prax.mjs provides a very simple and performant system for rendering DOM/XML/HTML. It was originally React-inspired, but semantics are much simpler and more universally useful.
Isomorphic SSR is supported via lightweight and performant dom_shim
. Pairing these modules together, and using custom DOM elements, provides a good foundation for hybrid SSR/SPA.
Short overview of features:
- Directly create DOM nodes.
- No string templates.
- No VDOM.
- Can instantiate with
- Convenient syntax. Nice-to-use in plain JS.
- No templates.
- No string parsing.
- No need for JSX.
- No need for a build system.
- Render only once. Use native custom elements for state.
- Use
for more convenient element registration.
- Use
- Good for SSR/SPA hybrids.
Complemented by:
for SSR.dom_reg
for registering custom elements in SSR.obs_dom
for making custom elements automatically react to observables.
Rendering is done via Ren
. You must create an instance, which should be a singleton. You can also subclass Ren
and override individual methods to customize its behavior.
Browser example:
import * as p from '[email protected]/prax.mjs'
import {A} from '[email protected]/prax.mjs'
const ren = new p.Ren()
const E = ren.elemHtml.bind(ren)
const elem = E(`div`, {id: `main`, class: `outer`},
E(`p`, {class: `inner`},
`hello `,
The following elements (not strings) have been appended:
<div id="main" class="outer"><p class="inner">hello world!</p></div>
For rendering to string, use .outerHTML
<div id="main" class="outer"><p class="inner">hello world!</p></div>
Usage with custom elements:
import * as p from '[email protected]/prax.mjs'
import * as dr from '[email protected]/dom_reg.mjs'
const ren = new p.Ren()
const E = ren.elemHtml.bind(ren)
class SomeLink extends dr.MixReg(HTMLAnchorElement) {
init(href, text) {
return E(this, {href, class: `link`}, text)
new SomeLink().init(`/some-path`, `click me!`),
For SSR (server-side rendering), Prax needs our lightweight DOM shim:
import * as p from '[email protected]/prax.mjs'
import * as dg from '[email protected]/dom_global_shim.mjs'
const ren = new p.Ren(
const E = ren.elemHtml.bind(ren)
const elem = E(`div`, {id: `main`, class: `outer`},
E(`p`, {class: `inner`}, `hello world!`),
<div id="main" class="outer"><p class="inner">hello world!</p></div>
For SSR/SPA hybrids, configure an importmap or bundler to choose the right global document
and pass it to Ren
. The rest will just work.
import * as p from '[email protected]/prax.mjs'
// Your bundler or importmap should choose the right one.
import * as dg from '[email protected]/dom_global_shim.mjs'
import * as dg from '[email protected]/dom_global_native.mjs'
const ren = new p.Ren(
const E = ren.elemHtml.bind(ren)
// In both environments, this will be a DOM element.
// In SSR, it will be shimmed.
const elem = E(`div`, {id: `main`, class: `outer`},
E(`p`, {class: `inner`}, `hello world!`),
Rendering a complete document with doctype:
import * as p from '[email protected]/prax.mjs'
import * as dg from '[email protected]/dom_global_shim.mjs'
const ren = new p.Ren(
const E = ren.elemHtml.bind(ren)
const elem = E(`html`, {lang: `en`},
E(`head`, null,
E(`link`, {rel: `stylesheet`, href: `/styles/main.css`}),
E(`title`, null, `page title`),
E(`body`, null,
E(`main`, {class: `main`}, `hello world!`),
console.log(p.DOCTYPE_HTML + elem.outerHTML)
Formatted here for viewing convenience:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/main.css" />
<title>page title</title>
<main class="main">hello world!</main>
The following APIs are exported but undocumented. Check prax.mjs.
const nsHtml
const nsSvg
const nsMathMl
const BOOL
const VOID
class Ren
class Raw
class PropBui
function isSeq
function isNodable
function reqNodable
function isRaw
function reqRaw
function isNode
function reqNode
function isDocument
function optDocument
function reqDocument
function isNamespaced
function deref