diff --git a/src/messages/GE_de-DE.json b/src/messages/GE_de-DE.json index fbd1e1f654..1b81494777 100644 --- a/src/messages/GE_de-DE.json +++ b/src/messages/GE_de-DE.json @@ -433,5 +433,8 @@ "Could not connect to the sandbox": "Fehler beim Verbinden mit der Sandbox", "Failed to get profile information": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Profilinformationen", "Do you want to remove all the items you have added to the collection?": "Möchten Sie alle Elemente, die Sie zu Ihrer Sammlung hinzugefügt haben, wieder entfernen?", - "Delete collection": "Sammlung löschen" + "Delete collection": "Sammlung löschen", + "Leverage libraries": "Nutzen Sie die Leistungsfähigkeit unserer Clientbibliotheken. Laden Sie die", + "Client library": "Clientbibliothek hier herunter ", + "SDKs documentation": "Weitere Informationen zu unseren SDKs finden Sie auf der Dokumentationsseite unter " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/messages/GE_es-ES.json b/src/messages/GE_es-ES.json index f97586bf39..df90475b74 100644 --- a/src/messages/GE_es-ES.json +++ b/src/messages/GE_es-ES.json @@ -433,5 +433,8 @@ "Could not connect to the sandbox": "No se pudo conectar con el espacio aislado", "Failed to get profile information": "No se ha podido obtener la información de perfil", "Do you want to remove all the items you have added to the collection?": "¿Desea quitar todos los elementos que ha añadido a la colección?", - "Delete collection": "Eliminar colección" + "Delete collection": "Eliminar colección", + "Leverage libraries": "Aproveche la eficacia de nuestras bibliotecas de cliente. Descargar el", + "Client library": "biblioteca de cliente aquí ", + "SDKs documentation": "Para obtener más información sobre nuestros SDK, vaya a la página de documentación en " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/messages/GE_fr-FR.json b/src/messages/GE_fr-FR.json index d3ac8e03c0..1a03b16909 100644 --- a/src/messages/GE_fr-FR.json +++ b/src/messages/GE_fr-FR.json @@ -433,5 +433,8 @@ "Could not connect to the sandbox": "Impossible de se connecter au bac à sable", "Failed to get profile information": "Impossible d’obtenir les informations de profil", "Do you want to remove all the items you have added to the collection?": "Voulez-vous supprimer tous les éléments que vous avez ajoutés à la collection ?", - "Delete collection": "Supprimer la collection" + "Delete collection": "Supprimer la collection", + "Leverage libraries": "Tirez parti de la puissance de nos bibliothèques clientes. Téléchargez la", + "Client library": "bibliothèque cliente ici ", + "SDKs documentation": "Pour en savoir plus sur nos kits de développement logiciel (SDK), accédez à la page de documentation sur " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/messages/GE_ja-JP.json b/src/messages/GE_ja-JP.json index cf6e2d0e74..9e7b1d0d01 100644 --- a/src/messages/GE_ja-JP.json +++ b/src/messages/GE_ja-JP.json @@ -433,5 +433,8 @@ "Could not connect to the sandbox": "サンドボックスに接続できませんでした", "Failed to get profile information": "プロファイル情報を取得できませんでした", "Do you want to remove all the items you have added to the collection?": "コレクションに追加したすべてのアイテムを削除しますか?", - "Delete collection": "コレクションの削除" + "Delete collection": "コレクションを削除する", + "Leverage libraries": "クライアント ライブラリの力を活用します。次をダウンロード:", + "Client library": "クライアント ライブラリはこちら ", + "SDKs documentation": "SDK の詳細については、 のドキュメント ページを参照してください " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/messages/GE_pt-BR.json b/src/messages/GE_pt-BR.json index 654fd624ba..9c1d6ee71c 100644 --- a/src/messages/GE_pt-BR.json +++ b/src/messages/GE_pt-BR.json @@ -433,5 +433,8 @@ "Could not connect to the sandbox": "Não foi possível conectar ao sandbox", "Failed to get profile information": "Falha ao obter informações do perfil", "Do you want to remove all the items you have added to the collection?": "Você quer remover todos os itens que você adicionou à coleção?", - "Delete collection": "Excluir coleção" + "Delete collection": "Excluir coleção", + "Leverage libraries": "Aproveite o poder das nossas bibliotecas de clientes. Baixe o", + "Client library": "a biblioteca do cliente aqui ", + "SDKs documentation": "Para saber mais sobre nossos SDKs, acesse a página de documentação em " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/messages/GE_ru-RU.json b/src/messages/GE_ru-RU.json index cc81db9667..919d8a02d4 100644 --- a/src/messages/GE_ru-RU.json +++ b/src/messages/GE_ru-RU.json @@ -433,5 +433,8 @@ "Could not connect to the sandbox": "Не удалось подключиться к песочнице", "Failed to get profile information": "Не удалось получить сведения о профиле", "Do you want to remove all the items you have added to the collection?": "Вы хотите удалить все элементы, добавленные в коллекцию?", - "Delete collection": "Удалить коллекцию" + "Delete collection": "Удалить коллекцию", + "Leverage libraries": "Используйте возможности наших клиентских библиотек. Скачать", + "Client library": "клиентская библиотека здесь ", + "SDKs documentation": "Чтобы узнать больше о наших SDK, посетите страницу документации " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/messages/GE_zh-CN.json b/src/messages/GE_zh-CN.json index 1f8d26cc16..5fa0c8b11a 100644 --- a/src/messages/GE_zh-CN.json +++ b/src/messages/GE_zh-CN.json @@ -433,5 +433,8 @@ "Could not connect to the sandbox": "无法连接到沙盒", "Failed to get profile information": "未能获取用户配置文件信息", "Do you want to remove all the items you have added to the collection?": "是否要删除已添加到集合中的所有项?", - "Delete collection": "删除集合" + "Delete collection": "删除集合", + "Leverage libraries": "充分利用客户端库的力量。立即下载", + "Client library": "在此处的客户端库 ", + "SDKs documentation": "若要了解更多有关我们的 SDK 的信息,请转到文档页 " } \ No newline at end of file