This document contains information on the back-end operations needed to serve the Frontend protocol.
The successful result of this operation is a Fact Statement Publishing transaction.
The COOP Publisher gRPC service starts off by looking up the requests Fact Statement IDs in the COOP FactStatementStore gRPC service. This service provides the PlutusData encoding of the requested Fact Statements, and this representation format is what gets included in the [Fact Statement UTxOs](Fact Statement UTxOs) directly, which makes it possible for Consumer dApps to reference and intepret the information held within. We provide a JSON Fact Statement Store implementation of the COOP FactStatementStore gRPC service which can serve as a convenient low-scale backend that maintains JSON encoded Fact Statements. This service uses a Plutus Json canonical mapping library between the JSON and PlutusData data representation formats.
title Successfully service a Fact Statement Publishing request
actor publisher as COOP Publisher gRPC
actor fsStore as COOP FactStatementStore gRPC
actor pab as COOP TxBuilder gRPC
actor cardano as Cardano
actor authenticator as Authenticator wallet
note right of publisher: Servicing createMintFsTx request with (fs_id, submitter_pkh)
publisher ->>+ fsStore: FactStatementStore.getFactStatement(fs_id)
note right of fsStore: Looks for Fact Statements managed by an Oracle
fsStore -->>- publisher: fact_statement_pd
publisher ->>+ pab: TxBuilder.createMintFsTx(fact_statement_pd, fs_id, submitter_pkh)
pab ->>+ cardano: Get information about the Submitter, existing Fact Statements, Certificates and Authentication tokens
cardano -->>- pab: (Submitter Collateral and Fee UTxOs, Authenticator and Certificate UTxOs)
pab ->>+ authenticator: sign(signed_mint_fs_tx)
authenticator -->>- pab: signed_mint_fs_tx
pab -->>- publisher: signed_mint_fs_tx
note right of publisher: Replying with signed_mint_fs_tx
The COOP TxBuilder gRPC service is the only component that talks to the Cardano network. It does so exclusively to discover information necessary to build a transaction:
- Fact Statement UTxOs for asserting which of the Fact Statements have already been published,
- Collateral UTxOs at the
wallet, - Fee UTxOs at the
wallet, - Authentication UTxOs at the Authenticator wallet,
- Certificate UTxOs for asserting the validity of the provided Authentication tokens.
Authenticator wallets provide their own signatures to the Fact Statement Publishing transaction to authenticate the spending of the Authentication tokens.
The successful result of this operation is a Fact Statement Garbage Collecting transaction.
title Successfully service a Fact Statement Garbage Collection request
actor publisher as COOP Publisher gRPC
actor pab as TxBuilder gRPC
actor cardano as Cardano
note right of publisher: Servicing createGcFsTx request with (fs_id, submitter_pkh)
publisher ->>+ pab: TxBuilder.createGcFsTx(fs_id, submitter_pkh)
pab ->>+ cardano: Get information about the Submitter and Fact Statements
cardano -->>- pab: (Submitter Collateral and Fact Statement UTxOs)
pab -->>- publisher: gc_fs_tx
note right of publisher: Replying with gc_fs_tx
The COOP TxBuilder gRPC service is the only component that talks to the Cardano network. It does so exclusively to discover information necessary to build a transaction:
- Fact Statement UTxOs for asserting which of the Fact Statements are indeed obsolete and can be garbage collected,
- Collateral UTxOs at the