To run all the applications in a fashion that enables a provider to submit a claim or application and then see that in the case worker app for assessment you can follow this guide.
For provider app submission you will need to ensure you have the following env vars in your .env.development.local
. These will enable authenticated communication with the local running version of the app store. Ensure it is the ...local
version and that no secrets are inadvertently committed to the repository.
# App store credentials (for authenticating to a local app store currently)
# It is possible to develop locally without using Oauth in which case you should not declare APP_STORE_TENANT_ID.
Ask a dev where these can be retrieved, and do not use production versions
To receive emails to you own email address, or avoid errors on submission, you should supply the following ENV VAR
You can generate your own "test" key (that does not send emails) or a limited key (that only sends to a controlled list of emails). You will need access to or our existing secrets to supply this value. Ask a dev.
To login to your locally running sidekiq web user interface you will need to add these ENV vars. The values are just for your local Sidekiq webUI basic authentication. This webUI can be useful to see Job success, failure and errors.
- Setup the app as per its readme *
- Run the app using
- Setup the app as per its readme *
- Run the app using
Setup the app as per its readme *
Run the app using
* If using actual EntraID authentication then note that the AppStore's APP_CLIENT_ID
must match the values used in the provider and caseworker app's APP_STORE_CLIENT_ID
- Submit a claim or prior authority application in the provider app
- See a successful job being processed in the Sidekiq WebUI (at http://localhost:[3001|3002|8000]/sidekiq).
- See the successful authentication and processing in the app store server output.
- See the submitted claim or application in the caseworker app list of claims or list of applications.
To generate submitted claims and/or applications you can, from the root of this repo, run the dummy data generation tasks:
bin/rails submit_dummy_data:bulk_prior_authority[10]
bin/rails submit_dummy_data:bulk_nsm[10]
Missing translation errors in provider app
These can be ignored by setting the following:
# config/environments/development.rb config.i18n.raise_on_missing_translations = false
Note: ticket CRM457-1183 is intended to fix this
NSM Claims (CRM7) cannot progress past the Save and submit page
Add the GOVUK_NOTIFY_API_KEY key with a valid value to env vars
# .env.development.local GOVUK_NOTIFY_API_KEY=not-a-real-key