- height map
- relativistic effects
- pathtracer materials
- direct light sampling
- russian roulette
- mip map generation
- ray differentials
- EWA texture filtering
- convert to using opencl c++ wrapper
- opencl work group sizes
- add spline curve class
- add camera movement with splines
- add BVH -> QBVH conversion
- implement QBVH travelsal and SIMD triangle intersect with ispc
- change tclap to boost program options and move settings to root
- remove freetype headers from windows platform
- replace private constructors with =deleted
- add scope exit to obj loader and consolerunner text color
- replace align macro with alignas
- check if camera dof needs jitter
- fast preview with "dot product lighting"
- replace mersenne twister with pcg
- remove recursion from cpu pathtracer
- implement info text panel + more statistics
- move ray-scene intersection to scene
- remove csg suppport
- add image data to serialization
- disable reinhard averaging when not in interactive mode
- templetize image (float and double images)
- opencl version check