We recently learned how to write our own R functions (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).
Now we use that knowledge to write another useful function, within the context of the Gapminder data:
- Input: a data.frame that contains (at least) a life expectancy variable
and a variable for yearyear
- Output: a vector of estimated intercept and slope, from a linear regression of
The ultimate goal is to apply this function to the Gapminder data for a specific country. We will eventually scale up to all countries using external machinery, e.g., the plyr
As usual, load the Gapminder excerpt. Load ggplot2
because we'll make some plots.
gDat <- read.delim("gapminderDataFiveYear.txt")
## 'data.frame': 1704 obs. of 6 variables:
## $ country : Factor w/ 142 levels "Afghanistan",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ year : int 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 ...
## $ pop : num 8425333 9240934 10267083 11537966 13079460 ...
## $ continent: Factor w/ 5 levels "Africa","Americas",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
## $ lifeExp : num 28.8 30.3 32 34 36.1 ...
## $ gdpPercap: num 779 821 853 836 740 ...
## or do this if the file isn't lying around already
## gd_url <- "http://tiny.cc/gapminder"
## gDat <- read.delim(gd_url)
I extract the data for one country in order to develop some working code interactively.
j_country <- "France" # pick, but do not hard wire, an example
(j_dat <- subset(gDat, country == j_country))
## country year pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap
## 529 France 1952 42459667 Europe 67.410 7029.809
## 530 France 1957 44310863 Europe 68.930 8662.835
## 531 France 1962 47124000 Europe 70.510 10560.486
## 532 France 1967 49569000 Europe 71.550 12999.918
## 533 France 1972 51732000 Europe 72.380 16107.192
## 534 France 1977 53165019 Europe 73.830 18292.635
## 535 France 1982 54433565 Europe 74.890 20293.897
## 536 France 1987 55630100 Europe 76.340 22066.442
## 537 France 1992 57374179 Europe 77.460 24703.796
## 538 France 1997 58623428 Europe 78.640 25889.785
## 539 France 2002 59925035 Europe 79.590 28926.032
## 540 France 2007 61083916 Europe 80.657 30470.017
Always always always plot the data. Yes, even now.
p <- ggplot(j_dat, aes(x = year, y = lifeExp))
p + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE)
Fit the regression
j_fit <- lm(lifeExp ~ year, j_dat)
## (Intercept) year
## -397.7646019 0.2385014
Whoa, check out that crazy intercept! Apparently the life expectancy in France around year 0 A.D. was minus 400 years! Never forget to sanity check a model. In this case, a reparametrization is in order. I think it makes more sense for the intercept to correspond to life expectancy in 1952, the earliest date in our dataset. Estimate the intercept eye-ball-o-metrically from the plot and confirm that we've got something sane and interpretable now.
j_fit <- lm(lifeExp ~ I(year - 1952), j_dat)
## (Intercept) I(year - 1952)
## 67.7901282 0.2385014
There are two things above that might prompt questions.
First, how did I know to get the estimated coefficients from a fitted model via coef()
? Years of experience. But how might a novice learn such things? Read the documentation for lm()
, in this case. The "See also" section advises us about many functions that can operate on fitted linear model objects, including, but by no means limited to, coef()
. Read the documentation on coef()
Second, what am I doing here: lm(lifeExp ~ I(year - 1952))
? I want the intercept to correspond to 1952 and an easy way to accomplish that is to create a new predictor on the fly: year minus 1952. The way I achieve that in the model formula, I(year - 1952)
, uses the I()
function which "inhibits interpretation/conversion of objects". By protecting the expression year - 1952
, I ensure it is interpreted in the obvious arithmetical way.
Create the basic definition of a function and drop your working code inside. Add arguments and edit the inner code to match. Apply it to the practice data. Do you get the same result as before?
le_lin_fit <- function(dat, offset = 1952) {
the_fit <- lm(lifeExp ~ I(year - offset), dat)
## (Intercept) I(year - offset)
## 67.7901282 0.2385014
I had to decide how to handle the offset. Given that I will scale this up to many countries, which, in theory, might have data for different dates, I chose to set a default of 1952. Strategies that compute the offset from data, either the main Gapminder dataset or the excerpt passed to this function, are also reasonable to consider.
I loathe the names on this return value. This is not my first rodeo and I know that, downstream, these will contaminate variable names and factor levels and show up in public places like plots and tables. Fix names early!
le_lin_fit <- function(dat, offset = 1952) {
the_fit <- lm(lifeExp ~ I(year - offset), dat)
setNames(coef(the_fit), c("intercept", "slope"))
## intercept slope
## 67.7901282 0.2385014
Much better!
It's always good to rotate through examples during development. The most common error this will help you catch is when you accidentally hard-wire your example into your function. If you're paying attention to your informal tests, you will find it creepy that your function returns exactly the same results regardless which input data you give it. This actually happened to me while I was writing this document, I kid you not! I had left j_fit
inside the call to coef()
, instead of switching it to the_fit
. How did I catch that error? I saw the fitted line below, which clearly did not have an intercept in the late 60s and a positive slope, as my first example did. Figures are a mighty weapon in the fight against nonsense. I don't trust analyses that have few/no figures.
j_country <- "Zimbabwe"
(j_dat <- subset(gDat, country == j_country))
## country year pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap
## 1693 Zimbabwe 1952 3080907 Africa 48.451 406.8841
## 1694 Zimbabwe 1957 3646340 Africa 50.469 518.7643
## 1695 Zimbabwe 1962 4277736 Africa 52.358 527.2722
## 1696 Zimbabwe 1967 4995432 Africa 53.995 569.7951
## 1697 Zimbabwe 1972 5861135 Africa 55.635 799.3622
## 1698 Zimbabwe 1977 6642107 Africa 57.674 685.5877
## 1699 Zimbabwe 1982 7636524 Africa 60.363 788.8550
## 1700 Zimbabwe 1987 9216418 Africa 62.351 706.1573
## 1701 Zimbabwe 1992 10704340 Africa 60.377 693.4208
## 1702 Zimbabwe 1997 11404948 Africa 46.809 792.4500
## 1703 Zimbabwe 2002 11926563 Africa 39.989 672.0386
## 1704 Zimbabwe 2007 12311143 Africa 43.487 469.7093
p <- ggplot(j_dat, aes(x = year, y = lifeExp))
p + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE)
## intercept slope
## 55.22124359 -0.09302098
The linear fit is comically bad, but yes I believe the visual line and the regression results match up.
It's also a good idea to clean out the workspace, rerun the minimum amount of code, and retest your function. This will help you catch another common mistake: accidentally relying on objects that were lying around in the workspace during development but that are not actually defined in your function nor passed as formal arguments.
rm(list = ls())
gDat <- read.delim("gapminderDataFiveYear.txt")
le_lin_fit <- function(dat, offset = 1952) {
the_fit <- lm(lifeExp ~ I(year - offset), dat)
setNames(coef(the_fit), c("intercept", "slope"))
le_lin_fit(subset(gDat, country == "Zimbabwe"))
## intercept slope
## 55.22124359 -0.09302098
Given how I plan to use this function, I don't feel the need to put it under formal unit tests or put in argument validity checks. Let's move on to the exciting part, which is scaling this up to all countries.