This repo provide a easy way to build your own JDBC extension driver images to use within Red Hat Process Automation Manager images on OpenShift.
The extension image is basically a minimal image that include all the files needed to configure a jdbc driver in the image used for deployment.
It adds a extra layer on top of the base image which contains:
the jdbc driver
- needs to respect the JBoss EAP module structure: i.e: /extensions/modules/org/postgresql96/main/
the which contains the JBoss module information, this file is populated during the build image , here you can find the base file used.
the script which is responsible to configure the JBoss module:
To interact with this repo you should install the CEKit 3.0.1:
The drivers images are based on the supported configurations for Red Hat Process Automation Manager, which are:
Database | DB Version | JDBC Driver jar/version |
IBM DB2 | 11.1 | jcc- |
MariaDB | 10.2 | mariadb-java-client-2.3.0.jar |
MS SQL | 2014,2016 | mssql-jdbc-7.2.2.jre11.jar |
Oracle DB | 12c RAC | example: ojdbc7.jar |
MySQL | 5.7 | mysql-connector-java-8.0.12.jar |
PosgtgreSQL | 10.1, 10.1 Enterprise | postgresql-42.2.5.jar |
Sybase | 16.0 | jconn4-16.0_PL05.jar |
For more information, please visit the RHPAM compatibility matrix.
There is a few extension images public available on
Driver version: 8.0.12
Driver version: 2.3.0
Driver version: 42.2.5
You can import these images into you OpenShift instance using the extension-image-streams.yaml with the following command:
$ oc create -f extension-image-streams.yaml -m <NAME_SPACE>
The namespace is the project that you are working on OpenShift, or, you can also choose a common namespace to install these imagestreams, like openshift
All you need to do is install cekit2 and execute the make build
command specifying the image you want to build, i.e.:
$ make build mysql
This command will build the mysql extension image with the jdbc driver version 8.0.12.
The artifacts to build the db2, mysql, mariadb, postgresql and mssql are available on maven central.
See the examples below on how to build the other extension images:
$ make build db2
If you want to specify a custom artifact, use the artifact and version variables within make command:
$ make build db2 artifact=/tmp/db2-jdbc-driver.jar version=10.1
$ make build mysql
$ make build mariadb
$ make build postgresql
$ make build mssql
Oracle extension image requires you to provide the jdbc jar:
$ make build oracle artifact=/tmp/ojdbc7.jar version=7.0
DB2 extension image requires you to provide the jdbc jar:
$ make build db2 artifact=/tmp/db2jcc4.jar version=10.2
Sybase extension image requires you to provide the jdbc jar:
$ make build sybase artifact=/tmp/jconn4-16.0_PL05.jar version=16.0_PL05
After you build your extension image you can:
- Push the image to some internal/public registry and import the image on OpenShift using:
--- kind: List apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: jboss-kie-jdbc-extensions-image annotations: description: ImageStream definition for jdbc driver extension items: - kind: ImageStream apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: jboss-kie-oracle-extension-openshift-image annotations: oracle driver extension spec: dockerImageRepository: some.public.registry/projectname/jboss-kie-oracle-extension-openshift-image tags: - name: '12cR1' annotations: description: JBoss KIE custom mysql jdbc extension image, recommended version driver. tags: oracle,extension,jdbc,driver version: '12cR1'
then import it on OpenShift:
$ oc create -f my-image-stream.yaml
import directly on OpenShift:
$ oc import-image jboss-kie-oracle-extension-openshift-image:12cR1 --from=registry/project/jboss-kie-oracle-extension-openshift-image:12cR1 --confirm
push the image directly to the OpenShift registry:
These extension images were designed to be used with RHPAM images but can be used with any other image since it supports s2i builds, see this link for more information.
We provide a external database application template ready to use the extension images.
To deploy it using any of the extension images, follow the steps below:
- create a new namespace:
$ oc new-project rhpam-externaldb
Note that, by default all application templates and imagestreams are installed under the openshift namespace.
verify if the external-db template is available on the openshift namespace:
$ oc get templates -n openshift | grep rhpam43-kieserver-externaldb
if it does not return the template, you will need to install the template on OpenShift, the recommend namespace to install it is openshift but feel free to install it on the preferred namespace.
$ oc create -f
verify if the RHPAM 7.6 imagestreams are available:
$ oc get imagestream -n openshift | grep rhpam | grep 7.6
if the command above does not return any result the imagestreams must be installed, to do this execute the following command:
$ oc create -f
The externaldb template requires a secret containing ssl certificates, we provide this certificate as example.
Let's install:
$ oc create -f
$ oc new-app example-app-secret
Optional, if you are going to use one of the ready extension images (mysql, mariadb or postgresql) import this imagestream:
$ oc create -f extension-image-streams.yaml
At this point we are ready to create an kieserver application using the extension driver: Note that, the driver name can be found in the respective install-{DB}. properties file, i.e. mariadb
To create a new app using a extension image, you can go through the OpenShift web console and fill all the needed fields or create it using command line:
$ oc new-app rhpam76-kieserver-externaldb \
-p MAVEN_REPO_URL=http://some.mave.repo \
-p IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE=rhpam-externaldb \
-p KIE_SERVER_EXTERNALDB_DIALECT=org.jbpm.persistence.jpa.hibernate.DisabledFollowOnLockOracle10gDialect \
-p KIE_SERVER_EXTERNALDB_JNDI=java:jboss/datasources/jbpmDS \
-p KIE_SERVER_EXTERNALDB_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<ORACLE_DB_ADDRESS>:1521:bpms \
-p \
-p \
-p EXTENSIONS_IMAGE=jboss-kie-oracle-extension-openshift-image:12cR1 \
-p EXTENSIONS_IMAGE_NAMESPACE=rhpam-externaldb \
-p KIE_SERVER_HTTPS_SECRET=businesscentral-app-secret
Remember to update the parameters according your needs.
If you find any issue feel free to drop an email to [email protected] or fill an issue