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File metadata and controls

103 lines (72 loc) · 3.35 KB


This package is an extension for Supervisor that provides the ability to cache arbitrary data directly inside a Supervisor instance as key/value pairs.

It mainly serves as a reference for how to write Supervisor extensions.


Release packages are available on the Python Package Index (PyPI). You can download them from there or you can use pip to automatically install or upgrade:

$ pip install -U supervisor_cache

After installing the package, you must modify your supervisord.conf file to register the RPC interface and supervisorctl plugin:

supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor_cache.rpcinterface:make_cache_rpcinterface

supervisor.ctl_factory = supervisor_cache.controllerplugin:make_cache_controllerplugin

After modifying the supervisord.conf file, both your supervisord instance and supervisorctl must be restarted for these changes to take effect.


The cache functions allow key/value pairs to be stored and fetched over Supervisor's XML-RPC interface. The following Python interpreter session demonstrates the usage.

First, a ServerProxy object must be configured. If supervisord is listening on an inet socket, ServerProxy configuration is simple:

>>> import xmlrpclib
>>> s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:9001')

If supervisord is listening on a domain socket, ServerProxy can be configured with SupervisorTransport. The URL must still be supplied and be a valid HTTP URL to appease ServerProxy, but it is superfluous.

>>> import xmlrpclib
>>> from supervisor.xmlrpc import SupervisorTransport
>>> s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('',
... SupervisorTransport('', '', 'unix:///path/to/supervisor.sock'))

Once ServerProxy has been configured appropriately, we can now exercise supervisor_cache:

>>> s.cache.getKeys()
>>>'foo', 'bar baz')
>>> s.cache.fetch('foo')
'bar baz'
>>> s.cache.getKeys()

The key must be a string and cannot be zero-length. The value may be any type that can be marshalled by XML-RPC.

Please consult the inline source documentation for the specifics of each command available.


You can also interact with the cache using supervisorctl. The help command with no arguments will list the available cache commands:

supervisor> help

cache commands (type help <topic>):
cache_clear  cache_count  cache_delete  cache_fetch  cache_keys  cache_store

Each command provides a thin wrapper around an XML-RPC method:

supervisor> cache_keys
supervisor> cache_store 'foo' 'bar baz'
supervisor> cache_fetch 'foo'
'bar baz'
supervisor> cache_keys

In supervisorctl, the cache_store command always stores the value as a string.


Data is not discarded from the cache until it is explicitly deleted with the cache.delete() method. Data does not persist after Supervisor is shut down.

Your Supervisor instance should never be exposed to the outside world. It is quite easy to perform a denial of service attack by filling supervisor_cache with large amounts of data.


Mike Naberezny