Please consider this to be just development notes and not any real planning.
- Properties of Laplace Operators for Tetrahedral Meshes (SGP2020)
- A Laplacian for Nonmanifold Triangle Meshes (SGP2020)
- Polygon Laplacian Made Simple (EG2020)
- (for Dijkstra)
- Dijkstra is faster with std::priority_queue than with std::set (double check this)
- use enum classes instead of enums for strong typing and easier code/parameter handling
- in DrawableSegmentSoup, edge rendering is orientation dependend when cheap mode is not active (cylinders are defined as points + dir!)
- find ways to speedup updateGL(). For big meshes it's overly slow...
- transform all NULL into nullptr
- merge vec2 vec3 (and colors!) into a unified vec<D,T>. This will make much easier write algorithms that scale across multiple dimensions (e.g. Poisson sampling). For the same reason vertex types should become template parameters for meshes
- provide mechanisms to enable operations between meshes with different template signatures (e.g. export_hexahedra,...)
- use a less verbose naming for ANSI text colors
- fix per face winding in midpoint subdivision
- fix marching tets: degenerate triangles will be generated in some cases (see comments inside cpp file)
- fix integral curve tracing (also refactor ray/line/plane intersections)
- gradients on hex-meshes look buggy. Find out why
- create a struct IOData that contains vectors for all input mesh elements (verts, polys, textures, normals, labels, colors, ecc), and use it for any IO operation in the lib
- remove vecs of vecs for mesh polygons and polyhedra. use serialized elements and two separated vectors to index them
- add line color for 2D checkerboard maps
- allow to select clamping or repeation for 1D texture
- implement convertion operators between surface meshes and volume meshes (see
- use parallel for to handle all-vs-all tests in octree leaves
- splitting rule for octree generation should be passed as an external function, so that each one can make the tree he wants to make....
- double check vertex non manifoldness checks, they can probably be made much faster exploiting Euler to check the topology of the link....
- remove vectors of vectors and use serialized indices (with end of list markers, and pointers to base addr for each element). Measure gains before!
- parsers should return vectors of doubles, not vec3ds
- it would be better to have vectors of doubles inside the meshes too, and have a vec3d "view" on data to do math
- use PARALLEL_FOR as much as possible inside the library to boost performances
- consider computing element quality and normals (at least for faces) on the fly, without precomputing and storing them
- try to adhere more to data flow/functional programming principles, keeping as few classes as possible with only access to inner data, moving methods that do data processing outside the class
- consider using SSE instructions (
- use HapPly for .ply IO operations
- add line queries to Octree
- consider adding a BVH with SAH policy for efficient NN and Ray intersection queries (see for theory and for a great implementation)
- consider moving to C++17 to exploit parallel STL functionalities (
- adjust examples #1-#6 such that will read multiple meshes from command line input
- add reader/writer for .MSH files
- add a "soup" flag to meshes (i.e., no connectivity will be computed)
- add Lagrange multipliers to linear solvers
- add copy constructors for meshes
- add rosy field
- add constructors to create basic meshes (regular 2D/3D lattices,...)
- add convenient wraps to do back-substitution directly into linear_solvers.h
- add support to read/write per element labels in OFF and HEDRA
- make sure field_serialize is lossless in terms of numeric precision
- remove headers from serialized vector and scalar fields (it’s far more general)
- update skeleton data structure (and make relative control panel)
- SlicedObj should not be a trimesh. Its drawable counterpart should!
- vec and Color classes should have similar interfaces
- Add cotan laplacian normalization (ref =>
- Improve on mesh rendering (shaders, VBOs (
- Use robust geometric computations (volumes, dihedral angles ecc.) (ref. => Lecture Notes on Geometric Robustness di Jonathan Richard Shewchuk)
- add 2D medial axis computation facilities using qgarlib
- linear blend skinning and dual quaternions
- make animated GIFs to illustrate examples
- add a description of all the non standard files used in cinolib (.hedra, scalar and vector fields, sharp features)