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you pooja guru dev Swami chan mian energy made this very very beautiful statement based on his own experience of life and his deep study of the Upanishads as the mind so the man you are what your mind is when we introduce a person and say he is a great man a good man not so good person or whatever what exactly are you referring to are you referring to his height his shoes his time his clothes his hairstyle definitely not what are you referring to his mind everything that you talk about a person when you introduce that person is about his might he's a wonderful person he's a great person he's good he's bad he's indifferent he's whatever you say you're talking about the what my you are what your mind is and not what your body yes you are recognized you are respected everything is because of your mind and so before we talk about managing the mind let's talk about the importance of the mind in our own life the role of the mind in our lives it is said that at my IVA at manoa bando at my referral c'mon aha your moon mine is your best friend and your own mind is your worst what enemy all of you must have noticed early morning what prevents you from getting up is it people no it's your mind five minutes more who says that come on it's your mind whatever you've been able to achieve in this life who supported you the most you may say so and so I've become great because of X person but believe me if your mind had not cooperated X person could have done nothing do you agree with me yes so it's your mind that's your best friend and your worst enemy isn't it true how many of us are persecuted by our own mind you agree what prevents us from sleeping at night is it the mother-in-law definitely not it's your own mind which doesn't shut up and switch off even the all the lights are off this doesn't switch off you can sleep is it true or not so therefore what is the importance of your mind in your life your mind is your best friend your mind is your worst male a vimana she'arim karanam bantha moksha oh ho one of the most famous statements all bondage is mental and liberation is also what from your mind there's a very famous example given by all who finishes teachers you must have heard it sometime by the way how many of you are listening to me for the first sentence put up your hand this for my own oh wow where are the old people I had a big big full audience you know this and I always tell them you know the I just as I was coming they said oh you'd have the same crowd and I'm so happy that I don't have the same crowd welcome all of you - it's very nice always to have a new crowd and because it's a new crowd let me give one more introduction than what he has given I have a very bad habit when I give my talks I ask a lot of questions and I expect my audience to answer the main reason was when I was in college we had professors and all of you I'm sure have had such professors that they keep talking and you sleep and they don't bother to wake you up is it true or not so at that point of time I decide in my life I never thought I'd be a speaker I said if at all I ever give a talk to any audience I won't allow them to sleep and I found one of the best way to keep them awake is to keep asking them questions when you all answer them ah I think most of them are awake and you know the fact that your eyes are open is no guarantee that you are not asleep because some people sleep with their eyes open so please answer it maybe very simple questions but that's my way of ensuring that everyone is awake so we find that all bondage and by bondage the meaning of the implication of the word bondage means sorrow stress strain all the things that you and I want to get rid of and have so many semanas stress management and so many other things like that this all called bondage in upanishadic language so all that is in the mind mana a vimana sharanam sharanam bantha moksha you all bondage is of the mind this man had two buffaloes you should take them to graze every day and in the afternoon he would tie them up take rest so that he would don't wander off untie them bring them back every day in the evening one day when he took them it so happened that one of the ropes around the buffalos neck got lost must have called fallen off somewhere so he's wondering how to tie the Buffalo so he found a small kutia with a Swami over there and went and said do you have a rope I need a rope to tie my Buffalo once I finish doing it I'll return it back to you can you lend me a rope he says if I had to have all these ropes and bondages why would I be here free of them so I don't have a rope then he said look this is my problem I want to tie this Buffalo what do I do he says do you tie the Buffalo every day Singh of course I tie it every day then tie it like every day but I don't have a rope that is it you know you don't have a rope the Buffalo doesn't know it okay fine so just do what you do every day anything and you did the whole thing and to his utter surprise the Buffalo sat down like it did every day and he says fine this looks like some magic of the Swami doesn't matter I'll go and rest so he rested for some time and he got up and then the Buffalo they did he actually tied he untied and the other Buffalo says that Buffalo wouldn't get up the bottle he went to the Swami and says I release this Buffalo I want it back what have you done some mantra or something like that's not getting up he says you've tied it now untie it all right but manager I said donkey I I just pretended to tie it he says pretend to untie it just go and do that and he didn't and to his surprise what happened it got up and started walking you understand we laugh at the Buffalo we are exactly in that state all of us exactly is all over you know I'm stressed out where is it I can't get out of my body I can't stop worrying okay the control is with you no I don't have control you think you don't have controlling don't have control the fact is you think you don't have control you don't have control that's a fact you think you have control you have control but this thing is very difficult to understand you wanna agree with me yes five-year-olds nowadays say miracle tension water so now grandmother's attention I am getting some a headache I am getting examination tension so the grandmother is saying my dear at your age I didn't know what was ahead leave alone a headache and now no wonder he is answering with a big yes so it's all we feel I think I am bound now I can't I've seen many times no people tell me Swamiji you know I can't I want to come to your lectures but I can't I can't leave my home so I said does the home tie you no no no but I have to stay I said that's the home one company no no how can I leave the home alone all right can you imagine the bondage that we have come on where is that bondage in the home come on then people tell me funny things like you know sorry gee you know this phone has this terrible you know it rings at all odd hours especially when you sit to eat lunch the phone rings so what a funny thing you know in the olden days we had phones with no off you know I didn't you didn't have an off thing like you know and now you have it you can switch it off so I so why don't you switch it off using the phone I Agatha you see the contradiction what you say you don't want the phone you switch it off normal important caller I got a zit then don't complain then just sit there with the phone are you understanding what I'm saying it's all your we create all the bondage we are bound and how are we born not physically who is bound physically come on it's all male I don't wanna share an arm Karen um Vanden Akshay Oh you said Nyassi a german sot Tamano here with chiapoe bantay to pass min Vinicius Sakhalin Minister wisdom but Esmond Sakhalin they will be traumatic it is been the growth in the birth envy berry coming into play of the mind the whole world comes to play and it's when the destruction of the mind the world goes into non-existence okay who wakes up in the morning first thing in the morning it's your mind that wakes up and you are away is it true or not and the world is there for you and the mind is switched off where is the world where is the world not with the mind the world stuff and that's with you 24 hours 365 days from your birth to the death the one that stays with you all the time is your mind is it true or not no person stays with you all the time it's your mind that's with you all the time your body is not with you all the time but your mind is there every waking moment of your life do you agree with me and that's what's called waking in your mind is there it's waking when it's not there you're not awake so thus milliner state's economic finished up everything is gone when the mind is gone and everything and I tell you your day is made with your mind and it's destroyed by your mind I remember always or guru ji used to say you think some days you get up in the morning and you say good morning God what's wrong with you mine I mean what's this mind is a very good mood so you get up and say what good morning god and some days you get up and say good god morning isn't it what happened what happened it was the mind mind is in the good more the world is beautiful the mind is not in a good mood and everything is terrible and horrible do you agree with me at least I know one person is awake in our scriptures new finishes the talk of creation two types of creations are talked about one is called gramma Suresh T creation that happens in stages and steps from na very logically it's given art mana Akasha sambuca Akash odd vo vo agnya agnya op aha add the purity be pratigya or should i aha etc Oh Shania are none that from the Lord from the supreme truth the five elements came into existence and then you know in science talks of Big Bang etc so there are steps there are this is what happened and then makes this happen and this happen in this happen this is one type of creation described in our Upanishads the second type of it creation described in our Upanishad which all of you know and that is called some culpa Srishti how does it happen so karma Atta bahu see Impreza yeti SATA pota piata SATA past at hua either gum sarvam Astra Jetta you are a master creator and you do it every night beautifully you close your eyes you fall out to sleep and use dream and in your dream how do you create the whole dream world do you create it in steps first Akasha from Akasha value from value Agni do you create like that do you create your great-grandfather first and then your grandfather and then your father and then how do you create the whole thing is there in one second all together everyone is there the Sun and the moon in this charge you have the capacity and you create it every day some of you create it all the time even the day time isn't it true dreams it's called some carcass rusty it's all from the mind the mind projects the whole world and my what a world projects it takes all the material that it wants from the day Chive experiences and God what are fantastic this man he was going he sat in a bus in the public bus crowded bus and then he found to his utter delight a very beautiful girl young boy she found a very beautiful girl with a miniskirt with polka dots sitting right next to him and he says wow God has been very kind today morning I want to now talk to this girl and get so he started you know in and he was feeling little this and by the time he's got over his hesitancy and all her she got up and went off his guy a chance anyway then he was watching you know and uh and uh what do you say the roadside he found uh a procession going with in our country we have all the wild animals on the road you know procession of elephant's and everything so damn damn damn damn doom doom doom elephant's going here they're not and he was watching it fascinated in all and he went home his tired he went off to sleep and what does he see in his gene someone knocks on the door and he opens it and he found he finds an elephant in a miniskirt of polka dots this is his capacity he can create this have you understood this he creates it and he welcomes all so nice to meet you this is the mind the power of the mind which can create anything in everything now there is something called obviously all these are ideas that have taken from the open issues okay don't think it's just throne yard there's something called a VHD mana individual mind and there's something called the total mind I want you to introduce you to this total mind concept the Lord he has no separate mind from what is called the total mind or it's called in the language of openness at the hidden yeha maybe this concept I may not be able to explain to you right now but I tell you it's effects which all of us can notice it there's something called a sammich demon a total mind which plays and has a terrific influence of every one of us I remember when I was in school we had a fashion of youngest girls wearing loogies anyone remembers that because used to wear long jeans and we thought we'd look very smart in that believe me I also wore now if a girl walks in with a lungi what will happen below will anyone think it looks cool he gathered it I remember a time and is very very funny I mean I always thought it was funny but then luckily it's gone out the girls used to have their hairstyles change all the time but all of them they had like a ponytail coming off from one end like some shower you know like some how did you notice it in the middle there was this and everyone thought it looked very what cool yep now the thing is everyone thinks like that right now whatever you wear you think you look very cool you look in you are is it true not know who created this idea it's a Sahaj demon you are agree with me yes you've been brainwashed into thinking this looks what your idea of beauty is completely a product of Sahaj demon do you agree with me there was a time when they had this what is it called it was I used to call it the Pelican you put a Capelli and whatever is left you cut it off mushroom cut they used to colonising yeah well that was considered as very a hoot all them it looks beautiful well submerge demon and you think that's it I are you understand all of a sudden there is this thing of wearing these rubber bands you've seen that right because someone in America sings rock bearing rubber bands is cool is it true or not everyone is laying rubber bands some years back you know your great-great-grandfather's all of them no exception all of you of Indian origin your great-great-great grandfather's doesn't matter who you are whether River a Brahmin or whatever your great-great-great grandfather's were your rings are you aware of that and now your son will definitely wear your rings why because it's very but not because his great grandfather wore it because see you you we are all what and we think oh I'm very independent income you know now when you tell this guy you know I know no no I don't believe in anyone believe you're completely brainwashed you are not thinking independently thus emerged Amun has such a control over you and you think what everyone wants you to think is it not what advertisement is doing tell me it's a summer steamer if you notice you put a piece of bread you put bread burger and you put your parties whether it is North India or South India the traditional South India or East India or west India what will attend your old pickup bolo iboga why this is called sammich team on have you understood this this is so much team at work it has such an influence on each one else we don't even know it we don't even realize it it's guiding everything that we do this is pulse immersed in one and we say I don't believe in God or Rama you don't know what you are doing you're acting by his will you don't even know you're acting by his real this of course there's the rush teaming and I tell you issuance which T is there the word is created by God but there's also something called a Jeeva Srishti your own individual creation which you live in you don't like most of the time in issuance which T most of the time you live in Jeeva Srishti what is this what is it it's a watch no it is my watch what is it now this concept of mine where is it where is it for you is just a watch for us what for me it's my now where is this mine is it in the watch oh no is it in this creation not at all it's here but for me when I look at it I never look at it as a watch I always look at it look at it as my what is it true or not don't you all look at your own children also not just as someone but as my child and business - it is not in that object at all nowhere in that object is this - nowhere in the object is the beauty this is all in your mind do you all agree with me there was this one man running fast dashed against another young man going and both of them crashed to each other this is an adequate salary can Technogel d so he said you know it's no I'm in a hurry why I'm getting divorced so I'm going to get to know this aha you under this so this fellow saying you should have seen where are you going to say I'm gonna get married and do their utter surprise they found that it was the same girl that one was good agent now this good guy thinks she's everything in the world and the other one thinks is what now where is all that it's in the girl bono it's in the god where is it you know the laila majnu story all of you are very familiar with who is the girl and who was the boy I always get mistaken for that who was Lena Lena is the girl obviously because much new word also sounds you know like a girl's name anyway so Lena wasn't very pretty so much know was told how come she's not that pretty what's the big deal he's saying if you want to see beauty in Lena you should see through the eyes of Muslim all of you know beauty lies in the eyes of the so where is this concept that you have it's all all of us are living in Jeeva Srishti do you all agree with me he's not living in God's own creation we are living in our own one individual creation and then we go about it and we said this is the way it is this is the way and I argue with you that it is like that and you argue with me saying it is like that don't we all do that and it's my creation I've made it like that and I think that's the way it is and you think that's the way it is and we don't agree on this so this is called as all the mind then I'm going to make one statement which will seem a rather this mono maíam thought Poonam semester the whole creation is only in your mind of that is too much okay where is this much in my hand where is my hand on my body and where is this body on the stage and where is the stage it's in IIM and where is IIM it is numb the barbarism the ballots in Gujarat Wells Gujarat it's an Asia where is Asia it is on this earthen where is this earth so far it's so easy so I'm just going fast where is this earth it is in space and there is space there is space space is everywhere but where where you experience it in your deep sleep State do you experience space no you don't you don't experience anything in your deep sleep stage there is no space it is only when your mind wakes up that is the space concept of time and place is in your mind as thoughts is it true or not apart from thought you cannot prove the existence of time or space or anything in the world it's a thought in your mind and there are thoughts is the thought in the body it is the mind in the body or is the body in the mind tell me where is this watch prove the existence of this watch apart from a thought in your mind no one in the world can prove it you may say I'm in or be dead the watch will be there how do you know that how do you know that well I mean I'll go but if I go away somewhere and then I come back again and I'll ask you and you will have to experience this thought how will you know that you experienced that thought it will again be a thought in your mind is it true or not come on and therefore at the end of the day what do you understand that the whole world is in your mind it's a terrific conclusion are you understanding I'm saying this because we must understand the place of the mind in our and we have never realized you know the importance we never give it importance we all came prepared for the talk and what do you prepare when you came for the stop you prepare your body not your mind is it true or not and what's going to listen to the talk is it the body of the mind and most of our life you are gonna be preparing our bodies and never the mind it is the mind that faces life and not your body you all agree with me I who ask anyone who's going to get married Swamiji bought the yard each other a new generation taken by the Swamiji bole kaura do for a parish Pilate suka revenge okay Swamiji very sorry oh never cut me sorry Cory decreases nanana Swamiji it sati but in any way a joke I tivo'd in alleyway the road the roads okay one viewer you prepare and what do you prepare saris and God alone knows or whatever what all things is and who is going to stay together the bodies would meet but it is the minds that mean is it true or not if the miles are together everything is fine the minds are not together just doesn't and mind is never prepared the mind is never and therefore when they meet together they says God I never you knew he was like that one whole your what happened he was so busy preparing your house and surroundings in the body and everything but the mind that was meant to live with that person are you getting my point everywhere in life everything in life this is what exactly we are doing you're not training the mind not you know preparing the mind to face life and that is what faces and that is what is facing the world moment to moment now having understood this let's go to the next thing point was the power of the mind the mind has a terrific power over your body in fact all those who are doctors would agree that so much of all diseases many part of it is psychosomatic do you all agree with me how much of it some diseases are called psychosomatic diseases it's all the mind plane I always remember the story of you know the Vice Chancellor of the Gujarat University you had a plane crash quite a few years back almost 15-20 years back yes and at that time I remember the story was he himself told related it to me and I was very impressed with that when the plane crashed and they landed crash-landed they were in the flight and they knew this plane is gonna burst and they didn't know how to come out so they broke the window there was one small little guy so this vice-chancellor he caught hold of this guy and he threw him out of the window and he himself jumped out when he jumped out he realized there was this terrific pain in this he said I don't have to think about it because if you don't go away from the plane and it bursts into flames will get burnt so he carried this young boy because he's got young boy was completely stunned he couldn't do anything he carried this young boy and he ran as far away from the plane as possible and there any went he just collapsed he knew the pain was so much he knew that he feel did not you know he was becoming unconscious and he says if it becomes unconscious everyone goes to the plane said they don't even know there are two survivors over here and they desperately needed medical help the child needed he himself needed medical help so he kept away and the only way he knew how to keep awake was shouting shouting on the top of his voice biting his lip so that he could keep awake and somehow he caught the attention of someone and then they came to him and then the doctors they took him to the hospital they found both of his legs were completely multiple fractured with multiple fracture he carried a young boy and grant this is called mind over body have you understood that we can't even dream of it multiple fracture you think you can run carrying something and somehow this is called body I mean the mind over there are many many such incidents you all know there is this in New York there's a island called Brooklyn recently I read you know a beautiful story came to me about how the Brooklyn Bridge was built a father and son team were took up this ambitious project everyone thought they were absolutely crazy and will never work out anyway the work started and there was this terrible storm and a lot of accidents happen during the storm the father died the son was completely paralyzed the only thing that his book his mind was completely safe the body was paralyzed his fingers tips moved a little bit and that's it fingertips moved a little bit now you're as he's frustrated he's locked up in a body that doesn't function at all the father is dead the project is gone he says I want to finish my father's wish and I want to see that the bridge is done what does he do his wife on her hand he developed a language by tapping her giving her instructions technical instruction the only person who understood what he was saying was his wife so through his wife tapping her finger his fingers on her hand he conveyed how the entire bridge was going to be built and ten years this happened and the bridge was built can you imagine what is this you and I would have given up long back I said true or not gaveta kaya a smooch agent image even or sushi a joker granox hooker you ever camp and you have you understood this this is the mind and mind over mind all of you know hypnosis you know so many autosuggestion your own mind can do conquer all the fears of your mind and you can do anything and everything is it true or not the power of the mind the scope of the mind they say Stephen Hawkins all of you must have heard of him he's a very famous physicist he uses four percent of his total brain power how much do you think you and I must be using think of it a person like him so we find that our brain power of mind power is just unbelievable we have not even explored the openly share the Rishi's were the ones who had explored a lot of their mind power and therefore for them cities which you and I talk right now as miracles were so common walking over water flying levitation all these things anima Garima Mahima all these cities are nothing but the power of the mind have you understood and they are not stories they were facts at one time all that was achieved right now what is being achieved right now by young Shakti was at that time achieved through mantra Shakti is it true or not and what is mantra Shakti but the power of the mind having understood the power of the mind let's go to the next question of what is the mind what is the money and a maíam he saw me ah man aha what is the content what is it made up of mine it's made up of subtle it's a subtle material that is made about not the grass material that you can see it's made of subtle material therefore you can't see it with your eyes you can't hear it with your ears you can't smell it with your nose you can't touch it with your skin you can't taste it with your tongue the mind is made of subtle material and therefore you can't experience it for you with your five cross sense organs is that understood but it is made of of material it is still matter and it is made up of subtle matter and says this subtle matter in this material is provided by the food that you eat and therefore in every Indian language you will definitely have a similar proverb je vous je vous on the table or car isn't there a Jetta make au choix that becomes your that's what the opener shirt says under my mhmm an AHA saamiya so the material of the my and therefore you know many times people says Swamiji asked external voltage nathie at fire in there so yeah that does it actually you take a typical South Indian in the olden days which massage Sonam by our this by hard that by hat is it true or not now let the Sun cinema how I resist by her everything Technica that an away the only thing they remember by heart other TV ads right yes tables you ask them to do they can't do it now it is just gone the memory is gone by look at the type of food that they are eating are you understanding that yes or no fast food short-term memories you understand you asked H&I; I'm telling you I'm doing my example of my own grade my my grandfather he had done BA in this olden days you know the BA that and he used to tell me that in the fifth standard we learn this poetry and then in the seventh standard this is this was talk in the east till his BA every here what was talk he remembered at the age of 85 you ask any over your seven standard student what he was taught in the six standard and you will not get anything is it true or not I've told so many schools I said I challenge you after the vacation give the same exam paper that you gave before the vacation don't even change the question and you give the same paper and you will see the first ranker will also fail is it true or not this is it where is the way nothing gone what is the for date what is the on the my on the mind quality of the mind one of the thing that affects the mind is the food that you eat visits the content that's what is made of the material what is the mind mine is a flow of thoughts it's a continuous flow of thoughts of Ruth Ibrahim Prabha and was the meaning of the word receive earth an authority that which keeps changing all the time the fastest thing in the world they say is the speed of light 3 into 10 raise to 6 what plummet is per second that's what they say the fastest thing in the world and it takes 11 minutes for the lights from the sunlight to come to thee earth and how much time does it take your mind to go to the Sun and come back again isn't it much faster the fastest thing you know by the time I'm telling you this - such a anything what happens the many channels know many people say Swamiji you know the mind gets distracted even then you'll listen to me I'm sure so many times your mind must have gone out and God knows where and come back again some people's has gone out it's not come back at all it's God alone knows where it is some people never brought their mind at all in the first place it's only the body that came over here God Rama's valtor's why does this happen when you are listening to a speaker your thoughts are going anywhere but even though the talk may be very absorbing still the mind wanders because the speed of my speech can never match the speed of your have you understood that so I am talking and I'm talking pretty fast and yet your mind can grasp not just what I'm talking you're also observing how what my gestures are you're observing so many other things and you're also observing how what your friend or your enemy is thinking or what I'm speaking is it true or not your neighbor or somewhere that so many things together why because this is your capacity it's a continuous flow of thoughts and that's why you know when people say and the what type of thoughts Oh innumerable objects and innumerable different type of thoughts all the time flowing in your mind and that is why when people say no you know when they fall in love this make the statement I am thinking of you twenty-four hours remember this the biggest lie in the world no one can do that so all lies do you know if one thought continuously remains in your mind for just 30 seconds you will go into Samadhi are you aware of that how much 30 seconds and you said 24 as I think of you nonsense you think of everything other than the person once in a while you think of that person and then again go somewhere else and again go somewhere else this is the mind continuous flow it's like a what is the state of that mind right now my god you know Bhagwan has made all of us with three manufacturing defects it says part of the product nothing you could do about it and what are these three and I'm not making my own making them up like that it's the polishes that say the three are called mullah Vic shaper and Agni on a Verona mullah the dirt of the mind karma Crowe the Lobo Muhammad Ahmad Surya etcetera is it true or not and I say always say thank God Bhagwan made it such that we can't see each other's mind visited to boom below I tell you if you could see each other's mind no two people will sit next to each other agree husband and wife relation impossible barsik hanging I love you I love you under second gate come ma ji ghee and God alone knows how many thoughts must be going which may be we are bitch re thoughts etc but outside it is all is it true or not I tell you thank God we can't see but we know now whether anyone else knows or not we know China channel our mind is one is all comic rose and oppa so much agree sometimes our thoughts are so ridiculous so silly sometimes so what do you call it aggressive sometimes violent mean cheap sometimes very supreme sublime great beautiful this is the mind and most of us you know management gurus nowadays they say that one part of the mind everyone knows you also know we also know supposing someone is very angry type of a person the neighbors also know that this guy is they can hear you him shout and all that everyone knows there's one part of the mind that others know but you don't know that is one part of the mind please become aware of that others understand you perfectly in certain things and you can't see yourself there are some people who are very proud and you ask them anything oh honey the way you walk you can make out this person is very but he will say nice blissfully unaware of their mine there is one part of the mind that you know and others do not know and therefore everyone whoever is sitting over here with no exception we all feel no one really understands me is it true or not no one really understands your best friend your husband who's been married to you twenty-five years or your wife no one really why because no one really of course they don't understand and why should they there was a contract written or what that everyone in the world should understand you this funny notion that we all have everyone must understand me why they have better things to do you agree I mean this is very funny notion that we all have everyone must understand me understand you provide you think and you yourself change every moment you don't understand yourself every moment and everyone else must understand you why have you got this if you get out of all these funny notions now you live happily they don't understand you fine I also don't understand myself they don't understand me fine so what are you with me so therefore we find that the mind first thing we need to do is understand our own mind try to get to know as much of it there's some part of it we don't know about at all so therefore try and understand I always say mind is like mathematics you know the mind the human mind is like know like emotions etc sometimes people say no no that they are they cannot be yes I always call it the mathematics of emotions or the logic of emotions you say no they are illogical to not know they are our scriptures give beautiful examples of the logical I'm going to analyze one or two for your understanding and how important this for us to know our mind understand our mind then we know how to cope with it becomes a little easier to master this money I'm going to take one particular first very common one all of us have anger right anyone free from anger I can make them angry right now if I want to follow understand how anger happens just a simple thing kammath grows ovj a thing whenever there is a desire that you want to fulfill any obstacle that comes in the way of fulfilling desire what you feel towards the obstacle is called anger is it true simple logic and what are we doing we want to get rid of anger but we want to increase our desires you think it's going to work but the more intense the desire the greater is the anger towards the obstacle in fulfilling your desire isn't it pure mathematics but the less intense that is I are the lesser is the anger that you feel I want to go for a movie and mummy says no I have to go for a movie and mummy says no thank it is more yeah I'd like to go for a movie she said no it's okay you have you got this it's a simple logic what are we doing we are increasing the number of our desires all the time and still and you know the more the number of desires the lesser are the chances off but what fulfilling because so many people want the same thing demand and supply all sorts of things it's not possible sometimes you have conflicting desires don't you on but TV be the X nahan so be general so many conflicting desires all the time and then you think no I'm going to get out of anger and frustration by by increasing your Desai's we don't do anything for desires and we want to control how's it going to happen kammath grow the business if you understand this simple reasons for have the problems that we have it'd be so easy there's another thing and I'm going to take this emotion for the very fact that rarely if at all anyone ever admits to this particular emotion and that is called it's a negative emotion I'll take positive also afterwards and that is called jealousy jealousy is something no one will ever admit to having envy you may admit jealousy never what is the difference and I'll tell you what is it jealousy I'm analyzing it to make you understand how you must analyze your mind what is jealousy when I have a value for something someone else has a greater amount of it and a little more than me then the feeling that I have towards that object or a person is called jealousy if I don't have a value for it and if someone else has as much as it of it I will not feel jealous you may have beautiful jewelry I will never feel jealous of you by because I don't have a benefit if I had value for it and then you displayed all your jewelry I said car the only thing I miss about being a sannyasi is the jewelry she won't listen but if I don't have value for it you can have as much of it as you want it's not going to affect me have you understood this and you will definitely not be jealous of my Oran saris right because you have no value for a cow can you get jealous on it you take or be maybe death you jo-jo yet you must have a value for a thing and then someone else must have a little more of it the emphasis were on the word little a beggar is never never never jealous of a multimillionaire never it's not possible the beggar can be envious of multimillionaires insecure but a beggar will be jealous of another beggar down the road who gets 20 rupees more than him is it true or not this is it that's what I mean by jealousy it's such a petty emotion that we won't admit to it because it's so petty and jealousy can be of your near and dear ones also is it true or not there can be jealousy between a husband and wife you can be jealous of your children also you can be jealous offer and that's why you can be jealous of your best friend it's possible have you understood and these are the reasons why you'll never admit to the fact of having it if you don't even admit that you have it how are you going to get out of it if I see my face in the mirror and I see a spot and I don't even want to accept that I have a black spot on my face how am I going to get rid of it are you getting my point this is what happens channa CP won't admit even after me telling you all how do you know that you have jealous you are jealous of another person how do you know a very simple test you want to know it it might make you an uncomfortable whenever anyone talks very nice things about that person you don't like it simple anyone comes good things nice thing you know you don't know this person is so nice I saw this it all the minute that person talks you feel terrible you were a little more aggressive you will try to bring down the opinion of that person in the eyes of another person who admires is it true or not you will do that so this is what jealousy what is the difference between jealousy and competition I am Telling You all this is because to understand analyze you don't mind you understand this is called competition this called jealousy two people a and B are racing one is going ahead the other is a little slow and the person who is going ahead a was faster he looks at B and he realizes that that B has a chance of coming up to a so a has a feeling of competition because he's still in the race B also feels that if I run fast enough I'll be able to come so he also feels a sense of competition a shoots right ahead B realizes I can't but and then the feeling that could come is called what in a competition you think that you can come up to the level of the other person you can still rise up to whatever the other person's expectations or values or whatever are but when jealousy is there there's a downward pull you can't go up to that person so you pull that person down so that the other person you think then you are both on equal level or superior to that person is it true or not have you thought of it in jealous you will talk bad of that person bring the opinion of others in the eyes of that you don't know that's right so if you are jealous of me which I know you none of you are but yeah women you don't know what she is I know television sorry miracle super tiny table but okay iPad eirick kabul nabi jonathan avi soon teeny Princess Ozma no I know then you the other persons you know value for that person is shaken up you feel very happy inside if you feel happy like that understand what that this have you got my point why I analyze this is because many times many of our mind weaknesses we don't even know if we don't know we don't understand we don't even analyze how are we going to get rid of it how are we going to master the mind which we don't even understand what's happening inside so therefore first thing you need to do is understand and know our mind what is the mind we must know the mind is divided in our scriptures as mana bootie cheetah and ahankara mana sankalpa be culpa shall I do HLN or to this or emotions karmic Rosa Lobo moja etcetera motions this is all love faith all these then you have good the imagination observation organizing capacity creativity sensitivity all these are intellectual capacity the capacity drove discriminate determination decide all these are intellectual capacities then cheat the samara not mccarthy memory to be able to recall and remember bring back all the information as when required and a hunka hunka doesn't mean pride a hunk are over your means the notion of AI all of us commonly have a hunk ara some of us have pride also what is a hunk ara the notion of I meaning I am a woman I am a Swami I feel I am a Swami you feel I'm a boy or I'm a man I'm a girl I'm a woman I'm mrs. so-and-so this feeling of I I remember I think I know I understand this I in each thought is called a hunk ara have you understood the what is the song cutter hunger is not pride pride is what if I say I am a Swami it is not per on Cara if I say I'm the best Swami in the world that's called pride have you understood that time to say I am a Swami is not uh is Omkara but to say and the best Swami in the world is called a vimana or pride you understood the difference between a hankerin right ego ego if you have understood ego as pride then it is this but normally in the vedantic language in the language of the Upanishads we call ego as the I notion in you Matt Beaudry who absolutely ho aku Yard are I had this notion of men men men in every thought you have ie this notion is called a hunk ara or ego and not pride pride as a vimana or a garma these are the words used technically they're separated because otherwise this mistake happens so we're talking about a hunk era as the I notion behind every thought now Malaga theta and a hunk ARA are all only functional differences but they are all basically thoughts you understand they're basically thoughts now as I said what is the state of our mind at this time then we'll talk of mastering it okay if you are driving a car and the you know the instructor say stop you know you're learning to drive instructors a stop and if you can't stop turn you can turn you can reverse you reverse take a u-turn you do it you turn then you are qualified you get a license and you can go onto the roads and do what you do that's what they do in the I was told that the test that they take is you have to go from your to your straight and nothing else the test that they take over here in am the but isn't it they just did nothing else and what happens such people come on the road and you know what happens in on the bottom now if you have understood that you need all these type of skills to be able to master your vehicle I am going to ask you let's do a small test stop thinking I'm sure no one managed that is it - or not recollect what you ate on 27th of August last year for lunch so much it was my birthday our than then you don't think about a monkey are you getting my band are we the masters of our mind yes in fact sometimes it happens what we don't want to think we keep thinking all the time is it 200 and what we want to think let's talk in the language of computers everyday morning if you have a PC what do you do the first thing is you upgrade your anti-virus program isn't it that's the first thing you do or that's what they say you should do and you have to do it daily they say why because new viruses are being discovered each day and if your virus if your computer gets infected what happens so many different type of things can happen there are some viruses which delete certain files from your computer is it true or not there are some viruses which they corrupt the files and that by corrupt the files what you mean they put some word or some silly some sentence or numbers or something in between the information that is already stored that's one of the virus they do that so after every little one this there'll be a number seven few words and then some figures or something or some odd word or something you can't read anything then you can it's called corrupted file then sometimes it happens when it's a very very terrible virus that the whole computer what completely crashes I'll tell you all these viruses are right now in our mind because we never have an anti-virus program in this is the heart the brain is the hard Hardware of your computer and the software antivirus the mind which needs to get this sort of a you know protection we have never done anything I'll prove to you how many of us buddy suffer from the buddy virus after every little bit I think it will happen I hope it doesn't happen what if it happens I'm sure it will happen but now you who got thoughts how yeah who got the caliber I hope it doesn't happen but is it true or not every few thoughts these very thoughts come up in between this is called what virus you can't stop it you can't do anything more and just comes anyhow Anytime Anywhere and how often it happens what you want to remember oh oh it's what happened file got deleted is it true or not come on how often it has happened to you how many viruses are right now in our system we don't even know we've done nothing - that is why we find right now the mind is the first ever bias said no the manufacturing defect is Mullah all that so this viruses are there the second is called big shape of except amines distractions of the mind I already told you how distracted the mind is how distracting the - you mind doesn't just get focused on anything that you want to do concentration is one common problem for all of us do all agree yes as pervasive a problem as many times kids coming on Swamiji how to concentrate the mind is a very common question as in most question on secessions and I ask those kids always do you have any problem in concentrating on the TV does anyone have some frog no why your mind automatically concentrates on that what you love if you love your studies you will not have any problem in cuz you don't write your studies and naturally your mind what what something so therefore Vick shaper or distraction is the second manufacturing defect in all of us and the third is called agony on a Verona we really don't know who we are in our own true nature we think we are the body we think we are the mind but we don't know our own true nature I'll talk a little bit about it a little later so this called agony on Oberon and that is because of that the Vedas the scriptures the main scriptures of the Hindus the Vedas and these Vedas believe me are not written and composed by individuals the Vedas are the realized truth of the Rishi's on their seat of meditation I always give the example of Newton discovering the law of gravity sitting under the apple tree with an apple falling on his head what happened to him he got a sakshatkar of the law of gravity have you understood now in the same way when they were sitting in their seat of meditation the Rishi's realized the truth of the world different aspects of the world and those stools they gave it to their own shishas who in turn realize them give it to - ears and this knowledge was all-pervading in our country and at one time Veda Vyasa realized it's getting this you know dispersion many versions are coming off with so it's time to compile it into books and then it got compiled into books which are called the Vedas so the Vedas are not written by individuals they are what they are D but the realizations of truths of Rishi's in their seat of meditation and the compiler and the editor of the Vedas was Veda Vyasa and it's now available as four volumes the Rig Veda Jude May the sama bathe in the atharvaveda and these volumes are divided into three different sections called conda's and these three are because of our three manufacturing defects okay how scientific it is I want to tell you the first Condor is called the karma kanda by following the karma kind of the way what happens the mullah of the mind gets destroyed by following the open account of the second kind of the Vedas the shaper the distractions of the mind get destroyed and by following the Glee onaconda or the Upanishads of the Vedas the jnana or the ignorant of your nature of your true self gets destroyed have you understood so what is the knowledge of the Upanishad the Upanishads gives us knowledge of Who I am and when we this knowledge become really what you call it fruitful and meaningful to us when our mind is already prepared by getting rid of the mullah and the big shaper there is a bucket of water in the sunlight and you are not getting a perfect reflection in the bucket why there can be two reasons there's no clouds in the sky the sky is very clear and yet there's no clear reflection because either the water is muddy or the water is what shit if the water becomes clean and steady you get a perfect reflection in the bucket similarly in the bucket of the body is the water of the mind and right now what is the state of that mullah and Vic shaper have you understood so when the mullah and Vic shaper are destroyed you don't have to bring the reflection into the water it is already there you can experience it similarly in our mind which is purer and steadily the knowledge of Who I am is reflected clear clearly because this so the opening shot tell us how to go get rid of all the mullah in the big shaper and make our mind to go beyond the mind now this is the last point that I would like to make what is the limit of the mind what is the ultimate in the culmination of this great beautiful instrument that the good Lord has given to each one of us what is its culmination what is its highest achievement you may say technology has taken us so far and all that fantasy there is no question when you look at the computers and we look at all the technological advances you just have to say hats off to that mind of man which has made it all possible do you agree with me yes it's true but yet what's the culmination was the ultimate there where the mind can reach and that is a beautiful I will just give it to you through an example makes it easy for me to explain there's one sport which is very it looks very nice also it's one of my favorite and that is pole vaulting have you seen it they do the pole vaulting sport in the Olympics and all you find so you have the person taking a pole he runs with a pole at the right and fixes the pole into the ground takes the support off the pole and then goes over another pole and reaches the other side okay to go over the pole he needs a pole okay but his ultimate aim is to go beyond the pole have you understood and for going beyond the pole he needs a special type of pole and what type of a pole is that it has to be sharp it has to be strong it has to be flexible isn't it true if it is not strong there's a disaster if it is not single pointed and sharp there's a problem if it doesn't bend them you can't go over the other but if you have that and the right timing isn't it and when you do that you can go it looks very beautiful have you seen them swing so gracefully on to the other side similarly what is the culmination of the mind when can you see your mind has reached its pinnacle of achievement then you and I understand the limit that the mind can go and we can go beyond the mind have you understood that is it you go you take your mind to its ultimate limit and you understand this is the limit of the mind the mind can go so far and not further and that is why a great man like Einstein said I only wish I could know the mind of our God all else is mere details he had to say that because he understood the limit of mine he said was like there where science ends philosophy he knows that you can go only this far and no further with your mind all your achievements your technical achievements your scientific achievements all your mind powers can take you only and not beyond now with your permission or with your concurrence or this can be shy to go beyond the mind no demand no supply at least let's go intellectual as an intellectual exercise first of all to be able to recognize there's something beyond the mind that itself is a big thing as I said to recognize the dirt on your face is the first step to be able to remove the dirt similarly to recognize that there is something beyond the mind is the first step to going beyond the mind do you all see the mic yes rise are open your eyes to see the mic the seer is different from the scene the seer can see the scene but the scene cannot see this here the no knows the known but the known cannot know the no one the knower is different from the known thank God because if the knower becomes the known you have problem if you see a donkey you know the donkey what you become aha thank God you don't the knower always remains different from the known so the knower is different from the known the no one knows the known but the known does not know the knower the eyes can see the mic how do you know that the eyes see the mic my mind knows that the eyes see the mic is it true or not if the mind was somewhere else the eyes could be open but you don't see the mic and that's how accidents happen when the accident happens don't they say whole pitch alone okay our bunker key to Latakia no the eyes are open but the mind is somewhere else and therefore you have so the mind is there which knows what the eyes see is it true or not so the mind is the knower or the seer of the eyes that's why you say I can't see well who knows that you can't see well but the eyes the mind knows that the eyes don't see well is that okay so the mind is the knower and the eyes other known the knower is different from the known the knower knows the known but the known cannot know the know where the mind knows what the eyes see but the eyes cannot know what the mind thing are you with me now who was what's happening in your mind I asked you a question do you understand what I am speaking some of you will say yes some of you will say no doesn't matter at all you don't understand of course I don't understand I don't know what you're talking fine you know you don't understand of course I know I don't understand right you know you don't understand yes I know I don't understand who is the I that knows you don't understand I I know I don't understand understanding or not understanding is happening where in your mind is it true or not yes that's where it happens the mind understands or it doesn't understand so the mind I know my mind I know that I understand the knower is different from the known then nor nosfy known but the known cannot put the know where so there is an eye beyond the mind because of which the mind knows what it knows have you understood that's why this is the one we're talking about where the Rishi's go the great sages have gone they have understood the limit to which the mind can go and have gone beyond that mind to know that I that infinite truth all the limitations are there but when you go beyond that you come to a realm with no limitations as I said time-space and objects cannot have separate existence apart from thoughts in your mind and when you go beyond thoughts you have gone beyond time space and objects have you understood that and in that realm that realm of reality which is called Atma which is called Paramatma which is called God which is called God realization sakshatkar moksha near man these are only different synonyms of the same thing so this is the capacity of the mind and believe me you all can do it we always remain in our own we need to master the mind to go what what beyond the money and when you reach that stage you are the mother why should we do all this thing because that is a state of bliss and all peace now I'm asking you the last question do you all want to be happy yes or nothing yes now what type of happened is do you want you want normal happiness and I can't translate the world the value all know you are dumb all happiness I won't shun the happiness for all those who said Shanta they must have become quite old I'm sure how the youngsters would have said the Magi younger it's a very strange thing all of us want excitement all of us want happiness all of us want peace also it's a very strange thing and I'm going to tell you something please think about it maybe you would accept it now I just think about it our Upanishads say that sanctum Shivam ad vitam chat or thumb money on this earth Malik Nina Ultima or the cells is ash anthem I'm asking this because majority of the world has a problem no peace of mind agitation stress strain tension etc isn't it true we all want peace of mind you want happiness yes none making you realize this very important thing when will there be peace in this hall ah when he stopped talk when he started talking the piece was broken is it true or not their boss peace peace cannot be created I want all of you to know this peace cannot be created peace is a natural state peace is not created it is only agitation and noise that is created I hope this is very clear it's afraid I don't know whether you get the impact of what I'm trying to say peace is not created peace is your natural state you are peace you create agitation and what you create you can stop have you got the point yes or no so I am giving you a key to mind management how you bury her and whose hand is it in you know whose hand you created the agitation you created this dress you created the noise you created all these garb are you stop creating it full stop it's already peaceful have you caught it many jokes because the Swamiji how should I stop getting angry and I tell you there's only one of real answers stop getting angle see it's a question how can I stop talking don't talk have you got my point there is no other answer actually speaking there is no answer but we say no no no you tell me that is not an answer no then I'll say get up at 3 in the morning who hold your nose get up and to up and down and then you will feel peace Swamiji you give practical advice I the actual solution is the minute the agitation stop there is peace you started the agitation you just stopped creating it anymore you say I'm not going to participate in creating area agitation in my own mind I refuse to back all this nonsense that's going on in my mind you stop it it stops you stop giving momentum to your thoughts that stops the thought stop but you keep giving momentum you keep giving all masala and if you l2 it and uses abandon you okay Bungie knew that Casa Vega have you got the point this is a very very important thing and some key to mastering it the Upanishads say it's so simply chanting Shyama three thumb to thumb onion these are my you are that bliss you are happiness you are creating unhappiness you're creating agitation you are creating stress and then you go around and you want a mantra and you want a Tantra and a guru and everyone do what help you what when the key is where okay so with that I end my session on mastering the mind as given in the Upanishads believe me this is an endless topic it's a very very huge this I only touched on this and still none of you can say you don't have the key okay nothing I have given you the key and I hope you get the same bliss that the Rishi's have promised that you will get when you master your mind and go beyond the mind thank you and hurry understand"