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Language reference

Martin Angers edited this page Sep 13, 2013 · 19 revisions

This document will evolve to eventually be a complete language reference, with a formal grammar definition. For this early release, it will remain an informal yet thorough coverage of the language's syntax and features.

Source code representation

The source code files must be encoded in UTF-8.

Lexical elements


Agora supports two forms of comments:

  • Line comments start with // and end at the end of the line
  • Block comments start with /* and end at the next */


Statements are terminated with a semicolon, but the ; may be omitted in the source code. The scanner stage of the compiler automatically inserts the semicolons if the last token on the line is:

  • an identifier
  • a literal value
  • one of the keywords return, debug, break or continue
  • one of ++, --, ), ] or }


An identifier is a sequence of letters, underscores and numbers. It must start with a letter.

The following identifiers are keywords in the language and may not be used as identifiers:

  • if
  • else
  • for
  • func
  • return
  • debug
  • break
  • continue

Additionally, the following identifiers are reserved and may not be used as variables:

  • true
  • false
  • nil
  • import
  • panic
  • recover
  • len
  • keys
  • this
  • args

Operators and delimiters

The following symbols represent operators and delimiters in the language:

  • ( ) [ ] { }
  • . , ; :
        • / % ! && || ?
  • == != < <= > >=
  • = := += -= *= /= %=
  • ++ --

Number literals

Number literals can be represented as integers or floats. At the moment there is an inconsistency between what is accepted by the compiler and what can be used. Only base-10 notation should be used for now, i.e. 42, and floating-points should use the integer - decimal point - fraction notation i.e. 3.1415.

String literals

At the moment there is an inconsistency between what is accepted by the compiler and what can be used. Only string literals within double quotes should be used, i.e. "this is a string". It may not contain newlines, but escape characters can be used (i.e. \n for newline).

Boolean literals

Booleans are represented with the true and false literal values. However, in addition to the true boolean values, agora treats some values as "truthy" and "falsy". It is easier to list the "falsy" values, everything else being "truthy":

  • The false boolean value
  • The empty string value
  • The number zero (0)
  • The nil value
  • An object with a __toBool meta-method that returns false

Nil literal

The nil value is represented with nil.

Object literal

Objects are represented using the {key: value, otherkey: value} notation, which may be used recursively.

Defining variables

A variable must be defined before it can be used. A new variable is introduced using the := operator, which also explicitly assigns its initial value. Variables are also implicitly defined when they appear as arguments of a function, or as name of a function in the function statement notation, explained later.


All variables are declared in the scope of the function where they are defined. All module-level variables are scoped in the top-level function (the module).

The only way to expose information is to return a value. When a module imports another module, it only gets access to the value returned by the imported module. With the object type, using different keys, it is possible to expose multiple functions and values.


An agora source file is called a "module" and it is implicitly a function, without the func keyword. It is often called the top-level function.

Other functions are introduced using the func keyword. It can be used as a statement and as an expression:

// Statement
func myFunc() { return "statement" }
// Expression
myVar := func() { return "expression" }

In statement form, the "name" of the function is in fact a variable in the scope of the parent of the function being declared. The above example is equivalent to this:

myFunc := func() { return "statement" }

The expression form is self-explanatory.

Functions are first-class values and can be stored in variables and passed around in function arguments and return values, or in object fields. It is possible to declare a function within a function, although closures are not supported at the moment (returning a function from a function will not close over the variables of the parent function). This is a feature that will be added eventually.

Functions declare expected arguments by giving a list of identifiers within the parentheses of its definition. It can't declare a return value variable. Functions always return a single value, which is nil if there is no explicitly returned value.

func Add(x, y) {
    return x + y

Functions may receive more or less arguments than expected. In the former case, the extra arguments can be retrieved via the args reserved identifier, which is an array-like object that holds all arguments passed to the function, at keys 0 to len(args)-1. In the latter case, the extra argument variables have the nil value.

If the function was assigned to an object's field, and was called with the object notation, then its this reserved identifier is set to the object.

obj := {name: "Martin"}
obj.MyFunc = func() {

If the same function is stored in a variable and called not with the object notation, the this identifier is nil.

noThis := obj.MyFunc
noThis() // Error


Most operators have the obvious meaning.

  • + : adds two values
  • - : subtracts two values, or unary minus of a single value, depending on context
  • * : multiplies two values
  • / : divides two values
  • % : returns the modulo of two values
  • == : compares two values for equality
  • != : compares two values for inequality
  • < : compares two values for lower-than
  • > : compares two values for greater-than
  • <= : compares two values for lower-than or equal
  • >= : compares two values for greater-than or equal
  • ?: : ternary operator, checks the initial condition before the ?, if true, evaluates the expression after the ?, if false, evaluates the expression after the :
  • && : boolean "and" of two values
  • || : boolean "or" of two values
  • ! : boolean negation of a value

Assignment operators

  • := : defines a new variable and assigns a value to it
  • = : assigns a value to an existing variable (or a field of an existing variable, if it is an object)
  • += : adds a value to an existing variable, and assigns it to itself
  • -= : subtracts a value from an existing variable, and assigns it to itself
  • *= : multiplies a value by an existing variable, and assigns it to itself
  • /= : divides a value from an existing variable, and assigns it to itself
  • %= : computes the modulo of an existing variable with a value, and assigns it to itself
  • ++ : adds 1 to an existing variable, and assigns it to itself
  • -- : subtracts 1 from an existing variable, and assigns it to itself


Increment and decrement

Unlike in some languages such as C, and like Go, the ++ and -- operators are statements and not expressions, they do not produce a value on the stack. So the statement a := b++ is invalid. Those are postfix operators, they cannot be used as prefix.

The if statement

The if statement evaluates the condition next to the if keyword, and if it is "truthy", it executes the statements in the body of the if (note that "truthy" is different than the stricter "boolean true").

An optional else statement may be present. The statements within the else block are executed if the if condition is "falsy". The else part may introduce another if.

Parentheses are not required around the if condition.

if "mystring" && 0 {
    // This won't execute because 0 is falsy
} else if myVar > 38 {
    // This depends on the value of myVar
} else {
    // Otherwise this is executed

The for statement

The for statement can currently take three different forms: an infinite loop, a while equivalent, and a traditional 3-part for. In future versions, there will be support for a custom iterator-based for range notation.

The infinite loop is the most simple, it is equivalent to for true {} and takes the form for { }.

The while equivalent takes the form of for <condition> { } where condition evaluates to truthy or falsy. The loop continues while the condition is "truthy".

Finally, the 3-part for is the most traditional form, that looks like for <init>; <condition>; <post> { }. The init part is evaluated before entering the loop, then the condition part is evaluated, and if it is "truthy", the body of the for is executed. At the end of the body, the post statement is evaluated before returning to the condition, until the condition evaluates to "falsy".

for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    // Body

The return statement

A return statement exits the current function. The return statement of the top-level function of the module terminates the module's execution, returning its return value to the caller. The return statement of the top-level function of the initial module returns the value to the Go host.

A function is not required to have a return statement, a default return nil statement is automatically added by the compiler if the last statement of the function is not a return.

A return must be followed by an expression, i.e. return true. This is the value that is going to be returned by the function. Only a single value can be returned.

The break statement

A break statement terminates the execution of the innermost for loop. Agora does not support labels, so it cannot break multiple embedded loops. It is an invalid statement outside a for loop.

for {
    if age > 40 {

The continue statement

A continue statement skips the rest of the for body and jumps to the execution of the post statement of the 3-part for, or to the execution of the condition in a while-equivalent for loop, or to the first statement of the for body in an infinite loop.

It is an invalid statement outside a for loop.

Built-in functions

Agora has five (5) predeclared built-in functions. They are first-class function values like any other agora function, but their reserved identifier cannot be overridden.

  • import : takes a single string value as argument, identifying a module to load and run, and returns the return value of the imported module.
  • panic : takes a single value as argument, and if it is "truthy", raises a runtime error (a "panic") with this value. If the value is "falsy", it is a no-op and returns nil.
  • recover : takes at least a single value as argument, which must be a function. If more values are provided, they are passed as arguments to the function. It executes the function and catches any error (panic) that the function may raise (it runs the function in protected mode). If an error is caught, it returns it, otherwise it returns nil.
  • len : takes a single value as argument. If it is nil, returns 0. If it is an object, returns the number of fields defined on the object (this behaviour may be overridden if the object has a __len meta-method). Otherwise it returns the length of the string value.
  • keys : takes a single value as argument, which must be an object (it panics otherwise). Returns an array-like object holding all the keys of the object passed as argument. If the object has a __keys meta-method, it is called and its return value is returned. The order of the keys are undefined, even for an array-like object.

Because recover returns the eventual error, it cannot return the return value of the function that is executed. So if required, the function passed to recover should be a function value that stores its return value in an outer-scoped variable (eventually a closure, when the feature is added), like so:

a := nil
err := recover(func() {
	a = "storing return value"
if err {
	// Handle error
return a


An object can have keys of any value except nil. The dot notation implicitly creates a string key, so obj.key = 3 is equivalent to obj["key"] = 3. The [] notation is required to create keys of other types. Assigning nil to an object's key removes the key from the object.

Next: Standard library

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