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Cloudflare Worker LeetCode Progress

Generate LeetCode progress as a SVG deployed on Cloudflare Workers.


MomoCow's LeetCode Progress


npm i @momocow/cloudflare-worker-leetcode-progress


const createHandler = require('@momocow/cloudflare-worker-leetcode-progress').default
const handleRequest = createHandler({ /* options */ });

addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
  event.respondWith(handleRequest(event) ?? new Response('', { status: 405 }));

Remember to configure your wrangler.toml to build with webpack.

type = "webpack"


  • cacheName: string = undefined

    If it is undefined, no caches will be used. If it's "default", the default cache will be used; otherwise a new cache is opened using the provided name. See await

  • cacheTTL: number = 300000 (in ms)

    The value is used to generate the max age of Cache-Control and compute the Expires time.

  • cors: boolean = false

    Allow CORS or not. If set, CORS headers will be generated and OPTIONS method will be handled.

  • hashAlgorithm: "sha1" | "sha256" | "sha384" | "sha512" = "sha1"

    Hash algorithm to use to generate ETag.

  • leetcodeGraphqlUrl: string = ""

    LeetCode GraphQL endpoint.

  • progressType: "global" | "session" = "global"

    Type of LeetCode progress to display. If it's "session", the statistics of the current active session is fetched.

    This option is set for the default progress type; however, at each request, ones can provided progress-type parameter in the query string to change the value.

  • userlist: Set<string> = undefined

    Access control for your Worker. If provided, only usernames appear in the set is allowed to generate the progress; otherwise, 403 forbidden is responsed.

    Note that leave it undefined means access control disabled, every is allowed to access the Worker.

  • fetch: typeof fetch = fetch

    This option is passed to graphql-request to avoid using XMLHttpRequest (No such API in Worker Runtime).

Query String Parameters

  • username: string
  • progress-type: "global" | "session"
  • theme: "default" | "dark"