This project is meant to help you migrate Kubernetes workloads from the comfort of your own cloud by giving you the power of the crane command line tool in a container, Tekton ClusterTasks, and Tekton Pipelines.
"How does it work?" you might ask. The ClusterTasks we provide work as a sort of contract, provide us with the input we need to run -- like the kubeconfig, context, and namespace from the cluster you want to migrate workloads from in the case of "export" -- and we handle the rest.
No patience for documentation? All you need is a cluster and Tekton to get started.
# See for help with installing Tekton
kubectl apply -f
# Wait for Tekton to be ready
kubectl --namespace tekton-pipelines wait --for=condition=ready pod --timeout=180s
Now install our Tekton related manifests:
kustomize build | kubectl apply -f -
Check out our Examples to start working through your first migration with Crane.