##For my Q1 project I decided to make a two player chess game with full validation of moves.
###Completed Goals:
Hovering over pieces highlights valid moves for pieces.
Game only allows for player driven valid moves.
Allows for discovery check. (moving a piece that reveals a check).
###Bugs to be fixed:
####Non-responsive - shrink browser to 80% for best view
####Computer Play Mode -
- it will still move captured pieces,
- computer pawns can't tell the difference between pawn capture legality and pawn free space legality
- Black can't intelligently react to being in check
###Stretch Goals:
- To be able to play a computer that recognizes famous games situations and makes the best move. (DEEP BLUE EMULATOR)
- Animation of pieces
- logic for castling and en passant
- add socket functionality so two people can play