- 明尼苏达大学中国新生核心指南: mingcns.org/guidebook
MinG/CNS 明城论坛 - 明尼苏达华人社群: mingcns.com
明尼苏达大学2024新生交流群: qun.mingcns.com
Project MinG/CNS 自助入群工具(请使用 UMN 邮箱登陆):new.mingcns.com
明大地理:主要院系和教学楼简介: mingcns.org/colleges-and-buildings
转学分相关经验分享: mingcns.org/transfer-credits-intro
学校 MyU 系统简介: mingcns.org/myu-intro
- 二手书信息汇总: books.mingcns.org
(链接指向 Google Docs 共享文档,请使用 UMN 邮箱登陆)
UMN宿舍楼及HRL旗下公寓简介: mingcns.org/hrl-dorm-apt-intro
Metro Transit 轻轨简介: mingcns.org/light-rail
Social Security Number (SSN): mingcns.org/ssn
在美实用网站/软件不完全清单: mingcns.org/usefull-sites
校外公寓居住体验投稿文档: Google Docs - 校外公寓住宿体验收集文档
(链接指向 Google Docs 共享文档,请使用 UMN 邮箱登陆) -
校外公寓居住体验问卷调查: Google Form - UMN 周边校外公寓调查问卷
UMN各类校内实用资源: mingcns.org/resources-on-campus
赴美行李清单参考: mingcns.org/luggage-prep
外部精华内容汇总目录: mingcns.org/ext-catalog
中国学生学者联谊会 Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA): mingcns.org/cssa
中国学生会 Chinese Student Union (CSU): mingcns.org/csu
中国学生社区 Chinese Student Community (CSC): mingcns.org/csc
Hospitality Center (HCC): mingcns.org/hcc
关于我们 About us
“Project MinG/CNS - 明大中国新生核心指南" 是于2019年4月几位学长在新生群中答疑时, 意识到一份整合、客观、实时的新生指南手册的重要性后,发起的基于GNU GPL协议的开放、共享的合作项目。 该项目旨在帮助即将入学或者刚刚抵达明大双城校区的中文母语学生更顺利地适应明大的生活。 我们永远欢迎任何个人和团体在该项目所适用协议的框架下,转发、传播、二次创作以及直接贡献内容。 由于本项目仍处于起步阶段,很多地方仍需完善,若您有建议、意见或是希望贡献内容, 非常欢迎您与我们联系或对该 Repository 发起 Pull Request。
“Project MinG/CNS”--Minnesota Guidebook for Chinese New Students--was established in April 2019, after a few current students realized the necessity of having a comprehensive, objective, and up-to-date guidebook for incoming Chinese students, when they were answering questions posted by newly admitted students. This project is based on GNU GPL license, and is intended to be an open and collaborative project. The purpose of this project is to provide guides for Chinese-speaking students who are admitted to the University of Minnesota, Twin-cities. Directly Contributing to, sharing, distributing, and performing derivative work of any contents in the Project MinG/CNS is welcomed under the compliance of the GNU GPL license. This project is still developing and needs improvements. Hence, should you have any opinions and suggestions on the project’s contents, or want to contribute directly, please feel free to contact us.
我们的联络邮箱 Contact Email:
参与本项目的志愿作者团队与共同创作者名单 (排名不分先后):
Authors, co-editors, and contributors participating/participated in this project:
- Cai, Wen
- Chang, Yibo
- Cui, Jiahao
- Ding, Yifan
- Feng, Anita
- Ge, Yinhan
- Hu, Xinyi
- Huang, Linyue
- Jia, Zheng Robert
- Law, Chingyau
- Liu, Jingyan
- Lu, Han
- Peng, Elaine
- Shen, Thomas
- Su, Yuhao
- Sun, Haoyue
- Tao, Leonard
- Wang, Yushuang
- Yang, Benyuan
- Yin, Ziniu
- Zhan, Jiayu
- Zheng, Yue
- Zhou, Tiannan
Locations of Visitors: