paperless.domain |
Define the domain name for Paperless - will be re-used in Ingress |
"" |
paperless.appTitle |
If set, overrides the default name "Paperless-ngx" |
"" |
paperless.appLogo |
Path to an image file in the /media/logo directory, must include 'logo', e.g. /logo/Atari_logo.svg |
"" |
paperless.secretKey.value |
Define a custom secret key for Paperless |
"" | |
Define the name of an existing Secret containing the secret key |
"" |
paperless.secretKey.existingSecret.key |
Define the key within the existing Secret containing the secret key |
"" |
paperless.address |
The address Paperless should bind to |
"::" |
paperless.port |
The port Paperless should bind to |
8000 |
paperless.uid |
The user ID Paperless should use |
1000 |
paperless.gid |
The group ID Paperless should use |
1000 |
paperless.enableFlower |
Enable the 'Flower' monitoring tool for 'Celery' (Paperless' task queue) |
false |
paperless.webserverWorkers |
The amount of Nginx worker processes to spawn for the server within the container |
1 |
paperless.taskWorkers |
The amount for task worker processes to spawn within the container |
"" |
paperless.threadsPerWorker |
The amount of threads to assign each task worker process within the container |
"" |
paperless.workerTimeout |
The amount of threads to assign each task worker process within the container |
"" |
paperless.timeZone |
Set the time zone here |
paperless.enableNLTK |
Enables or disables the advanced natural language processing used during |
"" |
paperless.enableAuditLog |
Enables the audit trail for documents, document types, correspondents, and tags |
true |
paperless.enableCompression |
Enables compression of the responses from the webserver. Defaults to 1, enabling compression. |
"1" |
paperless.apps |
A comma-separated list of Django apps to be included in Django's INSTALLED_APPS |
"" |
paperless.maxImagePixels |
Configures the maximum size of an image PIL will allow to load without warning or error |
"" |
paperless.emptyTrashDelay |
Sets how long in days documents remain in the 'trash' before they are permanently deleted |
30 |
paperless.auth.autoLoginUsername |
Specify a username so that paperless will automatically perform login with the selected user |
"" |
paperless.auth.adminUser |
If this environment variable is specified, Paperless automatically creates a superuser with the provided username at start |
"" |
paperless.auth.adminPassword |
Only used when PAPERLESS_ADMIN_USER is set. This will be the password of the automatically created superuser |
"" |
paperless.auth.existingSecret |
Specify an existing secret with a username and password key |
"" |
paperless.auth.adminMail |
Specify superuser email address. Only used when PAPERLESS_ADMIN_USER is set |
"" |
paperless.auth.allowSignups |
Allow users to sign up for a new Paperless-ngx account |
"" |
paperless.auth.disableRegularLogin |
Disables the regular frontend username / password login, i.e. once you have setup SSO |
false |
paperless.auth.sessionRemember |
Controls the lifetime of the session. None , False or True |
"" |
paperless.auth.defaultHTTPProtocol |
The protocol used when generating URLs, e.g. login callback URLs |
"" |
paperless.auth.emailVerification |
Determines whether email addresses are verified during signup (as performed by Django allauth) |
"" | |
This variable is used to set up login and signup via social account providers which are compatible with django-allauth. |
"" | |
The name of existing secret containing a accountProviders key to configure Django AllAuth |
"" | |
Allow users to signup for a new Paperless-ngx account using any setup third party authentication systems |
false | |
Attempt to sign up the user using retrieved email, username etc from the third party authentication system |
false | |
A list of trusted origins for unsafe requests (e.g. POST). As of Django 4.0 this is required to access the Django admin via the web |
"" | |
If you're planning on putting Paperless on the open internet, then you really should set this value to the domain name you're using |
"" | |
You need to add your servers to the list of allowed hosts that can do CORS calls. Set this to your public domain name |
"" | |
This may be needed to prevent IP address spoofing if you are using e.g. fail2ban with log entries for failed authorization attempts |
"" | |
To host paperless under a subpath URL like you set this value to /paperless. No trailing slash! |
"" | |
Unless you're hosting Paperless off a subdomain like /paperless/, you probably don't need to change this |
"" | |
Specify a prefix that is added to the cookies used by paperless to identify the currently logged in user |
"" | |
Allows authentication via HTTP_REMOTE_USER which is used by some SSO applications |
false | |
AAllows authentication via HTTP_REMOTE_USER directly against the API |
false | |
If "PAPERLESS_ENABLE_HTTP_REMOTE_USER" or PAPERLESS_ENABLE_HTTP_REMOTE_USER_API are enabled, this property allows to customize the name of the HTTP header from which the authenticated username is extracted |
"" | |
URL to redirect the user to after a logout |
"" | |
Configures the Django setting USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST which may be needed for hosting behind a proxy |
false | |
Configures the Django setting USE_X_FORWARDED_PORT which may be needed for hosting behind a proxy |
false | |
Configures the Django setting SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER which may be needed for hosting behind a proxy |
"" |
paperless.cron.emailTask |
Configures the scheduled email fetching frequency. The value should be a valid crontab(5) expression describing when to run. |
"*/10 * * * *" |
paperless.cron.trainTask |
Configures the scheduled automatic classifier training frequency. May also be "disabled". |
"5 */1 * * *" |
paperless.cron.indexTask |
Configures the scheduled search index update frequency. May also be "disabled". |
"0 0 * * *" |
paperless.cron.sanityTask |
Configures the scheduled sanity checker frequency. May also be "disabled". |
"30 0 * *" |
paperless.cron.emptyTrashTask |
Configures the schedule to empty the trash of expired deleted documents |
"0 1 * * *" | |
The hostname for the Redis instance |
"" |
paperless.redis.port |
The port for the Redis instance |
6379 |
paperless.redis.username |
The username for the Redis instance |
"" |
paperless.redis.password |
The password for the Redis instance |
"" |
paperless.redis.existingSecret |
The name of an existing Secret with a uri key containing the full Redis URI |
"" |
paperless.redis.prefix |
"" | |
The hostname for the PostgreSQL database |
"" |
paperless.postgresql.port |
The port for the PostgreSQL database |
5432 | |
The database name for the PostgreSQL database |
"" |
paperless.postgresql.user |
The username for the PostgreSQL database |
"" |
paperless.postgresql.password |
The password for the PostgreSQL database |
"" |
paperless.postgresql.existingSecret |
An existing BasicAuth secret containing the PostgreSQL credentials |
"" |
paperless.postgresql.sslMode |
The SSL Mode for the PostgreSQL database |
prefer |
paperless.postgresql.timeout |
Define a timeout for the database connection |
"" |
paperless.postgresql.certs.rootCert |
The path to a mounted TLS root certificate |
"" |
paperless.postgresql.certs.cert |
The path to a mounted TLS certificate |
"" |
paperless.postgresql.certs.key |
The path to a mounted TLS certificate key |
"" |
paperless.tika.enabled |
Enable or disable the Apache® Tika integration |
true |
paperless.tika.endpoint |
Define the Apache Tika endpoint |
"" |
paperless.gotenberg.endpoint |
Define the Apache Gotenberg endpoint |
"" | |
The host to an SMTP server |
"" |
paperless.smtp.port |
The port for an SMTP server |
"" |
paperless.smtp.user |
An SMTP username |
"" |
paperless.smtp.password |
The password for an SMTP user |
"" |
paperless.smtp.existingSecret |
A secret containing username and password key SMTP authentication |
"" |
paperless.smtp.from |
The from address for emails sent by Paperless |
"" |
paperless.smtp.useTLS |
Whether to use TLS for contacting the SMTP server |
false |
paperless.smtp.useSSL |
Whether to use SSL for contacting the SMTP server |
false | |
Define a custom consumption directory |
"" | |
Define a custom data directory |
"" | |
Define a custom trash directory |
"" | |
Define a custom trash directory |
"" | |
Define a custom media directory |
"" | |
Define a custom static directory |
"" | |
Define a custom filename format |
"" | |
Omit placeholders that would resolve to 'none' in filenameFormat |
false | |
Define a custom logging directory |
"" | |
Define a custom NLTK processing directory |
"" | |
Define a path to a certificate (chain) for TLS verification for mail servers |
"" | |
This is where paperless will store the classification model. Default is PAPERLESS_DATA_DIR/classification_model.pickle |
"" | |
If this environment variable is defined, the supervisord.log and file will be created under the specified path |
"" | |
The size given to PVCs created from the above data |
10Gi | |
The storageClass given to PVCs created from the above data |
standard | |
The resourcePolicy given to PVCs created from the above data |
Retain | |
Provide the name to an existing PVC |
"" |
paperless.logging.logrotateMaxSize |
Maximum file size for log files before they're rotated |
"" |
paperless.logging.logrotateMaxBackups |
The number of rotated log files to keep |
"" |
paperless.ocr.language |
Customize the language that paperless will attempt to use when parsing documents |
eng |
paperless.ocr.additionalLanguages |
Additional languages that paperless will attempt to use when parsing documents |
"" |
paperless.ocr.mode |
Tell paperless when and how to perform ocr on your documents: skip , redo and force |
skip |
paperless.ocr.skipArchiveFile |
Specify when you would like paperless to skip creating an archived version of your documents |
never |
paperless.ocr.clean |
Tells paperless to use unpaper to clean any input document before sending it to tesseract |
true |
paperless.ocr.deskew |
Tells paperless to correct skewing (slight rotation of input images mainly due to improper scanning) |
true |
paperless.ocr.rotatePages |
Tells paperless to correct page rotation (90°, 180° and 270° rotation) |
true |
paperless.ocr.rotatePagesThreshold |
Adjust the threshold for automatic page rotation by paperless.ocr.rotatePages |
12 |
paperless.ocr.outputType |
Specify the type of PDF documents that paperless should produce |
pdfa |
paperless.ocr.pages |
Tells paperless to use only the specified amount of pages for OCR. Documents with less than the specified amount of pages get OCR'ed completely |
"" |
paperless.ocr.imageDPI |
Paperless will OCR any images you put into the system and convert them into PDF documents |
"" |
paperless.ocr.maxImagePixels |
Paperless will raise a warning when OCRing images which are over this limit and will not OCR images which are more than twice this limit |
"" |
paperless.ocr.colorConversionStrategy |
Controls the Ghostscript color conversion strategy when creating the archive file |
"" |
paperless.ocr.userArgs |
OCRmyPDF offers many more options. Use this parameter to specify any additional arguments you wish to pass to OCRmyPDF |
"" |
paperless.conversion.memoryLimit |
On smaller systems, or even in the case of Very Large Documents, the consumer may explode, complaining about how it's "unable to extend pixel cache" |
"" |
paperless.conversion.tmpDir |
Similar to the memory limit, if you've got a small system and your OS mounts /tmp as tmpfs, you should set this to a path that's on a physical disk |
"" |
paperless.consume.deleteDuplicates |
When the consumer detects a duplicate document, it will not touch the original document |
false |
paperless.consume.recursive |
Enable recursive watching of the consumption directory |
false |
paperless.consume.subdirsAsTags |
Set the names of subdirectories as tags for consumed files. E.g. <CONSUMPTION_DIR>/foo/bar/file.pdf will add the tags "foo" |
false |
paperless.consume.ignorePatterns |
By default, paperless ignores certain files and folders in the consumption directory |
"" |
paperless.consume.barcodeScanner |
Sets the barcode scanner used for barcode functionality |
paperless.consume.preConsumeScript |
After some initial validation, Paperless can trigger an arbitrary script if you like before beginning consumption |
"" |
paperless.consume.postConsumeScript |
After a document is consumed, Paperless can trigger an arbitrary script if you like |
"" |
paperless.consume.filenameDateOrder |
Paperless will check the document text for document date information |
"" |
paperless.consume.numberOfSuggestedDates |
Paperless searches an entire document for dates. The first date found will be used as the initial value for the created date |
3 |
paperless.consume.thumbnailFontName |
Paperless creates thumbnails for plain text files by rendering the content of the file on an image |
"" |
paperless.consume.ignoreDates |
Paperless parses a document's creation date from filename and file content. You may specify a comma separated list of dates that should be ignored during this process |
"" |
paperless.consume.dateOrder |
Paperless will try to determine the document creation date from its contents. Specify the date format Paperless should expect to see within your documents |
"" |
paperless.consume.polling.enabled |
If paperless won't find documents added to your consume folder, it might not be able to automatically detect filesystem changes |
0 |
paperless.consume.polling.retryCount |
If consumer polling is enabled, sets the maximum number of times paperless will check for a file to remain unmodified |
5 |
paperless.consume.polling.delay |
If consumer polling is enabled, sets the delay in seconds between each check (above) paperless will do while waiting for a file to remain unmodified |
5 |
paperless.consume.iNotify.delay |
Sets the time in seconds the consumer will wait for additional events from inotify before the consumer will consider a file ready and begin consumption |
0.5 |
paperless.consume.barcodes.enabled |
Enables the scanning and page separation based on detected barcodes |
false |
paperless.consume.barcodes.tiffSupport |
Whether TIFF image files should be scanned for barcodes |
false |
paperless.consume.barcodes.string |
Defines the string to be detected as a separator barcode |
paperless.consume.barcodes.enableASNBarcode |
Enables the detection of barcodes in the scanned document and setting the ASN (archive serial number) if a properly formatted barcode is detected |
false |
paperless.consume.barcodes.ASNBarcodePrefix |
Defines the prefix that is used to identify a barcode as an ASN barcode |
paperless.consume.barcodes.upscale |
Defines the upscale factor used in barcode detection |
0.0 |
paperless.consume.barcodes.dpi |
During barcode detection every page from a PDF document needs to be converted to an image |
300 |
paperless.consume.barcodes.enableTagBarcode |
Enables the detection of barcodes in the scanned document and assigns or creates tags if a properly formatted barcode is detected |
300 |
paperless.consume.barcodes.tagBarcodeMapping |
Override the default dictionary of filter regular expression and substitute expressions |
"" |
paperless.consume.collate.enableDoubleSided |
Enables automatic collation of two single-sided scans into a double-sided document |
false |
paperless.consume.collate.doubleSidedSubdirName |
The name of the subdirectory that the collate feature expects documents to arrive |
double-sided |
paperless.consume.collate.doubleSidedTiffSupport |
Whether TIFF image files should be supported when collating documents |
false |
paperless.binaries.convert |
The binary name for convert |
convert | |
The binary name for gs |
convert |