const meow = require('meow') const chalk = require('chalk') const utils = require('web3-utils') const send = require('.') const cli = meow(` Usage $ eth-send --from <private-key> --to <address> --amount <ether> --network <network> [--silent] Options --from, -f Private key of sender (required) --to, -t Address to send to (required) --amount, -a Ether amount to send (required) --value , -v Wei amount to send (alternative to --amount) --network, -n Network name or network provider URI (default "mainnet") --gasPrice, -p Gas price in gwei --gas, -g Gas limit --data, -d Transaction data --silent, -s Silent output Examples $ eth-send --from 4f3edf983ac636a65a842ce7c78d9aa706d3b113bce9c46f30d7d21715b23b1d --to 0xffcf8fdee72ac11b5c542428b35eef5769c409f0 --amount 0.01 --network rinkeby --silent 0x8ee7ed489c7cb206cd9b4ff65a5d2977324b4f727b12cd2e0c0bbcaa59219e00 `, { flags: { from: { type: 'string', alias: 'f' }, to: { type: 'string', alias: 't' }, amount: { type: 'string', alias: 'a' }, value: { type: 'string', alias: 'v' }, network: { type: 'string', alias: 'n' }, gasPrice: { type: 'string', alias: 'p' }, gas: { type: 'string', alias: 'g' }, data: { type: 'string', alias: 'd' }, silent: { type: 'boolean', alias: 's' }, } }) const from = cli.flags.f || cli.flags.from || process.env.FROM const to = cli.flags.t || let value = cli.flags.v || cli.flags.value let amount = cli.flags.a || cli.flags.amount const data = cli.flags.d || const gas = cli.flags.g || cli.flags.gas let gasPrice = cli.flags.p || cli.flags.gasPrice const network = (cli.flags.n || || '').toLowerCase() const silent = cli.flags.s || cli.flags.silent if (process.stdin) { process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8') process.stdin.resume() let content = '' process.stdin.on('data', (buf) => { content += buf.toString() }) setTimeout(() => { content = content.trim() if (content) { amount = content } run() }, 10) } else { run() } async function run() { if (from === undefined) { console.log('--from argument is required') process.exit(1) } if (to === undefined) { console.log('--to argument is required') process.exit(1) } if (amount === undefined && value === undefined) { console.log('--amount argument is required') process.exit(1) } if (gasPrice) { gasPrice = utils.toWei(gasPrice, 'gwei') } try { const txHash = await send({ from, to, amount, value, network, data, gas, gasPrice, log: !silent }) if (silent) { console.log(txHash) } else { if (['mainnet', 'ropsten', 'rinkeby', 'kovan', 'goerli'].includes(network)) { console.log('\n'`https://${network !== 'mainnet' ? `${network}.` : '' }${txHash}`)) } } process.exit(0) } catch(err) { console.error( process.exit(1) } }