Gloryfied hashmap (applicationContext) that maintains toplogy of beans
Java.lang.Object is surrogated with 3 features
- Dependency Injection
- Aspect Oriented Programming
- Enterprise Service Abstractions
STS - Is a tool (Eclipse based)
- Cacheable annotation can cache the result of method invocation
- @Cacheable("customers") getCustomerById(long customerId)
- You can plug any cache provider
- Controller
- @Controller - Spring automatically connect methods in the controller bean to an http-endpoint
- Configuration
- Toplogy between beans are specified via config (xml, annotation or JavaConfig)
- Toplogy - how one bean related to other beans
- In xml, every bean has an id and type
- In JavaConfig - Spring assigns id
- All @Bean annotated methods are invoked and keep the bean inside applicationContext (not lazy)
- @PropertySource - can load all environment properties or external configuration files
- By default, Spring in UnOpinionated, hence we have explicitly turn-on the feature using annotations
- Annotation would require other annotations to enable annotations
- @EnableTransactionManger (without this Transaction annotations won't be effective)
- @ComponentScan (without this @Repository, @Controller won't be effective)
- ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("service-config.xml")
- FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(new File("/service-config.xml"))
- XML - all configruation at one-place is good, no compile time checking is bad.
- @Configuration
- Compile time checking, but not a single location to view the config, a bit of boiler-plate code for simple beans
- AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ServiceConfigurationPackage.class)
- AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ServiceConfigurationPackage.class.getPackage().getName())
- Nice compromize between xml and @Configuration, Reduces boiler plate @Bean declarations
- Auto detects beans from package using @ComponentScan
- @Autowired
- Classic spring annotaion for injection
- @Inject
- Java.Inject
- @Resource
- JSR - 250 based annotation
- Bean lifecycle callbacks
- Bean scopes
- Bean post-processors (BeanFactory methods)
- AOP - Add new features to existing beans using AOP
- We have three options (interface, SmartLifeCycle interface, annotation)
- Interface like InitializingBean or DisposableBean - Spring-legacy way
- init-method, andd destroy-method
- InitializingBean gives access to afterPropertiesSet()
- DisposableBean gives access to destroy()
- @PostConstruct, @PreDestroy
- start(<>)
- stop(<>)
- isAutoStartup()
- isRuning()
- Default Singleton
- Prototype
- @Scope("request") - Custom new instance for every http request @Scope("request")
- @Scope("session")
- org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope - itself a contract (and bean) within Spring Framework
- ConversationId -- could be sessionId or any custom scope id
- ConversationId - Can be treated like "cacheRegion", it invalidates automatically when conversation ends
- HTTPRequest, Session (scope)
- This is better than Singleton as the scope is narrower
- org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer (resolves for request or session)
- @org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope("thread")
- ThreadAnnouncer
- Add/change behaviour of the beans
- Overrides/Viteos the actual behaviour using proxy layer
- Spring itself uses this feature a lot
- It can change before object is constructed, but can't do anything about constrcution process itself
- Possible to add auditing layer using this feature
- Spring MVC binds methods to HTTP_ENDPOINT, this feature was implemented by Beanfactory PostProcessor
- BeanFactoryPostProcessor implementation should be returned via staic method in Configuration class (as it should be loaded before all the objects are created.)
- All BeanFactoryPostProcessor should be static
- BeanFactoryPostProcessor method interceptor better to check for annotation (instead of blanket feature)
- For example, check for @Timed annotation, so we can add time method invocation
- https://github.com/joshlong/a-walking-tour-of-all-of-springdom/blob/master/ioc/src/main/java/com/joshlong/spring/walkingtour/ioc/manybeans/bfpp/SoxComplianceSuite.java
- No convenient way to introduce behaviour to all the methods in OOP (failure of OOP?)
- PointCut
- Pattern of Objects and Methods
- Globs
- Example: beginTxn* (methods), execute* (methods)
- JointPoint - Current method under execution
- FactoryBean
- FactoryBean{ T getObject(); Class<?> getObjectType(); boolean isSingleton() }
- FactoryBean
- Spring Expression Language
- Spel Config
- "#{ T(Math).random()}"
- We may need to use bean with some setting in development and some other settings in production
- Spring Profile is there to rescue
- InMemory during testing/developement, whereas something concrete while on production
- Bean would be available only when profile related to it is active
- We can tag bean with - @Profile("embedded"), @Profile("dev"), @Profile("production")
- We need to pass the profiles.active properties - -Dspring.profiles.active=embedded
- applicationContext.getEnvironment().setActiveProfiles("default") - Api to activate profile
- We can pass multiple value comma separated -Dspring.profiles.active=embedded,dev,uat
- We can split configuration and import and aggregate them
- org.springframework.core.env.Environment has all the environment varaibles
- org.springframework.core.env.PropertyResolver
- Works with PropertySources
- PropertSources -> PropertisFiles, JNDI, Env
- We can extend PropertSources to read from rdbms tables
- JEE supports Workmanager API - javax.resource.spi.work.WorkManager
- JSDK doesn't have equivalent to that.
- Spring TaskExecutor - predates Java5
- It works in any container and/or app-server based on the environment
- Example for Glassfish Spring implements - https://github.com/ndimiduk/spring-framework/blob/master/org.springframework.transaction/src/main/java/org/springframework/jca/work/glassfish/GlassFishWorkManagerTaskExecutor.java
- @EnableAsync - Method can return TaskExecutor
- @Async annotation for any method, would leads to asnchronous call
- @Async method call would be invoked inside runnable, caller will not be blocked
- @EnableScheduling
- @EnableScheduling will search for TaskScheduler inside the configuration
- @ConcurrentTaskScheduler, @ThreadPoolTaskScheduler, @TimerMangerTaskScheduler
- Enables 3 kinds of scheduling
- We can annotate any method with Cron confiugration
- @Schduled(cron="*/10 * * * * *")
- @Schduled(fixedRate=15 * 1000) // Every 15 seconds, doesn't worry about how long it takes
- @Schduled(fixedDelay=20 * 1000) // Every 20 seconds only if prior invocation finished
- To increase performance, cache the prior result or data
- org.springframework.cache.{CacheManager, Cache}
- Backend adapters for EhCache, Gemfire, Coherence, JSR107, Redis
- Spring-data-redis provides redis support
- @EnableCaching works with CacheManger
- @Cacheable (for loaders and getters) and @CacheEvict (for delete and remove methods)
- @Cacheable("customers")
- @Cacheable(value="customers", condition="name.length<10")
- condition="name.length<10" - is SpEL
- customers is regionName or Cache name
- @Cacheable(value="customers", key="id)
- if method has multiple argument, still id would be considered as key ex: loadOwnersByIdAndName()
- @CacheEvict("customers") (generall with delete method)
- Resource acquisition code will be boiler-plate code
- Mapping and converting between relational and java-bean
- There are multiple ways to access data, JDBC, JPA, JDO
- PrimaryKeyViolationException exception manifiest into multiple different exception based on persistence framework being used (JPA, JDO), but we need common exception
- Java has checkedException, but we may need non-checked exception to save rest of the layer
- Transaction might needs to be handled using different way based on transaction manager
- We might swtich from one vendor to another
- Template Objects
- Peristence exception translation
- Transaction management
- Repositories
- Knows how to access data from underlying data-storage
- A repository is a datasource, it knows how to read from underlying storage, data access functionality
- Object Mapping and Serialization
- JdbcObjectMapper, RowMapper
- Hibernate Provides for JDBC, but spring provides generic one that could be used for any data-source
- begin; do n task; commitl iff error => rollbackl end;
- JTA (vendor API)
- JPA EntityManager API
- JDBC Connection and PreparedStatement
- Spring generic framework to support transaction
- PlatformTransactionManger{ TransactionStatus getTransaction(@Nullable TransactionDefinition definition); Commit(TransactionStatus status) ; rollback(TransactionStatus status) }
- PlatformTransactionManager
- (https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/master/spring-tx/src/main/java/org/springframework/transaction/PlatformTransactionManager.java)
- JpaTransactionManager
- JdoTransactionManager
- JmsTransactionManager
- HibernateTransactionManger
- RabbitTransactionManager
- TransactionTemplate requires TransactionManager (like jdbcTemplate requires dataSource)
- https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/master/spring-tx/src/main/java/org/springframework/transaction/support/TransactionTemplate.java
- To construct TransactionTemplate, PlatformTransactionManger should be passed as an argument to TransactionTemplate
transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult({ public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status){ jdbcTemplate.execute(); } ));
* TransactionTemplate and TransactionManager - are too low -level, we can manage txns with annotations
### With Annotation (higher level, interally TransactionTemplate being used)
* @EnableTransactionManagement requires @Bean of type PlatformTransactionManger
* @Transactional annotation can be used to any method that requires annotation
* @Transactional requires @EnableTransactionManagement
* Simlar to @Cacheable requires @EnableCaching
* This pattern occurs in SpringFramework
### Database can be accesed via jdbcTemplate or Command Object (SimpleJdbcInsert)
* JDBC Command object is not as famous as jdbcTemplate
* Jdbc Command object is quite useful in certain cases, we can generalize few methods like generic inserts
* (https://github.com/joshlong/a-walking-tour-of-all-of-springdom/blob/master/services/src/main/java/com/joshlong/spring/walkingtour/services/jdbc/JdbcCustomerService.java)
* Multiple datasource hidden using spring data access framework
* (https://github.com/joshlong/a-walking-tour-of-all-of-springdom/blob/master/services/src/main/java/com/joshlong/spring/walkingtour/services/CustomerServiceMain.java)
public class MethodTimeLoggingBeanPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
return bean;
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
ProxyFactory factory = new ProxyFactory();
factory.addAdvice(new TimeLoggingMethodInterceptor());
return (Object) factory.getProxy();
* logs the method invocation times
private class TimeLoggingMethodInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
Object result = null;
if (invocation.getMethod().getAnnotation(Timed.class) != null) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
result = invocation.proceed();
long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(invocation.getMethod().getName() + ": " + (stop - start) + "ms");
} else {
result = invocation.proceed();
return result;
public class ServiceConfig {
public TransferService transferService(AccountRepository accountRepository) {
return new TransferServiceImpl(accountRepository);
public class RepositoryConfig {
public AccountRepository accountRepository(DataSource dataSource) {
return new JdbcAccountRepository(dataSource);
@Import({ServiceConfig.class, RepositoryConfig.class})
public class SystemTestConfig {
public DataSource dataSource() {
// return new DataSource
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(SystemTestConfig.class);
// everything wires up across configuration classes...
TransferService transferService = ctx.getBean(TransferService.class);
transferService.transfer(100.00, "A123", "C456");
// Command Object
public Customer createCustomer(String fn, String ln) {
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>();
args.put("first_name", fn);
args.put("last_name", ln);
SimpleJdbcInsert simpleJdbcInsert = new SimpleJdbcInsert(this.jdbcTemplate);
simpleJdbcInsert.setColumnNames(new ArrayList<String>(args.keySet()));
Number id = simpleJdbcInsert.executeAndReturnKey(args); // the ID of the inserted record.
Long longId = (Long) id;
BigInteger bigInteger = BigInteger.valueOf(longId);
return getCustomerById(bigInteger);