- merge
- rebase
- squash
- work with branches, origins, remotes, logs, forks
minimal requirements:
- compute
- resource groups
- subscriptions
- VPCs
- bastion
- keyvaults
- service principals
- storage accounts
- advanced kusto queries
- azure-cli
- Az (powershell module)
- azcopy
- azure cloud shell
The list is average, strong understanding of system internals is required for debugging purposes
- Windows server administration with strong knowledge of powershell
- nice to have: experience with under Windows development (WDK/SDK/VS extensions management, etc)
- knowledge of macOS internals (SIP, polices (spctl), kernel extensions management, dtrace/dustree)
- advanced brew usage
- nice to have: osascript
Not Limited to:
- experience with debian/ubuntu administration (advanced) (fs, inodes, different config files, initramfs, advanced APT package manager, etc, endless list)
- nice to have: ability to properly build programs from source code (with or without a build system + general toolchain understanding)
- systemd knowledge (units, slices, mounts,targets,etc)
- ability to debug programs (strace/gdb)
- ability to deeply debug and understand binaries pitfals and problems (ldd, scanelf, static/dynamic linking)
- basic and non-basic rights understanding (sgid/suid/sticky bit, extended ACL, pam, sudo, nsswitch, glibc services understanding, etc, the more the better)
- Vmware + Vsphere
- nice to have: powercli powershell module knowledge
- understanding of subnetting/netmasks/nat/dhcp + static dynamic routing
- basic debugging tools like wireshark or tcpdump and ability to analize captured logs to spot the problem
Advanced experience with any other CD/CD would be suitable too
- Azure Devops (repos, cd pipelines, artifact, multistage pipelines (ability to develop complex ones), variable groups, feeds, etc
- GitHub Actions
- packer
- nice to have: pester framework for powershell code testing
- nice to have: ansible (+ custom reoles management)