- [GeoGebra] (https://www.geogebra.org/)
- [Desmos] (https://www.desmos.com/calculator)
[Guess the number 33] (https://www.pinnacle.com/en/betting-articles/Pinnacle-Puzzle/guess-the-number-puzzle/WLZ2XXJEKBB5JZBG)
[Nate Silver vs. Nassim Taleb] (https://towardsdatascience.com/why-you-should-care-about-the-nate-silver-vs-nassim-taleb-twitter-war-a581dce1f5fc)
- William Dunham - Math Encounters -- On the Shoulders of Giants: Newton Revealed
- National Museum of Mathematics
- MIT professor Erik Demaine - Math Encounters - Mathematical Magic: The Two-Way Street Between Math and Illusion
- Catalan Numbers
- Math Encounters -- Fibonacci & the Golden Ratio Exposed -- Keith Devlin (Presentation & Workshop)
- (Math is the hidden secret to understanding the world | Roger Antonsen)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQElzjCsl9o]