diff --git a/elasticsearch_dsl/interfaces.py b/elasticsearch_dsl/interfaces.py
index 67a6eafe..16b4b097 100644
--- a/elasticsearch_dsl/interfaces.py
+++ b/elasticsearch_dsl/interfaces.py
@@ -15,476 +15,1995 @@
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
-from typing import Any, List, Literal, Mapping, TypedDict, Union
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Mapping, Union
from elasticsearch_dsl import Query, analysis, function
from elasticsearch_dsl import interfaces as i
-from elasticsearch_dsl.search_base import InstrumentedField
+from elasticsearch_dsl.document_base import InstrumentedField
+from elasticsearch_dsl.utils import NOT_SET, AttrDict, NotSet
PipeSeparatedFlags = str
-class QueryBase(TypedDict):
- boost: float
- _name: str
-class MatchPhrasePrefixQuery(QueryBase):
- analyzer: str
- max_expansions: int
- query: str
- slop: int
- zero_terms_query: Literal["all", "none"]
+class QueryBase(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg boost: Floating point number used to decrease or increase the
+ relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the
+ default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases
+ the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the
+ relevance score.
+ :arg _name: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ boost: Union[float, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ _name: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if boost != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["boost"] = boost
+ if _name != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["_name"] = _name
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class DistanceFeatureQueryBase(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg origin: (required)Date or point of origin used to calculate
+ distances. If the `field` value is a `date` or `date_nanos` field,
+ the `origin` value must be a date. Date Math, such as `now-1h`, is
+ supported. If the field value is a `geo_point` field, the `origin`
+ value must be a geopoint.
+ :arg pivot: (required)Distance from the `origin` at which relevance
+ scores receive half of the `boost` value. If the `field` value is
+ a `date` or `date_nanos` field, the `pivot` value must be a time
+ unit, such as `1h` or `10d`. If the `field` value is a `geo_point`
+ field, the `pivot` value must be a distance unit, such as `1km` or
+ `12m`.
+ :arg field: (required)Name of the field used to calculate distances.
+ This field must meet the following criteria: be a `date`,
+ `date_nanos` or `geo_point` field; have an `index` mapping
+ parameter value of `true`, which is the default; have an
+ `doc_values` mapping parameter value of `true`, which is the
+ default.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ origin: Any,
+ pivot: Any,
+ field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if origin != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["origin"] = origin
+ if pivot != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["pivot"] = pivot
+ if field != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["field"] = str(field)
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+class DateDistanceFeatureQuery(DistanceFeatureQueryBase):
+ pass
-class MatchPhraseQuery(QueryBase):
- analyzer: str
- query: str
- slop: int
- zero_terms_query: Literal["all", "none"]
+class PrefixQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg rewrite: Method used to rewrite the query.
+ :arg value: (required)Beginning characters of terms you wish to find
+ in the provided field.
+ :arg case_insensitive: Allows ASCII case insensitive matching of the
+ value with the indexed field values when set to `true`. Default is
+ `false` which means the case sensitivity of matching depends on
+ the underlying field’s mapping.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ rewrite: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ value: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ case_insensitive: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if rewrite != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["rewrite"] = rewrite
+ if value != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["value"] = value
+ if case_insensitive != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["case_insensitive"] = case_insensitive
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+class QueryVectorBuilder(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg text_embedding: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ text_embedding: Union["i.TextEmbedding", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if text_embedding != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["text_embedding"] = text_embedding
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class TokenPruningConfig(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg tokens_freq_ratio_threshold: Tokens whose frequency is more than
+ this threshold times the average frequency of all tokens in the
+ specified field are considered outliers and pruned.
+ :arg tokens_weight_threshold: Tokens whose weight is less than this
+ threshold are considered nonsignificant and pruned.
+ :arg only_score_pruned_tokens: Whether to only score pruned tokens, vs
+ only scoring kept tokens.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ tokens_freq_ratio_threshold: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ tokens_weight_threshold: Union[float, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ only_score_pruned_tokens: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if tokens_freq_ratio_threshold != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["tokens_freq_ratio_threshold"] = tokens_freq_ratio_threshold
+ if tokens_weight_threshold != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["tokens_weight_threshold"] = tokens_weight_threshold
+ if only_score_pruned_tokens != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["only_score_pruned_tokens"] = only_score_pruned_tokens
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
-class WeightedTokensQuery(QueryBase):
- tokens: Mapping[str, float]
- pruning_config: "i.TokenPruningConfig"
+class SpanTermQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg value: (required)No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *, value: Union[str, "NotSet"], **kwargs: Any):
+ if value != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["value"] = value
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class IntervalsQuery(QueryBase):
- all_of: "i.IntervalsAllOf"
- any_of: "i.IntervalsAnyOf"
- fuzzy: "i.IntervalsFuzzy"
- match: "i.IntervalsMatch"
- prefix: "i.IntervalsPrefix"
- wildcard: "i.IntervalsWildcard"
+class PinnedDoc(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg _id: (required)The unique document ID.
+ :arg _index: (required)The index that contains the document.
+ """
-class PinnedDoc(TypedDict):
- _id: str
- _index: str
+ def __init__(
+ self, *, _id: Union[str, "NotSet"], _index: Union[str, "NotSet"], **kwargs: Any
+ ):
+ if _id != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["_id"] = _id
+ if _index != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["_index"] = _index
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
-class FuzzyQuery(QueryBase):
- max_expansions: int
- prefix_length: int
- rewrite: str
- transpositions: bool
- fuzziness: Union[str, int]
- value: Union[str, float, bool]
+class MatchQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg analyzer: Analyzer used to convert the text in the query value
+ into tokens.
+ :arg auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query: If `true`, match phrase
+ queries are automatically created for multi-term synonyms.
+ :arg cutoff_frequency: No documentation available.
+ :arg fuzziness: Maximum edit distance allowed for matching.
+ :arg fuzzy_rewrite: Method used to rewrite the query.
+ :arg fuzzy_transpositions: If `true`, edits for fuzzy matching include
+ transpositions of two adjacent characters (for example, `ab` to
+ `ba`).
+ :arg lenient: If `true`, format-based errors, such as providing a text
+ query value for a numeric field, are ignored.
+ :arg max_expansions: Maximum number of terms to which the query will
+ expand.
+ :arg minimum_should_match: Minimum number of clauses that must match
+ for a document to be returned.
+ :arg operator: Boolean logic used to interpret text in the query
+ value.
+ :arg prefix_length: Number of beginning characters left unchanged for
+ fuzzy matching.
+ :arg query: (required)Text, number, boolean value or date you wish to
+ find in the provided field.
+ :arg zero_terms_query: Indicates whether no documents are returned if
+ the `analyzer` removes all tokens, such as when using a `stop`
+ filter.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ analyzer: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ cutoff_frequency: Union[float, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fuzziness: Union[str, int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fuzzy_rewrite: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fuzzy_transpositions: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ lenient: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ max_expansions: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ minimum_should_match: Union[int, str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ operator: Union[Literal["and", "or"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ prefix_length: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ query: Union[str, float, bool, "NotSet"],
+ zero_terms_query: Union[Literal["all", "none"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if analyzer != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["analyzer"] = analyzer
+ if auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query"] = (
+ auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query
+ )
+ if cutoff_frequency != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["cutoff_frequency"] = cutoff_frequency
+ if fuzziness != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fuzziness"] = fuzziness
+ if fuzzy_rewrite != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fuzzy_rewrite"] = fuzzy_rewrite
+ if fuzzy_transpositions != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fuzzy_transpositions"] = fuzzy_transpositions
+ if lenient != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["lenient"] = lenient
+ if max_expansions != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["max_expansions"] = max_expansions
+ if minimum_should_match != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["minimum_should_match"] = minimum_should_match
+ if operator != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["operator"] = operator
+ if prefix_length != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["prefix_length"] = prefix_length
+ if query != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["query"] = query
+ if zero_terms_query != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["zero_terms_query"] = zero_terms_query
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class RankFeatureFunction(TypedDict):
+class CommonTermsQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg analyzer: No documentation available.
+ :arg cutoff_frequency: No documentation available.
+ :arg high_freq_operator: No documentation available.
+ :arg low_freq_operator: No documentation available.
+ :arg minimum_should_match: No documentation available.
+ :arg query: (required)No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ analyzer: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ cutoff_frequency: Union[float, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ high_freq_operator: Union[Literal["and", "or"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ low_freq_operator: Union[Literal["and", "or"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ minimum_should_match: Union[int, str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ query: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if analyzer != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["analyzer"] = analyzer
+ if cutoff_frequency != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["cutoff_frequency"] = cutoff_frequency
+ if high_freq_operator != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["high_freq_operator"] = high_freq_operator
+ if low_freq_operator != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["low_freq_operator"] = low_freq_operator
+ if minimum_should_match != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["minimum_should_match"] = minimum_should_match
+ if query != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["query"] = query
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+class RankFeatureFunction(AttrDict[Any]):
class RankFeatureFunctionLogarithm(RankFeatureFunction):
- scaling_factor: float
+ """
+ :arg scaling_factor: (required)Configurable scaling factor.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *, scaling_factor: Union[float, "NotSet"], **kwargs: Any):
+ if scaling_factor != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["scaling_factor"] = scaling_factor
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class TextExpansionQuery(QueryBase):
- model_id: str
- model_text: str
- pruning_config: "i.TokenPruningConfig"
-class PrefixQuery(QueryBase):
- rewrite: str
- value: str
- case_insensitive: bool
+class IntervalsQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg all_of: Returns matches that span a combination of other rules.
+ :arg any_of: Returns intervals produced by any of its sub-rules.
+ :arg fuzzy: Matches terms that are similar to the provided term,
+ within an edit distance defined by `fuzziness`.
+ :arg match: Matches analyzed text.
+ :arg prefix: Matches terms that start with a specified set of
+ characters.
+ :arg wildcard: Matches terms using a wildcard pattern.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ all_of: Union["i.IntervalsAllOf", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ any_of: Union["i.IntervalsAnyOf", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fuzzy: Union["i.IntervalsFuzzy", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ match: Union["i.IntervalsMatch", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ prefix: Union["i.IntervalsPrefix", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ wildcard: Union["i.IntervalsWildcard", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if all_of != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["all_of"] = all_of
+ if any_of != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["any_of"] = any_of
+ if fuzzy != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fuzzy"] = fuzzy
+ if match != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["match"] = match
+ if prefix != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["prefix"] = prefix
+ if wildcard != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["wildcard"] = wildcard
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+class LikeDocument(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg doc: A document not present in the index.
+ :arg fields: No documentation available.
+ :arg _id: ID of a document.
+ :arg _index: Index of a document.
+ :arg per_field_analyzer: Overrides the default analyzer.
+ :arg routing: No documentation available.
+ :arg version: No documentation available.
+ :arg version_type: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ doc: Any = NOT_SET,
+ fields: Union[List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ _id: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ _index: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ per_field_analyzer: Union[
+ Mapping[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], str], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ routing: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ version: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ version_type: Union[
+ Literal["internal", "external", "external_gte", "force"], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if doc != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["doc"] = doc
+ if fields != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fields"] = str(fields)
+ if _id != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["_id"] = _id
+ if _index != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["_index"] = _index
+ if per_field_analyzer != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["per_field_analyzer"] = str(per_field_analyzer)
+ if routing != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["routing"] = routing
+ if version != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["version"] = version
+ if version_type != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["version_type"] = version_type
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
-class TokenPruningConfig(TypedDict):
- tokens_freq_ratio_threshold: int
- tokens_weight_threshold: float
- only_score_pruned_tokens: bool
+class MatchPhrasePrefixQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg analyzer: Analyzer used to convert text in the query value into
+ tokens.
+ :arg max_expansions: Maximum number of terms to which the last
+ provided term of the query value will expand.
+ :arg query: (required)Text you wish to find in the provided field.
+ :arg slop: Maximum number of positions allowed between matching
+ tokens.
+ :arg zero_terms_query: Indicates whether no documents are returned if
+ the analyzer removes all tokens, such as when using a `stop`
+ filter.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ analyzer: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ max_expansions: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ query: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ slop: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ zero_terms_query: Union[Literal["all", "none"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if analyzer != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["analyzer"] = analyzer
+ if max_expansions != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["max_expansions"] = max_expansions
+ if query != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["query"] = query
+ if slop != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["slop"] = slop
+ if zero_terms_query != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["zero_terms_query"] = zero_terms_query
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
class TermQuery(QueryBase):
- value: Union[int, float, str, bool, None, Any]
- case_insensitive: bool
-class SpanQuery(TypedDict):
- span_containing: "i.SpanContainingQuery"
- span_field_masking: "i.SpanFieldMaskingQuery"
- span_first: "i.SpanFirstQuery"
- span_gap: Mapping[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], int]
- span_multi: "i.SpanMultiTermQuery"
- span_near: "i.SpanNearQuery"
- span_not: "i.SpanNotQuery"
- span_or: "i.SpanOrQuery"
- span_term: Mapping[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], "i.SpanTermQuery"]
- span_within: "i.SpanWithinQuery"
-class RankFeatureFunctionSaturation(RankFeatureFunction):
- pivot: float
+ """
+ :arg value: (required)Term you wish to find in the provided field.
+ :arg case_insensitive: Allows ASCII case insensitive matching of the
+ value with the indexed field values when set to `true`. When
+ `false`, the case sensitivity of matching depends on the
+ underlying field’s mapping.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ value: Union[int, float, str, bool, None, Any, "NotSet"],
+ case_insensitive: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if value != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["value"] = value
+ if case_insensitive != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["case_insensitive"] = case_insensitive
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+class UntypedDistanceFeatureQuery(DistanceFeatureQueryBase):
+ pass
class WildcardQuery(QueryBase):
- case_insensitive: bool
- rewrite: str
- value: str
- wildcard: str
-class SpanTermQuery(QueryBase):
- value: str
-class QueryVectorBuilder(TypedDict):
- text_embedding: "i.TextEmbedding"
+ """
+ :arg case_insensitive: Allows case insensitive matching of the pattern
+ with the indexed field values when set to true. Default is false
+ which means the case sensitivity of matching depends on the
+ underlying field’s mapping.
+ :arg rewrite: Method used to rewrite the query.
+ :arg value: Wildcard pattern for terms you wish to find in the
+ provided field. Required, when wildcard is not set.
+ :arg wildcard: Wildcard pattern for terms you wish to find in the
+ provided field. Required, when value is not set.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ case_insensitive: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ rewrite: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ value: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ wildcard: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if case_insensitive != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["case_insensitive"] = case_insensitive
+ if rewrite != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["rewrite"] = rewrite
+ if value != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["value"] = value
+ if wildcard != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["wildcard"] = wildcard
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class Script(TypedDict):
- source: str
- id: str
- params: Mapping[str, Any]
- lang: Literal["painless", "expression", "mustache", "java"]
- options: Mapping[str, str]
-class CommonTermsQuery(QueryBase):
- analyzer: str
- cutoff_frequency: float
- high_freq_operator: Literal["and", "or"]
- low_freq_operator: Literal["and", "or"]
- minimum_should_match: Union[int, str]
- query: str
-class InnerHits(TypedDict):
- name: str
- size: int
- from_: int
- collapse: "i.FieldCollapse"
- docvalue_fields: List["i.FieldAndFormat"]
- explain: bool
- highlight: "i.Highlight"
- ignore_unmapped: bool
- script_fields: Mapping[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], "i.ScriptField"]
- seq_no_primary_term: bool
- fields: Union[
- Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]]
- ]
- sort: Union[
- Union[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], "i.SortOptions"],
- List[Union[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], "i.SortOptions"]],
- ]
- _source: Union[bool, "i.SourceFilter"]
- stored_fields: Union[
- Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]]
- ]
- track_scores: bool
- version: bool
-class MatchBoolPrefixQuery(QueryBase):
- analyzer: str
- fuzziness: Union[str, int]
- fuzzy_rewrite: str
- fuzzy_transpositions: bool
- max_expansions: int
- minimum_should_match: Union[int, str]
- operator: Literal["and", "or"]
- prefix_length: int
- query: str
-class FunctionScoreContainer(TypedDict):
- exp: Union[
- "function.UntypedDecayFunction",
- "function.DateDecayFunction",
- "function.NumericDecayFunction",
- "function.GeoDecayFunction",
- ]
- gauss: Union[
- "function.UntypedDecayFunction",
- "function.DateDecayFunction",
- "function.NumericDecayFunction",
- "function.GeoDecayFunction",
- ]
- linear: Union[
- "function.UntypedDecayFunction",
- "function.DateDecayFunction",
- "function.NumericDecayFunction",
- "function.GeoDecayFunction",
- ]
- field_value_factor: "function.FieldValueFactorScoreFunction"
- random_score: "function.RandomScoreFunction"
- script_score: "function.ScriptScoreFunction"
- filter: Query
- weight: float
-class RankFeatureFunctionLinear(RankFeatureFunction):
- pass
+class RegexpQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg case_insensitive: Allows case insensitive matching of the regular
+ expression value with the indexed field values when set to `true`.
+ When `false`, case sensitivity of matching depends on the
+ underlying field’s mapping.
+ :arg flags: Enables optional operators for the regular expression.
+ :arg max_determinized_states: Maximum number of automaton states
+ required for the query.
+ :arg rewrite: Method used to rewrite the query.
+ :arg value: (required)Regular expression for terms you wish to find in
+ the provided field.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ case_insensitive: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ flags: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ max_determinized_states: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ rewrite: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ value: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if case_insensitive != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["case_insensitive"] = case_insensitive
+ if flags != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["flags"] = flags
+ if max_determinized_states != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["max_determinized_states"] = max_determinized_states
+ if rewrite != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["rewrite"] = rewrite
+ if value != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["value"] = value
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
class TermsSetQuery(QueryBase):
- minimum_should_match_field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]
- minimum_should_match_script: "i.Script"
- terms: List[str]
+ """
+ :arg minimum_should_match_field: Numeric field containing the number
+ of matching terms required to return a document.
+ :arg minimum_should_match_script: Custom script containing the number
+ of matching terms required to return a document.
+ :arg terms: (required)Array of terms you wish to find in the provided
+ field.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ minimum_should_match_field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ minimum_should_match_script: Union[
+ "i.Script", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ terms: Union[List[str], "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if minimum_should_match_field != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["minimum_should_match_field"] = str(minimum_should_match_field)
+ if minimum_should_match_script != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["minimum_should_match_script"] = minimum_should_match_script
+ if terms != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["terms"] = terms
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class LikeDocument(TypedDict):
- doc: Any
- fields: List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]]
- _id: str
- _index: str
- per_field_analyzer: Mapping[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], str]
- routing: str
- version: int
- version_type: Literal["internal", "external", "external_gte", "force"]
+class MatchPhraseQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg analyzer: Analyzer used to convert the text in the query value
+ into tokens.
+ :arg query: (required)Query terms that are analyzed and turned into a
+ phrase query.
+ :arg slop: Maximum number of positions allowed between matching
+ tokens.
+ :arg zero_terms_query: Indicates whether no documents are returned if
+ the `analyzer` removes all tokens, such as when using a `stop`
+ filter.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ analyzer: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ query: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ slop: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ zero_terms_query: Union[Literal["all", "none"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if analyzer != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["analyzer"] = analyzer
+ if query != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["query"] = query
+ if slop != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["slop"] = slop
+ if zero_terms_query != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["zero_terms_query"] = zero_terms_query
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+class FunctionScoreContainer(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg exp: Function that scores a document with a exponential decay,
+ depending on the distance of a numeric field value of the document
+ from an origin.
+ :arg gauss: Function that scores a document with a normal decay,
+ depending on the distance of a numeric field value of the document
+ from an origin.
+ :arg linear: Function that scores a document with a linear decay,
+ depending on the distance of a numeric field value of the document
+ from an origin.
+ :arg field_value_factor: Function allows you to use a field from a
+ document to influence the score. It’s similar to using the
+ script_score function, however, it avoids the overhead of
+ scripting.
+ :arg random_score: Generates scores that are uniformly distributed
+ from 0 up to but not including 1. In case you want scores to be
+ reproducible, it is possible to provide a `seed` and `field`.
+ :arg script_score: Enables you to wrap another query and customize the
+ scoring of it optionally with a computation derived from other
+ numeric field values in the doc using a script expression.
+ :arg filter: No documentation available.
+ :arg weight: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ exp: Union[
+ "function.UntypedDecayFunction",
+ "function.DateDecayFunction",
+ "function.NumericDecayFunction",
+ "function.GeoDecayFunction",
+ "NotSet",
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ gauss: Union[
+ "function.UntypedDecayFunction",
+ "function.DateDecayFunction",
+ "function.NumericDecayFunction",
+ "function.GeoDecayFunction",
+ "NotSet",
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ linear: Union[
+ "function.UntypedDecayFunction",
+ "function.DateDecayFunction",
+ "function.NumericDecayFunction",
+ "function.GeoDecayFunction",
+ "NotSet",
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ field_value_factor: Union[
+ "function.FieldValueFactorScoreFunction", "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ random_score: Union["function.RandomScoreFunction", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ script_score: Union["function.ScriptScoreFunction", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ filter: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ weight: Union[float, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if exp != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["exp"] = exp
+ if gauss != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["gauss"] = gauss
+ if linear != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["linear"] = linear
+ if field_value_factor != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["field_value_factor"] = field_value_factor
+ if random_score != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["random_score"] = random_score
+ if script_score != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["script_score"] = script_score
+ if filter != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["filter"] = filter
+ if weight != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["weight"] = weight
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class GeoDistanceFeatureQuery(DistanceFeatureQueryBase):
+ pass
-class RegexpQuery(QueryBase):
- case_insensitive: bool
- flags: str
- max_determinized_states: int
- rewrite: str
- value: str
+class Script(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg source: The script source.
+ :arg id: The `id` for a stored script.
+ :arg params: Specifies any named parameters that are passed into the
+ script as variables. Use parameters instead of hard-coded values
+ to decrease compile time.
+ :arg lang: Specifies the language the script is written in.
+ :arg options: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ source: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ id: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ params: Union[Mapping[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ lang: Union[
+ Literal["painless", "expression", "mustache", "java"], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ options: Union[Mapping[str, str], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if source != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["source"] = source
+ if id != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["id"] = id
+ if params != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["params"] = params
+ if lang != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["lang"] = lang
+ if options != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["options"] = options
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class SpanQuery(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg span_containing: Accepts a list of span queries, but only returns
+ those spans which also match a second span query.
+ :arg span_field_masking: Allows queries like `span_near` or `span_or`
+ across different fields.
+ :arg span_first: Accepts another span query whose matches must appear
+ within the first N positions of the field.
+ :arg span_gap: No documentation available.
+ :arg span_multi: Wraps a `term`, `range`, `prefix`, `wildcard`,
+ `regexp`, or `fuzzy` query.
+ :arg span_near: Accepts multiple span queries whose matches must be
+ within the specified distance of each other, and possibly in the
+ same order.
+ :arg span_not: Wraps another span query, and excludes any documents
+ which match that query.
+ :arg span_or: Combines multiple span queries and returns documents
+ which match any of the specified queries.
+ :arg span_term: The equivalent of the `term` query but for use with
+ other span queries.
+ :arg span_within: The result from a single span query is returned as
+ long is its span falls within the spans returned by a list of
+ other span queries.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ span_containing: Union[
+ "i.SpanContainingQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ span_field_masking: Union[
+ "i.SpanFieldMaskingQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ span_first: Union["i.SpanFirstQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ span_gap: Union[
+ Mapping[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], int], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ span_multi: Union["i.SpanMultiTermQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ span_near: Union["i.SpanNearQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ span_not: Union["i.SpanNotQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ span_or: Union["i.SpanOrQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ span_term: Union[
+ Mapping[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], "i.SpanTermQuery"],
+ Dict[str, Any],
+ "NotSet",
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ span_within: Union["i.SpanWithinQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if span_containing != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["span_containing"] = span_containing
+ if span_field_masking != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["span_field_masking"] = span_field_masking
+ if span_first != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["span_first"] = span_first
+ if span_gap != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["span_gap"] = str(span_gap)
+ if span_multi != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["span_multi"] = span_multi
+ if span_near != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["span_near"] = span_near
+ if span_not != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["span_not"] = span_not
+ if span_or != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["span_or"] = span_or
+ if span_term != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["span_term"] = str(span_term)
+ if span_within != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["span_within"] = span_within
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
-class MatchQuery(QueryBase):
- analyzer: str
- auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query: bool
- cutoff_frequency: float
- fuzziness: Union[str, int]
- fuzzy_rewrite: str
- fuzzy_transpositions: bool
- lenient: bool
- max_expansions: int
- minimum_should_match: Union[int, str]
- operator: Literal["and", "or"]
- prefix_length: int
- query: Union[str, float, bool]
- zero_terms_query: Literal["all", "none"]
+class RankFeatureFunctionSaturation(RankFeatureFunction):
+ """
+ :arg pivot: Configurable pivot value so that the result will be less
+ than 0.5.
+ """
-class RankFeatureFunctionSigmoid(RankFeatureFunction):
- pivot: float
- exponent: float
+ def __init__(self, *, pivot: Union[float, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET, **kwargs: Any):
+ if pivot != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["pivot"] = pivot
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class IntervalsAllOf(TypedDict):
- intervals: List["i.IntervalsContainer"]
- max_gaps: int
- ordered: bool
- filter: "i.IntervalsFilter"
+class MatchBoolPrefixQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg analyzer: Analyzer used to convert the text in the query value
+ into tokens.
+ :arg fuzziness: Maximum edit distance allowed for matching. Can be
+ applied to the term subqueries constructed for all terms but the
+ final term.
+ :arg fuzzy_rewrite: Method used to rewrite the query. Can be applied
+ to the term subqueries constructed for all terms but the final
+ term.
+ :arg fuzzy_transpositions: If `true`, edits for fuzzy matching include
+ transpositions of two adjacent characters (for example, `ab` to
+ `ba`). Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed for all
+ terms but the final term.
+ :arg max_expansions: Maximum number of terms to which the query will
+ expand. Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed for all
+ terms but the final term.
+ :arg minimum_should_match: Minimum number of clauses that must match
+ for a document to be returned. Applied to the constructed bool
+ query.
+ :arg operator: Boolean logic used to interpret text in the query
+ value. Applied to the constructed bool query.
+ :arg prefix_length: Number of beginning characters left unchanged for
+ fuzzy matching. Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed
+ for all terms but the final term.
+ :arg query: (required)Terms you wish to find in the provided field.
+ The last term is used in a prefix query.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ analyzer: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fuzziness: Union[str, int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fuzzy_rewrite: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fuzzy_transpositions: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ max_expansions: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ minimum_should_match: Union[int, str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ operator: Union[Literal["and", "or"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ prefix_length: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ query: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if analyzer != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["analyzer"] = analyzer
+ if fuzziness != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fuzziness"] = fuzziness
+ if fuzzy_rewrite != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fuzzy_rewrite"] = fuzzy_rewrite
+ if fuzzy_transpositions != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fuzzy_transpositions"] = fuzzy_transpositions
+ if max_expansions != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["max_expansions"] = max_expansions
+ if minimum_should_match != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["minimum_should_match"] = minimum_should_match
+ if operator != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["operator"] = operator
+ if prefix_length != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["prefix_length"] = prefix_length
+ if query != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["query"] = query
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class IntervalsAnyOf(TypedDict):
- intervals: List["i.IntervalsContainer"]
- filter: "i.IntervalsFilter"
+class FuzzyQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg max_expansions: Maximum number of variations created.
+ :arg prefix_length: Number of beginning characters left unchanged when
+ creating expansions.
+ :arg rewrite: Number of beginning characters left unchanged when
+ creating expansions.
+ :arg transpositions: Indicates whether edits include transpositions of
+ two adjacent characters (for example `ab` to `ba`).
+ :arg fuzziness: Maximum edit distance allowed for matching.
+ :arg value: (required)Term you wish to find in the provided field.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ max_expansions: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ prefix_length: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ rewrite: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ transpositions: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fuzziness: Union[str, int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ value: Union[str, float, bool, "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if max_expansions != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["max_expansions"] = max_expansions
+ if prefix_length != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["prefix_length"] = prefix_length
+ if rewrite != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["rewrite"] = rewrite
+ if transpositions != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["transpositions"] = transpositions
+ if fuzziness != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fuzziness"] = fuzziness
+ if value != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["value"] = value
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+class InnerHits(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg name: The name for the particular inner hit definition in the
+ response. Useful when a search request contains multiple inner
+ hits.
+ :arg size: The maximum number of hits to return per `inner_hits`.
+ :arg from: Inner hit starting document offset.
+ :arg collapse: No documentation available.
+ :arg docvalue_fields: No documentation available.
+ :arg explain: No documentation available.
+ :arg highlight: No documentation available.
+ :arg ignore_unmapped: No documentation available.
+ :arg script_fields: No documentation available.
+ :arg seq_no_primary_term: No documentation available.
+ :arg fields: No documentation available.
+ :arg sort: How the inner hits should be sorted per `inner_hits`. By
+ default, inner hits are sorted by score.
+ :arg _source: No documentation available.
+ :arg stored_fields: No documentation available.
+ :arg track_scores: No documentation available.
+ :arg version: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ name: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ size: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ from_: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ collapse: Union["i.FieldCollapse", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ docvalue_fields: Union[
+ List["i.FieldAndFormat"], Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ explain: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ highlight: Union["i.Highlight", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ ignore_unmapped: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ script_fields: Union[
+ Mapping[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], "i.ScriptField"],
+ Dict[str, Any],
+ "NotSet",
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ seq_no_primary_term: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fields: Union[
+ Union[str, "InstrumentedField"],
+ List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]],
+ "NotSet",
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ sort: Union[
+ Union[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], "i.SortOptions"],
+ List[Union[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], "i.SortOptions"]],
+ Dict[str, Any],
+ "NotSet",
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ _source: Union[bool, "i.SourceFilter", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ stored_fields: Union[
+ Union[str, "InstrumentedField"],
+ List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]],
+ "NotSet",
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ track_scores: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ version: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if name != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["name"] = name
+ if size != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["size"] = size
+ if from_ != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["from_"] = from_
+ if collapse != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["collapse"] = collapse
+ if docvalue_fields != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["docvalue_fields"] = docvalue_fields
+ if explain != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["explain"] = explain
+ if highlight != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["highlight"] = highlight
+ if ignore_unmapped != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["ignore_unmapped"] = ignore_unmapped
+ if script_fields != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["script_fields"] = str(script_fields)
+ if seq_no_primary_term != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["seq_no_primary_term"] = seq_no_primary_term
+ if fields != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fields"] = str(fields)
+ if sort != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["sort"] = str(sort)
+ if _source != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["_source"] = _source
+ if stored_fields != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["stored_fields"] = str(stored_fields)
+ if track_scores != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["track_scores"] = track_scores
+ if version != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["version"] = version
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
-class IntervalsFuzzy(TypedDict):
- analyzer: str
- fuzziness: Union[str, int]
- prefix_length: int
- term: str
- transpositions: bool
- use_field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]
+class WeightedTokensQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg tokens: (required)The tokens representing this query
+ :arg pruning_config: Token pruning configurations
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ tokens: Union[Mapping[str, float], "NotSet"],
+ pruning_config: Union[
+ "i.TokenPruningConfig", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if tokens != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["tokens"] = tokens
+ if pruning_config != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["pruning_config"] = pruning_config
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class IntervalsPrefix(TypedDict):
- analyzer: str
- prefix: str
- use_field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]
+class RankFeatureFunctionSigmoid(RankFeatureFunction):
+ """
+ :arg pivot: (required)Configurable pivot value so that the result will
+ be less than 0.5.
+ :arg exponent: (required)Configurable Exponent.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ pivot: Union[float, "NotSet"],
+ exponent: Union[float, "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if pivot != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["pivot"] = pivot
+ if exponent != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["exponent"] = exponent
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class IntervalsMatch(TypedDict):
- analyzer: str
- max_gaps: int
- ordered: bool
- query: str
- use_field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]
- filter: "i.IntervalsFilter"
+class TextExpansionQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg model_id: (required)The text expansion NLP model to use
+ :arg model_text: (required)The query text
+ :arg pruning_config: Token pruning configurations
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ model_id: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ model_text: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ pruning_config: Union[
+ "i.TokenPruningConfig", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if model_id != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["model_id"] = model_id
+ if model_text != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["model_text"] = model_text
+ if pruning_config != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["pruning_config"] = pruning_config
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class IntervalsWildcard(TypedDict):
- analyzer: str
- pattern: str
- use_field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]
+class RankFeatureFunctionLinear(RankFeatureFunction):
+ pass
-class SpanFieldMaskingQuery(QueryBase):
- field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]
- query: "i.SpanQuery"
+class TextEmbedding(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg model_id: (required)No documentation available.
+ :arg model_text: (required)No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ model_id: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ model_text: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if model_id != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["model_id"] = model_id
+ if model_text != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["model_text"] = model_text
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class IntervalsAllOf(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg intervals: (required)An array of rules to combine. All rules must
+ produce a match in a document for the overall source to match.
+ :arg max_gaps: Maximum number of positions between the matching terms.
+ Intervals produced by the rules further apart than this are not
+ considered matches.
+ :arg ordered: If `true`, intervals produced by the rules should appear
+ in the order in which they are specified.
+ :arg filter: Rule used to filter returned intervals.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ intervals: Union[List["i.IntervalsContainer"], Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ max_gaps: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ ordered: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ filter: Union["i.IntervalsFilter", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if intervals != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["intervals"] = intervals
+ if max_gaps != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["max_gaps"] = max_gaps
+ if ordered != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["ordered"] = ordered
+ if filter != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["filter"] = filter
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class IntervalsWildcard(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg analyzer: Analyzer used to analyze the `pattern`. Defaults to the
+ top-level field's analyzer.
+ :arg pattern: (required)Wildcard pattern used to find matching terms.
+ :arg use_field: If specified, match intervals from this field rather
+ than the top-level field. The `pattern` is normalized using the
+ search analyzer from this field, unless `analyzer` is specified
+ separately.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ analyzer: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ pattern: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ use_field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if analyzer != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["analyzer"] = analyzer
+ if pattern != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["pattern"] = pattern
+ if use_field != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["use_field"] = str(use_field)
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class IntervalsMatch(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg analyzer: Analyzer used to analyze terms in the query.
+ :arg max_gaps: Maximum number of positions between the matching terms.
+ Terms further apart than this are not considered matches.
+ :arg ordered: If `true`, matching terms must appear in their specified
+ order.
+ :arg query: (required)Text you wish to find in the provided field.
+ :arg use_field: If specified, match intervals from this field rather
+ than the top-level field. The `term` is normalized using the
+ search analyzer from this field, unless `analyzer` is specified
+ separately.
+ :arg filter: An optional interval filter.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ analyzer: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ max_gaps: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ ordered: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ query: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ use_field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ filter: Union["i.IntervalsFilter", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if analyzer != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["analyzer"] = analyzer
+ if max_gaps != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["max_gaps"] = max_gaps
+ if ordered != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["ordered"] = ordered
+ if query != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["query"] = query
+ if use_field != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["use_field"] = str(use_field)
+ if filter != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["filter"] = filter
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class IntervalsPrefix(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg analyzer: Analyzer used to analyze the `prefix`.
+ :arg prefix: (required)Beginning characters of terms you wish to find
+ in the top-level field.
+ :arg use_field: If specified, match intervals from this field rather
+ than the top-level field. The `prefix` is normalized using the
+ search analyzer from this field, unless `analyzer` is specified
+ separately.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ analyzer: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ prefix: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ use_field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if analyzer != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["analyzer"] = analyzer
+ if prefix != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["prefix"] = prefix
+ if use_field != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["use_field"] = str(use_field)
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class IntervalsAnyOf(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg intervals: (required)An array of rules to match.
+ :arg filter: Rule used to filter returned intervals.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ intervals: Union[List["i.IntervalsContainer"], Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ filter: Union["i.IntervalsFilter", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if intervals != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["intervals"] = intervals
+ if filter != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["filter"] = filter
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class IntervalsFuzzy(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg analyzer: Analyzer used to normalize the term.
+ :arg fuzziness: Maximum edit distance allowed for matching.
+ :arg prefix_length: Number of beginning characters left unchanged when
+ creating expansions.
+ :arg term: (required)The term to match.
+ :arg transpositions: Indicates whether edits include transpositions of
+ two adjacent characters (for example, `ab` to `ba`).
+ :arg use_field: If specified, match intervals from this field rather
+ than the top-level field. The `term` is normalized using the
+ search analyzer from this field, unless `analyzer` is specified
+ separately.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ analyzer: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fuzziness: Union[str, int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ prefix_length: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ term: Union[str, "NotSet"],
+ transpositions: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ use_field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if analyzer != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["analyzer"] = analyzer
+ if fuzziness != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fuzziness"] = fuzziness
+ if prefix_length != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["prefix_length"] = prefix_length
+ if term != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["term"] = term
+ if transpositions != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["transpositions"] = transpositions
+ if use_field != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["use_field"] = str(use_field)
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
class SpanNearQuery(QueryBase):
- clauses: List["i.SpanQuery"]
- in_order: bool
- slop: int
-class SpanContainingQuery(QueryBase):
- big: "i.SpanQuery"
- little: "i.SpanQuery"
+ """
+ :arg clauses: (required)Array of one or more other span type queries.
+ :arg in_order: Controls whether matches are required to be in-order.
+ :arg slop: Controls the maximum number of intervening unmatched
+ positions permitted.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ clauses: Union[List["i.SpanQuery"], Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ in_order: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ slop: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if clauses != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["clauses"] = clauses
+ if in_order != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["in_order"] = in_order
+ if slop != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["slop"] = slop
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
class SpanOrQuery(QueryBase):
- clauses: List["i.SpanQuery"]
+ """
+ :arg clauses: (required)Array of one or more other span type queries.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ clauses: Union[List["i.SpanQuery"], Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if clauses != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["clauses"] = clauses
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class SpanNotQuery(QueryBase):
- dist: int
- exclude: "i.SpanQuery"
- include: "i.SpanQuery"
- post: int
- pre: int
-class SpanFirstQuery(QueryBase):
- end: int
- match: "i.SpanQuery"
+class SpanNotQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg dist: The number of tokens from within the include span that
+ can’t have overlap with the exclude span. Equivalent to setting
+ both `pre` and `post`.
+ :arg exclude: (required)Span query whose matches must not overlap
+ those returned.
+ :arg include: (required)Span query whose matches are filtered.
+ :arg post: The number of tokens after the include span that can’t have
+ overlap with the exclude span.
+ :arg pre: The number of tokens before the include span that can’t have
+ overlap with the exclude span.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ dist: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ exclude: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ include: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ post: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ pre: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if dist != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["dist"] = dist
+ if exclude != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["exclude"] = exclude
+ if include != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["include"] = include
+ if post != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["post"] = post
+ if pre != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["pre"] = pre
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
class SpanMultiTermQuery(QueryBase):
- match: Query
-class SpanWithinQuery(QueryBase):
- big: "i.SpanQuery"
- little: "i.SpanQuery"
-class TextEmbedding(TypedDict):
- model_id: str
- model_text: str
-class FieldAndFormat(TypedDict):
- field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]
- format: str
- include_unmapped: bool
-class HighlightBase(TypedDict):
- type: Literal["plain", "fvh", "unified"]
- boundary_chars: str
- boundary_max_scan: int
- boundary_scanner: Literal["chars", "sentence", "word"]
- boundary_scanner_locale: str
- force_source: bool
- fragmenter: Literal["simple", "span"]
- fragment_size: int
- highlight_filter: bool
- highlight_query: Query
- max_fragment_length: int
- max_analyzed_offset: int
- no_match_size: int
- number_of_fragments: int
- options: Mapping[str, Any]
- order: Literal["score"]
- phrase_limit: int
- post_tags: List[str]
- pre_tags: List[str]
- require_field_match: bool
- tags_schema: Literal["styled"]
+ """
+ :arg match: (required)Should be a multi term query (one of `wildcard`,
+ `fuzzy`, `prefix`, `range`, or `regexp` query).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *, match: Union[Query, "NotSet"], **kwargs: Any):
+ if match != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["match"] = match
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class Highlight(HighlightBase):
- encoder: Literal["default", "html"]
- fields: Mapping[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], "i.HighlightField"]
-class SourceFilter(TypedDict):
- excludes: Union[
- Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]]
- ]
- includes: Union[
- Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]]
- ]
-class SortOptions(TypedDict):
- _score: "i.ScoreSort"
- _doc: "i.ScoreSort"
- _geo_distance: "i.GeoDistanceSort"
- _script: "i.ScriptSort"
+class SpanFieldMaskingQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg field: (required)No documentation available.
+ :arg query: (required)No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"],
+ query: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if field != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["field"] = str(field)
+ if query != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["query"] = query
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class FieldCollapse(TypedDict):
- field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]
- inner_hits: Union["i.InnerHits", List["i.InnerHits"]]
- max_concurrent_group_searches: int
- collapse: "i.FieldCollapse"
+class SpanFirstQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg end: (required)Controls the maximum end position permitted in a
+ match.
+ :arg match: (required)Can be any other span type query.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ end: Union[int, "NotSet"],
+ match: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if end != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["end"] = end
+ if match != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["match"] = match
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class ScriptField(TypedDict):
- script: "i.Script"
- ignore_failure: bool
+class SpanContainingQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg big: (required)Can be any span query. Matching spans from `big`
+ that contain matches from `little` are returned.
+ :arg little: (required)Can be any span query. Matching spans from
+ `big` that contain matches from `little` are returned.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ big: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ little: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if big != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["big"] = big
+ if little != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["little"] = little
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
-class IntervalsContainer(TypedDict):
- all_of: "i.IntervalsAllOf"
- any_of: "i.IntervalsAnyOf"
- fuzzy: "i.IntervalsFuzzy"
- match: "i.IntervalsMatch"
- prefix: "i.IntervalsPrefix"
- wildcard: "i.IntervalsWildcard"
+class SpanWithinQuery(QueryBase):
+ """
+ :arg big: (required)Can be any span query. Matching spans from
+ `little` that are enclosed within `big` are returned.
+ :arg little: (required)Can be any span query. Matching spans from
+ `little` that are enclosed within `big` are returned.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ big: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ little: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if big != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["big"] = big
+ if little != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["little"] = little
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+class FieldAndFormat(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg field: (required)Wildcard pattern. The request returns values for
+ field names matching this pattern.
+ :arg format: Format in which the values are returned.
+ :arg include_unmapped: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"],
+ format: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ include_unmapped: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if field != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["field"] = str(field)
+ if format != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["format"] = format
+ if include_unmapped != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["include_unmapped"] = include_unmapped
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class FieldCollapse(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg field: (required)The field to collapse the result set on
+ :arg inner_hits: The number of inner hits and their sort order
+ :arg max_concurrent_group_searches: The number of concurrent requests
+ allowed to retrieve the inner_hits per group
+ :arg collapse: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"],
+ inner_hits: Union[
+ "i.InnerHits", List["i.InnerHits"], Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ max_concurrent_group_searches: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ collapse: Union["i.FieldCollapse", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if field != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["field"] = str(field)
+ if inner_hits != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["inner_hits"] = inner_hits
+ if max_concurrent_group_searches != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["max_concurrent_group_searches"] = max_concurrent_group_searches
+ if collapse != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["collapse"] = collapse
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class ScriptField(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg script: (required)No documentation available.
+ :arg ignore_failure: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ script: Union["i.Script", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ ignore_failure: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if script != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["script"] = script
+ if ignore_failure != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["ignore_failure"] = ignore_failure
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class HighlightBase(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg type: No documentation available.
+ :arg boundary_chars: A string that contains each boundary character.
+ :arg boundary_max_scan: How far to scan for boundary characters.
+ :arg boundary_scanner: Specifies how to break the highlighted
+ fragments: chars, sentence, or word. Only valid for the unified
+ and fvh highlighters. Defaults to `sentence` for the `unified`
+ highlighter. Defaults to `chars` for the `fvh` highlighter.
+ :arg boundary_scanner_locale: Controls which locale is used to search
+ for sentence and word boundaries. This parameter takes a form of a
+ language tag, for example: `"en-US"`, `"fr-FR"`, `"ja-JP"`.
+ :arg force_source: No documentation available.
+ :arg fragmenter: Specifies how text should be broken up in highlight
+ snippets: `simple` or `span`. Only valid for the `plain`
+ highlighter.
+ :arg fragment_size: The size of the highlighted fragment in
+ characters.
+ :arg highlight_filter: No documentation available.
+ :arg highlight_query: Highlight matches for a query other than the
+ search query. This is especially useful if you use a rescore query
+ because those are not taken into account by highlighting by
+ default.
+ :arg max_fragment_length: No documentation available.
+ :arg max_analyzed_offset: If set to a non-negative value, highlighting
+ stops at this defined maximum limit. The rest of the text is not
+ processed, thus not highlighted and no error is returned The
+ `max_analyzed_offset` query setting does not override the
+ `index.highlight.max_analyzed_offset` setting, which prevails when
+ it’s set to lower value than the query setting.
+ :arg no_match_size: The amount of text you want to return from the
+ beginning of the field if there are no matching fragments to
+ highlight.
+ :arg number_of_fragments: The maximum number of fragments to return.
+ If the number of fragments is set to `0`, no fragments are
+ returned. Instead, the entire field contents are highlighted and
+ returned. This can be handy when you need to highlight short texts
+ such as a title or address, but fragmentation is not required. If
+ `number_of_fragments` is `0`, `fragment_size` is ignored.
+ :arg options: No documentation available.
+ :arg order: Sorts highlighted fragments by score when set to `score`.
+ By default, fragments will be output in the order they appear in
+ the field (order: `none`). Setting this option to `score` will
+ output the most relevant fragments first. Each highlighter applies
+ its own logic to compute relevancy scores.
+ :arg phrase_limit: Controls the number of matching phrases in a
+ document that are considered. Prevents the `fvh` highlighter from
+ analyzing too many phrases and consuming too much memory. When
+ using `matched_fields`, `phrase_limit` phrases per matched field
+ are considered. Raising the limit increases query time and
+ consumes more memory. Only supported by the `fvh` highlighter.
+ :arg post_tags: Use in conjunction with `pre_tags` to define the HTML
+ tags to use for the highlighted text. By default, highlighted text
+ is wrapped in `` and `` tags.
+ :arg pre_tags: Use in conjunction with `post_tags` to define the HTML
+ tags to use for the highlighted text. By default, highlighted text
+ is wrapped in `` and `` tags.
+ :arg require_field_match: By default, only fields that contains a
+ query match are highlighted. Set to `false` to highlight all
+ fields.
+ :arg tags_schema: Set to `styled` to use the built-in tag schema.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ type: Union[Literal["plain", "fvh", "unified"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ boundary_chars: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ boundary_max_scan: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ boundary_scanner: Union[
+ Literal["chars", "sentence", "word"], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ boundary_scanner_locale: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ force_source: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fragmenter: Union[Literal["simple", "span"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fragment_size: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ highlight_filter: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ highlight_query: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ max_fragment_length: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ max_analyzed_offset: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ no_match_size: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ number_of_fragments: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ options: Union[Mapping[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ order: Union[Literal["score"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ phrase_limit: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ post_tags: Union[List[str], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ pre_tags: Union[List[str], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ require_field_match: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ tags_schema: Union[Literal["styled"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if type != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["type"] = type
+ if boundary_chars != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["boundary_chars"] = boundary_chars
+ if boundary_max_scan != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["boundary_max_scan"] = boundary_max_scan
+ if boundary_scanner != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["boundary_scanner"] = boundary_scanner
+ if boundary_scanner_locale != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["boundary_scanner_locale"] = boundary_scanner_locale
+ if force_source != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["force_source"] = force_source
+ if fragmenter != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fragmenter"] = fragmenter
+ if fragment_size != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fragment_size"] = fragment_size
+ if highlight_filter != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["highlight_filter"] = highlight_filter
+ if highlight_query != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["highlight_query"] = highlight_query
+ if max_fragment_length != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["max_fragment_length"] = max_fragment_length
+ if max_analyzed_offset != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["max_analyzed_offset"] = max_analyzed_offset
+ if no_match_size != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["no_match_size"] = no_match_size
+ if number_of_fragments != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["number_of_fragments"] = number_of_fragments
+ if options != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["options"] = options
+ if order != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["order"] = order
+ if phrase_limit != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["phrase_limit"] = phrase_limit
+ if post_tags != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["post_tags"] = post_tags
+ if pre_tags != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["pre_tags"] = pre_tags
+ if require_field_match != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["require_field_match"] = require_field_match
+ if tags_schema != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["tags_schema"] = tags_schema
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
-class IntervalsFilter(TypedDict):
- after: "i.IntervalsContainer"
- before: "i.IntervalsContainer"
- contained_by: "i.IntervalsContainer"
- containing: "i.IntervalsContainer"
- not_contained_by: "i.IntervalsContainer"
- not_containing: "i.IntervalsContainer"
- not_overlapping: "i.IntervalsContainer"
- overlapping: "i.IntervalsContainer"
- script: "i.Script"
+class Highlight(HighlightBase):
+ """
+ :arg encoder: No documentation available.
+ :arg fields: (required)No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ encoder: Union[Literal["default", "html"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fields: Union[
+ Mapping[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], "i.HighlightField"],
+ Dict[str, Any],
+ "NotSet",
+ ],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if encoder != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["encoder"] = encoder
+ if fields != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fields"] = str(fields)
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+class SourceFilter(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg excludes: No documentation available.
+ :arg includes: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ excludes: Union[
+ Union[str, "InstrumentedField"],
+ List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]],
+ "NotSet",
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ includes: Union[
+ Union[str, "InstrumentedField"],
+ List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]],
+ "NotSet",
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if excludes != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["excludes"] = str(excludes)
+ if includes != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["includes"] = str(includes)
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class SortOptions(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg _score: No documentation available.
+ :arg _doc: No documentation available.
+ :arg _geo_distance: No documentation available.
+ :arg _script: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ _score: Union["i.ScoreSort", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ _doc: Union["i.ScoreSort", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ _geo_distance: Union["i.GeoDistanceSort", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ _script: Union["i.ScriptSort", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if _score != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["_score"] = _score
+ if _doc != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["_doc"] = _doc
+ if _geo_distance != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["_geo_distance"] = _geo_distance
+ if _script != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["_script"] = _script
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class IntervalsContainer(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg all_of: Returns matches that span a combination of other rules.
+ :arg any_of: Returns intervals produced by any of its sub-rules.
+ :arg fuzzy: Matches analyzed text.
+ :arg match: Matches analyzed text.
+ :arg prefix: Matches terms that start with a specified set of
+ characters.
+ :arg wildcard: Matches terms using a wildcard pattern.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ all_of: Union["i.IntervalsAllOf", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ any_of: Union["i.IntervalsAnyOf", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fuzzy: Union["i.IntervalsFuzzy", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ match: Union["i.IntervalsMatch", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ prefix: Union["i.IntervalsPrefix", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ wildcard: Union["i.IntervalsWildcard", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if all_of != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["all_of"] = all_of
+ if any_of != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["any_of"] = any_of
+ if fuzzy != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fuzzy"] = fuzzy
+ if match != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["match"] = match
+ if prefix != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["prefix"] = prefix
+ if wildcard != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["wildcard"] = wildcard
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class IntervalsFilter(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg after: Query used to return intervals that follow an interval
+ from the `filter` rule.
+ :arg before: Query used to return intervals that occur before an
+ interval from the `filter` rule.
+ :arg contained_by: Query used to return intervals contained by an
+ interval from the `filter` rule.
+ :arg containing: Query used to return intervals that contain an
+ interval from the `filter` rule.
+ :arg not_contained_by: Query used to return intervals that are **not**
+ contained by an interval from the `filter` rule.
+ :arg not_containing: Query used to return intervals that do **not**
+ contain an interval from the `filter` rule.
+ :arg not_overlapping: Query used to return intervals that do **not**
+ overlap with an interval from the `filter` rule.
+ :arg overlapping: Query used to return intervals that overlap with an
+ interval from the `filter` rule.
+ :arg script: Script used to return matching documents. This script
+ must return a boolean value: `true` or `false`.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ after: Union["i.IntervalsContainer", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ before: Union["i.IntervalsContainer", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ contained_by: Union["i.IntervalsContainer", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ containing: Union["i.IntervalsContainer", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ not_contained_by: Union[
+ "i.IntervalsContainer", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ not_containing: Union[
+ "i.IntervalsContainer", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ not_overlapping: Union[
+ "i.IntervalsContainer", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ overlapping: Union["i.IntervalsContainer", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ script: Union["i.Script", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if after != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["after"] = after
+ if before != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["before"] = before
+ if contained_by != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["contained_by"] = contained_by
+ if containing != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["containing"] = containing
+ if not_contained_by != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["not_contained_by"] = not_contained_by
+ if not_containing != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["not_containing"] = not_containing
+ if not_overlapping != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["not_overlapping"] = not_overlapping
+ if overlapping != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["overlapping"] = overlapping
+ if script != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["script"] = script
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
class HighlightField(HighlightBase):
- fragment_offset: int
- matched_fields: Union[
- Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]]
- ]
- analyzer: Union[
- "analysis.CustomAnalyzer",
- "analysis.FingerprintAnalyzer",
- "analysis.KeywordAnalyzer",
- "analysis.LanguageAnalyzer",
- "analysis.NoriAnalyzer",
- "analysis.PatternAnalyzer",
- "analysis.SimpleAnalyzer",
- "analysis.StandardAnalyzer",
- "analysis.StopAnalyzer",
- "analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzer",
- "analysis.IcuAnalyzer",
- "analysis.KuromojiAnalyzer",
- "analysis.SnowballAnalyzer",
- "analysis.DutchAnalyzer",
- ]
-class GeoDistanceSort(TypedDict):
- mode: Literal["min", "max", "sum", "avg", "median"]
- distance_type: Literal["arc", "plane"]
- ignore_unmapped: bool
- order: Literal["asc", "desc"]
- unit: Literal["in", "ft", "yd", "mi", "nmi", "km", "m", "cm", "mm"]
- nested: "i.NestedSortValue"
-class ScoreSort(TypedDict):
- order: Literal["asc", "desc"]
-class ScriptSort(TypedDict):
- order: Literal["asc", "desc"]
- script: "i.Script"
- type: Literal["string", "number", "version"]
- mode: Literal["min", "max", "sum", "avg", "median"]
- nested: "i.NestedSortValue"
-class NestedSortValue(TypedDict):
- filter: Query
- max_children: int
- nested: "i.NestedSortValue"
- path: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]
+ """
+ :arg fragment_offset: No documentation available.
+ :arg matched_fields: No documentation available.
+ :arg analyzer: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ fragment_offset: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ matched_fields: Union[
+ Union[str, "InstrumentedField"],
+ List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]],
+ "NotSet",
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ analyzer: Union[
+ "analysis.CustomAnalyzer",
+ "analysis.FingerprintAnalyzer",
+ "analysis.KeywordAnalyzer",
+ "analysis.LanguageAnalyzer",
+ "analysis.NoriAnalyzer",
+ "analysis.PatternAnalyzer",
+ "analysis.SimpleAnalyzer",
+ "analysis.StandardAnalyzer",
+ "analysis.StopAnalyzer",
+ "analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzer",
+ "analysis.IcuAnalyzer",
+ "analysis.KuromojiAnalyzer",
+ "analysis.SnowballAnalyzer",
+ "analysis.DutchAnalyzer",
+ "NotSet",
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if fragment_offset != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["fragment_offset"] = fragment_offset
+ if matched_fields != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["matched_fields"] = str(matched_fields)
+ if analyzer != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["analyzer"] = analyzer
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+class GeoDistanceSort(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg mode: No documentation available.
+ :arg distance_type: No documentation available.
+ :arg ignore_unmapped: No documentation available.
+ :arg order: No documentation available.
+ :arg unit: No documentation available.
+ :arg nested: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ mode: Union[Literal["min", "max", "sum", "avg", "median"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ distance_type: Union[Literal["arc", "plane"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ ignore_unmapped: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ order: Union[Literal["asc", "desc"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ unit: Union[
+ Literal["in", "ft", "yd", "mi", "nmi", "km", "m", "cm", "mm"], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ nested: Union["i.NestedSortValue", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if mode != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["mode"] = mode
+ if distance_type != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["distance_type"] = distance_type
+ if ignore_unmapped != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["ignore_unmapped"] = ignore_unmapped
+ if order != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["order"] = order
+ if unit != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["unit"] = unit
+ if nested != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["nested"] = nested
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class ScoreSort(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg order: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, *, order: Union[Literal["asc", "desc"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET, **kwargs: Any
+ ):
+ if order != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["order"] = order
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class ScriptSort(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg order: No documentation available.
+ :arg script: (required)No documentation available.
+ :arg type: No documentation available.
+ :arg mode: No documentation available.
+ :arg nested: No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ order: Union[Literal["asc", "desc"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ script: Union["i.Script", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"],
+ type: Union[Literal["string", "number", "version"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ mode: Union[Literal["min", "max", "sum", "avg", "median"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ nested: Union["i.NestedSortValue", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if order != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["order"] = order
+ if script != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["script"] = script
+ if type != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["type"] = type
+ if mode != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["mode"] = mode
+ if nested != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["nested"] = nested
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+class NestedSortValue(AttrDict[Any]):
+ """
+ :arg filter: No documentation available.
+ :arg max_children: No documentation available.
+ :arg nested: No documentation available.
+ :arg path: (required)No documentation available.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ filter: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ max_children: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ nested: Union["i.NestedSortValue", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ path: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"],
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if filter != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["filter"] = filter
+ if max_children != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["max_children"] = max_children
+ if nested != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["nested"] = nested
+ if path != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs["path"] = str(path)
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
diff --git a/elasticsearch_dsl/query.py b/elasticsearch_dsl/query.py
index 965cda1c..5909ddc1 100644
--- a/elasticsearch_dsl/query.py
+++ b/elasticsearch_dsl/query.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ Dict,
@@ -302,12 +303,12 @@ class Boosting(Query):
Returns documents matching a `positive` query while reducing the
relevance score of documents that also match a `negative` query.
- :arg negative: Query used to decrease the relevance score of matching
- documents.
- :arg positive: Any returned documents must match this query.
- :arg negative_boost: Floating point number between 0 and 1.0 used to
- decrease the relevance scores of documents matching the `negative`
- query.
+ :arg negative: (required)Query used to decrease the relevance score of
+ matching documents.
+ :arg positive: (required)Any returned documents must match this query.
+ :arg negative_boost: (required)Floating point number between 0 and 1.0
+ used to decrease the relevance scores of documents matching the
+ `negative` query.
name = "boosting"
@@ -317,7 +318,12 @@ class Boosting(Query):
def __init__(
- self, *, negative: Query, positive: Query, negative_boost: float, **kwargs: Any
+ self,
+ *,
+ negative: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ positive: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ negative_boost: Union[float, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
@@ -353,12 +359,12 @@ class CombinedFields(Query):
The `combined_fields` query supports searching multiple text fields as
if their contents had been indexed into one combined field.
- :arg query: Text to search for in the provided `fields`. The
+ :arg query: (required)Text to search for in the provided `fields`. The
`combined_fields` query analyzes the provided text before
performing a search.
- :arg fields: List of fields to search. Field wildcard patterns are
- allowed. Only `text` fields are supported, and they must all have
- the same search `analyzer`.
+ :arg fields: (required)List of fields to search. Field wildcard
+ patterns are allowed. Only `text` fields are supported, and they
+ must all have the same search `analyzer`.
:arg auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query: If true, match phrase
queries are automatically created for multi-term synonyms.
:arg operator: Boolean logic used to interpret text in the query
@@ -375,8 +381,8 @@ class CombinedFields(Query):
def __init__(
- query: str,
- fields: List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]],
+ query: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ fields: Union[List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
operator: Union[Literal["or", "and"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
minimum_should_match: Union[int, str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
@@ -399,10 +405,10 @@ class ConstantScore(Query):
Wraps a filter query and returns every matching document with a
relevance score equal to the `boost` parameter value.
- :arg filter: Filter query you wish to run. Any returned documents must
- match this query. Filter queries do not calculate relevance
- scores. To speed up performance, Elasticsearch automatically
- caches frequently used filter queries.
+ :arg filter: (required)Filter query you wish to run. Any returned
+ documents must match this query. Filter queries do not calculate
+ relevance scores. To speed up performance, Elasticsearch
+ automatically caches frequently used filter queries.
name = "constant_score"
@@ -410,7 +416,7 @@ class ConstantScore(Query):
"filter": {"type": "query"},
- def __init__(self, *, filter: Query, **kwargs: Any):
+ def __init__(self, *, filter: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET, **kwargs: Any):
super().__init__(filter=filter, **kwargs)
@@ -422,20 +428,23 @@ class DisMax(Query):
relevance score from any matching clause, plus a tie breaking
increment for any additional matching subqueries.
- :arg queries: One or more query clauses. Returned documents must match
- one or more of these queries. If a document matches multiple
- queries, Elasticsearch uses the highest relevance score.
+ :arg queries: (required)One or more query clauses. Returned documents
+ must match one or more of these queries. If a document matches
+ multiple queries, Elasticsearch uses the highest relevance score.
:arg tie_breaker: Floating point number between 0 and 1.0 used to
increase the relevance scores of documents matching multiple query
name = "dis_max"
+ _param_defs = {
+ "queries": {"type": "query", "multi": True},
+ }
def __init__(
- queries: List[Query],
+ queries: Union[List[Query], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
tie_breaker: Union[float, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
**kwargs: Any,
@@ -447,11 +456,28 @@ class DistanceFeature(Query):
Boosts the relevance score of documents closer to a provided origin
date or point. For example, you can use this query to give more weight
to documents closer to a certain date or location.
+ :arg untyped: An instance of ``UntypedDistanceFeatureQuery``.
+ :arg geo: An instance of ``GeoDistanceFeatureQuery``.
+ :arg date: An instance of ``DateDistanceFeatureQuery``.
name = "distance_feature"
- def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ untyped: Union["i.UntypedDistanceFeatureQuery", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ geo: Union["i.GeoDistanceFeatureQuery", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ date: Union["i.DateDistanceFeatureQuery", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ if untyped != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs = untyped
+ elif geo != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs = geo
+ elif date != NOT_SET:
+ kwargs = date
@@ -459,12 +485,17 @@ class Exists(Query):
Returns documents that contain an indexed value for a field.
- :arg field: Name of the field you wish to search.
+ :arg field: (required)Name of the field you wish to search.
name = "exists"
- def __init__(self, *, field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"], **kwargs: Any):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
super().__init__(field=field, **kwargs)
@@ -489,6 +520,8 @@ class FunctionScore(Query):
name = "function_score"
_param_defs = {
"query": {"type": "query"},
+ "filter": {"type": "query"},
+ "functions": {"type": "score_function", "multi": True},
def __init__(
@@ -497,7 +530,9 @@ def __init__(
boost_mode: Union[
Literal["multiply", "replace", "sum", "avg", "max", "min"], "NotSet"
] = NOT_SET,
- functions: Union[List["i.FunctionScoreContainer"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ functions: Union[
+ List["i.FunctionScoreContainer"], Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
max_boost: Union[float, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
min_score: Union[float, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
query: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
@@ -506,7 +541,7 @@ def __init__(
] = NOT_SET,
**kwargs: Any,
- if functions is None:
+ if functions == NOT_SET:
functions = []
for name in ScoreFunction._classes:
if name in kwargs:
@@ -548,7 +583,7 @@ class GeoBoundingBox(Query):
Matches geo_point and geo_shape values that intersect a bounding box.
- :arg type: None
+ :arg type: No documentation available.
:arg validation_method: Set to `IGNORE_MALFORMED` to accept geo points
with invalid latitude or longitude. Set to `COERCE` to also try to
infer correct latitude or longitude.
@@ -582,9 +617,9 @@ class GeoDistance(Query):
Matches `geo_point` and `geo_shape` values within a given distance of
a geopoint.
- :arg distance: The radius of the circle centred on the specified
- location. Points which fall into this circle are considered to be
- matches.
+ :arg distance: (required)The radius of the circle centred on the
+ specified location. Points which fall into this circle are
+ considered to be matches.
:arg distance_type: How to compute the distance. Set to `plane` for a
faster calculation that's inaccurate on long distances and close
to the poles.
@@ -601,7 +636,7 @@ class GeoDistance(Query):
def __init__(
- distance: str,
+ distance: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
distance_type: Union[Literal["arc", "plane"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
validation_method: Union[
Literal["coerce", "ignore_malformed", "strict"], "NotSet"
@@ -622,8 +657,8 @@ class GeoPolygon(Query):
No documentation available.
- :arg validation_method: None
- :arg ignore_unmapped: None
+ :arg validation_method: No documentation available.
+ :arg ignore_unmapped: No documentation available.
name = "geo_polygon"
@@ -667,10 +702,11 @@ class HasChild(Query):
Returns parent documents whose joined child documents match a provided
- :arg query: Query you wish to run on child documents of the `type`
- field. If a child document matches the search, the query returns
- the parent document.
- :arg type: Name of the child relationship mapped for the `join` field.
+ :arg query: (required)Query you wish to run on child documents of the
+ `type` field. If a child document matches the search, the query
+ returns the parent document.
+ :arg type: (required)Name of the child relationship mapped for the
+ `join` field.
:arg ignore_unmapped: Indicates whether to ignore an unmapped `type`
and not return any documents instead of an error.
:arg inner_hits: If defined, each search hit will contain inner hits.
@@ -694,10 +730,10 @@ class HasChild(Query):
def __init__(
- query: Query,
- type: str,
+ query: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ type: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
ignore_unmapped: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
- inner_hits: Union["i.InnerHits", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ inner_hits: Union["i.InnerHits", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
max_children: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
min_children: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
score_mode: Union[
@@ -722,9 +758,9 @@ class HasParent(Query):
Returns child documents whose joined parent document matches a
provided query.
- :arg parent_type: Name of the parent relationship mapped for the
- `join` field.
- :arg query: Query you wish to run on parent documents of the
+ :arg parent_type: (required)Name of the parent relationship mapped for
+ the `join` field.
+ :arg query: (required)Query you wish to run on parent documents of the
`parent_type` field. If a parent document matches the search, the
query returns its child documents.
:arg ignore_unmapped: Indicates whether to ignore an unmapped
@@ -744,10 +780,10 @@ class HasParent(Query):
def __init__(
- parent_type: str,
- query: Query,
+ parent_type: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ query: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
ignore_unmapped: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
- inner_hits: Union["i.InnerHits", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ inner_hits: Union["i.InnerHits", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
score: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
**kwargs: Any,
@@ -804,7 +840,7 @@ class Knn(Query):
similarity metric. knn query finds nearest vectors through approximate
search on indexed dense_vectors.
- :arg field: The name of the vector field to search against
+ :arg field: (required)The name of the vector field to search against
:arg query_vector: The query vector
:arg query_vector_builder: The query vector builder. You must provide
a query_vector_builder or query_vector, but not both.
@@ -824,9 +860,11 @@ class Knn(Query):
def __init__(
- field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"],
+ field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
query_vector: Union[List[float], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
- query_vector_builder: Union["i.QueryVectorBuilder", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ query_vector_builder: Union[
+ "i.QueryVectorBuilder", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
num_candidates: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
k: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
filter: Union[Query, List[Query], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
@@ -989,8 +1027,8 @@ class MoreLikeThis(Query):
Returns documents that are "like" a given set of documents.
- :arg like: Specifies free form text and/or a single or multiple
- documents for which you want to find similar documents.
+ :arg like: (required)Specifies free form text and/or a single or
+ multiple documents for which you want to find similar documents.
:arg analyzer: The analyzer that is used to analyze the free form
text. Defaults to the analyzer associated with the first field in
@@ -1020,13 +1058,13 @@ class MoreLikeThis(Query):
are ignored from the input document.
:arg min_word_length: The minimum word length below which the terms
are ignored.
- :arg routing: None
+ :arg routing: No documentation available.
:arg stop_words: An array of stop words. Any word in this set is
:arg unlike: Used in combination with `like` to exclude documents that
match a set of terms.
- :arg version: None
- :arg version_type: None
+ :arg version: No documentation available.
+ :arg version_type: No documentation available.
name = "more_like_this"
@@ -1034,7 +1072,12 @@ class MoreLikeThis(Query):
def __init__(
- like: Union[Union[str, "i.LikeDocument"], List[Union[str, "i.LikeDocument"]]],
+ like: Union[
+ Union[str, "i.LikeDocument"],
+ List[Union[str, "i.LikeDocument"]],
+ Dict[str, Any],
+ "NotSet",
+ ] = NOT_SET,
analyzer: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
boost_terms: Union[float, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
fail_on_unsupported_field: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
@@ -1050,7 +1093,10 @@ def __init__(
routing: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
stop_words: Union[str, List[str], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
unlike: Union[
- Union[str, "i.LikeDocument"], List[Union[str, "i.LikeDocument"]], "NotSet"
+ Union[str, "i.LikeDocument"],
+ List[Union[str, "i.LikeDocument"]],
+ Dict[str, Any],
+ "NotSet",
] = NOT_SET,
version: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
version_type: Union[
@@ -1087,13 +1133,13 @@ class MultiMatch(Query):
value across multiple fields. The provided text is analyzed before
- :arg query: Text, number, boolean value or date you wish to find in
- the provided field.
+ :arg query: (required)Text, number, boolean value or date you wish to
+ find in the provided field.
:arg analyzer: Analyzer used to convert the text in the query value
into tokens.
:arg auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query: If `true`, match phrase
queries are automatically created for multi-term synonyms.
- :arg cutoff_frequency: None
+ :arg cutoff_frequency: No documentation available.
:arg fields: The fields to be queried. Defaults to the
`index.query.default_field` index settings, which in turn defaults
to `*`.
@@ -1128,7 +1174,7 @@ class MultiMatch(Query):
def __init__(
- query: str,
+ query: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
analyzer: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
cutoff_frequency: Union[float, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
@@ -1188,8 +1234,9 @@ class Nested(Query):
Wraps another query to search nested fields. If an object matches the
search, the nested query returns the root parent document.
- :arg path: Path to the nested object you wish to search.
- :arg query: Query you wish to run on nested objects in the path.
+ :arg path: (required)Path to the nested object you wish to search.
+ :arg query: (required)Query you wish to run on nested objects in the
+ path.
:arg ignore_unmapped: Indicates whether to ignore an unmapped path and
not return any documents instead of an error.
:arg inner_hits: If defined, each search hit will contain inner hits.
@@ -1205,10 +1252,10 @@ class Nested(Query):
def __init__(
- path: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"],
- query: Query,
+ path: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ query: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
ignore_unmapped: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
- inner_hits: Union["i.InnerHits", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ inner_hits: Union["i.InnerHits", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
score_mode: Union[
Literal["none", "avg", "sum", "max", "min"], "NotSet"
] = NOT_SET,
@@ -1251,8 +1298,8 @@ class Percolate(Query):
Matches queries stored in an index.
- :arg field: Field that holds the indexed queries. The field must use
- the `percolator` mapping type.
+ :arg field: (required)Field that holds the indexed queries. The field
+ must use the `percolator` mapping type.
:arg document: The source of the document being percolated.
:arg documents: An array of sources of the documents being percolated.
:arg id: The ID of a stored document to percolate.
@@ -1269,7 +1316,7 @@ class Percolate(Query):
def __init__(
- field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"],
+ field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
document: Any = NOT_SET,
documents: Union[List[Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
id: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
@@ -1299,8 +1346,8 @@ class Pinned(Query):
Promotes selected documents to rank higher than those matching a given
- :arg organic: Any choice of query used to rank documents which will be
- ranked below the "pinned" documents.
+ :arg organic: (required)Any choice of query used to rank documents
+ which will be ranked below the "pinned" documents.
:arg ids: Document IDs listed in the order they are to appear in
results. Required if `docs` is not specified.
:arg docs: Documents listed in the order they are to appear in
@@ -1315,9 +1362,9 @@ class Pinned(Query):
def __init__(
- organic: Query,
+ organic: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
ids: Union[List[str], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
- docs: Union[List["i.PinnedDoc"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ docs: Union[List["i.PinnedDoc"], Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
**kwargs: Any,
super().__init__(organic=organic, ids=ids, docs=docs, **kwargs)
@@ -1349,7 +1396,8 @@ class QueryString(Query):
Returns documents based on a provided query string, using a parser
with a strict syntax.
- :arg query: Query string you wish to parse and use for search.
+ :arg query: (required)Query string you wish to parse and use for
+ search.
:arg allow_leading_wildcard: If `true`, the wildcard characters `*`
and `?` are allowed as the first character of the query string.
:arg analyzer: Analyzer used to convert text in the query string into
@@ -1366,7 +1414,7 @@ class QueryString(Query):
the query string if no operators are specified.
:arg enable_position_increments: If `true`, enable position increments
in queries constructed from a `query_string` search.
- :arg escape: None
+ :arg escape: No documentation available.
:arg fields: Array of fields to search. Supports wildcards (`*`).
:arg fuzziness: Maximum edit distance allowed for fuzzy matching.
:arg fuzzy_max_expansions: Maximum number of terms to which the query
@@ -1404,7 +1452,7 @@ class QueryString(Query):
def __init__(
- query: str,
+ query: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
allow_leading_wildcard: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
analyzer: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
analyze_wildcard: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
@@ -1503,8 +1551,8 @@ class RankFeature(Query):
Boosts the relevance score of documents based on the numeric value of
a `rank_feature` or `rank_features` field.
- :arg field: `rank_feature` or `rank_features` field used to boost
- relevance scores.
+ :arg field: (required)`rank_feature` or `rank_features` field used to
+ boost relevance scores.
:arg saturation: Saturation function used to boost relevance scores
based on the value of the rank feature `field`.
:arg log: Logarithmic function used to boost relevance scores based on
@@ -1520,11 +1568,19 @@ class RankFeature(Query):
def __init__(
- field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"],
- saturation: Union["i.RankFeatureFunctionSaturation", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
- log: Union["i.RankFeatureFunctionLogarithm", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
- linear: Union["i.RankFeatureFunctionLinear", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
- sigmoid: Union["i.RankFeatureFunctionSigmoid", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ saturation: Union[
+ "i.RankFeatureFunctionSaturation", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ log: Union[
+ "i.RankFeatureFunctionLogarithm", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ linear: Union[
+ "i.RankFeatureFunctionLinear", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
+ sigmoid: Union[
+ "i.RankFeatureFunctionSigmoid", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
**kwargs: Any,
@@ -1562,9 +1618,9 @@ class Rule(Query):
No documentation available.
- :arg ruleset_ids: None
- :arg match_criteria: None
- :arg organic: None
+ :arg ruleset_ids: (required)No documentation available.
+ :arg match_criteria: (required)No documentation available.
+ :arg organic: (required)No documentation available.
name = "rule"
@@ -1575,9 +1631,9 @@ class Rule(Query):
def __init__(
- ruleset_ids: List[str],
- match_criteria: Any,
- organic: Query,
+ ruleset_ids: Union[List[str], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ match_criteria: Any = NOT_SET,
+ organic: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
**kwargs: Any,
@@ -1593,13 +1649,18 @@ class Script(Query):
Filters documents based on a provided script. The script query is
typically used in a filter context.
- :arg script: Contains a script to run as a query. This script must
- return a boolean value, `true` or `false`.
+ :arg script: (required)Contains a script to run as a query. This
+ script must return a boolean value, `true` or `false`.
name = "script"
- def __init__(self, *, script: "i.Script", **kwargs: Any):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ script: Union["i.Script", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
super().__init__(script=script, **kwargs)
@@ -1607,9 +1668,9 @@ class ScriptScore(Query):
Uses a script to provide a custom score for returned documents.
- :arg query: Query used to return documents.
- :arg script: Script used to compute the score of documents returned by
- the query. Important: final relevance scores from the
+ :arg query: (required)Query used to return documents.
+ :arg script: (required)Script used to compute the score of documents
+ returned by the query. Important: final relevance scores from the
`script_score` query cannot be negative.
:arg min_score: Documents with a score lower than this floating point
number are excluded from the search results.
@@ -1623,8 +1684,8 @@ class ScriptScore(Query):
def __init__(
- query: Query,
- script: "i.Script",
+ query: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ script: Union["i.Script", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
min_score: Union[float, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
**kwargs: Any,
@@ -1635,14 +1696,20 @@ class Semantic(Query):
A semantic query to semantic_text field types
- :arg query: The query text
- :arg field: The field to query, which must be a semantic_text field
- type
+ :arg query: (required)The query text
+ :arg field: (required)The field to query, which must be a
+ semantic_text field type
name = "semantic"
- def __init__(self, *, query: str, field: str, **kwargs: Any):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ query: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ field: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
super().__init__(query=query, field=field, **kwargs)
@@ -1667,8 +1734,8 @@ class SimpleQueryString(Query):
Returns documents based on a provided query string, using a parser
with a limited but fault-tolerant syntax.
- :arg query: Query string in the simple query string syntax you wish to
- parse and use for search.
+ :arg query: (required)Query string in the simple query string syntax
+ you wish to parse and use for search.
:arg analyzer: Analyzer used to convert text in the query string into
:arg analyze_wildcard: If `true`, the query attempts to analyze
@@ -1704,13 +1771,13 @@ class SimpleQueryString(Query):
def __init__(
- query: str,
+ query: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
analyzer: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
analyze_wildcard: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
default_operator: Union[Literal["and", "or"], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
fields: Union[List[Union[str, "InstrumentedField"]], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
- flags: Union["i.PipeSeparatedFlags", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ flags: Union["i.PipeSeparatedFlags", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
fuzzy_max_expansions: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
fuzzy_prefix_length: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
fuzzy_transpositions: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
@@ -1741,15 +1808,21 @@ class SpanContaining(Query):
Returns matches which enclose another span query.
- :arg little: Can be any span query. Matching spans from `big` that
- contain matches from `little` are returned.
- :arg big: Can be any span query. Matching spans from `big` that
- contain matches from `little` are returned.
+ :arg little: (required)Can be any span query. Matching spans from
+ `big` that contain matches from `little` are returned.
+ :arg big: (required)Can be any span query. Matching spans from `big`
+ that contain matches from `little` are returned.
name = "span_containing"
- def __init__(self, *, little: "i.SpanQuery", big: "i.SpanQuery", **kwargs: Any):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ little: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ big: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
super().__init__(little=little, big=big, **kwargs)
@@ -1758,8 +1831,8 @@ class SpanFieldMasking(Query):
Wrapper to allow span queries to participate in composite single-field
span queries by _lying_ about their search field.
- :arg query: None
- :arg field: None
+ :arg query: (required)No documentation available.
+ :arg field: (required)No documentation available.
name = "span_field_masking"
@@ -1767,8 +1840,8 @@ class SpanFieldMasking(Query):
def __init__(
- query: "i.SpanQuery",
- field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"],
+ query: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
**kwargs: Any,
super().__init__(query=query, field=field, **kwargs)
@@ -1778,13 +1851,20 @@ class SpanFirst(Query):
Matches spans near the beginning of a field.
- :arg match: Can be any other span type query.
- :arg end: Controls the maximum end position permitted in a match.
+ :arg match: (required)Can be any other span type query.
+ :arg end: (required)Controls the maximum end position permitted in a
+ match.
name = "span_first"
- def __init__(self, *, match: "i.SpanQuery", end: int, **kwargs: Any):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ match: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ end: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
super().__init__(match=match, end=end, **kwargs)
@@ -1794,8 +1874,8 @@ class SpanMulti(Query):
`prefix`, `range`, or `regexp` query) as a `span` query, so it can be
- :arg match: Should be a multi term query (one of `wildcard`, `fuzzy`,
- `prefix`, `range`, or `regexp` query).
+ :arg match: (required)Should be a multi term query (one of `wildcard`,
+ `fuzzy`, `prefix`, `range`, or `regexp` query).
name = "span_multi"
@@ -1803,7 +1883,7 @@ class SpanMulti(Query):
"match": {"type": "query"},
- def __init__(self, *, match: Query, **kwargs: Any):
+ def __init__(self, *, match: Union[Query, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET, **kwargs: Any):
super().__init__(match=match, **kwargs)
@@ -1813,7 +1893,7 @@ class SpanNear(Query):
maximum number of intervening unmatched positions, as well as whether
matches are required to be in-order.
- :arg clauses: Array of one or more other span type queries.
+ :arg clauses: (required)Array of one or more other span type queries.
:arg in_order: Controls whether matches are required to be in-order.
:arg slop: Controls the maximum number of intervening unmatched
positions permitted.
@@ -1824,7 +1904,7 @@ class SpanNear(Query):
def __init__(
- clauses: List["i.SpanQuery"],
+ clauses: Union[List["i.SpanQuery"], Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
in_order: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
slop: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
**kwargs: Any,
@@ -1838,9 +1918,9 @@ class SpanNot(Query):
within x tokens before (controlled by the parameter `pre`) or y tokens
after (controlled by the parameter `post`) another span query.
- :arg exclude: Span query whose matches must not overlap those
- returned.
- :arg include: Span query whose matches are filtered.
+ :arg exclude: (required)Span query whose matches must not overlap
+ those returned.
+ :arg include: (required)Span query whose matches are filtered.
:arg dist: The number of tokens from within the include span that
can’t have overlap with the exclude span. Equivalent to setting
both `pre` and `post`.
@@ -1855,8 +1935,8 @@ class SpanNot(Query):
def __init__(
- exclude: "i.SpanQuery",
- include: "i.SpanQuery",
+ exclude: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ include: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
dist: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
post: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
pre: Union[int, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
@@ -1871,12 +1951,17 @@ class SpanOr(Query):
Matches the union of its span clauses.
- :arg clauses: Array of one or more other span type queries.
+ :arg clauses: (required)Array of one or more other span type queries.
name = "span_or"
- def __init__(self, *, clauses: List["i.SpanQuery"], **kwargs: Any):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ clauses: Union[List["i.SpanQuery"], Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
super().__init__(clauses=clauses, **kwargs)
@@ -1905,15 +1990,21 @@ class SpanWithin(Query):
Returns matches which are enclosed inside another span query.
- :arg little: Can be any span query. Matching spans from `little` that
- are enclosed within `big` are returned.
- :arg big: Can be any span query. Matching spans from `little` that are
- enclosed within `big` are returned.
+ :arg little: (required)Can be any span query. Matching spans from
+ `little` that are enclosed within `big` are returned.
+ :arg big: (required)Can be any span query. Matching spans from
+ `little` that are enclosed within `big` are returned.
name = "span_within"
- def __init__(self, *, little: "i.SpanQuery", big: "i.SpanQuery", **kwargs: Any):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ little: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ big: Union["i.SpanQuery", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
super().__init__(little=little, big=big, **kwargs)
@@ -1923,9 +2014,9 @@ class SparseVector(Query):
convert a query into a list of token-weight pairs, queries against a
sparse vector field.
- :arg field: The name of the field that contains the token-weight pairs
- to be searched against. This field must be a mapped sparse_vector
- field.
+ :arg field: (required)The name of the field that contains the token-
+ weight pairs to be searched against. This field must be a mapped
+ sparse_vector field.
:arg query_vector: Dictionary of precomputed sparse vectors and their
associated weights. Only one of inference_id or query_vector may
be supplied in a request.
@@ -1953,12 +2044,14 @@ class SparseVector(Query):
def __init__(
- field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField"],
+ field: Union[str, "InstrumentedField", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
query_vector: Union[Mapping[str, float], "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
inference_id: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
query: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
prune: Union[bool, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
- pruning_config: Union["i.TokenPruningConfig", "NotSet"] = NOT_SET,
+ pruning_config: Union[
+ "i.TokenPruningConfig", Dict[str, Any], "NotSet"
+ ] = NOT_SET,
**kwargs: Any,
@@ -2105,13 +2198,13 @@ class Wrapper(Query):
A query that accepts any other query as base64 encoded string.
- :arg query: A base64 encoded query. The binary data format can be any
- of JSON, YAML, CBOR or SMILE encodings
+ :arg query: (required)A base64 encoded query. The binary data format
+ can be any of JSON, YAML, CBOR or SMILE encodings
name = "wrapper"
- def __init__(self, *, query: str, **kwargs: Any):
+ def __init__(self, *, query: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET, **kwargs: Any):
super().__init__(query=query, **kwargs)
@@ -2119,10 +2212,10 @@ class Type(Query):
No documentation available.
- :arg value: None
+ :arg value: (required)No documentation available.
name = "type"
- def __init__(self, *, value: str, **kwargs: Any):
+ def __init__(self, *, value: Union[str, "NotSet"] = NOT_SET, **kwargs: Any):
super().__init__(value=value, **kwargs)
diff --git a/utils/generator.py b/utils/generator.py
index 98439a6e..c5c5e97b 100644
--- a/utils/generator.py
+++ b/utils/generator.py
@@ -46,6 +46,15 @@ def wrapped_doc(text, width=70, initial_indent="", subsequent_indent=""):
+def add_dict_type(type_):
+ """Add Dict[str, Any] to a Python type hint."""
+ if type_.startswith("Union["):
+ type_ = f"{type_[:-1]}, Dict[str, Any]]"
+ else:
+ type_ = f"Union[{type_}, Dict[str, Any]]"
+ return type_
def add_not_set(type_):
"""Add NotSet to a Python type hint."""
if type_.startswith("Union["):
@@ -118,7 +127,7 @@ def get_python_type(self, schema_type):
elif schema_type["kind"] == "array_of":
type_, param = self.get_python_type(schema_type["value"])
- return f"List[{type_}]", None
+ return f"List[{type_}]", {**param, "multi": True} if param else None
elif schema_type["kind"] == "dictionary_of":
key_type, key_param = self.get_python_type(schema_type["key"])
@@ -176,108 +185,129 @@ def get_python_type(self, schema_type):
raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find Python type for {schema_type}")
-def generate_query_classes(schema, filename):
- classes = []
- query_container = schema.find_type("QueryContainer", "_types.query_dsl")
- for p in query_container["properties"]:
- k = {"schema": p, "name": "".join([w.title() for w in p["name"].split("_")])}
- k["docstring"] = wrapped_doc(p.get("description"))
- kind = p["type"]["kind"]
- if kind == "instance_of":
- instance = schema.find_type(
- p["type"]["type"]["name"], p["type"]["type"]["namespace"]
- )
- if instance["kind"] == "interface":
- k["kwargs"] = []
- k["params"] = []
- for arg in instance["properties"]:
- type_, param = schema.get_python_type(arg["type"])
- if arg["required"] is False and type_ != "Any":
- type_ = add_not_set(type_)
- doc = wrapped_doc(
- f":arg {arg['name']}: {arg.get('description')}",
- subsequent_indent=" ",
- )
- if arg["required"] is False:
- k["kwargs"].append(
- {
- "name": RESERVED.get(arg["name"], arg["name"]),
- "type": type_,
- "doc": doc,
- "required": False,
- }
- )
- else:
- i = 0
- for i in range(len(k["kwargs"])):
- if k["kwargs"][i]["required"] is False:
- break
- k["kwargs"].insert(
- i,
- {
- "name": RESERVED.get(arg["name"], arg["name"]),
- "type": type_,
- "doc": doc,
- "required": True,
- },
- )
- if param is not None:
- k["params"].append({"name": arg["name"], "param": param})
- elif kind == "dictionary_of":
- key_type, _ = schema.get_python_type(p["type"]["key"])
- if "InstrumentedField" in key_type:
- value_type, _ = schema.get_python_type(p["type"]["value"])
- if p["type"]["singleKey"]:
- k["kwargs"] = [
- {
- "name": "_field",
- "type": add_not_set(key_type),
- "doc": [":arg _field: The field to use in this query."],
- "required": False,
- },
- {
- "name": "_value",
- "type": add_not_set(value_type),
- "doc": [":arg _value: The query value for the field."],
- "required": False,
- },
- ]
- k["has_field"] = True
+ def argument_to_python_type(self, arg):
+ try:
+ type_, param = schema.get_python_type(arg["type"])
+ except RuntimeError:
+ type_ = "Any"
+ param = None
+ if type_ != "Any":
+ if "i." in type_:
+ type_ = add_dict_type(type_)
+ type_ = add_not_set(type_)
+ required = "(required)" if arg["required"] else ""
+ doc = wrapped_doc(
+ f":arg {arg['name']}: {required}{arg.get('description', 'No documentation available.')}",
+ subsequent_indent=" ",
+ )
+ kwarg = {
+ "name": RESERVED.get(arg["name"], arg["name"]),
+ "type": type_,
+ "doc": doc,
+ "required": arg["required"],
+ }
+ if param is not None:
+ param = {"name": arg["name"], "param": param}
+ return kwarg, param
+ def instance_of_to_python_class(self, p, k):
+ instance = schema.find_type(
+ p["type"]["type"]["name"], p["type"]["type"]["namespace"]
+ )
+ if instance["kind"] == "interface":
+ k["kwargs"] = []
+ k["params"] = []
+ for p in instance["properties"]:
+ kwarg, param = self.argument_to_python_type(p)
+ if kwarg["required"]:
+ i = 0
+ for i in range(len(k["kwargs"])):
+ if k["kwargs"][i]["required"] is False:
+ break
+ k["kwargs"].insert(i, kwarg)
- k["kwargs"] = [
+ k["kwargs"].append(kwarg)
+ if param:
+ k["params"].append(param)
+ elif instance["kind"] == "type_alias":
+ if (
+ "codegenNames" in instance
+ and instance["type"]["kind"] == "union_of"
+ and len(instance["type"]["items"]) == len(instance["codegenNames"])
+ ):
+ k["kwargs"] = []
+ for name, type_ in zip(
+ instance["codegenNames"], instance["type"]["items"]
+ ):
+ python_type, _ = self.get_python_type(type_)
+ k["kwargs"].append(
- "name": "_fields",
- "type": f"Optional[Mapping[{key_type}, {value_type}]]",
+ "name": name,
+ "type": f'Union[{python_type}, "NotSet"]',
"doc": [
- ":arg _fields: A dictionary of fields with their values."
+ f":arg {name}: An instance of ``{python_type[3:-1]}``."
"required": False,
- },
- ]
- k["has_fields"] = True
+ }
+ )
+ k["has_type_alias"] = True
- raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot generate code for type {p['type']}")
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot generate code for non-enum type aliases")
- raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot generate code for type {p['type']}")
- classes.append(k)
- with open(filename, "wt") as f:
- f.write(
- query_py.render(
- classes=classes, parent="Query", interfaces=sorted(schema.interfaces)
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f"Cannot generate code for instances of kind '{instance['kind']}'"
- )
- print(f"Generated {filename}.")
+ return k
+ def dictionary_of_to_python_class(self, p, k):
+ key_type, _ = schema.get_python_type(p["type"]["key"])
+ if "InstrumentedField" in key_type:
+ value_type, _ = schema.get_python_type(p["type"]["value"])
+ if p["type"]["singleKey"]:
+ k["kwargs"] = [
+ {
+ "name": "_field",
+ "type": add_not_set(key_type),
+ "doc": [":arg _field: The field to use in this query."],
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "_value",
+ "type": add_not_set(value_type),
+ "doc": [":arg _value: The query value for the field."],
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ]
+ k["has_field"] = True
+ else:
+ k["kwargs"] = [
+ {
+ "name": "_fields",
+ "type": f"Optional[Mapping[{key_type}, {value_type}]]",
+ "doc": [
+ ":arg _fields: A dictionary of fields with their values."
+ ],
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ]
+ k["has_fields"] = True
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot generate code for type {p['type']}")
+ return k
+ def property_to_python_class(self, p):
+ k = {"schema": p, "name": "".join([w.title() for w in p["name"].split("_")])}
+ k["docstring"] = wrapped_doc(p.get("description"))
+ kind = p["type"]["kind"]
+ if kind == "instance_of":
+ k = self.instance_of_to_python_class(p, k)
+ elif kind == "dictionary_of":
+ k = self.dictionary_of_to_python_class(p, k)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot generate code for type {p['type']}")
+ return k
-def generate_interfaces(schema, interfaces, filename):
- classes = {}
- for interface in interfaces:
- if interface == "PipeSeparatedFlags":
- continue # handled as a special case
+ def interface_to_python_class(self, interface, interfaces):
type_ = schema.find_type(interface)
if type_["kind"] != "interface":
raise RuntimeError(f"Type {interface} is not an interface")
@@ -294,12 +324,35 @@ def generate_interfaces(schema, interfaces, filename):
parent = None
k = {"name": interface, "parent": parent, "properties": []}
- schema.reset_interfaces()
- for p in type_["properties"]:
- type_, param = schema.get_python_type(p["type"])
- k["properties"].append(
- {"name": RESERVED.get(p["name"], p["name"]), "type": type_}
+ for arg in type_["properties"]:
+ arg_type, _ = schema.argument_to_python_type(arg)
+ k["properties"].append(arg_type)
+ return k
+def generate_query_classes(schema, filename):
+ classes = []
+ query_container = schema.find_type("QueryContainer", "_types.query_dsl")
+ for p in query_container["properties"]:
+ k = schema.property_to_python_class(p)
+ classes.append(k)
+ with open(filename, "wt") as f:
+ f.write(
+ query_py.render(
+ classes=classes, parent="Query", interfaces=sorted(schema.interfaces)
+ )
+ print(f"Generated {filename}.")
+def generate_interfaces(schema, interfaces, filename):
+ classes = {}
+ for interface in interfaces:
+ if interface == "PipeSeparatedFlags":
+ continue # handled as a special case
+ schema.reset_interfaces()
+ k = schema.interface_to_python_class(interface, interfaces)
for new_interface in schema.interfaces:
if new_interface not in interfaces:
diff --git a/utils/templates/dsl_classes.tpl b/utils/templates/dsl_classes.tpl
index 44af7c4a..7339e471 100644
--- a/utils/templates/dsl_classes.tpl
+++ b/utils/templates/dsl_classes.tpl
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ class {{ k.name }}({{ parent }}):
{% for param in k.params %}
"{{ param.name }}": {{ param.param }},
{% endfor %}
+ {% if k.name == "FunctionScore" %}
+ "filter": {"type": "query"},
+ "functions": {"type": "score_function", "multi": True},
+ {% endif %}
{% endif %}
@@ -28,12 +32,12 @@ class {{ k.name }}({{ parent }}):
{% endif %}
{% for kwarg in k.kwargs %}
- {{ kwarg.name }}: {{ kwarg.type }}{% if not kwarg.required %} = NOT_SET{% endif %},
+ {{ kwarg.name }}: {{ kwarg.type }} = NOT_SET,
{% endfor %}
**kwargs: Any
{% if k.name == "FunctionScore" %}
- if functions is None:
+ if functions == NOT_SET:
functions = []
for name in ScoreFunction._classes:
if name in kwargs:
@@ -45,9 +49,18 @@ class {{ k.name }}({{ parent }}):
if fields != NOT_SET:
for field, value in _fields.items():
kwargs[str(field)] = value
+ {% elif k.has_type_alias %}
+ {% for kwarg in k.kwargs %}
+ {% if loop.index == 1 %}
+ if {{ kwarg.name }} != NOT_SET:
+ {% else %}
+ elif {{ kwarg.name }} != NOT_SET:
+ {% endif %}
+ kwargs = {{ kwarg.name }}
+ {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
- {% if not k.has_field and not k.has_fields %}
+ {% if not k.has_field and not k.has_fields and not k.has_type_alias %}
{% for kwarg in k.kwargs %}
{{ kwarg.name }}={{ kwarg.name }},
{% endfor %}
diff --git a/utils/templates/interfaces.py.tpl b/utils/templates/interfaces.py.tpl
index c68a594d..b0c3364f 100644
--- a/utils/templates/interfaces.py.tpl
+++ b/utils/templates/interfaces.py.tpl
@@ -1,16 +1,42 @@
-from typing import Any, List, Literal, Mapping, TypedDict, Union
-from elasticsearch_dsl.search_base import InstrumentedField
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Mapping, Union
+from elasticsearch_dsl.document_base import InstrumentedField
from elasticsearch_dsl import analysis, function, interfaces as i, Query
+from elasticsearch_dsl.utils import AttrDict, NotSet, NOT_SET
PipeSeparatedFlags = str
{% for k in classes %}
-class {{ k.name }}({% if k.parent %}{{ k.parent }}{% else %}TypedDict{% endif %}):
+class {{ k.name }}({% if k.parent %}{{ k.parent }}{% else %}AttrDict[Any]{% endif %}):
{% if k.properties %}
+ """
{% for p in k.properties %}
- {{ p.name }}: {{ p.type }}
+ {% for line in p.doc %}
+ {{ line }}
{% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ {% for p in k.properties %}
+ {{ p.name }}: {{ p.type }}{% if not p.required %} = NOT_SET{% endif %},
+ {% endfor %}
+ **kwargs: Any
+ ):
+ {% for p in k.properties %}
+ if {{ p.name }} != NOT_SET:
+ {% if "InstrumentedField" in p.type %}
+ kwargs["{{ p.name }}"] = str({{ p.name }})
+ {% else %}
+ kwargs["{{ p.name }}"] = {{ p.name }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% if k.parent %}
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ {% else %}
+ super().__init__(kwargs)
+ {% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
diff --git a/utils/templates/query.py.tpl b/utils/templates/query.py.tpl
index 5453db08..92557416 100644
--- a/utils/templates/query.py.tpl
+++ b/utils/templates/query.py.tpl
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from typing import (
+ Dict,