For just plaintext you'll want the following in your environmnet, and to block comment out the options involving SSL
export HUBOT_MQTT_URL='mqtts://'
export HUBOT_MQTT_PORT='1883'
For TLS against the mqtt server:
# export HUBOT_MQTT_HOST=''
# export HUBOT_MQTT_URL='mqtt://'
# export HUBOT_MQTT_PORT='8883'
# export HUBOT_MQTT_CA_CERT='/etc/ssl/certs/'
For a custom mosquitto server with client cert authentication you'll want (and obviously change them to your mqtt server)
export HUBOT_MQTT_URL='mqtts://'
export HUBOT_MQTT_PORT='8883'
export HUBOT_MQTT_CA_CERT='/etc/ssl/certs/ca.crt'
export HUBOT_MQTT_CLIENT_KEY='/etc/ssl/private/localhost.ckey'
export HUBOT_MQTT_CLIENT_CERT='/etc/ssl/certs/localhost.crt'