徑> - 包含暫存輸出的目錄。 + --BuildBasePath|/BuildBasePath:<BuildBasePath> + The directory containing the temporary outputs. -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release - -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<組態> - 建置專案標的組態,例如,偵錯/發行 + -c|--Configuration|/c|/Configuration:<Configuration> + The configuration the project is built for i.e. Debug/Release The given configuration is invalid. - 給定的組態無效。 + The given configuration is invalid. -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> The directory containing the binaries to run. - -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<輸出> - 包含要執行的二進位檔案的目錄。 + -o|--Output|/o|/Output:<Output> + The directory containing the binaries to run. The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - 找不到 BuildBasePath。請提供有效的路徑,並再試一次。 + The BuildBasePath was not found, provide a valid path and try again. The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. - 找不到輸出路徑。請提供有效的路徑,並再試一次。 + The Output path was not found, provide a valid path and try again. Additional Information Messages: - 其他資訊訊息: + Additional Information Messages: Days - + Days Error Message: - 錯誤訊息: + Error Message: Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} - 時間總計: {0:0.0000} {1} + Total time: {0:0.0000} {1} Hours - 小時 + Hours Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. - 找不到具有 URI 或 FriendlyName '{0}' 的測試記錄器。 + Could not find a test logger with URI or FriendlyName '{0}'. Minutes - 分鐘 + Minutes Seconds - + Seconds Stack Trace: - 堆疊追蹤: + Stack Trace: Standard Error Messages: - 標準錯誤訊息: + Standard Error Messages: Standard Output Messages: - 標準輸出訊息: + Standard Output Messages: Attachments: - 附件: + Attachments: {0} - {0} + {0} No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. - {0} 中沒有可供使用的測試。請確定已安裝適當的測試探索程式及執行程式、平台與 Framework 版本設定,並再試一次。 + No test is available in {0}. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Failed - 失敗 + Failed Message which is written to the console when a test fails. Passed - 已通過 + Passed Message which is written to the console when a test passes. Skipped - 已跳過 + Skipped Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} - 給定來源的探索失敗。例外狀況: {0} + Discovery failed for given sources. Exception : {0} --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<父處理序識別碼> - 負責啟動目前處理序的父處理序之處理序識別碼。 + --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId:<ParentProcessId> + Process Id of the Parent Process responsible for launching current process. The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. - --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId 引數需要整數的處理序識別碼。請為已啟動這個處理序的父處理序指定處理序識別碼。 + The --ParentProcessId|/ParentProcessId argument requires the process id which is an integer. Specify the process id of the parent process that launched this process. Arguments: - 引數: + Arguments: @@ -773,28 +773,28 @@ Change the trace level for logs as shown below Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. - --Diag|/Diag:<日誌檔路徑> - 啟用測試平台的記錄檔。 - 記錄會寫入提供的檔案。 + --Diag|/Diag:<Path to log file> + Enable logs for test platform. + Logs are written to the provided file. - 變更記錄檔的追蹤層級,如下所示 - 範例: /Diag:<日誌檔路徑>;tracelevel=<預設為 [詳細資訊]> - 允許的 tracelevel 值為: 關閉、錯誤、警告、資訊與詳細資訊。 + Change the trace level for logs as shown below + Example: /Diag:<Path to log file>;tracelevel=<Defaults to "verbose"> + Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose. The file {0} provided is read only - 提供的檔案 {0} 為唯讀 + The file {0} provided is read only Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} - 連線或處理連接埠 {0} 上對於 DesignModeClient 之要求的逾時時間: + Timeout to connect or process request for DesignModeClient on port: {0} Not Run - 未執行 + Not Run @@ -802,61 +802,61 @@ Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. More info on RunSettings arguments support: - RunSettings 引數: - 透過命令列傳遞 runsettings 組態的引數。引數可以接在 "-- " 之後,以 [名稱]=[值] 的格式指定名稱/值配對。請注意 -- 之後的空格。 - 使用空格以隔開多個 [名稱]=[值]。 - RunSettings 引數支援的詳細資訊: + RunSettings arguments: + Arguments to pass runsettings configurations through commandline. Arguments may be specified as name-value pair of the form [name]=[value] after "-- ". Note the space after --. + Use a space to separate multiple [name]=[value]. + More info on RunSettings arguments support: One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token - 提供的一或多個 runsettings 包含無效的語彙基元 + One or more runsettings provided contain invalid token --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> - --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory - 若不存在,將會於指定路徑中建立測試結果目錄。 - 範例 /ResultsDirectory:<結果目錄路徑> + --ResultsDirectory|/ResultsDirectory + Test results directory will be created in specified path if not exists. + Example /ResultsDirectory:<pathToResultsDirectory> The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory - /ResultsDirectory 參數需要值,亦即測試結果的儲存位置。範例: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory + The /ResultsDirectory parameter requires a value, where the test results should be saved. Example: /ResultsDirectory:c:\MyTestResultsDirectory The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} - 'ResultsDirectory' 中指定的路徑 '{0}' 無效。錯誤: {1} + The path '{0}' specified in the 'ResultsDirectory' is invalid. Error: {1} The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process - /InIsolation 旗標已標示即將淘汰。測試一律會在個別的處理序中執行 + The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} - 在檔案 {0} 中記錄 Vstest 診斷 + Logging Vstest Diagnostics in file: {0} --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : - --Collect|/Collect:<資料收集器易記名稱> - 為測試回合啟用資料收集器。此處有詳細資訊: + --Collect|/Collect:<DataCollector FriendlyName> + Enables data collector for the test run. More info here : The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. - 資料收集器的易記名稱 '{0}' 無效。該資料收集器將予忽略。 + The Data Collector friendly name '{0}' is not valid. The Data Collector will be ignored. Debug Traces Messages: - 偵錯追蹤訊息: + Debug Traces Messages: @@ -872,77 +872,77 @@ Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full - --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] - 以 blame 模式執行測試。此選項在隔離造成測試主機當機的問題測試時相當實用。 - 它會在目前的目錄建立輸出檔案 "Sequence.xml", - 該檔案會擷取當機前的測試執行順序。 - 您也可以選擇收集測試主機的處理序傾印。 - 當您選擇收集傾印時,預設會在當機時收集迷你傾印/ - 您也可以選擇使用一些選用參數來覆寫此預設行為: - CollectAlways - 即使沒有當機,也在離開時收集傾印 (true/false) - DumpType - 指定傾印類型 (mini/full)。 - 範例: /Blame + --Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value] + Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash. + It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml", + that captures the order of execution of test before the crash. + You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host. + When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash. + You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters: + CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false) + DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full). + Example: /Blame /Blame:CollectDump /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full Test Run Aborted. - 測試回合已中止。 + Test Run Aborted. Test Run Canceled. - 測試回合已取消。 + Test Run Canceled. Error opening response file '{0}' - 開啟回應檔案 '{0}' 時發生錯誤 + Error opening response file '{0}' @<file> Read response file for more options. - @<檔案> - 讀取回應檔以取得更多選項。 + @<file> + Read response file for more options. Total tests: Unknown - 測試數總計: 未知 + Total tests: Unknown {0} {1} - {0} {1} + {0} {1} Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. - 此外,可使用 /TestAdapterPath 命令,指定要測試配接器的路徑。範例為 /TestAdapterPath:<自訂配接器的路徑>。 + Additionally, path to test adapters can be specified using /TestAdapterPath command. Example /TestAdapterPath:<pathToCustomAdapters>. /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. - /UseVsixExtensions 即將淘汰。請改用 /TestAdapterPath。 + /UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead. --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true - --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> - 範例: /DisableAutoFakes:true + --DisableAutoFakes|/DisableAutoFakes:<true/false> + Example: /DisableAutoFakes:true --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. - 若使用測試設定來設定測試回合,則不支援 --Collect|/Collect:"{0}"。 + --Collect|/Collect:"{0}" is not supported if test run is configured using testsettings. Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. - 除了程式碼涵蓋範圍與 Microsoft Fakes 以外,內嵌測試設定不支援透過回合設定來設定的資料收集器。如需詳細資訊,請參閱。回合設定: {0}。 + Data collectors other than Code Coverage and Microsoft Fakes configured via run settings are not supported with embedded test settings. Please see for more information. Run settings: {0}. @@ -958,115 +958,115 @@ Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> More info on Console Logger here : - --logger|/logger:<記錄器 URI/易記名稱> - 指定測試結果的記錄器。例如,使用 /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<預設為唯一的檔案名稱>], - 將結果記錄至 Visual Studio 測試結果檔案 (TRX) - 以指定的 LogFileName,在 TestResults 目錄中建立檔案。 + --logger|/logger:<Logger Uri/FriendlyName> + Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a + Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /logger:trx[;LogFileName=<Defaults to unique file name>] + Creates file in TestResults directory with given LogFileName. - 變更主控台記錄器的記錄訊息詳細程度等級,如下所示 - 範例: /logger:console;verbosity=<預設為 "minimal"> - 詳細程度的允許值: quiet、minimal、normal 以及 detailed。 + Change the verbosity level in log messages for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;verbosity=<Defaults to "minimal"> + Allowed values for verbosity: quiet, minimal, normal and detailed. - 變更主控台記錄器的診斷等級前置詞,如下所示 - 範例: /logger:console;prefix=<預設為 "false"> - 主控台記錄器詳細資訊於此: + Change the diagnostic level prefix for console logger as shown below + Example: /logger:console;prefix=<Defaults to "false"> + More info on Console Logger here : Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. - 此平台不支援使用 CollectDump for Blame 選項收集損毀傾印。 + Collecting crash dumps by option CollectDump for Blame is not supported for this platform. The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. - 以 blame 指定的 blame 參數 {0} 無效,即將忽略此參數。 + The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter. Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. - 診斷檔案路徑 '{0}' 無效。 + Diag file path '{0}' is not valid. Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. - Blame 引數 '{0}' 無效。 + Blame argument '{0}' is not valid. Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. - 診斷引數 '{0}' 無效。 + Diag argument '{0}' is not valid. Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. - 記錄器引數 '{0}' 無效。 + Logger argument '{0}' is not valid. Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". - 不支援 Framework35。若是目標為 .Net Framework 3.5 的專案,就會在 CLR 4.0「相容模式」中執行測試。 + Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, test will run in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode". Test run in progress - 測試回合正在進行中 + Test run in progress Total tests: {0} - 測試數總計: {0} + Total tests: {0} Failed: {0} - 失敗: {0} + Failed: {0} Passed: {0} - 通過: {0} + Passed: {0} Skipped: {0} - 跳過: {0} + Skipped: {0} The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. - {0} 的引數無效。請使用 /help 選項查看有效引數的清單。 + The argument {0} is invalid. Please use the /help option to check the list of valid arguments. A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. - 總共有 {0} 個測試檔案與指定的模式相符。 + A total of {0} test files matched the specified pattern. The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") - 測試回合參數的引數 '{0}' 無效。請使用下面的格式。 - 格式: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") + The test run parameter argument '{0}' is invalid. Please use the format below. + Format: TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"<name>\", value=\"<value>\") Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. - 此平台不支援使用 Blame 的 CollectDump 及 TestTimeout 選項收集懸置傾印。 + Collecting hang dumps by option CollectDump with TestTimeout for Blame is not supported for this platform. {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} - {0} - 失敗: {1},通過: {2},略過: {3},總計: {4},持續時間: {5} + {0} - Failed: {1}, Passed: {2}, Skipped: {3}, Total: {4}, Duration: {5} None - + None - {0} {1} - - {0} {1} + - {0} {1} @@ -1078,29 +1078,29 @@ Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" - -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment: <NAME>=<VALUE> - 設定環境變數的值。若變數不存在,則加以建立;若有則予以覆寫。這表示 /InIsolation 會在隔離流程中將測試切換並強制執行。 + -e|--Environment|/e|/Environment:<NAME>=<VALUE> + Sets the value of an environment variable. Creates the variable if it does not exist, overrides if it does. This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - 此引數可供多次指定,以提供多項變數。 + This argument can be specified multiple times to provide multiple variables. - 範例: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 + Example: -e:VARIABLE1=VALUE1 -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE WITH SPACES" -e:ANOTHER_VARIABLE="VALUE;seperated with;semicolons" Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. - 已定義環境變數 '{0}',但其已由 -Environment 引數覆寫。 + Environment variable '{0}' was already defined, but it's overridden by -Environment argument. Test Run Aborted with error {0}. - 測試執行已中止,錯誤 {0}。 + Test Run Aborted with error {0}. Invalid testSessionCorrelationId - testSessionCorrelationId 無效 + Invalid testSessionCorrelationId @@ -1124,36 +1124,36 @@ - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. - --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> - 這會影響介面卡載入行為。 + --TestAdapterLoadingStrategy|/TestAdapterLoadingStrategy:<strategy> + This affects adapter loading behavior. - 目前支援的行: - - 明確: 測試平台只會載入 /TestAdapterPath 指定的介面卡 (或 RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths 節點)。 - 如果提供特定介面卡路徑,將會載入介面卡; 如果目錄路徑是直接在該資料夾中提供介面卡,則會載入,除非同時指定 [Recursive] 選項。 - 如果沒有指定介面卡路徑,測試回合將會失敗。 - 這會隱含 /InIsolation 切換參數,並強制在隔離的處理常式中執行測試。 + Currently supported behaviors: + - Explicit: Test Platform will only load adapters specified by /TestAdapterPath (or RunConfiguration.TestAdaptersPaths node). + If a specific adapter path is provided, adapter will be loaded; if a directory path is provided adapters directly in that folder will be loaded, unless Recursive option is also specified. + If no adapter path is specified, test run will fail. + This will imply /InIsolation switch and force the tests to be run in an isolated process. - - Default: 如果尚未指定此引數,則測試平台會載入介面卡。 - 它會從來源旁邊、提供的額外介面卡路徑以及預設目錄中挑選擴充功能。 + - Default: Test Platform will load adapters is if this argument has not been specified. + It will pick up extensions from next to source, provided additional adapter paths and from the default directory. - - DefaultRuntimeProviders: 載入測試平台隨附的預設執行階段提供者。 - 如果設定 [明確] 選項時未指定此項目,則必須明確指定測試主機提供者。 + - DefaultRuntimeProviders: Load default runtime providers shipped with Test Platform. + If this is not specified when "Explicit" option is set, a test host provider need to be specified explicitly. - - ExtensionsDirectory: 在 [擴充功能] 資料夾內載入介面卡。 + - ExtensionsDirectory: Load adapters inside Extensions folder. - - NextToSource: 載入來源旁的介面卡。 + - NextToSource: Load adapters next to source. - - Recursive: 載入介面卡時,以遞迴方式搜尋資料夾。這需要也指定「明確」或「NextToSource」。 + - Recursive: Recursively search folders when loading adapters. This requires "Explicit" or "NextToSource" to be specified too. Do not translate "Default", "DefaultRuntimeProviders", "ExtensionsDirectory", "NextToSource" or "Recursive". Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! - 為 /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy 指定的值 ({0}) 無效! + Specified value ({0}) for /TestAdapterLoadingStrategy is invalid! Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Recursive 介面卡載入策略無法自行使用。請結合一或多個: {0} + Recursive adapter loading strategy is cannot be used by itself. Please combine with one or more of: {0} - Do not translate "Recursive", - {0} is the strategy names, seperated by comma: for example "Explicit, NextToSource" @@ -1161,72 +1161,72 @@ The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! - 指定「{0}」測試介面卡載入策略時,必須提供 /TestAdapterPath 參數! + The /TestAdapterPath parameter needs to be provided when "{0}" test adapter loading strategy is specified! {0} is the strategy name, "Explicit" for example. vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. - vstest.console.exe 正在模擬模式下以 {0} 方式執行。為了獲得較佳效能,請考慮使用原生執行器 vstest.console.arm64.exe。 + vstest.console.exe is running in emulated mode as {0}. For better performance, please consider using the native runner vstest.console.arm64.exe. Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. - 等待要求處理常式連線在 {0} 秒後逾時。 + Waiting for request handler connection timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. - 等待啟動測試工作階段在 {0} 秒後逾時。 + Waiting for start test session timed out after {0} seconds. Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. - 等待停止測試工作階段在 {0} 秒後逾時。 + Waiting for stop test session timed out after {0} seconds. Error hosting communication channel. - 裝載通訊通道時發生錯誤。 + Error hosting communication channel. ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. - 應指定 ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath 以安裝或解除安裝事後剖析偵錯工具。 + ProcDumpToolDirectoryPath should be specified to install or unistall the post mortem debugger. Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. - 目前的作業系統不支援 Postmortem 偵錯工具。 + Postmortem debugger is not supported in the current OS. The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) - 指定給 procdump 可執行檔的目錄無效,而且在環境變數 (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) 中找不到工具 + The directory specified for the procdump executable is not valid and the tool was not found inside environment variables (PROCDUMP_PATH, PATH) Procdump file name not found: '{0}' - 找不到 procdump 檔案名稱: '{0}' + Procdump file name not found: '{0}' DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. - 應指定 DumpDirectoryPath 以安裝事後剖析偵錯工具。 + DumpDirectoryPath should be specified to install the post mortem debugger. The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' - 指定的目錄無效: '{0}' + The directory specified is not valid: '{0}' AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. - AeDebugger 引數 '{0}' 無效。 + AeDebugger argument '{0}' is not valid. The dotnet vstest command is superseded by dotnet test, which can now be used to run assemblies. See - dotnet vstest 命令已由 dotnet 測試取代,該測試現在可用於執行組件。請參閱。 + The dotnet vstest command is superseded by dotnet test, which can now be used to run assemblies. See