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3.0 Migrate MSSQL Application

The first application that we are going to migrate is a simple Product Inventory web-based application front-end, backed backed by Microsoft SQL Server. This application will deploy into the mssql-example namespace using a single PV backed by NFS for persistent storage.

3.1 Deploying the MSSQL app to the Source Cluster

First we'll need to deploy the mssql app to our source cluster using yaml from the mig-demo-apps repo.

$ oc create -f

Required Container Images - MSSQL Example

After creation, we should see mssql-example come up.

$ oc get pods -n mssql-example
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mssql-app-deployment-6ffb46c5d6-n5fvv   1/1     Running   0          41m
mssql-deployment-1-xq4p4                1/1     Running   0          41m

Let's get the route to the application, and bring up the webUI.

$ oc get route -n mssql-example
NAME              HOST/PORT                                                       PATH   SERVICES     PORT
mssql-app-route          db-app-svc   5000

MSSQL Product Catalog

Let's go ahead and add a new product to the inventory. Click on the +Add button and enter some data.

MSSQL Add Product

You can see the application is functioning and state is being saved in the DB.

MSSQL Added Product

Let's also verify that the application is NOT installed on our destination cluster. First login to the destination cluster. You can see that no Pods are running; and in fact the mssql-example namespace does not exist.

3.1.1 Create MSSQL SCC on the Destination Cluster

The custom SCC yaml is available here. Download to your local machine, as we will apply it in the next step.

  1. Run the following to recreate the MSSQL scc on the destination cluster:
$ oc create -f mssql-scc.yaml created

3.2 Using CAM

Next, let's open up the migration UI. Again, to get the route, run the following command on the destination cluster:

$ oc get routes migration -n openshift-migration -o jsonpath='{}'

The screen should look something like:

CAM Main Screen

3.2.1 Add a Cluster

First thing we want to do is add the source OCP cluster we wish to migrate the application from. Click Add cluster:

CAM Add Cluster

Fill out the neccessary information. We will need an Service Account Token in order for destination cluster to talk to source cluster:

Run the following against your source cluster.

$ oc sa get-token -n openshift-migration migration-controller

# We need to save the output of the 'get-token', that is the long string we will enter into the mig-ui when we create a new cluster entry.

When done, click Add Cluster. You should see a Connection successful message. Click Close.

CAM Add Cluster Success

Now you should see the source and destination clusters populated.

CAM Clusters Added

3.2.2 Setup an S3 bucket as a replication repository

Next we want to add a replication repository, which is an Object Storage endpoint. Currently we assume this is a S3 like endpoint. If you do not have a Object Storage endpoint ready to use, refer to

Click Add Repository:

CAM Add Repo

Fill out the information for the S3 bucket you wish to use as S3 scratch space. Click Add repository and you should see a Connection successful message. Click Close.

CAM Add Repo Success

You should now see the repository myrepo populated.

CAM Repo Added

3.2.3 Create a Migration Plan

Now that we have a replication repository specified and both the source and destination clusters defined, we can create a migration plan. Click Add Plan:

CAM Mig Plan 1

Fill out a plan name. Click Next.

CAM Mig Plan 2

Select the source and target cluster, the replication repository, and the mssql-example namespace (which we want to migrate over). Click Next.

CAM Mig Plan 3

Now we are displayed a list of persistent volumes associated with our application workload. Select which type of action you would like to perform on the PV. For this example we've selected copy. Click Next.

CAM Mig Plan 4

Since we are copying to a new PV, we must select the storage class to be used for creation of new PVs. In this case we will be copying our data from NFS to AWS-EBS ( Click Next.

CAM Mig Plan 5

After validating the migration plan, you will see a Ready message and you can click Close.

3.2.4 Migrate the Application Workload

Now we can select Migrate or Stage on the application. Since we don't care about downtime for this example, let's select Migrate:

CAM Mig Plan Added

Optionally choose to not terminate the application on the source cluster. Leave it unchecked and select Migrate.

CAM Quiesce

The migration will progress with a progress bar showing each step in the process.

CAM Progress Bar

Once done, you should see Migration Succeeded on the migration plan.

CAM Migration Complete

5.2.5 Verify application is functioning on Destination Cluster

Let's check out Pods running in the mssql-example namespace on the destination cluster.

First we can check out the Pods running on the destination and verify they meet our expectation.

$ oc get pods -n mssql-example
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mssql-app-deployment-6ffb46c5d6-n5fvv   1/1     Running   0          5m
mssql-deployment-1-xq4p4                1/1     Running   0          6m

Next, let's check for a newly created route on the destination cluster.

$  oc get route -n mssql-example
NAME              HOST/PORT                                                 PATH   SERVICES
mssql-app-route     db-app-svc   5000

Open the route in a browser and verify the mssql demo app is functional.


Next Section: Section 4 - Migrate Sock Shop Application
Previous Section: Section 2 - CAM Overview